Hey everyone it’s Leilani for God and I’m back with another video so I wanted to talk to you guys about narcissistic personality disorder and someone asked me actually to do this video last week right now it’s Sunday as the clock is about to turn midnight I’m just coming off of an amazing
Sabbath I feel great I’ve been inspired all week and so I’ve been working in the background putting things together that will really take our campaign to get Predators off of all social media platforms off the ground and running because the problem with Predators online especially on social media is
That they tend to attract other people that are just as sick in the mind the heart and the Soul as they are and so when the Predators come together they start gang stalking people and a lot of times their targets and their victims haven’t done anything to
Them they just have a demonic spirit in the spirit of the devil that uses them instructs them to stalk harass docs exploit take advantage of and when they can no longer take advantage of the victims then they want to expose the victim all their friends all their family so it’s an ongoing drama
But one thing that Predators never take into consideration is that we’re all living under God’s law and so when people are infringing on other people’s rights to privacy to free will to freedom of expression the punishment will be harsh from God himself because God did not design the
World that way so when you have evil Wicked destructive people going out of their way they think they’re disrespecting other people but they’re really disrespecting the Creator who put their soul in their body and no one escapes you know God’s Wrath right so we just sit back and watch evil people destroy themselves
But the reason why I’m making this video is because someone specifically asked me they said do a video on narcissistic personality disorder the roots and the spirituality behind it and so that’s what we’re going to do I’m going to do a deep dive into narcissistic personality disorder as
Well as Predators online and how people are affected by it so that if any body in your life is treating you in this kind of way they’re being narcissistic they are harassing you they are stalking you they are looking up all of your personal information to docs you on the
Internet because they are not happy with themselves in their own lives because they have not accomplished any of the things that you accomplished because they cannot achieve a happiness and a beauty of spirit that shines through you they will try to dim your light and I’m telling you that they’re going to fail
We’re going to expose the Tendencies so that you can get away from these people when you cut a narcissist off they become extremely unhappy they need your energy to survive that’s called a parasite so what I want to do is expose the Tendencies of predators that are very
Much in common with narcissists so when you have these people in your life be it somebody you’re dating it could be a male or a female it could be co-workers people that just don’t like you it could be people on the internet that have chosen to Target you because that’s the Demonic
Um kind of rule that they’re under by the devil the spirit in them is telling them to attack you whatever form and fashion you’re dealing with what I’m going to talk about in this video this video was designed to help you recognize the signs the symptoms the red flags the
Behaviors that all narcissists and predators engage in so you will be very well informed and so when you recognize these signs and symbols in people these symptoms you get away from them I just want to do a really quick time oh here we go that’s my backup system
And I want to make sure that you guys can hear me hey Crenshaw thanks for joining thanks for whoever has joined so far I just wanted to check and make sure with my other device that you guys can hear me and that you guys get my uh my little uh
Things in the comments section alrighty it looks like we’re on all right so today we’re going to talk about narcissistic personality disorder how that um affects people in different ways and what to do how to get away from a narcissist now that I know you guys can hear me all
Right so what I have on the screen right now is the different levels of energy that you want to be in if you want to actually achieve things in life if you want to be a successful person as opposed to a person who can only experience jealousy at other people’s
Successes in life so all the way at the bottom of the screen it says def which is at zero and then above that um 20 goes to shame unworthiness powerlessness despair guilt insecurity apathy lack of Interest depression then it goes up to let’s say grief fear desire jealousy anger hatred rage
And then it goes up to Pride discouragement blame worry doubt frustration irritation impatience overwhelm neutrality boredom um what else do we have here willingness reason enthusiasm joy peace Enlightenment appreciation gratitude Freedom empowerment and God Consciousness so the reason I’m sharing this on the screen with you guys is because
I want y’all to know that this is how you can tell if you’re in a good space or if you’re in a bad space if you’re in a good space your energy will tend towards anything above the yellow level anything below the yellow level is going to be
A Negative Zone a Zone where you’re not actually living within God’s purpose for yourself now anything can happen in life that will throw us off of our good feelings and bring us down to a negative feeling and so when you realize that you’re in a negative feeling you have to do what it
Takes for you with your own personality type you have to do what it takes to get yourself to a level where you feel better when you move up the scale because what happens is when people are operating in the yellow zone and lower they’re releasing toxic chemicals into their own bloodstream
So when you have a lot of anger rage depression all of those things release acidic and toxic chemicals and hormones throughout your own body so it’s toxic to yourself to be a negative person and so I want to give a shout out to the person that asked me to make this video
About narcissistic personalities I was asked a week ago um they said right on point Thank you for this post because I did a post on narcissists and they said please do a poster podcast on the spiritual and psychological roots of narcissistic personality disorder thanks again I said you are very welcome
I can do a video on narcissistic personality disorder today it’s Sunday so I actually have time this evening make sure your notifications are turned on okay so last Sunday I was supposed to get on and do this video and now I’m a week late because I actually went out to dinner
And by the time I got home I was so full I was stuffed I said I’m gonna lay down sleep for an hour or two and then I’m gonna go live and I didn’t do that I laid down I went to sleep and then I posted the proof
Um that I was gonna do a video on that I had promised you guys last week I posted it on my community uh post so please accept my humble apologies I didn’t go live last week and then this week I was starving a narcissist because there are people who copy me they mimic
Everything I say they react to everything I say so I wanted to starve them so that once they start harassing me again I can easily prove it to the police because I think I might be dealing with a legal issue at this point and so I want to set up the narcissist
So that they can expose themselves for harassing stalking me and trying to uh intimidate me which will never work because I work for God anyway here we have on the screen the post this is the reason why I was asked to make this video I posted this on my community wall if
You can’t see it all you have to do is expand your screen just click on the Square on the bottom I think right hand side of the screen that will make it bigger so you can see this more clearly it says a good man versus a narcissistic man
Good Men set boundaries narcissistic men Gaslight okay so if you’re dealing with someone it could be a male or a female a good man is the one that’s going to set boundaries and speak clearly and say this is the problem that I have and this is what I don’t like that you did
Whereas a narcissist they’re going to Gaslight they’re gonna not tell you what the problem is they’re not going to try to solve the problem they’re going to create more problems or they will create the problem and then when you ask them what is the problem then they start
Gaslighting you and this could be a male or female when you ask people what’s wrong and they won’t talk to you they you you’re talking to them but they’re not talking back to you now they’re deaf dumb and blind they’re mute they don’t know how to speak they don’t have the words
You know that’s called passive aggressive but when you try to get to the bottom of a problem and then they they refuse to get to the bottom of the problem with you they keep deflecting over and over again at a certain point the fact that they’re intentionally deflecting or lying is also called
Gaslighting a good man apologizes when they’re wrong narcissistic men they shift the blame I have made so many videos of so many different type of narcissistic mostly men on my channel and you’ll notice that they all do the same exact things recently brother polight got sentenced to seven years for his inappropriate
Contact with a minor and he went live and started gaslighting the audience saying that the charges were dropped which was a total and complete lie but that’s a form of gaslighting and then he said that it was the mother’s fault the mother put his DNA on her own daughter to get him in
Trouble yeah okay I guess that’s the reason why he was alone with that minor and took her to a hotel room because it’s the mother who put his DNA on the child so that’s the blame shifting instead of apologizing saying I’m wrong I’m caught what I did was wrong they
Gonna make up a lie and blame somebody else they all do the same stuff on the other side it says good men tell the truth on the other side it says narcissistic men lie once again you can see this throughout the behavior in the majority of of people that I have
Exposed on my channel especially the men who um are deceiving people and then asking those same people for donations that’s the reason why they lie you know one of those people that I’ve Exposed on my channel Dr Umar Johnson he’s been saying for more than 10 years that he’s
Going to open up a school he still hasn’t done it but he’s raised over a million dollars in donations so that’s a problem because a lot of people came after Dr Umar other black men and they opened up schools and some of them were rich and famous like LeBron
James and some were not there’s a young man whose name I wish I could remember right now a young guy like in his 20s opened up a school for black children in his community and he did it with less support and less money than Dr Umar all
Right so we have to like pay attention when people are lying and be able to call it out and say wait a minute you’ve been telling the same lie for 10 years other people have passed you so you’re either not qualified or you’re a liar like we need to say something the reason
Why Dr Umar is still raising money for 10 years and over a million dollars later is because peop people are enabling him there’s very few people exposing that he’s a liar or that he’s just not qualified for what it is that he’s trying to do it says here good men honor themselves
In their relationship whereas narcissists or grandiose and self-serving right you notice like when I expose Nature Boy on my channel Nature Boy would get up on his channel every day and now Nature Boy is in jail he would get on his channel every day for so many
Hours every day and notice how a lot of predators and narcissists they spend several hours in several days on the internet and their grandiose and self-serving all they do is talk about themselves Nature Boy said that he was the um he was God he was Jesus he was
He said he was the uh commander-in-chief of the Earth plane I mean the type of titles and um you know uh I don’t know credit they give themselves they swear they’re the smartest at every subject under the book um like that guy I exposed a young
Pharaoh young Pharaoh says that he is a genius and that he is the leader of the entire black community he said he’s a lawyer he said he’s a mathematician um he he’s I mean the titles that he gives himself is outrageous because he has he dropped out of school I think he
Dropped out of elementary school now there are a lot of very successful people especially in America um and all over the world who um didn’t get to finish school but they still became millionaires because they had an idea but guess what they put as much time and effort into studying whatever
They were good at to the point where they became wealthy so you still have to apply the discipline of sitting down and studying and focusing and building relationships with other people networking in order to become successful so they still put in hard work in hours and time into whatever
Project they built but people who have narcissistic personality disorders and predators they don’t have the mental capacity to focus for long periods of time so they have to lie and give themselves accolades that they never earned all right so the reason why they’re so grandiose and self-serving is because
They are insecure and so that’s a form of gaslighting to make it seem like I’m gonna compensate for the fact that I really don’t have any education or training or skills I’m going to compensate for that by just getting on the Internet and lying about it and saying that I do
It says here good men work for what they want whereas narcissists played a victim and make excuses we all have the same amount of time in a day to get things done right we all have to put our best foot forward right but a narcissist instead of actually doing
What it takes to survive and actually being a person who can contribute to society they played a victim and make excuses so a narcissist always has a sad story oh I grew up so bad please send me a donation oh my family is sick please send me a donation it’s always a victim
Story you never get a story of success or Triumph or inspiration from these type of personalities right narcissists love that you love them narcissists are not capable of loving other people they feel like everybody exists only to take care of them and their needs they want you to love them but they don’t
Have the capacity to return any of the energy that you put into them they feel like whatever energy that you give to them they just eat it and they expect you to continue to give them more and more and more energy they don’t have the intellectual nor emotional capacity to
Actually give back to you what you gave to them which is called reciprocity narcissists envy and resent you right so when you tell a narcissist hey I started a new project they will not support you they will not tell you oh I’m proud of you I’m glad that you have done
Something productive and Progressive something that’s going to uplift you and something that’s going to make you a better person in the long run over the course of your life no they don’t do that they don’t cheerlead for you they don’t go yay go you you can do it I
Always knew you could do it they don’t do that what they do is they become secretly angry right I told a narcissist recently that I was starting a new Channel The Narcissist did not encourage me what did the narcissist do they became a predator they created a secret identity instead of saying
Respect to you sis I’m glad that you’re going over there and doing that new channel so that you can get the campaign to get Predators off the internet off the ground I’m gonna be your first member on that campaign they didn’t say that they joined my campaign secretly just to spy on me
And that’s how you know you’re dealing with a predator who have narcissistic tendencies because they did not have the ability to say congratulations I’m proud of you I’m going to support you no they went secret they what does it call Snakes in the Grass they went secret undercover to spy what
Kind of reaction is that to somebody that you’ve put a lot of time and energy into helping that person become successful but when they see that now you have paved your own way to become successful they become envious and resentful that’s a really sick demonic spirit narcissists act like Peter Pan what does
That mean well I’ve exposed a couple of narcissists on my channel these are older men in their 40s and up and they continue to wear children’s clothing they wear cartoon T-shirts they were five hundred dollar sneakers they wear you know the type of street clothing that is associated with the kids
They don’t grow up they don’t want to be in their 40s they don’t want to be middle-aged why because it’s very obvious that they haven’t accomplished anything that would be respectable at their age so they keep dressing like they’re little kids and like they’re teenagers
So that they can live in a fantasy land and continue to escape responsibility narcissists crave superiority like I said earlier narcissists don’t have the mental or intellectual capacity to sit still and study and learn and but yet they want to be superior to other people without actually
Taking the action steps that it takes so become a superior person me personally I’ve had several businesses in the past when I was super young I started a clothing line I had a website I sold everything from bikinis to wedding dresses I got customers because
Of the way that I dress I was making my own clothes people were stopping me in public saying where did you get that I’m like I made it they’re like make it for me and that’s how my clothing line took off you know so I’m a CEO because I own a business
And that’s not the only one but I don’t have to get out here and talk about all of that because that’s something that I chose to do with my time my energy it’s hard work and it’s something that is an accomplishment that’s under my belt right but people who’ve never started
Their own business they want to project that they are a CEO that they are you know this big uh person that they’re not it’s like where is the evidence where is the proof where is the work so they crave superiority but they don’t want to do the things that it takes to actually
Earn that reputation narcissists demand hey there hey bright streets I’m glad you joined thank you so much yes exactly you’re absolutely correct that’s what we’re going to talk about yep oh thank you so much bright streets I appreciate the compliment and I said at the beginning of the video
Um you know why I took so long to come back I’ve been going for about a week um but I’m back and I’m refreshed and I’m inspired I actually started an another opportunity to make money so I’m I’m very happy so this week that I took off of YouTube and you know what’s
Interesting about 20 people unsubscribed from my channel over the past week and I think that’s what gave me Energy new energy fresh energy well first I cut off a narcissist which is a parasite right so that gave me a whole bunch of energy but then the people that
Left my channel and 20 people is not a lot of people and I totally understand I’m not mad at them I think half of them were subscribed to me and the narcissistic spirit and I think another 10 people were disappointed that I lost my temper online again because I’ve been
Promising y’all that I was not going to do that anymore and I did it again I said I’m not going to lose my temper I’m not going to argue with people no more I’ma stop calling people stupid Dumber [ __ ] and I I did all of that in my last video
So I understand if people left because they were disappointed with me however I had an excellent week I feel amazing and I’m inspired and I’m gonna make a lot of content for you guys this week I’m back alright guys so thank y’all for hanging in there with me thank you so much
Crenshaw and bright streets and also to verse virtuous and shell um y’all all have been hanging in there with me and I really appreciate y’all all right so it says narcissists demand that you listen right so a narcissist will tell you listen to me listen to me and it’s funny
Because Jaguar Wright has a lot of ways of saying like listen she’d be like so now uh listen to me listen listen and Tokyo Tony does the same thing they have a lot of different words that they use repetitively that all mean listen listen watch this Tokyo Tony be like now watch
This now watch this now watch this like they have so many ways that they they hook the audience listen to me listen to me but you can’t tell them nothing if you say something to them that they don’t like they freak out they want you to listen and they talk forever they go
Live every day they talk for 50 million hours a day they want you to listen listen listen listen listen but you can’t talk to them right and that’s what I recently went through with a narcissist after all of the time and energy that I put into listening to
Them they can’t listen to me they gotta hang up the phone I call them to try to get stuff resolved they don’t want to answer I send the email they don’t want to reply but they got so much to say you you talk talk talk talk but you can’t
Listen this is part of the narcissistic personality disorder and at the bottom for those people who happen unfortunately to be in an abusive relationship with a narcissistic predatory personality narcissists demand sex they don’t actually they’re not romantic they’re not um kind they’re not loving they’re not affectionate they’re
Just very like they want what they want when they want it okay so when you trigger a narcissist they go into something called narcissistic rage narcissistic rage is a sudden and Powerful Outburst of anger aggression and violence from an individual with narcissistic personality disorder this Behavior occurs when a narcissist
Experiences a setback or disappointment which shatters their illusions of grandiosity entitlement and superiority and triggers inner inadequacy shame and vulnerability the narcissist’s thin skin insensitivity lead to this rage because of a deep seated fear of being found out for not being the person they portray themselves to be narcissistic rage is a
Malicious out of control type of anger that seeks revenge and destruction by any means possible often disproportionate and out of place as it can be caused by even minor or unintentional provocations so this is another way you know you’re dealing with a narcissist or a predator um something that you did not even
Intend they become extremely enraged to the point of violence and hatred they have an extreme Outburst of rage right and so like I was telling you guys what a predatory narcissist that is currently harassing me um I hadn’t spoken to them in two months and so they just had this random
Outburst what is the reason because like this says here if you do anything that causes them to feel a disappointment or triggers their vulnerability or their inadequacy they go crazy all right so how did I trigger a narcissist recently I cut them off I stopped sending them information I
Stopped giving them energy I cut them off and I moved on with my life that’s the reason why this person was triggered after we hadn’t spoken in two months that’s the moment that they realized oh Leilani is giving me Zero Energy when they realized I was giving them Zero
Energy that’s when they went into a rage okay so if you’re dealing with a narcissistic person the minute you don’t feed into their delusions or feed into their energy vampiring off of you that’s going to trigger them to go into a rage you don’t have to do anything to them
Except ignore them and then that’s a problem but honestly it’s the only way to deal with a narcissist is to ignore them the technique is called gray rock when you gray rock a narcissist you don’t speak to them you don’t you just don’t contact them you don’t follow them on social
Media you just ignore them you know and as their behavior becomes more narcissistic and more predatory you get the police involved because people with mental illnesses like narcissistic personality disorder bipolar disorder schizophrenia people with mental disorders they they think they’re Above the Law so you have to get the law
Involved to put them back in their place what kind of person attracts narcissists reasons that narcissists are attracted to you you’re very good looking you’re a people pleaser you’re sweet and successful you were raised by a narcissistic parent or are one you have a savior complex you’re empathetic your codependent
All right so these are seven possible reasons why narcissists are even attracted to you okay people that are very attractive like I talked about Nature Boy a few minutes ago in his cult carbonation he specifically picked people that were half his age he was in his 40s but he
Kept picking 20 year olds to come to his cult and he used them because they weren’t experienced in life and because they’re young so when people would watch him they would say oh wow he’s got all of these young people around him and that that would be like the attractive
Thing that would bring attention to him was the people he had around them being a people pleaser for the most part women tend to be people Pleasers because we are made to have children and so God has given us a certain amount of nurturing skills communication skills and sensitivities
And intuitions I believe God made women more intuitive is because we have children and those are the type of skills that you need to raise a child so women tend to be people Pleasers naturally right so it’s easy for narcissists to see that and take advantage of that because that’s just
How we are now there are men who are also people Pleasers but it tends to be a um you know a personality trait mostly of women it says you’re sweet and successful right so in my experience on YouTube it’s Been the people that I have been
Very sweet to and shared My Success with and giving them hours upon hours upon hours of free life coaching and those are the people who stab me in the back okay I have so many stories of people that I talk to for hours on the phone
And and hook them up and help them feel better about their life in their situation and then when I moved on and stopped communicating with them that’s when they make a big deal oh Leilani’s a bad person I wasn’t so bad when you was on the phone with me for hours crying
Your eyes out and I was helping you get through what you’re going through right being too sweet being too kind some people were raised by narcissistic parents and then that’s the reason why they attract narcissists because they feel like they’re used to that type of abuse
Of you being kind to somebody and them being evil and wicked to you number five you have a savior complex you know me personally the work that I do as a mental health and substance abuse counselor that does make me want to help everybody because I know things
That could quickly change people’s minds so that they don’t have to suffer me doing this this campaign to get Predators off of social media perhaps that is me having a savior complex I don’t think I can do anything without God I’m Not Jesus right but I do want
People to feel better I want people to do better and I want to share everything that I know that could help make that change you are empathetic you know using myself as an example again I’m a counselor obviously I have a lot of empathy you’re codependent some people they feel
Like they need other people or they they don’t feel comfortable we see that in men and women who have to be in relationships and they refuse to be alone if you know people and you tell them take a break between relationships don’t rush from one relationship into
The next or stop moving too fast when you meet a new relationship don’t be so quick to talk about children and marriage and this and that people who who are very needy that’s codependent you feel like you’re not good on your own you’re not you’re not happy being single right and sometimes codependent
People is not necessarily a romantic relationship but they just like hang around friends and family that they know are toxic again because they don’t want to be alone they don’t enjoy alone time so two years ago I did a video called female narcissists men need to know this this was two years ago
The same thing I’m going through now I went through two years ago there was a YouTuber I was sending her information a lot of information to help her build up her Channel I was in her live chats I was like you know in her comment section just trying to help her
Build her stuff up and um eventually I’d stopped I just stopped right and then um she went off on me so I had to make a video explaining how when I said here I tried to help and this is how I became aware right so people with narcissistic personality
Disorder when you try to help them they stab you in the back and that’s when you wake up and you realize that’s when you become aware oh I’m dealing with a sick person not only will they turn on you and stab you in the back after you put a lot of
Energy into trying to help them they will try to destroy everything that you have tried to build and that’s what I’m going through now so like I said I made this video about a narcissistic female two years ago now I’m dealing with a narcissistic male whose rage is approaching criminal levels of privacy
Okay infringement you cannot infringe on people’s privacy you start breaking the law at that point and this person is in such a narcissistic rage against me that they are trying to destroy what I’m trying to build but what am I trying to build the campaign to get Predators off the
Internet so it’s obvious that whoever is attacking me at this point is a predator they want predators to stay online because they are one and no one can destroy anything that I build only thing that evil Wicked people do is give me more energy I’m more happy
And more inspired now than I was last week last week I think I was kind of getting lazy I think I was kind of slipping I think I was kind of getting comfortable I think I was kind of getting boring all right and so when a narcissist got triggered and tried to
Use me as some type of victim they woke me back up now I’m awake again I’m aware I’m alive and I’ve created new sources of income so please understand if you understand what you’re dealing with that you’re dealing with a narcissist or a predator you can use that energy to reinvigorate
Yourself to get clear again on what your goals are in life and to get focused because one thing a narcissist can never do is be as successful as you so here I have a list of some of my videos that I’ve done in the past where I’ve dealt with um narcissistic people
Um this guy uh Judah Yahweh King a year ago I had to expose him um him and his followers they were um stealing my content reposting my videos on their channels without my knowledge or permission I went over to them I asked them to stop several times they
Refused I flagged the video then they started um leaving like 20 30 troll comments under all of my videos you’re stealing my content I asked you to stop repeatedly when I finally flag you now you and your supporters want to harass me so they start off doing something
Wrong to you then when you react they increase the amount of wrongness that they’re doing to you so I dealt with this two years ago with a female narcissist I dealt with this a year ago with a male narcissist and now here we go again so it seemed like every year I
Attract The Narcissist someone that I start off being very nice to and in their imagination that means that they can take advantage of me and steal from me and I’m gonna sit back and let them do it over and over again and it won’t be any consequences but then when I hit
Them with the consequences they just get worse you know I had talked about this with um world news Tasha K you know she has like over a million subscribers on YouTube or whatever she one day she said she’s gonna flag people who repost her content she said this is it I’m not letting
Y’all get away with this no more if anybody plays my content I’m gonna flag you and have it removed who went and played her content behind her back world news he actually tried to charge people money to watch an interview that she did on her app and so
Tasha K found out about it and she flagged him he went online and cursed her out for like a couple of hours you are the person in the wrong you are the thief who stole her content after she said that she was not gonna have it so
That’s how you know you’re dealing with a narcissist and a predator they always do the wrong thing and then they get mad when you retaliate like they’re very sick demonic spirits okay so I’ve been through this seem like every year I go through this why do people support narcissists and predators
On the internet this is the reason why in my opinion there’s a movie called Dinner for Schmucks okay now I know this guy’s doing a one-eye symbol but that’s Hollywood for you that has nothing to do with me I’m just using this movie Dinner for Schmucks as an example
The reason why people like to entertain narcissists and predators on the internet okay this movie was saying that I’ll read I’ll read a little bit from the top I’ll read um one sentence um Dinner for Schmucks After he finds out that his work superiors host a dinner celebrating the
Idiocy of their special guests a rising executive questions demerits of his invitation so basically a man gets invited to go to dinner but he finds out that this dinner is hosted by rich people and when they invite new people to their dinner it’s because they think that person is an
Idiot they think that person is stupid and they’re gonna laugh and get entertainment off of having a stupid person in their at their high class dinner party this is the reason why when people go online they give a lot of time and attention and they praise and send donations to
People who are obviously narcissistic and predatory people who are obviously being abusive there are people have asked me to cover um these people I I don’t know what platform they’re on it might be Vigo um I think it’s called shell and queen op but one of them was was beating up on
The other one these are women black women one was really beating up on the other one and um cutting her hair and um putting dirt in dog feces all over the other one and one was just taking all of the abuse and they got hundreds of thousands of views across multiple
Social media platforms to this bad behavior and it’s going on for years and years and years so the question is who is the audience who are the people who sending them money and telling them yes keep beating up on this one woman every day all day I mean I I refuse to um
Cover it because it’s so toxic I could never watch even one of those videos but the point is when you have people behaving like that on the internet everybody should be flagging and reporting that that’s Way Beyond entertainment that’s abuse whoever that person is that was on the receiving end
Of that abuse that person is is really dying inside and nobody who really cares about themselves could ever watch another human being being abused because you would feel it I feel it I love myself I respect myself I love everything that God has done with me and
I love everything that God has done for me even the good and the bad because I realize how it has improved me my character has grown and strengthened because of everything that I have gone through in life so being that I have that much self-respect I can’t watch
Another person beat up on another person because I’m like that’s God’s creation who are you to destroy it and it’s just really hard for me but the reason why people tune in and watch demonic evil Wicked Spirits act crazy is because they’re actually getting entertainment value off of that evil person’s energy
All of that hollering and yelling and screaming all of their lies and storytelling all of their abuse of other people the people watching them are energy vampires they’re sitting there like look at this narcissistic Predator go off and act a fool it’s just entertainment to them now
I think it’s wrong just like I think the um Jennifer Schmucks is wrong if you’re so rich and so wealthy why do you need people who you think are beneath you to entertain you but that’s the reason why people watch narcissists and predators they’re like wow you’re beneath me but
I’m entertained by all of your energy so narcissist and predators are clowns they’re putting on a clown show and they don’t even realize that they are Dinner for Schmucks people have come to watch you be an idiot and that’s what they enjoy now if you want to get out of the world
On the internet and get into the real world and figure out where you fit in are you a smart person or are you a stupid person are you a schmuck there’s a chart okay that was created it says the power of stupidity the world of English somebody put this together I
Took it off of Google and this is how you can figure out if you’re smart or if you’re stupid right because narcissist and predators are stupid the reason why narcissists and predators are stupid is because they only do things that do not benefit themselves and they do things that do not benefit others
Getting on the Internet stealing other people’s content and posting it on your your Channel that’s invasion of other people’s rights there is negative consequences for that so that’s only a stupid person would do that it doesn’t benefit them and it doesn’t benefit others all right a smart person does things
That benefit others and benefits themselves all right so I’m on here saying hey guys let’s do a campaign to get Predators off the internet that benefits others and it benefits me because any one of us at any moment can become a victim of an Internet Predator any moment that’s why it’s important
When you see someone abusing somebody to say something because it can happen to you it could happen to somebody in your family it could happen to your children it could happen to your loved ones so that’s why we all have to follow what scripture tells us do unto others as you
Will have them do unto you if if somebody was online putting out your personal information you would want that person’s channel to be removed you will want them to be flagged and deleted so when you see other people on the internet I don’t care if it’s a man or a woman because
Both people do it I’ve seen it over and over again on the internet and black and white and everybody in between right you have young people who are Gamers there are so many videos on YouTube of Gamers getting swatted by the police even the white kids they just sit
In their home in the chair playing a video game they start talking crap to each other over the video games next thing you know the police have busted in their house because someone made a report that they have weapons or drugs or whatever in their home just out of pure jealousy okay
But the thing is people always forget God they never think about God God is who is going to have the final say so everybody who thought they did something evil and wicked and secret in the dark they’re going to pay for that okay so the smart thing to do is
Especially when you’re on social media is to do things that benefit yourself and benefit others you know like I talk about God on my channel that benefits others that benefits me that’s a double benefit people who were givers they do things that benefit others but things that don’t benefit themselves
All right just like I gave so much free hours and hours and hours of free life coaching to so many YouTubers it benefited them but it did not benefit me because that’s hours that I spent and those people are now not trying to help me with the campaign to get Predators
Off of the internet and that’s the only reason we were even talking in the first place so after they took my good energy they used it to build themselves up they took my energy and applied it to other selfish projects when the only reason we were even talking is because they said
They wanted to help me with the um campaign to get Predators off the internet so I gave to benefit others it didn’t benefit me but we know how this world is set up God always blesses people who do the right thing right so I wouldn’t take it back I would have still
Did it if those people would have called me and said I need help I’m suffering I still would have gave them the free life coaching even if they didn’t plan to help me with the campaign to get Predators off the internet but I’m just letting you guys know I’ve wasted a lot
Of time on a lot of people and none of them have helped me with this campaign why because they’re Bandits they do things that benefit themselves but things that don’t benefit others right so by them taking my energy using it for their good and then running back over to
Their platforms and they’re happy they’re refreshed they’re feeling better and they refuse to help me do anything with the campaign to get Predators off the internet that’s what makes them a bandit they do stuff only to benefit themselves but not others right but stupid people like narcissists and predators their behaviors it don’t
Even benefit them and it doesn’t benefit others to just steal and replay other people’s content and a lot of people do that on YouTube they just go on their Channel press play and because they don’t have the capacity to make anything original but it doesn’t benefit them and
It doesn’t benefit others all you’re doing is regurgitating what people could get somewhere else narcissistic personality disorder they are also Adept in adapting their chameleon personality to suit their multiple nefarious agenda and scenarios okay so at the top it’s basically talking about people with narcissistic personality disorder they keep changing their
Personality so as they talk to you they’re gonna try to behave in a way that they think mirrors you but then they’ll talk about you behind your back to other people and they change their personality to suit the person that they’re speaking to right so I have one personality people
Who know me in real life they listen to my YouTube channel because I talk to people who know me in real life and I ask them and they tell me what they think and they always give me great feedback so that’s how I know personally inside
Of my own mind that I am not changing my personality for the internet because real people who know me in real life watch me right but when it comes to people who is predators and narcissists they secretly thrive on immoral behaviors and deviant practices or Acts so notice when people have narcissistic personalities
They always um have they always talk about sex a lot a lot of people have complained um about Jaguar right in Tokyo Tony and the person who’s now narcissistically stalking me he also constantly talks about sex always talking about a woman’s vagina always making negative comments about what women do with their vaginas
Right and we see that like I said with Jaguar right and Tokyo Tony they always bringing up sex in one way or another it’s completely unnecessary it is weird right they thrive on immorality and deviant practices and acts so they constantly throw up sex as a weapon against other people and against
Themselves because they keep talking about it it says that they get sucked back into their inner void of emptiness and they require Supply in whatever in all forms from people so narcissistic Supply are the people who I guess you know engage with narcissists in their platforms like people who will go on
Their pages and support them and be like hey I love you you’re my favorite YouTuber oh um can you um you know give me a shout out or can you um you know whatever you know people like they they just I don’t know how to explain it narcissists need
Supply they need people who will be good and kind and loving and loyal to them even if they’re abusive to them right so like okay Tokyo Tony for example on her Channel um when people uh join her live she’ll be like oh shut up don’t say nothing to me um
Unless you send money that’s what it is I was trying to think what did she say on her Channel because I was trying to remember okay if you go online um Tokyo’s um Channel and she’s live and and you like say hey Tokyo how are you girl I love you
She will curse you out she’ll be like shut the f up or send me um uh a PayPal or something right or be quiet do not talk in my chat that’s weird that’s narcissistic Supply if you don’t if you don’t give her what she wants then she she doesn’t even want a kind
Word from you right it says um people are to be used for the narcissist mere porns in their games and their agenda they are masters of Guru of manipulations and often covert abuse right so they’re very good at pretending to be a guru that’s why you have a lot
Of cult leaders that tell people come over and um hey Vicky yeah I absolutely totally agree with you and one of the videos I did on Tokyo I had a dream about her being followed by three um three demons um yeah so narcissists think that people
Only exist for them to take advantage of them this is the reason why I’ve had three incidents with narcissists in the course of my YouTube channel those people felt entitled to take my content and use it for their own personal use and either when I um told them to stop
Or when I simply quietly walked away from them and stopped giving it to them that’s when they lost their temper because in their brain they believe the only reason that other people exist is to prop them up and make them look good because they have no real accomplishments in life so they need
Other people to kind of like create a False Image around them that enables their delusion to continue so they only want people who you know enable them to be dishonest it says more towards the bottom we cannot help them no matter how much love and will and devotion we put into helping them
Okay guys that’s the part that I need y’all to understand we cannot help them no matter how much love and will and devotion we put into helping them that’s why the only solution to deal with a narcissist is to Gray Rock them and gray rock them means completely ignore them
Block and delete them from all your social media block and delete them from your phone don’t follow them don’t go look at whatever they’re doing don’t do any of that until it becomes a legal issue that you need to prosecute them for that’s when you go and collect all
Your information that they’ve been that they’ve been compiling on you other than that don’t watch them don’t listen to them don’t follow them none of that you have to Gray Rock them that’s the only method talking trying to be nice trying to resolve it never works
And I hope that y’all have learned that from watching my content not only me talking about narcissistic Predators but the ones that I’ve been a victim of over the course of the lifetime of my channel I have tried everything to get through to them be a nice repeatedly forgiving
Them repeatedly asking them to respect my boundaries repeatedly offering to work with them let’s collaborate we can do it together you don’t have to steal from me they don’t want teamwork they want 100 praise and credit for everything that everybody else does at the bottom it says um they are destructive and vindictive
By default and I told y’all how do you know the difference between a demonic Spirit versus a Godly Spirit which one is destructive and which one is constructive because the God is a Creator God is the Creator God is creative the devil is destructive okay so that’s how you could tell the
Difference real quick real fast real easy who’s doing something productive and who’s doing something destructive at the bottom it says the only way to help them is to stop being an enabler help yourself first Focus On Healing your psyche learn all you can about narcissistic personality disorders and their bag of tricks tell
Your story join support groups or get therapy and help for your recovery work on your own inner demons share your experience with others and give it a voice keep trying to be a better person today than you were yesterday you really will heal with time and emerge stronger
Alright guys so I’m making this video because someone asked me to make the video but I’m also making it to do my part to stop enabling narcissistic Predators okay and I’m giving a voice to what I’m going through so other people who may be going through this with other people in your
Life off of the internet because there are a lot of people who are narcissistic and predatory that you know start doing these same behaviors to you in real life I’m quite sure everybody has a story of A co-worker who was behind their back talking bad about them trying to get
Them fired you know stuff like that people who are just going out of their way to work against you because they’re sick right so for those people who need or want more information just go on my channel to my playlist I have a lot of playlists that I put together for you
Guys because unlike the narcissist and the Predators I actually care about people and that’s why I put information and playlists together you will never see this much work and time and effort being put into you for free by a narcissist or a predator they don’t do things for other people they want other
People to do things for them but if you guys go through my playlist and you start to like take in the content you will be able to recognize this in your life even off the internet so I have playlists for mind control techniques exposed you definitely want
To see that because there are so many different ways that narcissists and predators use a whole bunch of different mind control techniques you won’t know that these things are happening to you until you learn about them then you can point it out in the future and be like
Oh I know what this is trying to do I know what this commercial is trying to do I know what this person is trying to do right you want to check out my playlist heal childhood trauma because we all have been through things and we all need healing the worst type
Of person that I can think of is a person that thinks that they don’t need to heal they don’t need to do the work they don’t need to change they don’t need to grow don’t be like that get all the information that you can get because one day something’s gonna happen and
You’re going to be like I know exactly what this is I have my playlist exposing YouTubers who are very good at lying and manipulating people the audiences have no idea this person is a demonic spirit because they have a fake chameleon personality that they project on the internet
All right then I have gang stalking facts my most important videos on and on and on so I want you guys to check out my playlists so that you can be educated and you won’t be taken advantage by people who have evil Wicked intentions to take advantage of you and make it
Look like they’re a good person and that’s why they suck that’s another reason why they suck people in some people are sucked into predators and narcissists because they want to get the entertainment value off of that narcissist being a pure idiot but some people are sucked in because
The narcissist put in so much energy that people believe that means that the narcissist is telling the truth so some people are really sucked in but once again like I said at the beginning of this video you have to test yourself you have to be aware of
Yourself at all times me personally I always tell y’all if you’re going to judge me Judge Me by scripture if you’re not pulling up a scripture then I don’t want to hear you judging me because the people who are trying to judge me they have not accomplished not none of the
Things I’ve accomplished in life so you’re not my peer you’re not on my level to judge me but what you can do you can pull out scripture and you can say here’s where she’s in violation and then I can listen to you because that’s the measuring stick that I hold myself to
So we have a scale here of God Consciousness being at the top of the scale the rainbow that God gave to his chosen people right and it talks about here how energy is has been measured by scientists in hertz levels of frequencies at the bottom is all of the negative toxic feelings
Anything in the yellow section or below and if anybody can’t see this good click on the little square at the bottom right um screen underneath the picture so it can expand on your phone or your tablet and you can really see it good if you are below the yellow line
That type of energy is toxic this is where narcissists and predators this is where they stay frustration impatience overwhelm Pride discouragement blame worry doubt hatred rage desire jealousy all of those negative feelings are below the yellow line and that’s when you know people are being used by the devil some
People are serpent seeds right God gave them a hard life because their Spirit was demonic when they were born so that’s why they they had a hard life and they never Rose above it because everybody has a hard life we all have the same amount of hours in a day
Are you going to rise above are you going to stay below people who get into their 40s and 50s and they still below the yellow line those are demonic spirits you know now when you have the desire to rise above that and say you know what
I’m tired of being angry I’m tired of being frustrated I’m tired of being in depression and doubt and all of this negative stuff I want to do better I’m going to get me a counselor I’m going to get me a therapist I’m going to um start reading self-help books I’m
Going to start watching therapeutic videos on YouTube I’m gonna start cleaning it up I’m gonna start praying and asking God to help me heal that’s when you start to move up the scale and start moving closer to God because God created everything for the good so if you’re falling below the yellow line
You’re no longer cooperating with God now you’re working against God because now you’re telling God God I don’t believe that you created everything for good so if you choose to stay miserable and angry and hateful you’re disrespecting God’s purpose for you and everything that God created
Okay now we need to be responsible as a community and start to take action against online Predators all right and that’s why I’ve started the campaign to get Predators off of social media I don’t care who does these behaviors I don’t care if they’re black I don’t care
If they’re white I don’t care if they’re male I don’t care if they’re female when you see people stalking constantly every single day making videos on the same people making up lies things that you cannot prove or show any evidence of you’re stalking when you start doxing people
Pulling up people’s real names real addresses real phone numbers real resumes people who have no resume are pulling up other people who are successful resumes that’s doxing okay because if you’re gonna pull up somebody else’s resume pull up yours and compare the two okay so they like to dox people in those ways
They like to hack people they like to you know send you links through your emails or text message you and try to get you to click on links so that they can put some type of spyware on your phone or your computer I remember Genesis telling me that um
She has a guy named um Shaka Zulu who stays with her because they’re business partners and she said Shaka had made plans to travel he made plans to take a flight from one state to another and somehow world news was able to hack into his email and and share his itinerary
With the general public on on the internet on YouTube when you see people do stuff like that you’re supposed to flag and delete them and get them removed off of social media that’s way above and beyond that’s invasion of privacy you got to get those people up out of
Here don’t sit back and just say oh that’s messed up that this person just showed somebody else’s emails that that they had no access to when you sit back and watch somebody pull up somebody else’s resume they need to be flagged they need to be deleted
And they need to be removed from the internet because their Obsession has gone into a criminal level when you see people exposing other people’s finances for as long as I’ve been on YouTube I have seen um YouTubers pull up other YouTubers credit reports and how are they able to do that there’s
A lot of um first of all the devil’s Network it involves people in different Masonic fraternities um the females that are in the uh the Eastern Stars a lot of these people get government jobs they work for the IRS they work for the police departments they work for the credit bureaus and
I’ve shown and proven this in past videos I showed you guys how some of the um the sororities are endorsed by the credit reporting agencies so that means that some of them get jobs with them and so when you um when one demonic predatory narcissistic Spirit wants to attack you they can if
They’re a part of any Masonic or fraternity sororities or anything they can call up people they know who work for the police who work for credit bureaus and those people will pull up your credit report and give it to them and then they’ll get online and read it to try to embarrass you
But what they won’t do is pull up and show their own credit report right they’ll pull up and show your information but they won’t pull up and show theirs so let’s do a comparison side by side right they try to hack into your social media accounts to get your social media
Deleted change your password so you won’t have access to it I’ve seen that happen to a number of YouTubers they’re like I can’t get into my Instagram somebody hacked me and Instagram won’t listen to me because somebody else changed my password right and so there’s a video in my world
News exposed playlist where he talks about how he hacks into people’s Facebooks right but yet people still are using him as Dinner for Schmucks instead of getting him up off the internet they like to release people’s real names addresses phone numbers their nude pictures why are people watching YouTubers
Releasing people’s nude pictures what does anybody’s body have to do with anything there’s a victim of world news he goes on his Instagram and he posts up pictures of black women’s bodies oh look how fat and sloppy she looks she looks so ugly that’s a follower and that’s
Really sad that there are people online who watch other content creators and then they will go and start stalking and harassing innocent people who did nothing to them because they’re followers they’re not leaders you’re a follower if you watch a YouTuber talk bad about somebody and then you go on your social
Media and start posting pictures about them looking like oh look how fat she looks and all this and all of that why are you doing that that person didn’t do anything to you you’re just a follower that’s pathetic and then on top of that some of these
People are also victims people who were publicly shamed online their family was exposed and exploited online and now they’re turning around and doing it to other people right they contact people’s jobs trying to get information on them they find out where people are at in hospitals I’ve seen
People’s dialysis centers get doxed they find out what appointments you have there’s people who um have called hospitals to get medical records on people sometimes as a matter of fact I’m not even going to say the name because it’s a really big YouTuber a YouTuber who got sued by a big rapper
And lost the case it’s been rumored that um she was able to get access to that rapper’s medical records because she knew someone personally who worked at a hospital and that person was able to access that rapper’s medical records so you never know but the devil Network it has people
All over the place and that’s why you have to understand that this is a spiritual war this is a spiritual battle because different type of devil Network people will join in and work together because they share the same spirit so you have a hospital with a thousand
People working there but some of those people have demonic spirits and those demonic spirits make them predatory and narcissistic so when they hear a big YouTuber say oh help me track this person their spirit is activated to help right they come on the internet and they try
To expose people when they’re in jail when they get evicted they show their credit reports their travel plans they contact people’s friends and families and jobs they visit people’s homes they record people’s homes they record people inside of their homes they go to people’s Children’s Schools and expose where their children go to
School and the family members around the person they’re exposing the question is why is the community of all of us on the internet not flagging and Reporting people when they do these things now giving commentary is one thing we all talk our smack on the internet we
Get on the internet we say what we want to say we do what we want to do that’s one thing keep it on the internet but at the point where personal information is being exposed and people addresses real names real phone numbers and family members they’re being contacted and their kids are being
Put on the internet anybody who engage in that level of harassment and stalking and Dachshund should be flagged and removed by the community of people who observe the behavior okay so I have more content for you guys in this video I have a lot more I want to
Talk to y’all about but real quick I just want to remind everybody to like the video share the video subscribe to my channel there’s different ways that you guys can support me now I have I can get super chats I can get super stickers you can send me a cash
App to dollar sign Leilani for God you can PayPal me Leilani forgot gmail.com or you can email me at Leilani forgot gmail.com if you have questions suggestions or anything like that for future content because I do make videos If you guys ask me to and you guys can
Also join my YouTube memberships okay my YouTube memberships have content on them now they’re cheaper than they were when I had them on patreon I have an online stalker right now who’s lying on me who said that there’s no content on my memberships and that it’s more expensive than my patreon once
Again narcissists and predators are pathological Liars okay there’s content and it’s cheaper than it was when I had it on patreon now that it’s on YouTube it’s cheaper so I want to encourage you guys to join because the purpose of the money is to go towards the campaign to
Get Predators off the internet so predators and narcissists are evil people evil is a broad concept that refers to any bad State of Affairs any wrongful action or character flaws it can be divided into two categories natural evil and moral evil okay so natural evils according to this
Definition are bad states of Affairs that do not result from the intentions or negative or negligence of moral agents so natural evil could be considered an accident it was not intentional but a moral evil is something that is not just against the moral order something that is not just wrong but intentionally and
Willfully against that order evil has a dimension of willfulness and Rebellion okay the Bible speaks of the fact of evil and man is held responsible for the evil he commits all right guys so evil people intentionally set out to do evil they know exactly what they’re doing they
Know that it’s wrong and because they are evil they can go ahead and do it all right so we have to be clear there’s a difference between bad behavior making mistakes and intentionally setting out to cause other people harm so when you’re dealing with a narcissist or a predator you’re dealing with an
Evil person narcissists are attracted to certain types of people right rather than weak or vulnerable people they tend to go for the strong willed and talented they are also attracted to people who reflect well on themselves so one that a narcissist I exposed last year uh Yahweh Judah king or whatever
Um he was still in my content reposting it on his page without my knowledge or permission he refused to put my name in the titles or in the descriptions and when people in his audience would say who is that talking he would heart their comment but he wouldn’t put my name so
People couldn’t find my channel why did he do that he was attracted to my information right he didn’t he was not taking content from people who were as dumb as he was no he was still in contact from people who’s way above his level of intelligence so
They seek out people who are very strong and very talented right and the reason why he did it and didn’t tell people my name is because he wanted the traffic to continue to go to his channel and not to come to me the Creator and originator of the content
So he wants my content to reflect well on him meaning he wants to get numbers from my content so it reflects well on him to steal from me okay so that’s an example all right how else do narcissists behave they use manipulative language gaslighting mocking people her family her friends
Her clothing the list goes on so you’ll notice the narcissistic demon that I’m dealing with at this time his entire catalog of content is about mocking women mocking their clothing saying that they’re [ __ ] and prostitutes because of the way that they dress in pictures and saying that that
Reflects negatively on all black women you notice a common theme and then in the early stages when the victim will stand up for herself and challenge him he will come back and use his his manipulation to lie and that’s exactly what I’m going through he will he might twist facts and
Do anything he can to make her feel like she is the one at fault he’ll then go on to say that he’s the one who’s hurting and being mistreated this usually ends with the victim accepting that it was all her fault since the Predator was successful in manipulating his victim once he will
Continue doing so so what I did against all of the all of the narcissists that I’ve dealt with in the history of my channel now we’re on number three I cut them off right I expose them and I moved on right I never gave them the satisfaction
Of being like you know what this is all my fault just let me apologize and move on but I have had like people do that I’ve seen people do that they’ll like they’ll just give in to the narcissist and the predator and just like fold they’ll just either go away go offline
Go off the internet permanently or they will just continue to support their attacker another sign of a narcissist and predatory behavior is attentiveness okay predators are often very attentive to the needs of their victims in the beginning this usually manifests by the Predator showing the victim a lot of attention
And trying to insert themselves into their daily life by calling emailing sending texts and even randomly showing up this Behavior will usually intensify this is the beginning of what is called The Grooming process so in the case of my narcissist who’s currently stalking me the first thing that he did he posted my
Video exposing world news he posted it on his channel without my knowledge of permission as soon as I uploaded it in less than an hour he replayed it on his channel right that’s how the person got my attention they stole my content they played it I
Went over to their platform I said you know what let me be nice I said thank you for sharing I want people to share this video so I let it go and that’s how the person manipulated me and groomed me into thinking that they were going to help with the campaign to
Get Predators off the internet because if I pick a video saying you know I’m exposing an internet predator and then somebody else plays it my first impression even though they’re wrong for playing my content and it shows that you know they can’t make content themselves it makes them look bad because you’re
Stealing other people’s work but I overlooked it because I’m thinking oh maybe um they want to help with the campaign to get Predators off the internet so that’s the reason why they will do stuff like that they’re paying attention to you and trying to find a way to insert themselves into your
Wave into your energy field so they can benefit from it number three normalize the victim has normalized the behavior she may even begin to think that this type of treatment is what she deserves now the stage has been set and the cycle of abuse has begun the Predator is now
Primed to make his first move so that’s the mistake that I made the first thing I should have did was address the fact that what he did was wrong I should have went over to his platform and said stop playing my content I’m gonna flag your channel if you want to
Um use my content to spread awareness then you can share the video the correct way which is you’re supposed to share the link you’re not supposed to press play on your live show on other people’s content that’s wrong but what I did was I fed into it and I normalized his behavior because
What did I do I started to send him more information I said here you can use this you can use that you can say this you can say that because me personally I’m not an internet Predator I’m not a narcissist I don’t have to be on YouTube
Every day for 50 million hours a day right but they do so I was sending him stuff right so he could continue to do what he was doing because I considered it to be spreading awareness that would add up towards the campaign right but by me not calling out what was
Wrong in the beginning I normalized his behavior and that’s what I want you guys to understand you know if you’re really dealing with a narcissist and a predator you don’t know it until later on down the line because they have a fake personality so as soon as somebody does something that’s actually wrong
You have to like call it out and deal with it immediately or um you can just not deal with that person you can let it go and just never deal with them again because if they would do something like that to you the first time you’re really getting to know
Them if that’s their introduction to you is stealing from you don’t try to normalize it and make an excuse for the bad behavior you have to get away from that person even if it is better to get away from narcissists and predators and don’t tell them it’s
Better to not say anything and just never just go gray rock cut them right off you do not exist to me right because you’re already showing me that you have a bad character number four playing the victim many predators will play the victim to further manipulate their victim and
Avoid taking responsibility for any of their actions everything will automatically be her fault once the victim says anything to contradict the Predator he will degrade her and teach her a lesson it’s tough for the victim to know which way is up and which way is down in these type of
Circumstances eventually they will internalize they can’t do anything right all right so with all of the um narcissists and predators I’ve dealt with so far I have made many attempts to make amends with these people to communicate with them to um you know just you know put the bad things to the
Side and move forward and do something productive nothing works for them nothing works for them so disempowerment you know they try to attack you they try to attack um your credentials they try to disempower you it says one of the goals of the Predator is to destroy the
Victim’s confidence so he can disempower her he does this to further manipulation like saying that people now know that she’s promiscuous and that no other man would want her of course the Predator will have isolated her from her friends family and colleagues so she has nowhere to turn okay
Predators are good at instilling fear in their victims so they don’t leave or talk to anyone about what’s going on so when when my current Predator realized that I was no longer going to empower him by sending him my free energy and content he he started to try to disempower me he
Went on his platform and made a video disparaging me for no good reason just to try to disempower me right he implied that um somebody else was promiscuous he called somebody else a woman who has children he calls her a prostitute and a only fans and she’s
Selling her [ __ ] he said all of these things about a woman that was not even true like the men they love to say that other women are promiscuous if they not saying that the woman is promiscuous then they say that the woman is ugly or she has a bad body
And that’s what I’m talking about these followers these people who enable predators and narcissists they go on their social media platforms and they post a very ugly body picture of a woman and right now I’m thinking of different black women that this has happened to recently and they’ll post like some type
Of ugly emoji that shows that her body looks ugly first of all if you have a problem with somebody what does their physical body have to do with that problem nine times out of ten the problem you have with the person is like a mental problem like an intellectual or argument
Or a debate so instead of saying I disagree with this person when he or she said this the person said the sky is green I disagree the sky is blue that’s fine but to say oh she said the sky is green let me show you a picture of her body look how fat
She is look how flat her butt is look how big her stomach is what does that have to do with anything they go public and try to turn the whole public into a group of gang stalkers to put down your body what does that have to do with anything
What does anybody’s body have to do anything have you guys seen Stephen Hawking the guy in the wheelchair that talks about the universe and people believe him they believe that a man in a wheelchair who can’t even move his head is This brilliant genius scientist who knows about black holes in the universe
Stephen Hawking so if Stephen Hawking can have millions of followers on YouTube as a person who cannot even move his head in his wheelchair what does a black woman’s body being fat or skinny or ugly or beautiful have to do with whatever these predators and narcissists have a problem with nothing
They love to attack a black woman’s body but what men don’t realize even if black women’s bodies don’t look you know to their liking there’s always going to be a man who likes that woman with her body the way it is that’s why you could never shame a woman
You could never shame a woman looks or body because there’s always a man that wants that woman always but when you look at them their mental capacity is worse than that woman’s body if they would give that woman’s body a two like ill she’s a two
Guess what if you was to sit down and have a conversation with them and ask them what are your future goals what is your Five-Year Plan what is your 10-year plan what are you doing productive guess what their mental state would be a two so however they judge women by their
Bodies is really a judgment on their mental capacity number seven ridicule predators are constantly ridiculing their victim to make them feel worthless his comments will be about anything and everything her sexuality her job her home her friends her family he will not care about the victims feelings and will only focus on himself
And that’s what my Predator has been doing found some old information on me put it on his channel and tried to ridicule me once again show us the same exact information on yourself that you showed on me let’s do a side by side comparison put my resume next to yours oh right you
Don’t have a resume okay put your old pictures up next to mine all right you don’t have old pictures because nobody loved you so people didn’t take pictures of you so don’t try to ridicule people when you are really the ridiculous one all of the um traits of narcissists and
Predators are the exact same traits as the devil in the Bible Lucifer Satan the devil demons devil minions they all have the same exact behaviors they’re proud Satan is described as being as being proud Fierce and cruel he is described as a lion who walks about looking for things to devour
The Devil is a powerful being even Michael the Archangel would not rebuke him without calling upon the name of the Lord so in Scripture it was Archangel Michael who successfully defeated um Satan and kicked him out of heaven and according to scriptures that have now been removed from the
Bible one-third of um the angels in heaven decided to go with Satan so those became known as the Fallen Angels so there but two-thirds of the Angels stayed on God’s side so there’s a lot of spiritual entities that are now roaming the Earth that’s negatively influencing people and
Turning them into predators and um narcissists it’s the devil’s energy the devil minions that’s using these people and they’re so stupid because they refuse to have a relationship with God that they don’t even know that they’re being used by the devil they’re empty they’re called empty Cedars a demonic
Spirit could get in them and control them and make them do anything and they’ll do it and they won’t even like say no this is wrong because they don’t they’re not actually going by God so that is the power that the devil has is the power of influence
They say that the devil is the ruler of the heir right in the air as we know it now is the airwaves television movies the internet broadcasting anything that’s broadcasted over the airwaves okay the devil has power over that particular stream of information this is one of the reasons why the Amish don’t
Deal with electricity because they associate it with the Devil deceitful Satan’s methods consist of deception all right scripture says put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil right so the devil is absolutely going to be deceitful tell lies just lie and
Lie and lie all right I’ve already proven that my current stalker is a pathological liar just like I prove it about the other people I exposed in previous videos it’s very sad that there are so many people being influenced by the devil that they can’t see through it I feel sorry for
Everybody who works for the devil because life is really just a dress rehearsal for the afterlife but the afterlife is eternal so once this is over everything that people are doing is going to get added up like a receipt it’s all going to get added up and all
Those receipts are going to get run when your soul gets judged by God and I did a video on that like two years ago about Judgment Day all right so everything people is doing they running up a tab they so stupid they don’t even know they just put more
Devilry and more devilry and more devilry and more devilry on their Tab and when the tab gets pulled they out of here the devil is also subscribed is also described as subtle okay it says but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve in his
Craftiness your mind should be corrupted from the Simplicity and the Purity that is towards God okay we don’t worship Christ or Jesus on his channel we actually only worship God the Creator who put our souls in our bodies okay so Satan is subtle and deceptive and being subtle means you don’t really
Recognize the person’s intentions or their hidden agenda they’re subtle so they come with a sad story I’m in trouble I’m suffering somebody’s doing something to me I’m having problems with my family and then they flip the script and start telling a whole bunch of lies on a whole bunch of people
Okay so that’s being subtle because they that’s another way that they’re able to get people to believe them and go along with their um demonic influence so in the Book of Daniel it says that at the end of that when Nebuchadnezzar raised my eyes towards heaven
And my oh wait I read that wrong at the end of that time I Nebuchadnezzar raised my eyes towards heaven and my sanity was restored then I praised the most high I was honored and glorify him who lives forever so in the Book of Daniel it talks about
A King Nebuchadnezzar who had too much pride so God plagued him with a disease that made him act like an animal due to his pride and then God restored him and returned his sanity once he has his wits back about him he Praises God and calls him the most high so
King Nebuchadnezzar is the one who tried to kill Israelites he put um I think it’s Meshach uh Meshach I forget the other guy’s name and Abednego I forget the guys the other guy’s name he put three Israelite um young men in the um Lions Den to try to
Let the lions eat them up for their entertainment but the god shut the Lion’s mouths so that the Israelite young men would not um be eaten up by the Lions and um this King Nebuchadnezzar he was so narcissistic he only thought like he was all-powerful he didn’t believe in God
And if you notice it’s a very common thing with these narcissists um like the one that was bothering me last year Judah Yahweh King he’s calling himself an Israelite and using God’s name as his YouTube’s name but he was still in my content and refused to give
Me credit until I flagged his channel like why are you why are you evil and wicked but you’re using God’s name in your title right and so we see a common thing like that on YouTube not all predators and stalkers do that but the ones that do you can tell they don’t
Have a fear of God that they could use God’s name in such a disgusting way so what happens is one of the many ways that God punishes people is to take their sanity and that’s the reason why they become raving lunatics on the internet they don’t make any sense the things they say
Do not add up nothing they say is proven it’s just a whole bunch of crazy erratic ranting a good example of that would be young Pharaoh he has lost his mind a couple of years ago and he never got it back but he shot at his mate his his
Children’s Mother he beat up both of his baby moms two women he beat them up he shot at one of their houses even though she was in there with his children he’s completely lost his mind so when people start to behave this way God does punish them
Also in the book of Exodus the Pharaoh of the time was stubborn and prideful he refused to free the Hebrews even after the first nine plagues his pride was eventually his death when he chased after the Israelites through the Red Sea someone um replied to that and they said
Make no mistake the Pharaoh deserved the punishment he received Plastering infants into the wall bathing in infants blood and throwing them into the Nile it was therefore done it was therefore done for an eternal lesson to Israel that he is our God to serve forever that was the main point of the entire
Egyptian slavery and redemptions so I just gave you guys two examples of men who actually were powerful at least King Nebuchadnezzar and the Pharaoh at least they were actually rich and famous and has servants and Empires the type of narcissists and predators that we’re dealing with nowadays on the internet
Are bums these are men and women who have no education no skills no trade no way to make money except by being evil and wicked and destructive to other people that is their source of income is being evil on the internet right however we notice from the scriptures
That both types of these rulers the Pharaoh and the King Nebuchadnezzar they both went out of their way to try to kill Israelites right so there’s something about evil Wicked people and them focusing in on Israelites targeting Israelites but what happens every time God Saves the Israelite and destroys the evil Wicked person
And so according to scripture God opened up the blessing to Gentiles not just Israelites in scripture that’s why I tell everybody have your own personal and direct relationship with God because it doesn’t matter anymore whether you’re Israelite if you are cooperating with God and living in the purpose that God put in
You God will protect you from these evil wicked demons demonic spirits are beneath humans they’re below our feet we stomp on their heads they have no power over us God has already set it up like that they can only hurt themselves so for those people who just joined who
Were not here earlier you always want to do a check in with yourself this is a scale that was created by people scientists who learn how to measure the hurts the energy or the vibration that your body gives off when you have a certain emotional state if you’re below the yellow line your
Emotional state is very toxic to your own body you hurt yourself because those emotional states below the yellow line release bad chemicals and hormones and acidic type of chemicals get released into your body when you stay in a type of negative state of anger hatred Pride
Jealousy and all of that type of stuff when you get above the yellow line when you get into the green and up that’s when you’re aware that God made everything good and everything’s going to be okay because God is in control people who operate below the yellow line
Are being used by the devil they are empty Cedars that allowed a demonic Spirit to walk right into their body and start to use them so that’s why you always want to check in with yourself where are you on this scale if you’re feeling very low emotionally
You need to get help get a therapist get a counselor get a life coach get somebody to help you if you don’t you will continue to be used by the devil because God created everything for good so if you can’t see that you’re not you’re not acknowledging God
So here’s a checklist for pathological narcissism I’m gonna go over just a little bit because it’s a lot I’m gonna read just a few sentences from each area but there’s a whole bunch of things here so that you can be aware if you’re dealing with a narcissist or if you’re dealing with a
Predator you have to watch these signs and symptoms so you can report them online report flag and have their content deleted when they start behaving this way and if it’s in your life like off the internet your personal life your job your romantic or friends or family you
Have to get away from these people as soon as possible number one they criticize to nitpick and demean you not to empower you highly toxic people they don’t give constructive criticism they stage personal attacks on your character to focus on irrelevant things and a matter of fact it says here they stage
Personal attacks on your character or develop a hyper focus on irrelevant things sometimes even fabricated flaws to evoke insecurity in you so the Demonic Predator that is currently stalking me has developed a hyper focus on irrelevant things like they told Their audience my YouTube memberships cost more money
Than my patreon memberships costed they hyper focusing on me to even notice something like that and the problem is it wasn’t even true it was a fabricated flaw the person who’s stalking me said that I have a I had an awk tattoo on my hand so that means I’m doing some witchcraft
Meanwhile the ankh is an ancient Israelite symbol that was used on our money it’s an ancient Israelite money um stamp so it’s not actually anything demonic or witchcraft or whatever but guess what the person who said that about me they have actually a demonic tattoo on their hand
And that tattoo is a fallen angel okay and fallen angels are the ones who got kicked out of heaven and they decided to go with Satan right so how can this person talk about my tattoo which is actually a symbol of my relationship with God as an Israelite
While they have a tattoo on their hand that is a symbol of the demonic spirits that actually worship the devil who chose to leave heaven and go work with the Devil so how can you criticize my tattoo that talks that actually is a symbol of my relationship with God while you have a
Tattoo on your hand that’s permanent my tattoo was temporary their tattoo is permanent and it’s a fallen angel doing a finger over the lips sign which is a masonic Brotherhood symbol so the person has a permanent tattoo that that would indicate that they are one of the Fallen Angels who works for
The devil’s Network it’s literally an angel with the finger over the lips going like shh don’t talk that’s the number one rule of the devil’s Network the code of secrecy so the person have a permanent tattoo making an oath of secrecy to the fallen angels that work for Satan
But they got on their platform and said something was wrong with me having a temporary tattoo that points to me being an Israelite in my relationship with God this is how evil and wicked and stupid and [ __ ] narcissists and predators are and the people who listen to them
I mean how dumb can you possibly be you literally have a fallen angel telling you that something’s wrong with me anyway let’s move on all right they enjoy raining on your parade right that’s what the person is trying to do they trying to infiltrate my content play it on their channel to
Try to Rain on My Parade they’re so jealous that I’m successful they’re so jealous that people started joining my patreon and YouTube memberships after I stopped communicating with them they’re so jealous that I’m doing so much better without them they frequently play Devil’s Advocate right so the narcissist that’s harassing
Me at this time they said that they hope that world news and the Beam Team get back together and start stalking and doxing people again why why would somebody say something like that somebody who claimed to be helping me with the campaign to get Predators off the internet is now saying
That they hope that predators that I’ve exposed get back together and start harassing and stalking and docks and peoples again that’s called The Devil’s Advocate when you say you want bad people to continue to do bad things number five here says they copy your mannerisms your work your behavior anything they covet
Okay so they break in the Ten Commandments because the Commandments say thou shalt not covet what are they doing coveting so I already prove this in my last video they’ve been mimicking me there’s a lot of people mimicking me on YouTube and they have a very hard time saying my
Name they refuse to say Leilani for God but they seem to be trying to prosper themselves financially by taking advantage of my hard work so there’s a lot of them number six they rage excessively when challenged okay when this is done by a pathological person this is what is known as a
Narcissistic rage right so the person made three videos lying on me stole my content and put it on your page and then when I made one video debunking them and saying it’s wrong that they keep making videos about me and stealing my content after they did three this to me three times
And when I challenged it oh wow they freaked out went crazy they went and dug up everything they could find out about me personally from the past I mean they went absolutely nuts right number seven they guilt you when they don’t get what they want since they feel excessively entitled to everything they
Feel the need to coerce you into getting the outcome they desire right so this this rage is this person was triggered to start going against me because I stopped giving them information so by me gray rocking them walking away peacefully and quietly right it triggered their excessive need
For my time my attention and my information they feel entitled oh you should keep giving me information you should keep giving me talking points even though I hung up the phone on you even though I ignored your emails even though I ignored everything you tried to do to
Resolve our issues even though I made three videos talking bad about you even though I stole your content you should continue to be kind to me you should continue to give me what I need to make myself look smart on the internet in front of other people
All right so that goes into number eight after mistreating you they try to get you to feel sorry for them these pity ploys are a way for them to skirt responsibility and have you work hard to please them instead number nine they really take accountability for their actions or say sorry
If they do apologize this is number 10 it says if they do apologize it’s usually to get you to forgive them there’s no change in their behavior and that’s the thing that everybody has to understand about narcissistic spirits they actually want you to forgive them but they don’t change
They want you to forgive them so they can continue to abuse you that’s why you have to Gray Rock them and walk away this is exactly why you have to walk away because if you forgive them the abuse will just um resume and it gets worse every time you go back anybody
Who’s been a victim of a abusive relationship whether male or female they know they say that it takes like six or seven times for a victim to leave an abuser and every time it gets like worse and worse and worse for them the person who keeps going back the victim
So you forgive them you say okay the person I’m not gonna hit you again you say okay you go back to the abuser and then when they get mad they start hitting you again you like you said you weren’t gonna do this that person has not done any work on themselves to
Become a better person they’re still just as evil Wicked narcissistic and predatory as they were before and now they’re going to punish you for leaving them number 11. they act Superior to you and treat you with contempt as if you were below them in some way that’s hilarious because these are the
Type of people who have no accomplishments in life so they this person literally tried to take my accomplishments and use them against me like the level of stupidity that people will have to be at to think that somebody who has no resume can judge my resume like that is so insane
Number 12 they use chronic vitriolic sarcasm it’s not as a way to playfully build rapport but as a way to demean you and make you feel small right so there’s all of the word play using my name you know it’s not funny it’s not sensical it’s just narcissistic rage on display
Number 13 they attempt to sabotage you in areas where they know you’re flourishing whether it’s creating chaos before a major job interview or ruining a celebration toxic people are always on the lookout for a way for how they can prevent you from achieving a level of success and joy
That could threaten to overtake their power over you so if you guys have been watching my community wall for the past week you see I’ve been posting how the narcissist has been trying to sabotage my campaign to get Predators off the internet why because he’s a predator he
Doesn’t want me to tell people the definition of a predator so they can get him up off the internet he’s now proven himself to be a predator in all predatory content should now be flagged by the general community and be deleted because there’s no room on the internet
For Predators when the Predator is finished with me just like they was calling other people’s mothers prostitutes and [ __ ] online before me they will continue to call other people’s mothers prostitutes and [ __ ] online after me it’s not about me it’s about the fact that narcissists and
Predators have a need to find victims to bully and they will continue to do it and their numbers will increase over time and more people will keep enabling them so the only way to get rid of them is to remove them off of all social media platforms with this behavior is apparent
Number 14 they call you names and verbally abuse you once again when you see people um exhibiting this Behavior on the internet they are sitting here making content you know as a black woman I have to say I’m really speaking of you know most of the content that I see
Bastion black women it goes way above and beyond just um criticism like the fair use act says people are permitted for the purpose of criticism or education or entertainment which is fine but at the point where you know the uh the language towards the person is not of a criticism nature or
Educational nature it’s just straight up a loser bashing somebody who’s more successful than them because they’re in a narcissistic rage that type of behavior needs to be flagged and deleted from the internet it needs to stop being enabled right if someone is involved with a narcissistic person let’s say at work or
In a romantic relationship number 15 they may attempt to micromanage your life control where you go and who you see number 16 if you’re in a more personal relationship with a narcissist or Predator they take over your finances your career and demand a portion of what you have earned for themselves
We see that with Colts cult leaders Target people and tell them send me all your money you have to move from where you are to where I am we all have to live together on one compound we all have to put all our money together okay that’s control
When they want you to move and they want you to give you all of give them all of your money number 17 they compete with you rather than celebrate your accomplishments at first toxic individuals may exhibit a starry-eyed admiration of your achievements however these same achievements come
Under extreme scrutiny as they work to use them for their own agenda or diminish them as a way to feel Superior so the narcissistic Predator I’m dealing with now and that in a different one that I dealt with a year ago they both did the same thing they try to compete
With me I said to both of them let’s work together let’s collaborate no they don’t believe in teamwork they took my content put it on their page without my knowledge and permission to make themselves look smarter than what they are in front of their audience and then when I complained about it then
They tried to use that same information against me one minute I was everything because now that’s the reason why you still in my content is because you’re obviously think highly of me or else you would never have stolen my content to begin with but then when I say stop stealing oh
She’s a bad person she’s a narcissist that’s why we have to go over this because a lot of people that I expose they turn around and call me a narcissist so that’s why we need to go over what exactly is the definition of a narcissist and that’s why I’m pulling up
All of this information from the internet so y’all know I’m not making it up I didn’t make my own you know definitions and that’s what these kind of [ __ ] people do these Predators they make stuff up as they go along they’re going to tell you what a
Narcissist is off the top of their head they’re not going to Google it and get the information from a professional and actually List the common knowledge that everybody could be held and judged by the same standard they’re going to sit there and tell you what they think a narcissist is
Because that’s how narcissists are they think they’re smart they don’t think other people who’ve actually studied and gone to school and gotten degrees are smarter than them they don’t think that they think oh no you say you’re a mental health worker you’re not a mental health worker
Oh you said that you are a life coach you’re not a life coach but they’re not showing no proof of nothing they’re not showing it either way it’s just something they’re making up off the top of their heads because that’s how they compete with you they can only compete with me by lying
Okay none of the narcissists who ever attacked me was ever on my level and at all so they can’t compete with me intellectually so they try to compete with me by just being Liars number 18 they project their own shame onto you right so because they’re ashamed that
Their mother is a prostitute they then go and project that onto multiple women the same person whose mother really is a prostitute has made multiple videos saying other black women was doing things with their vaginas multiple videos why do you keep making the same accusation against multiple other women
Why is it okay for you to call other people mothers prostitutes on the Internet it’s okay when you do it to multiple other women but when it’s done to you you go into a narcissistic rage why are you projecting your shame onto other people it would have never been
Talked about if you didn’t talk about it first and if you didn’t talk about it repeatedly they project their own malignant qualities onto you everything that makes them toxic is assigned to you as they try to paint you as the unhinged one and this is the reason why I took time
Off the internet for the past week I said I’m gonna just give it a rest I’m gonna let it go and I’m not gonna you know go back and forth with the person because it’s obvious that I have content and they don’t so I said you know what
I’m just gonna let it go take time and let it pass all pass over you know and in that time the person is still obsessed with me right so projecting all of their toxicity nobody’s talking to you nobody’s bothering you and you still fighting with your own demons they Gaslight you
Right they deny abusive things that they’ve said or done right so even as even as I prove myself and I showed you guys screenshots from emails and text messages in my past video and on my community wall to prove to you that this narcissistic Predator is lying on me
I put the proof because that person is denying that they ever did anything wrong to me why can’t they be responsible and say yeah I started all of this mess yeah I haven’t spoke to her in two months and now I just decided to start making content going against her why why
Not be honest about the fact that you’re the one who started all of this they refused to admit that number 21 they engage in pathological lying in infidelity lying comes easily to them and so does betrayal they exaggerate your flaws to the point of absurdity right number 22. they this is this is
Why I keep bringing up that my resume right so my resume is a list of my successes and accomplishments in life they exaggerated my flaws that they made up they made up lies that I’m a bad person and actually use my resume to reinforce those lies if anybody has any intelligence
Whatsoever that those people in that audience should have been like this is good information on her how can you possibly twist this into something bad but that’s how you know that there’s a spirit behind the narcissist and the Predator that exists in their enablers they’re all demonic spirits
Because how could you take something good and turn it bad and scripture literally says woe unto anyone who turns good into bad and bad into good so people curse themselves when they do stuff like that but this is what they do number 23 meanwhile they dismiss your
Good qualities and all you’ve done to help them you only seem to get credit for what the toxic person thanks you’ve done wrong so one thing I could say all three of the um narcissistic Predators I’ve dealt with over the course of my channel they all have this in common
They never admitted or spoke about all of the good energy that I put into them all of the free information I sent them all of the times that I said to them let’s collaborate we can take turns we should do something on your platform and my platform
Let’s do a campaign to get Predators off the internet they never talk about that all they want to talk about is she’s a bad person she’s a nurse that says okay based on what what exactly did she do to you and that’s the part that people who enable predators and narcissists they
Not they don’t have the ability to common sense of the intelligence to question to question the Predator what exactly did the person do to you that started you that got you riled up what’s the beginning what is the root what is the origin of this problem let’s get to the bottom of it
Number 24 they don’t take ownership over their own problems they expect you to clean up after them and fix their lives right so that’s why these people will call me and talk to me for hours about their personal problems I help them I fix them up and then they turn on me
They don’t want to take ownership over their own problems they just want to feel better about themselves and keep having the same problems they don’t want to get long-term help for their deficiencies number 25 they blame you for parts of their lives that they are responsible for taking care of
Right I’m quite sure a lot of people who have children can relate to this a lot of it’s a big problem with humans in general humans tend to blame their parents for Holiday problems in life they’d be like oh because my mom did this or my father did that that’s why I
Turned out the way I turned out now your mom did that and your father did that and you still had a responsibility to turn out to be the best person you know how to be because God taught told you the difference between right and wrong you still have a responsibility to be a
Good person regardless of what happened in the past number 26 they are hypersensitive to any feedback you give them even if it’s done gently notice how these narcissists and predators get on the internet and they spend hours right when I was exposing world news he was making videos that were 10 and 11
Hours long verbally attacking DJ Genesis they call to a DJ butt naked they call to Peter Griffin I mean they just insulted everything about her personal looks look at her face look at her body look at this look at that for up to 10 11 hours sometimes
But when I expose them they threatened they was going to whoop my ass oh it was okay when you was making all of these disparaging comments about DJ Genesis and then when I say you’re wrong for that you have nothing all you have is a criminal record of being arrested 91 times
DJ Genesis now just recently bought her second house and she’s turning her first house into a business what have the people who attacked him online accomplished nothing right so after they have spent weeks and weeks and weeks up to 10 hours at a time bashing a black woman many black women but I’m
Just using DJ Genesis as an obvious example that everybody could research if they wanted to it’s okay for you to sit up on the internet for more than 10 hours bash and DJ Genesis but then when I expose you you want to fight you’re a man you want
To fight a woman you want to fight me because I exposed you why why is it okay for you to sit on the internet and expose people every day all day but when somebody point out how you’re not perfect right that’s a problem they exhibit hot and cold Behavior one
Minute their love bombing you with excessive praise and the next they’re withdrawing from you as if you were the plague again I showed y’all proof of this in my last video and on my community wall the same person who was narcissistically obsessed with me at this point at a
Criminal level is the same person who sent me a text message who said I really admire and adore you you’re an amazing black woman when I was giving them free life coaching I was amazing they adore me they put heart emojis in the in the comments now they have a whole different story
Now I’m evil I’m wicked they trying to project all of their toxicity onto me number 28 they subject you to the silent treatment and there’s no good reason for it you know as I said earlier I made multiple attempts to reach out to all of my predatory narcissists and resolve our
Issues and they didn’t want to do that I also extended numerous opportunities to all of my predatory narcissists let’s work together let’s um teamwork we can take turns on each other’s platforms they don’t want to do that either right so they will go quiet when you try
To like work out something that could be mutually beneficial because they don’t they don’t exist in that type of world of mutual benefit they exist in a space of how can I take advantage of you from my own personal gain if you’re not offering them that type of relationship they don’t want any
At all then they now will start abusing you because that’s the only way now that they continue to use you for personal gain either you’re going to give them what you have that they want or they’re gonna use attacking you and abusing you as their strategy for getting energy out of you
Number 29 they show no empathy for you when you’re suffering okay so now you have to look at your personal life and see where people may be treating you like this maybe you call your sister or your brother or sibling and say oh man I just lost my job I
Don’t know what I’m gonna do and as you’re talking to them you realize they’re not giving you no encouragement they’re not patting you in the back they’re not saying you can do it you’ll get another job I’ll help you I’ll give you a good reference um I know that someplace is hiring I’m
Gonna look online and try to find some job listings and send them to you you know when you call somebody and you have a problem and they don’t try to help you pay attention to that all right these are people who have no empathy for you when you’re suffering
Those are the same people who’s probably having conversations about you behind your back with people who don’t like you and they’re Gathering and collecting information to take you down whenever they get ready right so pay attention when people don’t show no empathy when you have a when you call them for support
Number 30 they abandon you in times of illness or when you need them people may not recognize this until they’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist or a predator for a long time a good example of this is when a husband or a wife comes down with like a
Terminal illness like cancer or some type of you know disease like that could really affect a life that they need the other person to help them like let’s say a person has a stroke and they have to learn how to walk again how to talk again
But then their husband or their wife or their long-term boyfriend or girlfriend they they abandon you at that time you’re like wow I didn’t put up with all of your mess for all of these years I’ve been there for all of your emergencies now I have one and you won’t help me
Number 31 they attempt to fast forward intimacy with you without getting to know you right so pay attention to this in dating if you’re dealing with a predator or a predatory person whether you’re a male or a female notice how fast the other person tries to move they want to
Quickly get married they want to hurry up and have unprotected sex with you which could lead to you getting pregnant or getting a disease like people who want to fast forward and Fast Track and for you to give them a level of trust that they have not earned that’s predatory behavior
Number 32 they’re a fair weather friend who’s always there when things are great but never when you need their support right so we have friends like that sometimes where we ask them you know um can you help me you know I’m doing a show this weekend and I need somebody
Um to help me uh pack up my car and then unpack all of my stuff when I get to the event and set it up nicely like you know I need an extra hand right and they won’t be there for you they’re like oh I’m busy that day you’re like
Okay so then down the line you ask them again and you start to notice a pattern when you need their help they they’re not available and it’s so weird because when they needed your help you were that person that showed up to their events and was their cheerleader and you know
Try to give them a good um you know hand and whatever it is that they’re doing or going through but then when you’re like hey I need a favor I need help from A to B you can never they could never do that for you you have to pay attention to those kind
Of things you’re dealing with a predator someone who only perceives people as to help them not not for them to help others so you have to pay attention to the red flags uh they piggyback on your success and take credit for your ideas right and basically
Um they do that because you know they’re jealous of your success and they want to feel successful without actually putting in the work number 34 they judge your life decisions in a way that is vicious cruel unhelpful excessive and unwarranted so everybody makes mistakes we all have times when we’re really powerful and
We’re really strong and everything in life is going our way and then we have times in life where we make a bad decision you date somebody that had a bad character or maybe you invested in like some type of Bitcoin or crypto and then you lost your
Whole investment and that is the moment when that person will start to be like oh you’ve always been like that you’ve always made bad decisions and all you’re thrown off because you’re like why didn’t you tell me this before why are you just now like getting so exaggerated about this
Bad decision I made okay I dated a wrong person I made a bad investment chances are you don’t know something like that is going to happen until it’s too late those are not things that you could have predicted who knew um that you was dating somebody that
Turned out to be a predator you don’t know until they reveal themselves who knew that um different types of Bitcoin were going to fail when the first one was successful a lot of other ones came out and people started buying into them you don’t know until you try so sometimes when people
Put you down it’s really a mistake that anybody could have made and it doesn’t mean that you’re you know anything’s wrong with you you’re just living life and we have to live and learn and how we do that trial and error we make mistakes so just be aware of people who judge
Your life decisions you know in a way that’s like too harsh like they really overdoing it number 35 they rarely provide emotional validation every word out of their mouth tends to pick at your emotions so paying attention to people that make you the butt of all of the jokes like
Every time they see you they making a joke about you oh look at your hair that’s a funny hairstyle oh look at your shoes those shoes are busted they’re scuffed up you couldn’t get new shoes it’s like instead of them trying to like validate you how was
Your day you know how are things going with you the things you know improved last time we spoke you said you were going through something did you get through did you get the result that you wanted that’s somebody who’s emotionally validating you they listen to what you’re going through in life and they’re
Checking in with you to make sure that you’re achieving your goals when somebody’s doing the opposite of that they keep picking apart everything that you’re doing and everything that you stand for and they just keep finding little criticisms to tear you down you got to pay attention to that and get
Away from those people they cry crocodile tears when they need something or as fake remorse we’ve definitely seen that on the internet when people get exposed they then start to either fake cry or pretend that they’re remorseful so there’s a lot of people who’ve given very bad you know
Fake apologies on the internet for their bad behavior and usually people in the comment sections will call them out because you can feel it when somebody’s crying and they’re really crying you kind of feel like crying too you kind of feel sad like oh you could feel the
Energy and when they fake you don’t feel anything so and I noticed this as a strategy but like really really big YouTubers when they get exposed because they they try to like have giveaways and raffle tickets and stuff and they raise like thousands and thousands of dollars and
Then you never hear about who won the raffle who won the free car who won the money like so it seems like they just raised the money saying that there was a raffle or a giveaway and they just kept the money they never actually gave anything away
I’ve seen this several times on the internet big big YouTubers people that get hundreds of thousands of views stuff like that and so what they do is that YouTuber will come back and make a video where they’re like crying or telling a very sad story to distract and change the um
Change the story matter of fact Kanye West is an example of this so like a year ago Kanye West um came out saying that the Jewish people in the industry was doing something bad to him and everybody was like yeah those Jews are messing with Kanye but here’s what
Was happening at the same exact time a bunch of people that worked for Kanye they were suing him for sexual harassment and they were men a whole bunch of men who were former employees of Kanye West were suing him for sexual harassment they said he was constantly making
Um homosexual references to them and showing them porn pornography at work gay porn so when they launched their lawsuit against Kanye Kanye said to the public oh the Jews are attacking me the Jews are attacking me this is crocodile tears and fake remorse you are lying and making yourself a
Victim to hide this other Scandal that’s going on in which you are the predator number 37. they hover after you they hover you after mistreating you like a Hoover vacuum they suck you back into their toxic Vortex even after the ending of the relationship friendship a partnership
They do so by contacting you out of the blue just when you’re finally moving on right so that’s what I’m going through with this current predatory narcissist I stopped we didn’t talk in two months the last time I emailed him before that was three weeks before he started attacking me on the internet
I’m done with you I’ve thrown you away I’ve discarded you I’ve moved on with my life I’m not thinking about you I’m not talking about you so his hoovering technique was to make three videos about me back to back and then when I didn’t respond to that then
He started stealing my content off of my patreon anything to try to hook me back into some type of interaction with him but I’m not gonna do it I’m not going back and forth I’m not going to do that that is a technique a strategy they use you for your resources but are
Stingy with their own they want access to everything you have but when it comes to their own they tend to be a lot more reserved so there’s an expectation that I’m going to keep giving all of these hours and hours of free life coaching but the person has never done anything for me
It’s like oh you can give give give give I don’t have anything to give you back number 39 they withhold acknowledgment and appreciation you could bend over backwards fulfilling each and every one of their requests and still not feel appreciated by them pay attention to this in your
Relationships this happens a lot in romantic relationships between men and women one person is usually the one that’s like oh I woke up early and made you breakfast oh I um I I you know I cleaned the whole house to give you a break to give you a day off like one
Person is the one that’s doing more things to make the other person happy but the other person is not appreciating it they’re still criticizing you and putting you down and telling you the things you do that they don’t like but they don’t also factor in the things you
Do that they do like you got to pay attention to stuff like that and get away from these people their conversational narcissists constantly talking about themselves and rarely asking how you’re doing when you finally try to get a word in suddenly they’re cold and unresponsive or they turn the conversation back to themselves
Pay attention to that a lot of times we have long-term friends you might think it’s your best friend or you may still consider people friends because you went to high school with them or college or something like that but over time you need to really pay attention is this really a friend it
Does our relationship have reciprocity do we both get to talk and do we both get to listen if it becomes unbalanced pay attention to how unbalanced it is and if you notice that you can’t hardly tell that person about yourself without them cutting you off and redirecting the conversation back to
Themselves get away from that person number 41 they gossip about people and engage in relational aggression they enjoy pitting people against one another they like spreading rumors you really have to watch out for these type of people at work the type of people that come to you and they’ll be
Like oh gossip gossip gossip oh do you know she’s about to get fired because last week she did x y and z now when that happens you have to think about something especially at work if you start gossiping with this person about another co-worker you run the risk
Of that person turning on you and telling everything that you said and they will never tell what they said right and we see this a lot of reality TV shows people talk about each other behind each other’s backs and then they’re so thrown off when everything
They say comes out in the open because people can um Reveal Your Secrets for good reason or for bad reason or for no reason just to take the attention off of themselves or just to create drama because that’s just where their spirit is so you have to be careful don’t be quick
To engage and gossip about people in environments where it could easily come back to get you and the best example I could think of with that is at work it will ruin your whole job when it comes out to the surface number 42 they recruit allies or flying
Monkeys to be enable their behavior and carry out some of their dirty work for them they wouldn’t want to get caught so they keep their hands clean and allow their hair remembers to support them instead and this is what we’re talking about on social media with predators and uh
Narcissists they have enablers there are people in their audience who can clearly tell that what they’re doing is wrong that their content has crossed the line it has went past just talking about another person and giving your opinion and has gone into invasions of privacy and once they cross that line there are
Certain people in the audience who will start to send their money so that they will continue to cross the line there are people in an audience who will use their jobs to dig up information on the victim to help them continue to provide this type of invasion of privacy type of content
Right and so when they get caught what’s going to happen is when the police knock on their door they’re going to tell on everybody who sent them the information they’re going to say matter of fact Jaguar Wright did this Jaguar right made friends with a lady I think her name is Pam
And the lady said Jaguar right thousands of dollars something like two to three thousand dollars and when they fell out Jaguar got on the internet and said thanks Pam for using your job to find my mother’s address you see so the Predators will recruit allies to help them but guess what eventually when
The when the Predator gets caught they throw all their allies onto the bus number 43 they spread misinformation about you and spreading smear campaigns to undercut your credibility this way if you ever speak out about their behavior fewer people would believe you so in the case of the Predator that I’m
Dealing with currently he made three videos against me before I even made one why did he do that to get ahead of it I was never ever ever planning on coming to the internet and saying anything bad about that person they decided to start attacking me first
So that if for future purposes if I ever said anything about them they could say look I said all of this about them first I got them first well first doesn’t mean honest especially when that’s your strategy and notice a lot of narcissists and um Predators online they love that word
Strategy strategic we’re gonna do this strategically yeah because you’ve been thinking about how to be evil and wicked for a very long time number 44 they covertly and overtly insult you this includes harsh remarks disguised as jokes backhanded compliments and needless comparisons to diminish you this is what I’m talking about when I
See people use their social media to put up pictures of black women next to their bodies like trying to disparage black women’s bodies oh she’s too fat oh her butt is too flat oh her stomach is too big all of this and all of that about the person’s body
Right these are not jokes the purpose of this is to diminish those people why the question is why are you doing that what did this person do to you and why aren’t you dealing with what the person did to you in in talking about that why would you instead divert to trying
To diminish them to the public based on how they look their outward features as opposed to exposing the real issue number 45 they withhold affection for no apparent reason toxic people do it so they can play Puppeteer to your emotions this is going to affect people in romantic relationships or parents and children
When you have a close relationship that involves some type of intimacy like a parent and child or a partner like a romantic partner and you go to give them a hug say hey how are you after after work you know you see them you try to give them a
Hug or a kiss and they pull away children do this to the parents as well when children don’t get what they want they ask a parent can I have dessert and the parent says no not until after dinner or they take away the video game as punishment you know
And then the person like pulls away from you like now they don’t want to talk to you they don’t want to give you a hug they don’t want to give you a kiss they don’t want to say good morning they don’t want to say good night they become passive aggressive
Those are all forms of withhold and affection just because you have one problem with somebody in one area it doesn’t mean that the whole entire relationship is wasted you know there’s an old saying don’t throw the baby out with the bath water right so we have to be careful in that
When we have people pulling away from us from one little thing that we said or did that they didn’t like you have to now start looking for signs and symptoms is this person really a narcissist or a predator because there’s going to be times when
We all hear things that we don’t want to hear we all get criticism whether we want it or not and we have to be able to take it whether we agree with it or not and move on sometimes when people give you criticism is absolutely true it
Might take you a long time to realize that it’s true and sometimes it’s not true and you might realize that it’s not true right in a moment or you might realize that it’s not true down the line but it’s no reason to destroy the whole entire relationship one mistake does not
Destroy everything unless you’re a narcissist or a predator number 46 they use sex to degrade objectify and control you rather than as a way to connect with you sex is a power play to them another instrument to feed their grandiose fantasies we see this with cult leaders all types of cult
Leaders all over the world it’s a very common theme that they engage in sexual activity with their members with multiple members even if the members are married I don’t know what it is but it’s part of their mental disorder using sex as a weapon all right so pay attention to that if
You join a cult and you don’t know it’s a cult but the leader keeps coming onto you sexually but you only look up to this leader as like a teacher you don’t look at them as a sexual person in your life you look at them like you’re my teacher you’re my
Mentor you’re an elder like you’re something that I put you in a different Zone I don’t put you on the sex Zone in my life but they still pressing you for sex they’re trying to use it as a weapon against you their long-term strategy at first people think these internet
Gurus are good people so they send them money they go go make plans to go live with them on their land like oh they’re gonna live this perfect beautiful utopian life and as soon as people get there the person is like the leader of the cult is
Immediately demands they have sex on the first night this was going on with nature boys cold the women said as soon as they got there the first night he demanded they have sex with them that’s crazy that’s crazy right and then what did Nature Boy used
To do after he had sex with them in all type of embarrassing ways those women said he was doing anal on them very painfully they were bleeding they were not able to sit down like he really used sex to degrade them and then afterwards he would just go live and put them alive
And make them talk about their past trauma so first he traumatizes them and then he puts the camera in the face and uses their trauma as content all right so you have to pay attention when people start treating you these weird ways you gotta see the red flag and get away
From them do not go along with it number 47 they Stonewall you and shut down conversations before they’ve even had the chance to begin that’s another thing Nature Boy used to do he used to tell people go live and talk and he would pretend that he was
Interviewing him or talking to them but if they didn’t say what he wanted to hear then he would quickly um start talking over them and shut them down and telling them what they they should say he completely controlled their communication which is weird because that’s very unnatural if somebody is having a conversation
With you and then you feel like you can’t say a full sentence because they keep trying to redirect you like over and over and over again that person is not a good person they have bad intentions for you even if they have not admitted to it number 48 they idealize you putting you
On a pedestal only to devalue the same qualities they once praised right so again this happens in romantic relationships a lot when men and women first meet each other they they have this idealistic expectation of each other like oh you’re so beautiful you’re so smart you’re so funny
As time goes on and you start to see the person’s bad side come out then you’re like oh wow I didn’t know this person had these bad behaviors but if you’re a caring person you try to talk to them and work through it but if you’re a narcissist or a predator
You then start to use all of the the idealistic Notions you had about the person in the beginning now you used it as a weapon against them the person was never the idealistic person that you created them to be in your mind and I’m talking about predators and narcissists they were
Never a perfect person you just created that illusion so that you would have something to tear down later number 49 they discard you once they’re done with you and quickly move on to another replacement triangulating you with others to make you feel unworthy and to compel you to compete for their attention
Right so once the narcissist realizes that they’ve gotten all of your money again I’m gonna use Nature Boy as an example he would get people to send him hundreds of thousands of dollars thirty thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars ridiculous amounts of money at a time right
They will move over to wherever he was in these different places to live with him with his cult members when the money runs out he would start insulting them when they first came and brought the money he would make everybody in the whole cult be so nice to them everybody
Have to worship them like they’re a leader he would give them a title like they were so high up in the cult and when the money ran out oh he would turn on them now they’re stupid now they can’t do nothing right now he has to put
Them on on the um on the internet and make them sell embarrassing stories about themselves for content you’re only good while they’re taking advantage of you once you run out of whatever they’re taking from you now you can only do bad all right here’s the last one number 50
They constantly shift the goal post so what you do or who you are is perceived to never be enough so after my narcissist Predator who’s now stalking me at a criminal level after I did everything I could to help the person what did they do they went
And changed the goal post they made up lies right so then I debunked the lies what did they do made up a whole new set of Lies right so they can never debate you line for line or point for point they have to keep changing the subject to a new pack
Of Lies Okay and like I said the sad thing is you have these you know spiritually sick demonic people who enable them and that makes it look like it empowers them to continue to be evil and wicked and demonic and so in order to make sure that you
Are not enabling any type of predators or narcissists you have to check yourself check your own well-being that’s why I keep showing you this scale this was created by people who created the technology by scientists created the technology that could measure people’s emotional frequencies and they found out
That when your emotions are low it affects your health it that will bring you closer to death because a lot of toxic chemicals will go through your body when you’re experiencing negative emotions so always be in control of yourself by being aware of your emotional state if you remain for a long
Period of time below the yellow line you are causing toxic chemicals to flow through your own body we’re talking about acid we’re talking about hormones all type of um negative chemicals flowing through your brain as well as your body and your organs and we all know stress has been proven
By medical doctors that stress can lead to heart attacks um Strokes high blood pressure and other forms of disease right so the only way to really keep yourself healthy is to be aware of how you’re feeling and take care of yourself if you fall below the yellow line
And you stay there for long periods of time you are disrespecting the Creator who put your soul in your body because God made everything for good so if you remain in a negative State and you don’t get help to help yourself get out of a negative place you would destroy yourself and you
Destroy your relationship with the Creator so that’s the funny thing about narcissists and predators they never factor in how they’re hurting themselves and how they cannot be in a relationship with the Creator at the same time as being hateful and toxic towards other people so always check in with yourself and see
How you’re feeling and how you’re doing because science has proven this and it’s already in scripture you’re not supposed to worry about anything you’re supposed to give all your problems to God in prayer and you’re supposed to live a righteous and a grateful life because of God you’re supposed to not do wrong
Things to other people because of your relationship with God right so when narcissists and predators do all of this hateful wicked stuff they don’t realize they’re being used by Satan who was kicked out of heaven they don’t realize that they’re part of spiritual warfare when they turn evil Wicked and toxic so
Check yourself always evaluate yourself and get help if you need help to actually become in a better emotional state all right and then when you see people who are not healthy people who are not well online Predators report them have their comments their content excuse me have their content flagged reported and
Deleted anybody I don’t care if it’s a man a woman a black person a white person and I don’t care who they’re doing this to they need everybody who notices they’re doing this type of behavior needs to report and flag all of the content in which they’re doing these behaviors
If you see them stalking people every single day they’re making content about the same person over and over again if you see them stalking people’s lives posting things about people from their personal life you need to flag that and have that removed from the internet because they are infringing on people’s
Rights of privacy they would not want that done to them and whoever is watching it as entertainment you would not want that done to you either so the fact that you sit there and help and enable predators and narcissists which are demon Spirits you’re well you’re working for the army of the devil
That’s what you’re doing and so you’re cursing yourself in your own life when you do these type of behaviors and when you enable people who do these type of behaviors and so people who actually care about God and people who actually care about themselves when you see this toxic Behavior report it
Report people who stalk people online report people who are doxing people online report people who are hacking people report people who are exposing people’s finances their email accounts their social media accounts releasing people’s real names real addresses real phone numbers nude pictures exposing people’s jobs exposing people
In the hospital exposing where people go to church exposing that people are in jail exposing people’s evictions exposing people’s credit reports exposing people’s travel plans y’all need to flag and report all of that content I don’t care who’s doing it on any platform when you see Predators Target and
Exposing contact and people’s friends and family members and their jobs y’all should be flagging and Reporting all of that behavior all of it because you wouldn’t want it to happen to you it’s invasion of privacy online Predators they visit people’s homes they call people’s houses they record people outside of their houses
Inside of house somebody is in their house minding their business and somebody’s outside recording them inside of their own home and posting it on an internet for Content everybody needs to be flagging and Reporting this type of behavior where online Predators start exposing people’s children and talking about
Where people go to school where their kids go to school and people talk about oh we know that you’re you work as a school teacher and you have a son in the other room that’s what dekulu did on the internet said that about a woman he didn’t even know
If the woman was the person he was targeting he was doxing a woman and did not know for sure if she was even his Target and that’s the problem with these online predators and sociopaths narcissists and Psychopaths they hurt innocent people all the time and that’s what I need everybody to understand
They target innocent people all the time people who did nothing to them it’s the Demonic Spirit of Satan that dwells within them that is using them because they have no relationship with God they didn’t develop the gifts and skills and talents that God put in them to make
Them happy with their own life and successful in their own way and so because they’re empty because they have not invested in themselves there’s a story in the Bible um I can’t remember every detail at the top of my head but a man had like three sons
He gave all of them an inheritance like a portion of money and sent them out in the world when they came back he said what did you do with the money one of them said I invested the money in a business and I made more money and the
Father was very pleased he said to the second son what did you do with the money the son said I didn’t want to waste the money I didn’t want to make a bad mistake so I saved it so the father said okay he wasn’t exactly happy with that son because if I
Gave you money to go out in the world I wanted you to do something productive with it but it’s not so bad that he saved it because that’s also smart you know he saved it he didn’t waste it the third son what did you do for the money
I wasted it oh that’s a problem now you’re not going to get no more money because you don’t know what to do with it you did not use what you had to the best of your ability we all have the same amount of hours in the day to be productive and get stuff
Done right and it’s always the Predators the narcissists and the evil Wicked people who haven’t done anything productive with their life in her time and now they’re 40 years and up and all they have is being mean and evil and wicked to other people that’s all that they can
Do that’s their professional skill is being evil and wicked so when you see people exposing people’s homes their schools their children’s homes and schools family members and churches when you see them threatening people talking about snitches get stitches and we gonna whoop your ass especially when you’re talking about men
Saying this towards women they need to be flagged and deleted all of their content that’s over threatening illegal stalking doxing harassing nature all that [ __ ] needs to be removed from the internet and they never apologize like I said a lot of times they dox the wrong person
They’ll put that person’s name their job their face pictures everything on on their on their content and it won’t even be the person that they’re after and they never apologize so again you have to report and remove these people from the internet because as long as they
Stay online they get support from other people so I have more content I want to share with you guys in this video but I just want to quickly remind you guys make sure you like in the video share this video there are a lot of people who’s being victimized by online Predators or
In other areas of their life so a lot of people can learn from this information I’m given subscribe to my channel you can support me you can send a super chat a super sticker you can cash at me Leilani for God you can PayPal me at Leilani forgot gmail.com you can email
Me with questions suggestions for future content Leilani forgot gmail.com and if you want to help me with my campaign to get Predators off the internet you can join my YouTube memberships so there are three levels there and I will be providing content that’s not going to be on my main
YouTube channel to those people who join my memberships that money is going towards the campaign to get Predators off the internet so I’m working hard I’m doing my channel as Leilani for God and I’m making additional content to help raise money for a campaign to get Predators off the internet I’m trying to
Help other people predators and narcissists are attacking me because they don’t want me to get them off the internet okay let’s put two and two together here are 13 signs of a toxic person you shouldn’t ignore all right and notice how when I do my um
My slides on my my shows I always show you where I get my information from I show you which website I show you the title of the article so you can find the information you’ll notice when you’re watching content by narcissists and predators they never going to give
Credit where credit is due they hide all of the um details around where they found the information they never tell you I got this from here I got this from there they always say look I’m doing this I’m doing that look how hard I’m working no give credit
Where credit is due other people are working too anyway here’s 13 signs of a toxic person you should not ignore number one they always remind you of your past mistakes to keep you down pay attention to that right when these online Predators get on the internet and they start making their content hating
On black women like they try to go and find old stuff on you from 10 years ago oh look look what she did 10 years ago as if you’re that person now when I expose people on my page I tell you what they’re doing right now what they’re
Doing that is destructive right now when I first started to expose World News the people who were following him and enabling him they were telling me oh he got arrested 91 times but that was a long time ago that’s not true he got arrested for stalking doxing and harassing and releasing nudes
On a woman on the internet in the past year or two he released Nudes on two different um other YouTubers recently okay he’s making content put putting Genesis down every day for four to ten to twelve hours over the past couple of months right but when they dig up information
On people they try to find old stuff from 10 years ago to say oh look this person used to be involved with this this person used to be involved with that let’s talk about what’s happening right now number two they reach out when they need when they need you and ignore you when
You need help from them right so it was okay for the person who’s right now criminally stalking me it was okay when they call my phone and talk for three hours about their personal problems but when I called them and talked to them for a couple of
Minutes about a problem they hung up the phone on me when I emailed them they ignored it but it was okay when they talked to me for three hours so the person replied to me saying that by saying that when I was talking to them they fell asleep right exactly you
Fell asleep you hung up the phone on me and you ignored my emails but when you talked about your personal problems you talked for three hours straight and I was just purely silent and listening for three hours straight number three they put people down to feel better about themselves look at
These type of Internet predators and online stalkers and narcissists look at their content look how much time and energy they put into just talking bad about other people they’re not warning you that the person is actually harming the public when I make content exposing people I’m exposing harm and danger to
Public Safety that means there are thousands of people who are being taken advantage of financially or spiritually thousands of people being abused financially or spiritually that’s the type of stuff I expose on my channel okay I’m not putting other people down to feel better about myself I’m letting
People know you don’t realize that this person is actually a demonic spirit right but then people who are demonic spirits their content is not educational it’s just a way for them to release their pent up anger and rage that they have not accomplished anything in life
So that’s why they that’s why they like make videos calling a whole bunch of black women prostitutes and [ __ ] because they have not accomplished Nothing in life so it’s like let me put other people down because if if black women are prostitutes and [ __ ] then as a black
Man nobody’s paying attention to the fact that I’m not doing anything productive at all for myself or anybody else number four they act Superior and entitled you’ll notice by the language they always give themselves props and credit for things that they did not accomplish number five they don’t take
Responsibility for themselves or their lives whose fault is it that these men that I expose on my channel are in their 40s and they have no jobs no trade no skill nothing nothing none of them support themselves almost all of the men that I have Exposed on my channel they depend on
Women for a place to live and they depend on their um YouTube audience for money for donations that’s not taking responsibility for yourself for your life if YouTube was to go away if it stopped being popular and nobody watched it anymore like every app has a lifespan where people like love it
And then they get bored and they move on to other apps right so let’s say YouTube goes through that phase am I is it gonna ruin me no I have degrees I have a career and then I have small businesses so this YouTube is not making me but you
Notice that YouTube is a huge part of Predator’s lives they lack understanding of boundaries they don’t know the difference between giving criticism and commentary versus invading people’s personal right to privacy on a criminal level they always cross that boundary between content and criminality number seven they lack empathy they don’t feel
That anything is wrong with calling other people’s mothers prostitutes and [ __ ] on the internet when they do it and they do it to multiple people is fine they have no empathy for all of the people that they call prostitutes and [ __ ] zero empathy number eight they leave you feeling
Emotionally exhausted after an encounter with them pay attention to how you feel if you’re talking to someone and you hear like they’re always down I cut off a lot of people like that a lot of people like that every time I talk to them they only have a negative perspective
Okay after so many times I might give you two or three times that I try to talk you out of that and try to help you see things different and after that if you continue to have a negative out outlook on life I’m not going to put up with that type
Of energy because it’s draining I like to be inspired I like to do stuff and be energetic number nine they try to con control You by guilt tripping and that’s the reason why they tell like so much negative stories because they want you to like that’s how they want to bond with you
They want you to bond with them as they’re the victim and so they tell you a whole bunch of negativity so that you will always just be like oh I’m so sorry for you it’s okay baby don’t worry I got your back and sadly you have a lot of people online enabling
The the wrong person the criminal right there’s a lot of YouTubers in jail right now because of things that they really did harmful to other people they had so many people who enabled them and believed that they were the victim the whole time and they still believe
That person is the victim majority of the people I’ve Exposed on my channel even Dr York I just did a piece on him he’s in jail for over a hundred years for doing horrible criminal acts towards minors he still has people fighting for his legal defense to get him out of jail right
So they are Masters at guilt-tripping people into believing that they’re the victim number 10 they never apologize you will see them do bad things not just to you but to others there’s a pattern you’re constantly disrespecting other people crossing boundaries and you never take responsibility or apologize not just to
Me but to everybody else that you’re victimizing look at people’s patterns how do they treat everybody look at people’s content look at people’s Pages what is the purpose of their content they are easily jealous once again because they’re not taking advantage of the time and the energy
That God put into them they’re not using it to their benefit so when they see people who have used all of what God gave them to their benefit they just become jealous instead of doing the work to achieve something that they could feel proud of they become jealous number 12 they give backhanded
Compliments somebody give somebody a compliment they say something that pulls it down pay attention to people like that because you should not wait until somebody does it to you before you realize that that’s that person’s nature all right you should actually deal with it
As if they will do it to them they’ll do it to me and just pay attention to patterns if it’s happening a lot all over the place with that person that means something if it just happens once or twice it’s just a moment maybe the person was cranky maybe they were
Hungry maybe they were tired you know sometimes we all misbehave okay so I’m just saying look for patterns like long-term patterns number 13 they’re overly defensive okay these narcissists and online Predators like I said they get on the internet they talk crazy about a whole bunch of people
For hours and hours almost every day but if you say anything critical about them or if you debunk them or prove that they’re wrong they freak out they go nuts they start becoming Criminal when all along they were the ones who started the problem but they want to be
Overly defensive when you call it out so how do you hurt a narcissist how do you trigger a narcissist what hurts a narcissist forever it says here they are hurt when you leave and be at peace without them hello hello [Laughter] that’s exactly how a narcissist got
Triggered by me I left them alone peacefully and quietly I moved on with the campaign to um get Predators off the internet I even moved off of YouTube I took it over to patreon that narcissistic Predator was so hurt that I moved on without him and did
Better without him than I did when I was trying to work with him he flipped out and proved it says here they want to hold on to you but they don’t want to let you go they can’t say goodbye this is one of the reasons why this narcissistic Predator has started
Making content about me I’m not talking about him I’m not doing anything to him I took several days off the internet what did he continue to do continue to talk about me in a negative way why that’s how hurt he is that I moved on without him
He wants to hold on to me that’s why he keeps talking about me number two they are hurt when they aren’t the center of attention narcissists can’t stand it when other people get more attention than them trust me when you don’t give them the attention they crave they’ll make sure
That everyone knows how much it hurts them so again you know I have a narcissistic stalker I left him alone I walked away peacefully and quietly so they started to use me as content to let everybody know how much they’re hurt and so there’s a bunch of enablers that
Have rushed to help that person be hurt and they’re patting that person on the back and telling them that they’re right about everything even though that person is obviously been disrespecting other people aside from me right so they have enablers who are like they recognize that this person
Is hurt and they’re trying to console them number three they are hurt when you give admiration and praise to others they see this as a threat to their self-esteem and it causes them pain narcissists are not only hurt by your affection and praise of others but they’re also jealous
They will always believe that they’re better than anyone else so it’s like a stab in the heart when someone else gets the spotlight they love being complimented on how great they look how intelligent they are or how extraordinary their accomplishments are so you might notice this more so in like more
Um affectionate relationships like again between parents and children or between like boyfriends and girlfriends right so parents probably notice how children are jealous of each other when one parents when one parent says to a different sibling oh you’re such a great artist I think when you grow up you’re
Going to be such an amazing artist and then one of the other kids gets jealous maybe that other kid is really good in sports and when the parent gives them a compliment then when they have their games and stuff to parent compliments them but when it’s the other sibilance
Turn to get the compliments and praise from the parent that makes the other children feel jealous they don’t like to share the spotlight they want to be the favorite in romantic relationships you’ll notice if you’re dealing with a very controlling person whether male or female if you say in front of them like
Oh this person is beautiful or that guy is handsome and your partner gets mad oh what do you mean that person is beautiful or he’s handsome or he looks good or she looks good we all have eyeballs we can all tell if someone is attractive or not attractive
Like any band can look at another man and could tell if he’s attractive or not even if he’s not gay any woman could look at another woman until if she’s attractive or not even if she’s not gay so we can all see other people being attractive it’s it’s just perception but if you’re
In a romantic relationship with somebody and they can’t stand for you to give somebody else a compliment on how attractive they are they’re they’re too controlling they’re too controlling all right number four narcissists are hurt when they are criticized notice how we’re talking about predators and narcissists on the internet
The main people who get hurt when they get criticized are the ones whose primary content consists of criticizing other people right now I have said in multiple videos of mine I am not above criticism if you don’t like something I’m saying or doing you can leave a comment and I will take
It into consideration you can email me sometimes I reply to people sometimes I don’t right it depends on the energy the spirit behind them right so I’ve taken a lot of criticism and I’ve gotten on this platform and I have told y’all somebody criticized me
And I told them that they were right I have said that in more than one video about more than one different person I have said this person they said this and they were right you will never hear a narcissist say that you will never hear a predator say that
They are hurt when you set boundaries so they only exist to take advantage of people so when you set a boundary that says no I’m no longer going to give you content excuse me if you say if you continue to play my content I’m gonna flag you and
Have your your content deleted and your channel deleted or eventually if you keep this up I’m gonna take legal action against you now they want to get hurt because you set a boundary no I’m not going to allow you to continue to disrespect me unchecked eventually I am going to react
They don’t like that right so they want to be able to drag you disrespect you put you down and they want to continue to do that indefinitely that’s a predator that’s a sick criminal demonic spirit number six they are hurt when you neglect and stop caring about them
Right so this is actually a list about toxic people but it’s funny how toxic people predators and narcissists they all have the same things in common here’s another article 10 thing narcissists will always do number one self-promotion okay if you listen to these people they will say I’m the livest network on the
Internet this is the best content on the internet I am the king of content ain’t nobody doing it like me meanwhile none of those things are true these people don’t even have a lot of subscribers or viewers at all and they make these type of statements about themselves right
My channel doesn’t get that much views or that much subscribers and I’m okay with that because scripture says the narrow path is the righteous path the wide path is the devil path so when people put me down that I don’t have a lot of views or subscribers or
Whatever you’re not hurting me you’re just letting me know that I’m really working for God and people who have a whole bunch more people you gotta question who they working for regardless of who they say they’re working for right so when people start self-promoting themselves in a grandiose
Way they have no credentials no proof no resume no work history no pictures that they’ve ever done anything that’s worth giving them admiration or praise for why do they keep demanding it from the audience number two criticizing others they believe they are superior and have an inflated view of their abilities and
Qualities even though they’re stealing other people’s content in their imagination no one’s making better content than them yes the people who made the content that you’re stealing they’re making better content than you that’s why you’re stealing it number three manipulation manipulation refers to influencing or controlling others to serve one’s interests often
Through deceptive or exploitative tactics okay so they strategically create lies to put out a false narrative that makes them look like the victim and makes it look like other people are attacking them why because they’re going to ask Their audience to send them money for their personal family problems
And I’ve already exposed this about two people on my platform notice how they always bring up their family problems when they ask for money okay manipulation number four gaslighting a psychological manipulation tactic narcissists use to make others doubt their reality right so as I’ve been explaining throughout the course of this video
Someone attacked me three times and stole my content before I ever even replied one time and when I replied one time the person pretended they didn’t just do three videos about me and stole my content they they left all of that out they don’t want to say I did all of
This to provoke Leilani but now that Leilani has reacted I’m gonna pretend that I don’t deserve what Leilani’s reaction is all right justifying their mistakes one common trait of narcissists is their tendency to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and to deflect blame onto others this strong desire to maintain their
Image as self-image as Flawless and Superior individuals so acknowledging their mistakes would contradict this self-perception so a narcissist and a predator is going to get online they’re going to do all type of horrible stuff but they’re going to justify it they’re going to say oh the reason why I did
This is because this or that it doesn’t make it right two wrongs don’t make a right if you’re wrong you’re wrong if you’re wrong you’re wrong that’s it there’s no way around it so narcissists and the Predators they try to justify they try to make excuses
For why it’s okay for them to get on the internet and say horrible terrible things about other people’s mothers it’s okay for them to do it it’s not okay if it wasn’t okay when you did it then you can’t be mad if it was okay when you did it then it’s okay when
Other people do it to you because we’re going to play by the same rules if these are your rules then you are going to be judged by the same rules that you are applying towards other people they don’t want to be held accountable they want to get away with all of their
Bad behavior number six taking credit okay remember when you were in school and we had to do group projects didn’t we always hate it when people were like okay let’s say you have a group that’s like four people and you have to deal with oh
We have to break this work up you got to do one part I got to do one part you got to do one part you got to do one part what happens when that fourth person doesn’t do their part it makes all four of y’all look bad even the three people
Who worked hard that’s the problem with people taking credit for your work it makes you look bad after all of your hard work because they’re a low life they’re empty they have nothing to contribute and now they just drag you down by even associating with you they done dragged you down
Everybody hates doing group projects for that reason because you always have that one person that takes and doesn’t give number seven ignoring boundaries right and I’m showing you these different articles so that you guys can really get a good understanding of what a narcissist is what a predator is you
Know what a sick demonic spirit is because this is happening all over the internet all over the place all over in our real lives and we have to take action people who ignore boundaries once again you tell people I don’t like that when you do that to me you know I remember um
When um Jaguar writes husband Goomba was on the internet you know and at first everything was fine but then when him and jaguar started to fall out um he started to to set boundaries like after he stopped dealing with Jaguar he started to respect himself more and be
Like don’t don’t call me these weird names like people were making a weird names like he he let people call him Goomba he was okay with that but people started making even more names calling him all type of stuff and I remember he went on a platform with women and they
Were they were asking him too many questions and wasn’t letting him respond and they were gaslighting him because they weren’t letting him talk but they kept talking over him so they were forcing their point of view on him instead of let him explain himself and So eventually when he got to talk he
Said listen first of all don’t call me that if you want to call me Goomba call me Goomba but don’t call me all this other weird names that y’all are calling me and he’s like can I speak can I get a word in can I talk So eventually they
Dropped him down off the panel they never let him speak or talk but I I was proud of him in that moment because that’s the first time I ever seen him stand up for himself and set boundaries but because he sat online for so long and let his wife berate him and degrade
Him and put him down in front of everybody now everybody just automatically was doing that to him so you have to um set boundaries and when you see people ignoring your boundaries he shouldn’t have let them drop him off at his show he should have just quit and
Just left because they was ignoring his boundaries and so that’s a good example of you know how you can start to stand up for yourself be like you know what don’t do that stop talking over me let me say what I have to say stop calling me names that’s not
My name you know and if you see that you’re talking to somebody who can’t respect your boundaries you have to get rid of that person and get away from them walk away from them stop giving them your energy and things like that to the best of your ability
Um here we go narcissists exploit empathy once again especially when it comes to these online Predators they always have a sad story oh something’s going on with my family oh I’m going through a hard time in life but if you look at their content they always tearing other people down they only want
Empathy towards themselves but they don’t want to give it to others so they exploit empathy if the empathy only works in One Direction they’re exploiting it projection right saying things about other people that’s really true about themselves this is so crazy this happens all the time like there’s so many narcissists
Online that project they say oh oh um let me think um oh young pharaoh or Nature Boy both young pharaoh and Nature Boy would project they would say the people who followed them they would just be calling their followers stupid if they didn’t send them money and Dr Umar does this too if
You don’t if they if they’re going through a hard time financially and they always are because they’re bad money managers because they refuse to learn they don’t want to get educated about life and how to live it they just want other people to keep taking care of them
And to pay for their mistakes so they’ll go online and be like oh you guys need to um send me some money um I don’t even know what reasons they even give anymore because I stopped listening to all of these people a long time ago but when when they’re not getting what
They want they all of a sudden start insulting the audience oh y’all are stupid y’all are not um you know you know helping me build the school that’s Umar Johnson would say either you’re helping me with the school or you’re against the school like there’s a lot of ways people can
Support you besides sending money for my campaign that I’m working on and I’m saying my campaign now because I’ve asked so many people to join me on the campaign to get Predators off the internet and nobody wants to join me in teamwork and collaborate so now it’s just my campaign
I have told people if you can’t afford to send any money just message me and let me know can you write some of our thumbnails can you put together the graphic design for some of our thumbnails for the social media campaign so if you can write little short you know statements against internet
Um creditors and if you can put together artistic renderings of designs that we could use to put out for everybody to share across social media to educate people on how to report online predators and narcissists your work and your effort can still be useful even if you
Can’t afford to um donate so there’s a lot of ways you can participate you know but narcissists they don’t see it that way if you don’t do what they want you to do exactly what they want you to do they don’t create other ways that you could work with them no they
Automatically start putting you down using insults that’s true about them number 10 devaluing and discarding you know as soon as they’ve used whatever you have they gonna get rid of you if you walk away from them before they’re finished using you then they’re going to go into a narcissistic rage
All right so there’s a devaluing and the discarding either they’re gonna put you down as long as you continue to tolerate their abuse or they’re going to try to like um ignore you right when they decide that their needs have been met by you like oh I don’t need you
Anymore and then what’s going to happen is like how this would manifest in like relationships like girlfriend boyfriend a narcissistic kind of person imagine like an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend calls you and you haven’t talked to them in years chances are the only reason they’re getting in touch with you is because
They just broke up from a relationship so now they’re lonely they’re desperate they want someone to validate and justify their themselves or they’re still in a relationship they could be married and calling you because they just had an argument with their husband or their wife so they’re going to get on
The phone and call up an old girlfriend or boyfriend to get some narcissistic Supply and energy from that communication right and so these are different ways that they devalue and discard their partner that’s called emotional cheating when you try to get your emotional needs met by another romantic interest instead of your partner
That’s a way of devaluing and discarding them and I’m trying to think of different examples to give you guys on how all of this stuff works Jesus is not God God is God God put Jesus’s soul in Jesus’s body if Jesus even ever existed and there are multiple scriptures that
State that even Jesus himself said worship God and God Alone so even though this video is about narcissists and predators we’ve had two people come in my comment section trolling about Jesus when the fact of the matter is even Jesus himself has said worship God and God Alone
There is no one good except for God and for this person who is um Angry see the narcissistic rage they went into they put three comments they said that by name will be taken out of the book of life this is weird you’re not God to
Even have put my name in The Book of Life to begin with I was chosen before I was born so I’m not worried about that I already had a near-death experience and I had a Rapture dream so God have told me more than one time my spirit is already in
Heaven I’m not worried about people coming on my page because I don’t believe in Jesus and then trying to attack me spiritually the problem with people who believe in Jesus is that they’re breaking the first two commandments so they are spiritually attacking themselves by even believing in Jesus they’re worshiping a false idol
And it’s really sad but once again like I told y’all earlier in this video the righteous path is a narrow path so when I tell people just have a direct and personal relationship with God that’s a small path but look at how many clicks and Views people who teach about
Jesus get the Jesus preachers they get hundreds of thousands and millions of views and dollars that’s the broad path you see what I’m saying so that’s obvious that the Jesus stuff is fake it’s the most popular one of the most popular religions in the world and the
Sad thing about it is that’s not even what Jesus taught before Jesus performed all of his miracles in the Bible he first prayed to God when Jesus was set to be killed by the enemy he prayed he said God into your hands I commit my soul Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer he said
Pray like this Our Father who are in heaven so even though there’s so much proof out of Jesus’s own mouth that he’s not God you have these [ __ ] narcissistic demonic spirits who work for Satan who get on the internet and tell you that Jesus is God but when you
Believe that it separates you from God and that’s how you know it’s the work of the devil because the intention is to make you break the first two Commandments and when you break God’s law statutes and Commandments your soul can go to hell for that you will be
Punished by God for that so these people are trying to lead you into punishment and Damnation and people don’t even realize it look how many people support the Christian preachers and pastors even though Christianity is fake so just because people are talking Jesus it doesn’t mean that they work for God
It actually means that they work for the devil because Jesus is not God and that’s extremely rude and disrespectful to God to even say that even according to scripture it says that God put Jesus soul in his body okay so there’s a difference between God and Jesus in the scriptures a hundred
Million times so the fact that these people keep holding on to this and they keep trying to harass me about this it’s a demonic spirit alrighty so um rumors that narcissists like to spread about you false accusations one of the things that narcissists love to do
Is to try to get other people involved in turning against you and that’s the reason why the narcissistic Predator that’s been harassing me for the past two weeks and the funny thing is both times that the Predator who’s harassing me now both times that he attacked me was on
The Sabbath he attacked me during one Sabbath and I had not done anything to him had not spoken to him in two months and he picked a Sabbath to attack me and he attacked me again the following Sabbath so you know which was two weeks ago now I
I’m not watching that person’s content I unsubscribed from them a long time ago so I only know after it happens like way after it happens what they’re doing and I’m not going to continue to watch them I’m gonna let people let me know if the person is still harassing me so I can
Report it to the police at this point but the reason why they’re doing all of this activity even though I haven’t spoken to them in two months and they just now popped up and started like spreading rumors about me is that’s the proof of they have a narcissistic spirit
This is all the same behaviors they all do and even though they made three videos about me and stole my patreon content they are saying that I am obsessed with them in stalking and harassing them which is really obvious if you just look at the number
Of videos the person has made about me versus the number of videos I made about that person let’s just do the math and this person is now digging into my personal life I have not done that I have not shown this person’s personal information that is not even on
The internet I don’t even know how this person got my personal information like they are so obsessed but of course they would say I’m the one that’s obsessed with them it literally says they’re here it says claim you are obsessed in stalking and harassing them right it says that another rumor they’ll
Spread about you is that you’re bitter and jealous that person said oh Leilani is jealous of me because I get more views than her and I have more subscribers than her meanwhile the amount of views and subscribers that person have is not much more than me it’s not at all okay
But this is this the weird Behavior about these people okay it’s obvious that I’m not a bitter a jealous person because I offered to work with and collaborate with them several times I said let’s take turns let’s sometimes do this on your platform sometimes on my platform I was sending these people free
Information to help them build up their content that’s not the behavior of a bitter and jealous person so when the narcissist starts making comments like that about you that’s when you realize that you’re dealing with a demonic Spirit right they all do the same stuff it doesn’t matter
You can go through my whole Channel and look at all the people I exposed and you will see they all do these things that I talked about throughout this video they have the same Spirit as one spirit and that’s the spirit of Satan a liar a deceiver a manipulator a thief
A destroyer a destructive person they all have these behaviors and so once again I want to remind you guys check yourself before you wreck yourself if your emotions are falling below the yellow line over an extended period of time get help because you can’t be close to God and be functioning under the
Yellow line you can only be working for the devil if you stay for an extended period of time in an emotional state that falls below the yellow line as much as narcissists and predators think that they’re hurting other people the only person they’re hurting is themselves
So pay attention to how you feel all of this stuff has been scientifically proven scripture already says you know vengeance is mine says the Lord so you’re not even supposed to be staying in a negative state but if you find that a couple of days have gone by and you continue to be
Angry hateful depressed you are stressed you need to get help because the only person you’re hurting is yourself and as a reminder in case there’s new people who came in that didn’t see me talk about this earlier we have a responsibility as a community of people on the internet
To flag and have content deleted off the internet that you see predatory people stalking people doxing people hacking people you know releasing information on people’s finances releasing information from people’s email accounts their social media accounts releasing people’s real names addresses phone numbers their nude pictures their jobs their resumes
Their hospital stays their dialysis appointments the church they go to when they went to jail their evictions their credit reports their travel plans when you see Predators start picking up old information on people that shows that they paid money to get background reports on people to make it YouTube
Content now if you’re a landlord and you’re renting an apartment to somebody by all means you absolutely should do a background check because you’re renting a property and that person can do damage to your property they may they might stop paying you rent you might have to take them to court
So you do a background check to keep that information in case you ever need it for legal purposes but if you’re just a YouTuber and you’re putting people background checks on the internet as content you need to be removed off the internet because you’re a predator you’re a sick demonic Spirit at that
Point working for the devil when you see Predators online start contacting people’s friends and family and start calling their their schools and their jobs like when you see people start crossing the line to the point where it becomes an invasion of privacy when you see people showing pictures of
People that are not on the internet like if they didn’t get it from the person’s Instagram or Facebook account or if people have deleted your Facebook or Instagram account and those people still have old pictures from deleted accounts you’re looking at a predator you’re looking at a very sick criminal person
Who is not only doing this type of behavior to the person in the video that you’re watching at the moment they’re doing this to a whole bunch of people because that is the spirit that lives inside of them and the only way to stop them is to have them deleted off of the
Internet because as long as they can continue to get narcissistic Supply from other people who have the same dangerous toxic Spirit as them they will continue to victimize more and more people as time goes on we have to stand together as an online community to get these type
Of people off the internet as long as these people are on the internet their behavior only gets worse and if you don’t believe me go look at my Channel all the people I’ve exposed do a quick check online look them up on YouTube where are they now a lot of people are
Exposed are now in jail is some of them are still facing Court time and going back and forth to court matter of fact what is today’s date oh my goodness I totally forgot about I I stopped watching negative content a few weeks ago uh when I cut off my narcissistic
Stalker and Predator a few weeks ago I once I unsubscribe from him I stopped watching everybody that made me feel like ill you’re toxic and disgusting I stopped watching a whole bunch of people so I just remembered I need to go check on what’s going on with someone that I
Expose in terms of what happened with their court date anyway guys the point is we have to work together we can’t continue to let the online predators um get bigger and bigger and bigger in terms of the people who’s helping them and supporting them and breaking the law and invading other people’s privacy
We have to flag and report them until they’re off the internet because they if if not they will keep getting rewarded and they keep doing it I want to remind you guys to like the video share the video subscribe to my channel you guys can support me in various ways
You can send super chats you can send super stickers you can cash at me Leilani for God you can PayPal me Leilani forgot at gmail you can email me if you have suggestions for future content that you want me to do you can join my YouTube memberships
There are three levels 299 699 and 9.99 all right guys if you want to support my work to help get Predators off the internet alright guys so I want to thank everybody who came out tonight thank you for being in my comment section and I
Will see you guys in the next video Stay Blessed stay close to God get away from toxic people get away from narcissists get away from predators because any help that you give them only enables their demonic Spirit to grow more evil and wicked stay close to God
And you will be protected from all of their attacks because they’re Beneath You demonic spirits or beneath human beings so stay close to God stay prayerful I’ll see you guys in my next video