Like most college campuses at the University of Memphis you usually go with your own whether you realize it or not have you coming to the University Center while people are eating you will still see the segregation between white people black people European Asians etc it’s a trend senior Christian Moskovitz
Hopes to break in this case with a unique handshake I want to make history at the University of Memphis I want to be a part of something that was completely different so he looked at iota Phi Theta fraternity and became the historically black fraternities first white pledge in Tennessee shocking – his fraternity
Brothers yes but in a good way he has been one of my best friends through this whole thing I wanted to get the full college experience but in doing so I wanted to find something that stood out Moskovitz is skin color stands out in iota a fraternity born in 1963 during
Turbulent racial times but the organization hopes a message also stands out especially in a country growing in diversity it shows how much were in going forth since we are a diverse country we should exemplify it more it makes you aware of what goes on and the timidness kind of dies down and you’re
Not as uneasy as you would be in a different colored crowd so it’ll be good for business world or anywhere like that a lesson for Moskovitz that was jump-started with a handshake people can preach about it all day and they can speak about it but until you actually
Start living it it doesn’t matter