Sororities and fraternities are demonic they’re witchcraft they are demonic y’all sororities and fraternities these you know these little things that they join on college campuses and stuff you know they they are there they pledging to stuff hey they pledge into to what they they do this stuff is demonic this stuff is witchcraft
You know they’re worshiping other gods and a lot of them know it and a lot of them don’t know it but see the thing is these people that’s that join these most likely half of the time their parents join these when they were in college so they said that it’s a tradition
I joined uh no not saying for me just just for an example of what a parent would tell their child they would tell their child I joined it well you might as well go ahead and join join it this is what people are telling their their children
They are telling their their children it is so I’m gonna just talk about this you know just a little bit in this video you know uh what’s up YouTube it’s your boy spiritual J coming back with you again with another video man I pray everybody’s doing well y’all staying safe out here um
Let’s get into it this stuff is witchcraft okay it’s witchcraft when they join these they’re actually worshiping other gods that’s what they’re doing they’re worshiping other guys they’re taking oats that’s what they’re doing they are taking oats they are pledging yo and if you don’t believe me look at
One of my favorite movies but when I started studying this stuff I’ve seen I was like wow so this is what’s really like you know these sororities and fraternities these these things are demonic my favorite movie stumped the yard number one so stop the yard I’m pretty sure most of
Y’all probably seen that movie if you haven’t I advise you to go watch something y’all number one not number two number one the one that had DJ Columbus Short with Chris Brown and them and Megan Good you know and Neo go watch that one let’s say pledge Amazon instead of new theater pledges
You know how these schools you you pledge of allegiance think about it this stuff is witchcraft this stuff is demonic it’s demonic think about that now if you go if you’ve seen that movie right you see the when they was about to join they had to go to that little secret room okay
You see that secret room that they went inside of all right they go inside that uh secret room and something they they do something there they they do something I don’t know I don’t know what you’re doing this some of them some of them they they burning
You from what I heard from other people you know some of them um they get burned on their skin so what they get burned on their skin they get burnt the symbol some type of symbol on them whatever whatever uh they’re they’re joining you know because all these things have symbols on them
Oh they go to them symbols you know Illuminati’s and stuff the the Freemasons and all that they go to the symbols this is what’s going on they are worshiping other gods and a lot of people don’t realize that they won’t accept these see they didn’t take on the oak for these these
Fraternities and sororities but they’re not going to accept this message because they are too deep in it they are too deep in that stuff they are they they gave their life today now you see these dudes walking around with their jackets on Alpha five Alpha better knew something new gamma all this stuff
You see they got them on their license plates for these 50s 60s 70 80 year olds men and women they still weren’t walking around wearing their jackets trying to show off what the the stuff that they joined the oath that they took this is Pastor uh this fake Pastor what I call them
Um doing this message out of love but it’s his fake Pastor that’d be on the internet and stuff he um that’s what he called himself but he says that um you know well I’m gonna say what he said because some of the stuff that he says is so off
Um but the guy he he has no qualifications to be a pastor at all he he don’t meet any of them any any other qualifications to be a pastor he cheated on his wife about four times he got uh um what is it a Dollar Tree and fornication
And stuff he just a simple a sinful man he is not qualified to be a pastor and when he gets up there and and preaches he preaches the wrong stuff talk about Jesus uh what is it um what did he say he said when Jesus Christ came here that
He wasn’t he wasn’t doing the will of the father up until um he was like 30 or 13 or 30 he said I don’t know he said that Jesus Christ wasn’t doing the will of the father well that’s that’s what he was saying this is what he said but
And he walked he’s up there when he preaches he’s wearing his jacket the jacket that he got from college the one that when he joined that oh that for that fraternity he he joined I don’t know he he joined it and now he every time he preaches he wears that same jacket
Trying to show off he’s trying to show off the jacket not knowing that he didn’t take a oh you can’t serve two masters you gonna love one or hate the other y’all I’m telling you these sororities have fraternities y’all I’m telling you it’s a man called it’s a man it’s a man name
Who laid back in the 1700s and stuff his name was Prince Hall black leader Freemason he found the black fraternities and and stuff sororities and stuff he found that stuff you know Freemason stuff he found it demonic stuff okay let’s go to and I got scriptures let’s go to Jeremiah 2 11.
Hath a nation changed their gods which are yet no Gods but my people have changed their glory for which does not profit so these people you know a lot of these are a lot of these people out here they are when they join these fraternities and stuff they are changing their gods and
They don’t even realize it some of them and a lot of them do just like the leaders who who look for the people to join it they know what they’re doing a lot of them know exactly what they’re doing but let me tell you once again people here
Are not human some a lot of anything will say some and I don’t want to say majority because that you know I’m just gonna say majority because scripture is clear that only a few few that be there finding only a few people is going to be in heaven
Only a few people I don’t know what that few is it’s billions of people that’s here it’s billions of people that have died already but the most I said feel that be that funny there’s probably gonna be a few people in there so Only God know that for you these people they
They change their gods y’all Satan has his own people here a lot of these leaders that’s in these sororities and first and um um uh fraternities yeah these sororities and uh fraternities a lot of these leaders they know what they’re doing they know exactly what they’re doing they know that they’re worshiping other
Gods but they don’t care they don’t care because that’s see that Satan is playing that Saint is playing to get to get a lot of people’s souls he wants your soul that’s it this this glob of me is only going to the to back to the ground or
It’s gonna get cremated or whatever whatever’s gonna happen to it whatever happened to your body but this this body is this this flesh is weak you know it’s a mess this like come on now but see Satan wants your soul and by you joining this stuff you
Joining these um fraternities and so uh sororities you don’t know exactly what you’re doing you got you know you see all these people in these pictures they they being these pictures and they and they’d be throwing up these these hand signs they they taking pictures with their
Hand signs throwing them up and stuff and and flashing it sorority sisters and the uh Brotherhood and all this stuff but no would you win is you in this in this um um demonic Hood that’s that’s what you is you are in this demonic stuff pay attention to it y’all
You know they are pledging to other guys Matthew 6 and 24 no man can serve two masters for he will love one and hate the other or else he will hold on to one and despise the other yo new serving two masses when you when you joining these fraternities and stuff these sororities
And stuff this is demonic this is Illuminati stuff these symbols in in all these you know it’s all these other ones I got these different symbols these different labels to them different weird names Alpha something Sapphire Sapphire pacifier whatever they where are the the freak it is
You know I don’t know what it is I don’t know the names I don’t know the names of these all I know is that they’re demonic that’s what I do know and a lot of people they so heavy into this stuff and they don’t want to get out of it
They don’t want to get out of it no no I got Leviticus five and four if a soul or if a soul saw if a soul swears pronounce it with his lips to do evil or to do good whatsoever it be that a man shall pronounce with an O
And they’d be head from him when he knows of it then he shall be guilty of it in one of these these people are taking oh y’all these people are taking oats they swear they swearing in these in these pledges in these in these sororities and fraternities they are swearing in them
So Roy my uh sorority sister you know we’re in this uh Brotherhood they walk around screaming screaming and stuff or stomping their feet stepping and acting and looking out there looking crazy with their tongue hanging out and stuff and like come on now sit down somewhere sit down somewhere you are taking oh
You are taking oats that’s what you are taking because these people they are you know they they worshiping other gods and you don’t realize that it’s witchcraft this is witchcraft once this stuff get a hold of you it has a tight grip on it that’s why these people they are pledging this
Stuff their whole lives their whole lives they are doing this stuff they are a pleasure to this stuff y’all like I mean it’s it’s sad what’s going on it’s so sad what’s going on and these people they don’t realize that they they on their way they on their way to the
Lake of Fire when you joining this stuff you are worshiping other gods the satanic God not the most high you worshiping satanic God so y’all I you know this stuff is is so it’s it’s sad what’s going on I said that it said because a lot of people they they gonna
Continue to keep they doing it then they’re gonna pass it down to the eight kids and in their case and then and then in their case it’s gonna be a whole generation a whole family tree of just multiple people joining these sororities and fraternities you know giving your soul away to these
To this stuff give your life to this demonic rituals and and stuff these you know you got to do stuff too to uh join these these things you gotta cut your hair or you gotta go ball you gotta uh what is it what else should they be
Doing you gotta wear a certain type of uniform be at this place at this time you got to get beat up to you on it and don’t that sound like a game again don’t you gotta get beat up to join the game you gotta do something to uh join the game
You gotta you know you gotta do all this other stuff to join these games then you gotta do this stuff to join these sororities and fraternities when they be disrespectful as hell to you talking down to you in these these sororities and fraternities think about it they join these things thinking that
They actually doing something Satan make this stuff seem so so cool make this stuff seem like it’s like like what you doing is just it’s just all good no you’re not you’re you didn’t you didn’t take a oh basically another word of selling your soul
Get out of this stuff get out of it because mostly many people are on their way to like a fire man I’m not just talking I’m not just talking for real but get out of it share this message share it to somebody that you know that’s that’s inside that’s that’s in
These these fraternities or sororities share this message to them because your time is running out get out that stuff like comment subscribe