So we’re paying a lot of dues right yeah everybody here that insurance went up a little bit yep and did you hear that it split between two semesters now yeah so this is what our chapter sizes looks like this is as of the end of last year um this is wrong
But that’s what it looks like this is actually 41. 41. um some of the numbers are close to right but they’re basically wrong um but this is the numbers that headquarters has if you’ve updated your roster already you’re fine if your number looks wrong and you haven’t updated your roster
This is the number you’re going to get billed for for your insurance just to be clear so what does that mean update your roster when to do october 1st so let’s do it like this weekend all right i’m sorry so njit what are your shoes this semester 550. 550.
Does that include the house or no yeah well no no rutgers what are yours 3.90 what up my pens out here that includes the gym membership though so we’re good um seen hall what are your news this semester okay william patterson 390 390 and tcnj 315 350.
All right so you see we see a lot of differentiation in what our chapters are paying for dues so really what does it include does it include recruitment does it include t-shirts does it include social does it include parents weekend does include essential oil uh ifc do is convocation assessment please insurance
All right all those things here’s some of the fixed costs anybody know what the chapter fee is for dues this is what you need to pay every semester per chapter for insurance 250. that’s 500 every year for every chapter no matter what your size is what are complication assessment fees that’s another 700.
How many of you include travel to mid-year in your dues what chapters some of you not all of you this is something that definitely should be included because it also helps you reduce your insurance rates every year you go but you figure 250 should cover a flight for everybody all four members
Many of you pay for transportation or registration to maybe or to the summer event so convocation and leadership school or singapore university not not too many i’d like to see a few more um it’ll help one for the people that are going because they’re representing your chapters
So it’s something that you should be doing but that’s another thousand dollars so taking all those fixed costs and putting it together that’s 3 200 per chapter so what is that you got 20 men that’s 160 just in fixed costs this doesn’t include insurance rates per man it
Doesn’t include ifc dues or anything like that 30 men 107 40 men 80 and so on so we’re in recruitment time and we went through you know a lot of you have 10 8 7 10 some rutgers has 21 possible new members so let’s go with 10.
I knew what you’re going to say if you increased by 10 that’s the amount of money you save increase by 20 that’s the amount of money so if you have if you have 20 men and you increase it to 40 what would you do with 1600 extra dollars
So this is what the insurance rates were with the email you guys got from joe turp this is what your each chapter is paying for insurance there’s a big differential here the lowest is rutgers then tcnj then monmouth fdu rowan cornell penn and njit now if you don’t see your
Your chapter name here um that’s because you pay even more um but let’s go through why chapters are getting discounts mid-year leadership complex if you send one person to the mid-year leadership conference you get one percent off and two get two is happening if it hasn’t happened to
You it will probably happen to you it’s important that we try to do that correctly efficiency oh these negatives are actually positive to be clear this is a reduction in your your rates so for the gold standard rutgers got 10 off so did tcnj um and because their chapter size is over
50 anything from 50 to 99 gets five percent off anything over a hundred gets ten percent off now this number here is probably seventy their number of forty one um to be clear um but some of the numbers that are above fifty might come down as well you’re going to see a
Couple chapters with that and the last the last column is risk management um njrt you had two of them um this could be anything from hazing to alcohol to the school calling headquarters and saying they did something wrong um but that increases you by ten percent but ngit still
With the negative five for mid-year leadership conference and having omega-5 even out some of the negatives that’s great news so here’s our other chapter these are the chapters that are helping fund the chapters that did better what i would like to do is next next year when we do the same presentation
All of these chapters on the first stage william patterson is paying 104 because the gold standard was less than 60 um and if you look montclair seton hall east stroudsburg and hofstra are all paying an extra 10 because of their gold standard we don’t have the gold standard anymore we don’t have it
But if you look at the new standards that we’re going to be using you can save 20 percent off your insurance rates by getting 96 and it’s easier this year it’s like your efficiency points it’s just like doing that so having 50 of your chapter here you’re already there you’re getting there
Um the majority of you all did all of your officer reports this year that’s great let’s just keep that up and make sure that when we transition in the fall or at the end of the fall that our new elected leaders are ready to take on the task of continuing to do great
This could only get better but this can only get better so what else can you do these are just things that have been done what are you what are your favorite fundraisers what do you do to make money for yourselves nothing rowan just keep it down back there please what
Nothing you guys don’t do any fundraising for yourself we do fundraisers every summer we recommend session set and sell beverages uh every summer we work at uh concerts like governor’s ball and fish and sell beverages and consumption service great how much money you make a decent amount
Just it’s all tips and like uh thousand bucks 10 bucks 10 cents for a drink it varies every time one time we made six grand sometimes six grand anybody wanted to make six grand brands they were gonna make a grand for themselves you guys remember those fixed costs how much were they
3 200 what could you do with that all right so moving on here’s budgets who’s third counselor in here her counselors three four all right there’s four third counselors sorry they’re responsible they’re supposed to come up with a budget along with the chairs and the executive board um
How many people here think of fraternity dudes should pay for their alcohol there was a time where that was allowed when it doesn’t happen anybody think it should well all right let’s let me say it again does anybody think it’ll be great if the attorney money could go toward alcohol
Yes it would be but it can’t the benefit of of being a member of sigma pi is that you can still have alcohol but we have rules to follow around fibg and if you’d like to see the fipg guidelines i have a copy of the bunch of copies up here
So you can take them with you so you can see what the actual rules are but your dues cannot include alcohol what you paying your budget should be more than what you actually think you need because you’re not going to collect it all from everybody there’s going to be people that leave
School there’s going to be people that quit people that just don’t pay their dues um and we need to handle that properly this is an old presentation used to say fall includes insurance so i added that little line in there and the budgets need to be approved by
The chapter if you do a line i know budget the chapter has to approve those line item changes so what should be in your how many people put alumni relations in their budgets third counselors raise your hands if if you do what about brotherhood events all right let’s do it differently all
Right sorry what chapters don’t include brotherhood events in their dues what about new member education funds anybody doesn’t you don’t do you buy them books do you buy them and do events with them then you do um philanthropy sometimes you have to spend money to make money right
So philanthropy should be included in that and you also need to publicize some of your philanthropy ace projects is there a budget for that should you be paying for that joe’s going to talk about great insights into the ace project in a few minutes marketing and pr you don’t need to spend
A fortune here with twitter facebook all kinds of crazy stuff out there you guys are so lucky to be in an age where you can communicate and get things out uh for instance i was looking up the faculty director uh faculty advisor for seton hall because i was up there with them
And he’s a graduate of seton hall but he worked at njit for a long time and i googled him and they came up with a youtube image of father john dennehy and if you saw joe turk joe turk tweet i’d send it to joe because i don’t tweet i don’t do any of
That stuff because i’m just too old but joe tweeted it out he put it up on the facebook page and uh now father i was getting messages from uh larry rivera who’s a pastor and in california saying well father deming he seems like a great advisor and he really is
But it was a great way to do it and i did it and i’m i’m 40 something you guys can do it um another thing we already talked about when are two is due third counselors i know this is the hardest part of your job collecting dues
But they should be due the first day of school because nobody has spent any money yet first day of school after 10 days they’re late they’re delinquent um payment plans they’re not recommended by the headquarters they’re not recommended by me but they happen but if you do it something like this will work
So what if they don’t pay how many people how many chapters have a 100 collection rate all right so there’s people that don’t pay in your chapter what do you do with them what do you do you say oh they’re my brothers i can’t do anything with them
I don’t want to kick them out i don’t want to collect we just follow the 30-69 30-69 that’s somewhere here what’s the 30-60-90 rule um after 30 days it’s an optional suspension 60 is automatic and 90’s have you expelled anybody no has anybody expelled anybody would you like to expel somebody
You have yeah or you would like to are they here okay exactly i kicked out my best friend um he was my best friend he was my pledge brother and i kissed him sorry i kicked him out he felt like he was a senior and didn’t have to pay his dues
I haven’t talked to him since i kicked him out uh that was in 1995. i still have alumni saying hey whatever happened to darren you want to look him up his name is darren there’s a balance between running a fraternity and being responsible and being friends with somebody and
I think you all might have seen this but there’s a book called the good guys and this book comes from them but fraternity is pretty simple you promise something to a bunch of guys he promised to sing back to you then you hold each other to that promise
If someone breaks the promise it’s pretty simple you don’t get to play anymore that’s the way it is it sounds harsh but we have to make sure that these events are funded properly if fdu can do all of the stuff they do with eight guys paying 300 300 you all can do that
And for those of you that have trouble finding brotherhood events for all the guys at fdu you know they have more brotherhood events than you could possibly imagine now is it easier to get eight guys to an event than it is to get 40 or 30 or 25 yeah
Um they can all fit into one van two cars uh but at the same time a brotherhood event doesn’t need to be your entire chapter a brotherhood event can be an event with ten of you five of you 15 of you these are things that should be put into
Your budgets these are things that should be planned for and these are things that really need to be included in your fraternity experience because those are the things that you’re going to remember you’re not going to remember going to the chapter meeting you’re not going to remember your police project unless it’s fantastic
You’re not going to remember a brotherhood dinner but you are going to remember a camping trip and a fishing trip an event where you all just go out and have a scavenger hunt today um anybody have any questions comments it sucks that was wonderful oh wow you look great
This used to be purple and now it’s painted all right you