All right so this video is for everybody who’s in a Greek letter organization and also claims to be a Christian so if you say you love Jesus and your letters this is for you now I don’t doubt for a second that there are true Christians who are in fraternities and sororities
And if you are legitimately saved and you’re in these organizations you know as well as I know that a lot of y’all ls’s and your lbs are lost and by law I mean that they’re not saved when I say they’re not saved I mean if they were
Unalive today they would not go to heaven and when I say they wouldn’t go to heaven I mean if you don’t go to heaven where else you going I’m not Catholic so Purgatory is not an option here Greeks talk a lot of trash about people who are t-shirt wearers which are
People who pretty much just join so that they can take all the social benefits that come along with Greek life but contribute little to nothing to all the hard work and the actual community service that y’all signed up for and then there’s people out there who wear Greek paraphernalia when they’re not
Even affiliated with the Greek organization they call them perps it’s real easy to look the part and wear the letters until somebody who really is in the order calls you out well the same thing happens in the church World a lot of people attend church on Sundays but
They’re not true believers in the same way that wearing a officer don’t make you an alpha or wearing pink and green don’t make you an AKA going to church or singing on the choir don’t make you a Christian so if you Greek and you think you’re an expert on Christianity I got a
Quiz for you now this quiz ain’t for me this is for y’all okay you don’t have to prove your salvation to me just like y’all can tell that I’m wearing a filter right now God can tell if you’re a false convert my goal is that y’all do some self-examination and reflecting to
Determine whether or not you are truly in the faith because if you can’t answer these basic questions I’m about to ask you it could be the Lord trying to get your attention Okay question number one is Jamal Bryant your favorite Pastor if so you have already failed this test
Joking sort of okay but for real though question number one doctrinally Speaking how is Christianity different from every other world religion question number two what is the gospel and provide a supporting scripture Define justification Define sanctification what is the Great Commission what commandment fulfills the whole of the law how do we
Know that Jesus Is God In the Flesh provides supporting scriptures if Jesus Is God In the Flesh then who is he praying to on the cross what’s the significance of the parable of the solar fill in the blank God is blank in person and blank in being Jesus is the blank of
The law without the blank of blank there is no forgiveness of sins Jesus is blank percent man and blank percent God by blank are you saved through blank now don’t cheat now but tell me how you did in the comments and if you failed it don’t mean that you’re not a Christian
But it might mean that you’re not a Christian the fact is some of y’all know less Bible than Hebrew Israelites and that’s a problem