Hurt man that’s crazy it’s crazy man you looking like my man from class side remember man we’re live we’re live yeah okay all right all right who would have thought though man like yo I’ve never been the dude to have hair so uh yeah one of the mollies
Which barley are we talking about I don’t know if I’m gonna get that far into it I don’t know if I could take it that far but uh the Molly’s letting it go for a little while yeah I mean but Bob you know the original barley bad made some great music
That was Timeless man for every generation still bumper from time to time man from time to time man that brother my brother’s still gross yeah who still grows double digits Millions a year still up to this day yeah man his his estate I’m sure is very well taken care of
As a few of them things I’m sure that you know so what’s been going on with you Brothers just want to welcome everybody back it’s your first time this is bro talk uh it’s myself Isaac my My Level Beyond at some point he he got a different time schedule
That he that he works with but yeah it’s called yeah yeah right it’s it’s the clock that everybody else goes by and then it’s by little time yeah as for me man I just been I just been working man um working I’m helping my son with his homework from time to time
Um my daughter birthday just passed a couple of days yeah yeah happy birthday to her yeah man crazy on Wednesday she turned one on Wednesday so they just celebrate her party it’s had a party uh on Saturday okay it was it was peace you know what I’m saying so yeah
Yeah anything special happens for the first birthday culturally um they do like a little photo shoot okay um like the day before a couple days before or something like that even a week before you know she’ll wear like a gown and you know um that’s it the celebrator
You know yo let’s talk about that for a quick second man one-year-old parties man like some people go crazy all out for a one two three-year-old kids party thousands and thousands of dollars when they turned seven has going to have absolutely no clue what happened in that third party
For who like just being honest for who who are those memories for if it’s for you to parent hey this one right do you do you it is for the parents man I mean is that one year celebration of life where you kept that baby alive for one year
I think that’s something man for people to celebrate you know it’s being a new especially like being a new parent man spending thousands of dollars though so so so Kareem how much how much I spend on Chloe’s first party all together probably like 500 all together all right yeah that’s that’s reasonable yeah
That’s average that’s that’s good though I I Knew by his response though it wasn’t fifty dollars though I mean the cake alone was a hundred dollars oh man see what I remember um so cute I’m like yeah that’s messy like somebody gotta clean that baby face [Laughter]
Over there stressed out was it an ice cream cake I can’t even remember it was something that that Brandy liked I mean it wasn’t something that I would eat I mean my number could bake though she’s amazing man yeah banana puddings in a minute and she hasn’t done pound cakes in
Hey tell her that her number should be coming up this weekend man oh man Little Brownie little pound pound and it won’t you know it won’t be it’ll be right on time man oh she making banana pudding for the week yo he’s not that quick [Laughter] I’ll be gone all week
I’ll be gone from Tuesday it’s a Sunday bro yes so about next week we’re talking about this week man yeah we’re gone what you mean you’re gonna be gone bro like I don’t know how out of the house oh I’m not good I’m okay okay
Hey yo Eddie Rose man what’s up good to see you man thanks for tuning in brother Rose what’s up brother good to see you what’s what’s Rose what’s Rose are you talking about Eric Rose’s brother oh my my lb oh no where he at man he ain’t coming up yeah
Listen listen man don’t don’t don’t ask me about that guy upstairs I think my line Brothers man they are the funniest set of cats man I paid him no mind man but y’all 90s cats man y’all built from something totally different bro y’all had like 10 wires between like the
10 of y’all like 100 Kids like billions here ten dollars here I mean y’all have like a wide range bro everybody’s got all y’all 90s Brothers got something special bro yeah you’re special though right y’all love Brockport man we we had to pick up the pieces for mother from
Speaking of that man since we talked about generations and we’re not going to be on tomorrow we want to celebrate man 36th anniversary of having a black Greek letter fraternity on SUNY brockport’s campus none other than roll Alpha chapter all of us yes that all of us are part of
Bruiser spray 95 was the eldest brother on here We Salute You frat for making it for all of us me Isaac below and everybody that came after us and didn’t want to shout out to all to all the old school Brothers before that I don’t want to start naming
Names to get in trouble which I know who y’all are all the way down listen man I’m the one that had the right [Laughter] Yeah by Memphis Keith Bishop Autumn Brothers man thank you yeah yeah Autumn Brothers man on his line Autumn Brothers man you want to say thank you and cannot
Uh uh happens he’s coming up too he’ll be here he’s coming man he it’s officials yeah yeah papa yeah I’ve been getting a couple of random cash apps man so I’m not sure who they’re from but we got some more bread for the festivities so it’s gonna be a great man James George
Yeah uh oh but what I was saying though was that man bro often wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for Bishop Rufus McGee man for his vision and saying that man it was important for us to have a black Greek letter organization that’s who you brought for
It was already one in Rochester and U of RIT but you felt that it would be even more advantageous to have it right out of Brockport was about 25 30 minutes outside of the city event so rest well Bishop you know you doing your two-step sing your song barbecuing whatever you
Got happy Heavenly birthday man yeah happy heavily birthday too because anniversary is on your birthday so we want to smooth him we also want to salute his children um his wife his family wants to salute y’all for sure thank you for lending him to us
He spent a lot of time with us when he was here so definitely want to shout him out yeah Rufus man I miss Thanksgiving at your house man I used to come over I used to come over and tear your food up trash hang out with Erica talk trash to her
Too you know yeah Bishop gave me what three soups I think when I was just starting out Bishop college man I don’t care what nobody said Bishop pledge me at the church man you had to go through the church right yeah yeah you go through that
Church bro people they can talk all they want to talk man Bishop was like so so I’m tired oh man I said dude are you serious right in my mind I’m like you serious I gotta greet you right now I am serious like yo what you mean
I mean I’m in church bro my eyes wide open no no no what is going on around me because I’m sleeping yeah church is where you went to sleep right but you couldn’t still I was gonna close because you got Brothers back in the head little Gary Sean and them boys
Oh I hate them boys is uh Gary coming up too yeah uh no yeah yeah yeah yeah I think family say he’s coming up yeah he registered you’re not coming [Laughter] was it was the one you put the two words that you didn’t see it say oh you’re filming you said Bama
He registered he registered yeah Lucci said hey take my spot I said say no more oh that was what you said yeah committee now you have something to do okay I respect yeah it’s important important it’s not it’s last minute too of course it might look in the last three weeks
We got we got by ADP coming up we’ll be here Friday oh my ADP will be here Friday oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I spoke to him last night yeah Big Brother black ice oh yeah yeah it’s the same shirts [Laughter] bro yo Shay get up get on the life man yeah
You got the comments that’s a mistake too man say what’s up man oh my God save my God man yeah Yeah man you’ll be out there man flexing on cats no yeah that’s all I do do man yeah I sent the picture in the chat the other day this dude sitting like this
You’re gonna collect pictures man you gotta send those yeah you know what I’m saying like yo man you tripping we can’t forget about Justin though man he’d be out there flexing too yeah man maybe on the tick tocks giving knowledge man you know right there’s a different era man
Right you go back you go back to the 2000s man early 2000s I question my own outfits too so yo we was wearing no reason for me to be wearing a three four [Laughter] though oh yeah Rock used to go hard on somebody because it’s a it’s one of my mentee
They it’s closing somewhere he used to wear tight clothes I know what I’m talking like you should know you know what I’m talking like and he used to go hard on my on my little mentee man and look at him now boy yeah man you know Rocky wearing them jerking jeans too right
You talking about jerking like from the uh from Cali again yo that was my track back then man right hey did the Giants win the Giants got blasted bro I haven’t seen no football yesterday I haven’t I haven’t either but they got no not by the Cowboys man
Yeah they just they decided not to show up the word they just say hey no the giant the Giants the Giants got nobody to work and 18 sucks it’s gonna be like that all season no matter who they play well I thought they had a good season last
Semester last year they had a decent season yeah but you’re supposed to build on top of that you don’t let a cowboy cowgirls come in and um nah Giants ain’t building nothing position wow I don’t know I think Niners win I think I saw somebody said Niners one
Hey shout out to Big Brother Big Brother Eminem man I love you boy my God yo man his team had a uh very convincing win this past weekend bro like hey this team went crazy they won like 40 or 56 hey what’s up Malcolm look at Malcolm X
When he came in like this good things don’t spinning like this like you know what’s wrong with you man what’s going on bro hey man I love you man I’m glad am I saying and I appreciate you for reaching out how’s everything hey I have some Choice words for you but
Karima with some of this is a public is a uh you know I can’t say it on here well I see you on Friday man listen all of them are saying in the meantime pull your hat down it’s supposed to go for it [Laughter] all right [Applause] got a full rectangle man
What is it I got my sides I got my edges I’m good see you see what you started it was you know what I’m saying it was like this I thought you was about to break dance I was so good when I come up you know yo for anybody that’s listening and
Trying to understand what are we talking about this is the preview of what’s gonna happen for the next five days nah this is not even a preview man [Applause] this is the filter Family Edition of what’s going on with a lot of bros this weekend I’m coming back with nobody oh old-fashioned
I’ma be the old me from when I was coming up in the early in the mid 2000s man what does that mean what does that mean I’m no I’m not gonna be I’m not gonna eat oh because I don’t know what he’s talking about hey I’m coming up I ain’t got no bones
To pick with nobody you sure cause you don’t put up some pictures no matter of fact you had a video a three shirtless guys in the pool doing a dance I think Bruce has to be top top three most brotherly pettiest lovingest brothers ever dude not top
Three I’m number one listen Bruiser will feed you and then expose you in the same bruisable feed you so you can fall asleep and then post a picture of you sleep like what bro listen it’s the food coma let it happen yeah let it happen bro
My old stuff at Bowie get together they remember one meeting we had right I cook this dude with a four course meal right and everybody was eating and happy man and then we got to get down to the business and I led into I led into them and they
Was like it was they was looking at each other like what happened I didn’t know you know all these things was going on and when I lived into them dudes man them dudes I I saw calling them names they say he was doing this at this time
Public Safety reached out to me and they say this and you’re the only one that has my keys and he just he’s just looking at me like this I live into that man they was like yo they said they couldn’t believe that I knew all the stuff that was happening
And I hey man you know it’s all good man you learn those things man learn those things yeah you know I’d be uh I find myself doing not the cooking part but I find myself looking at cats and being like man I know a whole lot of stuff but I’m just
Gonna see what you gonna tell me no listen I’m sitting here no keeping it back yo he being modest juice been on one lately he been having jokes I’m talking about you know how to be like yoshay I need you to be serious I need you to
Regroup in the meeting no my man be throwing the shade the ultimate shade lampshade oh my God that’s good but but that’s not that’s not new for Kareem man has always been mad low with it yo people just don’t pick up on it yeah people just don’t pick up on it
Kareem he’s saying some wild stuff so you throw that like the sniper shots right not like everybody you know I call Brock beans man brought is definitely beans from belly Brock will just walk through like he’ll just let something happen he’s just like watch this happen and he’ll just let it happen dude
Broccoli started rock was started something man and keep throwing some kerosene on it yeah oxygen you know that’s what he said wait hold on he says not hot enough oh yeah I see brother rob you like this he’ll be like yo watch this [Laughter]
Oh man I’ll be like oh man I can’t wait for m-dub stories man because you know I’m not drinking with y’all this weekend I’m not doing none of that yeah we better bring back the enj and um Baileys man Pittsburgh with us bro like that goes
Down in history as probably one of the best Eastern regions I’ve ever been crazy trip ever dude between that and hope and the chip was the best strip ever oh [Laughter] see I try to forget things man in life that’s what I’m saying man white belts
You know you you know all shea butter you wearing his muscle shirts you’re not in competition mode man put on the shirt bro wait hold on time out yo is this by low trying to get in like hey man we ain’t worried about that man yeah not worrying about him
You know what I’m saying you know you’re gonna talk about your internet and is his internet messing up watch but no I look hey so on a serious note right click before we go back to some jokes uh definitely want to man take the time to
Talk about man 911. it’s been 22 years 22 22 years man I’m sure everybody remembers where they were at man when this happened but like it yeah any New Reflections on like today or just um quick reflection I was actually talking to my students about that and I was
Expressing them I was in the middle of taking a trade test and was I said you remember back in the day when you get the big TV that rolled in the class and you get excited like oh yeah so they rolled the TV in the classroom but right
Before that like I said was in the middle of taking a test and I see my teacher started crying and I’m like maybe we about to watch a movie so we can go handle a family situation and then they get us cut on the news I remember sitting there you know actually
Observing the second plane on his power it’s so surreal is that when you try to express this to students they don’t understand that this is a part of history that we’ve seen in real time and now we’re dealing with you look at Ukraine and you know the situation
That’s going on over there with Russia you look at um all these you know natural disasters that’s taking place and it’s like yo something else is brewing you know I mean we constantly feel like I feel like now when I was a child and all I cared about
Was making it outside after you know getting done my homework and playing you know football my friends and stuff now we actually have to pay attention to like there’s something bigger going on and now I feel like I feel like I’m constantly on alert even when I’m enjoying life it’s like yo Something’s
Gonna Change and these students don’t understand how like catastrophic it is um remember remember we had Y2K the Y2K bug and we all thought everything was gonna show off and then we got hit with the um I don’t know if you remember the the blackout yeah yeah
But it was like from Rochester yeah we had it too yeah literally walking down the Phyllis Wheatley library on the corner of Fourth Street and um and Sam McCree and if you read yeah right remember that September 11th was when uh Bilal came on the show League
Did you hook the phone up directly to the wall they said you had dial up so you had to make sure for 15 minutes Don’t ask no questions like that stuff like that this is gonna be a warm-up man I’m trying to tell you Brock can’t say nothing to me you can’t I’m gonna expose Brock if you say anything to me that’s my brother but yeah I’m gonna expose them you know what
I’m saying I got some things up my sleeve for him oh man oh man I’m trying to tell you y’all just leave me alone whatever y’all have plans just leave me out of it you know what I’m saying I got picture for each and every one of y’all
Getting no pictures man yeah you shouldn’t you shouldn’t all right I’m saved now I’m so good hey we’re not Brothers hey I want to shout out doricia what’s up girl what up shorty what’s up see you on here I hope all is well everyone here fam yup happy anniversary
Coming up to you too I’m shout out to all the alpha Angels yeah Sophie and everybody man Theresa you remember when when uh uh um Vanessa didn’t want to share uh crackers yeah what happened to Lizette where’s she at Superstar Elizabeth you talk to us that lately let us know
Please and tell us I love her man you should still hold me some gifts yo listen shout out to all the Angels man listen man Sophie she saved my life man I owe her to her I know yeah you didn’t want to cross that girl man stop it man wait a minute
Listen man that chicken soup I missed that besides bro I don’t think anybody can throw down like she could man back back at that time bro he cooks yo man listen nobody we had some great meals back in the day man listen yeah we have no matter what time
Of day it was it’s always somebody willing willing to cook man hey this rules making poor people food and me me being uh uh privileged I was like man I ain’t eating this I ate that food it was like yeah you said it you was right and did you
Say you’re gonna eat something that I cook no I said I didn’t want to at first I was like now eat that I’ll tell you say y’all man try this I was like oh we I never had to force don’t lie to these people here whatever I cook in that house was
Smelling it and then anything that you ever you ever even cooked in your in your place or smelling up the place bro I never had nothing bad to say about your food I’m like I forced you to eat it no no no no no no you never know you never force
Me to eat anything everybody [Laughter] hey man listen unfortunately let me save myself until Saturday or so man if somebody come at me man come on please oh man guess what we are cooking hot dogs and hamburgers at the barbecue ain’t nobody eating that bro what’s wrong with you Now hey I ain’t touching them if y’all want something else with a girl got it yeah so all them people that’s cooking hot dogs Burger y’all better put some jerk chicken and some something on the grill yeah you understand yo B you don’t eat hamburgers hot dogs dude
We got chicken hot dogs all right so you don’t see his glasses that’s fair of conflict right there yo yo why is it why is your uh to say oh I got you oh he heard the 15-minute comment from bro hey I want to say I just say it you know
What I’m saying yeah I mean all of y’all you know what I’m saying I’m like come on man it’s gonna be a long week man you can’t be on your feelings bro it’s gonna be a long time Listen man that’s what I try to tell you you know you got [Β __Β ] you got Shay Sons man all them [Β __Β ] soft like water you know what I’m saying oh God yo this song All right okay so this there’s an easy way there’s an easy way to uh to quell all of this right yo we just bringing you know the equalizer the easiest way to do it and that listen anybody that’s watching right now just know if if it’s if you feel like you you’re
In question there’s two people on here right now who can help you just saying I don’t know what you’re saying you’re being cryptic well what I’m saying is [Laughter] because the committee worked really hard I want to say y’all gentlemen really really you know I’m saying over the last
Couple weeks we had an idea we’ve seen it all the way through and I just want to say thank you you know now is the final week tomorrow is officially anniversary so I’m excited you know I mean can’t wait to meet up with bro tomorrow evening and you know this
Weekend when Bros pull up so thank you Kareem Ike um Waters Alex um yo dub listen but definitely you know in all seriousness I just want to say I’m excited to see Bros this weekend it does mean a lot bro you know I’m excited to
See you you know Mommy gonna want to see you you know make sure you slide you know you slide to the crib and come say see uh show your love um everybody hey man it starts tomorrow it starts tomorrow yes sir start tomorrow so tomorrow tomorrow
Hey man uh Shay thanks for coming on bro and I just want to say man Shea was the original originator of this idea man to have the reunion here in Rochester man he’s the one that brought us all together uh to to get this done man so shout out to you bro for
Putting an idea out there man that we should have it at Brockport um so we have to be excited about that there’s one brother I’m looking forward to see and I really put money that he’s not coming gonna be there oh you’re talking about Rob you know what it’s been a pleasure
Exciting off man y’all play too much Hey Kareem that’s your grand deed I really told him that pussy’s not coming nowhere if he comes man I’m gonna I’m gonna have to give you out seven push-ups or something like that man um to come out to a function do you be there I Know Carl Holmes is and if them two
Cats are there it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a show I can’t wait I can’t wait hey then y’all gonna see why we got our Pro all right let’s watch gosh if if if if if if if if twist shows up trust me y’all gonna see why why we the
Way we are listening everybody uh everybody got their uh they got their legal Insurance everybody got that hey man oh shoot yeah yo scratch what I just said come back you know yeah everybody gonna talk about that man people’s gonna come have a good time it’s gonna be it’s gonna be crazy
You know what I’m saying we’re gonna have a good time man yeah man it’s gonna be nice to be back out on Brockport campus and you know uh just kind of get that have that Nostalgia of you know kind of being back out there alongside other brothers
Um I’m looking forward to this barbecue as well too not necessarily for the perspective From perspective of the food because it’s not gonna be that good but um but just you know you know being in that environment I remember the last barbecue that we had out there
I almost broke my ankle but uh yeah yeah yeah Andy up got me and it looks rocks but um yeah it’s just gonna be a good time man uh it’s gonna be nice to kind of see Bros and then uh you know if they come any Bros coming up with family
I don’t mind will be in the area um you know so when we do have the events where you know families out and look forward to seeing um and engaging with uh brothers and their families as well too so on Saturday right Saturday yeah yeah it’s not a days of picnic
So that should be a good time be tell tell tell what’s your name man I’m still gonna whip them out because you know you’re talking trash I didn’t forget that either so tell them Saturday you know I gotta I gotta find it I’m gonna show you what I got for him
So why while he slide over there with that man I can know just want to take the opportunity man to say that uh you know I was doing some thinking man about like the kids going back to school and it’s just feels like a whole different type of year
You know I know like for my my daughter she’s in middle school I don’t beat your son’s in Middle School Isaac your daughter’s in middle school right yeah so man like I already gotta have a talk with her because we got her a cell phone and you know for
Calling and stuff like that and you know we just got a different setup this year man but you know going into them Years bro like it’d just be growing up man and like I think it’s important and I don’t know like do y’all have like a pulse on like
Your kids friends and what they’re into or you just like I just pay attention to my own kids yeah so so uh no like I I don’t know where her friends are into um but you know at the end of the day I don’t really think that matters too much
As well right because if I’m instilling you know those principles of you know what’s right what’s wrong you know what you can allow people to get away with what people certain people you know shouldn’t say um you know who you should be hanging out with what type of people that you
Should be looking for how how you how should you present yourself right you know if I think if I’m instilling those in there she’s going to find the right friends you know and um I got I have to give her that Latitude to to be able to do that now am
I just going to um you know allow her to go hang out with a friend and I haven’t you know met them or their parents or something like that no probably not not at this age anyway right but eventually within the next couple years they’re going to start making those
Friends in those relationships that we’re just not going to know about you know as as parents so um I think it’s now like at that middle school age is when you got to start giving them a little bit of an autonomy um to to mess up right you know so to speak
Because we all we all have done it we all will do it um and you know throughout our lives but um you know just continue to reinforce those uh positive attributes that they really need to look for you know when you know trying to identify a friend and
Also you know the way that they conduct themselves as well too right because we all know those situations where you know the parent will come in and say oh I know my child ain’t say that no not my uh my child would never say anything like that
I know she wasn’t cursing because we don’t curse at home and then when the truth comes out JLo that’s your little kid a little son or daughter curse likes to sell seller while they’re in school or in this you know uh program then you you surprising
You shot you know what I mean so again it’s it’s really just kind of reinforcing those positive you know attributes and you know getting what to look for and then also how to you know carry and conduct yourself so you know having those conversations is important
I know by love you probably have them conversations too uh which I know you mentioned a little bit earlier that you had to do some parenting before you got out right so you know we all have uh you know we all have those moments where you
Know we have to you know just kind of step in but we’re not always going to have the opportunity to be there you know for them with them so you know it’s really just kind of giving them the tools that they need to navigate that process yeah yeah
Yeah man I think having daughters you know that are at the stage right now man just adds a you know just a different you know layer man to deal with them about like you know self-worth and who you are or not what other people say that you are or even like
Even like just the music that they’re listening to and I mean let’s be honest right they’re gonna listen to the music that that’s probably not their age appropriate right like what like what we were listening to when we were their age so you know it’s like how do we have
That conversation with them about like you know yeah this person might say that’s you know this is beauty but then ask them the question like well what do you think beauty is you know what do you think being cute means right like what is how does that look you know just having
Like that conversation looked up so I know I you know having a daughter yeah I don’t know if you’ve had that type of combo with them yet or if you think the orders come and be I know what boys is you know a little bit different
You know with them I’m sure hey put some respect on that put somebody’s name I got daughters man what’s wrong with you right at one right after the next man Eli gotta grow up fast so so I don’t know that that’s one of those conversations that um you know I think
Uh you know Ezra should you know kind of lead off in that conversation right but you know also as from a male perspective I think it’s my it’s my job and responsibility to reinforce that right so I always make sure like um I give them praise and I tell them
That they’re beautiful and you know um you know the way they are like the makeup and all that other stuff like I tell them that without that right you know so they know that and when they hear that from somebody else it’s not going to be them hearing that for the
First time right and you know also the way that I treat them and the way that um you know um you know I show them love right if somebody’s not giving it up to you that way then you they’re not even worth your time either right so those
Are it’s I think it’s more so you know from my uh perspective is the actions more so than the words they’re going to show them I think those are those are excellent points brother yeah I think those are excellent points and I think we are important
We are just as important in the young girl’s life than in Mel’s life as well we are just as important you know what I’m saying I know people are saying we raising boys yeah but you know the girls they need that too especially at this time the
Amount of crazy stuff that I see that I see that go on in this time man they the girls need that as Fathers as black men and we being black fathers man they need that so yeah you know yeah each of my daughters have a very distinct personalities right they’re
They’re very they’re all very different um Ava she’s like uh kind of like has a sarcastic perspective you know kind of joke around like that dry humor I I gave her all that right so um and you know to me uh she’s more so kind of that vulnerable you know needs that
You know positive reinforcement a lot right you know um thinks negatively about herself so I find myself you know kind of pouring into her more so and Zoe that little girl is just like little Miss princess bubbly personality says hi to everybody loves life you know what I
Mean and you know just finds the joy and and everything and you know I love those those Dynamics because I I think you know just them you know um all being very different it’s going to give them an opportunity to have those have conversations from different perspectives right and they can do that
Within their home right they can do that amongst each other they can be there to support each other through that process right when to me is feeling down or angry or sad about something you got able to come in and throw a joke at her like yo what’s wrong with you or you
Know I mean like that’s not how big of a deal like you know you know pick yourself up right and um and and Zoe just like you know kind of finding the joy in and and you know the the bright spots in the situation right so
Um I look forward to seeing them grow as a unit uh which I think is is vital and important um them you know just kind of being there to support each other that’s something that we always uh try to reinforce as well too like um there’s nobody that’s going to be
There for you more so than your family uh so you know you guys got to support each other whenever they fight which which happens all the time you could imagine right before kids in the same house it’s it’s always I I don’t yell at
Them you know I don’t get mad at them I don’t ask whose fault it was because y’all are all that fault like if you engage in the fight and you’re at fault right so we have a conversation around are you okay I asked them are you okay
Is anybody hurt do you need to go to the hospital like we cover those bases no all right so what’s up and then we kind of talk through the situation you know and it’s more so um a lesson on you you all are you know
Like I said you’re a unique need to you know figure out how to engage with one another like if you know she doesn’t like this why would you do that right and if you know she doesn’t like this why would you do that right so just kind of
Coaching them through that process and you know watching them you know just kind of grow together um but but I think that’s the biggest part seeing them grow together and you know seeing them work together and you know you could tell that they all love each other right so you know just always
Going back to that like I know you love your brother I know you love your sister you just got on your nerves this one time right there’s no way you don’t hate them right so you know it’s kind of talking them through that understanding those feelings and emotions and
Um you know realizing that it’s more so than just this one moment right that there’s a lot more uh to life than just this one situation that happened we’re going to continue to to move move forward and you guys going to continue to love each other and support each
Other so let’s get past this let’s figure out not to go back down this road and let’s keep it moving everything you just said I’m like Eli bro man yeah Eli Eli get on my freaking nerves man he’s different you ain’t hear me bring him up for a reason that’s my guy though
Like yeah what’s up yeah now he’s really going into his own young man man I I love the I just I just sit back and watch him man because I mean his his mom gonna slap the mess out of him a couple times you do me saying
Some wild stuff again I know that’s me my bad sorry Ezra but yeah that little boy be saying so wild stuff just just sit back and listen to him sometimes man but he’s not what I what I love about Eli is that he’s a thinker like he like whenever I’m talking to him
He never he’s never looking at me he’s always doing this like he’s always sitting there thinking about every word that I’m saying right and then I know he understands me because he’ll come back and either say something very sarcastic which I love but I hate right or or
He’ll he’ll um acknowledge the fact that oh okay I get it I understand what you’re I understand what you’re talking about so um yeah he’s gonna be super sharp kid man way smarter than I ever could be and never was so I just look forward to seeing him continue to grow and
Development I like I like that part that you said about like kids getting into arguments and making that point that they don’t hate each other because I’ve seen that happen where like siblings man they even going into adulthood like you just hear conversations and you’re like man like they really still mad about
That like we haven’t let that go yet like that was like how many years ago you know what I’m saying but because they still have that like I know he said you use the word hate but I think the word is really like resentment like if I
Had to go back and think about all the things my brother said to me my brothers said to me did didn’t do like I haven’t talked to any of them today right but because I love them and we’re brothers and the fact that we we all share the same blood and we share
The same experiences but similar experiences man like that’s not you know I wouldn’t want to be you know in that situation man to wear like growing up as kids man that we have this sibling rivalry for one another man that has turned into like resentment you know
What I’m saying and for all the people that’s on here that’s triggered by what I said I’m not saying that there’s no boundaries what I’m saying is that like when you know you have kids and you have kids that are siblings man really bring home the fact that your siblings
And that y’all love each other that you can get past arguments and get past fights because that’s that’s part of life that’s just part of being in the house with somebody every single day probably sleep in the same room you know what I’m saying and eat the same meals
And do the same thing it’s just gonna happen my son my son told his mother told his mother asked his mother um why is why is she in her business yeah I mean I try not to laugh about it she’s like um nah you was laughing about it
Do you’ve been telling Josiah David to to mind his business I said yes I tell my son to mind his business she’s like could you please stop telling that because you know you just tell me a couple times you know to mind my business you know I’m saying I was
Wondering because I don’t I don’t say that to him hey man listen maybe you should right yeah who’s that on the phone yeah my business man my business so now he took the liberty to when he doing something and somebody tried to ask him a question I’ll be like yo
You’re like hold up I’m gonna bring it back up to her I said you know what doctor you asked me a question you’re probably you’re probably in the man business too much [Laughter] you might want to let that man be you know that’s it don’t don’t I said you like a broken
Record I said that’s why he’s not doing it because you like ah I said yeah that’s why that brother tell you about your business might come out of his business man I think I think there’s a scripture in the Bible that talks about like I wouldn’t know that no it’s what
It’s about kids well you don’t want to like you don’t want to like intentionally like move your kids to anger so basically you don’t want to be on them so much that they don’t even listen to you no more that’s that’s that I’m trying to tell
Her that’s what she’s been doing man I’m like all right okay boom boom all right man Chevrolet Junior what you doing minding my business yeah the other day man I’m like It’s 9 57 man anybody who want a shout out before we get off the call today gotta be yeah brother Markham you got it got a shout out by low man he said some profound stuff today all right y’all gotta look in the private chat to see
That but uh he said did you say when you have kids but I do want to shout him out though man because them t-shirts that we got printed man B was the one that actually designed that and that is a fire design bro because I’m gonna talk about it if it’s not fun
To go with it yeah everybody gonna get a chance to see it this weekend yeah you did get me one right uh Lucci got you one right yeah you said yeah if you put if Lucci paid for you then you you got one no no no no I was going
To pay for the T-shirt myself you know yes oh no no that’s t-shirts yeah yeah okay okay yeah yeah there’s there’s that picture bro yeah all right yeah yes sir hey well uh yeah so back to the shout outs man we shouted out the reset earlier shout out to denaria much loves you
Uh shout out to Shane he was on here earlier yeah um shout out to Andy Rose to the Rose Brothers yeah for sure to work y’all doing man in the city and uh shout out the Royal Alpha chapter pick up man daenery pull up thanks Jeff yeah much love the Daenerys man she
Recently lost um you know a family member as well too so we just wanna yeah just wanna you know uh send her and her family you know some extra love this this week and you know this year and uh we’ll talk you know we’ll talk online but yeah definitely just want to send
You some love as well through Daenerys so shut up man my condolences yes yes hey I want to shout out man to my son’s football team uh we had a our fought match but came up empty this past weekend man but I just want to shout out all the Young
Cash on the team man who gave it their all he was down 32-18 uh they rallied back and tied up 32-32 and then man we just couldn’t uh finish it up man but our boys and girl uh shout um really showed a lot of heart man a lot of resilience and that’s the
Stuff man that in sports you talk about like those qualities that you can’t teach can’t teach some qualities man so definitely shout out man I’m proud to be one of the coaches on that team hey man I want to do this man shout out coach Prime
I’ve been a prime fan you know since it’s Buffalo dude that’s all I watch on my TV coach bryman is well off Media shout out coaching Prime man you know anybody you want to do it man yeah and and people don’t want the you know the Brotherhood in the in the NCAA
They didn’t want to let you win but like these private chats bro you’re about to be very comfortable and when your comfort those are going to be open for a lot of other people who don’t think they have the knowledge and Coach these games right yeah coach coach Pond I don’t know
You’re not hearing me right now but listen salute you my brother I salute you I’ve been watching you since you you went to Jackson State you got to deal with that nonsense down there and people was on you on you talking about you shouldn’t leave and this and this
People getting into their feelings look what you did for Jackson State and the Jackson Community millions of dollars now look what you did you go to Boulder and look what you do millions and millions and millions of dollars right they can’t even pay you for what
You’re worth right now they can’t and he saved the Athletics uh his job is saying this job is safe listen they won more games than they won last year oh just about to run today and and for all those people all those coaches man I better get in tune y’all better get in
Tune and y’all better make yourself very comfortable because I like about prime GoPro is that his coaching style you’ll never hear him cursing like yeah he get passionate but he don’t be getting in the boys faces young men’s faces like he has a strategy man for how he coaches and it’s very empowering
But he’s also No Nonsense too right accountability man like just being just being the father man that’s what a lot of these young guys need man he’s a father figure to a lot of those young men and a lot of these people a lot of these people is going to go to
Colorado they don’t want to but they are going to go just to play for Hammond on the hill Trey Sanders that’s what I’m saying from TCU man he was supposed to be at Colorado with them hey Trey Sanders uh you know that’s that’s on Trey Sanders
That’s on him because the reason why I bring it up is because it looked like he had got hurt or almost got hurt or whatever and I was reading something where it says that man Dion walked over there was like Hey man come on like these boys need you man this ain’t gonna
Be a game if you’re not playing you know what I’m saying he said he did that because he wanted to come over there and play with them man but he he they got a lot of respect for Brian though that man says the Iceman the Heisman is not his house chilling
You got two Eisman all players and the Heisman is chilling at his house it’s going to be exciting usually on gold you know deep in into the the um deep and win it man it’s gonna be exciting watching them play this year man so definitely wish them all the luck
Black and gold man how can you not right right bro they go bro they’re gonna win some games yeah oh yeah I mean they proved that already they needed Tina wasn’t a national championship last year already they they have to reload as well too yeah they they lost a lot of their
Players they have to reload but still I don’t know you know that’s what I’m talking because we don’t be cable talk you know what I’m saying nothing about football right now you can’t say nothing you know what I’m saying that’s what you beat you know listen I don’t even think it’s from the
Football perspective man it’s just it’s just great to see one a black man going out there and and saying that he’s gonna do something and then and then making it happen you know what I mean that’s that’s the dopest thing for me and not letting anything get in this way because
You know like there’s so many barriers even though he’s got this opportunity he’s in Colorado he’s getting you know more money he’s got more resources facilities are better there’s still a lot of obstacles that he had to overcome anything to get to that first game so
For him and his son you know to get there and like and straight show out man and then turn around the next day and do it again like that’s that’s just like that mental um you know being you know mentally fit and being able to just like put put everything else that’s that’s
Not part of that that Focus had that tunnel vision and then just go and go out and do the job man so you know shout out to the team shout out to his teaching you know and the way that he’s actually you know leading that that
Program shout out to you know the other coaches you know that you know are buying in and one of the things that he keeps saying in his interviews is like we’re at uh 80 80 buy-in eighty percent buy-in right because when he first got there they were probably like there was
A lot of players that didn’t support that move right and he got rid of them right they got rid of himself exactly right yeah and when they left us everybody was like oh it’s over it’s a wrap they’re not gonna be able to do anything now because
They’re losing some of the top players that’s not the case right so for him to continue to overcome these barriers man you gotta be you just you just gotta support that a lot and I’m gonna say I’m gonna say two things man us as us as a black a black race or a
Black community we need to support that man you know what I’m saying because that man he built he built everybody not only the black kids the white kids as well they look at him as a father figure as well you understand what I’m saying and there’s a lot of there’s a lot of
Commenters out there or YouTubers or people in big places that are that are cut that are people of color say a lot of negative things about that about that man right and it hurt for me to see it you know what I’m saying you’re already getting it from the other people
Um but at the end of the day he’s making a lot of them look bad and all he’s doing like he said he has receipts you know what I’m saying and I’m glad that he has receipts because you’re not going to jump on my bandwagon
And say like you was with me when you wasn’t with me you know what I’m saying uh um I’m excited to see what’s next for him because even though he won these two games he still didn’t he his team still didn’t play up to his standards how you want to
So he hasn’t put a game together like defense you know the first game was wrong yeah first game was offense then the second game is straight defense you know what I’m saying and then the offense came at the end but at the end of the
Day man he still put up 97 was it 97 77 points on the board for the last two games that’s a lot of points Girard got almost a thousand yards passing yeah already you know what I’m saying and um the closest the other quarterback that’s in the UFC
I don’t think he had 900 yards yet you know I don’t think so right so you’re talking about Eisman Eisman leading leading the Heisman he should be leading he should be the leading candidate for that for that um and it’s a smart kid the kid is smart
It’s the HBCU kid that people was talking about that can play in a power five or power or whatever they call it but he’s still humble and I like the way he carry himself he’s very humble and um you know I just want to see what the motherboard
Is going to do kamada McLeod and all them other cats man I I can’t wait for them to to lock up some Corners you know um Travis Hunter you know he’s a dog he’s a dog dog you know what I’m saying you know so we have to support that
Brother man we have to give him um the praise and what he do down there you know what I’m saying and I’m looking forward man I’m looking forward to see our brothers this weekend um I just you know the getaway would be good for me man
I’m coming to come coming up man I’m um looking forward to it man yes sir dad your manager said it’s 10 p.m and y’all still talking so uh I guess we got a lot of love man I don’t know all right man well let’s imagine if I
Was talking too man it would have been like 10 30. you know it’s all up B man it’s all love man baby [Laughter] I much love to everybody that came much today we appreciate appreciate you in the building what’s up bro hey man just want to shout out everybody have a great week
And we out please