I think one thing that covett has probably taught all of us is the need for connection i’m 51 years old this is the time in life where men very typically see their circles of friends narrowing at a time when we are grappling with sort of mid-life crisis
And all of the things that come along with that whether that’s our kids growing up and moving away or or just life events like divorce or career changes downsizing all of that creates a kind of need that a lot of men are not comfortable expressing what we’re good at expressing is the the
The desire to be around each other whether we’re playing poker or just having a few beers but what’s really going on is connection and that kind of connection can make the difference between a man’s mental health being okay and maybe not being okay because you need your friends
The lockdown is a is a really good example of how people who learned to remain connected did better i think people who felt isolated unless their personality just kind of kind of fits that as something that’s desirable to them i think a lot of people suffer needlessly so
You know i’m not saying go volunteer for zetasir suffer what i’m saying is your life will be better because you’re going to be working with and associating socializing with other guys with a common interest even if you’ve never met them before that as part of zetasia you’re both sage
You’ve got you’ve got an immediate icebreaker and some of the best friendships i’ve ever had and some of the best business relationships i’ve ever had have been within the fraternity so it’s it’s self-enriching it is self-fulfilling it is a good thing for men to have community and to have brotherhood
We need more of that in this world we need more of it in zetasia You