Good evening to all and welcome to the session the Hindu editorial analysis for Proficiency in English today’s editorial is all about a case against the media people and I did the same editorial last week if you guys remember it is a case related to news click and this is a second time the
Editorial same topic but different dimension altoe and at the outset I’m sorry I could not I could not start at 7 though I said 7:30 now it is uh 20 7 I’ve just started the session whoever is there please respond this is about news click non
Case how does it start good evening isar is sure am I audible am I audible news click non case here non case mean it’s not a case at all that’s what the editorial tries to convey H thank you on the strange case of a terrorism F without a terror
Act oh thank you thank you very much here there are two words one Strange Case the other one f one goes with vocabulary important the other goes with grammar exam important let us start with the word strange strange uh which part of speech is it strange Behavior strange person it is
An adjective means means different generally we say we use we follow the British English and we use a word strange but Americans don’t use a word strange they use a word weird huh weird you can also use a word odd you can also use the word abnormal not normal abnormal
There are so many words but based on the context the usage the meaning subtle changes you can think of but uh strange common for us weird common for those people exactly let us go to the second one why is it important here what is a first
Letter F is a first letter it is a consonantal letter you have to if you go with school knowledge School grammar knowledge you may think consonantal letter increase the volume I think it is I have a bad throat wiod uh my today I may sound this way
You have to put up with it the reason being I have a sore throat but others is any audio problem I want others to respond ah where good Sur I appreciate that audio is any problem am I audible WESH also says the same thing I want others also to respond then
I have to change the whole settings no okay sir no audio problem please check uh audio is clear ah if few students say audio is clear there’s a problem at your end those two students not at my end I may sound a little different because of
The sore throat cold and cough but audio is clear I suppose I appreciate those students and F you may wonder why should we use an how do you pronounce this letter f e sound is there that’s a w sound so an F as a smart learner you have to recollect other important
Examples an MP already someone has written they have given these many times so I’m writing an MLA and SP and xray these are important so far they have not given but nothing wrong in recollecting an LLB student and L plate all these you have to H very
Good I appreciate that warun and some more students have responded that’s wonderful so it says it’s not a case at all what is not a case a case against news click on to substantiate that on the strange case of a terrorism F without a terrorist act F based on
Terrorism case of a terrorism without a terrorist act based on that it is definitely no problem better late than never anusia uh without a terrorist act so it is not a case at all the case Flags a disturbing Trend flag we have got so many times flag as a
Noun everyone knows but as a verb what does it mean we have got many a Time good evening flag it has two meanings one meaning to Mark something as important or to tell or warn people about something that it is important or it is not uh it is harmful flag
Something the case Flags a disturbing Trend what is a disturbing Trend the present regime’s propensity to misuse anti-terror laws and invoke National Security sentiment to undermine individual and media rights there are so many words I have underlined four words but some words are familiar what is the meaning of the word regime present
Government at the center present government and in the dictionary they may give usually authoritative need not be all the time and propensity we have got a few times part of speech noun tendency to behave in a particular way tendency to behave in a particular way or tendency to go in a
Particular direction propensity means there’s a possibility to misuse anti-terror this again an important expression exam point of view a n TI means what against a n te means what before you got to be very careful with these two anti- submarine missile means against the submarine anti-al natal means related to
Birth when we see anti-natal it means what before birth this is an important expression you have to know post natal after after birth you have to recollect the present regime’s propensity to misuse anti-terror laws and in work in work also we have got many of time part of speech verb it has
Two or three meanings one meaning it mean it goes with religion but in this context one meaning to use a law to use a particular law to achieve a particular objective one meaning invoke also means to say something to substantiate or defend or to support whatever you have said so another meaning
Invoke here invoke National Security sentiment means bring into the picture National Security sentiment to undermine undermine again an important word we have got many of time what does it mean undermine a weekend but here you have to know it is a verb it’s a regular verb
And weeken you have to recollect weak a separate different word and also weak a different word but what is the verb here weeken weeken means make someone weak undermine individual and media rights exactly na do now what is this F at this stage I would like to give uh
Clarification today we got two editorials one editorial related to the case and the second editorial related to GST Indian economy now students May Wonder Master always says economy an important Dimension how come he hasn’t brought that editorial how come he has brought this one remember all these sessions are from Proficiency in English
Point of view that is based more on data data easy to understand no special comprehension skill is required only memory we have to focus on the facts and figures but this is for two reasons why I have brought though I did last week one vocabulary point of view second
Enrichment point of view there’s so there are so many dimensions you can learn which are important from the exam point of view do remember every editorial from English proficient proficiency point of view nothing more nothing less so proficiency point of view this is a better editorial the F registered by the deli
Police against prash y different name bashta the founder of news click and others is a w amalgam there are two words one is an easy word what is a part of speech of WG you can make out from the combination adjective vag means what not clear you can also think of words like
Uh H fragile is also a good word delicate not clear ambiguous obscure all these words you have to recollect amalgam we have got for the first time in the recent past part of speech noun I feel better but not completely fit still I saw a little different but I
Can manage not be a problem and thanks for asking amalgam collection of collection of different things amalgamation the noun form amalgamation an important word amalgam same meaning collection of different things then we use the term amalgam amalgamation wag amalgam of sweeping accusations you all know the word
Accusation we have got so many times but you have to quickly recollect the related word synonym allegation but there’s one word here sweeping some students May Wonder part of speech adjective generally the word sweep it is a verb and it goes with what is the related noun you have to think of broomstick
We use a broomstick to sweep the room but here it is not that meaning sweeping here means I’ll give the combination he made a sweeping statement here sweeping means broad one meaning General another meaning broad or general sweeping accusations broad amalgamation is different merge is different who is that Pani I’m sorry merge
Means to combine in English we have words we have meanings we have combinations amalgamation goes with usually things different things different ideas merge goes with companies firms imagine two two companies get merged means they combine that’s a different meaning all together it does not go with this
Context I hope you got it sweeping accusations that do not actually disclose any offense they made a broad accusation to General and uh these accusations do not disclose present tense negative form disclose we have got many of time means what part of speech verb disclose to reveal to make
Public goes with Secrets information don’t disclose the secret don’t reveal the secret a secret don’t make it public any offense leave alone one of terrorism this is an important expression you have to remember the sweeping accusations do not actually disclose any offense leave alone one of terrorism means what forget
About terrorism Act of terrorism the accusations do not disclose any offense leave alone one of terrorism that comes at a later stage an important expression means no offense as such forget about one of terrorism ignore one of terrorism no of offense as such now let the cat out of back without sighting
Sight also we have got many of time but you have to recollect site site site s you have to recollect the word plot plot has two different meanings one goes with the land other goes with movie what is a plot of the movie a different meaning both you have to recollect uh
Without Sans who is that Anisha very good without citing any published content the F alleges verb form offenses range from a conspiracy to undermine conspiracy part of speech known you plan something to harm someone or to damage something it is a conspiracy usually it goes with conspiracy goes with
Terrorists in this context conspiracy to undermine weaken the country’s security to disrupting the 2019 parliamentary polls there’s a range and talking about the range the Spectrum one undermining the country security and the other disrupting the 2019 parliamentary polls from causing dis affection against the government to disrupting essential
Services all these talk about different dimensions but there’s one important word disrupt part of speech wor disrupt means what to interrupt usually it goes with Services Supply Chain coid time they would use this quite often disruption of essential Services disruption of Supply chains means what Interruption collapse damage yes
It invokes provisions of the here use a law to achieve a particular objective invoke an important word we have got many of time invokes provisions of the unlawful activities prevention act uapa and penal Provisions relating to conspiracy and promoting enemity between different groups all these are part of
The allegations and using or invoking a particular law or act which which one is it unlawful activi is a prevention act but there’s one important word here this is important because spelling you got to be careful enity we don’t say enity so people may think I should be there but what is the
Spelling here n m i t t y enm but how do what do you say enemity and here there’s one important word antagonistic also hostile hostile enemity antagonistic attitude they all are important words synonyms quite notably something important it does not mention present tense negative form again important from
The exam point of view though an easy one it goes with common errors a lot of people say he don’t know he don’t know that is this sentence right or wrong this Discord bone of contention loggerheads apple of discord very good he don’t know that he don’t know
Anything he don’t know how to drive wrong it’s a common error present tense negative form subject third person singular we have to say does not he doesn’t know that so that you have to recollect it does not mention any a overt open what is opposite covert secretive both both the words are
Important ah good it is wrong we have to say does not that any overt act that may be described as unlawful activity or a terrorist act it does not mention any act openly that can be described as unlawful activity or a terrorist act may be described we may describe something some
Something may be described active voice or passive voice passive voice there is a general description that foreign funds were infus infused pumped in infused also we have got many time pumpin infused it’s a medical term infusions in medical term but here pumpkin there is a general description that foreign funds were infused
Illegally into India by forces inimical an important word we have got for the first time enemal part of speech adjective means harmful enemal means what harmful but harmful you have to think of one word delerious delerious also means a harmful harmful we also use the word toxic but toxic goes with fumes toxic
Gases gases also means what harmful that is English we have words with the same meaning but based on the based on the context we use appropriate word and that subtle differences those subtle differences one has to know forces inimical to the country with the objective of causing disaffection against the government
Means creating bad ideas against the government disrupting the sovereignity sovereignity we have got many of time politically independent not controlled by any other country and territor Integrity of India Integrity everyone knows when we talk about India we talk about National Integrity but I want you guys to learn one important idiomatic
Expression he is a man of integrity what does it mean ah detrimental very good who is that one more word nagendra very good I appreciate that Del I detrimental toxic inimical here man of integrity means honest person someone is honest someone with values someone with ethics and territorial Integrity of
India and threatening its unity and security it refers to a conspiracy again conspiracy theory based on purported purported also we have got many of time part of speech as such a ver but in this context adjective something appears to be true something appears to be true but may not be but may not
Be true uh mince the words don’t mince the words we usually say it refers to a conspiracy based on perfored email exchang exchanges to show arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir as nonp part of India and also moves to protract here protract means project the farmers agitation of 2021 and thereby disrupt
Supply of services and other essential supplies as I said disrupt goes with services and supplies that is the first part of the editorial second part of the editorial overall it is quite clear again you have to recollect uh quite means what very part of speech adjective quite big it could also be
Adverb quite big means what very big there’s another word spelling is different so is a pronun iation quiet quiet is also adjective quiet means what calm but H one more word who is that Sur I appreciate quit usually I don’t consider that but today I would like to
Consider usually I take quiet quiet one more word quit to give up but when it comes to quiet calm you have to recollect import important words Placid tranquil Serene Placid Lake Serene Place tranquil Place Tranquility non form Tranquility could be mental physical external physical and internal mental here peace is required
Tranquility all important words overall it is quite clear that the police are combining the remittances money deposited by American businessman n Roy singam in news click with its journalistic content to build a case that Chinese funds are being used for propaganda publicity fermenting unlawful activities and undermining the country’s security there’s one important
Word I think we have got for the first time part of speech verb means simple word provoke better word instigate instigate also stir up stup has many meanings in this context quent warun very good I appreciate that peace Sober Sober has a different connotation some people they drink a lot
After drinking they don’t get intoxicated they behave normally then we say sober it goes with that context the uapa is also conducive condusive means what a positive atmosphere positive situation that makes something happen the situation is not condusive the atmosphere is not conducive the place is not conducive I
Feel better Nish thank you very much not completely fit but much better one or two days should not be a problem I’m already in action the uapa is also conduced to such misuse as its widely defined terms can be as easily help criminalize people for Thought
Crimes as for their acts there are two types of crimes uh today based on this editorial thought crimes the other one we all know based on someone’s Acts or actions what are thought crimes is a question when we go to questions you have to answer the resort to uapa Resort again an important
Word answer my question which part of speech is it I will do that sure Resort noun summer Resort Winter Resort I’m sure you all know but Resort can also be a verb look at this example they have resorted to violins they have resorted to violence means what they have taken up violence
They have indulged in violence another important uh as a word a different meaning the resort to uapa in this context it goes with the second meaning not the first meaning mind you is also a tactical Aid tactical means what tactics using here tactical Aid means Adroid planning Adroid again an important word
Here I would like to give the word adapt adapt means what if I say adapted driver what does it mean skilled driver Paradise Resort H that is Aid means help the resort to uapa is also a tactical Aid clever Aid you can say to prolong prolong extend prolong means what extend
The incarceration an important word we have got a few times last time also I think we got this word incarceration part of speech noun means what imprison or imprisonment proess you that’s also a good word expertise skill press all the words good warun I appreciate that incarceration means
What imprisonment and last time also I gave one word dangan do you remember danian part of speech noun underground prison underground cell underground room for imprisonment we Old English now we don’t use this D and all in the past they would keep the Prisoners the culprits in the
Dunans the resort to uapa is also a tactical Aid to prolong the incarceration of desent denters descent we have got many of time a particular group opposes the government or within the party there’s a group it opposes the party policies then we say descent there is a descent and those people are called
Denters and the disfavored and send out a chilling message last time they used chilling message chilling means what causing fear intimidating to The Wider media of fraternity fraternity means Brotherhood it goes with a particular profession Brotherhood fashion fraternity media fraternity it fraternity Brotherhood all together there’s also the likely electoral
Spin-off means advantage in its potential for the ruling BJP to milk the Chinese conspiracy here to milk means to extract the Chinese conspiracy theory in the runup to the loab polls runup also we have got many of time means what the time period before an important event the time period before an
Important event run up run up to the loab polls a related question is whether the alleged creation of shell companies by two telecom companies does not Merit more than a casual mention in an unrelated F and warrant a separate probe into these Condes for funding Terror a lengthy sentence but it talks
About what related question whether the alleged creation of shell companies by two telecom companies does not Merit more than a casual mention again present negative expression casual mention in an unrelated F to substantiate the case and warrant in this context warrant means demand a separate probe separate you got to be careful with
Spelling probe means investigation into these conduit for funding Terror last week we got the word conduit conduit in this context actually it means a pipe in this context channel for funding Terror in mentioning that a lawyer was among those who helped create a legal Network for those companies defense companies a plural
Noun ending in the letter s then we have to use the apostrophy after the letter s immediately you have to recollect the police seem to be considering criminalizing Legal Services completely against the government the case Flags a disturbing Trend the main idea is being reiterated what is a disturbing Trend
The present regime’s a propensity to misuse anti-terror laws and invoke National Security sentiment to undermine individual and media rights main idea is being reiterated and before we go to the practice questions I’m offering four courses on online courses one is grammar course please go through later there’s
An offer 33% then essay course for upsc civil services Mains exam and English for banks old batch not a new batch recorded existing batch I would like to reiterate recorded existing batch not a new batch General English Foundation course again recorded and if you’re interested do spend some time after the session not
Now now we’ll go to questions based on oh I could not change these questions I’m extremely sorry uh those slides let us go to practice questions based on error location read the first one and try to spot the error beyond the macro resilience that these numbers indicate few areas of
Concern deserve closer scrutiny from policy makers and the GST Council try to answer I have brought error location questions par jumble and also close test not uh different editorial new context unfamiliar context so a bit challenging who is this warun says a few first one to respond and go it
Right why should we use a few why not few whenever you come across few and little meaning wise no difference few goes with a countable noun little uncountable noun few means what hardly anything or almost nothing it has a negative connotation hardly anything or almost nothing then you have to recollect a few
A few means what at least some then the few the few means whatever is there whatever is there or something specific something specific here if I say beyond the macro resilience withstanding ability that these numbers indicate few areas of concern deserve closer scrutiny it does not make any
Sense we have to say a few areas means what at least some areas of concern deserve closer scrutiny a few correct very good question number two moreover e invoicing became mandatory for all firms with a turnover of over 5 cror since August 1st so there was another compliance push at
Work today out of five questions two questions are very difficult quite challenging if you get all the five correct you should be happy Haria says fifth option no error okay let others also respond here what happens this is an important question you got to listen carefully quite challenging whenever I tell students
Whenever you come across since for as prepositions you have to think of two tenses one present perfect tense the other one present perfect continuous tense excuse me based on that here many students may think became is not correct has become is correct no here since August first
Does not go with the verb here the subject e invoicing it goes with firms firms with a turnover of over 5 cror since August 1st excuse me here since August first goes with firms firms with a turnover of over 5 CR since August 1 and uh there are two Clauses invoicing became
Mandatory it is in past so there was another compliance push at work there was another compliance push past this is also past and since has nothing to do with the verb became sure I will do that that means what the whole context context goes into the
Past when the context goes into the past you need to use verbs in past based on that answer is no error what is the answer here no error not easy to answer because Under Pressure the moment you see since August 1 you may think it goes with e invoicing
Has become mandatory since August 1 no e invoicing became mandatory for all firms with a turnover of over 5 CR since August 1st ah this is a challenging question in my opinion higher level next one please read this is also challenging distilling these effects are necessary to gauge the extent of growth
That stemmed from actual consumption and production of picks wut Kiran first one to respond says ease after that warun also what is a subject here distilling is a subject distilling what these effects a phrase put it in Brackets distilling is necessary to gauge the extent of growth
Based on that here we cannot say are we have to say is it is based on subject verb agreement question number four is also quite challenging please read very carefully that a record of 9.34 CR eway bills generated during August did not translate into the highest ever revenues
May suggest that transaction sizes have shrunk for instance if the word ing form used as a gerant of obviously who is that nages you’re right please read question number four har prya says no error manasa also says no error oh surprising answer is no error but not easy to
Answer that record 9.34 CR eway bills generated during August did not translate something did not translate all these words in place of subject considered subject something did not translate into the highest ever revenues that may suggest that transaction sizes have shrunk sizes have shrunk for instance
That usually we don’t close that way for example but they have written that way no error grammatically contextually please go to question number five a short sentence an easy one should not be that difficult another puzzling trend is seen in revenues from Goods Imports that have sh
That shrank four times this year perhaps this is also challenging though for those who are not good at English yes vun it is challenging that’s why I said today if you get all the five correct be happy today is your day on what basis Har prya have shrunk here another puzzling puzzling
Trend is seen in revenues oh I given the hint okay from Goods Imports that shrank there’s a clue for you what is a clue this year this year or if you take uh this month or today all these complete or incomplete incomplete because there is a Time phrase that indicates an incomplete time
Period we have to use present perfect tense not past tense based on that here this this is one Clause another puzzling trend is seen where in revenues from Goods Imports revenues is in the plural form revenues that have shrink shrank shrunk not has have why the second Clause is about
Revenues from Goods Imports a phrase put it in Brackets revenues have shrunk four times this year that is the correct sentence let us go to this is about uh an important law in the US in the state of California there are so many parts and
Had to reduce a fond size I hope you can make out unfamiliar context you got to be careful but try elimination approach us discrimination laws ban ancestry discrimination though they do not explicitly mention a Prohibition on castism potential minus five who is this nages that’s a nice joke californ your
Governor seems to be you can hold a you can hold B would have become had Newton signed the those two form a pair cannot be the first citing existing laws there’s no subject cannot be the first one new sus VTO is a big setback possible but what is this about it is all
About B is the first one California governor Gavin Nome on Saturday VTO a bill passed recently by the state legislature to explicitly ban cast discrimination incomplete he has banned or he has weo a bill there should be some reason so second sentence should talk about the reason what is the reason citing
Existing laws that already prohibit ancestry discrimination which made the bill unnecessary already there’s a law it deals with ancestry discrimination so this is not required he must have thought BD one pair obviously then the writer wants to say had he signed what would have happened that is a past
Conditional past conditional if Clause past past perfect tense main Clause would Plus have Plus were past participle but if you drop the word if past perfect should be in interrogative form based on that had Nome signed the bill officially called Senate Bill 403 or sb43 California would have become the
First ever US state to explicitly ban cast discrimination cast discrimination So based on that what is uh the third one and what is uh fourth one fc1 pair and what is the impact of this decision new some’s veto is a big setback for activists who had been advocating for the
Legislation and then a general statement us discrimination laws ban ancestry discrimination though they do not explicitly mention a Prohibition on castism EA this is the correct order if you have got it right be happy now let us go to this is from the other editorial unfamiliar context it is all
About the ouer of the speaker House of Representative speaker meari read look at the blanks understand the the context choose the appropriate word use your grammar knowledge but not uh deliberately try to understand the context based on the context choose the correct word that is objective of this exercise the
Surprise what is the first word the surprise C very good the surprise a not Oster it is C the surprise out of US House of Representative speaker Kevin McCarthy from the top post of the lawyer chamber of Congress has once again left the Republican Party exposed as a
Collective here you can use your grammar knowledge if you wish to collective noun before that you need an adjective but that is not the right approach here it talks about some division based on that what is the word you have to ask yourself tenure ensuing audious ironically fractured so what is the
Answer here fractured Collective divided Collective fractured Collective no second one is f f is the answer Anusha has got it right others haven’t got it right the of Mr meari the first ever speaker in US history to be from the chair came to an end here this is a
Clause of Mr mechari came to an end what came to an end his tenure came to an end based on that the tenure of Mr mcari came to an end that’s what you have to understand but there’s a clause here the first ever speaker in US US History to be to be
What fourth one you have to answer the fourth one g to be ejected from the chair here G is the answer to be ejected from the chair came to an end after Florida Congressman Matt Jes invoked a relatively rarely used Clause called a motion to Wick it which was a concession
Made by Mr C he himself initiated something he fell a victim and then we use a term ironically which was ironically a concession which was I’m sorry which was oh yes you could use ironically a concession made by Mr McCarthy to his Republican opponents to win them over during his campaign what
Sort of campaign putting in a lot of effort then what is the word RDS campaign sixth blank no five it is ironically six it is audious campaign means putting in a lot of effort campaign to be speaker in early 2023 and what is the last one what are
You left with the ensuing vote saw sharti a lawmaker from California defeated by 216 votes against 210 that supported his continu as Speaker that’s it that’s all for today and tomorrow I will get more exercises today in fact questions I could not uh bring the questions based on the
Editorial lack of time and uh I hope you guys have got enriched thanks for being with me till the fend of the session do remember to subscribe and share and on the other channel mutis IAS every day I’m giving one writing tip and these tips go with writing skill they
Also go with exam point of view common errors do have a look go to mti’s Eyes Only 5 minutes 6 minutes you don’t lose anything but you will definitely learn something thank you thank you very much and do watch that video familiar one still you can consolidate every day one
Tip related to writing and these tips will be useful when it comes to your bank’s uh descriptive paper thank you very much thank you sure thank you