A brotherhood of scholars founded in july 14 1946 at the old university of the philippines campus in manila its name represents their core ideals of scholastic excellence taken from the greek letters beta and sigma the university of the east ramon mag saisai memorial medical center beta sigma fraternity 11th annual
Fraternity ball february 20 1971. Hi this is broad lawrence guy yao the 1970-71 uerm mc beta sigma fraternity was a fun-loving productive and dynamic group during that school year we sponsored several successful fundraising events to support our projects the honorees of the event were the 19 college of medicine graduating broads many of the graduating broads
Were top in their class broad ernie ball kowaiba was the class valedictorian and broad deo martinez jr was class salutatorian and broad vincent qasi bang was the class president the fraternity ball was held at the luxurious penthouse of manila savoy hotel the mc of the night was the articulate broad greg carino
Music was provided by total presence one of top metro manila bands at that time the highlight of the evening was the induction of 15 new broads For all the broads and beautiful lady companions that were in attendance it was indeed a lovely night to remember Congratulations to all the distinguished awardees for their contributions that school year to add honor and the advancement of the ideals of our brotherhood We thank all the organizing committees and the over coordinator broad henry yan yes for the successful evening Remember we live by the noble ideals of our brotherhood one tibetan always abedin proud to be abedin