Okay the third point we have today is fraternity uh that means uh bhaijara it’s little meaning is Brotherhood it’s very important aspect of Islamic society it’s also mentioned clearly in the Holy Quran that all the Believers are brothers to each other so as brothers we have to share each and
Everything Sorrows as well as happiness we have to take a note only for the fellow Muslims but every human being living in this world is so it means human beings are part of a greater whole if anyone is afflicted for the members to feel that pain or get affected by the pain
And those who do not feel sympathy for fellow human beings are are not considered human at all so this is the idea the idea of fraternity promotes affection cooperation sacrifice resulting in a society that’s very peaceful ideas cooperation people begin to share each and everything is foreign so the example fraternity
So we witnessed exemplary expression of Brotherhood during migration when people were migrating from Mecca to Madina uh the people of macca were received by the people of Madina the concept of watching Indian answers in the way of Islam foreign uh people belonging to any race religion or culture so this should not be
Distinction of any kind so this was the concept of fraternity thank you