Bright sunny days, warm poolside breezes, and endless ice-cold popsicles. We have finally made it to summer! With school out of session, the summer months offer a precious opportunity to focus on personal well-being and recharge for the challenges ahead. Self-care routines are so important for both mental and physical health. Our Her Sorority Journey Summer Interns have compiled their favorite self-care activities to give you some inspiration to build your own routine.

From nurturing your mind and body to exploring new hobbies and experiences, get ready to discover the ultimate guide to creating a fulfilling and refreshing summer self-care routine!
When you wake up:
The morning is a great time to reconnect with yourself before jumping into your day! It’s a time to set intentions, reflect on your emotions, and prioritize your well-being. Whether you choose to indulge in the calming ritual of journaling with a cup of coffee or tea, engage in energizing physical activity, or immerse yourself in nature, the morning serves as a foundation for a day filled with self-care. Find a way to check in with how you are doing and what you need on that day. Here are a few ways our interns kickstart their days with mindful practices:
- “I have to start my day with some prayer and time in the word and coffee because… coffee :)” – Carolyn
- “I love to go to yoga (when I get up early enough) in the mornings in the summer! It’s a great way to get my body moving before starting my day.” – Katie S.
In the hustle of the day, it’s crucial to carve out intentional moments to check in on yourself. Imagine what it would look like to find a few moments for you in the middle of your day where you can nurture your own well-being. Our interns have mastered the art of self-care in the midst of their busy schedules, and here are some simple yet effective ways they prioritize their well-being during the day.
- “I like to do my schoolwork on the porch! It is a great way to get some vitamin D while still taking summer classes. I love getting up early and getting my obligations out of the way so I can enjoy the rest of my day.” – Darby
- “In the afternoons, I go for my 3-mile hot girl walk listening to my favorite tunes. I do this as a way to get fresh air and have fun in the sun during my day (and to get my steps in)!” – Katie L.
As your day winds down, how can you allow your mind and body to calm down as well? By adopting soothing practices, you can experience more restful sleep and ensure you wake up rejuvenated for the challenges of a new day. Here are the techniques our interns incorporate into their evening routines to promote their well-being.
- “After dinner, I have started going on a walk around my neighborhood and calling my long-distance friends to catch up on their day or week (depending on how long it was since we talked). We love to stay connected over the summer when we aren’t on campus!” – Rachel
- “After eating dinner, I usually watch an episode of whatever show I am watching, then I clean up the house and kitchen. Once that’s done, I will get ready for bed and do my skincare routine, then read and journal!” – Hannah
- “When the days are super long, I try to take some time away from my phone and sit outside to watch the sunset and meditate a little! It just helps to get out of my head, relax and end the day on a high note.” – Katie S.
Summer in and of itself will not be refreshing if you do not put in the time and energy to incorporate self-care into your schedule. We hope these glimpses into our interns’ days will inspire you to cultivate your own self-care schedule that creates moments of intentionality, stillness, and rest into every day of your summer!