[Applause] [Applause] Make you pay No [Applause] so much has happened so much has been done but we also realized that there were some mistakes that were committed and we feel that in the next 50 years we need to rectify some of the mistakes of me At the end of the day the fact remains that we have survived the first 15 years our next challenge is how to survive the next year training academy to train more leaders of the future Paris Paris is beautiful not in support of a ganito in our time to be loose at
Sabaki less lethal gale an appetizer at Lewiston log alligator antivirus Tyrion I’m a little Amen you can turn your canopy listen I’m a person An octagon Issa at boogalou I’m Hana rindaman open second own home on that coming On the mother up in the early 2000 sama-sama automatic rapid nishi-magome I am Canadian haha For the next 50 years I really longer be there but I hope that our dreams both our spirits will be realized in the next five years You You