I’m jay baker an estimate number of 25 UVA students participate in a different form of fraternal Greek life black Greek life we took a look into the differences between the inner fraternity Council and National pan-hellenic Council in the traditional Greek system members pay large fees to their fraternity monthly
Or semester Li Shep Walker of the inner fraternity council frat BG says that in the IFC those dues cover their social events so our fraternity is funded entirely off of students dues so our 58 undergraduates we pay semester Li dues so those dues cover our social service efforts and really everything else that
We’re going to be doing during the semester the National pan-hellenic Council frauds also pay dues but parties are the monetary backbone of the system James banks of the NPHC front Omega sci-fi expressed that simply paying dues cannot support the black organizations we do have dues but there’s no way being
That we have a small girl it’s a much smaller collective group if we were to allocate those funds towards parties it just wouldn’t calculate up enough to I don’t even secure a venue you have to understand that these social events and these parties are what keeps our organizations alive homecoming is
Historically a party weekend for UVA students however for many minority students they will not be on grounds this Friday or on the corner or even Rugby Road instead they will be at a downtown nightclub at a party hosted by the Kappa Alpha Side fraternity when the black rats throw parties at clubs like
This one the money is raised separately unlike the traditional Greek system where party funds are part of the dues this system is called tabling the NPHC Greek students stand at tables during class hours in the week selling party tickets for the weekend here at the Garrett Hall bus stop which is
Affectionately known as the black bus stop is home to minority Greek life organizations tabling here students will buy tickets for parties over the weekend at tickets ranging from 3 sometimes up to $20 without houses the fraternities face logistical hurdles while planning parties Kappa Alpha side member max Bentall explains why tabling is so
Important in doing so we have to run out those faces which costs a lot of money when we run out those faces we have to charge for our tickets so that everyone can go and have a safe place you know go and have fun despite the financial disparity these students choose n PhD
Fraternities anyways banks feel the main reason they join is because of the cultural community they become a part of because a lot of people joint within the NPHC specifically join because of the cultural background and like of like-minded people of like-minded you know backgrounds whether or not the m
PhD fraternities will ever be as well-known as their IFC counterparts remains to be seen however they will continue to expand with fall and spring recruitment lines every year from the University of Virginia I’m J Baker