The brothers of the fall fraternity the follow fraternity spend their lives in the pursuit of their lives Early morning early morning and late night early morning and late nights are fueled fueled by the vision fueled by the vision of webb feet and fueled by the visions of webbed feet and feathers they push themselves they push themselves and each other through the cold and lonely days
Battling not only the elements of mother nature battling not only the elements of mother nature the birds of the birds of the sky and each other but the voices of every person who told them to view can’t do it With their labs by their side dogs by their sides calls their own balls around their necks the smell of gunpowder burnt into their camouflage gunpowder burnt into their camouflage jackets brothers brothers they do not do it for the glory nor the fame the brothers of the do foul
For the love of the game these are their stories These these are their memories this is their life these are their stories these are Addiction we are the foul fraternity [Applause] you