Tallahassee florida home to the florida state seminoles and some of the biggest names and moments in college football history however with a record of two and two the fsu football team can no longer claim the title of strongest group on campus that belongs to another brotherhood
A group of young men chasing a goal bigger than even themselves what are you chasing what’s the dream what’s the goal to do the best at one everything like if i see a kid that’s bigger traps to me i was like i want to go shrug
You know what i mean like that’s just how it is because anyone can be a nerd like super smart anyone can be jacked like anyone can party but if you can do all of those i think that’s a pike that’s what a stunt is florida state’s pi kappa alpha
Fraternity has a strong tradition of being strong they’re the biggest fraternity on campus in square footage and in mass a true pike strives to be four things a scholar athlete leader and gentleman and this particular group of gentlemen has a fifth goal gains and they have the formula to achieve it
Intensity and volume equals growth write that down in the textbook formula not only were these guys backed by science but they had the hardware to prove it what are the trophies for being big working out you know crunches push-ups everything you name it bench press we got it but despite
Material success they still have their detractors what do you say to people who tell you you’re jacked for no reason i laugh like if you’re jacked for no reason like whatever i think it is what it is just like watch your girl i don’t know i say i’m jacked but i’m obviously
Living a better life because of it what would you say to someone who said you’re a jack for no reason i don’t know they don’t know the reason they just don’t know how to live life no they’re not there they’re not there they need to figure it out yeah they
Need to figure it out yeah what these pikes had figured out was how to achieve peak physical fitness what’s this right here this right here is 225. are you able to do that weight yeah that’s what burnout said hit that like you need a spot are you going to spot
Nah he doesn’t i mean look at this guy he’s literally a bull shark yeah bull sharks are known for two things inhabiting warm climates and their aggressive nature and nothing makes a bull shark more angry than a scrawny little tadpole what do you say to kids who aren’t strong
Get stronger get strong just figure it out this no-nonsense policy regarding strength even applies to their own whenever you see your younger brothers in the fraternity who are maybe a little too skinny or scrawny does that generate a feeling of angst inside of you
Not really i mean i think a lot of it is personality here a person only goes a long way yeah you can do it if you do want to kick them out though a little i mean not really it depends who the person is like if they just suck
They’re real skinny like they have barely never left i just feel like everyone everyone you meet that’s really skinny i mean he can be fixer i think everyone that you meet definitely has uh something he has like a muscle atrophy disorder okay so that maybe he needs like help maybe we
Need like a go fund me for that kid then yeah there’s just another fraternity i mean i like i i think kicking them out might not be the best idea yeah but yeah something needs to be fixed in your muscle attribute jesus christ what do you say to to people who are skinny
Scrawny little brittle i just almost feel sorry for them it’s just like do you not have any goals while the majority of pike brothers goals include washboard abs and 3d delts a select few fail to live up to the elite expectations what would you say to someone if they
Said you don’t fit in i’d probably laugh shrug it off and say all right buddy and time to take a lap shrug it off with weights why not right whatever you got for me i’m shrugging that off with brother lopez was missing the point but that wasn’t the only thing
These brothers were missing i’m going to give you a full a four-letter word and it might make us feel uncomfortable for a minute but i want you to talk about what it means to you okay legs a lot of people don’t hit legs and like i don’t say anything but
Like that’s what literally separates the boys if you were gonna say something if you were gonna i would say get the [ __ ] in the gym and start hitting legs yeah seriously that goes out to anybody are there guys here at fsu pike they could do better on their legs
Yeah there’s a couple there’s a couple you know are you a leader the type of guy will stand up and say something i mean i’ll tell him like dude you might want to do a squat or two easily the most underrated under hit made fun of like body part
That if you want to grow as a person that’s the number one thing you need to hit however hitting legs won’t save the guys from the real epidemic encroaching on their gains there’s a looming threat to you guys do you know what it is the dad bod thing
The dad about thing there’s a play going on the dad bought ebola basically yeah right here at times yeah wait tell me more uh the dad bod it’s kind of uh girls are like in the more comfortable dab out look and that’s just not what we do here
Do you see the dad bought as a risk at this fraternity i think it’s becoming a risk it’s becoming a risk the dad bod’s the guy that doesn’t like to work out he pounds natty lights makes fun of guys that drink truly’s because you’re low-carb it makes people too comfortable like oh
Girls are fine with this and yeah [ __ ] it i’ll just look like a [ __ ] melted ice cream cone do you see the dad bod being the next wave for you guys here at fsu pike nah not a shot no not a [ __ ] that’s not a
Not a shot it like i said it’s a culture that was established long before i got here and it’ll be here long before i’m gone maybe brother troy was right maybe that culture would still be there long before he was gone but there was still one question
The elephant in the room what do you say to critics who say you guys are too big nobody’s saying like that we’re too big or anything like that have you measured your biceps before too big i can’t i actually can’t