So we had talked briefly about doing one of the Guild’s mm-hmm Todd’s discussions and maybe I have a suggestion I know that keelin is gonna suggest that we do something having to do a match oh no you’re wrong I’ll tell you why is because I’ve done that one more than
Once so yeah the one I have not seen is the dark brotherhood oh that dad is no no and I really I actually like doing the dark brotherhood quest because I think they’re fun that can be that can be managed that or or is it really your detected buddy you’re gonna shoot him
And then your goalies feet I eat some bread and you’re shooting him Yuma she’s over there in his bro wait are you seriously killing a guy on his lunch break eating just you [Â __Â ] apparently not she is black paint red sox horse oh that must be a yeah yeah that’s not be
Able to kill ya but yeah I love the dark brotherhood missions for one reason and one reason only and that really that reasons name is shadow man idol of Shadow Man demon worse okay I don’t consider that shadow American even worse I think in order to get into the dirt I dead horse
With red I mean also you can go talk to that kid in that town and um and he will hire oh that’s request so are you doing that was cool very cheerful speaketh my random inhale hey afar just turn afar over there minding his own business
Excuse me I improved archery do I get any credit for that no you’re killing random NPCs where is you got being paid I might add I’m okay if you killing random npcs we’re getting hey that kid is in um solitude right no no he is in
He’s in that wind what uh no no what’s the one that’s the one with the first yarrow that’s the one right well no no no it’s the second one the next it’s either way maybe it’s winter that’s where you go together hold on hold on stormcloak let me do this winter hold
Nice that other shaman that’s not right at all what are you doing I don’t try to figure out what the heck he’s doing is what he’s doing okay let’s see if it is in here anywhere joint go down to join the storm click really on and click on
That because that’s the town that you do it in that that’s the town that you find the kid in and then look at the map you know it’ll tell you what town to go to you can take back there and that would be Windhelm home who was right I still
Think its solitude I like a solitude I just did this I just did this today where I’ve just met this kid today said that’s that’s the only reason why another hooker when I go to win home can you take us to window will be all thank
You it’s nice that you have to my bacon that’s my bacon jerky and I think he’s gonna kick my trailer than whining cuz pick a trippy makes me happy hmm did you hear that world everybody all happy happy happy bacon jerky I hate those thing makes me happy that’s the that’s
Not a charas is it Oh charge you know so much is that something from the deal see items I’ve never seen whether it reminds me of the Casa doors from fallout it also reminds me of those stupid things and borderlands 2 the ones that hide in
The trash truck and then they they make the little pods and Vic oh yeah oh yeah they’re like wasps yes they’re awful there there’s jerks wasps white anglo-saxon wait yes all right anglo-saxon protestant so you’re gonna kind of wander around because people are gonna be talking about this kid who’s
Just pant like a horse hey hey I really prefer if you didn’t talk about the way i believe on the mic talk to her feet horses okay that’s not her their son there’s a Denver that you talk to you that all the stuff is hmm yeah don’t
Even think about it no no no no I oh and I’ve done much more than think at this point Dodie correo what’s so much for more you know what a glory hole is more family for now right yes I think this it’s a seriously not gonna be family it
Means there’s victory and joy there you go you’re right it’s you get the thief stone and you have victory and glory that reminds me okay yeah okay okay current news if you it’s not gonna be overly up by the way I’ll play this bass yeah you refuse to help the
Storm class kind of suck you in and try sucking in just keep ok what’s the dude that you listen to read it don’t even think about the dude that the the politician guy who is running for mayor of your workload okie doke name the wiener oh Anthony Weiner have you seen
Some of the headlines they’ve been cleaner won’t pull out was one I see I should probably handle he caught sexting in and stuff so I can do it and what was it Carlos danger was the name he was using on these dating websites that sad
And like he’s saying no I’m not I’m not gonna pull out of the barrel race not doing it yeah I heard that like he was in a press conference and somebody said well how many times since you resigned have you you know been involved in sexting and like he stands there and
Actually like thinks about it for a while and then says don’t know more than three times and it’s like the correct answer is none none yeah exactly that’s a lie why would you I now be a warrant even have to think about them but I alright where’s this brett okay you’re
Going to go up those stairs up these stairs does the stairs have been up a judge Chen then you’re going to go a little bit of a bit of a book out there here’s some headlines ok meet Carlos danger yeah York Post meet Carlos danger yeah I read this thing today it said
Anthony Weiner’s a much better porn name than Carlos danger daily news tip of the wiener good oh that’s a new one your post too hard to stop oh my guess it’s whole picture am The Daily News beat it oh yeah yeah I remember now weiners second coming New
York pose Wieters second coming oh my gosh Daily News Cuomo’s thanks oui oui nerd oh there’s no way that these are we are real New Yorkers gotta push for him I love you keep our state building like this you know nice it’s yet to see it
Can you say hi oh this is shane in the New York Post weiners rise and fall that’s bad he couldn’t keep it up New York’s number one metro he couldn’t keep it out what I killed Oh creepy stick a fork in Weiner don’t kill a child we do
Not kill the young nameless it worked I knew you’d come I just said Weiner finally wants himself Weiner hung out to dry oh my god Obama beat weiner you think this guy lived by whiner mounting pressure on weiner yeah the Wiener pulls out that’s this congressman once Weiner
Probe that sounds painful this is that because he’s a real okay i have we already crossed the line yes for int into all adult content uh yeah a long time am I I heard I learned this week of a an act known as sounding way and it’s
The most horrible thing I’ve ever heard of okay that a supposedly some people get pleasure from basically in in medical terms it involves insertion in the urethra oh you’re gonna say that I just knew guys I’m like I was just like this is a horrible like this all time
They’re talking about I was like why why do I keep listening white like make it stop Wow make it stop oh what the hell I know it’s just like ah losing the reef dad kya fat okay that is just yeah no yeah no reception so hey kids go ask
Your parents ya know this one will be titled with some mature content just just yeah I like that skull there no it’s like some sort of ogre my favorite rule hearing about something yeah I’m a school wieners pickle oh nice headlines yeah i mean i’m gonna with the name like
Weiner why would you go into politics with a name like Weiner it has to be good well I guess he figured Bush did okay he he should be all right it’s matter working at the rift and fishery is tough but it puts some calling him okay but not the guy who just yelled
Help I thought it was help help help working here is just great you’re the doing where the cried wolf aren’t you hmm you know dreamer door hey dunmer Denver yeah sorry Danny mom sorry if I offended any doing i presume you’re bothering me for a good reason so I’ve
Got a shirt it’s okay it’s a line drawing of a like a almost like a medical book would having it of me showing like a bone in the muscle Melissa and it’s got an arrow going through it right mm-hmm and all you Skyrim fans will know what that means
Yep and if you don’t think you doing well I worried at work and most people they’re having oh you have really really upset the children oh oh oh my gosh her name is a girl oddly kind why would you kill her because the little boy told me to oh we’re saved
She was a horrible woman you can’t believe her name I love you okay loud you’ve got something in your eyes you think of the first shot waiting when you edit this you have got to to a slow mo of that shot somewhere because that was just the most awesome arrow shot in
Skyrim history let’s go sell all this crap that the ladies have picked up tell her tell them anyway much better yeah I heard you back to my shirt again your shirt I’m sorry get a frickin warning Xbox Olympus everything Oh bras and Hades yummy stuff things you know why
You’re just jealous cuz you don’t have tits okay I am um so is that other adult lady upset like a teenage I don’t know I want to talk okay talk about your job come on okay so shut your hole I’m gonna punch you in your hole anyway so at hole
It’s not even see the thing is am I gonna be deal on to talk it’s not even that great of a story now it’s just like it’s gonna build other stuff up for nothing anyway this shirt I’ve got it shows a picture of Annie and the aerlyn
To it you know the whole oh I used to be mature like you until it took an arrow on the right you know that right mm-hmm well most people I work with have no idea what that is and people most often confuse it with for some reason i think
I’m wearing a shirt commemorating the Battle of Wounded Knee no you must be a big Wounded Knee fan Oh real quick if I can interject on on my game that i saved over and lost everything that right there is my daughter I adopted her oh yeah
Me and it all over again now yeah yeah we’re that slo-mo you’re talking about yeah yeah it’s called being over encumber yeah slightly you are over encumber I love that I’m over and covered but I can still jump justice but I like this so much better because in
Oblivion when you get over encumbered you just can’t move you stand there yet you just stand there looking like a complete complete and utter [Â __Â ] I’m so tired I feel carry all my kids crap greetings honored friend what are you ever sowed eating’s hi I could not give
A half a crap what you have for sale I just want I just want to get this off my back mmm yeah he probably won’t be buying me at the heavy stuff just so you know cuz you know he’s a jewelry okay well Julie Haley those dragon bones on
You dump those out yeah they’re heavy safe travels Lance driver safe travels last item uh-oh I know where I need to go like I’m getting winded why am i okay you are carrying too much to be able to roll like I would love to see like what
He actually would look like with all this stuff strapped to her I know right that would be funny funny funny little doodle three balls on the hunting on this sign up front uh-huh did you see they always see three balls but go on that’s the universal sign for a pawn
Shop in modern times you know that there’s all the three brass balls I didn’t know that ya doing anything today what do you got for sale buddy uh how did we get a message from Bernie off every started by Authority no but I know we’ve met him
Kool hai jaan me I call the nutrition you think this you’re wrong detective Lee though did you know subset doctor here’s here’s one thing irritating this guy the voice actor who played him obviously is a different person than the one that did the other voice and the
Other guy that does the same exact line why wouldn’t they just change the lineup he said I’m saying lazy took the ride it it took the time to record two separate voices which is great you know I oblivion which has on like five voices the entire game everybody’s got the same
Yeah so they made that they way they just say hey just say something different that way we have one two guys from two different towns saying the same thing don’t we owe a lot of money oh well okay you still have all the counter right there it’s me you’re like dude you
Got money right there wait hi I have a message from Randolph Sabrina elf doesn’t even bother to show up himself anymore what you don’t pay bad things happen so have you have you ever broken his face before don’t lose I’m saying what’s a question I have you broken his
Face before No ok hit circle ok hell knows well I’m not circle but whatever it is on the other box controller and I think you need to shut your mouth I’m sorry not you I was gonna keep you from actually having to brawl is what I was
Doing cuz it’s really funny where’s turn around that right there take out take out a sword or something or just start hitting the heck out of it just keep hitting it until it breaks yeah he loves that urn he loves that urn you know a little break up my hero oh
There goes it’s crackin it’s priceless hold on hey we’re gonna do this it’s bashing do this the stash it a fascist bad i don’t– on ok why are you doing this to a game scheme because I can’t I don’t want magic I just want please wants to know what he can interest you
In huh oh it’s broke it’s done break it’s done broken he’s not happy with you is it wrong that urn was priceless is it wrong this hilarious see those idiots over there and I want to crack them into something uh huh right goodbye now me take take radio cool right man I’m all
Paid up yeah let’s just see let’s see what you actually have see figuring anything useful i can not really put on some sales dress yeah like cousin oh ok i thought that said her she’s he’s got a dragon blank look at her she’s you gotta buy it but it’s her Baines yeah
Not her she’s yeah we want her she is up in here well whatever okay um yeah you have jokes on his gold so I’ve got to go sleep somewhere in order to get a quote unquote in which it oh no I need to go talk to the kid problem with yeah I need
To go potty you woods for sharing oh just wanted to make that doesn’t it announced okay thank you so much it just got real quiet what happened where is everybody thank you you mean the mouth left no I think we’re gonna turn this mission in real quick and then and then
Wrap up this episode and then we’re gonna eat bacon jerky and get happy I’m good all right subscribe like love this we love you and calm is calm it we like comment and cough you talk coffee talk seriously if you watch these episodes if you just click the little thumb at the
Bottom it sure helps that channel out a lot they really appreciate it my gosh hope y’all couldn’t hear that that is for all the people that do not like our channel anyway fart in your general direction the kind haha I knew you could do what I just knew it I knew
The dark brotherhood would save me yeah kinda what we do we say to you thank you thank you again alright well bye kid I can’t until next time yeah I wanted to keep plans like now I’m playing I want you playing that’s women’s tops promised Skyrim but we’re gonna wrap it up were
Here I’m sure there’ll be more soon yes yes so we’ll see you all next time on foreigners gaming o P dezeen bacon jerky she’s not here cell phone I I say bye