Oh hey guys I am back with another video bring about okay sorry my note for myself which silencers first of all let me tell you guys the difference between yes I have my handy booklet will take any difference between flourish and it takes formal rush will
Let me give you community my version of any direction definition definition okay okay so normal rush also known as recruiting if the find and I quote as the process or MTT sorority n IC fraternities get new members particular members have the opportunity to interact with all participating organizations and
Learn more about the tourney Authority life okay Deborah Christmas intake is defined as a term for process environment in THC members or divided life are selected to to become sessions of an organization much more secretive than recruitment or run that’s my University definition of its I believe like this definition to be
Oxygen because it makes it sound like it’s so different from brush which I I didn’t know my hair definition i define intake as a process that different organizations partake in and i don’t think is any more secretive then what in PC or IFC do when they do their formal
Rush which to be honest with you also multicultural organizations also contain infinity so one of their to you guys now is pretty much a guide to how to survive intake and formal brush because my sorority personally we do have formal rush it’s like the nickname of intake
But it’s called slim rushes well I don’t know why they differentiate it like that at my university but I didn’t write this book anyways let’s get down to it so I’m not going to go into detail about my sorority and other stuff that we need
For our intake process if you want to do that you can look at our own life this is going to be a general guide to how to survive it and take process wherever you decide to join it and I think a lot of these can pertain to rush as well
Because I think that their recruitment process is like completely mind-boggling to me compared to how mt8 seen in multicultural organizations do their intake after like our general yeah I definitely feel like our project a lot more intimate than brush with mp3 in IFC simply because we are going to
Completely honest and this is my skin too they like to do brush with this big group of people that there’s a huge number of participating in rush and then at the end of the day the organization’s pick you so you get a bid and in the bid is basically them that organization’s
Picking you versus intake or formal rush where you decide organization you want to go to and you just do that organization so it’s a little different you go the way that we do stuff but I’m not going to dwell on them we’re going to talk about how to survive intake so
The first thing I aren’t recommending if I have a set is enough it would be to do your research it is so important to learn everything that you could possibly learn about the organization that you want to join because you’re proving how dedicated you are and how committed you
Are to being a part of that organization and I’m not saying go in there looking like a know-it-all but just go in there knowing your stuff know about their program you know about their their charter date know about this Founders Day knowing about colleges themselves those type of things are helping the
Long run because you’re gonna have to learn that stuff later anyways you might as well right now so I definitely recommend doing your research before partaking in any kind of intake now once you’ve done that and I think some organizations actually require you to attend can take orientation which I mentioned that
Last video which I will also link below but in pink orientation is basically like kind of like a class that you take for us anyways it’s kind of the times that you think it’s done probably every semester where you learn about organizations and a whole basically information about them feature event and
You get to know actual people on campus so that’s also primary research in regard to that when you’re in a computer Tiffany intake I think it is super different important for you to always look the part every sorority is eternity has a dress code they might even have
Dress-up dates and you should make sure that 100% all the time they’re always on top of your game like you should be looking decked out some tops bottom hair done wearing the appropriate sure it’s plenty of proper dresses skirts tops bottoms pantsuits whatever like you whatever they require you to wear during
Anything I would definitely recommend following those rules twisty because that make sure that you’re not only good following directions but yeah this is style the third thing I recommend is to always ask questions if something doesn’t make succeed or if you have follow-up questions I can’t think of an example
But basically if something doesn’t make sense to you and you’re concerned about it ask questions um a lot of times when people have informal rush that’s like the best time for you to act those kinds of questions I’m not talking about hazy or anything like that to hazing is 100% illegal in
The state of South Carolina and if your car hater you will go to jail or worse so we’re noise enough touch that subject you guys should already know that if you don’t know that make sure you research it to protect yourself in to protect those people too because if they’re
South Carolina if you see hazing and you don’t report it you can also get in trouble but I’m talking about asking questions in regards to the intake process itself like how long it’s going to be what are you going to learn what’s the financial commitment to it questions
Like that or in depth questions like how many hours are we don’t have a dedicate to because it could be it can expand for a long period of time depending on the semester – because fall semesters are generally shorter than spring semester so back to play a factor into it – to
Make sure you’re always asking questions if something doesn’t make sense to you because they’re going to answer your question they want to make sure that you’re 100% informed which is important and it’s also good for your knowledge to always be informant to always know what’s going on at all times just so you
Can be abreast of every situation one thing I would absolutely recommend is to have to find this is supposed to be like the most exciting time of your life during organization especially there’s an organization that you want to join for a really really long time I was
Really excited than I did intake so that it knew that it was something that I want to do I was excited about the girls coming in with me and it was Rory now it’ll be a part of the mess in my last house super duper excited the entire
Time there are some times where it was a headache and stressful because you are doing classes while you’re participating in cakes like they coincide together so if you have an exam one day and then you have meetings the other day or in the same day you’re going to have to
Allocate your time in really but prioritize your your time in your days so in the midst of all that just make sure you’re having fun while you’re doing it because if the day you want to look back and see that it was actually worth it see this thing and final thing
That I would recommend to survive intake orientation and I think this is one of the most important things to is to form a bond with the people around you I think that is great to come into an organization with people that you already know not necessarily they don’t
Have to they don’t always have these people that you know but it’s always good to bring a friend along and to have someone with you going through that journey with you now on the flip side of that if you don’t know anyone coming into your organization for bonds of that
Person you’re going to be that person’s going to be in your life whole community for ever but until you guys die you know so I think it’s really important to friendship if you spend time with each other even if you’re not in intake if you’re well cause of your
Intake you’re going to see that person Horicon but outside of intake I definitely recommend doing some funding you have some activities together and spending time and eternity is getting to know those people because at the end of the day those are the people that you’re
Going to rely on before you rely on the people who came in before you write your the first thing that you’re going to do is go to your sister screaming pleasure saying earlier they say the same kind of you before you go to an older sister
Cream has like very I’m just kidding but you’re going to lean on that person throughout your entire intake process so yeah be upset you’re going to have stressful situations you’re going to have to learn how to punch you don’t have much time for sure you’re going to
Have to just figure out how it all works and there’s nothing more fun than having someone figure out that stuff with you and then that creates memories too because you look back on that time where you guys clash together and you have those memories to build upon later on in
The future so I think that’s really really great so that concludes my five things in order to survive an intake orientation if you guys have any questions as always don’t forget to put them in the comment box below and I respond as soon as possible if you guys
Like this video give me a thumbs up if you guys might be more sorority videos to let you know I enjoy doing them I know there are a lot of videos about my organization in particular in order about information about intake and intake process because it is very
Different from the mom in PC rush is totally different from that the concept is usually the same four different way that we do things is different – so you guys have any questions take the excuse and if you liked this video give me a thumbs up and I’ll see
You guys in the next one bye