Foreign species gramin SVG was launched in 2010 2012 2014 2016. this is 2014. which of the following is not a function of money medium of Exchange value storeo value semic account saving account what percentage of Indian population live under BPL according to 2011 census 20.9 21.9 22.9 23.9 right answer is
21.9 percent which of the following is not a formal source of credit National Bank cooperatives Private Bank Mahajan correct answer is mahajans which type of economy activity are included in secondary sector mining manufacturing transport and communication and all of these right answer is manufacturing what name was given to Punjab by Chinese
Travel Hyun sang sekai Punjab brahmwartha and Border area state right answer is sekai in which two Providence was Punjab divided during the rule Multan Multan Lauren Multan right answer is lower and Multan when did SRI Guru nanak Dev ji get Enlightenment 40 197 1499 4098 40 90 6 6 answer is 1499
Which gurus I have composed Iman called Anand sahib sure Right answer is Supreme Court Prime Minister President and Chief Justice right answer is president who can forgive the convicted criminal prime minister Governor president vice president right answer is president objectives following one sentence Define biogeography answer is biogeography is the comprehensive study of the living and pulsating entities it include the
Biotic or animate world and special distribution pattern biogeographically can be defined as a descriptive study of Laura and fauna in our physical domain of land water air as part of food chain and complex food web which sectors use the largest amount of fresh water as there is agriculture sector
Which state of India is known as Garden of species Kerala is known as Garden of spices spices grow well in tropical maritime climate Kayla is a coastal state in lower latitude and has hot and wet condition it has fertile Coastal plane with frequent patches of riverine alvarium Malabar Mountain Trek Western guard
Soils are for time and conduct for space spice state for homemade condition produced desire environment condition first price turmeric cardamom Ginger clove vanilla camboge nutmeg cinnamon and cassia economic growth and economic development identical Mark the tour Falls it is false they both are different terms Dash Bank of India issue currency
Filled with planks Reserve Bank syrup Bank of India RBI chicken what do you mean by public sector the public sector is the portion of the economy that the government control and manage which incident is known as such as sauda Guru nanak Dev ji’s father gave him 20 Rupees to start some business
Guruji spent the money in feeding and hungry for kids and this incident is known as Sacha soda name the guru who was earlier known as pile energy answer is devji write the name and famous composition of Guru Gobind Singh Ji answer is mention anyone fundamental right and Indian citizen answer is right to
Equality what is that to know of Lok Sabha answer is 5 years what is the minimum age required to be a member of rajya Sabha answer is 30 years please like and share our Channel education has been education part C short answer type question write a short note on Sundar buns
The gangas brahmaputra Delta of sundarban is the largest Delta in the world it is also known as sundarban Delta gangas Delta brahmaputra Delta Bengal Delta the sundarban Delta is of global importance the Royal Bengali tiger is the main animal found there area is 9630 square kilometer which is
The only Man Group habitat in the world how is water the most important substance on Earth water is one of the most important substance on Earth whole plants animals must have water to survive if there was no water there would be no life on Earth a part for drinking to its survive
People have many other use of water these include cooking washing their bodies washing clothes washer cooking eating utensils keep household cell community clean Recreation such as swimming pools keeping plants alive in garden and park water is also essential for Healthy Growth of crops and farm stroke is used in manufacture of many product
What is the difference between micro and macro economics the word macro has been derived from Greek word micros which means small so microeconomic study economical activity at small level that is the column activity of an individual Oracle the subject matter of microeconomics include the theory of demand theory of Supply theory of
Production theory of course Etc the word micro has been tried from Geek word macros which means large so the microeconomic study economical activity a large scale or the level of economy as a whole the main subject matter macro chromics aggregate demand aggregate supply aggregate consumption national income Etc
Please like and share our Channel what are the main function of money answer is the standard of living depend upon the amount of goods and service purchased by a pupil which ultimately depend upon their per capita income per capita income means per person average income and it does not mean that every
Citizen of nation is getting an income equal to it so if there are Income inequalities then it will not be card development for example if a national league component is 100 000 and the population India is 100 so it will be said that per capita income
People of India will be rupees 10 but it does not mean that every Indian get equal amount to rupees 10 it is just an average if the rich people are getting a major part of this income and people are getting a later then it will be termed as
Appended not be termed as development describe the syedpur attack of Babar after conquering chalkot in 15 1980 Babar proceed towards Sayed the Defense Force fought back against Bower but in the end of Babar one and killed the Defense Force he almost mistreated the people of Syed poor and enslaved them
Guru nanak Dev ji had described these atrocities in babarbani describe the battle of gurdas nangal in 1715 A.D Banda baduri occupied kalanpur and batala after descending from the ill State very soon the Mughal gathered a huge Army under the leadership of the same at the time of attack Banda bahadur was
At court mirzazan between clanpur and batala suddenly the Mughal Army attacked the sixth the Sikh food bravely but had to recede towards the Sikh took refuge in haveli of duni Chand the sick dug a trench round of wood and filled it with water to keep the enemies away
The Mughal Army beside the valley in 1715 A.D the sick Fort Valentine has them the Mughal Army suffered a heavy loss the Seas continued for eight months at last foods are with sick were exhausted for many days they eat grass leaves flesh of horses and many other animals vinod Singh wanted to
Leave the haveli but bandabada wanted to fight in his last breath at last vinod Singh and His companion left the Gadi as a coast consists the strength of Sequoia reduced it become impossible for them to fight under these circumstances on December 7 17 15 the besanjar becomes successful occupied
And 200 of His companion were imprisoned write a note on Metro Adam of group Arjun Dev ji Prince kusuro reward against his father jahangir when the Royal Force chased khusro he fled to Punjab and met Guru there who did not like the increasing popularity of Guru was already finding
An excuse to take a guest of a Gas Guru Arjun Dev ji he find him just 2 lakh for helping Rebellion kusro considering the final logical guruji refused to pay because of this he was physically tortured leading to martyrdom in 166 A.D describe the right of equality right to Quality right
Equality one all the cities are equal before law this will be no discrimination against the citizen on the passive race casts sex religion or place of birth equal opportunities will be provided to all citizen employment under the state untouchability has been abolished and prohibited under the LA long answer type question
Explain the short the Sendai framework on disaster management work for disaster risk reduction 2015 2013 is an international document which was adopted by UN member states between 14 and 18th March 2015 at the World Conference on disaster risk reduction held in Chennai Japan has endorsed by the U.N general assembly in June 2015.
It is the successor agreement to the higher go framework for Action which had been most compassioning International account update on disaster risk reduction requests four proteins seven Target 13 principle to fight against all natural and man-made disaster the sniper except for specific proteins as action understanding disaster risk strengthening disaster is governance to
Manage disaster risk investing the disaster risk reduction for his silence enhanced disaster impedance of effective response and to build back better in recovery Rehabilitation and reconstruction please like and share our Channel how can we measure the level of Economic Development by using national income indicator the standard of living depend upon the
Amount of goods and service purchased by the pupil TK every citizen of nation getting an income equal to so if there is a income inequality then will not be car development for example national income is thousand and hundred it will set up per capita income of people of India
Philippines but does not mean that every Indian get amount equal to rupees 10 it is just an average if the rich people are getting a major part of the income the poor getting little then will not be termed as development write about the teaching of Sikh Guru nanak Dev ji in detail teaching
Guru nanak Dev ji associated with stitching with practical and religious life in a very simple way the description of his teaching is like this number one Unity of code according to him alamite is above all golden goodness God is omnipotent and omnipresent God is omnipotent omnipresent he lives in or
Living beings of world God is great and supreme according to guruji God is great and supreme god is bad woman described is Grandeur is God is formless God has no color no form no shame he is assuming he does not take birth God is merciful God is merciful he is
Not a look after his people but also provide them thing necessary for Living Faith in theory of karma he believed in the principle of karma he had deep Faith a man is born and dies according to his karma belief in Brotherhood he said all the people world our brother he began
His teaching with no Hindu no Muslims Hindu and Muslims are same condemnation of caste system at that time Hindu Society was divided into four cars and many sub castes according to Hindu and Muslim ayolo olar equal please like and share our Channel write a potassium directory principle of
State policy second question how does a bill become line Parliament an ordinary bill has to pass through the following stages before it become a law the first stage of Bill is Introduction in the house along with the statement its objective and reasons there is no discussion on the bill at this stage
During the second reading there is a general discussion on Bim each article or section will be discussed in detail sometimes Bill may be sent to small committee so it may have studied carefully at the third stage of Bill Bill as a whole is put to vote in-house
And if the bill is passed by simple majority the pill passed by the house after passing the house bill itself to the other house of consideration here too the bill has to go through the same stages if the bill is passed by the majority in the house
It goes with a president for Ascent after the approval of President will become a law of land please like and share our Channel what are the significant cause of calls how does will become parliamentary question is what is the literal meaning ticket the democracy is derived from the
Greek word demons and karatea the meaning of demos means pupil and Croatia means rule democracy literally means ruled by the pupil in democracy people one themselves what principle is democracy based on Democracy based on the principle of Liberty equality fraternity a representative responsible government a rule by majority and respect of minority
Periodical election right and freedom granted to the citizen and dependent judiciary who has sovereignty in the Democratic currently in a democratic country have a right to express opinions criticize that they say agree with other two democracy definitely based on tolerance how are dispute resolved in democracy government in democracy conflict
Resolution sold through persuasion and peaceful means and National and International level this is Mark any four point in Market is map question please like our Channel and share please please please thank you