Mmm terminal hacking ladies and gentlemen terminal hacking again and it is exactly the same I’m going to I’m gonna highlight this I’m now highlight this and use this as my terminal hacking guide for fallout 4 all right select a potential password with a squad if your chosen password is getting
Correct the number of letters that match the terminals password letter in position will be displayed on screen alrighty first word is let’s do sure entry denied likeness equals 1 so it’s one of four so here is how you hack terminals the likeness equals one now what that means is there are each of
These words are four characters long now obviously upper level terminals are gonna have more like words will have more letters in them so the probability will be lower but if the likeness equals 1 that means 1 out of however many are many letters that are in the word which
Is 4 in this particular word is the same as the word we’re looking for ok so like this equals 1 is 1 of 4 for this particular instance now as the word itself changes every time we’re gonna look at the word sure it’s su r e that
Means one of those four letters is in the same spot in the key word we’re looking for that is that’s that’s the same as the key word so let’s take week for example w k now you go to sure and it’s su re done of those letters are in
The same spot so technically it’s likeness is zero so we would disregard that entirely cent okay what do you guys says it’s cent wheel we’ll try that one next SC and T alright s is in the same spot and none of the other letters are in the
Same spot as that so it has a likeness of one Erin says we’re gonna where he thinks it might be cents so let’s try it out it is not it is not it’s not cent cent is a likeness of two which means two of those letters are in the same
Spot as the key word that means we’re a little bit closer to finding the word itself now if they still have it in Fallout 4 which let me check and see if they do see if they have the special words there’s one there it is these
Words that look like a series of symbols and characters surrounded by either parentheses brackets or the pointed brackets they act as special modifiers and you can click them and it removes a dud or replenishes your allowance now look I think there’s one right here yes the word here is also highlighted let’s
Click this one okay and removed another dud for us so that’s good that’s really good so we got two duds out of the way there’s it here’s another one tries reset now in the other or fallouts that’s called a Laos allowance replenish that means that we have four tries again
Which pretty much means that we can’t fail okay so let’s go back to what we were doing sent is a likeness of two so let’s try to find a word that has two of the same letters in the same spot sell it sell as one of these worth s e ll and
The word we chose was sent s and T now granted the letters themselves don’t have to be in like it could be something else it could theoretically be shot which also has a likeness of Joop s h.o.t and s ent there are two letters in the same character position in both of these
Words so I’m going to go on a limb here and say it’s going to be one of these words will try sell first it is not it is not it is not cell only has a likeness of one that’s weird that should have a likeness of two
It’s weird let’s try shot it is it shot that’s it so you find the likeness of – I don’t and so the s is the consistent letter right is s and T actually yeah Essington well s was the word the letter that carried over but we went back to sent
And sent her yeah I think and we chose s and T as our as our selection and it’s two of ten and shot was two of ten which I’m sorry I’m sorry two of 4.2 of ten I’m stupid and it turned out to be shot so that is how you
Hack terminals in fallout 4 it’s essentially the same thing in as fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas except instead of saying whatever it was that like one of something it just says likeness which is a little bit more self-explanatory but a little different so that should help to clarify things in
The future so any questions I’m going to be uploading this to YouTube so any questions feel free to go ahead and put in the box below and I will go ahead and answer them as best as I possibly can where do babies come from oh except for
That I want to ask ty I want to answer that fair enough I don’t blame you okay so we can