Are you in a fraternity or sorority or any type of secret society what the most high guard has a message that you need to hear follow into Christ’s life o to the Father hey what’s going on everybody so listen I have had something on my heart the most highs been just showing
Me different things over the last couple it’s actually been the last several years but over the last few months it’s really been um you know just coming back over and over again so I just wanted to kind of just get this off of my chest
Now I know that there’s a lot of people who when they hear this message initially they’re gonna take offense to it and they’re gonna be really defensive and possibly opened it I pray that you guys can just hear me out before you start to get in your feelings or get
Upset or whatever the case is and I also just want to make put it out there that what I’m going to talk about is not about any person it’s not about any specific person or or group of people but it’s about the organization and the spirits that are behind the
Organizations right so what I’m talking about here are these fraternities and these sororities and just secret site and just secret societies that are our people are in now I want to just start off by saying that I have family members close friends I have a business and a
Lot of the clients that I have in my business they are all members of either these fraternities sororities secret societies and these people who I personally know are some of the nicest kindest people they have helped out in my in my personal life they have helped out in my business just
Referring other people so I just want to be I just want to make it very clear that I am not in any way shape or form attacking or I’m talking down on judging condemning any of the people but what I will say is the organization’s themselves even though they do a lot of
Good I know that they’re you know built on Brotherhood sisterhood community service trying to lift the people up I understand that there are good tenants that these organizations have but what I’m talking about is the core root of it the inception of it and I’m talking about even going before the founding
Fathers of the organization’s or the founding sisters I’m talking to my evil for that the root of these organizations are evil and satanic and if you are Christian there is no way that you should be participating in any of these organizations now if you give me your
Attention for a little longer I’m going to show you why that is if you already know me my name is Ray and in this video I’m going to be talking about denouncing aka in Greek life in general and how as a previous member and also being a
Christian how these things do not align how there’s a lot of conflict between the two and to be quite frank just how it really does go against what what God has left for us right in his word and so I’m just gonna address this with the
Ritual book so on page one by the way the ritual books on Google so you don’t get one on an individual level if you’re coming into the organization you have to find one or get one but it is also on Google so everything I’m saying is on
Google I just wanna put that up there so anyways I’m on page one of the ritual book it tells you that the strongest link in the organization is like the oaths and vows but then it goes on to say that the rituals represent the spiritual foundation of the organization the
Ritual is already going to be making these oaths in these vows and I’ll talk more about that a little bit so why is that important that the rituals represent the spiritual foundation of the organization this is important because it’s telling you right then and there that when you’re in these rituals you’re
Dealing with the spiritual people typically use spiritual and a synonym to like godly or holy or of God we’re not actuality all that means is that you’re not dealing with the natural one of the biggest things since I’ve walked away from this organization and and and I
Will always get is and what God pressed upon me was the oath so for people who don’t know to join these organizations you have to make a pledge you have to take a vow and what the word has said about vows and what I would learn in
2015 is God is so against taking oath outside of his name and so as I started preparing for this video and I wanted to talk to you one of the big verses that really stood out was Matthew 5 verse 33 to 37 and talked about and this is Jesus Christ
In the flesh telling people not to take oaths outside of his name and if that is presented to you it’s not of him it’s of the evil one you know one of the key things he told me in 2015 is like when you decided to follow me did I actually
To take an oath to be my follower did I ask you to get initiated to be my follower so if I’m the Living God the God that it’s gonna come back on earth to come and get his children and I don’t require to do this why would you think
It was okay to do it to join this organization why I chose to renounce my membership in the sorority called Delta Sigma Theta why did I choose to withdraw officially withdraw my membership from this black Greek letter organization and first of all I need to thank God for
Basically opening my eyes to the truth spiritually because oftentimes we can be we can have blindfolds on spiritually be spiritually blinded because when we enter into various covenants we don’t realize the serious the seriousness of covenants and God takes covenants very serious and if you know anything about the difference between
Good and evil if you are a believer there’s the way God sees alters and covenant and when I say alters I’m referring to alt ARS and covenants he takes those things very serious and and let’s just go ahead and basically start with a factual truth if you are believer
That Exodus 20 verse 3 says thou shalt have no other gods before me he also says if you continue on to verse 5 it says thou shalt not bow down to them or serve them that’s we’re not bow down to any other gods so some of you
Are saying ok but this is not my god I’m a believer I’m a Christian I don’t understand what you’re talking about this is not my god I go to church you know I know God I know pastors who are God excuse me pastors who are members of fraternities and sororities so what’s
The big deal so ok so first of all pastors who are members of fraternities and sororities we should not consider them the standard for our obedience but rather what does the word of God say it was until God showed me that I really can’t be a part of these organizations
Because it is idolatry I’m letting these organizations take place of God I’m letting Zita be my god I was living for Zita we sing these songs without even thinking about us giving our whole heart our mind our soul to the organization we sing them proudly without us really
Realizing that Scripture that we need to be doing for God and not for not for these letters that we wear on earth swords and jackets or a bracelet or anything like that and my soul belongs to Zeta Phi Beta I’m gonna get my peace and happiness I’m gonna give it to
America oh my love my peace and happiness oh D we Now I wanted to read description to you right this isn’t the book of Isaiah chapter 14 I’m gonna reverse his 12 doubts of 14 it says how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations verse 13
For thou has said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the North verse 14 I will listen above the heights of the
Clouds I will be like the Most High so we all know that Lucifer got kicked out of heaven he wanted to be worshipped he didn’t want to worship the Most High he wanted to be worshiped through these different religions of the earth and through these fraternities and through
These sororities and all of these other secret societies Satan is getting the worship that he wanted when he was in heaven you are not worshipping them the Most High you’re not reverencing Christ when here’s when you’re singing these songs it is idolatry as a Christian how can
You say that you’re a believer in Christ and that you follow Christ but you’re a part of these organizations that require you to give yourself to them this is not me denouncing people these this is me denouncing us and stuff that I agreed with and I didn’t even know
That I was agreeing with all right right here in this section it says something about you posted while while we in there you’re supposed to be brought to light all members shall say behold behold as the candidate blindfold is withdrawn he sees Alpha Phi Alpha the light of the
World in quote in large letters just over the altar so we’re out of altar saying that Alpha Phi Alpha is the light of the world again Jesus folks at him saying I am the light of the world whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of Life
But here it says I’m telling these people that Alpha Phi Alpha is the light of the world but in a sense bro being Alpha does take away from a relationship with God because we know God is a jealous God he doesn’t want any idols
Before him so if you made a vow to let something leave your life and guide your thoughts in our heart what are you asking God to do then you add dick don’t we ask God to lead our life so the first question I’m gonna ask is when was the
First moment you felt that joining Delta was not right what was that first moment for you and it wasn’t until many years later until 2009 when after I had gotten to a place of really coming to God saying I need you like you know his church lingo I have rededicated my life
To the Lord at that time and I heard God say to me how can you serve me and walk around it before God at me that’s when it got real now I still took me a long time to get out but I’m just seeing that moment out of anything I’ve ever
Remember I mean that moment cuz I heard from God directly and I’m and I knew what he was saying but I was still bound but I knew what he was saying because I knew what Minerva was and he was talking about Minerva and Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom
It’s it’s part of like the Roman mythology Greek mythology and in these different they’re they’re considered gods and goddesses and just like in the Bible in the Old Testament we hear all about different worships of different false gods going all the way back to Babylon into Egypt and all these guys
Have just been recycled and have different names because they come from different cultures so I used to read Greek mythology as a kid I used to like that I mean for everybody I don’t know about Mikayla’s generation but we learn tweet they taught us and that is reading
Greek mythology literature when we were in grade school so I knew like Minerva was but I was honest and truthful even all with Reverend Jesus I was still lost so you’re saying we’re doing it in the name of community service let me ask you this who gets the glory when you go do
That service project are you saying we’re doing this in the name of Jesus we’re doing this because God sent us to come and bless you in this community service project or are you doing it in the name of that sorority fraternity who’s getting the glory witness is what
I did 13 years of them to join a sorority okay in this sorority before I can even get to that point actually we think that ceremony sometimes any organization that you point to one of returning Authority you’re going to do that ceremony to say you’re not going
And secrets that you’re going to teach you right you’re going to do what I sold that United State for at least and sometimes it’d be six to 21 weeks okay so when you hear about you to say that underground it then online this is what they’re doing and there’s a lot more
Other stuff that’s going on when I ask her to bend down actually not this time include enough somebody wouldn’t have a little cumin powder to make sure she gets it or the unity okay so the search of employment this is what they’ll tell you that we’re a service organization
That we don’t do anything that we promote sisterhood Brotherhood scholarship the service but what’s happening in the background that you guys don’t see is what this is happening when I did back 13 years ago I was in a church the the lights were dim I was dressing
Alright okay the women who were bringing in resistant on black do you guys all really understand the dynamics here right very black darkness okay it have a great ropes so because I did not have a relationship with Christ because I played Church I did shirts because my
Pants made me come to church when this was presented to me Monday make my body told me something was wrong with this you’re taking battles serious passwords that you cannot tell anyone until you died final judgment what is our final judgment when Jesus Christ comes how does this organization coming mean what
I will have to do I’m final judgment I made a covenant I mean it’s a my covenant to an organization that I would find out thirteen years later was started by Masons anyone know what Mason’s are I haven’t heard Mason’s in order to become a member of this
Organization you have to bow down in front of the table which is awesome God who reveals me thirteen years later it was an altar and on that altar with sandals though can’t wear my luck because I was sure organization but remember wherever something is burning it always seemed harmless spirits become men
How you doing youtubers my name is Cherie Johnson I’m here to show you all a wired announced my letters I was just a former member of Omega sign 5 I pledge the fraternity and spring 2017 I just recently denounced about a year and a half later we did in my time I was
A chapter in the marsh Minister and just coincidentally I was the chaplain so I had to read my Bible to a certain degree I was the supportive mentally and spiritually for my fellow brothers at the time and so now I just have to read more into my Bible and everything I
Decided to make that choice and understand it just announced this is all a personal conviction super excited though has been able to set me free and just I think it’s funny and ironic how God has been able to reveal and show me so many more different things just
Within the matter of four months that I’ve been in graduated then I’ve learned just throughout my college career in general and there’s nothing like I learn more about God just stepping away from the fraternity and I’ve learned while in the fraternity because we’re now seeing is an unselfish act that’s why I thank
God for these guys who are exclamations who are willing to go on line and put themselves out there knowing that the penalty is supposed to be definite cut their throats they call it their ministry to keep others from going into what there is now those of you who have
Renounced whoever will come out of it that’s the first step but the second step is if you’re gonna minister for crying is to help some other sisters and brothers who are going into the madness that that unit to unknowingly for you said maybe you don’t need you to let me
Ask let me take this number that down the tree but in our community is difficult because fraternities and sororities I told you this and I said cuz I know we’re mixed company we have we’re all races all in here but some now you don’t hear Caucasians trying to argue that their fraternities and
Sororities are Christian organizations they’re not organized so the reason why I’m putting this video out here is to on the light on the darkness right Satan is tricking our people I’m seeing more and more people and I don’t think that there’s more and more people but I’m
Just being more aware of it there’s so many of our people that are in these fraternities that are in these sororities that are in these secret societies we are ignorantly worshipping the devil point-blank I understand that that’s that’s harsh but that’s what it is now there’s a scripture in Acts
Chapter 17 verse 30 that reads and the times of ignorance God winked at but now it’s commanding all men everywhere to repent so hopefully if you are in one of these fraternities the Spirit is speaking to you if you are not in one of these fraternities more than likely you
Know someone that is share this video get the word out the devil the enemy he’s trapping our people so with videos like this you know hopefully this is just the beginning to just spark to plant a seed you know hopefully if it’s the most high will he’ll give the
Increase but hopefully you know with this video my my my prayer is that if I could just get one of my people out of it then I’m happy with that but hopefully you know if it’s the most high as well it’ll be more but share this
Video um like the page subscribe to the page I don’t know what the next video is gonna be about but whatever the most high is putting on my heart that’s what I’m gonna speak about so I pray that you guys have learned something I’m going to
Be praying for all of y’all I mean the mossad bless y’all I’ll see y’all next time for that year graduating with understand I got promised ain’t gotta do something but knowledge of gonna over you god I’m trying to restore order we enter knowing that we cheaper than cooling waters line the girl reporters
Trippin with secret orders for and lettuce and Greek no is deeper than color quarter maybe you won’t hate it when I relate to you but your friend is attached to a demon except the truth for the same vein is the cleanup I love beside Zeus wrapped around your neck is
The Spiller spiritual news while you rot in design no you probably blind you was born again so lay off when they read your side or maybe you disguise your Knowledge the way seminaries turning the cemeteries the revelation in fairies that preaching at Ben & Jerry’s with itchy ears in the kitchen a cooker no pucks the barely contain the power to change so I names on a picture where I got it from in a rave and the reason
Revival Terry’s you to marry the madness is words and vocabulary now planted deep in the heart so we talked about have a series so that’s coming in my heart from the Lord he told me to carry I gotta carry it out too many sheep without a shepherd so many lacking the knowledge
Not laying hands on the leopard she’s mainly Illuminati seen Billy Graham on the record so many rumors arising about the money connections to many be plans From Dallas for lack of knowledge of God and that is don’t be ignorant ignorance is a commentary we don’t know everything but the key to victory is that we know the one who knows everything Jesus Christ is our Lord and he knows everything even to the degree I’m talking about everything about
Everything but when it comes down to us