Alright hey guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to the video it is deja and I am back with another video honey what’s good what’s poppin for those of you who are new here thank you so much for tuning in make sure you hit that like and
Subscribe button so you know you can be a part of this family for those of you who are not new welcome back thank you so much for tuning in again so today you guys we are talking about the iOS and before we get into it I got a couple of
Announcements to tell y’all obviously you can see the first announcement is that I did read now you guys I don’t know how I feel about this I really don’t know how I feel about it um I don’t dislike it but it’s sorry this one is going now I don’t dislike
You but it’s very it’s new its new and you guys I’m thinking because I did it when I first died it I put some of the red dye on my eyebrows and like you can’t see it now because I fill them in but I think I’m gonna continue to do
That but I don’t think I’m gonna have this hair I’m gonna have my hair red when I go back to work I think I’m gonna just stick back to the bar because blonde just it is just something for me but I definitely want to try this out
Just to see you know how I liked it because I never did a color I always did like and weaves sew and braid so I was like let me just try this out see how I like it I don’t know you guys let me know how you feel about it I feel like
It is varying it’s just different and I feel like the blonde really does something for me so I’m definitely gonna change it back to blonde when I go back to work which is unfortunately coming very soon not unfortunately because I am grateful to go back to work but it’s
Just gonna be stressful but I’ll talk about that in my budget video that I will be posting on Friday not this Friday but well when you’re seeing this it will be Friday but you will see it next week stuff next Friday it’s when I’ll be doing another budget
I’m gonna do every other Friday for you guys so now for the I Otis we didn’t get a lot just like the Sigma cameras which really kind of bummed about but I’m just gonna go through the things that I did get and then we’re just gonna you know
Talk about it let’s let’s try so let’s just jump right into this the first one that somebody said was they are the unipoint of the d9 never seen or met one of them that’s actually true for me because I’ve never we didn’t have them at my alma mater we didn’t have I’ll
Design on the mater and every Greek picnic that I had went to we didn’t have any I Otis there at all and I didn’t see them so they are kind of like a unicorn because I only seen them on social media and that kind of sucks so you know
Hopefully I’ll see more of them but I’ve never met one never seen one in person only through social media um the next one is okay guys so this guy had personally sent this to me and said put this on your iota episode the iOS have a very unique history because of the
Organization was started by non-traditional students orderman most of the founders have been in the military idol iota Phi Theta was rejected by the d8 several times and they were not recognized as a Greek organization until 1992 before they were called outlaws oh wow I didn’t know I
Never knew that that’s so cool so sheltered iota this next one first this next person said this comedian said that they were boo boo and P P I’ve been dead ever since y’all try it is y’all definitely try it just because of eight colors funny y’all tried it okay the next one
Is some cool brothers okay oh I want our look you want to say that I believe that but I’ve never met them so I can’t say you know but I’m pretty sure they have like people in their organization that’s really the next one is they remind me of alphas
Oh how how I don’t understand how explain that’s me I don’t see that comparison at all just because they do so much different stuff and they were like I don’t know they just like I don’t know different different different different the next one is they seem cool
And laid back and about their business um I really can’t speak too much to that because I’ve never seen them but I’m pretty sure it’s always somebody in these organizations that are about their business it’s like more than just one person so you know yeah okay guys so the
Next one is – who jk jk jk I like the laughing I like them ha ha ha what she said the who JK JK I like the ha ha ha maybe she might sound like them ok I don’t know um I really do feel like a lot of people
Don’t really I don’t know they don’t try to acknowledge them just because they did come into the d9 so late in the game so you know I guess um the next one is I don’t know if it’s just me if it’s just my school but they’re unpopular all all
Together um I can see that I really do feel like they’re unpopular just because they are a new like they still new like they were found it was September 19 1963 so they are the youngest out of all of us and I give props to them though because their founders were still alive
I believe I’m not sure so correct me if I’m wrong I believe one is their last founder that was still alive passed away recently or last year sometimes so I’m very sorry if I could go back or if like I know everybody just be like oh the oldest the
Oldest brother life I get that the first thing to find I get that but if I can meet fo if I can meet any of my founders if I can sit with them if I can go to like you know go to one of our Blais and meet some of
My founders do you know how crazy that would be like that’s like I don’t know so I mean everybody want a joke and be like oh you know they they the youngest they came in lady who are they bla bla bla but they have found is that were still alive
And all of our founders are like you know rest their souls but it’s it kind of like you know you kind of really talk because your founders were civilized okay so yeah so I really would love to meet some of my founders and like I would probably I wouldn’t give anything
Because you know it’s it’s not that serious or whatever I’m just happy that the Orcas is she still around but if I had the opportunity her yes I would definitely want to meet my founders um the next person said what the [ย __ย ] is that okay that was rude
The next person said they are the babies of the NPHC that’s true the next one is they I heard they weren’t even a fraternity for real I feel like they are very underrated yes they’re underrated but they are definitely a fraternity so you tried it
First tried it the next one is slept on one and they always get left out like they not a part of the nine okay I do agree with that a lot because I feel like a lot of times so many tents like so many universities don’t really have
Them on their campus so that’s why I feel like a lot of people who leave them out but you would just have to have somebody charter that organization on that campus you would have to have you know keep it up and alive so I don’t know I feel like I’ve seen majority of
Yoda’s on social media from what I saw you know how like they put the location of the video of them strolling and like the Baltimore Maryland area or the DC area I haven’t released it or like Atlanta I haven’t really seen them anywhere else to be honest so I feel like you are
Baltimore Maryland East Coast right or am I wrong I don’t know but I feel like East Coast that I love feel like a lot of them aren’t there so I would love to see them you know come more to the Midwest because I haven’t seen so much
Of them not saying that they’re not here but I would love to see them you know come on out and you know see what they’re about um the next one is when you think of d9 threats they always the ones you think of less or forget all together that’s sad
That’s really sad um I do feel like they are last because they came in last but I mean save the best for last like it doesn’t matter what placement you are in is matter it’s about like what you do for the organization what you do for the d9 community as a whole
So whether you came in first second last whatever what are you doing for your organization placements shouldn’t even matter like yeah I also say K’s we say Oh first and finest yes we get that but at the same time like some of the first and finest people there in these
Organizations aren’t really doing [ย __ย ] for their organization so it’s kind of like it really doesn’t matter in the placement of your organization or when you came in or when you were founded it matters about what you’re actually doing and that’s what we fail to realize when we’re talking about these organizations
Message um the next one is that they are the youngest and the least impactful um yes the youngest least impactful no I don’t I’ve never personally met any of them but I’m pretty sure they’re very impacted on the university is that their own and in their community so how does
Reach the next one is not much of a presence on campus but neighborhoody neighborhoody and chapters come and support neighborhood chapters neighborhood in paper neighboring neighboring she didn’t even say who ADA she just say neighboring okay neighboring chapters come and support okay so I definitely agree with that obviously I’ve never met any
Of them but as far as the presence on certain campuses yes like you don’t really see them unless they’re on that campus but I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say that you know overall they don’t have her presence the next one is they are the most slept on that is definitely
True the next one is iota is our super big here in Jersey okay that’s not Midwest that’s not me I’m Midwest he’s good I might not be used coffee there but yeah like Jersey area stuff like that like Philly all of that stuff yeah I think they’re being
There and like Baltimore Maryland I don’t know why but I just felt I saw like multiple videos online Midwestern Greeks where they like post all other people or whatever and like they have posted a couple Yoda’s and the location of the video was in Baltimore Maryland
So that’s why I’m saying that so I could be wrong I could be wrong correct me if I’m wrong um okay so she finished she said I Otis are super big here in Jersey but they throw too much shade don’t say how I kinda feel like okay this is not shade
On my end but I kind of feel like how can you throw shade I mean I feel like the only things you can really throw shade about is that your founders earth we’re civilized or ours to live and I’m sorry if I’m if I’m saying that wrong
But like I don’t know if their founders are still alive or not but I feel like that’s what you can throw shade on because some of them a lot of people in the organizations have met there some of their founders you know whereas me who
Came in years later I’ve never met it I mean I couldn’t have because all my founders unfortunately passed away so okay the next one is they are on the rise I do feel like that is true because I feel like more people are learning more about them they are coming to more
Campuses and universities so more people who may be interested in them can know about them you know I’m so yeah I agree with that on the next one’s underrated that’s true the next one is everything they everything they do urge my nerves girl why what they do
I like they strollin though I really do like I feel like it’s so different you know it’s very different than than other organizations and that’s what makes them so underrated and like dope to me because it’s unique you know I’m saying you don’t see nobody else I’m not gonna
Do what they do but you don’t you know you don’t see nobody else doing what they doing so it’s kind of like okay the next one is everything oh no she doesn’t say what she said youngest but the cook youngest but the coolest and got the
Best vibes that I own app it’s a hit to you guys oh and I wanted to say I’ve never tried anybody’s Jews except for the outlets and the queues I’ve never tried any juice or punch and then my my organization but um but I’ve never tried any like juice or alcoholic beverages
From organizations other than those three organizations so when y’all had said something about the kitty milk I was thinking that was something completely different because I had never heard of it because the Zetas on my campus had never made anything like that um and then we didn’t have any eros we
Didn’t have weather we didn’t have Kappas we didn’t have anybody else that couldn’t make their drinks so yeah so I never had iota I mean I would I would hate I don’t know why they would probably I own this that’s kind of disgusting I wouldn’t drink that anyway
But I understand the next one is they have the best model out of all the friends I personally don’t know them um actually let’s look it up okay so the model is building a tradition not resting upon one and/or it takes a man okay not resting upon one okay I feel
Like that’s really good for them because they are the youngest and they’re building something you know I’m saying they’re on the rise so I just seem like that motto the next one is they are the nobodies and people didn’t know about them oh that’s a lie I feel like if I didn’t
Know about them I wouldn’t be talking about them or if I didn’t know about them or we didn’t know about them they wouldn’t be in you know 39 community but I’ll say was um the next one is what is this huh oh wait girl she tried it she tried it
Okay the next one is Phil the last ones all right guys is feel bad for them why are you so bad for them I feel like their organization is really doing well for themselves it’s no need to feel bad for them they’re really doing their
Thing and you know shout out to all the IO desire hopefully one day I get to you know go to a campus or go to another picnic that’s not in this area and you know meet some people um but yeah other than that I hope you guys enjoyed this video don’t forget to
Like comment subscribe and also share this video so that I can reach more people but yes thank you so much for watching guys and I’ll see you guys in the next video bye guys