Hi my name is hamish mathwan i’m from the alpha new fraternity at westminster college and this is how i accidentally joined a fraternity so i uh i grew up in uh adelaide which is in uh south australia which is a uh one of the uh smaller uh cities of australia
Um all things considered but uh i knew uh pretty much as i started high school that i wanted to come to america and go to college here i wasn’t really a huge fan of how the universities worked in australia compared to the idea of coming to college and definitely playing lacrosse
Was a a big part of that too i felt like i could get a much better experience playing lacrosse over here in america i got recruited by the old coach here coach garga and i bet i was looking at a lot of other colleges and i basically had
Uh i had my heart set on a particular college but then when i found westminster and i got recruited by coach geiger i got to come and visit the campus and you know meet all the lacrosse guys here and it completely changed my my perspective of what college i wanted
To go to and then after that it was pretty much an easy decision to stay yeah i wanted to come to come to westminster when i first found out about college i basically uh wanted to go to college just to play lacrosse um and i had no idea about uh what like i
Knew what a fraternity was through the movies and watching those but i never actually knew the full extent of like fraternity life and like greek life uh until i came to westminster and i made uh friends through the lacrosse team and they started introducing me um and talking to me about alpha sig
Um and that’s really the first time i ever you know learned about a fraternity properly and you know what they do here at alpha sig so i didn’t really fully understand what greek life was until i came to westminster and i started talking to the other freshmen
At the time in my class and they were telling me they really wanted to join a fraternity here and i got to understand a bit more you know what that meant meeting some of the other lacrosse guys on the team uh who were a part of this fraternity like made me want to
Join more because i got to see that not only that were they a part of the lacrosse team they were also part of a team here at uh alpha six you know a separate team and it’s in its own right i think uh joining alpha sigma phi has been a
Fundamental part of my uh growth as a person i’ve got to learn a lot about charity work which i had not had any understanding of uh before and i’ve got to do a lot of charity work which has definitely opened a lot of perspective i i definitely don’t regret
Joining greek life at all and joining especially uh alpha seekers fraternity my name is hamish mathlin and thank you for listening to my alpha sig story of Better