Now we turn to the mystery of this tape did no one in the room see the camera who pushed the button ABC’s chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross has been looking for these answers the setting was this mansion in Boca Raton Florida the home of longtime Romney supporter and friend multi-millionaire
Investor mark leader known as a private equity party boy in the gossip page it was May 17th and reporters covering the campaign were told the event would be close to the fresh the dinner was supposed to be private and limited to those who paid $50,000 each to be there
But someone placed a camera in the room secretly recording Romney from what appears to be a wine serving table off to the side occasionally the camera angle is adjusted as Romney delivers the candid remarks that four months later would make headlines the Romney tapes were first posted online on YouTube on
May 31st two weeks after the speech by a new user with the account Romney exposed but they did not include the clip about the now infamous 47% and it was only in late August when the story began to take shape as Mother Jones magazine was put in touch with the source through the
Grandson the former President Jimmy Carter who told MSNBC today the source was not a $50,000 donor I think it’s probably fair to assume that under Florida law it is a crime a felony to record someone who has an expectation they won’t be recorded although some say a candidate for president should always
Assume his or her words are being recorded by someone somehow