Greetings greetings greetings I want to just bid everyone greetings blessings to you and your family across the board from mines to yours hoping that this Wednesday find you indeed healthy and well lessons to all the sisters of the order and brothers of the class today we want to discuss and have a conversation
In regards to that the divine nine in Freemasonry or Freemasonry in the divine nine because it was brought to my attention by dear friend of mine the question is how do brothers in the various Greek organization in sororities treat each other when they are part of the Fraternal Order of freemasons and
The order of the east and stop allow you I’m going to introduce myself to you as for us the Greek organization for which I’m a part of which is beta side five incorporated alpha Zeta chapter you may see historical black college out of West Point Mississippi I player seven weeks
Had a great time at that at that at that moment in my life my youth oh I had a wonderful time you know the Greek shows loved it the parties love that did did all of that college life loved it I mean when I trade it for a it was it was the
Beginning for me and in my journey into Freemasonry because the Dave Austin who was the gentleman that was the overseer for our for our chapter on a campus and his wife was the overseer for Sigma Tau Epsilon big shout out to use Sigma Topsail on and you know we we had our
Moments it was great I mean it was it was it was all of that so now it’s funny because I’m the Dean of pledges on a national level for beta sapphire and the and it’s crazy because the president of Beta Safa is the prince all Mason yeah you heard me right
Betta sci-fi incorporated no we’re not a part of the Divine nine however the funny thing is is that the president of beta sapphire is a prince hall Mason and I am NOT of that jurisdiction that affiliation and you know we have our we have our conversations we do just like this week
For those who are traveling to Las Vegas to fellowship for our Conclave that’s gonna be in Vegas better sci-fi holding our annual con claim is gonna be in Vegas this weekend I will not be in attendance I have some other Masonic business I’ll be taking care of but
They’re going and they’re gonna be having a ball I’m quite sure that I will see pictures and you know we’ll be putting them up on Facebook and our Facebook groups and things like that and it’s going to be a ball but the thing is is that some of us are ancient foreign
Accepted Masons some of my brothers are free to accept amazes some are modern and international John gee whatever label you want to put it is just like soup it is just like soup and it’s funny because we have the conversation but there’s no disrespect in having the conversation so tonight we’re gonna talk
About the divine 9 and Freemasonry and those of you who may be part of the Greek fraternities and sororities and I know that you a part also of the order of Eastern Star and Freemason so how does that come into play I just told you
For me it’s funny I mean I enjoy you know but for some you know it may get a little tense Charles what’s up brother correct me if I’m wrong what you got for me alright let me see your affiliation does not make a Mason your affiliation
Does not make a may sneak you explain to me when you say your affiliation does not make a Mason then I can answer your question in that regards there are brother Charles what’s a bit coupe I think big coupe is Anna is a member of Omega side 5 I’m not mistaken he can
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think he is good evening to everyone who’s coming on tonight tonight thank you I appreciate that what’s up brother Shahid I said I’m alaykum to you so the Ted today we’re talking about Freemasonry in the divine nine divine nine and free matron how does that sit
With you when you are fellowshipping with those who may be of various jurisdictions in the Fraternal Order of Freemasonry in the order of the Eastern Star how does that sit with you well you know that they’re not part of your jurisdiction or affiliation in any type
Of way and they are a part of your national body of Greek organization how does that sit with you I mean in my own personal experience I’ve really not had any discourse none whatsoever at all even with my brothers like I said the president for better sci-fi
Incorporated he’s cool I mean you know we chitchat you know he said brother hoppers I know you deep into that missionary stuff but could you please do this and get you yeah if I could make it out go you know if he if he wants me to
Do something and it has force on the national level and talk to the brothers and funk we do what we do you know and we both understand that hey we’re both Masons you’re according to both Masons trust me on that we have had our conversations you know but in knowing
That we don’t allow that to interfere with who we are because before we was Mason’s we had pledged together we was on line together seven weeks I was the seventh man on line I go get my break in a minute I had a ball so we’ll be taking your questions tonight
In regards to the divine 9 and Freemasonry let me remove let me reword that oh right what you got he’s talking about being ain’t your friend accept nation or Prince all title does not make you a freemason absolutely it does not make you a freemason you know being a
Part of any jurisdiction under a particular labor does not make your Mason what makes you a Mason is your obligation that’s a fact nothing more nothing less the jurisdiction for which you become a member of Freemasonry ins and is a jurisdiction be it whatever you want to call it that’s the jurisdiction that
Major Mason that’s what you took your obligation at it’s not even complicated but a lot of people like to make it complicated but we’re gonna stick with tonight’s topic you know we’re gonna talk about Freemasonry in the divine nine how do brothers and sister fellowship knowing that they’re in various
Jurisdictions with information do they allow that to interfere with that do they see each other as equal is the fellowship more intense what’s going on with that you know from my own experience as a freemason and as a member of better sci-fi I enjoy I mean
You know when we go to the Conclave when we get together for reunions and things like that it’s a blast everybody know who everybody is you know some of us we’re not masonic jurisdiction shirts and everything but we having a ball you know so why is it that we can’t you know
That’s the weirdest thing you can’t do that free ministry at all in some parts of the world and especially in United States but when it comes to Greek organizations you can do that because I know a lot of brothers who are members of Phi Beta Sigma and they see me with
My burgundy and wine I saw who is what’s that brother can I tell them my name is like okay alright and I you know I can give them the history to run down the whole thing they’d be like oh okay so y’all part of this swag South Western
Athletic Conference you know if you for missus the state up that way you know exactly where West Point is that if you are if you understand the SWAC you knew about Jackson State Alcorn Grambling you know about the swag baby you know the Southwestern Conference you know ain’t
Nothing like the swag nothing like it you can say whatever you want to say nothing like the swag Battle of the Bands halftime is the best show you know exactly what I’m talking about so let’s get right into a greetings everybody Johnny John what’s up teller
Johnny boy you think we want to say Jenna tell us so bad so yeah we’re gonna get right into this tonight so if anybody got any questions just oh yeah southern so just holler at me tonight we’re talking about the divine 9 information how does that affect you
What does that come into play when you come across brothers of a different jurisdiction sisters of the Order of the Eastern Star would part of various jurisdiction but you guys are part of the same fraternity how does that affect you what does that come into play at I’d
Like to hear back from if somebody want to call in tonight you’re certain work on do so that number is six one nine nine eight five one one eighty four if you want to make that call and tonight we’re gonna have that topic of conversation and regards to the divine
Nine in Freemasonry how does that touch you where were where do you see this at in your journey and how did you get to where you’re at knowing that there are brothers in your Greek fraternity there who you may considered it not to be regular Masons or maybe they’re
Irregular to you how does that affect you what does that come in at I am non denying Greek but affiliation never been a problem a brother time to is my motto alright I see there like one Mecca you what the Mac oh man is where it’s that
Brother let me tell you you know that’s the hey ain’t nothing like going to historical black college you can call it whatever you want to call a nothing like it oh yeah and Matt conference is a good conference it’s a good conference but let’s let’s really take a look at it and
Tell me how you feel tonight in regards to brothers being part of different jurisdictions and yet you’re part of the same Greek fraternity how does that affect you how how’s your relationship with brothers in that regards and could you please hit the like button share the
Video you know for some odd reason my videos have been shared but I’m not getting the return as far as how many subscribers are to the channel I don’t know what’s going on with it but please share the videos and hopefully that someone along the way can get something
Out of them that is my hope so we’re looking at tonight as I said you know what’s what’s going on with the divine 9 and cremation how does that affect you where does that come into play in your journey as a freemason do you see the divine mind being a conflict of interest
Because above the brothers and sisters from various jurisdictions who are great what we got going on I was in a lodge under regular Grand Lodge of Illinois’s what’s up now I know about that one and the wish for master was fo fo-fo I asked my little brother who’s
Flat and how is that possible since we weren’t happy oh my god yeah mm-hmm what you think what you think brings so many brothers that pledge to Freemasonry well to answer your question what do I think that brings so many brothers together that a pledge and they come up to
Freemason it’s the fact that when you pledge you know your young man you know bond that you create doing the flag downhill week it’s a lot that’s taking place in the bond really becomes tight and strong but when you begun that but when you begin that journey as a
Freemason you’re entering adulthood and I say that because in Freemasonry you’re supposed to be becoming a better man although you are already a good man and in the process of becoming that better man you are surrounded with adults I mean people who are doing things and they’re like they’re successful they’re
Moving they’re you know these are the people that should be in your large these are the people that you should be around so when an individual comes into the lodge he don’t see freaks yeah after the campus the beta’s the Sigma’s they are the nukes he don’t see them what he
Sees a group of men that come together to help this man become a better man it’s all about a man who this is why I firmly believe that free masons should be that rites of rites of passage for the african-american man who’s looking to become part of something bigger than
Himself granny I can’t take it I can’t take anything away from the Greeks I can’t some people say this shouldn’t call themselves Greeks because of the Romans and all that stuff but I can’t take anything away from them because I pledged and I had a ball and I loved it
At that age would I do it again at the age yeah I’d do it again but as I got older I realized that it sure was crazy some of the stuff I did I shouldn’t have never done and I’m like oh my god did I do that did that you did you know
Looking back on and it’s funny now but as a man I put away two childish things and that’s what we do when you when you become a freemason you put away the childish things this you know you’re hearing the unique thing is is that as I grew in freemason
There was no hazing no boards now Brandon when I first came in that was some of that but as I grew into Freemasonry when I became wishful master we tweaked hey hey hey you know when I became wishful master some of the older guys that kind of allow that you know they
Kind of figured that it was something that the younger brothers wanted to do but when I became wishful Masson as I was sitting in the different chairs on the way to the east it was like no this is not what we want what we are all about
And that went out the window you know and I believe that the young brothers who become Masons they bring that attitude of pledging with them you know they do they cuz I brought it with me I did but the brothers that was in the lodge who were older to calm me
Down like online they had to calm me down but they did you know what’s up brother Cooper rod let’s see you say you’re in a band for turnit E with the divine nine members were also masons of various jurisdiction I have and I can honestly say we have
Never let that determine our Masonic relationship it was always pleasant but see what you’re saying is absolutely correct but here’s the flipside of that you have brothers in various jurisdictions who will not yet matured and understand that and this is the dilemma that we face in our journey as
Freemasons as black men and sisters of the order this is what we face and it shouldn’t be that way I remember here in San Diego not long ago when the divine nine came together they had their annual barbecue and all that stuff and I showed
Up I had my little jacket on I was neighbors like who invited you you know I’m that long brother they you know they went to for me about you know my fraternity neighbors I were you and I was explaining to him and you know a couple brother Swaggart came over things
Like hey what’s up you know blah blah blah you know they know me by my line name too and then there was a few brothers from Vader King on signal came over and they was like hey brother you know so it kind of like smoothed over and they knew who I am
They Know Who I am as for cremations concerned cause some of them are are members of Prince Hall here in San Diego miss Hawkins you know so I don’t know what happens or how does it come into play for some and just reading the comment the brother said it was pleasant
Pleasant for him you know and and that’s a that’s just that’s a strange thing hello brothers and sisters greeting st. John’s large number 35 Spain oh man welcome aboard tonight my brother welcome aboard tonight who else we got up great brothers and sisters yep greetings to everyone brother Cooper kress
I don’t know what that means zero 9 mu theta oh okay and what was crazy is wild and can’t come for my little brother’s wedding it was the apples in the east on the PHA my aunt whose pho myself but had no clue about the jurisdiction differences was
All love but see these it was all love and that’s what it’s supposed to be why is it so difficult for us to to take that same energy we have in the divine nine and our Greeks and bring that over into free mention and say look granite
We are of various jurisdictions in an orderly sandstorm we are but that shouldn’t hinder you from loving me that shouldn’t hinder you from respecting me that should not hinder you from cutting me down that should actually make things more of a better draw us and you know
That should draw us and I don’t know what happens but act to me that should draw a singing I’m just singing when I see another Greek this is a true story so I was that big blocks here in San Diego and that was a brother who was new
To San Diego but he had a Phi Beta Sigma hat on cap baseball cap so when I walked past my what’s up great he stopped turned around look oh what’s up brah are you doing you know so I say you know what you new here
In the city yeah yeah cuz I know um quite a few of the Greeks here he’s like yes I said let me introduce you to the president of the chapter this here in San Diego he was like really I said yeah I know so I took him in an induced him
And he was like man thank you thank you brother I appreciate it and he became the president well not angles to the president well he became the head contributor personnel for my campaign when I ran for City Council I was like oh this is like off the chain
You know he was that guy you know so we had our conversations there was great conversation what’s the divine nine the divine nine is those black Greek fraternities and sororities that come together a made up this unity of divine nine each one was founded in a different year so they have
This this thing that brings them together that is called divine nine even though on college campuses they may step against each other they may have a change of words with each other but as as they look at the divine 9s that that’s that thing that brings them
Together so the divine nine is is is is is a umbrella for which those are our Greek fraternities and sororities coming together in fellowship you know so I hope I was able to answer that bloop bloop okay so we got a turtle in the house and the same thing the Turtles how
Do you feel when you in I met it I made a lot of brothers from various Jews did you a part of the turtle so what’s that all about you know that’s another thing you know you have brothers who are part of the turtles and but they are part of
Mason’s also in various jurisdictions how does that affect you how does that play into the conversation do you look at him or her differently you look at the fact that hey that’s my brother Mason that’s my sister of the order of the east and stop yeah we’re part of the turtles we’re
Part of the divine nine and other fraternities how does that come into play just as enable us to render to every man his jest do without distinction I don’t remember it mentioned jurisdiction I’m just saying absolutely what’s up there brother green how you doing hope all is well with you and your
Family man peace and love so definitely this is what it’s all about you know and the thing is if we can find that that thing that it that can unite us as masonry in the order of instance all should be doing we who are part of this great organization would be so much
Better off we would be we wouldn’t be so concerned with small things we just would be and that’s the uniqueness that I like about the divine 9 they’re not concerned about the small thing they actually come together and unite and build a plant and build upon the fact
That they’re all Greeks they’re all part of the other Greek fraternities and sororities they take that and they build on it now what if we can do the same thing what if we who are Mason can take that same attitude and apply it across the board what if we can do that that
Would be freakin amazing it would be you know the power that you can that you can flex when you’re able to do that but most of us don’t understand power we are too busy trying to do other things too we miss out on a real power base if we
Took that attitude and used it for sure if we took the attitude that the line 9 has developed and used it in freemason across the board man you’re talking about I’m talking my legitimate power to were you if you needed something done you can make it happen straight up because
There’s a lot of brothers who are in the Greek fraternity who in different places and levels in business and in life just like it is information the only thing is that they have taken the divine nine and used it to help push push their agenda
As far as the divine nine and the Greeks of concern the aggress what I’ve done with it I know i’ma see we can the divine nine play a role in your personal life yeah it can the divine nine can actually play a role in your personal
Life because the divine nine in itself I would say it is in my own opinion can actually elevate an individual they can because I know some brothers who are part of will make us I find that who are in very high level in business I know
Some brothers who are part of Sigma 5 Sigma Phi Beta Beta let me see is a Sigma Phi better yet who are in positions to actually elevate in higher brothers I mean they’re in these positions so yes in your personal life yeah they can’t I’ll give them that
I don’t take nothing from the divine nine what I actually say this is that we can actually learn from them we can we do it all the time especially when we go on fellowship knowing that various brothers are from various jurisdictions who are Masons and
Eastern Stars we do that we do it all the time I love the Turtles because it teaches us to stick adventure for brother just like the Freemasons we are taught to spread they seem in a brotherly love oh yeah you know and think about that wouldn’t you meet a
Brother who’s part other turtles or sisters how do you feel we apart from different when you’re from different jurisdictions how does that come into play for you you know I mean really I know the turtles have national convenor and all of that but how is it that the freemason is yet
To learn the very essence of unity see here’s the thing people think because you unify that you all have to agree look that’s farthest from the truth unity simply means that we’re going to unite for a particular cause now whether we agree to take the left or the right
The fact that the matter is that we agree we agree that on this road right here this is the best road for us to take we all agree now some of us will drive fast some of us will drive slow but it’s the road that we all agree that
Would take us in a direction for which we must travel and that’s what the divine nine does for the whole Greek fraternity sorority thing that’s what it does for them in my opinion regards to what I know about them okay greetings brothers what’s up Kirkland I appreciate
You coming on peace and blessings been watching your videos for a while pray for a continuous success level thank you I appreciate that you know we all need prayer no man don’t tell me no man walks alone I don’t care what you say no man walks alone so the discussion
Tonight is the divine nine and the Freemasons how do you feel you know if you want to call in tonight if you want to call that tonight let’s let’s do that if you want to call in tonight you’re certainly welcome to do so that numbers gonna be six one nine nine eight five
One one eight four that’s gonna be the call and number tonight if you want to do that we certainly will appreciate it I’m having that number posted right now that’s gonna be six one nine nine eight five one one eight four if you want to call it in tonight and
Have the discussion about the divine 9 if you are a part of any fraternity Greek fraternity do you want to call in and have that conversation you’re certainly welcome to do so again the number six one nine nine eight five one one eight four we can talk about the
Differences and those similarities and things that unite us instead of divide us because a lot of times that’s what we concentrate on and that really hinders our growth it really does it really hinders our growth greetings greetings brothers for life I heard that brothers and sisters all right so definitely we
We’re gonna get it in tonight if you’re just joining us if you’re just joining us we are talking about the divine nine in freemason you know the similarities the differences how is it that the the Greeks can can take various our fraternities and sororities and join together in a united cause although they
May have their own separate agendas and why is it so difficult for freemasons amongst African Americans amongst blacks amongst whatever why is it so difficult for us to do is saying why are we so hell-bent on the fact that I’m hearing you there that’s the nice show the
Divine item in the divine nine information being a Greek myself as I said before I feel that you know it’s all love it really has really is knowing that I have brothers in my fraternity who are part of the various jurisdiction let me tell you have a brother his name
Is we call him oh no big brother oh no he’s from Chicago and oh no his party international he is I have a brother named Buckner you know Frank killer aka frat killer that’s what we call him and if I’m not mistaken he’s part of the ancient free and accepted me
The president of my fraternity as I said earlier he’s prints all day what I know when I got to Washington he lives in Washington when I got to Washington and I said hey minimum Washington he said you know Washington State I said no I’m in Washington DC say stop by Holly and I
Did picked him up had a great time I went down by Union Station had dinner and lunch you know it was great you know we were Greeks we pledge I pledge I pledge Sam I had to think about that I pledged him so but we’re both Masons and
We know that do we grip yes we grip now only do we grip as Mason but we gripped as fraternal brothers too because every Greek fraternity has their own little thing that they do and we did that we understood sometimes you don’t have to say words you don’t I don’t know what
Most people say you don’t have when you know to say nothing good you don’t even trip it’s all good but we realize that who you have drawn up you look toward it’s a whole nother world it’s a whole nother world William Latour when you see that and know that for yourself it’s the
Bomb hey how’s it coming she didn’t say nothing she just walked up the steps by the time I’m just saying anyone back to the show you know oh right let me see what we got up here we would be unstoppable we would be but the powers
That be and when I say the powers that be are those who are in charge of the grand lodges your grand masters are the ones who actually drive the different fraternities do I tell you what if I didn’t love my grandkids so much that little dog that y’all here
I’m just saying anyway so I love the turtles become okay I read that one already peace and blessings definitely to you and yours I show love to all the turtles no matter if your ancient free what yeah brother you showing love to all up that’s what it should be that’s
What it should be but the thing is is that we all know that you wanna find those individuals and there’s one gonna probably come on at night and he’s gonna put his to sin in he’s gonna have some things that he wants to say you know we
Know that but we have to be careful yeah we have to definitely be careful you know in regards to that because there there are some what I will call trolls in the group and if they watch this video you know exactly who they are because they gonna say something they are they’re
Gonna say something so if you want to call that tonight and have that conversation six one nine nine eight five one one eight four is the number once again that number tonight if you want to call in and have this discuss is divine nine and Freemasonry we can have
That talk it doesn’t matter your jurisdiction but I understand so again number six one nine nine eight five one one eight four you can call in tonight and and in indefinitely we can break down some things as I began to read your comments let’s see what I got
Here have you ever noticed Greeks that belongs to historical black colleges don’t give respect to the same Greek that pledge yet predominant white and yeah well two things that happens when you pledge at a predominantly white institution they don’t usually allow the Greeks I’m gonna say Greeks as for as Omega any
Any Greek data part that is a part of the Divine nine usually don’t have a house on predominant white campuses they usually don’t they’re usually pledging and it’s probably underground or grad or doing something else they don’t usually play it out front and then storage them disrespecting those Greeks who plays a
Predominantly white institution they they get the love but it is a little different because when you come from a historical black college you get the full effect that’s all it is there’s no disrespect to any Greek that male players that are predominant white institution it’s just the idea that it’s
A little different when you pledge are in a school that belongs to the South Western Athletic Conference or Mac or the Mac it’s a little different in those two conferences you know you you I was talking to a sister who pledged out here in California she had no clue in regards
To HBC’s she was like what does HBC and I’m like I you you seriously acts mean what is an H be safe she’s like yeah what’s the acronym I say historical black college she was like okay okay okay let’s see that’s the difference when East Coast versus West Coast is the
Difference let me share this [ __ ] with you two that’s what is Freemasonry is concerned there’s a difference in Freemasons on the west coast and the East Coast it is and the reason that is is because most of your predominantly african-american on the East Coast anything east of Texas predominantly
African Americans are on the East Coast now we’re on the west coast too but we’re not as strong we’re not see on the East Coast you have black radio stations you do you have black television stations on the west coast you’ll find a few you do in LA
You’ll find a couple and Oakland you’ll find a couple and that’s about it see on the East Coast you get the Tom Joyner Morning Show you get Steve Harvey you get you name it they’re on the radio and they’re bombing now on the west coast
Yeah you if you’re in LA okay if you’re in LA yeah la got a black bomb and radio station and I think they got a couple but other than that in Oakland that’s all you’re gonna get that’s just the truth you know and that’s the difference so there is a different flavor information
You know Freemason on the west coast pretty laid-back anything east of Texas is pretty intense if you’re a Mason east of Texas is intense once you come west of Texas it’s pretty laid-back you know it is is very it is very laid-back it is nothing like the
East Coast is for his manners concerned that’s why I like going home a lot of times you know that it’s just a it’s just a different field and you know that if you have ever 20 if you have ever traveled to the west coast as amazing you know it’s pretty
Laid-back you know that in a view from the west coast you’ve ever traveled East to visit and fellowship with brothers in the Masonic Order you know it’s kind of this look difference it’s a little intense and that’s the truth you know now why is that I couldn’t tell you you
Know other than that you have predominant black is East you’re talking it from the chocolate City Washington a chocolate city Atlanta you know all of that yeah it’s what you’re gonna find this come West ain’t happen Arizona anything happening California ain’t happening Nevada it ain’t have everybody come to invite
Vegas but don’t nobody stay in Vegas you come to the party and gonna leave that’s what you come to do you know that’s exactly what you come to do what we got here 18 what we did I miss some 1837 what’s 1837 brother 1896 the best well we all know about 1896 I’m
Not complaining about 1896 greetings from Nimrod Lodge all right what’s going on Nimrod North Carolina appreciate it North Carolina AT&T my teacher went there greetings from Omaha Nebraska Jesus you know what Omaha Nebraska oh my god is there any black people know Mohammed Nebraska oh I’m just saying I’m I’ma be
Honest job now for sure count kook all right then welcome aboard so tonight we are talking about the divine nine and Freemasonry what is it that the divine nine does to unite them as a power structured organization that we in Freemasonry should be doing what is it
You know how they learned to set aside their differences and look at it from like political from a financial from a whole nother a power point of view have they realized that together they can really make a lot of things happen have have they understand they understood
That even though they are united they can still have the differences because of who they are but yet work together because of who they are have they have they have they found the antidote for uniting and pushing an agenda have they in in if they have why is it so
Difficult for freemason and no one of these two star to do the same Wow why is it that is so hard for us to say look despite our very jurisdictions here’s what we need to do for the betterment of our people in the betterment of our community
Why is that so difficult what seed has been planted in our mind to have a soul at odds with each other that we can’t get over them what have we actually pushed the agenda and said look we shouldn’t be acting this way we shouldn’t beat this way whatever you
Actually done you know and we’re gonna have to take a serious look at that and I think once again as I’ve said before if it was not for my grandkids that dog that y’all here man oh wait you know who we that’s all I gotta say all right I
Appreciate the information on your channel looking to make some decisions soon well I make a good decision I don’t know what you when you say make a decision is that is that a decision to join Freemasonry what decision are you looking to make brother mr. black speaks
What what decision you looking to make most of the Greek French was created by Freemason is there your eyes Muslim work you know including the one I’m a part of that’s the funniest thing they were but here’s the thing they have understood and learned and were able to get over
Some of the hurdles that prevented them to from becoming a more structural organization that is able to push an agenda they was able to say look we’re bigger than that the ideal is is for us who amazing have not yet caught on to that being one of the oldest
Organizations around we have not yet understood the power of unity we have heard of it we’ve seen it but we have yet to understand it and this is the dilemma that we all face this is what we have when we’re not able to see the value in each other and that’s
Another thing maybe because some masons don’t see the value in their brothers and sisters and this is what you get you get people who are in leadership but because they’re in leadership they don’t see the value of you being on international Mason they don’t see the value in you being a prince holliman’s
They don’t see the value in you be mine and free they don’t see the value you being anxious free and accept that they don’t see the value we need to start seeing value in each other and when I see valuing you brother I definitely see
Value in me the same thing goes for the sisters when we begin to see value in each other a lot of the stuff that we see in here we will start holding each other accountable but we don’t do that because we don’t see value in each other
That’s why it’s so easy for us to hurt each other seed one thing we must understand hurt people hurt people misery loves company and that’s just the way it is so if I’m not growing and I see you growing I’m gonna try to tear you down instead of lift you up it’s not
Complicated because in in mind in my life what I try to do is this if I see a brother who’s trying to be successful and if I can contribute to that person’s success I then become successful if there’s a brother or sister who’s trying to become successful and I can assist or
Aid them in their journey on becoming successful I then in return become successful you catch that on the way home whereas blacks flop flip – okay flaps – have a stop trying to do our own thing on our own way sometimes sometimes we have to but egos aside for
The betterment of the culture absolutely I know a brother was asking me how if a brother actually a very important question and I’m gonna tell you I gave him a very real answer he said brother Hawkins he didn’t say brother Hawkins but I’m paraphrasing he said if your grandmother
Was we recognized by pH a would you accept that and at the time I told him no I told him I will walk away from Freemasonry and join another Grand Lodge of jurisdiction he was like wow you feel that way and I did and I still do I’m
Gonna tell you why I feel that way I feel that way because of individuals that I’ve come across in this journey who have shine who have disrespected me not only the Freemason but a black man so yeah I feel some type of way you know
But can I say that for every brother who is a prince or modern free international PA can I say no I can’t but what it does is it takes the organization as a whole I’m quite sure some of you can can can can can relate to that it taints the
Organization as a whole so you don’t get to build a relationship that one may desire because of that and it’s true and that’s just how I feel even when brothers from PHA here in San Diego was asking me hey bro you know what you can come over here man you can
Keep your degrees you can do this and I told him you have nothing to offer me was that bitter yeah you know why because we do not respect each enough to realize that we’re all in the same boat that’s that’s my opinion however there are some and you know exactly who you are
We can talk all day and all night about building and if you need me I’m there and this is not about your jurisdiction but you know who exactly who I’m talking to those of you who have given me a phone call those of you who have text me
Those who’ve actually tried me and I was there for you I’m like that it ain’t about your jurisdiction when it comes to me for a lot of brothers and sisters of the order it’s not because I’ve gotten phone calls from brothers from various jurisdictions what do you
Think about this a brother you know what I’m a little short can you send me a little extra change I’ve done that and I never met the person before never I would remember a sister on on on my Facebook page you know and I saw that
She put out a distress she was like I can’t find the help I need from my sisters of the order I need some help I’m a short and I nested that’s the way she put it on and I hit her up I said well how short are you and what’s going
On what you should said you know what right now this is my situation I said okay I tell you what I do you tell me where to send this to and I’ll send it to you and when I sent her the token of the love token she was like brother I
Didn’t expect to receive that I said why not she said I just didn’t I said no you’re in need of assistance you’re in need of help and I believe that if I have the means to assistant aid you I’m going to do that that’s me if I have the means to assist
Up aid somebody or to point them in a direction to it to get the aid and assistance they need that’s what it’s all about and the divine nine has figured out a way to take that and use it and build on it the idea liz is why can’t we do the same
Why is it so difficult you know you have other charms maybe get your [ __ ] together we do we need to get it together but what happens is is that we are taught certain things in our lodges and our grand lodges we are taught these things don’t talk to that brother he’s
Not this so he’s not that don’t talk to that sister she’s this she’s that we’ll talk those things but it has a grown-ass man nobody nobody keeps me away from my sisters or my brothers I don’t care what jurisdiction you in nobody keeps me away
From you that’s just me that’s how I was taught when I was coming in many years ago nobody keeps me away from you now somebody may keep you away from me but I’m gonna look different cut it look different I’m bill to look different okay so this is where I’m at
At my Masonic journey nobody keeps me away from my brothers of the crafts and my sisters of the order period I don’t care what jurisdiction you in nobody keeps you away from me if you don’t want my help I’m cool with that but if you
Ask me and I’m able to a sister a I’m gonna do what I can or point you in the direction for what you’re able to receive the help that you so desire that’s me but like I said early when the brother was asking me honest question I gave him an honest answer because
That’s how I feel and that’s how I felt at that time no disrespect but his is truth for me it was my truth that I was sharing you know it starts with us to turn the BS around it does slavery mentality with a Lynch teaching which companion till this day
To its people of color being drunk with the power hoses back drives a wedge between us yeah it does it really does you know if it’s not my way then it ain’t the right way hit the highway you know if I’m not a bum not the h NC then
Ain’t happening you know but let me tell you this here it doesn’t i can’t apply that to all of us i cannot apply that attitude to all of us I can’t because what happens is I can’t generalize all black people I can’t I can’t generalize all Prince Hall
All modern free all and I can’t do that to us so well on the line the cycle has to be broken it has to be and if it takes me along this journey to move and to break the cycle my hell something would be if it takes you
My brother Prince all to break the cycle so more if it takes a sister whatever it takes to break the cycle it has to be broken but it’s gonna take us to break it as they said in the eighties when Russia was tearing down that wall and running awakened and Ronald Reagan said
To Gorbachev tear down that wall I’m just I had to use that when I was the good one you know as mama you know I’m just saying you know it’s up to us to see the verifier that things being said is true it is in our lives we try to put
An end to the small quarrels with our Lodge we are a whole family absolutely are we don’t talk bad about the following brothers we should but see that’s something that should be taught and all my son in jurisdictions that is something that should be taught in all my son in jurisdictions but it’s
Not being talked that way what’s being taught in various jurisdictions that brother is not over here so that brother is not legitimately a Mason or an Eastern Star sister because they’re not with me you know or because they’re over there or whatever oh he’s white so you
Don’t talk no I mean we get that but my main concern as a freemason is the black Mason no disrespect to any of my brothers who are part of the mainstream Grand Lodge it’s no disrespect but my main concern when it comes to Freemasonry is the black Mason is the
Black sister of the order these to start it is us that is my main concern everything else is second that’s just how I get down everything else is second my main concern is us enough you you know if you can’t find that in your heart that your main
Concern is for your brother and your sisters that look like you that you want to be and that you want to see be successful then you have an issue hurt people hurt people so we’ll go ahead and close out tonight I certainly hope you got something from the show and maybe we
Can take something from the divine nine and use it to build a constructive Avenue formation because apparently they got something that’s working for them and if you are a part of the divine nine or if you’re not part of the by nine you’re a fraternity your Greek
Fraternity is not I just want to say keep your head up keep pushing forward and to all the and to all of my brothers who are members of beta SOT five four turn ‘ti I want to say thank you we’re gonna do what we do and and it
Is what it is and I hope that you have a great Conclave in Vegas enjoy yourself have a ball I got something I have to do for my Grand Lodge in a Masonic level not able to be there with you and we’re gonna we’re gonna push it and make it
Happen make it do what to do so you know I’m gonna get ready to close out I hope I was able to answer some of the questions that I came across and we’re gonna push the agenda you know we’re gonna push the agenda so if you are in
Houston Texas I’ll see you soon real soon so until we meet each other until we greet each other peace and love to your family lessons to everyone oh okay let’s see what we got one more I’m gonna tell y’all the secrets to why the white frets like the skulls and bones stay on
Top of the key and create the CIA the FBI to infiltrate our black societies that we that what we need to do to bring us together yeah you know what that may be for another show you know what that mean let me see that again
Let me see Prince family that may be for another show brother you know why is it that this is a good question for another show why is it that nobody wants to come join us and I struggle but we go join everybody else in their struggle that’s
What I got from his from his post right now you know they created these organizations to to infiltrate us and then have us going back and forth in each other keeping us disoriented keeping us at odds when we can’t come together they always got a move pick out a mold
And I you know they got moles in the nation they do they got molds and in in prince hall they got a Mosin mine and free they got most have to recognize and understand we can’t allow that to stop us from doing what its gonna benefit us
As a people period we can’t we can’t afford it we can no longer afford anyone including our own to come in to separate and divide us we cannot they must be dealt with that’s for a whole nother that’s who that’s for a whole nother show I gotta go hope that you the show
Blessings and peace to your family and friends and man you know hello oh you just got dropped he just coming on man I’m getting ready to go off oh my god this is getting hot you know so I put my number in I put my number already in you
Know if you want to give me a shout out tonight you can start to do that you can certainly do that after the show I’ll take your calls after the show and if you want to give me a call after the show I’m gonna get you I’m gonna put my
Number back in here once again for you that number is going to be 6 1 9 9 8 5 1 1 8 4 is the number okay again if you want to give me a call after the show then number six one nine nine eight five
One one eight four you can call me after the show hey peace and be well I’m out and stay off the bushes and keep your light on