Thank you foreign he got blessed God bless God bless come on in we are getting ready to get into our topic we will be dealing with exposing the fallen angels and the Demons of sororities and fraternities please do me a favor make sure you’re sharing make sure you’re tagging make
Sure you’re like you make sure you’re commenting anyone who has ever asked you these questions you definitely want to get in on this teacher we’re going to teach and then we’re going to do some renouncing some denouncing we’re going to come after every single God attached
To all of the divine nine and some of the other fraternities and sororities so I want you to prepare yourselves by first making sure that you are sharing tagging liking and commenting I am Jason Welsh and I have never disappointed in in any type of teaching so I want you to hang
In there because it’s going to be very good we’re going to use the scriptures I’m going to talk about Jewish context we’re going to talk about Greek lettering and we’re going to talk about Oaths and vowels this is going to be very exciting so I want you to join now
I want to give you a little disclaimer here I’m not here to attack people I’m here to attack systems and so I’m coming after the system in hopes that the people will be set free I’m hoping and I’m believing because I know there’s a lot of great people out there that are a
Part of these entities and a part of this system they’ve made pledges in Oaths for particular reasons but I’m just saying that right now is the season that our Allegiance should be only to God so I love you God bless you and I want you to come on in begin to tag and
Share give honor to my spiritual leader my spiritual covering Apostle Alexander Pagani Apostle Mama ibelize Pagani amazing Church New York in the Bronx over the covering and the network of amazing Church global and I also give honor to my beautiful wife Apostle Sonia Welsh a mighty woman of God a world
Changer really excited to be married to her she is God’s gift to me and I’m excited for my location amazing Church California with all of my brothers and sisters that are viewing from Connecticut to Florida to Alaska to Michigan to all over all right Georgia highways all over guys I love you guys
May the Lord bless you do me a favor and share let’s get these numbers up because we are going to the next level all of my spiritual Sons and Daughters I love you thank you for joining everyone just begin to share and tag if you are
On YouTube I want you to like subscribe and share this link share this link because we’re going to have a conversation amen hallelujah Hallelujah to God be the glory to God be all of the glory to God be all of the glory To God Be all of the glory in Jesus Christ’s name
We pray this is going to be wild come on just share let’s go we’re going in listen we’re getting close to Founders Day I mean we’re getting so close to Founders Day and I think it’s time for us to address some things um I’m really excited to be here once
Again I am Dr Jason Welsh I’m an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned by God uh called by God in 2007 uh commissioned by God in 2019. um I want to say um I have not always had the easiest assignments I have not always been given um the greatest the easiest tasks
But what I do believe is is that what God is doing um in this season God is allowing um us to tackle certain situations that are hindering the body of Christ because the Bible says that when God comes he’s coming for a church okay well forgive me Founder’s Day didn’t pass amen praise
The Lord um but but hey they need to know now amen um actually let me tell you what happened actually the Lord wanted me to do this I think in December but December I was taking some time I leave away from Ministry to pray and focus on what our
Church would be doing for the next year I usually take the last month off of the last two months off um but what and then we went into a fast and all of that so when we came out the Lord wanted me to revisit it because one
Of my church members had asked me they said Apostle have you ever done a video or teaching on uh fraternities and sororities and I said no I haven’t I I kind of didn’t have any experience in that Arena I’ve lived with family members who have taken pledges and and
Usually sororities and fraternities move a lot closer into opening you up to the uh the Freemasons you know the Masonic lodge and the Eastern stars and all of that type of stuff so I’ve known and I’ve been with family members that were connected to that going to the Elks Lodge and all
That stuff and going to these secret meetings and handshakes and you know things that get you out of trouble and there’s so many people that are a part of uh secret society because there’s so many secret secret uh Societies in the United States of America actually America was built on the framework of
Secret society okay because there were Freemasons that were a part of this is not really a Christian Nation now Christians came over just because Christians are a part of something doesn’t make that Christian it doesn’t make it Christian if there is no true conversion and there is no true
Repentance before God that doesn’t make an item or a location actually Christian okay there are places that are still cursed even though Christians visited those locations those locations don’t change without some type of oath or some type of vow and we’re going to get into that today I want you guys I’m giving
You some time to get the numbers up we got about 71 here I believe we can get on up into a couple of hundred you just gotta Tag Away so we’re going to really deal with this context of teaching uh as for me I like a lot of Bible I am going
To bring up um a PDF of all of the different um fraternities and sororities and the gods and allegiances that they are connected to I’m gonna bring up the divine nine and then when we start renouncing we’re going to go through probably about 30 of them and because
We’re gonna we’re gonna break into now um something that I have learned in in this study uh fraternities and sororities number one you got to understand this I want you to put this in the chat room demonic OS demonic OS demonic Oaths okay so if there are Godly Oaths then there
Can be demonic Oaths amen I want everybody to put in a chat room demonic OS demonic OS okay now there’s a difference between vow or promises vowels and o’s promises vows and Ops there is a difference okay and so what we need to understand um precious Saints
Is that when you look at scripture you see promises you see vows where the Bible says the promises of God are yes and amen then the Bible says there are vowels vows are in reference to to to to things you know you make vows in reference to things and then you make
Oaths O’s are in reference to um in reference to persons okay so whatever you commit right whatever you commit though so there’s altars everywhere there’s spiritual altars everywhere okay so um how does an altar work well an altar works with a sacrifice but what does the sacrifice prove the sacrifice empowers
And proves a vowel or an oath a vow or an oath okay so a lot of the fraternity structure and I’m going to talk about this I’m gonna pull up the PDF and show it to you that a lot of the infrastructure is based on Alters they even have altars
Um that are set up in these pledge room settings where they are making these pledges now these altars are empowered by um the reason why it’s the Greek letter and not a Hebrew letter or Aramaic letter or whatever the reason why it’s a Greek letter because these Alters are connected to
Um Greek gods which we know Greek gods are also connected to some of them are connected to Fallen Angels there is and it’s all tied to in The Book of Enoch it tells us several Angels the angels that came um that started the Nephilim trilogy
Come on here or the the Nephilim Saga of where these angels came and they traded certain things they traded wisdom they traded fire they traded the knowledge of Weaponry they traded makeup they traded all these things um and not all the things that they gave
Were bad it just wasn’t the time uh for the people to have that but it was also wasn’t supposed to be the currency to purchase the Loyalty of the people God God never intended on the people giving the women to the angels watch this uh based on knowledge like they gave them
Information they gave them technology they gave them Scrolls they gave them understanding and because they did this um I need you all to share and tag please get everybody in here and and because they did this this was the beginning of um a lot of what they call Zeus and and
Prometheus and and all of these guys that are all connected to the Greek letter because they this is connect the Greek letters are connected to the Greek gods and so um the altars are there but watch this the altar requires an offering and the offering empowers the oath okay the
Offering empowers you oh so what is the offering when there’s nothing to put on altar well the offering of us the Bible says offer the sacrifices of Praise now to offer something an offering is something that comes from us and in the description it says the sacrifice of
Prayer well praise comes from the mouth it comes from the lips I need you guys to to track with me we’re getting ready to go somewhere okay and so what is the offering that invokes an altar that that produces that empowers an oath okay that empowers an
Oath and so once the oath is made now watch this and oath is deeper than the vowel because a vow is in reference to situation circumstances so for instance um let me just give you a little bit of this read down while I get into it okay
Before I get into it a vow and a oath are both considered okay uh weightier matters in a Jewish thought or Jewish context breaking either was explicitly forbidden by by the Bible in numbers 30 verse 3 numbers 30 and verse three I want you guys to go to
Numbers 30 and verse 3 and it’ll read if a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an O so you see two things you you make a vowel and you take an oath listen to me you make a vow and you take an
Oath put it in the chat room Oaths must be taken they must be taken they are that you don’t receive an oath you take it off that means you have to do something to capture it you can make a vow The Vow comes from you but the oath has to be
Taken from them I need you to understand the oath comes from another person it doesn’t come from you you have to take the oath and and and receive the O but the vow is what you release the vow is what you send out Nani this is why when
You get married what do you do you read your own vows right and the person standing in front of you now receives your oath there’s an oath what is the oath marriage holy matrimony that is the oath right but the vowel that you make brings in now the person the responsibility to
Take the oath now watch it I want to show you something it says if a man makes a vow to the Lord everyone share or they take an oath imposing an obligation on themselves so when you take an oath you are now receiving obligations now now you know
What the Bible says where much is given much is required now I want to tell you that OS move Thrones put that in the chat room O’s move Thrones it’s because of God’s oath that his throne watch this wouldn’t move with the children of Israel the pillar of Fire by Night the
Cloud by day the Bible says the clouds are his footstool so God’s Throne right above the children of Israel have been floating above them the whole time y’all not listening to me if God inhabits the praise of his people God does not come without his throne y’all better hear what I’m
Saying to you and so when you make an oath you Empower you move a throne now watch this look what it says and you create an obligation it says and when they take it out they’re imposing an obligation on themselves and they shall not break their pledge they shall not
Break their pledge he must carry out all that has come across his lips now I want to tell you in Jewish culture everyone tag and share all right now in Jewish culture and if you guys have questions you can shoot them in here as well in Jewish culture okay it was prohibited
Even in the Ten Commandments to swear falsely now we do have the The Ten Commandments that talks about a false a false witness false witnessing doesn’t just deal with you lying on some somebody or lying about something what happened was you would be called to be a
Witness in a legality now listen olds are connected to legality I need you guys to track with me Oaths are connected to legality vowels are connected to relationship so a false witness was now brought in by the legality to be a witness to the law or be a witness to the accusation of
Someone invoking the law and so what would happen guys is a person would stand in a person would come in and and the Bible says one person would testify because at the mouth of what two or three Witnesses they would testify concerning the particular issue before God could release a judgment pertaining
To that issue or the leaders could release a judgment pertaining to a particular issue and so what’s happening to what is happening with the law what well when he said not to swear falsely what they were doing was people were standing up and they were making Oaths they were making Oaths
And they were lying with the oats they were making Oaths in a falsified way and they were falsifying information and they were standing in a position of falsehood but saying I am a witness so for instance I am a Christian but I submit to Delta Phi Kappa right I am a
Christian but I submit to Alpha okay now here is the problem here is the problem the the issue is you cannot have an oath with God and have an oath with anything else God says you can only worship one master he said if you worship God you’ll
Hate Mammon if you worship Mammon you’ll hate God now watch this we look at the word hate as something very extreme because we go well hey eight means you know there’s hate crimes and and people will commit crimes with hate and they’ll do this that and the other because they
Hate someone but hate doesn’t mean that in the aramaics and and in the Greek what hate means is you love less so for instance God is not your priority if you haven’t oath to anything else God is not your priority because you love him less than the oath you have with whatever
Right and so if you pledge an oath you are basically and it’s not with God you are bet and you have to be careful making oats with God let me have that conversation the Bible says it is dangerous to devote something as holy unto God and then to turn around and
Reconsider what you have devoted to God the Bible even tells us that if you’re going to declare and decree and it shall be established right if you go a scripture up in job it tells you you have to pay your vows and if you don’t pay your vows you cannot declare and
Decree nothing has to listen to you creation doesn’t have to listen to you if you don’t fulfill your vows but when you fulfill your vows now creation has to respond because the marriage between you and Jesus the marriage between the you know the bride and Christ has been
Signified and all that response to the husband now has to respond to the bride because the vow is strong and it’s intact now let us continue I want to talk a little bit more the difference between an oath and a vowel is a little bit technical uh vowels refer to an
Object a person prohibits something to themselves like you make a vow to say I’m not gonna drink I’m not gonna have sex I’m gonna be pure I’m gonna do this so these are our vowels our vowels are usually to objects or something okay a vowel is also in connection to
Relationship okay and so when when the vowel the vowel is referring to a thing an object or a relationship when you vow okay now watch this an oath now refers to a person this is why God that’s why we we take our oath with God that’s why an oath is what makes
Covenant and Covenants are cut now I’m gonna say something now Oaths always require blood this is why it’s dangerous to make oats to Greek letters to Greek fault the Fallen Angels Behind These Greek letters we’re going to get into it and it’s crazy that we make these Oaths not knowing that historically and
Throughout scripture an oath can cost the life of your children I need you I need you to put that in the chat room the old can the oath from God cost the life of his children now I want to talk about I grew up in gangs okay and you
Can’t fool me all right I grew up in games God snatched me out of prison okay I’m a reformed man of God I’ve been in Ministry for about 25 years I have two doctorates I’m serving the lord I’m I’m a submitted spiritual son I’m a submitted leader I love my my church I
Love the ministry I love my co-laborers I have no issue there’s some weird systems in the church but I have no issues with the church I love the church it saved my life the church is saving your life the church is saving all our life because when it’s time to get out
Of here everything connected to the church is leaving now I say that to say this is I say that to say this when I grew up in gains what did gangs do gang signs gang signs we we threw up a lot of gang signs now I’m fortunate to not have
Actually pledged to a gang because what happens with a gang you have to get jumped in why do you have to get jumped in because when you take an oath to that game there has to be some blood somebody’s got to bust your eye they gotta Bush your lip they gotta draw
Blood why because it’s blood in and it’s are y’all listen to me it’s blood in it’s blood out now some people say I have renounced already my pledge but guess what you need to pray right after this video because you need to secure your bloodline you need to yes you do
I’m getting ready to say something you need you need to secure your bloodline now um the reason why the reason why is because when God made an oath it caused the life of his son tell somebody tell me somebody tell somebody this guy’s preaching gospel
When God gave an oath when we take that oath from God it cost his son it cost his son let me tell you what happened when God made when when the oath was taken from God Abraham was requested take your son on the mountain and when
Your son gets to the mountain I want you to sacrifice him to me so now here’s an altar there’s an oath to be taken but there has to be an offering so we take the Sun up on the mountain put them on the altar as the offering I need you to hear me
I’m making it simple I’m making it easy you take your son put them on the altar okay and when he goes on the altar he’s getting ready to kill him he already in his mindset he’s dead because when he was walking up the hill Romans tells us
He already reckoned the sun dead but he believed in the one who was able to call things that are not as though they were he knew God was going to raise his son up from the dead and that picture was the picture of what God wanted to do for
Everybody through an oath through an oath the only reason why we haven’t fallen off the only reason why you have not lost your anointing the only reason why you have not threw any of your mistakes lost your position lost your calling lost your grace your skill functioning is because you have and oh
Somebody shout I have an oath with God now watch this I’m gonna show you how diabolical diabolic this is now an oath is neutral I need y’all to hear me and oath is neutral so that means an oath can be positive and an oath can be
Negative and O can be positive and an oath can be negative can you please put that in the chat room and oath is neutral all right let’s talk about it oh so an oath refers to a person a person swears an oath to perform an action or
Swear that something is true okay now the oath pertains to the person and the institution of the legality to promote this particular agreement now I want to show you something Thousand Oaks have the same archaic structure they create and solidify Partnerships based on a reciprocal giving giving and receiving
The kingdom of God is in what giving and receiving the kingdom of Satan is in what giving and receiving everything in the spirit realm is based on giving and receiving all right and I want you to see this one swears by specific things and exchange these pledges become extremely important they guarantee peace
All right remember Jesus said I give you my peace not as the world gives you peace so Satan offers peace Jesus offers peace it’s all based on an oath I need you to see this I’m getting ready to crack this thing open it should be a
Book I mean I’m telling you I didn’t know nothing about this but the Holy Spirit didn’t woke me up and I’m I’m I’m Punch Drunk on the Holy Ghost for this thing um now watch this look what he says the oath pertains to the person uh or
The institution that carries the law or the the authority to promote a particular agreement and so that is the guaranteed peace subjectively and objectively now the bond of order that establishes that is established in the oath is affirmed by itself so so that the oath like the things that are sworn
In the oath are connected one part blessing and one part curse I need you to understand this and oath has one part blessing and one part curse now watch this we have an oath with God and that oath we are protected if we walk in the spirit watch this but not
After the flesh Romans chapter 8 verse 1 says for those who made an oath with God remember we got a law in our members working against the law of our mind Paul said I got a law on my members sinful nature working against the law of my
Mind the mind of Christ and he said how do I escape the curse of this oath are y’all listen to me this is a good word what did he say he said there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk in the spirit and not in
The flesh and a lot of these Oaths are being made in the flesh to empower a demonic Throne that actually is connected to a fallen angel which is labeled as a Greek god y’all not talking to me if you really believe this you ought to say hallelujah amen we’re
Getting free everybody gonna get free today now when an oath is established it obligates one to a bond and it binds one to an obligation let’s talk about the Jews here now the violation of both a vowel and an oath according to Jewish Scholars the way
They treated it and the reason why I’m using to choose is because number one we’re all connected to that Olive Tree okay we’re Wild Olive branches if you agree and if you Messianic you’re the real Olive Branch you know you just found Jesus to be the Messiah and so we
We want to talk from the context of where we are the why is it wrong for Christians to be in sorority first of all I want to say something I got to say something how is it that we got so many so-called gospel artists that are
Receiving and when I saw this I knew I was on track I’ve been talking about doing this thing for a long time I’ve been putting that flyer up I’ve been hitting at it I’ve been posting about it and all of a sudden we have some of the biggest gospel artists who receive an
Honorary and honorary acceptance into the the black Greek letter organization are y’all hearing me how is it that our God watch this your music is trash to me I don’t care what it used to do for me your music is trash to me it’s because I cannot support you in confidence the
Bible says to have faith and a clear conscience right I cannot support you and get behind you with a strong belief and a clear conscience knowing that you have been subjected to an oath under a Greek god and you had to declare that you just don’t get that you got to stand
Right there and declare let me explain something else how how is it that Pastor Jamal Bryant he pledged he’s a pledging okay this brother talking about growing weed to sell it to P to bring people into the body of Christ I’m telling you these Oaths are manipulating mindsets
People can’t even think straight wait till I get into the spirits connected to this because you need to see this one part I’m gonna show you this right here but we have we have known people we have known people who in the body of Christ used to be our
Pillars who are now Falling by the wayside because they’re looking for something new but they’re not establishing that which is true we have a lot of leaders and a lot of people who are finding out that they are leaders but they are not Disciples of Jesus Christ y’all not talking to me every
Leader from this point forward should be examined if they are a disciple of Jesus a person who studies to show themselves approved a person who’s really filled with the spirit of God and not the spirit of deception the spirit of Lies why because there’s a lot of people
Moving in Deliverance a lot of people moving in Prophecy and healing that Jesus says I never knew you because God used you with his presence but never knew you in his presence y’all not talking to me now with that being said God is allowing the Sheep to be pulled
This year you’re going to see the unveiling of so many people and I’m telling you like Paul warned Timothy take heed to your Doctrine so that not only will you save yourself you’ll save those that hear you Timothy tend to your Doctrine not only will you save yourself but those that hear you
Now I want to say this Hallelujah now watch this the towel move states that the the the punishment for breaking a vow is the death of one of your children now I want to have this conversation the the the the the the the punishment for breaking a vow or an oath
Is the death of one of your of one’s children now watch this I want you to see something here this is why God put Abraham asleep remember when God visited Abraham when Abraham split the animals he split on animals he was waving all the birds away from the sacrifice
Because he was waiting on God for a long time to show up and God allowed him the Bible says to go into a deep sleep now the Deep Sleep represents when God is bringing a person into a transitional period into something greater God put Adam into a deep sleep and gave him a
Wife God put Abraham into a deep God allowed the Israel to go to sleep the Bible says the spirit of swimmer came on them so that the church could be burnt okay whenever God wants to do something he will put somebody in a deep sleep okay that means a deep uh fastened a
Fastened buckled in level of um of rest now I want to show you something and he revives them after the sleep but watch this so we’re in the period of Israel’s sleep the church is being built while Israel is under the Spirit of Slumber according to uh Romans chapter 9
Verse through uh chapter nine through uh chapter 11. now watch this Abraham gets put to sleep and the Bible says this is a good word if this is a mighty word I want y’all all to share good God Almighty if you want to Source he click that link Hallelujah be a blessing now
Watch this now Abraham is put to sleep and God walks through the Bible says there was a glowing lamp of fire walk right through the sacrifice because the the covenants were cut an oath was something that was cut it was something that had blood had to be
Exposed and God walked through the two pieces of the animal now walking through two pieces of animal represented that as I walk through here this is my response if I break this Covenant let me be ripped into if I break this cup the person who walked on the blood was re was obligated
Oath was obligated was obligated watch this to fulfill their end and if they didn’t fulfill their end then what they walked through was what they would look like so the talmud tells us that when you break an oath or you you make an O to a Greek letter organization you need to know
That your children are being affected your children are being affected now watch this this all also segues into generational curses because now I want y’all to do me a favor I like I like I like preaching and and saying stuff but I’m gonna tell you what I like even more
Let me tell you what I like let me tell you what I like I like showing you with your own Bible how about that how about that I like showing you with your own Bible please go with me to Proverbs Proverbs Hallelujah chapter 26 and verse 2 and verse 2. watch this I’m
Gonna show y’all something now if you take an oath your children can pay for it now you blessed you got Fellowship you doing good God is blessing you you excited but guess what your children now are going to be held accountable they’re going to be held accountable
All right because you took the oath now look what it says here I’m gonna show y’all something I split it up so I can have the Amplified and I got the complete word study Bible on this side look at this as the bird by wondering as
The the swallow by flying so a curse so the curse causeless shall not come shall not come now let’s look at the Amplified the Amplified says like the sparrow in her wandering like the shallow in her flying sow the curse without cause does not come and a light
Or drop on and on on the undeserving so that means a curse needs a cause so like if you if you make an oath I want y’all to see this if you make an oath that curse now has a cause and any curse that you open up has a lifespan at least to
The third the third and fourth generation and watch this if you’re the first generation you may not see it on the second but that sucker will roll around on the third well what if you don’t see it on the third it definitely is coming around
On the fourth and so here is the problem you’re doing good you got community you got a Great Fellowship y’all can shake hands and and do this and and whatever you got to do you know and long story short what’s happening is your bloodline is now connected to a Greek letter
Y’all not talking to me okay we’re gonna get into it okay here watch this so each generation now watch this in order for you to stay from the effects of that curse so it doesn’t have a cause because if you break it then that curse can
Visit so now you got to keep pledging your family got to keep pleasure your kids got to keep pledging and everybody that’s why everybody that’s why back then growing up before I grew up those people they used to push their kids in college they would they would sign
Contracts they would talk to their uh to their fraternity brothers and sisters and say hey we got to get my kids into college we got to get them pledging no wonder no wonder because the truth of the matter is when you make an oath to a demonic Altar and
Watch this a vowel okay so there’s different degrees of man okay so an oath can move your spirit and your soul a vowel affects your body now I want to say something here a vowel affects your body this is a good teaching I know is this a really good teaching I need y’all
To share let’s get the numbers up let’s go we going to the next level now a vowel affects your body all right now the the the the the the oath affects your soul and your spirit it goes deeper eat there are different levels that are affected and oath is to your core so
Pretty and oath is it it it has the power to move your spirit come on our oath with God what does it do we have inner Witness come on here we have inner inspiration we have got to do exceedingly abundantly according to the power why through an oath
That we have in Christ Jesus Hallelujah now with that being said I want you to see what the uh shochen arouch says the shot in aruche is a Jewish commentary says it explicitly warns people not to make to regularly make vows and it states that someone who
Does even if they fulfill The Vow they are called wicked and a sinner it’s because we should not be so quick to make vows or to make oats why because the Bible says in the multitude of words sin is not lacking why the Bible says in Proverbs 6 if you
Have become sure to or made an oath for somebody he says run to him and humble yourself quickly like a gazelle run quickly like a gazelle and humble yourself and see that you can free yourself from that agreement if your friend will allow you now I want you to
Come on with me to another verse we getting ready to talk I’m gonna show y’all what Jesus showed me I’m gonna show you how demonic OS can actually pull you away from God you think that that pledge is not affecting you you think that that pledge is not going to
Cost you anything let me show you what an oath has done throughout the body of Christ please play please I need you guys to go with me to Matthew Matthew this is a good word no I love you Jesus Matthew 14 go with me to Matthew 14. I’m going there too so y’all
Going to see it online but I like to show I like for you to have notes in your own Bible okay now I want to show you something right here we’re gonna see an oath now everybody knows what Jesus said when John lost or lost his head the Bible says we’re on he
Promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked and she being before instructed of her mother said give me here John the Baptist’s head in a charger so from an oath an oath a demonic oath killed John the Baptist you go somewhere well Somalia and he was
The greatest man ever born he carried the mantle of a lion listen a demonic oath don’t care about your mantle it don’t care about your past Ministry it don’t care about the impact you made it don’t care it will wipe you out this demonic oath allowed this little girl to
Beckon the king to cut off the head of a man of God are y’all hearing me and guess what Jesus said the kingdom of God when he heard this he said John law says Hey to begin the week he said the kingdom of God suffered violent and the violent
Taken by force well how do the violence take it by force with demonic Oats not with your praise break are you kidding me when have you become violent the Bible says blessed are the peacemakers for they are the sons and daughters of God you ain’t no violent person The Devil Is
Alive you what you’re doing is you’re working the people into a frenzy and you’re inviting pandemonium which is connected to the demon pan pandemonium where you’re just having this Ruckus and this chaotic y’all not talking to me y’all not talking to me I’m on that stuff yep and I’m drinking tea
Hallelujah now let’s look at another piece of scripture because I want you to see this how demonic Oaths hinder the kingdom of God let’s let’s go to Matthew so we saw John lost his head right let’s go to Matthew 26. let’s see who else got affected
And these are some deep issues these are some deep issues man and I’m watching this and I’m crying because God is coming for a church without spotter wrinkle God is coming for a group of Believers that are clean listen that doesn’t mean you have to be sinless but
You need to be blameless yes you do because listen sin is everywhere watch this if you did something if you did what God wanted you to do but you didn’t do the way God expected you to do it or the way he would have done it that’s sin
The Bible says whatever is not a faith is sin so sin ain’t gonna stop you as a Christian from getting into heaven but you should be blameless on the earth you should be walking and repentance you should be confessing whatever it says you find out but you should be walking
In repairs and Holiness because you know you know you’re no longer a slave to that you’re no longer a part of that industry you no longer Empower that that altar or that infrastructure now watch this Matthew 26 I’m gonna show y’all something please go with me down to 69. 69 and 74.
Now these O’s are so powerful that it calls a king to cut off the head of a well-known man of God of a well-known man of God all right now I want you to hear me not so pretty I want you to look at the title right
Here I want y’all to see this title what does it say Peter denies Jesus now how did he deny Jesus oh I’m getting ready to have some church by myself Lord have mercy look at this look at this the Bible says now Peter sat without in
A palace and the damsel came unto him saying thou also was with Jesus of Galilee and what did Peter do he denied it before them all saying I know not who thou sayeth all right then he moves to another area he goes outside into the porch another maid saw him and she said
Unto him this fellow was also with Jesus Christ of Nazareth now watch this I told you Oaths lead to curses Oaths lead to demonic Oaths lead to curse now mind you Jesus is basically watch this Jesus said that Peter was going to be sifted as we we know how he
Was sifted he was sifted through a demonic oath we’re seeing it right here he said you’re gonna deny me that was the sifting the sifting was because Peter watch this he said you’re not fully convinced he said I have prayed for you but when you are fully converted the word converted means fully
Convinced when you are fully convinced go and strengthen your brothers so because Peter had some stuff in him watch this there are people who are taking pledges they are not bad people they are really good people but there’s something in you that allows you to take that pledge there’s
Something in you the Bible says don’t say that when you are tempted that God tempted you he said you were LED and tempted and you are drawn away by your own evil desire you did this there was something on the inside of you Jesus even said the enemy is present and he
Has nothing in me a lot of times most of the spiritual warfare and some of the decisions we make some of the oats we make some of the past we take are because we have something working in us and I said that earlier Paul said I got
A law working in my members but let’s get back to Peter Peter now went out on the porch and he now says I don’t know Jesus of Nazareth he now calls him by his name at first they said Jesus of Galilee now he calls them Jesus
Of now he calls him by his name but look what he does in 72 how does he deny it he denies it with a what put that in the chat room how does he deny it how does he deny the Lord Jesus Christ please answer this for me how does he deny it
He denies it with an oath but it doesn’t stop there it doesn’t stop there remember I told you there’s a vowel there’s a promise there’s a vowel there’s an oath but it doesn’t stop there because O’s usually lead to curses hosts usually two curses I want you to see this
He said I don’t he denied it with oh he said I don’t know this man and afterwards he came and stood by after a while he after a while came unto him they stood by and said to Peter Shirley you are one of them your speech betrays you
And now Peter what does Peter begin to do Peter now begins to curse and swear what do we just talk about swearing falsely right what do we just talk about see so and then he starts cursing so demonic O’s lead to curses and more swearing you start making more promises
The first promise wasn’t good enough the first oath wasn’t good enough you need to make more that’s why Jesus says in making Oaths I need y’all to go with me let’s go to Matthew Matthew chapter 5. Matthew chapter five I’m I’m really I’m giving y’all scripture I want you to see this
Because we’re getting ready to start renouncing right now give me one second Matthew chapter five and one will start calling out the little the demon Gods okay watch this hey Tom I’m glad you said that I’m gonna say something I’m gonna say something to you give me one second [ย __ย ] you 33 what
Is Jesus dealing with it’s right here guys it’s what is Jesus dealing with we need to get I’m I’m using scripture so this is nothing personal for me I don’t take anything personal I’m just giving Bible and I’m telling you that that that there are deep and I’m gonna I’m exposed to Demons
Give me one second I’m just giving I gotta give y’all a good foundation before because I don’t want the heresy Hunters to come on here and somebody’s even some of these bigwigs that I’m addressing they need to know I’m navigating scripture they need to know I’m rightly
Dividing the word of Truth okay a worker with no need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth okay now watch this oh look at this 33 he says and again you have heard it said been said of them oh of time that thou shall not forsquare thyself but shall perform
Unto the Lord thine Oaths so your oath as a Believer should be with the Lord and you should fulfill you should perform your Oaths now watch this but I say unto you watch this that was the Old Testament you should perform your oats before the Lord now look what Jesus said
But Jesus now says I say unto you swear not at all look what he says neither swear by heaven for it is God’s strong neither swear by Earth for it is God’s footstool neither swear by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great king neither swear by thy head
Because you can’t make one hair water black now I want to say something to you olds are made in dimensions I just proved it to you Oaths are made in Dimensions so you can swear by heaven watch this watch this no no Tom you gotta in court that’s
That’s the law of court and the Bible says that all authorities of God that’s different because they’re actually taking the oath that’s a part of being a true witness I talked about that earlier in the video you got to go back to the beginning you’ll understand now he’s not saying like swearing he’s
Swearing making oats he’s saying don’t make Oaths with people be careful making oats with people now watch this look what he says he said don’t swear by heaven that’s a dimension don’t swear by the earth now the Earth has different layers because we know in the earth
There’s a hail we know in the earth there’s a lake of fire we know in the earth there’s a Tartarus a sail Where Angels would be to Fallen Angel to be in hell we know there are different dimensions in the earth we know before Jesus went into the Earth there was a
Separate part called Abraham’s bosom and there was Hades we know Hades is in the earth so there’s different dimensions in the earth so he’s saying don’t swear by the heaven don’t swear by the herb now watch this this is where it gets a little bit tricky he says don’t even swear by a
City hmm the Bible says of a city that there was a city in Revelations a church pergamos that where the seed of Satan was in the city there was a seed of Satan it was a synagogue of Satan are y’all hearing me look at this and then he said don’t even
Swear by your own head don’t even make oh don’t even make an oath and he’s talking about oats remember he’s talking about oh so he’s talking about swearing he’s saying swearing an oath swearing an oath now there’s a difference between a promise there’s a difference because promise is based on condition
Vowels are based on on objects and things and vowels require you to respond then there are come on uh Lakeisha that’s awesome and then there are oats an oath is where you take an oath but when you take an oath you also take the obligation of the oath
Okay now I want you to see this Jesus says let your communication be yay yay nay nay for whatever is more than these comes from the what the evil one so if you are making Oaths by these different things all right then that means right he said just don’t even swear
Don’t make no Oaths just say yes you can do it and say no you can’t you can’t do it okay now I got a few questions here I want to answer this someone asked me Tom asked me he said um how do you feel about pastors who have taken those organization Oaths
Should they not be preaching God’s word I think they need to repent I think some people did things before they got saved and I think they they could repent God is merciful that’s why uh Jonah was upset with God because he said I knew you were merciful I knew you were kind
You’re gonna you’re gonna allow them to repent uh so I didn’t want to tell them I didn’t want to tell them 40 days and Nineveh is going to die and Nineveh is going to be judged I didn’t want to tell him because they would have repented and
You would have accepted them I think that pastors that take these Oaths they should repent I’m telling you their bloodline is open for attack they have a cause for a curse to work in that in that in that family bloodline if they don’t satisfy the obligation of that oath which is slavery
To them okay their children are going to pay for it innocent people are going to pay for it okay and then don’t even get me started on what the different gods and stuff require okay so let’s deal with let’s deal with some of the Demons all right let’s deal with some of these
Demons uh from some of these different organizations okay are you guys good y’all doing good amen amen Hallelujah are you guys good amen all right and I I just want to bring this out here I’m gonna get this stuff I want to do what I got to do to make
Sure I’m doing what I got to do amen Hallelujah now there’s the Delta nine now you guys do you guys all know um do you guys all know you guys all know obviously about the divine nine there’s a divine nine I called it a Delta nine but um there’s a divine nine
Um and I I really believe precious Saints uh that the divine nine to me after doing a study is the Demonic fruit it’s the Demonic fruit of the enemy because nine represents fruit there are nine fruits of the spirit there are nine represents spiritual um spiritual uh uh involvement spiritual involvement
Spiritual activity so when you have nine gifts the gifts are to help move the church um nine fruit that is the response to spiritual activity to bear fruit you can’t just you just don’t bear fruit you know it doesn’t just happen you do certain things and it causes things to
Happen but then also you see nine they’re they’re called the divine nine I don’t know if you heard them they’re the alpha they’re the the uh the the uh I gotta go through their names there’s the Kappa all right there’s the Kappa there’s the Zeta there’s the sigma there’s the delta
There’s the alpha there’s the Omega and there’s the uh Ito Iota Iota I’m sorry if I’m not pronouncing right Iota okay you also have the sigma gamma rho and you have the Alpha Kappa Alpha so there’s some sororities there and then there’s some fraternities there now the
The thing that that is the issue the thing that is the issue is out of some of their books like in the ritual book of the Kappa Alpha Phi let me let me pull this up because I need you guys to see this for yourself
How about that can I can I bring it for you can you see it for yourself I want you to see it for yourself is that good okay so let me do this I want you to see this for yourself Hallelujah all right all right come on up here come on up here
All right perfect so can you guys see this right here can you see everything let me let me remove uh the captions and everything I want to make sure you guys can see everything can you see it all okay perfect now I want you to let me see I’m gonna change that to
Um continuous scroll that’s better oh nice that made it nice and big all right that makes it nice and big y’all can see that really good huh okay perfect so you guys can see right here watch this Kappa all right and Kappa is it it says in all in
Preparations for all their meetings and their initial processes the altar of of Kappa Alpha Psi right which is a sacred delphic Shrine shall be placed in the center of the room and covered with a crimson and cream coverlet this is from one of the pages of their book page 14
Of their ritual book so there’s a shrine that’s put there right now this Shrine is connected to and is significant to and connected to the Shrine of the god Apollo so you got you got people making pledges to Apollo this is Kappa all right this is in their book this is
In their book precious saying this is in their book okay there’s no way around it you should have read the material you should have thought it through you should have really no no no there’s no way around I’m not gonna make no oath some that’s like walking in a dealership
And not signing a contract just walking out just they say here take the car it’s yours and you just take the keys and leave and say Jesus bless me God bless me but you didn’t read the contract I want you to see here they’re worshiping the altar watch this this sacred
Delfonics Shrine is for Apollo the sun god all right all right that’s a Greek God now let us continue I don’t want to stay there all day long but watch this the Bible tells you we shall have no other Gods uh the Lord spoke to Moses in Leviticus 18.
Look he said I’m the Lord your God you must not do as they do in Egypt where you where you used to live you must not do as they do in Canaan where I am bringing you into that’s what he says we shouldn’t do it right we don’t follow
Their pride okay let us continue Zeta all right let’s deal with Zeta sorority Zeta Phi Beta I want you to see this all right now look at this during the initial process the young women are blindfolded they go through a series of tests most of which including the oath is done while kneeling
However what is troubling is that when they remove the blindfold they are informed now that Zeta has been written on their heart and Minds and you are now ready to receive the light of Zeta does this really seem like a a simple Social Club to you
All right does this really seem like a a Christian this is from our brother uh Jordan L Rice I love it I’m using it but I got I got more I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna show you some stuff I got scripture I’m gonna show y’all something
But I’m showing you what’s coming from their books this is Page 141 of their ritual book huh does this seem just social or is this worship okay let us continue no no no let us continue okay uh let’s deal with Sigma I Beta Sigma a fraternity for guys it says page 10 it’s
A ritual book now look what it says in the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity is a spiritual Fellowship that binds Us in all activities along life’s narrow pathway look how to use biblical language you know broad is the way that leads to destruction narrow is the path
To leave you look how they use biblical language look at this now can you can you do you really know let me explain something do you guys really know that they say this is a spiritual Fellowship so it’s not a it’s not a society it’s
Not a it’s not just a secret society or a social club they’re now saying it is a spiritual Society well what is this spiritual Fellowship all right because it is a Greek Fellowship among which Greek gods and Greek goddesses okay and so when a candidate goes through this process look at what they
Say in in in in in their book okay it says a person takes off and it says he is later taken to the foothills of Mount Olympus where the greater gods were supposed to live under the ruler Zeus it was in these mountains that our Founders Brothers became Greek and he says
Because they went before you and because you have exempt exemplified the ideas of Brotherhood scholarship education watch this education is the biggest demon watch this and service you are now also a part Greek and the process of becoming Greek is occurring even as you stand before me Paige
They don’t amount Mount they don’t Mount Olympus really so and watch this let’s talk about the rest of the ritual the ritual later on states that watch this the fellow Greek with his Mind’s Eye is privileged to observe the wonders of Mount Olympus where Aries the God of
Greek war reside now watch this I want to say something these different gods provoke different um characteristics okay so you’re gonna see in some of these characteristics like there’s different there are different uh spirits that are connected to now watch this people that have taken pledges it is harder for the Holy Spirit
To move in their churches they don’t move with heavy signs and wonders they don’t move with heavy Deliverance but I’ll tell you what they’re really good preachers they they can pray they have business savvy they’re good entrepreneurs they can even be good brothers and good sisters they know how to be loyal you
Know but you’re not going to see the power of the Holy Spirit moving super strong it doesn’t happen because when you got your mind’s eye over the Holy Spirit enlightening your spiritual eyes and your eyes are looking to Mount Olympus and not the third heaven where
God is the Bible says set your eyes and your affections on the lord they’re saying put your mind’s eye on Olympus so you can see Aries the God of War and a lot of times these people are so aggressive when you deal with their pledges when you deal with someone’s
Pledge they get aggressive they get angry I need y’all to hear me now watch this but Sigma has outlawed the warring Greeks and is now under the protection of paulus Athena the goddess of wisdom art and Industry now the minds I refers to the ability to Envision something to Envision something sometimes
Prophetically so because of the oath they’ve taken they now have opened themselves up to the prophetic Arena now we know everything that you receive we know that the prophetic and I teach on this I got a school of the prophets I teach on this there is a difference between you
Having a knowledge and the Holy Spirit revealing knowledge there is a difference between the word of knowledge where the Holy Spirit reveals knowledge Divine knowledge you never knew and you having a knowledge or gathering information from the stars from the weather from the skies the Bible says
Heaven declares the glory of God there’s communication all around us you can pick it up everywhere you could pick it up from the earth you could pick it up for familiar experience you could pick it up from Reading Rock Stones rods or divining rods and everything you can get
Information from everything okay right I just I just want you to know and so if they seem prophetic but they made this pledge you know it’s not the eye of the holy spirit it’s the Mind’s Eye now watch this the probably the pituitary gland that they opening up everybody’s
Opening that up because everybody wants to be prophetically accurate now you have to be careful doing some of these exercises online and sitting under some of these people watch this if they got bad character and they’re accurate prophetically they are a soothsayer they are Sue say I said it if you look
At the scripture you look at the definition of a soothsayer a soothsayer is a person who doesn’t have any qualities any Godly qualities but they’re highly prophetic they are highly prophetic okay that’s a soothsayer now let’s go to Delta Sigma Theta I know this is long
But bear with me please I need you guys to bear with me there’s a lot of a lot of information and I don’t want to do another video I’m just going to drop it real quick Now Delta what is Delta connected to Delta the official emblem of Delta Sigma Theta sorority is Minerva
The god of the goddess of wisdom all right Minerva was Worship in ancient Greek and Roman societies and was viewed as the daughter of the god Jupiter which is Zeus look what it says and a woman who becomes a candidate for the sorority is under the shadow of
Minerva wait I thought we were supposed to be under the shadow of the almighty wait is that where my Bible at I thought we abide under the shadow of the almighty but this oath is saying they sit under the shadow of Minerva are you hearing me
Are y’all hearing me oh let us continue oh let us continue watch this one in their oats they saw a star and they followed it a path they cut and blazed away they lit the torch of Sisterhood let’s not forget nor lose the weight to love and serve Delta huh
What is this about okay Alpha Pi Alpha it’s a fraternity okay you guys can see this in page one of the ritual book the name Alpha Pi Alpha means first the first and leading Brotherhood of the Ethiopians to open portals to open watch this Alpha Pi Alpha means the first and
Leading Brotherhood of the Ethiopians to open its portals to all mankind Pages four and five all right now of the ritual book it describes the initiation process which includes blindfolding Academy candidate while he kneels and eats the food prepared by the gods which is usually raw noodles later while in front of the
Altar now watch this is happening listen guys this is happening in front of an altar page four this is happening in front of an altar all the members shall say behold behold as the candidates blindfold is withdrawn and he shall and he sees Alpha Pi Alpha
The light of the world wait what wait hold on hold on are y’all listen to me are you sharing are you guys seeing this are you seeing this foreign let us continue Omega Phi okay Psi Phi okay it what what is this oh it’s dealing with the pleasure of Omega okay
Look what it says their their pledges to the fraternity implicit confidence in Omega you will now await the pleasure of Omega before whom I stand lay your petition let them give listening ears to all that they may say and done and seal them within your bosom the sacredness of the Temple of Omega
Are y’all seeing this are y’all seeing this all right let oh oh look at this Iota Phi Theta fraternity their initiation process entails candidate being brought forth kneeling forming a kiss a circle kissing the sacred puddle and drinking from the sacred cup which is vs
Q Brandy page 290 and 290 291 of the ritual book this really needs no explanation the Bible is against children of God kneeling while taking shots of Brandy and kissing some sacred puddle are y’all are y’all catching this all right let’s do this Sigma gamma rho
And I’m almost done it says to thee only in the Richard book page nine to the only Sigma gamma rho I pledge my life my best efforts and cooperation in the I pin my faith my hope and trust so that the order are you kidding me are you guys listening
You still go so you still gonna watch the Youtube videos huh watch this look what I’m gonna tell you something a lot of people are sewing in this stuff they’re gonna reap because these people are using their money to empower their their their their their gods to build
For their gods to do all this stuff I’m telling you a lot of people gonna be sorry because whatever you stole that show you also read and God’s gonna say the people that you should have been sowing into Fantasia all of them I’m telling you they all just did it
Listen they all just do y’all catch it they all just did it they all just got involved okay they all just got involved they all want to be a part of it okay okay they all wanna they all want to do it they all they all feel like oh you know
It’s nothing to us you know we could do whatever we want to do you know all right they don’t even care to be honest they don’t even care they don’t they don’t they don’t care what they don’t care what they they can care less they can really care less these
People could really care less about taking this oh if you want to know why because they already got your money they you’re gonna buy their CD you’re gonna go out and buy this stuff they don’t care they think Christians don’t know anything so what they do is they they
Look at the Christian and they say you gotta buy my stuff you’re going to buy my stuff because it’s what you’re gonna do but what they don’t realize is it’s not fair it’s not fair that they took our money and now they can go take a pledge and do
Whatever they want and we and we still got to support them we can’t call it out every single one I don’t care if it’s TD Jake I don’t care every single one this is how everybody’s getting called out I’m telling you they’re getting called out now watch
This Alpha Kappa Alpha look at this along with kneeling and taking oats of submission to Alpha Kappa Alpha here are some of the song pledges of the sorority to thee Oh Alpha Kappa Alpha we pledge our hearts our minds our strengths to Foster their teachings what teachings
Obey their laws and make the Supreme in service to all mankind what I thought we stick to the teachings of Jesus like what’s going on here you know what I’ve had enough of this I’ve had enough my stomach is upside down and okay so here’s the rest and then you guys still
Looking at my screen okay I’m gonna Minister without y’all looking at my screen amen praise the Lord now so we already went over uh some of the gods that are connected to and that’s the divine nine so if you didn’t know what it is go do your research on a
Divine nine and you could pick up uh one of those PDFs and there’s something good there um also um there’s some other things that I was looking at and I really want you guys I mean uh it’s called the and you can go there and it says every Greek house
Has a God or a goddess and so it talks about Tri Delta that’s that’s Poseidon Alpha Pi that’s Aphrodite you know you just gotta go down the list Tai cheetah that’s they believe that’s God because they call it the Alpha and Omega but that’s really not God we know God’s not
Connected to that we know Kappa Alpha Theta that’s Zeus uh Sigma nude that’s Al Cliffy alcleafius that uh Delta Zeta that’s Hestia which is the goddess of Hearth that lights fire okay um she’s an architectural God we also have Delta Theta Pi which is Chronos
Okay the father of Zeus and the king of all Titans Okay the god out of time we also have a gamma Phi Beta that’s Artemis okay she was the goddess of hunt she’s a Huntress the goddess of hunting okay we have Phi Kappa two which is
Apollos I mean it goes on and on and on now I want to talk about some things and then we’re gonna do a mass Deliverance are you guys okay all right just give me a few moments and we’re gonna rush through this now we’re gonna talk about some of the
Demons that are behind we talked about some of the Greek Gods uh that site was actually um The Odyssey here let me type I’m gonna type it in the chat room hopefully you guys can get it here um www dot um The Odyssey sorry uh let’s see online .com
All right that’s this should be there you should be able to find that there all right and you guys can go ahead and and get that now we have Delta gamma that is um for T right that’s the wife of Neptune and the goddess of the sea all
Right we have uh Delta through Delta that’s Dionysus now Dionysus is the god of party this is the Drunken God this is the one who I connect to all the alcoholic prophets this is the god that goes after prophets who love alcohol but that’s another topic for another day I
Was actually going to bring that into this context of conversation because there’s different spirits but yeah it’s called the spirit of drunkenness like when you see people that make pledges there are several Spirits okay that I’m gonna address and okay there’s four of them number one you’re gonna see a
Strong Spirit of lust you’re going to see a strong Spirit of lust and sensuality there’s going to be sensuality and there’s going to be lust okay um you’re gonna see deep-seated rage deep-seated rage because when you say something remember they pledge their lives and they believe in this and that
Demon that Throne will be be invoked and they will be they’ve gone they’re gonna defend it with at all costs okay they’re going to defend it at all costs okay deep seated rage okay you’re also going to see the spirit of athaliah the spirit of athaliah uh it’s different from Jezebel this is
Just a straight demon of envy like it’s willing to compete it’s willing to to to to it’ll burn the village if you you’re either with us or against us now mind you with the fraternities there’s gang signs there’s hand signs they’re throwing up straight gang signs
So all this is is a is a demonic a demonic oath of spiritual of of of of of seeking spiritual knowledge through the vein of Education which is a mountain that people believe they’re supposed to be conquering Jesus never really really empowered the Seven Mountains right
Jesus said if you see a mountain speak to it and move it out the way that’s what he said he said if you have faith speak to the mountain and throw it in the sea throw it with the Marine Spirits that’s what he said he didn’t say try to
Go out there influence it and Conquer it what he said was speak to the mountain and remove the mountain are y’all seeing this now yep on the coat of arms somebody just put some on the coat of arms symbols Aurora they tried to fade it out
But changing the name to the pledge Club in the 90s but the original organ of the sorority is called the Aurora yeah absolutely you’re absolutely correct Hermes yep see man listen now watch this you also see the up they have Spiritual Secret Language signs codes gestures all the light right
And they’re embedded in every frame there’s also a spirit of drunkenness a spirit of drunkenness you’re gonna see that a lot of alcohol uh uh you’re also gonna see the orgy orgy the orgy side of it it’s just really bad like let me let me say this you got people that have
Made pledges in their pastors and leaders why every time they turn around they’re struggling with sexual they’re sleeping with somebody a lot of these people that have pledged and they’re in the Pulpit they sleeping around and the problem is why my black people I want to talk to my black people
Why do we want to be Greek when we African I just I just got a question I just got a question why do we want to be Greek when we African why do we feel the need that we want to be Greek when we are African
Why is it that the Bible says that we don’t even need to change our race the Bible says there is no barbarian no Greek no Jew no Cynthia and if you say you’re a Christian why are you trying to be Greek when the Bible says there’s
Only a new man in Christ what is the purpose of that what does the black Greek letter organization do for us that really helps us as individuals well they help us get jobs they help us go to school whatever yeah at the cost of bowing to an altar at the cost of my
Bloodline being affected with a generational curse because oops require if you break them they require the life of your children are y’all hearing me okay why is this a problem they said well it’s not a problem it’s a simple oath okay there are warnings against ungodly social attachments especially
When you’re dealing with being yoked the Bible talks about not being unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness or what Fellowship has light with dark and we know a yoke is a frame of wood that’s joined two auctions together it joins animals together did
You catch it that’s why he said don’t get under the Yoke don’t be yoked with unbelievers because they’re you’re not going to move in sync you’re not going to be on the same page because they’re going to be drawn to these things you’re going to be drawn to these things right
Now on the other hand Jesus now invites us to take his yoke so in an oath an oath connects you to a yoke but the Bible tells you not to be unequally your why look at what Paul said Paul says something crazy he said listen the reason why I don’t want you
He said I don’t want you to be connected to idols he said because of the demon behind the idol he said I don’t want you to drink of the cup of the Lord look at this sororities and fraternities you can’t drink of the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons
It Is by oath that a lot of people are they have silverware for both tables did you catch what I just said they have the Lord’s Supper over here and through a demonic oath you can have Satan’s supper over here he has a cup too the Lord has
A cup and the devil has a cup are y’all are y’all listening to me and you think it’s the Lord’s cup because you’re blessed you think it’s the Lord’s cup because you have Fellowship you think it’s the Lord’s cup because it’s overflowing did you catch it it’s giving you benefits but Jesus himself
Denied the oath of Satan when Satan said I’ll give you all of the kingdoms if you bow down and create an oath to me if you create an ultimate if you worship me I will give you everything did you catch it and Jesus said nope I’m here to deal with
Sin and when I come back I’m dealing with all of the kingdoms did you catch it so right now it is crazy that the wicked have more to offer the believer it is crazy that the world has more to offer the believer but guess what believer it won’t be long before you
Will be moving in the cattle on a thousand hills you will be moving in all the silver and the gold that belongs to God you will be moving and you will be occupying the whole earth after God burned this thing you ain’t gonna occupy listen let me let me say this become a
Disciple that’s what Jesus Jesus wants you to be a disciple above everything you can conquer the world but Jesus said why conquer the world and not be a disciple make sure when you’re Conquering the world you’re Conquering the world while you are becoming that disciple because guess what there’s
Going to be a lot of people that accomplished everything but they did not accomplish what God wants Jesus said get away from me I never knew you why because Jesus requested disciples all right so the reason why pledges are bad is because they start in the soul and
They begin to operate in the spirit Realm so how does the soul work the soul works on on social attachments right the devil can’t get you through just showing up saying I’m a demon no the demons okay let me tell you the strongest way to impact people
And the spirit realm knows the strongest way and that strongest way is through relationship you want to know why because God didn’t have a relationship to all the angels so what happened with the angels they fell away they fell away so God said I’m going to create a uh
Humans so that I can have a relationship with them because relationship is so powerful that I can influence them I can govern them I can transform them I can bless them they could be with me I can be with them they can abide in me I can
Abide to them and all of that hinges on relationship okay so what does what does the Demonic do the Demonic seeks to build a relationship with you and I as Believers the Demonic desires to build a relationship with you and I as Believers I want y’all to see this
Because it needs us it needs us it needs to be able to move us and it can’t move us without a relationship that’s why the bait of the the fraternities and the sororities is relationship it’s Brotherhood it’s Sisterhood but why do you need that extra when you already are part of the
Body of Christ all right let me show you just three areas of social attachments why they’re so powerful first of all the biblical evidence the Brotherhood was so strong uh between Jonathan and David that the Bible describes Jonathan’s soul being knit to David’s first Samuel 18
And 1 it says as soon as he had finished speaking to Saul the soul of Jonathan be as soon as he got done speaking to his daddy and his daddy was was telling him you know uh that he needed to stay away from David and all this kind of stuff
The minute he got done talking to Saul the Bible says the influence of David their souls began to be knit together isn’t that powerful it’s like whoever you get connected to and Jonathan loved him as his own soul when you have social attachments and you start with relationships You’re Building
These relationships then what begins to happen now your soul is being knit did you catch it and if you’re moving an idolatry you can go to First Corinthians chapter six it talks about Harley tree and how you’re one spirit with the Lord and your body is the Temple of the Lord
And how you need to keep certain things out of your body because you can bring things into the body so if you have the Lord and you now pledge to sorority what happens you bring harlotry and idolatry in the temple the Bible says because now you marry it and the two become one
Did you catch it number two there’s scientific evidence of social attachment and this literally this just talks about there’s an area in your brain it’s called the medial uh profontal cortex and it sits right in between your eyes this region has been shown again and again to be activated to
A more to a person in reflecting themselves so you have a part of your brain right behind your eyes that is used for self-reflection now when you have social connections with people and they start to tell you who you are they start to influence who you are now this
Picture that you have in the in the medial profonto cortex it begins to reflect what’s coming from the social attachment it begins to reflect that picture here so it goes in your ear Gates it goes in your eye Gates and it goes into what you get the sensation you
Get from the relationship it begins to affect socially in your soul and now that begins to affect the brain scientifically now watch this the more active that this is affected by social attachments the more active the medial profontal region is is when someone is trying to persuade you of something and
So when people move in trying to persuade you like if they were persuading you to wear sunscreen every day and you keep hearing it and you’re constantly connected to them and they’re constantly saying it’s like water moving hard rocks and creating grooves and hard rocks that relationship creates the
Smoothness of the conversation and you sit under it the Bible says Bad Company corrupts good morals when you’re sitting under the persuasion of that where the Bible says um it says do not have any fellowship with the evil works of ungodliness but rather than that expose them why because
The more you sit in the bath the more you begin to boil they turn the heat up and you boil okay and so the more that happens the medial profrontal uh region now begins to change your tune own and you start using or operating in the area now watch this
I want to say this social attachments are like the Trojan Horse to your belief systems are you listening to me social attachments are a trojan horse put that in your in the chat room social attachments are a trojan horse that’s why you can’t be in every Circle you
Can’t be in every conversation you can’t be in every uh group you can’t be in every Allegiance you’re not going to preach it in everybody’s Church that all right number three practical evidence now we got practical evidence those who have been in sororities or fraternities experience strong bonds
With the Society members and will feel guilty for betraying them y’all know that y’all know that to be true right let me tell you what they wrote they have you know let me tell you what they wrote the bond in the sorority are definitely strong you feel the need to
Protect and stand up for your sorority sisters and fraternity Brothers especially the ones in your family if your little sister or family does something bad you can’t help but feel responsible or guilty it is as if we are one body and it is our job to protect them from whatever consequence that may
Be all right all right why are fraternities really bad were they spoken to in the Bible look at this Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 not says don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from Human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world rather than Christ
Look what he says what is the Greek what were the Greeks into philosophy knowledge elitism come on guys we know what they were into we know what they were into it’s the same there’s nothing new Under the Sun okay now watch this now watch this watch this okay watch this look at this
Here is God’s issues with here is God’s issues with with all of the fraternity and and the sorority stuff number one the idolatry the idolatry all right the very nature of fraternities and of sororities is the construction of idolatry now idolatry is in two forms the first form is you’re changing the reflection
That God already revealed like you’re feeling like I need to add to what God has already revealed okay then there’s the other side I am out to replace what I feel God has already revealed I’m going to replace it because it’s not working for me that’s that those two levels of idolatry okay
All right and there is the exaltation of and sworn Devotion to societies their Founders mottos secret rituals grips passwords and homages okay all of these things are involved all right the students are told that Greek words used by their societies are sacred and they must be honored above
All else they are elevated ideas things and and people that are in their hearts instead of God you got to honor these people instead of God the second reason why and this is in Ezekiel 14 and 3 the ESV it says son of man these men have
Taken their Idols into their hearts and set the stumbling block of their iniquities before their faces should I should I indeed let myself be consulted by them so in other words he says don’t even be involved with it don’t let them counsel you and you are and I already
Showed you guys all of their altars all of everything that they’re doing okay here’s another reason why God is upset with sororities and fraternities because of their creeds now a Creed is by definition a system of religious belief a form of Faith so it’s not the faith but it’s a
Form of faith and I showed you earlier how they’re pledging to Delta how they’re pledging to Apollos how they’re pledging to uh Zeus and Jupiter how they’re pledging to all these different deities Minerva under the shadow of Minerva instead of under the shadow of God now you’re seeing all of this
Because it’s a form of Faith the Creeds of sororities and fraternities are not drawn by the word of God but by human wisdom okay uh First Corinthians chapter 1 verse 22 and 23 and then 25 it says Greek seek wisdom but we preach Christ crucified a Folly to the Gentiles for
The foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men all right now number three the reason why God is upset okay because number one they have idolatry they’re trying to replace what God already established number two they have Creeds they are trying to
They are trying to build their own form of Faith their own form of religion number three they are Oaths remember we talked about how Oaths work Oaths and power Thrones and Oaths require blood blood in blood out now I I shared this with you earlier that the Lord told me I
Lived in an area where there was a lot of gangs um and there were gangs everywhere and everybody was being murdered and all this kind of stuff and I had like a real Vision the Lord showed me a vision and I saw angels over neighborhoods now I live in California so there’s a
Lot of gang activity out here in Southern California all over and when I grew up uh we were actually mer we were actually our city was the murder capital we actually beat Chicago okay we actually beat Chicago we beat Detroit right we were the murder capital in the
90s okay because I would step over a friend of mine who was stabbed to death to go to the store to get some two cent Tootsie Rolls because death was so normal we went to funerals every weekend we said we would go to school right on the bus sitting next to somebody the
Next week we ride on the bus that person’s no longer sitting on the bus ever again they’re dead okay they’re dead and so I’m somebody said yep from Cali you are correct absolutely and so what I what I’m saying and I know Chicago y’all got the GDs y’all got all
That stuff a lot of gangs all over Louisiana I mean gangs really they really took off okay New York has gangs but what I’m saying is over these gang areas I saw angels and the Lord told me he said it is the principalities and powers that are running the gangs
The same way it is the principalities and powers that are running the sororities and the fraternities now the principalities and powers are not demons they are fallen angels they have fallen angels okay and how do they work they work through Oaths let me say sororities and fraternities Place
Supreme importance on their long life Oaths and pledges to the society their guiding spirits and Creeds and members all right remember Jesus said let your yes be yet above all James even says James 5 12. above all my brothers do not swear either by Heaven by Earth or by any oath
Remember we said oves are connected to dimensions you swearing an oath opens a dimension by Heaven by Earth by city or by the hair on your head all right you can open Dimensions Even In Yourself by swearing oats I promise I’ll never do that or I guarantee on you
Open a dimension in yourself the Bible says give no place in that you open a dimension in yourself Oaths are powerful and oats are neutral number four God’s problem with sororities and fraternities kneeling down before idolatrous altars I just showed you guys in the ritual books how when they’re performing these rituals
There are altars there okay Satan wanted Jesus to kneel down ain’t wrong answer okay the devil wants us to kneel down to the altars where they would be chanting and they will have blindfolds they will have blindfolds all right and they would be in a procession in complete darkness and they’re using
Candles and they’re very similar to Witchcraft rituals all right we must not subject our minds or our bodies to ungodly acts watch this Romans 6 13 it says do not present your members as instruments for unrighteousness but present yourself to God as as those who have been brought
From Death to light and your members to God as instruments of righteousness here’s another reason why God has a problem with sororities and fraternities blasphemy straight up blasphemy sororities and fraternities have been known to use parts of scripture to with changes to the words and have their members repeat
These heresies remember under the shadow of Minerva what do you mean under the shadow of Minerva I thought it was under the shadow of the Almighty y’all not talking to me y’all not talking to me how could we in good conscience submit to this type of situation look at how demonic it is
And I’m telling you usually when Deliverance doesn’t work in a church it’s because you go in the back room in an office and the pastor’s got the Masonic sign up the pastor’s got a a little cloth from the you know the the things that lay over the top of the
Graduation robe or whatever when they graduated they got the whole Theta new or whatever hanging over there over the Garment right over the graduation rope over the banner of the graduation Road the Sash and you’re sitting up going like no wonder we couldn’t move in here
No wonder the Holy Spirit didn’t want to move no wonder the people of carnal no wonder the people are sleeping around in the church no wonder the people are aggressive and and angry it’s because they’re sitting under a leader who carries an oath to a Greek god
Deuteronomy 4 and 2 it says you shall not add to the word that I command you nor shall you take from it that you may keep the Commandment of the Lord your God I command you number six God’s problem with with this is secrecy sororities and fraternities
They promote a false belief system in the power of secrecy are y’all hearing me they got colds hand grips signals songs declaration all of which are hidden being forced into ungodly Oaths and Promises all right the Bible says can a man hide himself in a secret place so that I cannot see him
Declares the Lord I do I not feel the heavens and the Earth declares God Jeremiah 23 and 24 the Bible says he who seeks to isolate himself is full of sin proverbs number seven God is also upset with you receiving a new name I thought the new name was supposed to
Be found well I saw I thought the new name was supposed to be found when you could see who Christ was Jesus said who do men say I am then Jesus said I will now call you Peter see Simon barge I now call you Peter but that’s from seeing Christ the Bible says
God will give you a new name not a Greek remember we African we are African I’m not making it just about blacks and stuff but we we do that I know whites have fraternities too you know we know whites have fraternities too we know Latinos are joining fraternities too we
All know but why right members may be given new names sometimes derived from Greek words this is an ungodly imitation of our new life in Christ and the names that we will adopt during the baptism in Jesus name all right now watch this the financial support you got to pay a fee
To be a part of an organization from a Greek god you got to pay a fee you they want you to pay a feat now watch this I bet you they don’t have to ask for ties and offer and I bet you they I bet you people just sewing into that organization
And it’s releasing all this hell all this carnality here’s another reason here’s another reason well watch this and I found this Believers don’t have a problem sewing into golden calves Believers never have a problem you want to know why when they know when they don’t see real spiritual truth and they
Don’t see real men of God and they don’t see real Bible being taught and they don’t see a real example of Jesus Christ where it says imitate Christ as imitate me as I imitate Christ when they don’t see that guess what they are subject to building golden calves when the men of
God has distance because the men of God may do in his job if the people cast off restraint guess what they’re gonna do they’re gonna build their own image they’ll sow into a golden calf number nine God is upset with the pride and the elitism God is upset with the
Pride and the elitism any group that sets itself apart from others and claims to be more enlightened now watch this the word enlightened or illuminated a lot of their oats deal with illumination I put up a post and I talked about why is everybody upset with the Illuminati
When you can join a fraternity and a sorority and you could be hazed you could be you could be degraded in your dignity you could be designated to be treated like an animal so that you can take a pledge someone said I ran out of the ceremony
Because I saw a pentagram on the floor woman of God God bless you I’m glad you ran come on here there is some real things going on in these rooms you know what I’m saying Justin Bieber ran out of a room and they tried to go crazy on him
We knew there was child sacrifice we know certain things are going on watch this these pledges and these allegiances are only there everybody got mad at the vaccine oh they’re preparing us for the mark of the beast we’ve been prepared for the mark of the beasts based on sororities and fraternities
Y’all not keeping it real to to make an oath to be a part of something to benefit or to be socially uh uh whole or to be spiritually whole or to be a part of something that you believe is a benefit to you we already you already
Prepared for the mark of the beast you don’t need no vaccine you already prepared number 10 God’s problem with this is the violence the hazing the the people who have died to make these pledges you know people have died to make these pledges being challenged in their physical abilities being
Challenged in their minds be having their minds broken having their Spirits broken some of these processes are as tough as it is in the military military where they have to break you down people are going through PTSD not only because of the military but because of trying to
Get through the rigorous testing of these pledges some of the acts have been fighting fellow members consuming mouthwash and urine eating live fish and small animals staying awake days or being subject to burning and dangerous stunts some deprived acts are nothing close to love and service that we are to show one another
The Bible says even if you did have a liberty do not use your Liberty as an opportunity for the flesh so how do we break free from these attachments how do we break free I know somebody’s watching me and they’re saying you know what I’m ready to be free
I want to be free from this well first we got to repent we have to repent from number one pride and lust for knowledge Pride these groups are based on knowledge Pride information intimacy surrounded by information okay we that we have to repent of Pride and lust after knowledge we have to repent
Of elitism wanting to be a part of the winning team we have to repent of human acknowledgment okay we have to repent of trying to be accepted by others instead of being accepted by God we have to repent of making ungodly pledges and Oaths we have to repent of connecting to every
Spirit behind the sorority or fraternity of these societies and their members and creeds we have to repent of blasphemy kneeling before idolatrous Alters misusing our talents money our time for ungodly purposes we have to we have to repent for participating in ungodly belief systems and Creeds and abusing
And harming others through our zealous hazing we have to repent of giving financial support and receiving financial support from this Society number two you have to renounce every single name and pledge to the hundred percent and you have to shift and get right into God and stay fixed in God you need to
Get into your Bible and totally renew your mind if you can find a Deliverance Minister you need to get with a Deliverance man we’re gonna pray in a minute but you need to get to a Deliverance Minister quickly so that they can help you because once you get delivered from the contract of
These Spirits you get delivered from your own words that you have connected to then now the curse has no cause it has a cause because you’re still bound you still have an oath and even though you say I’m not a part of it I renounce it to God you need to get delivered
From that spiritual connection you made a spiritual connection and there therefore that requires a Deliverance I prove to you that these are the Greek gods and falling angels making contracts with altars and demons amen now watch this watch this you need to renounce the names the pledges all right and you that
Everything that you declared out loud before Witnesses you need to also get in front of somebody that you can declare out loud the Bible says confess your faults to one another that you may be healed all right number three you got to cut all those spiritual ties
You need to cut emotionally you need to cut spiritually you need to cut psychologically you need to cut those ties because remember your souls can be knit through an oath your soul you soul ties don’t only come from sleeping with people you could have a soul type from
Having an unhealthy Oath a pledge or interaction with anything or anyone Hallelujah you just severed you say this with me in the name of Jesus I sever every ungodly spiritual tie with the organization you call it out by name and you say in Every curse connected to it and every
Commanding Spirit connected to it I release you now and I evict you from every part of me every place in me I evict you your presence from around me in the name of Jesus number four how do you how do you after you break those spiritual dogs what do you do next
You destroy all of the objects burn everything up come on here burn it all up burn it I remember one time I was going through a deliverance and it was a really good Deliverance but that wasn’t the end of it I got up out of the chair I went home
I spent probably about six months then all of a sudden the holy spirit said get rid of that prayer shawl too now watch this I’m not telling you to get rid of your prayers y’all but there was a particular prayer show that I had received and the Holy Spirit said get
Rid of that prayer shawl too and the minute I got rid of the prayer I got rid of the prayer shawl the certificates I got rid of everything I burned everything and do you know Freedom Reigns Freedom Reigns my God Almighty like Martin Luther King Freedom does rain
Hallelujah you got to get rid of the clothes the badges the pins the crest the emblems the jury the t-shirts and other merchandise you can use whatever you want scissors hammers lighters whatever destroy it Hallelujah Deuteronomy 7 5-6 says this is what I want you to do or what you
Must do you must break down their Pagan altars and shatter their sacred pillars and cut down the ashra poles and burn their Idols you are a holy people who belong to the Lord your God and then after that the journey is not over you now got to renew your mind you
Want to know why because you took on the mind of a Greek you took on the knowledge of a Greek where the Bible says knowledge puffs up you took on the pride and the elitism of that Greek spirit and those Greek gods and you now
Have to renew your mind you have to get in a position of humility you have to get into a position of trust listen I know you made a mistake before but just because you made an oath to the wrong thing doesn’t mean you can’t make an O
To the right one which is God and begin to serve there Hallelujah Hallelujah we have to die to our own Reliance on our mind and an attraction to high sounding ideas and philosophies in other words we’re always going to be drawn to oh I want to know where this
Revelation is and that Revelation is and sometimes we really don’t want revelation you know what we want we want the high sounding thing we want to go back to the stronghold the the information and the knowledge that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ we have to turn away from
Our belief in secrecy and be more transparent and open and vulnerable we have to put away fear uh fear of leaving and cutting on and being cut off from those different organizations and you got to surrender yourself completely to God yes we are on YouTube you can share
Their Facebook YouTube all over we’re on Twitch all right now watch this number six you need to receive counsel you need to receive counsel okay because a lot of people when you went through that process of hazing I I know some of you have PTSD and you
Just haven’t went to the doctor to check it out I know some of you are traumatized you could be waking up in the middle of the night night terrors and different things happening to you because you don’t know what’s going on you could be having moments of flashing
In Rage having moments of Rage show up out of nowhere it’s all because of a traumatic moment where you felt that you didn’t fight back or you should have fought back or you allowed yourself to submit to something that your body could not handle your mind could not handle
That will give you actually the post it’s called post traumatic stress or syndrome all right people have marks oh my goodness they have scars from the paddle it’s crazy every time you look you got scars from the come on I’m I’m praying for you my sister you all good if you
Repented you all good you all good but you see number seven God’s final problem problem or or restitution for this is you need to expose it now once you get out you’re responsible to help others get out if you know people that are in there and
They’re connected to this it is your job to get them out now I’m doing this video I just did a little homework I looked at some scriptures did my investigation to present you with some content to help you I gather an information online I gather information from the scriptures I gather
Information from different locations so that I can provide you with the truth I spoke to different people um to hear I heard different people who don’t even know each other and the crazy part is their stories are totally similar it’s happening to people all around the world and it’s going to continue to
Happen until the people stand up and say we’re no longer going to support watch this we talk about dealing with demonic altars but nobody wants to deal with fraternities and sororities that that that they house altars all right all right Hallelujah now watch this Ephesians 5 and 11 says you have to
Expose the spiritual deception it says take no part and the unfruitful works of darkness it says but rather expose them First John 3 16 says by this we know we know love that he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren
Second Corinthians 2 and 4 uh Second Corinthians 4 and 6 says for God who said let light shine out of Darkness has shown our in our hearts to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God not the knowledge of the Greek not the knowledge of man but the knowledge of
The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ I really believe that it’s going to take us as believers to get on the same page thank you for those that are sowing may the Lord bless you amen if this message is a blessing to you you could sell I’m going to pray
Right now but I want you to understand and I only did a little bit I’m you know like I said I’m I’m not the expert here but in my research I’m I’m looking and I’m saying how could this be like how how are we okay with this like how
How does this get man listen huh I grew up in the hood so you know you got Street knowledge and and this is what really bothers me too if you if you if you you got extra discernment when you born in the street you y’all everybody know you get
Everybody know you get the discernment before you get the spiritual discernment if you was born in the streets right because you had to learn how to avoid issue you had to learn how to discern people really fast you had to learn how to discern situations really fast or
Else you wouldn’t make it out like you would not make it out how many people know if you were born in the streets you got an extra layer of discernment like anybody anybody can agree with that now I know we all educated now I know we all
Been to college and we all and I’ve been to college and I’ve been to some prestigious uh prestigious I received an honorary doctor from a prestigious School a really great school um where a lot of people have received honorary doctors and stuff like that and
I and I I received I I earned a doctorate at a really awesome school as well the point I’m trying to make is I I never felt the need for Fraternity or I never felt the need like even watching the movie Stomp the Yard it kind of was awkward to me Drumline
That was awkward to me a lot of these things were awkward to me because it’s it just was like watching black panther black panther is is you know it’s a movie it’s a Marvel movie to watch but when you start to see cultural things that are off or you start to see certain
Things you you you tend to cringe a little bit because you realize yeah I know this is just a movie but you know there’s something behind what what’s what you just saw or it is something you’re seeing and when I’m seeing people you know making pledges and and and and
And getting involved in this and I know the effects of it I know a lot of people have been broken behind this man listen oh I hope that this video helps so we’re gonna pray all right Hallelujah we’re gonna pray because we’re ending now I’ve been on for about uh two hours
And I’m gonna get off so father in the name of Jesus we come before you Lord today for those that are repeating after me and God we repent of every demonic oath of every demonic altar of every demonic uh desire to be a part of uh the crowd
Or to be included in uh the the search for Higher Learning which leads to demonic altars empowered by Greek gods and Fallen Angels Lord we just expose it right now in the name of Jesus I thank you Father that you’re anointing and your glory is on this live and that God
Not only are you bringing information but you’re bringing impartation and you’re bringing that release God I pray that they would not just experience relief but they would experience release and God I just declare as far as this goes that this video will not be shut down my accounts will not be shut down
There will be no issue Lord it will just move forward smoothly and land exactly where it needs to land and God we stand in our position Lord we know that there are some Wicked preachers we know there are some Wicked Bishops and elders and different people we know they know the
Depths of what they agreed to and God I pray that that I great I pray that if they don’t change their church WIll empty out I just declare my satavakia that the people would just have a mind to move that God you are so faithful that you’ll cause people to move and
Believe it was their idea I just declared that you would just do it and you would just begin to do it now I pray that people would begin to wise up to those that are connected openly connected to these sororities and those who are moving in these things while
Trying to manage the body of Christ the Bible says if we’re not good in our own home what are we to do with the church and father we’re not good at shop God I just declare that every Spirit connected to this every Heavenly celestial spirit every terrestrial
Spirit every demon of of the heavenlies every demon of the night and demons of the day where the Bible says the demon of the Noom day and the demon of the night all of these demons that are connected to the Demons of knowledge of of the knowledge of man and and the
Elitism Father the spirit of Pride and the spirit of lust and the spirit of drunkenness and the spirit father of of deep-seated Rage all of these things father would be broken in the name of Jesus and I just declare that the post-traumatic uh stress syndrome syndrome father the PTSD upon them
Father God would be broken Lord the traumatic thing that they’ve gone through the ocean they created father I just declare that you would swap out the those who repent you would swap out the allegiance you would disconnect them completely and they will have no backlash there will be no release father
We renounce in repeat after me say I renounce every demon every every Spirit connected to a Greek letter that I participated in I renounce every Altar and I and I and I and I reconcile I reconcile Within Myself dead to every Greek letter altar that I’ve submitted to and that I’ve
Fallen down to worship and I break every oath of Brotherhood and Sisterhood uh to any fraternity and any Allegiance other than the body of Christ other than the Brethren and The Sisterhood of the body of Christ we renounce it right now in the name of Jesus and Lord I pray that
As I’m coming out so do many others if you repeat after me if you believe that and you repeat it after me the spirit of the Lord is moving you forward in Jesus mighty name once again the strength behind the sorority and the fraternity and the fallen angels and all
Of the demons that are connected is bound by the power of an oath the oath moves Throne Thrones The Oath requires blood the oath is made in different dimensions so you could be affected in any Dimension you could be affected in your body your soul is to swear not by
Your hair it says swear not by the city you could be affected by a region you could be affected that’s why most people say well I swore to oath but then I moved over here and nothing’s working for me why because you sworn oath and you actually have to be connected to
That City you have to be doing something in that city right that’s helping that that deity wherever that deity is you know the Bible says that in pergamos there was the seed of Satan and so the church and pergamos there was a city there was a location geographical
Location where Satan set his throne there are certain Thrones throughout all of the United States all around the world where there are Thrones okay and as Christians you cannot be ignorant okay there are demonic Thrones and it takes a lot for you to Dethrone a
Demonic Throne how do you get rid of a demonic Throne or altar you have to starve it you have to starve it you cannot put any sacrifice on it okay you can’t you cannot put a sacrifice on an altar you’re trying to destroy how do you destroy an altar
Don’t put any sacrifices on it when Elisha came he had to rebuild the altar why because though nobody had put sacrifices on it it fell apart by default an altar with no sacrifices Lord I feel like preaching will fall apart that’s why the Bible says you are Masha
Tabaya he is it says present your bodies as a what Living Sacrifice right and God can keep all of you together if you’re presenting your body as a Living Sacrifice that means you’re continually giving yourself to the Lord continually yielding yourself to the things of God
Then the Bible tells us that you will prove that God’s will is good acceptable and holy all right before all men and so I love you guys may the Lord bless you if this message was a blessing to you I want you to do me a favor do me a wonderful favor
I want you to go on here and I want you to click that link go into the link tree right there and if this message was a blessing you could sow a seed to the man of God and say man of God you really
Bless me and I want you to tell me how I want you to tell me what you learned and also I want you to stay connected with us you go on the link tree you can go into our other social media apps if you guys aren’t on YouTube let’s go to
YouTube we talk about a lot of different things over there the symptoms of an unclean spirit I just dealt with true Faith versus false faith I dealt with the signs of a familiar spirit and I began to talk about all these different things and I want you guys to be a part
Of our community all right also we also are fully accredited as a bible college that is what we do we’re real knowledge Bible College and we are internationally fully accredited if you want to go to school maybe we can help you we have customized degrees that can help in any
Arena that you want and we just added some new content we have the introduction to biblical counseling and we’re just getting ready to add pastoral counseling so if you you want to get a counseling degree that is able to go from the spiritual realm over into the
Secular realm we can facilitate that for you may the Lord bless you we love you in Jesus mighty name I am Apostle Dr Jason Welsh and I am signing out may you all be blessed in the name of the Lord in Jesus name all my Apostles and
Prophets my good friends hey I see Apostle Kimberly McClinton hey I remember you uh woman of God your psalmist Reigns Mama I love you may the Lord bless you I hope to see you soon you guys came to our church in California when you came down uh may the
Lord bless you guys I love you guys tell your daughter we said hello amen Apostle Catherine I see you there God bless you love you amen Apostle Daniel McLean I saw you on there God bless you love you amen Prophet Melissa Gusto see you there
God bless you love you amen uh may you all be blessed okay and you have a nice wonderful day and watch this the Bible watch this this is what I’ve learned with Jesus when you use the word and you use the word correctly you ain’t got to worry about no backlash
You ain’t got to worry about no backlash you know a lot of times the reason why people have backlash is because they’re doing things that are not scripture let me give you my scripture reference when Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil that was spiritual
Warfare and what did he do he said it is written it is written it is written and because he said thank you for those that are sowing I know many of you can be a blessing be a blessing and uh he he said it is written it is written it is
Written why and guess what there was no backlash the Bible says the devil had to leave him for another opportune time it didn’t say he came right back actually it took about two years before the devil showed up again and I’m telling you if
You guys know how to use the word of God in the right way in the right way you will not have any backlash you could remove that from your theology that’s just a Band-Aid you know what that is that’s a Band-Aid for people who just want to be in Ministry
But don’t study okay I’m in Lake Elsinore I am in Lake Elsinore yes I am I’m in the city of Lake Elsinore and I am a I am a part our church is amazing Church Lake Elsinore okay now once again here’s my disclaimer I know a lot of people who have renounced
Uh sororities and fraternities there’s people on here now Apostle Kevin’s on here uh uh Williams there are people on here now that have have renounced it and I want to tell you they’re really good people and I believe there’s a lot of really good people who have you’ve done the
Pledges maybe you didn’t do your homework and you did a pledge and you didn’t do your homework I’m not gonna I’m not just gonna assume that you investigated and you really know everything because the truth be told a lot of people are being told by the Holy
Spirit to leave it and it’s not because they really investigated it it’s the Holy Spirit has been convicting them and I’m gonna tell you I I know you’re a good person I know you’re a strong believer I want you to be an understanding believer I pray that the spirit of
Wisdom in Revelation would Enlighten the eyes of your understanding that you would see the hope of your calling in Christ Jesus that you and I have to look for an organization you would not have to be a part of uh uh these weird Greek uh denominations that you would be able
To submit fully to God and enjoy the benefits of the Salvation that comes from the Lord I’m just declaring that every attachment that you have that is hindering you that God would just bless you and show you that it is so much greater on the other side and I pray that all allegiances
That are connected to any sphere of the enemy and the Demonic realm those things would be broken in the name of the Lord I love you guys I love you guys so much and I really appreciate you thank you for joining and you can do me a favor just make sure you’re sharing
The video keep on sharing okay and then I’ll let you guys know when I come on for something else I don’t got nothing right now I just I’m just gonna chill and spend time with the holy spirit so I love you guys in Jesus