That’s what your mouths gonna do it the glaze is it ready how you tending the what your belly little nasty because we wanna do to it today advise you how much you ain’t Gubbio haha looking at we looking love right here already whoever it don’t be already up dickerson
Eagle we got yo soldiers we grow egg chisel just died here we go hi here we go hi let’s do it you gonna be first I I you open up your mouth down ready down there every day you graduated from one of the best colleges on the East Coast you had your
Whole life planned out for you have you not been painted into my life in past two years this this this moment that we’re in right now this is my life I don’t know how to make that any more clearly okay so tell me why do I only have three
Dollars in my pocket right now just we don’t live in the perfect world that your family soldier okay and just because I have some education from some school doesn’t mean the world changes for me I come here in Thomas James you’ll have a job you know about them I hear things
We can’t survive dreams or hopes alone look you were raised to find a man who can provide you that fairy tale and and and I joined you in that fairy tale but I can’t get you look man I would have just asked mama all right but I know the way it’s set
Off with her lies I have to give to you I know I know B look man all right I know you can afford it all right and I’ll just pay you back what I can’t afford so you gonna give it to me a non man all
Right I got time for this [ __ ] [ __ ] B honestly the only question that matters is are you gonna stay are you gonna go don’t leave me here alone even if you don’t tell me tell me you’re alone well I think [ __ ] – you know what I got to look forward to
You have noticed by now darlin mama vicariously through you now maybe you need a man who can stick to the plan that’s right today’s the beginning to hell we I think my boys ready you know surprisingly I think they are I mean it took him a minute but I think they understanding
Why they’re going through all this understand the process what about you how’s it going to go and learning their history I think I need a couple more nights went on before I think they could take it and they’ll be a bidets even–even what okay putting in some work you got him up
To speed it’s been his lime Brothers that’s been putting in those late nights from you know Lydia be keeping a brother ah but that late night brain oh yeah I mean I am storing – yes you are yes you are on the books you gotta shoot you
Need UI brothers very studious are you studying books yes uh looks good kid all the good jobs bad dad I put on the grilled old man glad though I mean it took them long enough hey I want to see what they got in you see if they got enough to make it down
To final stretch yes how’d you die my fault I get to do me right tonight folks let’s make a call all right let’s do it Hey for 200 G get can I go well my man since you and your ass and L bees can’t seem to follow simple instructions tonight is all about
Punishment yo hey hey [ __ ] is going on man who got your permission I have set yeah you know some would like to have a week but you mail gave us police man will you be man is hair we is tab problem now you tell me what’s wrong
With this big thing where you landed huh DS your boy boy yeah okay let me see what you know that hmm let me see what your date is teaching you want some history speaker want some history and they began was founded on April 27 1960 sir what you thinking about man you
Ain’t nobody got time this man is hair we it got to be tight and you see I’m sure you know this what’s up Carlos great a mess up greenin [ __ ] his ass out kill miss block you embarrassing me you are embarrassing us is that what you
Meant oh man you better say and you better say it right well he gonna knock your ass back out you better give me the history the way he was tough well you don’t knock your ass outta every K comes our brain for the earth and glad so sunset again
Mpk color stand for what give me some more motion everything comes out now get on this block and you better say it right I don’t want no mess-ups say I think I see a rut this your friend this your life you can’t tell me you have
About this brother this help me and look what we get man is a disgrace Dean you okay got it ya got so you don’t give it to me or no after we talk come on I heard from you since I graduated you only visitor call me the entire summer
And I called you several times I got to the point when I will call the house your mom would tell me Zoe ain’t home before I could even say hello what do you want now still let you saw you wonder way more than I was ready to
Give you so when we were sleeping together it was all good no strings attached everything was okay you know if I had so much respect for you I think he was a ho oh wait a minute I ain’t nobody’s ho that’s not what I’m saying we was together what eleven months right
After three months I knew I was in love with you I mean I had never been with somebody who I fell for before they fell for me so I waited and I waited some more and I realized we spent more time laying on top of each other rather than
Building the true bond you were a senior it was a sophomore I didn’t know what I wanted [ __ ] I don’t even know what I want now look the Zoe I know she wouldn’t you be into this pleasure [ __ ] I still can’t believe you her then I guess you don’t know me look I
Tapped out I ain’t got nobody else can heat this money I got take care for you don’t call me no more get your ass over here [ __ ] get back on this block shut up you bet I try to live you better not drop me you messing tighten up to get huh what
You doing huh Gillette do you really want this brother do you really want to be in BK I don’t think you worried about being BK look you’re not sure on me that you wanna be in BK do you know where you became stands for it be K stands for
Brotherhood that means this is hair.we brother the week your brother’s supposed to be with you going through his they supposed to be right outside that’s what your black brothers [ __ ] you are embarrassing your adp right now do you hear me close your mouth when I’m
Talking to you and I need you to look at me you are [ __ ] embarrassing it to me hey you don’t know [ __ ] huh you’ll need to my brother’s know [ __ ] you mean it just dissolving I’m just saying that would never have happened of steak Sampson you see the heaviness has
A [ __ ] embarrassment to your a BB I don’t [ __ ] embarrassed by you and it’s [ __ ] lag you should meet your line brothers – no [ __ ] you should notice you should notice you shouldn’t you know why you gonna [ __ ] you belong here do you really wanna hear huh man just tell me the truth
Just say just say you don’t want to be a party in BK just say you’re weak as Maggie they can’t stand the baby just say you don’t have what it takes to be blueberry Kappa just say it Santa what do you wanna be in because I’m sorry
You wanna be in the game because I’m a yes sir a make and became it and you are not in became many so before I leave here you will drop you hear me you will [ __ ] you will never wear my letters ever don’t cry are you about to cry why are you gonna
Man up you are crying but you gonna man up give up something work with get up ah good is up my fortune as the same I will be mvk I won’t be every case I said I’ll pull Joe as the same I wanna be if be
King huh you mean he’s a huh I don’t really think that you really want it huh I mean you’re taking up for your [ __ ] brothers and [ __ ] ain’t taking up for you don’t give a damn we’ve been on your ass all night you still really love you
Do you really love MBK do you really want this [ __ ] do something about this [ __ ] I want you to say I’m gonna be in because a mission up what you want to change okay I’m done man that’s it it’s me duh what you mean you done
Just a walk out on your brothers like that maybe you begin you can’t walk out on your family like that are you serious I’m daughter we’ve been through know what I mean what about it Brooke come on there became get watch you saw it right get Dean walked out on
You mad [ __ ] let’s get to work let’s go you must be long bearish friends nah can’t really say what friends I just sent the car well yeah I do not I know who she is just you have enough to call his friends friends or not you want to know how she’s doing yeah
Doctor says she’s doing much much better vitals are improving and our heart rate is much stronger everyone on several medications all of which are standing out hard and prevent her from getting STDs you know I’ll be justified it if there’s anyone out there can go through this this is my baby
Yeah first person to actually come up here and see her I would’ve thought one of her sorority sisters what it came up that out yeah I’m I’m sure they’re just scared to see her like this and I know for a fact we love her and we
Just want to see her get out of here soon oh so Greek yeah me too I meet guy I play something Meredith okay laris let’s go up there too but still the books well I’m sure she want to know who brought the car for her got a name yeah
Tell her her new club stop by I sure will thank you thank you for believing in me thank you for supporting me they’ve got bad news [ __ ] did this to you you know what I think we should introduce them today yo yeah kids is Amit big mouth give me your mouth open
Why can’t we start with you can head I ain’t gone we ain’t gonna spank y’all or none of that tonight nah this pan right here tonight what you think I am I doing this right here how much do you love your brother yeah huh huh what came first the chicken or the egg
Yo why your mouth shaking right dude let’s just get ready use them jokes you understand all right so this one’s going happening I’m gonna crack the egg stop and chew and you gonna pass it to your brother you’re him all the way down and Jason
Big hill big hill he got lazy but you’re gonna swallow it I get that I’m gonna shoot this film it’s gonna call the down the hatch all right hey keep it down I’m gonna tape it down – yo people re so ready to just be a man
Yes fun part right here it’s the porch I’ve been waiting oh all right all right I tell you this y’all want brothers before this oh you don’t definitely feel like brothers a minute you and I right baby brother eat don’t spit dish it out your whole damn place none up you spit
It out with my slip down yeah um Oh gag crap crap oh oh look at your side right on the side of his mouth oh that you want [ __ ] it’s my shot Tayla where the day life it go to go to be one right here oh there you go
Don’t drop no no no no none of it yeah uh-huh drop another oh yeah silly oh they don’t quite over be as myoga Oh little tricky trick yeah a little yogurt he’ll be pretty good at you already got his mouth got a little yo gonna never know keep it down
You know you know the writing parties I gotta Gigi chickens I have a place for Emilio going around a white part is the scoring right I reckon it would go this this one right here Z ready to do a pretty boy can handle it look like a
Measly little miss oh I think I’m swallowing all of all of us for school is looking strong that’s really protein you