Just waiting okay let me read that no you can’t yeah we can be done I’m talking to Gary we’re good and uh can we start all right let’s welcome back to Sunny hours the best location Nations place where most you plebs can never imagine the live but anyways I got some good entertainment
For you I’m the Jewish Handler I’m gonna embrace my role as the [Â __Â ] Handler over here so what we have over here is zerka a guy who’s gonna Grill Freemasons and what we also have is a gg33 member who happens to bury Freemason as well I am not a Freemason I rejected those
Punks no offense back in the day because I’m a 33 by Birthright I don’t need to pretend having said that let’s get uh to know who today’s participants is we know who you are let’s start with you Dale who the [Â __Â ] are you and what the hell you doing here
Well I’m just dale dale just Dale just Dale yeah he’s trying to look less Sinister we know he’s evil though I’m just Dale yeah are you a mover and Shaker are you at the top of your community uh I’m up there I would say you’re up we
Do 30 second degree yeah 32nd degree which Scottish or York right what lodge well that’d be Scottish I’m also part of the York right too it’s like different I can explain that a little bit but there’s different paths kind of okay when did you get started um I joined back in 2013. why
Well everyone always was talking about the Masons and who they were and what they did and I figured best way to figure that out is just go do it yourself did you think they were evil I had no clue but if they ran the world
Come on I’m gonna be part of that you think they run the world some people say they don’t it’s they’re they’re part they’re part of a group that may run the world but they’re they’re a small part just like you know uh Hollywood okay government yeah whenever you have billions of dollars
Being thrown around you got you have corruption in it for sure Define Freemasonry there’s so many different definitions everyone says a different one Define Freemasonry oh he essentially just Freemasonry is not free monetarily what do you mean it’s it’s free as in when the builders back in King Solomon
Temple if you had the pass if you knew everything then you were free to travel you were free to go get work because once you’ve built up a city yeah free to travel because he typically didn’t that’s why they’re called Traveling Man most people did not travel and they didn’t need to because
They had a city they had a job they could do all that stuff let’s go to Modern Day stuff let’s not start with Knights Templars return in the Freemasons let’s go to the models I wanna know the modern stuff man I don’t want it to hold this damn story
About 13 1400s no you weren’t gonna spend time on King Solomon you’re just saying that’s what it said yeah that’s that’s where the free part of masonry came from so there are stonemasons and then I guess they’re the best Architects and all that the Geniuses the 33s right
Of their Villages and [Â __Â ] and would you say it goes back to I think you know Egypt goes back to Egypt oh yeah yeah it goes way back what does that apron mean that you put your initiation you guys wear that Egyptian apron the apron that was just something that the builders at
The time but why why do you wear they I’m guessing that’s where they had their tools and then there’s a distinction with the mace with with the apron on how you wear it where if you were what’s the significance of the apron it’s just signifying that I every Mason
Answers this like in a bland way but there’s a huge significance yeah well it represents the Purity there it is okay yeah so tell them about that what is it covering it’s covering the life force energy yeah the penis yeah why didn’t you say that
Well why didn’t you say the penis part I didn’t want to give it all away right here oh you’re not allowed I don’t um I don’t know the significance is you’re hiding the generative principle the G in masonry the sexual essence why are you guys hiding it
Well I don’t I don’t think they’re hiding it that the G in masonry is more of a modern day thing that hasn’t always existed it kind of came into play capital G is 33. yeah but it came into points yeah last century or two okay um but Egyptians did wear the apron
Still yeah because they understood everything is built by that sexual the will of the universe the sexual essence right yeah so would you say it’s a sex cult because you just admit yes that’s a very good segue uh it is a sex goal every of all your secret powers are behind that
Apron what’s behind the apron is the penis well the apron really isn’t a secret power it’s just more of a representative of when you get initiated into it well what’s the significance of the apron Rising it’s the penis getting erect what when the flap goes up the penis is
Getting erect and if you and if you think about it the people that wore their aprons with the the flap up they were the lowest of the low so if you want to get into energetically speaking Yeah you guys were no factors they’re working in their root chakra yeah because you
Guys are taught to hold in your sexual energy and you guys are in certain Masonic monitors they talk about you can regenerate blood cells by not spilling your seed have you read that you regenerate your blood cells like every seven years you have no no they’re saying that there’s a superpower to not
Ejaculate yeah it’s a popular thing not one that I typically take part of not the Leo huh and they also talk about in certain zodiac alignments is when like you’re supposed to have sex with your wife but you’re not supposed to ejaculate that’s why the woman can have multiple orgasms
You’re supposed to ejaculate on certain zodiac alignments to have the right kid you want the healthiest child did you look into that right yeah I think that would be accurate because I think 90 of what I’ve studied every Freemason has told me yeah you study that out of you volunteered to study
That because we’re not supposed to be taught that stuff you’re just taught what you need to build a lodge right essentially yeah is it your Lodge is it blue Lodge well I I do I do run a blue Lodge I’ve been mastered there for a few years and
And yeah yeah you’re called most worshipful master worshipful most worshipful is uh designated for somebody who ran the whole state okay so like a Grand Lodge right I yeah I’m Catholic if you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior Jesus is King Jesus is King and you’re going
Around with a title that in the Bible it says no one will be called lord no one is to worship you’re being called most worshipful master but you believe in Jesus you’re letting humans who piss eating and [Â __Â ] call you most worshipful master that’s the highest level of blasphemy
Commercial what not most worshipful just worshipful that’s yeah now now you’re not down to Hell whoa think about it that’s the highest level of blaspheme because you have an initiation you have a ritual and you’re being you’re not doing it as a joke blasphemy as a joke is different from having an initiation
Ritual and rights ceremony and you’re doing it on an altar with the Bible correct you Scottish right guys have a uh yeah yeah yeah and the difference from the Scottish Rite and York is the York are the Christians and you guys are more philosophical those stuff but it’s
Still blasphemy what you’re doing yeah so that is still blasting the answer let me answer yeah the York right is definitely where a nice sampler are and the Christians for sure worst cat is right it’s not not as much as that and the next Templar we’re known for worshiping Baphomet and all this
Homosexual sodomy that’s why that’s why they had two people and a horse it was a symbol they were homosexuals the next Templars right but but do you agree that the Knights Templars got perverted it’s because they’re infiltrated by these Masons didn’t exist well no no it doesn’t
Matter it’s the same teachings so your masonry overlaps with the rose cross the cabalists the old fights the serpent mushrooms you guys are all taught that snake serpent penis worship the the I mean the whole thing has been infiltrated at some point like for example they say uh
The Jews understood everything and stuff there was many different it’s not just ancient Hebrew there’s many different ancient languages that all knew the same stuff the Jews just came out on top but they’re all taught the same stuff so it’s not like they invented you know
Like secret names of God and stuff and there’s plenty of Clans who knew whoever was the best chess player one but you agree that when they started worshiping Baphomet is because of your clan infiltrating the Knights Templar it’s not like these Christians have started being homosexuals I was around
Back then but I would say that there’s a good chance that that could happen I mean most of masonry is is pulled from the Old Testament anyway it’s okay the the Bible itself is really where a lot of the rituals are and what it is it’s
Kind of yeah but you guys invert through those you invert the Bible’s rituals no well why if you accept that Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and I know you’re not allowed to talk about your initiation yeah but I’ll I’ll talk about it your initiation
Uh you put a rope around your head and you uh go through a whole Antichrist initiation none of your initiations or anything end in amen or in Jesus name none of them correct well so and there’s 500 pages of you guys saying if the Freemasonry is a religion
There’s over 500 pages Albert Pike has 80 Pages saying it is a religious practice so if if it’s not ending in amen or Jesus name who the [Â __Â ] are you praying to very good questions Erica so here’s a misconception with masonry a lot of people think that it’s a religion it’s
Not however you do need to believe hold on it’s not it’s not so there’s an initiation it’s and a ritual you do need to believe in a cellular higher power so that could be Jesus that could be God that could be a lot yep uh they just
Need an architect yeah so so they need to worship somebody and it just gotta worship right in all fairness it could be Satan like it could be anyone as long as you have somebody at the end of the day to to answer to because what’s an oath what’s a promise
But that’s the thing what other institution will have you do rituals and initiation exactly but check it out with the atheists what other you didn’t believe in anything you’re an atheist you you make an agreement with me you go you back out on that there’s not like there’s no there’s no
So there’s no fear there’s no fear there’s no fear in God Well Albert Pike your grand wizard highest Authority said if you’re an atheist the vacuum in your mind that does not occupy God will occupy veganism liberalism you will obsess over yourself so you’ll make something into your religion that’s why
It’s so dangerous but what other social club if you want to just call it a social club has rituals and initiations only religious temples have this yeah so you admit you’re a religious Temple right that’s why you guys are called the Masonic temple I mean Knights of Columbus has very similar uh initiations
So are you a religious group or not no but you just said you do rituals what we’re a fraternity how can you be a fraternity doesn’t college fraternity rituals they have they have the haze people those are considered rituals towards God on an altar no they don’t
We’re not talking about guys you have you have the Bible on the altar right yeah it depends on their faith but yeah it’s usually the Bible wouldn’t you say you’re perverting the Bible because if you have a Muslim and a Buddhist in your lord you’re not giving them truth you’re
Giving them your guys’s model fraternity over truth meaning don’t talk about religion in the lodge that’s what you guys say meaning don’t talk about the truth don’t talk about Jesus in a large what which building is Jesus not allowed to be talked about that’s Jesus building Jesus can be
Talked about in any building if you guys have fraternity and Brotherhood over truth then that is the highest level Satanism I’ve ever heard about think about that that means be friends with that Muslim in the Lord he’ll make you billions of dollars just don’t talk to him about his
Religion and don’t talk to him about Christ don’t say the soul just go make money with them you go to like the highest level of Jews think about it it is the Old Testament but uh how do you sit in a lodge and say I’m not I’m
Not to talk about Jesus as a Christian and you find that okay well they when you’re in Lodge when you’re doing uh the business because it’s more about affecting your immediate community so so so what happens with religion and when you bring that up is it gets in the
Way of business it gets in the way of Charity yeah so so that’s that’s why they don’t talk about well yeah but what is truth because you’re gonna have what is Charity at times who cares about charity if you’re not saving Souls who said we’re not well you’re not
Telling the Buddhist in the Lord she needs to convert no are you letting him live in fairy tale land where Buddha Buddha doesn’t even stop a woman from being here there’s always going to be people in Fairytale Land there’s nothing we could really do oh so there’s always going to
Be women getting punched in the face I might as well start doing it myself well no that makes you complicit either way I’m complicit I should tell her I should tell people to stop punching her right me tell a woman to stop being punished yeah you see Christianity save me I’m saving women’s
Lives now I used to punch women all the time and then Jesus said cut it out now check it out there’s no way you believe in fraternity over truth that’s right that’s why I joined to get the truth because everyone you think you found it
That’s a no that’s a no no that’s a no you went through 30s two degrees you haven’t found anything I’m telling you 32 degrees is not as impressive but on the 30th 31st 32nd 33rd you guys adhere to the supreme authority named Lucifer on page three two one of morals and Dogma admitted
They they they definitely see that I mean you guys yeah so is Lucifer your supreme authority and you called Jesus Adonai your second in command no or no you guys see it as a dualistic standing on your Square black and white yin and yang Adonai and Lucifer is Lucifer your
Supreme yeah no not me no no so Albert Pike was lying your supreme authority was lying Albert Pike Well Albert Pike’s not Supreme he’s the pope of masonry bro who are we gonna go by we’re gonna go by Shaq are you gonna trust the pope of the Vatican
But but it’s literally in a book that was not meant for the public that book was not meant for the public morals and Dogma yeah page three two one you say Lucifer the lightbringer is your Authority see they say it wasn’t meant for the public but I well you’re not answering
It does he say Lucifer is your God I’ll be honest I didn’t read that book I know none of you Masons did but Albert but pause pause none of you Mason’s dead you all lose to me in a debate except 30th to 33rd degree you have to read it yeah
Those degrees I mean you did read it those degrees have to read that there’s parts of you don’t think I’m a 30th degree without finishing morals and dogs there’s parts of that book that are just in rituals in jail oh right you’re right you’re right you’re right so those parts
I know which parts did they tell you you have to finish to open your launch you essentially just need to get through the first three degrees or not no not for that more than dollars you didn’t do it out of Interest like I wonder who the hell we’re praying to no
No I I just want to say there’s a war going on in the chat room right now [Â __Â ] gg33 and gg33 for Life yeah I appreciate it I appreciate the work going on because we got one here go ahead man you know mine time that out
Because I want the topic to be what um they’re basically saying [Â __Â ] gg3 no [Â __Â ] gg33 but do it later right now let’s stay on topic and yo I’m giving I’m grilling a 32 degrees now hold on what did you have to do to start your Lodge
So why are you exhaling like that are you sweaty no so are we going too hard on you no here Gary am I going too hard on your boy yeah man keep going brother yeah I told I told him what happens when he gets in the lines then all right
Let’s just stay on that topic I exhale because there’s a lot to unpack here okay you always say that but there’s not much to unpack is Lucifer your thought no then why he’s not my God but why did I say that why did he say that
Bro I don’t know he’s just crazy I’m not Albert Pike well he I I believe he had a lot of good points in there because name something because I don’t I’m not gonna go through the ritual give me one give me one good point I told you I didn’t
Read the book okay okay well there is a part in the book where he’s talking about a philosophical alchemical um transformation where you turn lead to Gold but he’s talking about the mind turning from regular to genius is talking about a bosom and it’s all done in allegory and I actually broke it
Down with the style of meditation I used to practice he was talking when he’s talking about The Serpent and the staff he’s talking about the penis he’s talking about a rape ritual done in Egyptian caves of a young boy that if you rape a boy at five years old they’re
The perfect MK Ultra soldier that they will never piss away the Masonic wealth do you believe there’s rape sodomy rituals happening in the highest levels of Freemasonry not your large I’m not accusing you yes but uh and and remember there’s gay stuff happening in fraternities in college but I’m saying
This is not to be gay like rainbow this is systematically done at the highest levels of billionaire Masonry that that means the umbrella makes me skull and bones all of them every single skull and bones is is not really those are almost yeah but it’s not Masonic right but I’m
Saying all those clubs have to you know what’s funny skull and bones is not Masonic Freemasonry all these practices when you look at their initiation rituals they’re identical to Witchcraft you have you seen a witchcraft uh initiation ceremony it’s identical to your Harem in a Biff ceremony that
You’re not allowed to talk about because they’ll chop your [Â __Â ] tongue off but it’s identical with a blind fold with the Rope it’s identical to that ceremony yeah okay for what you said but yeah you said Circa doesn’t know much I didn’t say that no Gary thought I would lose I
Didn’t say that you it’s 100 at the top that the billionaires practice this sodomy ritual this gay homosexual with their Hollywood Elite friends as I said earlier there’s none of that going on in Cleveland Ohio at the very top right now okay so it
Might be going on in New York in the big cities but nothing in Cleveland Ohio no no not here the uh I can buy into that when when you when you go like I said whenever you have billions of dollars being thrown around at the top there’s corruption there’s
Going to be people doing the rituals because the same people they just put a different face on and then they use different people the funny thing about the Masons is I think they essentially have almost created their own downfall because one of the things before the ritual I don’t know if you’re familiar
With this part Circa but they like to make a joke something about the goat like oh watch out for the goat goat’s gonna be in there the Freemasons they’ve always ran that [Â __Â ] yeah but designers Big Time Freemasons have told me you know the reason the reason they’re on design this
Side is because they want to be in The Winning Side this is people above him too yeah yeah you know what I’m gonna leave before I get myself in trouble I call you he’s joking he’s not actually I’m on the on the surface at least what
We do and what I’ve experienced in Lodge they’re it’s usually usually usually just a bunch of old dudes that want to get together and hang out but the same words you guys say to to start a ritual or finish ritual is identical to witchcraft identical to the rule book of witchcraft
And it’s called you guys are called The Royal craft the roll crafts but but your craft is the Royal craft the Royal craft is a synonym for witchcraft that’s why throughout history all the kings would have a magician next to them teaching them how to bend the invisible forces of nature how to
Attract certain people towards you you admit that masonry is a type of witchcraft well it’s definitely it’s definitely something magical I don’t know Manny P hall wrote a book on Magic he’s a 33 degree Mason he’s a Canadian High Authority Mason and he wrote about magic and how you guys are literally
Using Egyptian style black gray and white magic depending on left hand or right-hand path yeah here here’s something which is funny because there’s a black gray and white Pope in the Jesuit liberal order and that’s the order the Society of Jesus is a masonic Society yeah
And I I don’t I wouldn’t really trust the pope or would you trust you’re evil I didn’t even read this book I don’t even like this guy I don’t I don’t know who Pike is I know him I know who he is but I don’t think you’re
Allowed to say you don’t like him because he would be like above you and everyone I’m not that’s like me saying I don’t I’m not suicidal I’m not suicide oh okay oh my God am I doing that to you oh [Â __Â ] okay well you know what you’re not with Jesus get his ass
Will you ever go to church as a young man yeah yeah I still do okay because I don’t know if you know this but I’m also Knights of Columbus oh really oh yeah how long how long I’ve been doing that since 2014. you took another off 2015. what’s
The old sound like they didn’t conflict what’s the alt sound like what’s the oh basically saying that uh I believe in God Jesus the Trinity and things like that say Jesus yeah in in Knights of Columbus yeah interesting but then the oath in masonry you’re not allowed to
Say Jesus are you correct because it could be Jesus it could be Muhammad it could be oh really as a Christian you share that position it could be could be it could be it definitely can’t be because those gods are demons in to join the fraternity yeah like to join the
Fraternity demons could be the truth are they right probably not Jesus and crisis why would you enter a spiritual Temple like a masonic temple and discard Christianity just to have some friends in this business you want I I I I really got into it because I
I want to know the rituals I want to see what they’re talking about like you can’t you can’t fight the other side if you don’t know what what their playbook is you know what I’m saying that’s exactly what I said when they called me out yeah
I see all the differences I didn’t take an oh bro why would you take an oath you can read this stuff without taking oath man yeah that I mean that’s true you built the whole Lodge you joined their side you’re literally with the Sith what did you why did you become a pastor
Or something if you oh I think that’d be worse what being a pastor oh like a gay Pastor yeah not like a straight Pastor yeah a straight guy you could be a good pastor okay aren’t they good pastors yeah there’s yeah there’s some good ones
Why did you build a lot or why why are you calling it a lodge call it a temple yeah holiday religious Temple I didn’t build I didn’t build the lodge I just happened to run it for a little while who who was running it first uh it’s a succession of people so what
Line of work are they into all over the place always a rich dude it’s it’s not always not always the the rich dudes tend to do better at running it uh than than the not rich guys but but yeah it’s not always they don’t need to they don’t need to have money at
Least not on that level once you get to the top and top yes usually those dudes are crushing it why are people like you know Helena blockowski she’s on your side and she’s like totally Antichrist Hates Chris all these people who are Antichrist are always pro-freemasonry you ever wonder which
Side you’re on oh I don’t I don’t I don’t wonder which side I’m on what side they’re on I don’t know as a whole so I I could see that conflict who’s a good Christian Freemason but if you think Dale got to be besides besides the obvious answer obviously uh
There is none there’s no good Christian Freemason yeah I mean when we look at this yeah what’s the difference from Shaq and other basketball players he has 500 million more dollars and he has the Masonic ring he is an admitted Mason on TV all these Masons are always doing
This Spirit cooking have you seen that blood magic rituals why are you pretending you’ve not seen that what not personally seen them you haven’t personally seen any art that resembles yeah art yeah yeah I haven’t seen any where have you seen the artist person in person you’ve seen
The art you don’t have friends who invoke Spirits through blood magic Art not that I’m aware of you know who Marina Abramovich is a lot of her witchcraft looks like Masonry yeah anywhere you find witchcraft you find masonry anywhere you find masonry you find black magic in witchcraft
And a lot of money so I get why you went there yeah Jesus is King Jesus Is Dead answer to him one day I know Jesus can be like you’re working on it you’re in a temple with sodomites even Jesus had to go to hell before he could take over he
Conquered death you think you’re gonna conquer death like Jesus I gotta conquered I don’t know but you gotta you gotta get into you got to get into it before you can fix it gives you a hard time because I’m and I was an initiated European rosicrucian I
Needed work so these people helped me find work but man the stuff they’re teaching was like meditative practices and they taught me about afterlife and it’s very different from the Bible same with masonry which you guys talk about spirit world you will buy into what masonry teaches about spiritual
You guys say that if someone’s addicted to fentanyl someone who died their Spirit went inside you and is gripping for the drug is addicted you guys believe in a bunch of stuff that’s identical to the Bible but it’s inverted always and you guys never talk about salvation there’s no Freemason whoever
Talks about salvation no yeah that doesn’t how do you get saved as a freemies that that doesn’t come up uh that’s terrifying yeah I would say if there’s anything useful in masonry it would be the seven seven things that you need to study Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences which are
Grammar rhetoric logic arithmetic you mean geometry music say you’re finished astronomy Phoenician spell casting in English bro they’re telling you that is they’re telling you that that creates everything the the way that you write your words the way that you uh inflect your words the logic the arrangement at
Which you put things uh then numbers math arithmetic and then geometry that’s the biggest one that’s also another representative of the G like you go into sacred geometry you’re using all these things they’re literally telling you how the world is is created and this is why no
It’s funny you guys say how the world’s created but none of you can actually understand it you pretend like what is sacred geometry the thought patterns of God like you think a Mason understands God no it doesn’t not all of them most basins just pretend yeah and you guys convert on your
Deathbed you come back to Christ bro each and every one of you I agree with that most of them do pretend they’re there and they don’t really do much and they’re they’re not what is sacred geometry what is that cube in the Israeli star is that a saturnian cult a sex magical
Cult like your masonry like that Seal of Solomon you guys come from the tribe of Solomon you guys are saturnian satanic cult a sex cult that’s why that cube is there it’s a saturnian cube that’s why the Muslims walk around the Kaaba they do a Halo ring for for them but the the
Principle the idea but it’s the Seal of Solomon that hex the Star of David is a hex it’s the Seal of Solomon Solomon’s you Mason’s your gossip correct he’s the one who taught you oh yeah he had 500 concubines and just studied black magic and he worshiped different star Gates
And star Gods just like you guys right what does Osiris mean to you well King Solomon was one of the the best and most wise rulers that ever existed however evil yeah however he didn’t start off evil he was a great ruler for many many years and then he fell he
Became he he did things Temptation that’s true [Â __Â ] are no good then why am I always around them they’re no good bro you need to be saved King Solomon is a high-level black magician that you guys yes emulate him yeah well it’s to show that even if you
Have everything you you have everything you could ever ask for you are a great person in society you can still fail you can still fall you will still fail you need to be saved by Jesus Christ Almighty which King Solomon was now what what about the raising Harem in a bif ritual
The initiation can you talk about that when you guys mock Jesus’s sacrifice to become amazing um or did I just read 100 books for no reason no oh I’m lying right yeah maybe you’re lying we uh I don’t I don’t know what how much I don’t know how much I could talk about
The resurrection of Harem and a bif is not it’s not blasphemy is not mocking Jesus’s resurrection it’s the whole reason I didn’t become a Mason when uh my military buddies are getting me into it I said look at this I’m not a Christian but I don’t dare I’m
Off Christ yeah you guys brought Christ to become before you become worshipful master you guys do a resurrection ritual to mock Jesus and what’s funny is you guys don’t even deny Jesus you say he’s real but Lucifer is the side the is your supreme authority well it just seems you guys
Are afraid it seems that way because they’re always talking about astronomy and the Sun and light and Lucifer being you know light light bringer it just yeah it everything points that direction Lucifer the lightbringer is that the Statue of Liberty Fallen Angel Land of the Free Masons the
Statue of Liberty is the lightbringer Lucifer [Laughter] but Lucifer can’t be seen as male and female depending if you look at Venus or whatever it does change but now do you agree all presidents were Masons they didn’t go to church not not all presidents but there there were a few
Um there were there were a few like George Washington uh Roosevelt why does Donald Trump have a Kabbalah teacher since a young age that’s kind of weird because he’s a good businessman he’s around all the Jews bro right but he’s oh you’re saying they’re studying nonsense or does it work does
That kind of know I I I would imagine that it works because like everything is energy this is this is the whole reason why imprint and energy is even a thing and why it works because we have different Cycles we have different ways we have different vibrations that are constantly going on
Like this light spectrum that we can actually see is super tiny the light spectrum that we know about is much larger and then there’s stuff we don’t even know about the light spectrum is three lights that’s the Trinity and it splits into seven The Seven Seals of
Revelation that’s how it goes through a prism you Pythagorean guys right with Pythagoras you guys learn about that yeah Pythagoras why is the Trinity past present future liquid solid gas the Trinity’s everywhere there’s no way to deny Jesus three is the magic number of God I think
The three is one yeah I think the thing would were with Jesus that most people deny is that he is not also God he’s not the true savior I think that’s where a lot of because I mean Jews believe he existed everyone knew he was there they just don’t believe that
He’s a savior right what are you trying to say I’m just saying that’s where the disconnect is yeah the guys went to the synagogue of Satan and they the Muslims stripped Divinity away from Christ and then everyone else was sound minded say okay that is the largest name of God that’s
That is the prime mover Jesus Is God yeah Jesus is the son of man Jesus is the son of God and Jesus is the Eternal past present future Eternal salvation Jesus is God no doubt about that no one even denies it this is the what is the ultimate form of love is
Sacrificing yourself for a family member that’s the god that is the ultimate form of love no other story has that every other religion says you have to take us Jacob’s Ladder you have to take stairs up to God if you do this this you get
Closer to God just do this this and pray and and do some charity and you’re getting closer to God you’re going up up the ladder Jesus is the only one that says your foot is broken I’ll come down the ladder and save you Jesus is the
Only story of God that comes down and grabs you you just have to accept now who the [Â __Â ] after years of depression anxiety has energy to climb keep doing good things keep doing good deeds nobody we’re exhausted we want to be saved Jesus is King now Chad Grill him
All right I think they were but no no grilling with questions guys not patrolling yeah isn’t it interesting how in Kabbalah the Muslims worship the Kaaba for Allah yeah it kind of seems like a spellcasting Jewish book there is but everything that we do every day is spell
Casting in a way just having this conversation is perfect what shape is the Earth because Freemasons write about it’s yeah well they take it more from the Old Testament it would be it’s not flat it’s not just saying Freemasons don’t think it’s like it’s I’m saying it’s not the way that people
Perceive Flat Earth to be uh it would be more of a Taurus effect because everything that you see is energy everything everything you see yeah everything you see is sound everything you see is waves vibrations it’s all it’s all uh essentially a it’s through your mind you’re projecting
Things through your mind you don’t basically Chuck what he’s saying is if we sit next to each other there’s a resonance and vibration frequency that’s different than if he sat next to Bill that’s why when you put star players like Kobe Bryant and these guys on a
Team they’re them just standing next to each other the energy goes so high that they become the best player they don’t even have to train with each other they just know where to be right so certain humans do better right just by standing next to each other and they also proved
That a certain object changes its frequency if you put it next to another one yeah so it’s not just humans it’s material stuff too and and the uh I don’t think he’s allowed to talk about the rituals are you allowed to talk about Masonic rituals not not really
There’s some parts of it that I could probably go yeah break it down um what can you talk about what can I talk about well I mean I know I can talk about the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences with it which I know that’s that’s good uh one of the
One of my favorite lines in masonry and I think so a lot of people think hey you need you need to help everybody out you need to be charitable in the organization but that’s not necessarily true that’s not what they’re saying because there’s there’s a part in the ritual which exists
He that shall sow to me himself as to not provide a count of stock and knowledge of understanding shall be deemed a drone a useless member of society and Unworthy of our protection as Masons so that is from the third degree and it’s essentially saying if people aren’t willing to help
Themselves and do the work and they’re they’re not contributing you don’t it’s it’s not your obligation to help them out like if they’re not willing to to take that extra step if you reach out your hand like Jesus you reach out your hand you’re about to help
Try to save somebody if they’re not willing to reach back bro drop them like gonna meet you halfway yeah exactly because if they don’t need your avoid they’re off the devil that’s really they look any human who enjoys their own suffering and wants to wallow in it they’re enjoying self-harm to a soul
That it belongs to Jesus if you cut your wrist you’re doing black magic you’re doing you’re joining the devil if you commit suicide you’re with the devil I would highly suggest not doing those things unless you’re amazing no hold on your buddy is in your Lodge do you guys
Go out and party or like get some beers together and stuff uh yeah not as much as they used to but yeah we’ll do that you guys go out and just do yeah just hang out and what are they Muslims Christians most of them in our lives would be Christians you know Catholic
Would they sell their soul for a billion dollars would they I’m sure I’m sure a lot of them would yeah you no why kiss on the lips no no not the lips a chica I’d consider that for Billy come on I can get over that you can get over it
For a billion you kiss them all no not the lips I’m saying the cheek oh my God that’s still gay as [Â __Â ] no I don’t want to kiss a man on the cheeks for free you know congratulations on your wedding yeah I wouldn’t do it for if it’s an under a gay context
Yeah it’s so far so Jeff does he seem sinister I’m not here to like make sure you guys like him if you think he’s evil spam evil in the chat he believes the Earth as a sphere right who you me you believed you believe in the whole Landing issue no no
Well no I believe that we have footage of it I mean it exists do you believe we landed on the moon I I’m skeptical of that you’re skeptical yeah what are your Freemason Buddies say didn’t you guys plant the Freemason flag on the moon Let’s put it this way if uh if they went to the Moon the Moon is not external to our system oh really oh it’d be within the door yeah listen I don’t know what the [Â __Â ] these guys talking about the Earth is [Â __Â ] Hollow and there’s an advanced
Civilization here’s what bothered me is in in masonry the sun and the moon are 3.3 the 33 3.3 miles away like that’s how you guys that’s convenient I’m just saying it’s like how can you not be a flat earther if you’re a Freemason like all your math checks out
Oh yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s but it’s not if I say Flat Earth people are not going to get the proper idea of what it actually is yeah you want to say a geocentric toroidal field that changes like it does changes it’s like a realm
Yeah okay it is it is I do believe that it’s capped what do you mean oh like with the Dome yeah you have for me because of your your symbols art well and in the Bible like if you if you believe in that David put that that picture we had on the
Intro screen put it just down here so we can all see it and then you drag and drop it you guys on your apron your Masonic Egyptian style apron it shows a flat Earth with the waters above and the Dome on the apron right here just make it big for 10 seconds
There’s your ape this is on your apron but look at that you start on Earth the black and white whether you know left hand or right hand then you go through the two pillars is it jacking and Boaz you call them and this is pretty much like your mother’s uh legs right the
Womb everything you guys believe is Beauty and strength that only attributes of God which you know everything else stems from that and look at this there’s a dome usually there’s Waters above so we got the wrong picture but there’s a dome here and just like the Bible it’s
Being held on pillars yeah you this is a flat Earth um symbols and allegory hidden in it this is a flat Earth any truth to this my man do you believe that I mean yeah you could see it but it’s not as I said before not the traditional
Way of thinking of Flat Earth but okay but the Dome I agree with so you don’t believe the Earth is round it’s not a spinning glow bro okay absolutely not that I love do you see that you see and he did it you didn’t miss Sonic you did
That just to make me look a part of it you literally what a dirt bag bro I knew when I felt the thumb yo never trust these guys bro I if I didn’t catch that there’d have been a million Reddit articles what it was I thanking him all right
That you’re you’re you know it’s not a global so he’s being honest there yeah this is just so I remember to do research right okay like it’s like anytime they gave me [Â __Â ] they’re like dude you used to know so much more but you stopped reading
The case was a gift doesn’t keep doing research yeah because this is the only reason I went to Christ is reading about you saying this yeah I said I don’t want to and I don’t think you guys are like deliberate satanists I think you guys are all just confused just nothing
Muslims yeah like Buddhists and stuff like that so you’re basically call them [Â __Â ] that don’t know any better but no no he’s a billionaire guys that they get funded by those guys know that that refunds me yeah that was good not that one he’s a life stop stop stop
I’ll never get over them accusing me of this because I always thought the first Mason I debated he said you know more than our we had a Master Mason is a title given out after you that’s three months right third degree three minutes isn’t that kind of like a stupid [Â __Â ]
Name a Master Mason there’s so many [Â __Â ] degrees above it no because that’s all you need to do that’s all you need to build yeah to be their students that’s all you need to and some of you guys are called Adept and you guys have psychic training is that true like you
Guys some of you guys are clairvoying I’m sure there is just because I’m like well they’re in you guys are in the military program the Masons that are linked with military they actually can like have psychic abilities and these guys are like young prospects that the military takes
But there’s a lot of masonic Motors that talk about you guys being able to go with using the penile gland and going clear I’ve learned which the penile gland many P hall 33 degree Mason says is made out of the same material as a firefly so you know how fireflies can
Glow and it’s a pleasure that we have that too and the penile gland would be attached to you would say chakras right third eye chocolate I think the crown chakra is attached to the Pioneer gland oh the crown because they say something different they say the crown is separate
That’s the Holy One but the third eye is biting from the apple of note or the fruit of gnosis it’s not an apple it’s fruit but what is the third eye what is the penal gland to you and yeah go ahead I think he summed it up pretty good like
Do you guys learn about it they don’t they don’t directly talk about that it is there is there is a representation like there are there are pine cones uh in certain of the structures that are represented of the penile Clan but I know when the pope and these Bishops they like that incense
That you know they light something before they do this ritual and stuff I researched that and as soon as you get a whiff of that apparently it awakens your pituitary gland which is the opposite of penile penile is the solar pituitary is the lunar and when the sun bears with the
Moon you get perfect Christ Consciousness brahmic Splendor whatever you guys want to call your Cosmic State your Genius Visions you have right which makes you guys billionaires and stuff what is the symbol and masonry of male it’s fire it’s a triangle and female is a [Â __Â ] an upside down triangle when you
Put those together that’s the Seal of Solomon the male bathing with the female the Star of David yeah and that you guys think when the left hand and the right-handed side of the brain fuse in one thought that you guys achieved this Christ Consciousness that you guys go into a translate state where
Where never being instructed to pain you can pull out a [Â __Â ] Mona Lisa you can just go into this state everyone talk about this vanity Hall yeah Pike yeah if you guys learn this meditative practice I think I think that’s just by taking in the ritual and actually applying it the
More and more you do it the more that you’re gonna unlock your mind your perspective the way you think about things because the first thing that you need to to change before you can do anything different is your mind you need to change the way you think
Well I tried doing this and and if it I tried doing this Carl Young was talking about it he called it active imagination and I went to the deepest parts of sleep paralysis and the most satanic demonic contract I’ve ever been faced and I became a Christian because I
Needed to breathe so I said let’s try it Christ is King I woke up and it was the first time as an adult I cried for two hours like a [Â __Â ] like imagine me crying like sobbing and it was the best dream of my life that immediately went
To the worst nightmare and it’s so vivid but I woke up and then my life that month I hated being Christian my first month being a Christian was like around January February I think and then boom my life skyrocketed into success and not homo success like these guys everyone
Wants to be me yeah everyone wants to be me and I’ll never looked back and I’ll never stop being a Christian after that because I was like I don’t believe chemicals is why I had that dream do you believe the love you have for your mother is just chemicals in your head no
This is a spiritual component yeah so your dreams are spiritual like Freud and young said yeah yeah I would agree with that and in this spirit world these invisible impulses they’re gonna whisper they’ll be a Freemason forget being a pastor and you went to the dark side you’re Anakin oh no
You went to the dark side and now he’s gonna burn in hell all of them you Gary you’re not a flat earther you’re you don’t belong on this table yeah Gary what are you doing well you guys can get the [Â __Â ] up out of here you know what I’m saying all right we
Got through cozy in his home now hold on what does 33 mean to you 33 I mean it’s a it’s a transformational stage you can never be a 33 unless you’re called upon yes correct so you’re 32 for Life 32 in life’s unless they he’s in gg3 he’s already an honorary 33
Honorary because at the 33rd degree tell you to spit on the Bible and they they don’t care if you do it or not they they look at your instinct if you hesitate they say it’s not real but if you immediately spit on it you go into billionaire class do you believe
That because I I’ve heard stuff like that for the past 20 years myself I don’t know he’s not a 33rd so would you spit on the box to be a 33 okay they’re watching I I would never spit on the Bible but I have used it for Rolling Papers before
When I was studying the Bible I started highlighting words and the person on the airplane next to me is like what are you doing but like highlighting so I can debate I was like using my highlighter on the Bible and the person next to me
Thought it was you if you if it does you think that’s bad what I did because I wanted to win the debate I didn’t want to [Â __Â ] make notes and [Â __Â ] no I was that bad yeah I don’t think I don’t think highlighting the word of God is a
Bad thing yeah it was like a cheap Bible I bought like well look at that smile look at this now check it out if you could have it your way would you ban Freemasonry in America no I wouldn’t the reason for that is there’s a lot of people out there
Looking for something and at least Christ is not enough right they gotta find something else there’s gonna be a lot of people that miss out on Christ but if they joined this they may find them because they’re like you know they run into guys like me or but no Mason
Ever finds what they’re looking for they you guys on your deathbed always come back to Christ it’s actually sad like no one on their deathbed goes remember my Biff was correct nobody gives a [Â __Â ] about that [Â __Â ] yeah that’s all just like Hocus Pocus so you guys could have
Some power in there I don’t think Masons have any real power anyway anymore they used to have power in the 1800s they used to have power in the 1700s they designed Washington DC what about the Jesuit order in the Vatican those are amazing but but what I’m I’m not saying
I’m just saying the Masons themselves they fell off bro they fell off then why is he still in the line they’re like a running [Â __Â ] bro why does he still have a lodge then why do you why are you in the lodge if you guys have no power what
Do you think I said it’s diminished what do you gain from being amazing what is that’s a good question what do I gain by being a Mason yeah it’s not like you’re getting well I think I think especially when you’re a younger person you don’t have accountability a lot of times or you
Don’t have a purpose there’s nobody there’s nobody counting on you you want connections wow come on that’s what you’re doing 33. I’m I’m telling you he definitely g33 for connections how many Masons are in Mississippi numerology called how many are there a lot of Masons here well it’s not you’re the
Highest it’s not a quote number one it’s a cult of personality thank you but it’s why it’s called the bad word because it’s meant to be a bad word because it’s like [Â __Â ] yeah cult chat same [Â __Â ] chat you gotta go to gg33classes.com I feel like you’re more loyal to
Numerology than Mason bro I’m loyal to the truth really except you can’t talk about the truth in your temple he could talk about I’m not allowed to talk about Jesus he can talk about more Masonic [Â __Â ] that he could talk about my [Â __Â ] that’s for sure are you allowed to talk about numerology
In in your temple yeah you are yeah we could talk about that it’s not Jesus no that’s yeah religion and politics anything that can cause a division in Lodge after Lodge we could talk about it well some could say that this is path of divination that this is a type
Of religious energy he’s bringing I’m not he’s predicting the future Bible likes that they they have a program in BlackRock and a Vanguard called Aladdin this predictive programming they have all these computers out here and [Â __Â ] tell you which way the spirit Market’s going up you think it’s okay he cannot
Talk about Jesus but he can talk about numerology in his lodge you think that’s okay I didn’t you can talk about anything you want in gg33 you can’t talk about Jesus but you could talk about numerology that’s got to be how are you how do you do that in good conscience
Why not just break the rules and say talk about Jesus guys look at my numerology in the lodge but not Jesus the guys just want to get out of there because they’re so not Sinister they just a bunch of Stoners they just want to like do what they’re supposed to do
And then move on I mean look remember the Catholic church was cutting Freemasons heads off what was that about yeah that was that was not again so we’re the Nazis well not too much zionists just the Jews what do you think of that your people are getting their heads cut off by the
Papacy you don’t have to trust the church so whose side would you be on the correct side back then the Catholic church was not corrupt they were cutting your heads off they said you want to do a [Â __Â ] ritual mocking Jesus cut your head off here’s why here’s why they did
That is because the nice Templar and everything they were essentially the first Western Union that ever existed they ended up having homosexuals right yeah they they ended up it’s a long journey guys I’m guessing but yeah okay do we really do it but do we come on man
Very gay very quick they they were cool for like a couple years and then and thank you for the popes and the Kings for [Â __Â ] wiping their ass out on October 13th 1307 was it it’s 1307. she’s not gonna thank them he’s going to defend them because because they actually moved they
Actually moved Vatican from where it’s at in Italy to to France for that time period so that that that that Pope he was absolutely corrupt and they they wanted to get the money back they they destroyed them because they had more money than the church so what do you do
To get it back you wipe them out you don’t think it’s because that Pope was an actual God-fearing Christian no because he had they were they got so big he he there’s a reason he went to to France he he was he was in bed with uh
Political leaders at the time they they basically the Knights Templars became competition they had so much money and so much power that they were eliminated and again they were [Â __Â ] homosexuals I’m not saying the Freemasons were but your ancestors the people who helped founded the Freemasons they were
Homosexual it seems like everybody was gay back in the day it’s really annoying not my people not my people I don’t know we don’t we don’t allow that trash in gg33 is there anything you want to say to Jesus thank you oh about you zarko what do you want to
Tell Jesus I want you to say that in your Lodge are you not allowed what say thank you Jesus yeah I’ll say it that you’re allowed no I’ll say it for you I’ll break I will okay next meeting I’ll send you a video we should do a series where I just
Box Freemasons we just glove up do a bunch of cocaine and I just like these guys Jesus name how about you just [Â __Â ] kick in the door during the lodge meeting and [Â __Â ] start going to work I thought he’s your boy am I allowed to just you could talk you can
Just [Â __Â ] break into your Lodge and start filming bro I’ll let you in what is this he’s doing everything to make you look like I’m a part of him run so I’ll let you in Circa you’re one of us runs the lodge okay guys that cut here is the end of
Our debate and uh I will shake your hand but I know what you’re gonna do he’s gonna start doing his [Â __Â ] he’s gonna be like circus actually 39th degree I just couldn’t reach the last time when will you become a 33rd degree when do you think they’re gonna call your name
Probably never when I bring everyone’s star power here to the top you’re gonna be activated they’re going to activate you when they see how much cloth you have I’m about to go Super Saiyan okay now check this out if you want more of these debates spam greatest stream ever more positivity in
Chat and now we’re gonna we’re gonna just read questions from the chat only good questions for our boy man these [Â __Â ] got no good questions I’m not Mr Satan come out loud okay David pick the best questions it’s like [Â __Â ] it’s like I picked the smartest [Â __Â ]
Come on man well they’re just find me greatest trees so they’re gonna load it right now now’s the question uh yeah I’m a slow reader just hold it I would get on Discord and let them ask some questions but I grilled you harder than they will so
It’s going to be boring what they ask I want to wait on you that was the whole point well yeah and I here it is here’s the question David read your mobile I have a microphone okay uh talk about what go down about astronomy talk about astronomy talk about it
Well so that’s one of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences of masonry and astronomy is essentially the science of how the planets move and the relations with uh how they interact and not to be confused with astrology which is like Hooked on Phonics version of astronomy like they broke it down they
Gave us picture books so astronomy is the actual science and and seeing what the planets are actually doing like you had all the numbers and the math and then astrology is kind of the the kindergarten version where you can yeah astrology yeah yeah let’s make sure we
Correct folks here yeah uh here here at the end of the day man um gg33 knows more than all the [Â __Â ] Freemasons and you don’t have to [Â __Â ] do any [Â __Â ] rituals but you do have to pass a interview you gotta pass an interview yeah you guys can’t be broke yeah it
Can’t be a broken man so we have more rules than Freemasons don’t we yeah okay the knowledge is more valuable that’s why anyways Freemasons are welcome gg33 um yeah I don’t give a [Â __Â ] man you got Muslims Christians uh Buddhists I don’t give a [Â __Â ] who you are if you want to
Learn numerology and astrology you’re welcome in the group at the end of the day um how do you think you did in this debate for going to bed at like 6 30 in the morning and you’re already making excuses so you know you took it out yeah yeah you’re already dick excuses all
Right for last minute I think I think I know you knew this was coming for a while not today not today what am I supposed to do that’s when you’re back in Cleveland not after Ronnie Jay’s release party did you have fun at least
Yeah it was fun is it is it uh can Freemasons be like drink alcohol yeah can I smoke weed yeah probably yeah yeah they can and can they have multiple wives uh it depends which God you believe in okay on that note this has been a gg33 production on John circus kickstream
Thanks for setting this up Gary of course brother for real hey remember Gary just surprised me out of the blue he’s like if you know your [Â __Â ] get out of bed you’re debating this dude today I thought he was joke Gary is this guy who
He reads wait let the chat roll so we can see him just go to the bottom like that yeah Gary is a type of dude who he wants me to remain so authentic that as soon as he saw I did not do this type of content for a while and people are
Complaining about it he’s like I’ll give jerka’s Chad what they want instead of a Freemason stream let’s have him debate a real 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason and so I didn’t set this up Gary did it and he just wants me to be authentic Circa even throughout
The boxing stuff he wants me to do the same style of content he it’s not like it interests Gary He’s not into this stuff he just wants me to never turn into an influencer [Â __Â ] you said lightweight I don’t I don’t deal with [Â __Â ] lightweight [Â __Â ] at all even
If you’re a little bit of a [Â __Â ] [Â __Â ] I want nothing to do with you okay I might be a Jewish Handler but I got morals and the number one thing is make [Â __Â ] money and and remember guys I would never work with someone who’s Pro homosexuality and all that right that’s
Why I’m on Gary but if you look at it you’re the only dude in the game everyone else will kiss dudes for millions of views he’s the only straight [Â __Â ] Handler in the game we don’t need this [Â __Â ] so what we’re gonna do in the next uh three four months is we’re
Gonna prove that we don’t need a [Â __Â ] platform these [Â __Â ] homosexuals to actually do what we need to do any last words for you my friend you can get kicked out of the Masons for this doubtful doubtful hey but I’m I’m not suicidal not suicidal
Oh Gary talk about it how the [Â __Â ] did you tell Sony fast you predicted my butt let’s let’s do that in a different stream man that is scary let’s do this on the difference evil Let’s do an a you say this shit’s evil it’s working out
For us this has been a gg33 production