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From let it make sense and my lovely beautiful co-host Nikita how y’all doing if y’all want to know what we’re gonna be talking about today stay tuned we back we’re back we’re back yes we’re back hey how y’all doing so what are we talking about today so
On black men women men are women uh art and women join uh White fraternities and or sororities okay that’s the question so basically should black people join white fraternities or swords and uh this was inspired by an incident that actually happened in Middle Tennessee at Middle Tennessee State University so what happened Uh but the um headline says black MTSU pledges faced racial discrimination threats from fraternity Brothers lawsuit says so the uh fraternity is being sued um a former Middle Tennessee State University student is taking a fraternity to court alleging he was subjected to racist hazing as he attempted to become a member
The lawsuit was filed on October 12 2022 in a Nashville Court and is based on incidents that began on October 14 2021 within the Kappa Iota chapter of the Kappa Sigma fraternity at MTSU in the lawsuit of plaintiff specifically names 10 Kappa Iota members all who are all
White who allegedly targeted him and another black pledge with racial hazing they are said to have been the only two black pledges in the class it is alleged that the pledges were subjected to the following racial discrimination during the fraternities Rush period being called the n-word by white fraternity Brothers threats of
Kidnapping hanging bounding and having things thrown at them having slave chance I.E old slave chance and Antebellum field hand music played discussion of the KKK those discriminatory acts are said to have also been accompanied accompanied by alcohol abuse and other hazing activities one defendant is even alleged
To have told the black pledges to respect our culture and you know what type of France you join or I didn’t hear that during that an interview when they objected to their treatment according to the documents um and then it goes on uh to say that a
Lawsuit comes seven months so this is interesting so the lawsuit came seven months after the Kappa Iota chapter was permanently expelled from the MTSU campus so I could put a parent there very quickly normally one of fraternity or sorority is um uh expelled or uh what’s the word I’m
Looking for they’re not able to do activities on campus Because it’s suspended that’s the word I’m looking for when they’re suspended when they’re usually suspended you know it’s for a period of time but these people have been permanently expressed that means that don’t try to recharter at all
Well let me go back that chapter can’t be on campus actually they could recharge different letters under different letters so but that Kappa Iota will never be anywhere again from The Empty issue campus I believe it’s like that across Greek them no matter whether it’s a black little organization or whatever predominantly white
Organization the chapter was punished by the national capital Sigma office for violations of the capital city fraternity code of conduct including hazing utterance drinking and conduct Unbecoming so uh the before we start I gotta say I got a preface this was something oh that’s it uh real quick the plaintiff is
Looking for 15 million in compensation from the defendants okay so that’s that’s that that’s this story is what prompted this this conversation the question should uh black men and women boys and girls because they’re they are they’re young people right so this is an undergrad chapter so should they join uh White
Fraternities and sororities that’s the question this is the article that sparked it and there you go now go ahead I don’t know what you’re gonna say so I have to preface this was saying we both belong to organizations and this in no way represents or uh what’s the word I’m
Looking for this this is what what we our opinions on this uh just think are just that our opinions they do not represent the opinion or the thought process of the organizations that we are uh proud of that’s it okay so now that disclosure was stated let’s get to it
Okay so before we start okay what I wanted to do was just give you some history of uh fraternity so as sororities so um the white fraternities uh and sororities are governed under the panhellenic council that’s the phc uh black Greek letter organizations are governed by the National panhellenic
Council uh and then of course they have their National National or International body that governs them so hope that makes no we’re saying the when we come to the blacks were talking about the black Greek letter organization that’s the mphc yeah the Divine name because you got others yeah it’s the Divine okay
Um so the very first fraternity uh Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776 and was kept a secret in 1831 they disclosed their secrets and bylaws today some fraternities keep their traditions and Constitution secret and some publish them so okay so I got that from the Appalachian State University website
Um and then from the local Wikipedia in 1834 Delta Epsilon fraternity was founded at Williams College Delta Epsilon was established as the nation first open non-sequent fraternity and that it is still to this day does not maintain secret admonitions hand claps Etc okay so in case you didn’t know
Fraternity comes from the Latin word uh frater which means brother okay so in the beginning men and women uh organizations recall fraternity because that was the only word they had to describe their groups so in the beginning there were no uh black Greek letter organizations as we know them
Today uh blacks were not a part of this type of um Collegiate organizations because they didn’t go to school together one two they were not permitted to join right okay so um in 1882 the gap of Phi Beta women at Syracuse University began to call themselves a sorority at the suggestion
Of uh their advisor who was a professor of Latin and then so soror is the Latin word for sister hence sorority okay got that from the Appalachian people too Appalachian State University so um again African-Americans were not permitted to join white organizations hints on December 4th 1906 at Cornell University in Ithaca New
York right um but anyway okay uh on December 4th 1906 at Cornell University in Ithaca New York Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated was founded and the reason why I didn’t mention the blue light was because the boulee was comprised of like doctors lawyers things like that and what we’re talking about
Are Collegiate people so all of these the black Greek letter organizations were all founded as well as the other organization right they were founded by college students right so but the times that they found them for the black black Greek letter organizations I always I admire that they had that within them to
Even do it right 1906 Cornell University Alpha Phi Alpha then we have in 1908 at the illustrious Howard University I have to say illustrious because uh five of the nine will find it that found it there Howard University uh 1908 Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority incorporated
Then we have 1911 January 5th 1911 on at Indiana University uh in Bloomington Indiana outside fraternity Omega Sci-Fi fraternity November 17 1911 Howard University then we have Delta Sigma Theta January 13th uh 1913 Howard University then we have five Beta Sigma fraternity Incorporated blue right January 9th 1914 Howard University
And then we have Zeta Phi Beta sorority Incorporated January 16 1920 Howard University and then we have Sigma gamma rho sorority Incorporated November 12 1912. uh Butler University and then the baby of the group Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated see we didn’t forget them matter of fact I think we
Got that kind of we do we don’t have brown though uh September 19th 1963 at Morgan State uh University so those are all of the black Greek letter organizations there the the divine nine as it is um and so then we come back to what we’re discussing today but I wanted to
Give you some uh backstory some history and then we’re going to come back around to this uh article that prompted the question go ahead you were going to say something oh no I I was listening to you and reminiscing some things but so we are all non-hazing organizations right yeah
Yeah and they say they’re not Hazel organizations as well yeah yeah and not saying that hazing has not happened because it has unfortunately right it has but uh the nphc took a stance in the 90s that every organization would black Greek letter organization would be non-hazing organizations so they you know
Partake in any form of hazy um and the thing about it is is that it happens right in organizations um and the issue with this is the racial undertone you always hear about um fraternities um you know that they do the drinking thing whether it’s water liquor whatever
It is you hear about it and this is it like a couple of years ago it happened somewhere else where in a predominantly white fraternity they had a drinking thing and the person died or something so now this young man didn’t die but it’s the racial undertone so we looked up
This uh how was the Kappa Iota uh yeah I’m sorry we looked up the Kappa Sigma for turning on the local YouTube um and they had like a um and they had African-American young men in the video so yeah a lot of them yeah it was you know compared to right so you
Know they they welcome them in but for whatever reason hold on now I got to put a prayer in there okay because they welcome to me but you gotta understand the context of what they were you are now in Middle Tennessee this is still the South let’s just not
Be religious let’s not be uh oblivious to where we’re at we’re in Tennessee okay I I’m not from here I’m from California so there are a lot of things that I was oblivious to when I moved here let’s just be honest I uh we’ve had conversations about this about
Certain things uh that what’s what is it called the Flames whoever played we’ve had conversations the Confederate flag it didn’t bother me because in California there was not a sign of racism the racism that I saw were blue and brown and if you play I like you understand what I’m saying Kelly County
Chefs and LAPD about as racist as you can get you know unless you went up to Orange County then you might not come back but don’t go up there you’d be like so I never knew that that was an issue or a hot button for people in the South
So my thing is you’re in the south why would you join you know some well I I can’t even say that you’re in the South because they were in the the ones the blacks organizations were like up north and Out West okay I don’t know so they were a
Little more accepted a little more be in Tennessee okay so I to me again what prompted the question is that they’re at Milton Tennessee State University so I went to their website to look to see who they have on campus in regards to Black Greek letter organizations so you know every
Organization has principles they have their tenants and all those things so you know if you didn’t if you didn’t feel any connection to cap Apple PSI or Phi Beta Sigma or Omega sci-fi right now they don’t have uh they don’t have Iota Phi State on their campus uh Alpha Phi
Alpha is coming back in the spring it looks like or the fall of next year but if you didn’t identify with it okay cool but if you decided to join and I hate to be that person but if you decided to join a predominantly white organization unfortunately you have to have that you
Have to have that sense somebody’s gonna say something and it is what it is because that’s the world that we live in it doesn’t matter what year it is it doesn’t matter what century it is that’s going to happen now I will say this there are a plethora of black Greek
Letter organizations that not only have a Caucasian uh people in them or white people in them but different ethnicities period across the board right because we don’t care no like you know one of the founders of my sorority said that you know Zeta woman you know can be any
Color basically Loosely saying which quoted as saying so it that doesn’t matter to us but unfortunately to some in the society that we live in there are some young people because these are young people these aren’t even adult people these are young people they did this right yeah
Right you know that uh still feel some type of way you know telling the young man to respect our culture and you know what type of frat you join like you know what you did so just take it and that is unfortunate so you know what
Do you think do you think that someone who doesn’t look like the other people should join because the thing about it is that I won’t say that someone does it that’s not black yeah shouldn’t attempt to join a black Greek letter organization do you have scholarship do
You you know have a mind for service you know do you have a mind for sisterhood Brotherhood whatever the you know tenants are of the organization you’re looking at do you have that you know what what what Drew you to it what draws you to it the connection that you want
To do some work right because the other day you’re gonna do some work because even though our organizations are not service organizations because they’re considered social organizations and that’s for the PHD and the nphc but we still do work we still do community service and all of those things and give
Back and give back right all of that stuff so I think that it’s I I feel bad that the young man or young man goes more than one uh suffered this treatment that was probably scary for them well my question and what gives you the right to
Think that it’s okay you shouldn’t you didn’t have to take them like I promise you you didn’t have to when they were going through the rush process you didn’t have to give them invitations well see his thing I don’t really understand the worst process I that’s something
We don’t have it’s ours is not like that but the question I I beg to ask is what what type in 2022 yeah how can you still feel a kind of way yeah going to a institution of higher education yeah dealing with multi understanding that in
This Society in this day and age we have to deal with people from multiple Multicultural people and different races and all these things how can you still feel like you know I can see anything from the sticks they from the hills they they don’t get out very much you know they don’t come
Down you know what’s that movie it’s a TV show that came out uh right after Sons of Anarchy uh went off the air I think called Outsiders and it’s by some heel people and my boy from Sons and nephew was in the guy who played on uh uh uh Remember
The Titans who died at the end he played in he in in the show and it’s really about some people that was in the heels and they were in the sticks they didn’t come out much I could see if he was there because all you do is mess with
Your sister and your cousin and you don’t know normal you don’t know normal people so so then I can I can kind of gather that maybe you don’t you don’t understand that you have to be respectful of other people and treat people how you want to
Be treated or or you have to deal with people on a certain level but to be a rational thinking normal I ain’t gonna say normal well normal for lack of better words sociable person you’re still thinking that it’s okay how did you even form in your head that was
Okay to say this stuff to people and then threaten somebody with kidnap that’s a federal offense uh hanging bound and having and you so you’re throwing things at them yeah and then my question is so these whoever it was that was doing it because what did it say
That it was 15 people that it named I can’t remember now I think they watched that movie but I just read it uh but at any rate um 10 what were the rest of y’all doing and then all 10 of y’all Or all 10 of these members that did this that was
That all the was that all the chapter or was it some more people how did you just stand by and watch them do this and think that it was okay how come nobody they took them yeah so y’all we’re gonna get in trouble we can’t do this to these people and
Again you did not have to give them an invitation no matter whether you’re a phc or nphc you get an invitation you get invited you didn’t have to give them an invitation I promise you you didn’t you could just let them know people you didn’t have to deal with them you could
Have said you know something we don’t know and I think a lot of times they probably should have just avoided their table at the rush they probably should have just waited until the other people started that process well see I think part of the reason why they took
Them is because and I don’t know and I say this Loosely but as I think about it the reality of it is we don’t have to accept you no and you can’t sue me for not accepting me no no no no okay so let’s let’s go back so let me make this clear
In order for them to Haze them they had already accepted them they were pledges yeah they were pledges they were pledges that means that they went through the rush process they got an invitation and they took them in and then began to doing these things to them of course
Nobody’s going to do it before you get in duh my name I did oh no give me but here’s the thing here’s the thing no how long to this is what I want to ask you young man how long from the start of this abuse to the end of this abuse
Before you before it was either dealt with or handled because the okay the file the the the the the the lawsuit was filed on October 12th so over a year ago the incidents happened no no I’m talking about like okay the incidents the incidents that began
Was it a week on October 14th they began on October 14th to see here’s the thing but we’ve got to stop doing as a people and I’m talking specifically about black people right now so let me just I’m trying to fool nobody I’m just saying right now
We as black people it you know go back can I talk to my other brothers and sisters how about we talk about black people Asian American people uh uh uh my uh Brown brothers and sisters uh and that and I mean you know if you’re like Latino Hispanic Puerto Rican Dominican
You know my uh Indian you know Brothers let me say something to you it is not okay for people to say anything that offends you see they call them the n-word and they probably just let it go I’m serious because unfortunately there are some black people who allow
A white person or other to call them the n-word and they’re like oh it’s okay we cool because we’re whatever we are it’s my phone sorry y’all uh because because of whatever right so I’m just gonna let you I’m gonna let it slide okay so you let that slide
But then they probably start playing the slave chance okay then they probably start threading to kidnap hang and bound and they start throwing stuff at them well you know they probably started with the throwing stuff and you know it’s a part of the process so it’s okay you know because
There’s some people out here young people out here who actually want to get Haze which is crazy and they think that it’s okay if they do a little Haze they do a little Haze and it’s okay but then they start saying they’re gonna kidnap you a little weird
They’re gonna hang you they’re gonna bound you and then they start talking about oh wait a minute okay okay hold on you going too far because see if the article the lawsuit consult seven months prior to the lawsuit which means that was last that was this year right because we’re in the 10th
Month so that was uh seven months ago y’all my math is off what is seven months it’s about March so March now this happened in October of last year in March of this year they got permanently expelled so that means the babies went and told to school they messing with us
Okay but that’s what I’m saying did was it how many days transcribed from the first inwards I would say if they if it started on October 14th they probably did it it could have been a week because I think their Rush The Rush process it
Goes for them it goes pretty fast and I say for them because if you go to the website and you read like our process is a process it’s a little long we do intake yeah okay so there is something they have a rush week they have a rush
Week they do the you go to the stuff they do the invitation and then you start your process but I think it’s like a what a week or two or something like that but here’s my thing the first time you called me that the first time you threw something excuse me
I’m not excusing anything and I’m still getting my letters we do because a little bit but I’m not doing this thing we don’t do the n-word we’re not we’re not doing the n-word you’re not threatening me with hanging hey baby I’m I’m black and we’re in the South that’s lynching Strange Fruit
I don’t think we should be talking about this I don’t think you should be threatening me with the KKK down the street in Pulaski that’s not cute because I don’t know what you [ย __ย ] you might be for Pulaski you might be because we’re not doing this today I’m like
No the answer is no the quickest thing ever find out is okay which one of y’all I want to ask these two young men why why did you why did you why did you allow it why did you no no why did you join why did you want to join that
Organization okay so you you identified I know why okay maybe you identified I can understand why they probably did it okay because I’ve heard people say okay they joined because they felt the connections were better as I said yeah so oh yeah yeah so here’s right I’m not gonna I’m
Not gonna let you do this to me for some business connection and so it’s my wife did sometimes you have to stop underestimating yourself and when I mean yourself I don’t mean just you as an individual but you as a culture and start realizing that you can create opportunities
And go that route before I go the route of allowing myself to because you know we watched this movie The Bernie Sanders the other day and it just kept running in their heads oh it’s mind over matter no no look at you you beating me sometimes my mind is all I got and
That’s all that matter because I’m not gonna do that yeah there’s certain things we’re just nothing to do so because here’s the thing is it’s always I hear about these things these hazing into this I hear about these people you know even dying and the question that always comes to my mind is
You as an individual did not know something inside wasn’t feeling right you as an individual didn’t know that you didn’t feel right about whatever they were doing and at some point say you know something just saying either it’s not for me or because the whole Asian thing is about recognition and respect but
What does respect in and you do not reality set into my life is in danger I need to fix this situation you do not have to be belittle and degraded in order to be respected is that you’re joining an organization no matter what it is if you’re joining an organization
And that’s what they go to no I don’t have to be belittled in order for me to be respected or a part of this organization you do not have to break me down mentally when you join an organization you your thought process should change it should enhance towards
Betterment of self and people right and not just people uh you know not only just black people black real organization not just that but Community totality right the world right uh because that’s what that’s the purpose of it is not just betterment of you but betterment of people betterment
Of society your journey organization and that’s what you want to do that’s what you’re you hope that you do of course with the other things of you know the networking aspect and you know uh maybe you get the internships you know the alumni I see you know you can reach out
To them you get all of that stuff the networking thing of course but if you take me from my element and make me feel bad as a person if I have to undergo things like these babies did at MTSU with this organization the answer to it is no I’m good I’m good I’m
I’m okay uh you know if you decide to join a predominantly white organization that’s what you decide to do if you felt like that you had the connection with them whatever it was your reasoning was and you decided to do it that’s fine I think that you should be intelligent enough also to
Know that something like that and you know if you feel like I’m ignorant for saying it oh well uh but I think you should keep it no that something like this may happen when they when they’re not in the in the in the quad with their table um in the rush process while
Administration is watching and eyes are on them what do they do when the door is closed yep that’s the question you want to ask is what do they do when the door is closed because they didn’t do this out on the campus yard they did this
When the door was closed but they did it not only when the doors closed but they did it on campus in that house they got on campus exactly because in the news when you watch the news they were taking the letters down from the building so
That’s the question that you have to ask yourself is what do they do am I gonna be the n-word am I going to be assaulted whatever it is and I’m not saying that black regular organizations are perfect or anything like that so we’ve had our own issue right because they’re you know
Years you know past or whatever there’s been issues but um you won’t have that issue no and you won’t have and you won’t have that issue No Matter What ethnicity you are nope how about that because I I can remember when I was in undergrad we had not the chapter
That I pledge or I had any intake with I ain’t gonna say place to places I don’t know but the chapter that I had remember intake with was at a uh as a theology College to do say at the time now it says uh but when I transferred to state
TSU another HBCU and join another chapter they you know they had two white people come through while I was there and I was cool with both one of them was in my department matter of fact uh waiting was in my department and the other one uh I can’t remember rainbow
Tech I can’t remember how to set the name because what yeah so it’s one of those things uh it’s about mutual respect it’s about remembering who I’m from L.A and I did LA activities growing up did I go through some issues in that yes but it was always a mutual respect
I’m not gonna allow you to mistreat me or disrespect me especially not to the point where I’m filled with little I feel fear because if I feel fear I’m going to react it’s just that simple you know if you put a cat in a corner what does cat
Go do Coming Out Swinging I don’t understand that’s why I I would love to have an interview with these young men and ask them what was going through your mind how did you feel what made you decide to do this and and you know what just would you suggest this to anybody else
You know and I’m not saying all of predominantly white fraternities are like this at all I’m not saying that I have not really had a great dealing with them I’ll be honest with you I went to uh and here’s the thing I tell you I’ll be
Honest I went to two hbcus and I went to one pwi I went to American Baptist I went to TSU and I went to Lipscomb if you know anything about Nashville you know what Lipscomb is they not they predominal white school fully religious school I’m a preacher so
They matter to me but at the end of the day they have a their own ideology their own thought process and I didn’t but I didn’t deal with the Greeks on that campus I don’t even know I know we work on the campus so I didn’t really you know whatever
But that’s why I say at the end of the day I have not had really experience with them every Greek organization black or white has had their issues with uh black white or Latino or whatever has had that issues so yeah not not definitely not sitting here saying that hazing doesn’t happen
What I’m saying is that in Black letter organizations I have never seen with my own eyes or heard of this time right of this type and of um hazing at all right I think there’s no place in Greek them from the phc to the nphc to whatever there is no place
In Greek them for racial hazing especially hazing at all but racial there was no need for this like why if you’re not going if you’re not going to leave that where it belongs in the gutter then critics don’t accept African-Americans or any anyone else that’s not white into your organizations
You shouldn’t give them the invitation no uh should black men women join white fraternity sororities if that’s what you want to do if that’s what you feel in your heart go right ahead I just think I want you to be cognitive of what you’re doing and just be alert because
Unfortunately these young men didn’t think this was going to happen and anything can happen anywhere but specifically this I think is sickening extremely sickening especially they even thought that it was okay to do this and then for you to do it and that means you’ve done it before yeah that
Definitely means you’ve done it before we may not have done it to uh we’re trying to join your organization no no I mean what I just said that means that you’ve done it before the people in your organization and they just didn’t say anything these young men said hey
Hold over the Telly I gotta go and tell my truth and they needed to do that because that shouldn’t continue to go on that is not you’re misrepresenting not only your organization but you’re misrepresenting the school as well uh I have to worry about that yeah oh that’s a thought process for me
You know so I think that ultimately we as people black white whatever need to understand that the days of we have to reevaluate how we because racism you know is it really we don’t have to all I ain’t saying we got to think Kumbaya and he said we all got to deal
With each other be respectful we do we and leave it at that if that’s the case are you gonna threat to hang yourself are you gonna throw stuff at yourself are you gonna call yourself a derogatory word well you’re not loving yourself that’s saving because the day but if
You’re not gonna do it to yourself don’t do it anybody else what do young people like to say my uh uh my grandparents black people over it everybody for the city and just let you mistreat them everybody ain’t gonna be scared of you everybody and we have to be that’s why
You have to learn to respect one another because somebody out there is going hey they’re gonna call you Bluff you know unfortunately and that looks like what happened here they you’re okay I’m gonna show you and they they want this 15 million they’re gonna get it probably not but they definitely gonna
Get something they’re not you know but you took something where you were going to gain finances and now you’re going to lose finances well actually they may get the 15 million the reason why I say that is because this is not a criminal lawsuit this is a civil lawsuit
And they are they are alleging abuse suffered emotional distress mental anguish anxiety fear degradation humiliation and depression which forced him to leave the university and the state as well so you didn’t just do this one um it says the plaintiff so it may I
Think it was two of them but one of them is suing so here’s the thing the reason why I say that because the fraternity is this smart and if they don’t get 15 million they’re going they they gonna get more than uh you know two dollars oh no they’re gonna
Get some money this this one yeah you forced him to leave his education and to say like you’ve you’ve done a number on him like you got him thinking that you really buy him and hanging they’re gonna get back it’s a civil lawsuit all you have to be able to do in
A civil lawsuit is is punitive damages so yeah that’s all you have to be able to prove well if he’s been to therapy there you go but I’m saying what I mean by that is what they have a search but I’m not a lawyer by the way we neither
But just been around enough court cases they’re not able to take this to try the the fraternity itself is going to say hey they’re gonna they got a gang of lawyers I’m sure that it ain’t Fat Brothers and they’re going to look hey y’all need to go ahead and bleep this
Out this never needs to see the inside of a courtroom so it’s probably never going to see just to be honest it’s probably never going to see the inside of courtroom it’s only going to probably be right there whatever if they don’t get the 50 if they if they settle
Without going before a magistrator he’ll get you know maybe yeah two to five and he definitely and I don’t think he really wants you know you always go higher and in this day and age I’d be saying stuff about this ain’t gonna happen that may happen this and that but
Honey I don’t know this stuff is crazy they got the man for the billion dollars for talking about Sandy Hooks yeah I don’t know I don’t know if you take it if they take it to China to get into 15 and I’m not saying I agree with the man I just can’t believe
It I can’t believe they did you gotta give them a billion dollars like he got a billion dollars but anyway at the end of the day leave your comment below do you think that uh black men and women should join predominantly white uh fraternities and sororities my end
Answer is if that’s what’s in your heart do you just be Village Vigilant and understand uh what you are getting into what you’re doing because I I don’t want anyone else to suffer like this young man did and yes that’s what I gotta say because I’m
Concerned the way I look at it is this do it make you feel good but at the end of the day what’s your why and that’s what you got to live with because you got to live with it at the end of the day what’s your why is there
A reason why you would prefer to join a predominant predominantly White fraternity versus a uh predominantly black photography and if you can live with the answers then hey do what you do that’s on you so I ain’t gotta probably the way I’m cool with you you know
So with that being said Falls up the time just let it make sense be sure to leave any uh comments you have down in the comment section be sure that it’s okay it’s okay to disagree without being disrespectful remember that also be sure to like share and subscribe share this
With your mom and them um and engage let us know what you think we would love to know what your response to be with this let’s have some respect respectable dialogue and uh yeah that’s all that be blessed be at peace and let it make sense peace