And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them or expose them the boys they’re going to be your Masters during slave week remember you have to do everything they say and if they say you were bad slaves you don’t get in [Applause] bruh
So last time we looked at divine nine males for eternities bruh [Applause] [Applause] today we will look at divine nine female sororities along with other sorority groups [Applause] Foreign What the heck are sororities do you know well they started off in 1851 as the female equivalent to a fraternal organization kind of like the Freemasons they were secret societies but they were more based on academic Excellence versus I don’t know the Illuminati kind of stuff Greek culture has been a part of
It since the very beginning though January 16th 1920 on the campus Howard University Washington DC by Detroit elephant Arizona Cleveland Detroit murder Tyler faithful the triumphant Viola Tyler going for Fanny Petty wax from the principal of the scholarship service 611 ideally find her Womanhood and this is my hands [Applause] [Applause] I hate this hazing this is humiliating oh Amber don’t worry about it this is college they’re used to seeing pledges dress up in crazy costumes [Applause] I think it’s really important to protect the legacies of hbcus and black sororities and black fraternities because it’s a part of our history it’s
A part of our culture [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] on your way [Applause] thank you for 1913 1920 and 1922 respect your roots bruh Foreign College I knew nothing about secret societies I knew nothing about masonry or brotherhoods I was a good slave filled with useless knowledge and well-versed in all the many books and pseudo facts that were programmed into me I never questioned my superiors in fact I looked up to them
I coveted their knowledge and trusted them with my mind I sat in classes with some of the best and the brightest studied under some of the most influential professors in the country I was a proud slave owned by one of the most prestigious schools in the American University system
A historical institution that made me feel worth something as the first to ever graduate college in my family at that time it was a very big deal people treated me different being part of such an institution gave me an instant certificate of respect though I had no idea my soul was being
Corrupted and my mind was being hijacked pride of life and lust of knowledge gave me a high a sense of accomplishment victory like I had defeated the world not until I graduated then I realized that academic psych ward I had been in the tunnel vision the false pride and elitism
I I myself didn’t have an elitist perspective but the school I was in did and I guess I was part of that by proxy is given the fashion dislike and the Holly drip Name the largest black Greek letter sorority here’s a hint I’m a member we’re actually gonna do all four and in the number four spot is Sigma gamma rho sorority Incorporated with more than a hundred thousand members Here we go [Applause] Bruh next up is Zeta Phi Beta sorority Incorporated boasting more than 125 000 members bruh Second on this list is Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Incorporated with more than 320 000 members [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] first place goes to the members of Delta Sigma Theta sorority Incorporated with more than 350 000 members cause your man is watching me bruh I’m an AKA Africa Alpha sorority Incorporated kiwi we’re the oldest black sorority in the country and one of our amazing vendors is Ivy Storehouse they
Sent me some so that’s unboxing oh Wrong romper just good cardigan if you can’t tell I left weed oh no stop it there’s no such thing as a beat fraternity these scented black people talking about Greek letter fraternities won’t belong to any of them you look silly Alpha capital [Laughter] Skirts should be the size of a belt life short take risks [Applause] and five you’re a standard as far as the information goes I was like well the information is supposed to be secret only known to members and um even when you’re pledging they make you recite rituals over and over again
Basically pledging your oath that you won’t um release any of the information to anyone else Delta Sigma Theta Troy University oh my God [Applause] bruh together Together and if someone is caught wearing a shirt a singing Emerald shirt and they’re not a member they can be sued because they’re an incorporated organization you have to be a member so yes um the pledges and as well as other fraternity sources all their information is
Supposed to be supposed to be secret to that individual there is a huge importance for a black Greek life when I was going to school I wasn’t even presented with the opportunity to participate the jacket is from my mom’s sword it’s a Sisterhood she joined in college the zeltzels are a black
Sorority it’s The Sisterhood with spice [Applause] [Applause] all right Into the record page 50 55 from the committee’s interview with FBI employees have some administrative matters first I wanted to introduce into the record page 50 55 from the committee’s interview with FBI employee Roya demlo who thank you first I wanted to introduce into the record page 50 55 from the committee’s
Interview with page 50 55 from the committee’s interview with which took place on July 17 2023 uh in that Which took place on July 17 2023. uh in that we’re to leave this interview and we’re to suggest or imply that when you said the laptop was real that it meant that the FBI had affirmatively determined in October 2020 that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden With to leave this interview in order to suggest or imply that when you said the laptop was real that it meant that the FBI had affirmatively determined in October 2020 that the laptop belonged to 100 Biden same politician who met with Epstein at his New York mansion in 2018 before he
Was arrested for sex trafficking and accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from him that she never gave back while well showed you Donald Trump was escalating his big lie that the only way he could lose the election was if it was rigged he tried the whole black women are
Powerful in government while she was chosen to grandstand for her impeachment of a guy who was close friends with a pedophile that she stepped in fetched for and how she paid for her five minutes of fame a league sex tape with nude pictures out of her own office this
Article reads but the video that Miss Plaskett described as playful include what appears to be a rather disturbing twist the congresswoman can be heard talking while recording her husband with a cell phone he appears to be fully naked and is wearing lipstick and eye shadow then he says something to one of
Their children appearing to be between five to seven years old who then appears behind her seemingly naked Father the video begs the question what was the child doing in the same room with whom appeared to be her naked father with the child’s mother Miss Plaskett recording the moment
As I said before majority of black government are bullet modern day house Negroes used to keep you deaf dumb and blind Israelites chained to the party of perversion so you can soon vote in pedophilia when you speak about what white supremacy done to us in history so as we
Celebrate Black History Month the elite members of the divine nine and there they are a special place is what they hold in the hearts of thousands of atlanteans the Greek sororities and fraternities in our city are some of the most active chapters in the entire country and while each organization
Makes its own individual stamp they also come together when it counts with each group celebrating nearly 100 years of service they say their mission is to inspire a new generation to continue their work how are we helping be the voice for the people who are not at the
Table and over a hundred plus years of all of these organizations we are at every stage and if we continue to be at that stage you’ll continue to have to deal with us from a different perspective from the White House all the way down to the street corner because
We’re present and we plan to remain present and how are my baby pledges today makes you do is really a good clue as to what kind of people they actually are the alleged attack happened here at an off-campus apartment in College Park last October according to court records
A prospective member told police she was taken to the apartment building where two of The Zeta Phi Beta sorority members lived around 11 o’clock at night she says she was pushed into a wall choked punched in her arm and struck repeatedly with an oak paddle the victim told police the suspect said the
Assaults were part of her initiation into Zeta Phi Beta when we received allegations of hazing we do investigate them and if there’s a probable cause to believe that the hazing did in fact occur then we will either proceed with criminal charges or make an arrest in all seven members of the sorority have
Been charged three are current students and at least two are alumni according to the chapter website Zeta Phi Beta has been active on the University of Maryland campus for nearly 30 years bruh okay part two of me breaking my silence of the abuse that I suffered from at the
Hands of sorority sisters and yes I’m bringing this the attention when we are celebrating our Centennial because how can we celebrate 100 Years of Sigma when we are ignoring the type of trauma that these women have put their women through you have sorority sisters that treat their lying sisters like they just some
[Β __Β ] off the street treat them any of your kind of ways talking to them in your kind of way bullying them putting them down you know gaslighting them after they’ve hurt them doing reactive abuse I mean you have a lot of narcissism hidden Within These sororities it’s narcissism because it’s
Further than bullying it’s abuse do not join a sorority so you would think that hazing doesn’t happen anymore all you fresh meat on your knees on your knees fresh this is a RAID right here to be part of this sorority start at the lowest of the low at the bottom and that
Means today you guys are going to be dogs for us and dogs they lose all close privileges right now the narcissists like to attack your spirit and that’s exactly what these people are doing narcissism is a spiritual attack and there’s so many women so many sorrows and sgro and sigma that
Have dealt and endured so much trauma they have been tortured by these people and so many women that are suffering from this it’s so many it’s women that they had to go to I myself have to go to therapy to heal from what those women put me through let’s talk about hazing
Hazing is something that happens when you join a fraternity or sorority it’s a way to form like a trauma bond between everyone else that’s joining that fraternity or sorority with you your pledge class and the big thing about it is you’re supposed to trust the people
That are hazing you and trust that they are building you into the best version of yourself I guess hazing can range from making someone binge drink until they vomit to making someone write your papers making someone do your dishes bringing someone a piece of gum every
Day for their 8 AM class so sometimes hazing is just dressing up as like a banana every Friday in class or it could be binge eating food and then being forced to run a 5k and like work out just so you throw up exactly you don’t say no to whoever’s
Hazing you like you can but you shouldn’t if you know it’s good for you sorority makes you do is really a good clue as to what kind of people they actually are they humiliated and tormented me until they finally broke my spirit if it was so awful then why did
You do it to other girls because once I was in I felt like I was a part of something special and in my mind The Hazing it was one of the things that made it special that is how it works how it keeps working say your names Tony Sarah
And what are your pledges doing today we have to get three topless hugs from strangers and how do you feel right now feel good excited oh my God this is crazy this is how they get into our sorority we all had to do it what a brilliant family
Tell them right now you want to do this were you guys ever in a fraternity though yep for these two former fraternity members it’s not the hazing but how they’re doing it that’s most concerning I am Spartacus a real man’s man right skip you little Grecian devil actually gonna get the wrong idea
Pledges be babies for the fraternity boys they’re going to be your Masters during slave week remember you have to do everything they say and if they say you were bad slaves you don’t get in here’s another picture of me from pledge week when I was pledging a club also we
All had to dress exactly the same except for her hair my club was all about unity and one time someone needed to use the restroom so the one person couldn’t just go to the bathroom by herself she went in a stall in all their I think 45 of us
We crammed in this small bathroom while she was in the stall because we do everything together because we’re sisters oh It’s a personal choice but I probably won’t I know people with bad hazing experiences also I don’t think sororities are very useful anymore like you can find Community anywhere you can also Network anywhere so I don’t really see the benefits I have a question for those of you who
Pledged a fraternity or a sorority and you actually went through like a pledging process you spent several weeks online underground nobody knew you were pledging which means you went to college and you participated in this whole process I have a question for you and I want you to think about it
Really comprehend before you respond to it while you were pledging online and you had to subject yourself to different tactics to prove that you are worthy to be in this fraternity or sorority at any point during the process of pledging did you have to stay awake when you were really sleepy and tired
And it was time for you to go to sleep did they keep you awake now you might be scared to answer or respond or you pledged you know silence to your fraternity or sorority but I’m speaking to your spirit because if that’s the case then you idolize man this is idolatry you’re
Putting man before the spirit when you pledged at any point were you forced to stay awake if so then you are subjected to sleep deprivation um there was a point where I pledged a sorority and they did this to me and it triggered me so bad I I had a meltdown I
Cried and like I almost had a nervous breakdown because sleep deprivation is something that I was um exposed to as a child I was abused into the ground and my mother used to beat me and my brother out of our sleep three o’clock four o’clock in the
Morning I’m like 11 years old we got school the next day and she was high on drugs and she would torture us let me make you understand something fraternities and sororities sleep deprived those that are pledging just to see how much you want to be a part of
Something that is man-made and not of him I posed this question to you not to scare you but to get you to really think see the black community Associates hazing with physical pain like them putting their hands on you while you’re trying to pledge and cause you any type
Of physical distress yeah that’s hazing but hazing also is psychological and emotional abuse something that the black community does not acknowledge if you were forced to stay awake while you were pledging you in fact were abused by a narcissist y’all have a blessed day the sorority sisters of Delta Sigma Theta [Laughter] oh
Bruh a few days ago a video leaked of white sorority sisters in Omega Zeta pie mocking the traditions of sisters in Zeta Phi Beta a black divine nine sorority it’s literally the day before black history month so I can’t believe this happened but here’s the video from Twitter [Applause] foreign [Applause]
For anyone who doesn’t know what those white men were mocking is called a stroll which is a group performance routine created by members of the divine nine to represent their respective organization the divine nine is made up of nine historically black Greek letter organizations Under the Umbrella of the
National panhellenic Council each orc has a rich history and collectively they’ve been a staple of black American culture for over the past Century since the Jim Crow era there is a rigorous process to get into these organizations and everyone knows to respect and Revere their traditions
Even as a black person you would never perform or mimic the stroll of a D9 org that you aren’t in and if an orc started strolling at an event or a party you immediately clear the way for them no questions asked and the real Zeta 5 beta stroll looks like this Rather feed them College fraternities and sororities have been around since the late 1700s but it wasn’t until 1906 and 1908 that black college men and women could even join a Greek letter organization since then nine black Greek letter organizations have Incorporated and formed the National panhellenic
Council or divine nine Tatiana cash is a member and takes a brief look at how Greek life lasts long after college for some joining a sorority or fraternity is something you do in college and then you graduate and recall your Greek days fondly but when you join
A D9 be it Alpha AKA Kappa Delta Q Sigma Zeta SG row or an Iota it is a lifelong commitment it does not end when you graduate college it does not end when you are out of graduate school I myself have a cousin that he ended up pledging a predominantly white organization when
He and I talk about it he says oh I was talking about his fraternity whereas I when I talk about mine oh I am and I will always be you see people that you know that are older 50 60 70 80 representing Sigma you know and that’s a
Beautiful thing Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi Omega Psi Phi Delta Sigma Theta Phi Beta Sigma Zeta Phi Beta Sigma gamma rho and iota Phi Theta we’re all founded to give black Collegiates a group where they can feel seen heard get mentorships professional development it’s a group of
People you can always find doing some sort of community service and yes these members do pay to be part of these organizations oh you pay for your friends too okay so I’m going to respond to your comment to my video about black Greek sororities and fraternities hazing
People and people are waking up and denouncing these sororities and fraternities your comment says grad chapter doesn’t do that if you don’t like them keep it and they do work do work Church um I pledged grad chapter and they absolutely psychologically and emotionally abused me this is called
Narcissistic abuse FYI and just because people do community service doesn’t make them good people um you do know there’s a term called communal narcissism which means a communal narcissist only does community service to protect his image but he goes behind closed doors and he abuses people
When nobody’s looking so you need to go sit down somewhere and brush up on your education on what emotional abuse is and you have a good day sir and don’t be fooled though everyone may not always wear their letters or broadcast their acts of service that work behind the
Scenes is very serious and they are committed and in some people that you wouldn’t even know that are part of sororities or fraternities that are part of very big decisions very big um just Trends and Monumental changes that are happening because as we do have
We have a love for our community as long as there is Injustice as long as there is a need to Mentor as long as there is a need to uplift um the African-Americans there is a need for Alpha Phi Alpha as long as there is
Injustice as long as there is a need to Mentor as long as there is a need to uplift um the African-Americans there is a need for Alpha Phi Alpha [Applause] John Lewis they were Not Mere footnote in the history book they were their Heroes
I may be a white boy but I’m not stupid [Applause] I know where the power is I learned a long time ago about the divine nine history matters history matters and black history matters look I can’t just choose to learn what we want to know
We learn what we should know we have to learn everything the good the bad the truth and who we are as a nation now you go study you look up that word b-o-u-l-e and you’ll find out this is what most of these uh supposedly civil rights people belong to
And and when I give you this understanding you’ll know why we never get anything accomplished the boulay means advisor to the king that means that job was to advise the king so that job was to advise the king about the black community we’ve been managed by those people who
Who stay in power and let me bless you for real the real power of this is in the church see a lot of these preachers are in this in these secret societies and that’s why they can’t preach anything their job is not to Enlighten
You their job is to house you it is to pacify you it is to give you a good feeling about your suffering but never cause you to say there is a reason behind this the job is to is to um guide your voting by allowing these so-called Democrats or
Whoever they are come in and and and value a family life building and give me your votes I love sorority in Corps of the Divine are doing now we’re seeing that they are dedicated to voter education mobilization and participation we’re also seeing that even during a pandemic the service never
Stops groundbreakers and Trailblazers have always in so many different ways been connected to the black fraternity and sorority organizations including the great Shirley Chisholm who was a proud member of the Delta Sigma data sorority I have always been a catalyst for change the sorority sisters They were literally handed opportunities normal people would have to work years to achieve but I got better grades than most of them studied harder had more passion and respect for my opportunity to be there I was thankful and they could care less I hardly missed a class though they
Would Skip and ask for my notes but I never realized until much later was they all were fraternity members initiated and under Oaths and I was not then I understood the dichotomy the nine black sororities and fraternities that comprise the National panhellenic Council vice president Kamala Harris has been outspoken about
The impact her sorority has had on her and along the way you find people who help you become your true self for me that was my beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha sisters in an election cycle marked by historic first it’s hard to ignore the role these organizations have played
Georgia elected its first black senator in America sent a black woman to the White House both members of the divine nine I have always been a catalyst for change Not only was Shirley a first as the first black woman elected to the House of Representatives she was disruptive she was Brave and
Shirley Chisholm was a forceful Champion for the Equal Rights Amendment a cause I’m honored to lead in partnership with my colleagues and movement allies in the house today Mr Speaker black women like Shirley Chisholm have done the work of preserving and defending our democracy for centuries but for far too often our
Contributions are ignored erased or rendered a footnote in history and it’s not lost on me that the first time the era was put forward women of color were not even a part of the conversation today there will be no Erasure we stand on the shoulders of folks like Shirley Chisholm leading a multi-racial
Intergenerational coalition to advance this priority women were getting tired they couldn’t own land they couldn’t initiate a divorce there were so many things denied of women but they wanted the boat The members of Delta Sigma Theta came together as an organization and marched in support of white women in their effort to get the vote even though they would not have that same rent for years to come Some of the major suffragettes didn’t must have been that March we were there because we wanted to make sure that we stood for the rights of others the suffragette movement meant a beginning for Delta Sigma Theta from that point on we’ve been very active in social action
And civil rights in this country and around the world when Martin Luther King spoke I was in that March but I was scared I was frightened I would not have been in that much if it had not been for Dr Dorothy Irene Hyde our 10th National president
They did not allow her to speak but I’d look at her as really of a giant in the Civil Rights Movement our voice has always been strong what’s wrong with life running for president of this country it is time that other peoples and Americans besides white males Run
For the highest office in this life and we see the progress we’ve made for all women the name is Patricia Roberts Harris Ethel Payne Wilma Rudolph Daisy Bates Fannie Lou Hamer they sacrificed they gave themselves they were ignored but spoke up anyway all to make sure that we could own our
Boat and change society Thank you [Applause] that the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Incorporated Has Its Own Credit Union the power of the black dollar and the power that black women have the four members only or fmo credit union is the first black owned women-led sorority-based digital banking financial institution in the history of the United
States the akas are one of America’s oldest service organizations founded by college educated African-American women with nearly a half million members internationally everyone doesn’t understand the impact we make financially so you have to start doing things so that folks know we know how to control our money fmo’s grand opening at the
Group’s International headquarters here in Chicago coincides with the 115 year old sororities leadership conference [Applause] Strong to the ball keeping it wholesome in Iowa but where’s the diversity well Atlanta being such a diverse area I feel like we’re able to reach out to all the populations we’re not just for African Americans every little girl put on their Sunday Best and came out to see Delta Sigma Theta and
Ebony magazine as they put on the ebony fashion show so this year we’re going to recreate that we have one of the long-standing debutante balls in the Atlanta Community and so one of the things that ADA Cinema wants to continue to do is to bring con you know maintain consistency in the community
Um be that ever that presence that you see from year to year and let’s not forget their brothers the male fraternity members round out the divine nine as these chapters keep on high stepping through Atlanta when I was in college I joined a black sorority
So I am a soar of Zeta Phi Beta sorority Incorporated um and that’s my chosen family and I remember um I remember meeting my sisters and and um learning about the organization and getting ready to join and having those doubts of like oh well like I’m not
Black like I’m not I’m but I’m like white but I’m not always white and like do I belong like should you guys have me and I got nothing but like just that positive like Tina like nah like your family like you’re coming on in and like that’s you
Know that was just like in my chosen family and you know my sorority has chapters all over the world like I think we were the first um National panhellenic Council but because of my HBCU and divine line family I know I’m never the only person
Who looks like me or has had my life experiences even today we are 113 years after our founding that is a strong Legacy and we’re still able to see the ways in which the United States does not treat all of its citizens equally have they gotten better definitely they have definitely improved
From where they were 113 years ago but can they be improved also yes we are passionate about the same issues within our communities within the World At Large and we work together in order to achieve common goals and if that isn’t family I don’t know what is a family
That will remain rooted behind members as they embark on their barrier-breaking Journeys I could see the covert caste system within academic structure after much study I developed an understanding of what fraternities actually were and why they existed and their direct connection to the hierarchy of domination that controls our Earth The
Left Hand That Rocks the Cradle the earliest Greek letter fraternity was started at the College of William and Mary in Virginia it’s called Phi Beta Kappa 1776. known as an Honor Society also a secret society thank you [Applause] if you want to see part one I’m calling
Them out by name because they need to be called out so that they can know because they’re not about to sit up here and run free and live their merry life and act like they didn’t do nothing wrong because when I tried to address this problem with them they wanted to guess
Like me but now we’re bringing this public now that I have a platform now that I’m all super strong you still don’t even realize that 60 Os from Gamma Road chapter Sigma gamma rho sorority and Incorporated you’re my enemies and now you are my footstool
All of the pain you put me through gave me power I am no longer that person that you knew you knew me you don’t know me thank you I swear our Founders are so disappointed in what we have become but we need to call it we
Need to call this out we need to stop acting like this is not a thing and I would really encourage other servers to come out here and tell their story share their story call them out by now call the chapter call out the people in the incidence of sexual assault is
Insane in Greek life one time in chapter we did an activity where you have to stand if either you or someone you knew had ever been sexually assaulted there were 180 people in that room and every single person stood up yes sorority was hazing part three the eighth worst hazing incident happened to
Eden while pledging the infamous sorority Alpha fee Eden’s mom was in Alpha fee and she thought they would take things easier on her during the pledge process because she was a legacy the event began with Eden and the other two pledge sisters taking shots with the Kappa Sig pledges the Kappa Sig pledges
And the brothers all got around in a circle and one of the alpha fee older sisters told Eden and her pledge sisters to get in the middle of the circle she told them to get intimate with each other while the Kappa Sig pledge is watched the other two pledge sisters
Began getting intimate but Eden got up and left she ended up dropping the sorority and does not regret her decision at all she has been trying to get this story out for the last year let’s talk about Greek life so what is hazing hazing is the practice of rituals challenges harassment abuse or
Humiliation used to initiate a person into a new group some examples are being given an impossible task to complete sleep deprivation personal servitude required binge drinking social isolation deprivation of privileges verbal abuse being abducted or kidnapped or expectations for illegal activities my fraternity has a very strict no hazing
Policy this is enforced down to very small things like we aren’t allowed to have any form of scavenger hunt and no brother is allowed to drink with a pledge some forms of hazing can become detrimental to your health putting you at risk for injury or even death no
Organization is worth that at all ask me any questions about college or Greek life in the comments the majority that I was formerly a part of horrifically hazed lots of abuse several sororities got shut down during recruitment because of hazing practices you’re telling me that I could pay money
To a historically racist organization so that I can be found naked on the front lawn of a frat house hazing can be pretty ugly yeah oh yeah yeah sometimes gets out of hand to a point where somebody gets hurt and and I wouldn’t ask me to take a picture of them I’m not
Going to take them take a picture send it out to Facebook just so somebody can get a good laugh yeah could you take a picture for us but some parked strollers have no qualms taking pictures or video when asked for the Vodka here let’s do videos
Okay and then just click the red button here that’s great ready thank you she even moves around to get a better angle yeah can you just make sure you get like actually shots of us bruh we were never allowed to smile we also were not allowed to tell sisters no if
They told us to do something that none of these rules were in place to keep us safe they were all in place to manipulate Us control us and just have total power over us the mother of a Pitt student is speaking out for the first time tonight about a sorority hazing
Incident that she says put her daughter in therapy Julie Grant reported on the allegations when they first surfaced last month and tonight she has more details it’s absolutely heartbreaking it’s been a brutal month for Sue Levy giles’s 20 year old daughter Alexandria the pre-med major from Philadelphia says that she
Was hazed while pledging Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority at we cannot go to class alone she is unable to be by herself the attack allegedly happened on February 21st and 23rd but Alexandria didn’t say anything until days later when her mother noticed a nasty bruise she broke down
I’m sorry sobbing Levy Giles says her daughter told her she and 11 other pledges were forced into a car and driven to a home in Penn Hills where they were beaten with paddles in a dark basement she had been kicked pushed punched slapped she had been forced to ingest
Rotten food Alexandria even broke a tooth Penn Hills police chief Howard Burton told me his officers are investigating these young girls they probably weren’t aware what was going on or what what was right what was wrong I think Mom got them together and explained hey that’s not right after the
Alleged incident came to light officials here at the University of Pittsburgh suspended Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority the sororities National Organization then issued a statement saying that they were appalled at the incident and have zero tolerance for hazing Levy Giles who is also a member of the sorority says it’s
Worse because her daughter wanted to be part of the group since she was a little girl as a mom yep I’m sorry but I wish I could have protected her don’t play with it come on baby Also I felt like the sorority put a lot of women in really dangerous situations especially when it came with their fraternities there were a lot of allegations in a lot of different cases that happen and a lot of times women weren’t believed and a lot of things got
Pushed under the rug I ended up dropping for multiple reasons because of the racism I experienced also how we were being treated by other frats other sororities and things like that there was just a lot of reasons all I know Now let’s baby your way over to the master basket you know what that’s it you just can’t possibly be worth it I Quit good because we don’t need any friends besides each other and again I’ve never quit anything in my life so why start now we sweat shamed a lot of
People there was even a code word for it well traveled so that way we could say without Nationals getting upset I don’t care people say it is totally determined by looks yes you could meet a girl and really Vibe with her but they are looking for pretty girls that will
Make their tractor look good I just saw a tick tock comment that was like well if your whole sorority went to a plantation party what are you gonna do not go yes hey let’s create a fraternity and jump up and down barking like dogs hell no
But I’m gonna mention it now because I’m saying where did that archaic thing seep into the black uh anything hazing uh actually using using brutality I mean is some type of initiation of some type of organization among black people that should never have been ever not one time
And I’m going to say that for sure and I want everybody else to pick that up and the sound of my voice I mean the really uh pass that on and get that taken care of right now it never should have been in the first place I mean you know you
Join what they call a a Greek fraternity as a black person or or some other type of uh Fraternity in a college or something like that and then start talking about beating someone as an initiation ceremony when your parents your grandparents underwent beatings do you mean all across the Atlantic Ocean and whatnot
Yeah you carry that on as some type of uh ritual that you say is required one black person beating another in a Collegiate setting stop and think about that type of insanity it is a perpetuation of the slave same mentality of slavery okay there’s a form of slavery well here’s what was interesting
When I went to my National Convention that summer and we talked about hazing I had some brothers in the chapter who said hey man don’t tell anybody you didn’t get hazed or you didn’t get any wood which is me paddling [Applause] and to the guys who want to pledge a fraternity
Consider whether or not you will be willing to compromise by doing any kind of sexual performance and in front of your mama at that ladies and gentlemen tickets to our little play are on sale and here’s a little taste of what you will see I’m Spartacus I’m the guy every gay
Wants to kiss and if a sigma asks you if you had your wood today you tell him get the stepping foreign [Applause] so the nines that were that came in the line like before me that pledged before me they would be the ones that would be
On me like calling and stuff and they would have my my number they would have like um you know if you did something or if they felt that you talked to them disrespectful if you didn’t call them big sister you gotta write five Page Long uh papers talking about how you’re
Disrespectful and on top of that you gotta go do house visits so House business is like when you go meet up with big sisters that are just in town it’s you and like two or three other people with you and mind you you could never be by yourself if they ever caught
You on campus by yourself they would kidnap you like on top of that like not even the Deltas but like if the cues which was the brother for uh fraternity of us caught us they could kidnap us and then they would have to call your license
They would have to come get you they could do whatever you know what I mean to you like you know you have to get in the cut which I mean like take licks um everything they smile wipe you they do this thing where they make you sit in
Delta chair which is basically like squats they sit on you they spit on you they hit yeah yeah you know we would eat dog food we I mean the most demeaning disgusting stuff that you could ever imagine we would do this thing called Delta Apple where we
Would literally all take and bite out of the onion and like pass it to each other you know you ever got an attitude because of something that they did to you it’s over with for you this is why fraternities and sororities are a cult they beat you up to join
They break you down by hazing and pledging and brainwash you through your Oaths and chance you have to say there’s a weird relationship between Brotherhood and Sisterhood and pain and suffering and that’s Witchcraft and demonic you can’t talk about anything inside the group to Outsiders if Outsiders question
Anything about the group you get defensive and angry and even violent and last if you try to leave a sorority or fraternity they disassociate from you as if you do not exist putting you into Exile just like other Cults like Mormons and Jehovah Witness and Black Hebrew Israelites being a
Mason or an Eastern Star is not as innocent as it appears so before you join any of those organizations you need to pray and seriously do your research one of the most Supernatural experiences I’ve had was years ago when I was in my closet praying and the Lord began to
Press upon me to renounce Eastern Star and I didn’t understand it because I wasn’t the east of the star but my mother was living with me at that time and when I came out of prayer I asked her had anybody in our family ever been
An Eastern Star and she began to tell me how deep my ancestors were into masonry and Eastern Star and the Lord showed me the curses that were attached to that and because of my ancestors they were also attached to my life some of you you don’t believe this pray about it
But it’s witchcraft it all goes back to Nimrod so a lot of the oats and the um pledges and the secret things that they do it’s not of God I definitely would not advise it for anybody so I was thank you so much thank you thank you thank
You I’ve been through a lot yes got a testimony yes God gave it to me all over again I’ve always wanted to be a part of a Sisterhood I thought I wanted to be a part until I met y’all [Applause] real talk I was like wait a minute
Yeah yeah like I love what you support and I love what you’re doing I won’t disappoint you I promise everywhere I go I will wrap you [Applause] this lady talks about being a witch and she did not know it drew me to them I love things done in the spirit of Excellence even from my youth so nah how did you become a witch and not know it Chris I’m getting there be patient dear be patient I’m getting
There so as all of this is happening and going on I didn’t know that while in pursuit of a higher level education that I would begin a practice in a higher level magic of Witchcraft that I was unaware of this is the pursuit thereof this is the
Journey to it so now I’m getting into this organization and it’s time to get down it’s time to commit and I understand everything that I didn’t know it was going to be but you just go for it as each day goes by you just go for
It now back in track I already told y’all I never had a problem you know academically not a problem at all superseded did well in anything that I did but now I get here to this point and I’m online and now I can’t remember anything now my mind is under attack and
I didn’t realize it at that moment I did not this comes really after reflecting I got out of what’s happening to me all right I’m online I can’t remember anything there well can somebody deal with her so y’all can help her remember too because I don’t understand what’s
Going on neither did I neither did I first attack on the Mind witchcraft feels very differently from each individual you don’t know how it’s going to attack you I was dealing in the level of Witchcraft that my body was never supposed to experience but nonetheless I did telling y’all as well that even
While I was in Pursuit I was fasting and praying to God thinking he was really gonna hear me cause I was I I guess I thought that I could serve two masters nonetheless we’re continuing in this process now as this process continues to go my mind’s already been under attack but at the
Same time now I get a phone from a phone call from home my family member telling me I need to come back home because my identity has been stolen so I didn’t understand back then as above so below as my identity was being traded and stolen and given over even
Willfully by my own free will I didn’t understand that this was happening to me too in the natural and if you don’t believe that God be sending you signs through what you going through you need to stop and reflect because I was being sent all the signs nonetheless I was
Blinded I was blinded by the lust and desires of my own heart I don’t care if this is leading me to a road of Destruction at that time I’m going for it I said I would commit to it and I’m going to see it through
That’s what I was doing so I get to the point where I’m at one of the first types of things where we need to undergo ceremonially I get there and we all hear you know we doing what it is that we have to do but
Now it comes to a point where I got the bow and if I they took us into one of the bedrooms and the candles were lit the lights were turned off some of the people had masks and wigs on we had to bow down to them kiss a skull’s head
They immediately started screaming at us they held us and I just screamed and you could feel the Flesh on your skin just burning demora karamacinus and Jessica Zimmerman still bear the physical and emotional scars from that night almost two years ago in a bizarre hazing ritual they were
Branded by their sorority sisters that night they took it from me my bubbliness my personality my Trust they took everything from me intoxicated after several hours at the party damara and Jessica say they in two other pledges were brought to a dorm room where they were surrounded by 15 Kappa
Sorority sisters they lit a cigarette and told the five pledges they were about to be branded the older sisters doing it to them said they had all been branded themselves a tradition they say that had been going on for the past four years actually came over on the couch I was
Sitting it and pulled the side of my jeans down enough to my hip and held the cigarette to my hip and they counted one Mississippi to Mississippi green Mississippi up until six or when I was just screaming in pain so much that they took it off that must have felt like eternity
But what happened to damara and Jessica is not an isolated incident Stephanie white Adrian Oldham and Nicolette Cargill say they were hazed but they not only sustained physical abuse but emotional abuse as well everything everything was a mind game everything at no point was I in control
Of anything that was going on with me it began in the spring of 1995. Nicolette Adrian and Stephanie were drawn to Delta Sigma Theta at the University of Louisville Kentucky because they wanted to make friends and contacts but in order to get membership the girls say the sorority sisters would
Make sure the pledges paid a price I was pushed shoved I’ve been hit in my chest for the fist I was paddled I have had water thrown in my face I have been slapped they say all 13 pledges were required to live in one room in this dorm they were
Deprived of sleep humiliated and referred to by number instead of by name you know the whole process of hazing is one where the individual’s identity is Stripped Away go get those Slackers please here we go get them girls some fresh meat this is ridiculous for him to put up with this [Β __Β ]
Let’s go girls out here straight line let’s go climb up [Applause] I’m Spartacus underwear is almost ironed most magnificent wondrous and exalted High Master where is my other slave bring in Slinky head Carrie Keating is a social psychologist at Colgate University she’s done extensive research on the effects of
Hazing once you have a strong group identity it is very hard to deny the group even going so far as to allow yourself to be branded or to be paddled yes but it wasn’t the physical side of hazing that hurt that most these three say it was
When their upperclassmen in the name of bonding and Sisterhood preyed on their emotions physical hazing can be dealt with it’s the middle things I can’t deal with and women tend to be more vindictive and women tend to know just the right thing to say yes once you hit
That soft spot in your heart Adrian Stephanie and Nicolette say their older sorority sisters targeted the 13 younger women’s weaknesses degrading them calling them fat and ugly all the time threatening to deny the membership in the sorority men are usually more physical the aggression is physical whereas with women it’s psychological yeah
All of them right now yes we don’t have our day here let’s go this is a White House time honestly now all right let’s start with the measuring let’s go Slackers we’re gonna see who’s got the biggest and smallest what it was a midnight the girls were lined up in
Underwear or like in a bikini or something not completely naked but like showing most of their body guys had Sharpies they match them up and every guy would just come draw on your body where they think needs change dead of the winner outside on a balcony you’re suffering you’re cold and you’re getting
Body shamed hey America that is the worst thing I’ve heard of it that’s like dramatic it’s insane that is dramatic Fiona are you okay I didn’t do that yeah I know but like are you is either one of them more damaging is either one of them just nastier social rejection is
Particularly particularly harsh for women and that’s what the hazing threatens to do and hazing often involves social rejection or the threat of social rejection Sarah is there she spent most of the night outside in Sub-Zero temperatures often waiting in knee-deep snow that I was crying by now
Or telling them that my feet were cold and they hurt and my legs hurt and I pulled muscles and I don’t think they can do it anymore Sarah’s foot was frostbitten it turned blue and swelled so much she couldn’t put on her shoe Sarah’s fellow pledges were worried and
Once they found their way back to campus they notified Lambda Delta Sigma Sarah says some of the sorority sisters insisted she continued the initiation and humiliated her by making her get up in front of the entire group of more than 40 young women they told me to stand up in front of
Everybody and Shout that I am a wimp hear me cry move because I guess because my foot turned blue but I was in pain I I was a wimp and so I needed to screaming as loud so everybody could hear but I can do it when she finally sought medical
Attention doctors told her the situation was serious they told me that they wanted to schedule an emergency amputation in the morning at 6 30. to cut off my toes this is just my experience from going through recruitment at the University of Rhode Island I’ve also recruited and
Been a recruitment counselor so to join a sword you have to go through something called recruitment you can sign up for recruitment just like you would any other club or organization on your campus recruitment gives you a chance to meet every single sorority and to find where you feel most at home and
Comfortable with the girls it consists of four rounds which usually takes up to two weeks round one is House tours a member will give you a tour of the whole house and you also just get to talk and get the general Vibe of the sorority round two is philanthropy and this is
Where you learn about each organization’s philanthropy and you can do a craft project to benefit that cause round three is Sisterhood and like you guessed it you learned about the sorority Sisterhood and you just have some deeper conversations with some of the members Ground Force preference or
What we call preferon this is the last round before you decide what sorority you’re joining after every round you rank the sororities and the sororities rank you so the amount of houses you’re visiting each round gets smaller so by the time you’re the prefront you’re only visiting two houses and then finally
It’s bid day and you get to find out what house you’re in come join a sorority with me they did the big reveal time to run home [Applause] made it home excited for new adventures with gamified data so my sophomore semester I’m transferred I’m at Delaware and it’s
Amazing I’m making so many friends people are telling me that oh my God you’re top-tier sorority like you’re so cool you’re so this you’re so that I had such a blast it was amazing and I was so excited to rush so you rush in the spring semester and it’s like in two
Week blocks and you talk to girls for hours and hours and hours so it was finally time for me to rush and I was so freaking confident I thought I was so in so now it’s spring semester and I always want to be in a sorority I felt like I
Wanted that big group of girlfriends and I thought that would be so exciting and I did really well I talked to so many girls it was like a three day event it was like Friday Saturday Sunday non-stop talking and I made so many connections I
Did really well and I was so excited I remember I skipped out of the building because I was like I just did so well I’m so pumped this is amazing I’m gonna make the top tier sororities I come back the next weekend so excited brand new Air Force is on full face of
Makeup so ready to go and you get a list on your phone of what stories want you back and boom boom boom boom boom canceled I think there was 14 sororities I was canceled I think I got maybe one back I dropped to the floor crying in front
Of everyone it was the most mortifying embarrassing thing in my whole entire life after that happens you just gotta go home and cry I was so depressed probably for a month super embarrassed I remember people would make fun of me at parties and say that I got blacklisted from
Every sorority and oh my God it was so mortifying I had no idea why it happened a few months later I figured out what happened um these two girls wrote a letter to panhell saying I was a bully in high school I didn’t know them in high school
And it was because one of their ex-boyfriends had a crush on me be against the law so back in 2014 me and maybe like seven other black girls decided to go through Rush a year after we had been like on national news for sororities not being integrated Bama being Bama you know and
Uh shout out my friend Kennedy she was the first one to open the doors for us and we went through rush and it was uh you know a whole lot of sea of rice but then three of us three years later became presidents first black presidents of our sororities of like 400 white
Women shout out them once upon a time a few years ago so I was in your shoes didn’t think I’d ever know where I belong Where I Belong where I live you want black women to come into a space but you’re telling them that they’re almost essentially not welcome
To their own people because they don’t do the exact same thing as you and we were not made to be alike I’m never gonna fit a stereotype or a mold but I’m also going to be inclusive towards everyone and if that makes me whitewashed or in a certain place too
Bad so sad but I would rather be friends with everyone spread diversity in places that were never diverse before and be comfortable in that then just stick to a comfort zone of just like sticking to what I’m supposed to do like it’s almost like when your parents tell you not to
Do something you want to do it anyways that’s how I feel about this and as of right now in my life I wouldn’t be 100 committed to this because I’m still just trying to figure out my own life and figure out my new identity as a mom so
Yeah so that’s my long-winded answer to a D9 sorority and and this is the issue of being biracial always having to pick between white and black and this this happened definitely for me trying to be Greek that’s how I know you you’re not joining a service based organization
I’m really glad that this is a conversation because it needs to be had um I went to go pledge of sorority um I was recommended by some alums to like look into it and I’m in undergrad right now there’s only one girl in the chapter she is the president and the only member
She looked me Square in my face saw what I looked like I visibly don’t look like what she assumed her sisters would look like that’s my guess because again she couldn’t tell me that but hey um what she did say was uh she pointed at the Multicultural sorority behind me
And said that I should go apply there and that um you can’t just join you have to like there’s a process and I was like I meet all the qualifications and I was recommended but thank you so much and here’s the problem I don’t want to step
And and wear the cute shirts granted I bet I would fly I know I’d look fly but it’s the service part of it that is really interested in me like I’m going to school for African-American history I want to get back to my community and all
The other black women that helped me you know I asked girls and sororities what diversity looks like in Greek life and I didn’t get many responses I feel like be a little controversial so I just don’t want to spawn anything I got one insightful response from this kind
Student talking about how her sorority aims to create an inclusive environment we can’t really help it if we both color or who aren’t heteronormative don’t rush but we want to create like a safe space in case they do that led me to my next PATH which was
To ask people of color why they don’t join the traditional frads and sororities are you planning to to join a sorority oh no I think the perception agree like as a whole though become a little bit more negative a lot of them didn’t really put efforts into diversity
Equity inclusion until like BLM and even so those representatives were still not people of color what frat is this guy in okay well I’m an Asian Greek and I really don’t have any idea about white crabs so just throwing it off Zetas okay and what sorority are you in Alpha Phi
Gamble do you think they would get your sorority right yeah okay what if we what if we cover that up what do we cover that up you think that we get it right still no what fraud is this guy in okay well I’m an Asian Greek and I really don’t have
Any idea about white crabs bruh while compiling this information I came across the realization that this Masonic tradition surpasses the divisions of black and white fraternities encompassing all ethnic groups within America’s education Network foreign caters to individuals from every nation tribe and tongue recruiting the most capable individuals to become
Gatekeepers for their respective communities these chosen individuals subsequently occupy positions as pastors leaders Bishops lawyers judges actors and more thereby gaining access to Secret Lead status and privileges foreign Foreign do you believe that hazing and fraternities has its own good why or why not it’s no good because one person alone can stand up for himself or herself and as opinion leading Filipinas I can be that influenced to spread the word that violence is not acceptable thank you
I don’t give a flying if your sorority was the best thing that happened to you reading these types of stories hearing this type of thing there is a clear problem and I personally don’t think it needs to exist for the purpose of making friends because you can make friends in
Clubs not everyone’s sorority or fraternity experience is bad there can be good that comes out of it but I believe that the system as a whole is corrupt I mean don’t get me wrong I I understand Amber tried really hard and she did everything you asked she is more
Superficial and spiteful than a Bunchy and just give her a chance to prove it I mean I know what a backbiting snob she can be because I’m her friend let’s keep it a book some of y’all in these organizations who are legitimate Christians y’all need to check your ls’s
And your lbs because why are they okay saying this kind of stuff and how can you call someone a brother or sister who talks to your brother or sister in Christ the way some of these folks have been talking to us I mean even the term
GDI come on y’all this is crazy so I know folks get mad about the public denounced videos but they’re important not because denouncing buys you salvation but because denouncing is a public Proclamation and is a public testimony to your friends and loved ones who aren’t saved that something happened
To me that person’s name is Jesus Jesus happened to me and when Jesus happened to me and I read his word and decided to truly follow him and serve him as Lord I realized that the stuff I was doing and saying in these organizations people keep saying these organizations are
Christian based and they’re not they are based on Freemasonry and Freemasonry is a universal religion Universal means that any God goes you can’t follow the god of the Bible and also accept all other guys as valid it’s it’s a straight up contradiction oh no I’m devastated laughs Alpha Kappa Alpha pledge Lips Bruh baby it’s the akas for me the AK is for me you can catch them out here strolling in their pink and green and they find and a part of the D9 welcome to Southern California kpfk brother Steve Coakley hey good evening brother one of our great researchers that have exposed the
Boulet a phenomena that most of us in the movement never knew about until you can’t brought light took the uh sheets off of these negro clan members and explain to us what the boulay is all about so we’d like for you to do is tell us the history of the buddhaisara the
Origins and the relationship to the building class um this secret society this black this particular black secret society that we’ll talk about today is the first of the black Greek societies started in 1904 and that word that you said boulay is actually an acronym it’s
A Sigma Pi Phi Sigma Pi Phi 1904 in Philadelphia and for most of our people we are not prepped to the responsibility of secret society in the American society and this founding Constitution this illegal criminal Enterprise was a masonic affair and uh a masonry is a form of secret
Society there are other well-known secret societies like skull and bones at Yale of which this corrupt president and his father were members of and it is that society that the black society modeled itself after so when they wrote their first history book the history of
Sigma Pi 5 by a very noted black author University president Charles Wesley who wrote the history book for the Elks the Prince Hall Masons uh National Council of negro women Alpha Phi Alpha and Sigma Pi Phi and as a result in there in page 28 of its first history
Book it noted that it wanted to be like skull and bones at Yale and I thought it was unusual that the LA Times knew of this society and I didn’t know of them now for audience to understand I’m starting off trying to explain to black people the impact of international
Policy groups like the trilateral commission the Council on Foreign Relations uh when the bankers began to take over the American cities in the 70s New York 75 Cleveland 77 Chicago 79 and here in California they used Proposition 13 to suck up the Surplus out the budget and bankers began to take over from
Municipalities the governing of the cities and as I was scratching I could not figure out how was there such black complicity Turner decent sororities that didn’t include blacks in colleges so blacks couldn’t be a member so they created their own and the reason initially to create their own wasn’t to
Be like the the white establishments it was to fight against some of the injustices that were happening on campuses and in the community um against against blacks and minority impossible to examine the advancement of black people without discussing black Greek letter organizations Greek life is more than just letters
Colors parties uh uh drinking a lifetime commitment to the community the divine nine the black sororities and fraternities the um the black secret societies I believe it’s important not just from organizational standpoint but from a principal standpoint in the way that they were developed and why they were developed and continue those
Traditions and that um information passed forward down from generation to generation it’s important uh African-American history you see like black secret meetings that happen on plantations right you see even before the Underground Railroad you just see secret meetings of readings type of meetings what do we have to do what’s
Best for our family it’s black my black people doing what’s best for black people and they’re just important to uh what we do as a as a community it revealed that Kamala Harris is descended in a direct line from Hamilton brown one of the largest slave owners in Jamaica this is a guy
Who had no less than five plantations populated by a minimum of 200 slaves I also have slavery ancestors most black people in America have slavery ancestors I have slaver ancestors because my great-great-grandfather was a white slave owner who raped my great-great-great-grandmother s [Applause] oh yes [Applause] bruh
Oh one can do it like we can we are the baddest in the land we are the educated motivated skin type more High hard-working ladies bruh [Applause] Bruh [Applause] pretty girls walk like this this this this 12 sorority pledges showed up at a Pittsburgh Police Station to file a complaint of hazing and that complaint LED Pitt to suspend the sorority Julie Grant spoke with police today she’s joining us live with the details Julie
Stacy good evening to you Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority does not have a house here on Pitts campus these hazing incidents reportedly occurred twice last week at a home in Penn Hills now we spoke directly with the chief of the police department there he would not
Tell us where that home is located so as not to jeopardize their investigation on Monday evening we had a mother come into our police station with her daughter and 11 other young ladies who were all pledges for a sorority at Pitt the chief says the mother wanted to
Report the ladies being hazed by other women on February 21st and February 23rd the mother made accusations that these girls were taken to a house somewhere in Penn Hills and possibly smacked with paddles or something like that according to police the 12 plunges are all 20 or 20 oh we’re
Originally from the Pittsburgh area at this point in time the girls are on spring break they’re gone they none of them live around here so we’ll have to wait until they return to school to interview them and see what exactly happened today Pitts dean of students sent this letter to the Greek Community
Announcing the interim suspension of recognition of Alpha Kappa Alpha and making it clear that hazing is not tall we had the information we contacted University of Pittsburgh Police they are conducting a parallel investigation where the investigation goes from here will largely depend on how much the pledges are willing to cooperate with
Police and give them information these young ladies are 20 and 21 years old they’re adults if they don’t come forward willing to be victims or say they’re victims there’s not much we can do with it according to the chief it seems the mother who is also a member of
The sorority is the one who encouraged the ladies to go to police I think Mom got them together to explain that hey that’s not right we reached out to Alpha Kappa Alpha sororities national headquarters in Chicago to see if they have any knowledge of these complaints and so far
We have not heard back [Applause] Save money we got down to the point where it was about to be you know where we was going to get read in They started to say stuff along the lines of you know this is going to be like a vowel and an o that would follow you into the final day of judgment you’re gonna have to say I do um this is a covenant that you’re coming into um
You know they had an altar set up with a pillow and you know I’m watching everybody go one by one you know saying these words basically spiritually marrying this this false god is attached to the organization um you know getting on your knees before this all these uh symbols that’s
Representing that God and raising your right hand putting your hand on the Bible like and I’m like this not that I’m right about these you know but at the same time like I don’t need all of this four years of hard work trying to get here the whole process then went by
I didn’t almost killed myself to get here so I’m gonna just go with so right there no chance no repetitions no Oaths no swearing no mantras nothing look up their songs their mantras their repetitions their Oaths their pledges their art their symbols they are all tied back to Greek mythology
That you ask Ed because I’ve been dying to talk about this first of all let’s talk about recruitment one of the characteristics of occult is the preoccupation with bringing in new members and as we all know um fraternities and sororities are obsessed with bringing in new members if
You’re active on a college campus they may do it every semester every year every two years but obviously there’s a constant thing that goes on and I know you might say well duh because every year people graduate so you have to bring in new members but um certain fraternities and sororities
Are also preoccupied with doing it in adulthood like grad chapters after people have already graduated from college and you know you’re already in right so if the colleges are bringing in new members why do you also have to bring in adult members and every fraternity sorority
They might vary in how vocal they are to Outsiders about it but every single one at least tells their current members that it’s important to always bringing in New Quality members number two they’re preoccupied with making money if you are a member of fraternity of sorority um everything costs and you get fined
For all types of things so they’re obsessed with bringing in money that’s also why they’re kind of obsessed with the quality of the members they usually want people who come from money or make a lot of money so that you always have money to give to the call they’re also elitist
Um sororities and fraternities by Nature are elitist as I mentioned they want the best they want to be able to brag on their members um and that also kind of correlates to wanting more money but also just trying to tell everybody like you are the best
Thing out there and let’s not forget the polarized US versus the mentality um when you join a fraternity sorority you’re often taught to generally see yourself as different and better than people who are not a member of one but then also to just see yourself as different and better than people who are
Members of different ones like think how many chants do you have that disparage the other sororities and or fraternities that you recognize um and say that like you’re the best you’re the prettiest you’re the smartest whatever whatever remember are also encouraged to cut ties with people outside of the organization or outside
Of the Greek life and you might say that’s a stretch but it’s not because during the Plaid process you’re normally told you’re not allowed to speak to people or often told that um and even just the process of being a sorority like they encourage you to bond with your brothers and or sisters
Um and kind of build your relationships there and not focus on your other relationship and when you do try to focus on your other relationships there’s a lot of pressure for like why aren’t you hanging with us you should be spending time with your fraternity your sorority which correlates with being
Expected to spend a lot of your time engaged with the group um cult behavior and last but certainly not least I’m questioning doubt descent are highly discouraged or even punished there’s consequences for disagreeing even if they’re just social according to these documents obtained from the University gstv news has
Learned that the sorority zetaphi beta has been found in violation of a hazing policy the sorority must relinquish this fourth floor University Center room as well as cease all meetings and operations Zeta Phi Beta held an informational meeting on February 20th 2013 in classroom South and just Days Later were
Accused of hazing and the police report filed on February 24th The Hazing victim said that she was forced to perform strenuous activities was deprived of sleep and was quote punched and hit from the neck down the victim continued in the police report that members of the sorority were
Aware that hazing was illegal and if pledges went to the police they would be quote beaten up forever judicial board documents further state that sorority pledges were called names and were forced to consume a concoction called Zeta juice a representative from the Dean’s office was unavailable to speak with gstv news
But the school’s official code of conduct outlines what is considered hazing hazing as defined by the university as intentional negligent or Reckless action activity or situation that endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of an individual or causes any individual pain embarrassment ridicule or harassment as a precondition
Or condition of gaining acceptance membership office or other status in a student group whether that student group is formally recognized by the university and regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate University regulations indicate that violations of hazing policy require completion of an anti-hazing Workshop by all members of
The chapter as well as their advisor identify beta was found responsible for four of the five counts brought against him including violation of the student code of conduct disruption or obstruction of University activities verbally threatening and physical abuse and engaging in supporting promoting or sponsoring hazing the chapter was found
Not responsible on the fifth count which was public intoxication or use possession consumption of alcoholic beverages members of zetaphi beta including president Nisha McRae did not return our requests for interviews so I’m an extraordinary girl and I lived in my sorority house for two years so here’s what that was like the weirdest
Thing for me about living in the house was that no matter how weird the rules got in the house you couldn’t really complain about it to each other because you never knew who you could trust you never knew who was going to go tell exact who lived among you so you don’t
Know who’s on your side and who’s on exact side we weren’t allowed to drink or have alcohol on social media so living with exec was annoying when this picture of me drinking at my cousin’s wedding was posted and they have full access to me so they come knocking at my
Door and they’re like this picture needs to be taken down immediately and I was like what am I supposed to do tell my cousin Amanda she has to delete her own wedding photos that really happened so sorry to my cousin Amanda also sometimes when there’s a lot of drama in the house
They’d have a mandatory meeting where we had to sit in a circle and talk about the drama which is one of those things that doesn’t seem real but somehow was real when you live in a sorority house you have a house mom who’s just a random lady that lives in your house basically
Their job is just to make sure that you’re all following the rules and that you all stay alive Etc one thing about our house mom is that she believed that she was our actual mother so I guess at one point some of the girls weren’t returning their dishes
To the kitchen fast enough and she decided to punish us as a house and she wanted to take away our TV privileges but we were like I feel like we’re just gonna keep turning the TV on and watching it because we’re in college and you’re not our mom [Applause] [Applause] now thank you
Black actresses update a Phi Beta [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Thank you Thank you Foreign The sorority sisters of Zeta 5 beta in Wisconsin [Applause] here are five of the oldest black Collegiate sororities in addition to the divine nine first on this list is an organization that does not consider themselves Greek but considers themselves to be a social Fellowship incorporation which is Swing by Swing social Fellowship Incorporated they were founded on the campus of Winston-Salem
State University in 1969 one year after the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and at the conclusion of the Civil Rights Movement swing five swing is an acronym for sisters with interest never gone their specific purpose is supporting women in need of growth and affecting social change Zeta Delta Phi
Sorority Incorporated was founded on the campus of Bronx Community College in 1962. their aim is to support support those in need through academic philanthropic and social Endeavors gamified Delta sorority Incorporated was founded on the campus of Lewis business college in Detroit Michigan in 1943. they aim to improve the economic social
And political status of all women also founded on the campus of Lewis business college in Detroit Michigan is Ada Phi betas sorority Incorporated which was founded in 1942. their mission is to obtain for women the highest standards in the business industry and the oldest black Collegiate sorority is Iota Phi Lambda sorority Incorporated
Founded in Chicago in 1929. their mission is to unite a Sisterhood of qualified Business and Professional women let me know if you’re a member of any of these organizations or if this was something that you learned today We’re going home to get money [Applause] oh freedom Freedom we are free we will not be led astray we have chosen to get my way we’re going home together [Applause] [Applause] oh what what sorority did you did you join did you pledge I was a member I was a Founder on my actual campus at Florida International University of Sigma hamro
Sorting now what do you mean we say founder you mean like you found the whole sorority or what do you mean when you say well no the organization was founded in 1922 by seven supposedly School teachers but each campus the first group that comes on the college
Campus they are known as the founder they’re the ones that established a chapter on the campus and anyone after them has to learn their history because they were the ones that set the legacy on the campus wow so you have you have like college students that are in the
Present chapter that are learning your history because I’m a Founder wow exactly okay okay so after having pledged after having having gone through an actual sorority how would you define a sorority well I sat to find a sorority and um I wrote down something that I came up with and to me
A sorority of fraternity is an organized group structured through Pagan belief and rituals focus on the sole purpose of preparing young individuals to continue the legacy of secret societies through brainwashing and subliminal mind controlling that’s a pretty tough definition uh do you do you view that from was that your personal experience I
Mean do you view that do you view that from a personal perspective is that something that you that that as a as a scholar as an educated person you came to you know I how did you come to that conclusion as a definition I came to that um conclusion because of my background
Being that I pledge the sorority I went through the pledge process I went through the process of pledging others I went through the process of going to our national bullet conferences and meeting our grad chapters versus the undergrad and all the different things that I’ve seen and now becoming a Christian you
Know and some of my Christian Studies of what Pagan rituals are and also I grew up in a background where I was Haitian so I did watch a lot of rituals being done in my previous you know growing up with my parents so seeing some of the same rituals that my parents performed
When they were um not Christians and they were into you know original she called Voodoo and seeing that in my sorority you know really perplexed me because it was the same so you saw some of the same things in the Sorority rituals as you did Growing Up yes wow possibly significant
Okay uh we’ll be discussing some of the details of your involvement obviously are there any restrictions that Sigma gamma wrote places on the initiate when the initiative has pledged do they what’s the standard is there a standard as far as the information goes well the information is supposed to be secret
Only known to members and um even when you’re pledging they make you recite rituals over and over again basically pledging your oath that you won’t um release any of the information to anyone else and if someone is caught wearing a shirt a single camera shirt and they’re not a member they can be
Sued because they’re an incorporated organization you have to be a member so yes um the pledges and as well as other fraternity sororities all their information is supposed to be supposed to be secret to that individual thought you knew about yourself about your role like gutbusters is now
When you walk through those stores you became my pledge and if you want to emerge a champion like me then you need to prove you can cross the burning stance of hell we’re also monitoring a developing situation at Winston-Salem State University that school was suspended Delta Sigma Theta sorority from campus
For 10 years after reports of hazing administrators at Winston-Salem State say the suspension came after an ongoing investigation involving that sorority’s membership intake program last month one student filed that complaint although the sorority currently has 20 pledges and the university tells us not all feel violated now the school will not say
What type of hazing accusations they’re dealing with but they do say that physical abuse was not involved it’s Delta Sigma they had a second suspension and a 10-year period leading to the lengthy penalty this time around hazing did not happen on our campus but we felt that we had enough evidence
That we needed to take pretty Swift action because we’re not going to tolerate violations of our policies or violation of our core beliefs now the sorority does have the right to appeal the school’s decision but Delta Sigma Theta has a strict no hazing policy the sorority’s website States
Quote all acts of hazing or harassment both physical and mental shall be expressly prohibited a woman will not be subject to any Act of hazing or harassment in connection with or during her initiation into membership in the sorority the following organizations are associated with these particular pagan gods
Phi Beta Sigma is associated with Horus the Egyptian Falcon God Alpha Kappa Alpha is associated with katesh a Semitic nature goddess worshiped in Egypt or in the Book of the Dead which is sekhmet Alpha Phi Alpha It’s associated with the Sphinx the guardian of the Tomb or
Pyramid then we have Delta Sigma Theta which is associated with Minerva or Isis as she’s also actually or or Athena as she’s called which is the elephantine goddess of the Nile floods and fertility right then we have Kappa Alpha Psi which is associated with Thoth which is a leader or the Ibis
God of wisdom writing and the moon then we have Zeta 5 beta Zeta Phi Beta is associated with bastet which is also known as the devouring lady the Cat Goddess of the home and sunlight then we have Sigma gamma rho which is associated with mat then we have Omega Psi Phi which is
Associated with Anubis or the Royal child The Jackal God and we see if you looked at Omega sci-fi if you listen to the one pertaining to Omega sci-fi and Delta Sigma Theta we see that as Minerva is considered the elephantine God in a particular culture we see that throughout
Throughout Greek culture we see elephants especially pertaining to the Delta Sigma Theta we see different animals that associate with different fraternities and sororities Deltas they have elephants and then of course we have omega sci-fi and they have dogs and those are the gods that those particular organizations are associated with see I
Never knew America in modern society was founded in platonism the work of Plato namely uh the Republic and Greek science mythology and philosophical hermeticism that originates in Egypt or chemit Which is the foundation of Anglican doctrines of Magna Carta Europe which influenced the Constitution or a Plato’s story of Atlantis and the atlanteanism which comprises the identity of masonry in the Roman Catholic Church the Jesuit orders and the Puritans which created our American University system of Education I.E mind control
Via ancient greco-egyptian mysticism and elitist social organizations this is why it’s all Greek this is why the ethnicities of all kinds are herded into Cults taking on Greek identities and mantras these fraternities and sororities are recruiting basis for the new Atlantis the new Republic or New Age the new Babylon
Actually you were pre-selected for rejection so we maintain that aura of exclusivity in greco-adlancian lore which actually came from Egyptian Tales of Thoth were described to be run by a high Elite Aryan race only Aryans were allowed on counseling as high priests Atlantis is the origin of white
Supremacy doctrines and the Aryan race ideology that has pretty much always been a pillar within America’s Foundation especially when you gather that all fraternity science politics social studies and education as a whole come directly out of this platonist Atlantean Superior Aryan race global domination Alliance so you Pledge Your Allegiance to an
Ancient deity to earn your Greek letters basically you take on a new identity and Proclaim your new position as a slave under the authority that governs your body and mind this is all ancient old world occultism disguised as Brotherhood love for your fellow man and community service yet it’s based on mind control Is merely a filtration system for the elite to pick their pawns and brand their cattle and I got this boil in Atlantic City in 1991. finally I’m free Free from all my boring loser high school friends it’s like a pyramid scheme in a way a multi-level marketing system at the
Bottom you have the entry level group The frats which is focused on recruitment this is where code programming takes place identity is broke down and rebuilt through trauma they call it hazing above the recruitment level is masonry which plays as the intersection between academic fraternities and the elite organizations of the world
Above masonry sits the secret societies and knighthoods think tanks and Elite clubs like Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove and Club of Rome or Knights of Columbus these are the levels that truly structure Society and the levels above those pretty much approve the protocols and form the decision-making base
And mind you the majority of people who join frats and sororities are completely ignorant to these things so you know a lot of people are innocent when they get involved with these organizations they have no idea of what’s actually going on and plus once they complete pledging and crossover
The programming is already finished mentally and spiritually they have been transformed and now are loyal and dedicated members this is why things like rituals hazing and taking oats are so important to accomplish initiation because once these things have been accomplished the initiate is no longer an individual and no longer in control [Laughter]
Now they are a brother or sister dedicated by oath under a Greek deity an organization not only is this their new family but it’s their new authority figure and source of identity see how this works so we understand that frats and sororities came out of masonry and greco-egyptian polytheism
But where did they begin I always heard various people say oh being in the Greek organization is demonic you know secret societies you know that’s that’s not a god now me personally I always thought they were jealous because they couldn’t get into those organizations I said oh you’re just hating that’s you know
Whatever they were never able to tell me how it was not of God or how it was demonic now last July uh the street evangelists asked me we were friends and he asked me Marcus are you in a secret society I said no I’m in a fraternity though uh Phi Beta Sigma
And he said well actually uh fraternities are secret societies and by the way your fraternity is dedicated to a false god I said false god what so I researched it I didn’t take his word for it I researched it I went online I went to go to YouTube
And I Google I youtubed um false gods and fraternities or something like that and I saw all these denouncement videos of people who were in black people organizations Who were denouncing or announcing their letters I was like well this is a this is a thing and I started researching of what Phi
Beta Sigma now mind you uh just about every organization’s rituals are online on Google uh fair use uh there was a part in the ritual the subsection is called Inferno observing the wonders of the mountain now regardless of anyone has said this if they remember doing this while they pledge it doesn’t matter
It’s it’s in the organization’s history it’s part of their their path or their way and another disclaimer I want to say this people in these organizations are not evil the spirit Behind these organizations that’s what’s evil more grape slave [Applause] choke on them Brucie black people right now who are a part of
Black Greek fraternities and sororities are denouncing and removing themselves you want to know why because a lot of them are realizing that these sororities and fraternities are just covert ways of false worship paid false Pagan worshiping it’s covert bullying it’s narcissism really think about it they call it Brotherhood and Sisterhood
So tell me this why do I gotta get my ass beat down why do I gotta do things to to degrade myself as a human being in order to prove my self-worth to join your organization God the cracker almost got the suit must kills and nukes you better watch
Your man you better watch your man so why would a Greek excuse me a black Greek fraternity and sorority put people through so much physically mentally psychologically and emotionally abuse someone to make them prove just how bad they want to be accepted and validated by a group of human beings
This organization is out here to do the same thing that the street gangs were created to do that’s what it’s all about man you know what all this means that these women are gonna kill me the Fret is not in your steps it’s in your soul all right please
And that is to collect souls for the kingdom of Lucifer have y’all seen the makeup and vowed that the presidents of these groups take it talks about speaking in a new tongue one that is not of God and partaking in rituals traditions and keeping secrets and devoting all time and assets to the
Organization these organizations require so much of your time and devotion that you would you wouldn’t have any left to seek after God even if you wanted to and in the ritual books they also say that they are devoted to the eternal spirit of Truth and when I tried the Spirit by the
Spirit as the word tells us to I see that that spirit that they Praise Is false because any spirit that mixes the true and living God with other gods is false they out here worshiping Aphrodite Zeus Hestia Apollo and many other gods y’all Alpha Phi Alpha prize themselves
On so-called being first of all but they fail to realize that God is the true Alpha in Omega of all if the Baphomet is the overall god of the Freemasons and the sororities and fraternities were created by Freemasons then they all fall under what the Baphomet simple anytime you get on your
Knees in all white with candles being lit and make a pledge like Sigma gamma rho does this is basically a traditional ceremony in an attempt to leave you Soul tied to whatever God is attached to that group people don’t get it man this entire life is about your soul man do
You know that you’re already validated by God and that maybe mom and dad and your family members might have mistreated you and you’re seeking some sort of family structure in this Greek fraternity and sorority however if you just learn to be happy by yourself God will start to send your true
Brothers and sisters in spirit he will send you brothers and sisters whereas you don’t have to join a false fraternity or sorority to feel like somebody they are covert narcissists a lot of them that attended black colleges and joined these fraternities and sororities 20 and 30 years ago they were bullies then
And I guarantee you the majority of them are still bullies and idiots and insecure with Superior complexes stop joining these fraternities and sororities seeking validation because you don’t know who you are not through some false organization that beats on people and whoops on people and drains people and sleep deprivation they’ll
They’ll make you sit up and stay up all night and sleep deprivation is abuse they subject you to deplorable conditions just to prove your self-worth that is not godly I rest my case [Applause] you know that I know I’ve been changed cause they too far Beethoven to sign my name bruh Foreign