Thank you what’s going on brothers it’s let me tell you the name got a new video for you it’s red title you’re the chameleon part 18 here goes so you got a couple of chameleons a couple of Charleston weather beating ditch pigs who are now all of a sudden saying the
Day care for the well-being of men and boys and it actually makes me laugh because we all know that these individuals are full of [Â __Â ] they don’t give a short red [Â __Â ] about the plate of men and boys in this country they never did and either their mothers either their grandmothers and
Their great-grandmothers they don’t give a damn they don’t care they figure if one of you if one of us shook the leech then this one less man to deal with as they believe and understand this the timing for this is actually very suspect you hear me it’s very suspic because in September
Those student loan payments are going to start back up you’re gonna start back up so these trucks and ditch pigs who are trying to find a pit wallet they’re going to be in a tight spot they’re gonna be searching search for that idiot to help them pay it off
And another thing that’s going to happen is we’re actually going into an election cycle orange relation cycle so of course movies trollops movies are going to change their colors they want to soap in their tone and try to get you to run back to the plantation and give them a self-landing
And it’s just not what’s going to happen it’s not what’s going to happen because young men know too much we’ve seen too much we have a long memory but these chameleons figure that if they can snitch The Narrative away from us control it then that means it’s more food for them
Because make no mistake these chameleons these tread dots are all trying to create more food that’s why they’re into space they’re sort of pairing our talking points that’s right opportunity to be on the opposite side of all their arguments because if we leave and some [Â __Â ] pops off
They’ll be forced to taste every bit of that you hear they’ll be forced to taste every bit of bed mm-hmm they have to fight their own battles should order Financial burdens and if those burdens are too heavy they can’t lift it well the next tough [Â __Â ] they don’t want that so they gotta
Transitioner away from us to control it well the problem with that is they’re dollar short in a Dickie lead you see this philosophy this lifestyle is on autopilot you hear it’s an autopilot and of course if he wrote this out there with your story Rose about Sears to hear
You saw what happened in Tennessee right with the passenger Lowell for Fraternity fraud there was some hoochie on Tick Tock that said well ladies hustle is over like hustle is over ah so you admit that for the past few decades you’ve been [Â __Â ] random men and pinning children on Men Who
You don’t know lying about them saying their father you’ve been doing that for decades you see you don’t even see this [Â __Â ] they’re disgusted by it you know taking the necessary steps to make sure that her life is not ruined because of the [Â __Â ] you see these trolls and Dish Peaks want to
Ride the cut Carousel you want to be Sushi Riders but at the same time you still want to have that self-landing it’s the reason why nowadays you’re seeing more of those videos popping up on Tick Tock each other please on social media what are saying uh I don’t know
These years but uh uh um I’m tired of being strong and independent will that stuff [Â __Â ] that’s the cool you have to wear that’s what you chose that’s what your mother chose that’s your grandmother choose is what it is don’t fall for this okie doke Brothers don’t fall forward these chameleons
They’re trying to create more food and guess what you’re the food you hear you’re the food but the problem is the food is running away from them and the food runs away they starve money does not change hands these ditch pigs and yesterday receptacles kinked
Get her pound of Flesh if you leave if you get Hill at a Dodge you’re trying to stop it from happening get it through your head Brothers the trust stop it from happening you see I know that there’s a bunch of purple peelers out there a bunch of hyenas
And a bunch of gimped out punching bags out there who want to hear our choking points come from these women but even if it comes from them they’re not sincere you’re talking points that we’ve put out there they’re not adult leaders so if it comes to them it’s not authentic it’s fake
But if you think you hear from them is somehow will make you change your mind it shouldn’t because all they’re trying to do is create more food that’s what you’re trying to do they’re trying to create more food this means more legal snares and traps more financial pitfalls and more
Buzzword vomit if you don’t get with the program that’s right in the speech you brush with your salt your reservise used to hear your brother’s out there who have got your financial act together do not lose sight of that you hear don’t lose sight of it because I haven’t mm-hmm tahit Brothers
Take heed that’s not what I think about you Brothers subject I’ll be back in the comment section hit me up it’s not a retail guy for you but better sure in the commentary feel free to subscribe if you’re enjoying this might change my tip jar on the upper right inside the screen
As cheap as icon all right fam all right Brethren here is real in your routine going with your voice BM as for these ditch pigs these desperate chameleons and he’s [Â __Â ] poached rooms who are trying to stretch their away from us to control it give them nothing
This has been retail PSC welcome to State see you soon