Hey Justice League what’s happening folks how are you it’s Friday it’s October 6 I’m here it’s almost it’s just past a quarter to noon so I’m not too late I just set up my little live to start at 10 11:45 and it’s 11:47 so I’m here I’m
With you I don’t see if anyone is here with me um let’s see what second I got to clear out my thing and I’m all on load I’m G to just shrivel up and fade away so speaking of which Please Subscribe and uh share the video
With your friends if you like it and ring your notification Bell if you like to be notified when I surprise you excuse me surprise you with a live pixie nickers and CB how are you guys so shriveling up and dying it’s not going to happen I hope knock on
Wood but my analytic showed that I’ve lost 13 Subs in the last 28 days and I don’t really watch for stuff like that but I’m like I I know like ARA was somebody who told me that she found that she was unsubbed and she had not done that so um let’s see
Just texting one of my um one of my mods so Susan DOD Sunset salty good morning good morning my lovelies so CB are you if you want to share if you’re male or female I was going to say look at us it’s all of us ladies here it’s ladies morning um and
Don’t I look like such a lady with my hair up and my necklace and my boat neck dress such a grown-up I’m trying to do the adult thing so you know I come on to my lives in the middle of my workday so sometimes I’m dressed down sometimes I’m
Dressed up but just so long as I’m dressed that’s all I worry about seriously you know I always make sure that I have P it’s always good to have a balance right um so let’s see the like button also helps with the algorithm so you know it’s all about algorithms and I try
Not to worry about it because I’m just so happy to have my channel it’s not a source of income for me but it’s a source of a wonderful creative outlet and um social contact really I mean it’s just amazing to feel like I have my own little tribe my little Justice League
Right so hey Shan good morning to you and thank you guys so much for helping me build this Justice League so I don’t care if I’m losing Subs because people are like oh I’m not into this channel anymore like that’s cool if you want to unsub you know thanks for subbing in the
First place thanks for checking it out you know not going to be everybody’s cup of tea for sure but when people are getting unsubbed because uh maybe I’m covering a case that might have some criminal uh wrongdoing with somebody who’s part of a family that has a whole
Lot of power and control in the company of YouTube that pisses me off because Justice I don’t care whose family you’re in if you wronged somebody criminally if you took somebody’s life especially you need to be processed through our Judicial System you need to be punished
You need to be held accountable and we all know the case that I’m talking about right squirrels um so yesterday I was hitting hard on this case and I was buffering and I don’t usually buffer my lighting was not dim that’s one thing I’ve noticed that will uh Inspire the buffering but I
Thought oh isn’t that interesting it seems like when I talk about these things there were actually pieces of it that were missing when I reviewed it you guys and they were pieces of the Kylie Rodney case so I would recommend if you’re interested in that watching that video from yesterday and looking right
Where it buffers hey Mark um and let’s see Susan Dodge pixie nickers cheers Jazz Shan pixie oh you’re not late Mark you are right on time we were not gonna start without you don’t worry I haven’t even done my disclaimer yet I’m about to do that but I’m getting
Distracted by all the bells and whistles and squirrels and shiny things right um let’s see just Curt seed oh how cute that’s a word you don’t hear too often these days and it’s just so nice everybody saying hello to each other was I buffering a couple minutes ago Susan
Dodge was it when I was talking about that case and those people that have a large ownership in YouTube could it be wow and so it’s interesting things that the algorithm will um support and promote and the things that the algorithm will try to squash and rub out
Right super interesting so I just uh caught the most recent CCTV I love that woman I love that she lives right there and that she’s so brave to do these things when she’s been followed in her car she’s had some weird things going on yes hit that like button
Okay let me drink some coffee and uh try to see if I have any thoughts in my head just kidding of course I do it’s just that Friday the end of the week is when I’m the most tired but I think I’ve got it in me I think I’m on
I’m all excited to be here so I’ll do my disclaimer statement quickly everything I say is simply my opinion simply for the sake of conversation always hoping to open up a discussion and to learn something and to be educational my videos are all made specifically for YouTube YouTube is an entertainment
Platform so we all know this we are all YouTubers or tubers or whatever you want to call us internet sleuths armchair detectives conspiracy theorists right that’s us so yes happy Friday you guys and more coffee I think I’m almost done with my giant mug hold on one
Sec getting closer and yes I still have my amazing uh van go bottle that I was showing off yesterday for people that weren’t here yesterday that didn’t get to see it um Kevin had a video about Kylie yesterday he mentioned the Hamburglar by Hamburglar name you know I
Also was thinking about um the Idaho for case and the whole theme with the Kings and the queens and isn’t it interesting that you got BK you know the criminal defendant you also have BK the guy who was swatted and then you also have BK the place that serves Burgers that’s like
Royalty so what is up with that talk about conspiracies if finish this so I can move on to my water and get my get my squirrel squad on so yeah I haven’t caught Kevin’s video that’s good to know I did catch Mark’s lives from what was it the day before yesterday I caught
Them finally yesterday today’s the day I stopped drinking soda and cutting all hfc’s out of my diet completely I don’t even know what hfc’s are girl um so far so good replaced my habits with green tea lemon no sugar nothing but veggies and nuts so far today that is fantastic that is
Absolutely admirable and inspiring do you drink your coffee black mist Jazz no way man I put a lot of moo in it um I’m heavy on the half and half and I’ve tried other things you know like soy milk and coconut milk and almond milk
And oat milk and half and half it’s like my one addiction that I’m I’m just I’ve learned the hard way like don’t mess with it just let it be it’s okay to have one good strong Vice right but I try to be done see I have
Four minutes I try to be done with any coffee consumption by noon and then just stick with my water once my coffee’s done over you know usually I’m done with it pretty early but over the course of the day if I’m tired if I feel like I need caffeine boost I’ll do um
Caffeinated tea iced tea I try not to put sugar in my tea but I do sometimes put honey in my tea but I will try to just drink it black the iced tea anyway I’ll try to do with the unsweetened iced tea should we get on with the show or
Should we just talk about diet and stuff oh high fruit toast corn syrup thank you sunset high fructose corn syrup squirrels thank you see I call it high fructose corn syrup not usually the hfcs but you know it’s just good to stay away from processed foods it’s certainly
Good to stay away from sugar even sugar that’s not processed so even things like oranges and apples and bananas and pineapple you got to be careful with all sugar you know potatoes rice pasta bread all of the carbohydrates break down right into sugar and it’s all about your
Glycolic index so I learned that when I had just stational diabetes with one of my pregnancies and the glycolic index is what keeps you healthy or makes you feel lousy um you know that’s just kind of leveling your sugar so that you’re not spiking and dropping and that’s why you
Want to eat protein high protein and you want to eat fat high fat so you know like things like half and half and butter and sour cream um you know those are arguably not so healthy but in general fat stabilizes your glycolic index much the same way
Protein does and you know we won’t go on and on about the nutrition just eat your freaking protein and watch your sugar and every single time you eat whether it’s a snack or a meal you should always have protein every single time for that reason for the glycolic index it’ll just
Make you have a better day and I always like to say with with exercise and with good nutrition you don’t have to be um no matter where you’re at healthwise no matter how healthy or unhealthy you are it’s not a delayed gratification it’s immediate you feel it immediately like
Right here right now so just do it and trust me please for that because you’ll feel so good I mean sleep too your hydration your sleep um any type of exercise any any any and um just good nutrition and you can rock right now in the moment so I
Know it can be intimidating daunting overwhelming and and it can seem like well if I start now you know maybe I’ll feel good in a couple of months no you’ll feel good right now seriously okay on with the show where are we at we’re already like 12 minutes in we
Haven’t talked much about cases yet so just touching on Idaho touching on Kylie um so let’s talk more about those of course let’s talk about Maui let’s continue our discussion about Suzanne morphew um there’s a lot of great videos coming out on all of these cases but
It’s also phenomenal in my opinion to go back sometimes to the early videos especially the early press conferences the early news releases always going back to where you started because hindsight’s 2020 so if it’s been a year if it’s been a few years it’s amazing the things that you
See now looking at the same things that you looked at then that you of course couldn’t see without that hindsight so Mrs Amir hello hello did you see speaks fan holding on ID 4 I did man he was rocking it so yesterday Shan um I know you were here yesterday but I
Had said when I was in my video I said that he had just dropped a new one seven or so hours ago I didn’t have a chance to watch it yet I watched it as soon as I could and it was so good so good I
Just like he just hit it out of the ballpark and you know I agree with him I I hope that he is incorrect I hope that I’m incorrect In agreeing with them but that was my fear in the beginning was that an Taylor is employed in this whole group of people
Like she’s not going to turn against them is she I mean you never know you never know sometimes people in these corrupt systems can get sick of it and yes they sometimes will turn on the corruption um you know they’ll flip and maybe she’ll flip who knows but that’s his concern is
That she not going to and you know he does a really good job breaking down some of the legalities that really go over my head it’s very hard to understand but um you know when they waved his right to a speedy not a speedy trial but the um preliminary hearing right that didn’t
Postpone the preliminary hearing that took it off the table so as we know because then they did the whole grand jury injunction crap you know the surprise grand jury like usually if you’re going to do a grand jury you do that much earlier so that was crooked too um so
Yeah it’s always best to get a private attorney and yes that costs a lot of money but in a high-profile case like this there are very welltoo attorneys who already have so much money and really it’s an investment in their in their name and their brand and their
Career to take a high-profile case even if they lose that it it raises their profile so it’s good for their career it’s really good for their ego too um especially if they win but even if they don’t win um and it’s a great way to write a to get a multi-million dollar
Book deal so you know that’s the way lawyers think they’re they’re business people I mean I think a lot of them and I’ve known a lot lot of lawyers over the years A lot of them go to law school because they want social change and they want Justice and that’s where their
Heart is and then they quickly get very jaded about the system because the system is broken for lack of a better term and then it quickly just becomes um like any other line of work you know the mundane the day in the day out and they lose
Sight of the Social Justice and um raising awareness and creating positive change but that’s the foundation of law school that’s the foundation of getting into being a lawyer is social change the way you make changes is by suing people and when people have to pay lots of money then they change things
You know like I mean just a simple example is like McDonald’s when that older woman um had the third degree burns on her lap from the hot coffee and then we’ve all been served lukewarm coffee ever since um you know I mean I’m making light of it but like let’s say
The um those things where the kids dive into those ball pits and those seem like lots of fun but they’re also dangerous for many reasons um inappropriate contact intentional inappropriate contact and for germs so there’s been a lot of lawsuits about those ball pits a lot of people have gotten very sick and
They have to sterilize them and a lot of places just quit having them because the lawsuits and the liability but that’s a good thing I mean yeah the ball pits are fun but I know that my kids got really sick in a ball pit and that was the last time we ever
Did that so yeah back to the speaks fan holding it was awesome what did you you guys think he nailed it yes he did he hit that out of the ballpark and he even showed his name you guys he showed his computer screen with his name I won’t say what it is because
I’m not going to dox him but I hope that I think he did it intentionally and I I don’t know why I think that maybe he wants people to Google him U maybe to find out more about him right Shan did you Google him yet I bet you
Did oh pixie nickers you’re so sweet thank you are you talking to me love your show the love is mutual sweetie and it’s so cool that I know what you look like because I had no idea oh wait pixie the noise are you different than pixie the
Knickers or is it did you change your name Poise the noise I’m all crosseyed Poise the noise so I was thinking that was pixie nickers I was just glancing at it and uh welcome I have not seen you before you’re pixie nickers she’s here too right um anyway welcome welcome
Jumping on late hey beex what’s happening hey everyone hope I didn’t miss much and um squirrels let’s see do anybody want to make any comments about the speaks van holding or should we move on I do have a lot of notes but I also am really happy to not be too rushed
Today so um you know we can probably go for another hour and 10 or so and you know if I have to take a bathroom break I’ll just do that because I’m kind of an old lady when it comes to that well I Stay Well hydrated so when you are well hydrated
The problem is you have to use the head every 60 minutes or so so that’s uh a good indication that you’re well hydrated is if you’re going every hour anyway um always look forward to your show well thank you dear here that’s awesome Poise the noise that’s a very
Interesting handle okay yeah squirrel’s on fire I don’t think it’s his real name or he’s smart in hiding his background but yes yes I did um did you you saw it but did you Google it because I was I wrote it down I was going to Google it hope it was an alias
On his screen well he’s a smart man so if it wasn’t an alias he wants his name out there is what I thought like I mean there was no reason to do that right I’m all for chatting Idaho for Maui Kylie or anything yes you know any case that
Needs some light shined on it to ensure Justice is something that I will make time for that’s my priority so you know I do hyperfocus the cases that I get involved in I get very passionate about and I have the bandwidth for new cases I have the bandwidth for new
Channels even though I I too am overwhelmed with trying to keep up with all the channels that I love um and I just try to stay focused on the channels that I love I’ve mentioned this before sometimes I try to keep up with channels that I know like just so I know what’s
Going on in that land but um that’s hard to do and and I like the positive vibes so I don’t want to be paying attention to something that I don’t like but I wanted to talk about the algorithm because there was this new channel that the algorithm was pushing I might not
Have even written it down I’ll put it in the um again I have my three notebooks I confess um so it was this channel that I’d never heard of that was doing a 40 minute um show about the Maui fires and it was kind of seemed like it was going for the
Hype about the uh 2,000 children allegedly missing and you know the algorithm kept pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and I was like I’m not watching that and finally I broke down and I did watch it I thought I wrote down the name so that I could um discuss
It with you guys but squirrel brain didn’t do it I just imagined that I did um anyway she this younger content creator actually did a really good job breaking down the whole um situation over there in Maui so like I said I will share it in the um description of the video um
But I just think it’s interesting how the YouTube decides what to push and what to squelch um bubbly Waters is a channel that I really like and have I am challenged to keep up with her because she goes a mile a minute um she did one overnight that was just creepy AF she
Nailed it and I’ll put the link to that also but you know talking about I think she has like screenshots of a conversation that some guys some Frat Boys were having in a public forum and they were talking about lives that seemed like they were the ex type of lives
With the fraternities the sororities you know long the only fans kind of theme and that these lives were on YouTube and that they were circulating and I’m just like this can’t be true but maybe it is I mean what is that woman’s name Bethany Frank the one that was arrested for the child
Abuse the um the what is it packing eight kids in my van what’s the name of that um her and her cohort that was also arrested like those videos were very popular on YouTube she was very popular on YouTube and it was all kinds of child abuse in the content and all these
People watching it were reporting her for child abuse but what about YouTube like so they’re just so freaking hypocritical like they’re going to allow child abuse on their platform because it gets clicks and likes and it’s good for their advertising content and their U bottom line absolutely apparently so um
Unbelievable is that her name what is the freaking name I’ve tried ignoring that whole case because you know how I am about people that hurt children it’s like I was saying yesterday with bullies and um these tough guys that un alive their uh petite sweet women like Gabby petito or Suzanne
Morw um Kylie Rodney look at Zanna look at Kaye I mean whoever it is that’s taken the life of these people they’re beyond bullies but if you’re thinking that you’re some big freaking tough person like the old the old cliche pick on someone your own size and adults
Who perpetrate on children are just the sickest kind of creatures like children fight with children adults fight with adults I mean you know you you want to keep an even playing field I mean that’s just so disgusting it’s so obviously a sickness and a um just a really really
Disgusting it just makes me want to throw up um and same with Facebook squrl says yeah Facebook my goodness I think that might be more what bubbly Waters was talking about I think that might have been Facebook um with that thread that she was reading and it
It was fascinating you guys and it talked a lot about The Hazing too and you know I’ve thought we’ve all thought haven’t we that the um unal living of Kylie Rodney could have been some type of hazing type of thing and of course with the sororities and the fraternities
The whole Greek system thing over there in Idaho it’s always seemed like it’s a very high probability that there’s some type of hazing going on there certainly with all of the other fatalities in pman and Moscow um you know a high rate of accidental suicides as I like to
Say accidental self unal livings um it’s disgusting it’s absolutely disgusting but with um the Idaho 4 case I think that the perpose could have been getting Haze that they could have been basically dared to go in there and do and yes I said pers plural because I don’t think
It was one person the only way it could have been one person is if that person was a trained assassin that knew those people very well and knew the layout of the house very well and knew the dog too so dogs are a common theme in all of
These cases aren’t they Kylie had a dog k had a dog um let’s see Suzanne morphew no pets no pets and I remember back when the case was new that she really wanted to get a dog and her uh domestic partner her significant other her spouse would
Not allow it and it makes me think that this is the reason that he didn’t allow it is because he had this planned and he didn’t want the dog to he didn’t want to contend with the dog because that’s what a freaking piece of crap he is that he can’t
Even have a fair fight with a canine involved I mean he just wants to overpower and to be a God and just getting into that whole like kings and queen things you guys I think that that’s an element in trucky potentially with the popularity contest or wiping
Out the competition that um little Miss Sammy I think I Did It For My thumbnail on my video yesterday I called her princess scammy did I I was trying to catch up on my last three lives and do all the descriptions and the thumbnails and everything so it’s a little
Overwhelming and confusing last night but I got it done I think anyway I’m of all over the place more coffee okay um so yeah the uh let’s see what did I write down over here I wanted to focus on MC like what the heck is she doing in
True Crime that in and of itself same with SF them stumbling into the True Crime Community gives themselves away right there like so you’re in the True Crime Community what because you’re involved in some true crime like what are you doing here they gave themselves Away by
Stepping their foot into the True Crime Community they stepped right in it that’s sort of an old cliche of mine and my mom’s and maybe some of you use it to like it’s stepping in dog crap like they stepped right in it simply by stepping into the True Crime Community they
Stepped into the dog mess they completely outed themselves right there like if it wasn’t a crime they would have no need to even be thinking about the True Crime Community like who freaking cares about those whack jobs on the True Crime Community right um let’s see I just always thought streaming was
Limited there um try to catch up with you guys currently have redacted videos on pause about exposing trafficking and camps yeah that’s creepy AF because for all we know that’s what’s going on in trucky and Moscow and Maui right possibly packing eight kids in my
Van is that the name I know that’s not the name of it Ruby Frank has bat [Β __Β ] Bonkers her and her lesbian freak sidekick oh is the therapist I didn’t know that they were Partners I thought that she um was she’s married right she’s heterosexual allegedly Ruby Frank is but
Maybe the therapist is um woman identified squirrels eight passengers thank you right that’s the name of it so Ruby Frank and eight passengers and like I’ve said I’ve tried so hard to ignore the case but I have paid some attention to it um I think Jody hild de Brandt was
Trying to groom Ruby to the gay side and they they’re just really horrible people really horrible people and hurting children in order to go for that shock value to get clicks and likes and attention attention [Β __Β ] that’s what they are but aren’t they both in jail
Now what did they do to those kids unacceptable oh yeah unbelievable totally unbelievable and then like the guy who made the 911 call you know the initial call that really Set Fire to the case um if you’ve listened to that 911 call like he sounds sus a f like
Seriously and that’s the problem with these perss is they put all of these people into these bad lights and bad contexts and high-risk situations so for him to call 911 and say oh I have this 12-year-old boy that just showed up at my doorstep crying you know you
Immediately think dude what the hell are you doing with this 12-year-old boy who’s crying like you know looks like maybe there’s something Shady with you when honestly I don’t think there was but I’m just saying like with the Suzanne morphew case and her nextd door neighbor who was looking for her and
Then made the 911 call you know I don’t think she had shade thrown at her but maybe I mean maybe she got a lot of hate from The Ether from the internet but uh just the stress of her missing neighbor friend I mean they hung out they had
Coffee together they they had more than an acquaintance neighbor uh type of relationship connection they were friends they hung out so here her friend is missing and she’s the one making the 911 call it’s just disgusting so thanks you guys eight passengers Ruby Frank what a freaking
Nut yes she isn’t a true crime Channel but talks about True Crime all the time now oh is this um MC um I mean her channel is in the True Crime Community I mean if she’s talking about Kylie Rodney then she’s talking about true crime in my humble opinion
Truth for Kylie forever Mark yes hit that like button yes jod and Ruby are both locked up good thing hey Lori Meyers made it to a live but I watch every video on replay thank you so much that’s so sweet I’m just you know I’m very interested in what I have to say
And I’m just delighted that anybody else is interested in what I have to say so I’m not just an echo chamber so um so yeah let me look at my notes I’m trying to stay caught up with you guys simultaneously that’s always the challenge right um glad you made it Lori
Welcome Shanda I’m fan Girling right now love you to bits oh that’s so cute yeah Shan kick some boute girl she tears it up and she’s only five feet tall you don’t mind if I say that do you Shan because she said that on some of her shows you’re a little like
Uh small and mighty 5 feet tall and what probably 98 pounds soaking wet dang with a personality that’s like 12 feet tall right I mean I’m like 5 sish but I don’t know my personality is probably about five six um anyway yeah Shen’s incredible we love our squirrels so um let’s see
Trying to control the narrative with the true crime is what my opinion is of f SF investigates and MC kind of just dropping in to this whole um community of True Crime afficianados I mean we’re in it for various reasons some of us like myself love Justice and love to
Help and love puzz puzzles like I would love puzzles so to me that’s it’s like justice puzzles basically um you know some people like the gore and I think a lot of people that aren’t into True Crime think that that’s what true crime is and when I tell people about my
Channel the first thing I do is tell them the title of it and then they’re kind of like what I thought you said True Crime and it’s like yeah it’s all about Justice um you know it’s not about the gore at all like we don’t go there
We try to steer clear of that um it’s fascinating to see what makes people do things that are so Unthinkable in my opinion um and you know we learn about ourselves and you know I was in the situation I was in when I was 11 and somebody tried to poison me and
Nearly offed me and you know for those of you that don’t know it was with carbon monoxide and they played it off as an accident and it was not an accident but I was 11 and I believed them the police didn’t believe them the social worker at
The hospital didn’t believe them but I believed them until right around the 10y year anniversary when all of the sudden it like clicked so when I was 21 and I was like oh right never heard of carbon monoxide poisoning says The 40-Year-Old genius who works on his own car never heard of
It that was what gave him away that was what I mean the the social worker and the cop were already s f of him but when he said that was when they just about lost it like they just about freaking tackled him because they knew he was bald face lying
But he was so stupid in his genius brilliant mind that slipped out and that’s the thing with these MF perss is that they slip up and it’s these things that seem little and insignificant you know he just shouldn’t have said it if he didn’t say I’ve never heard of carbon monoxide poisoning they
Might not have held him for questioning for four days just saying anyway so that’s my issue and that’s why I like to focus on True Crime because I look at people like Scott Peterson I look at people like Barry morphew and I see this perpetrator that was um nurturing and kind and
Caring like 99.9% of the time except for when he lost his head completely and thought that was a good idea for a minute I mean he had ample opportunity after that that he never did anything like that again but um yeah I call it a momentary lapse of reason and the motivation could
Have been money there could have been life insurance that I don’t know about um could have been sex with he was trying to get back together with my mother and he was trying to get back together with a high school sweetheart simultaneously both of them you know
They were in different states so he thought he could play it maybe he thought he could toss his hat into both Arenas and get one of them but you know having kids was kind of a monkey wrench anyway I’ve exposed too much about my personal life but this is why I get
Really caught up in these cases because I really identify with somebody like lacy Peterson and Scott Peterson was a lot like this perpetrator that I’m speaking of and Barry morphew a lot like this perpetrator like carbon copy Scott Peterson’s kind of a carbon copy too except um aesthetically he’s very
Different looking but you know these these MFS they all have the tall dark and handsome thing going they all can sweet talk they’re all Charmers they’re all narcissists and they’re dumber than a box of rocks when it comes right down to it because the you know to do something
Like that is just so freaking stupid like get a life like you have so much going for you just do good like put one foot in front of the other and move forward but no they want to control people they want to um you know it’s all about power and control
So the s word the ex ex that I probably shouldn’t say that word that’s probably one of those buzzword on YouTube that Flags you um but that and money it’s all about power and control and that and money you know animal instincts so going back to that whole
King and Queen theme these people want to dominate people who commit crimes against others want to dominate that person because they don’t feel like they have any control in their own life because of their own Brokenness so they try to control other people and that is the ultimate psychological profile of
What makes a perpetrator dick so looking at these people like scammy is fascinating because you see these individuals that have every freaking thing going for them in the world and they still can’t figure it out right it’s pretty sad and it’s especially sad for the people that they
Hurt and they hurt a lot of people um let’s see where we at um no I’m muscular 145 pounds but yes five feet pocket sized I thought you were making a joke about U BK uh the athletic but not muscular do you work out do you like
Lift weights and do push-ups and stuff like that pull-ups those are hard um and how are you doing with um did you find some arnica yet anyway um yeah you’re brave to put your weight out there girl I would never do that I mean I only weigh 112 just
Kidding I mean Kylie was my height and she weighed 117 that is like ra thin holy smokes built low to the ground for Speed and accuracy love my Shan a and yeah I mean 145 is a great weight I’m sure you’re strong and healthy um it’s just that
Most of us chicks don’t want to put our weights out there in the uh public Arena I’m pocket size too that’s a cute way to say it I still hit the ground like a ton of bricks when I fall Dang Dang Dang Dang when you told
Us about your fall it hurt me too I felt that you know speaking of like perpetrators and all the dangers in the world it’s the things like that that are so dangerous and can really take us out we all need to be very careful I mean just falling when you’re
Doing housework you know falling when you’re on a ladder falling when you’re on the roof those things can be fatal or just slipping on your front steps or your back steps when you’re like bringing your groceries in or you’re trying to leave for work and it’s not even icy
It’s just wet or maybe it’s not even wet you just slipped those things can be fatal they can hurt you as much as a car accident can hurt you so be careful everybody not just just Shanda but um keep your arnica around it’s really really good for you um
So that whole thing about Megan crying about her kids not being at the party and just all of the videos that you Shan and ninja and um oh um Divine Justice AKA Mrs G Honeybadger um you know know why would she be crying about her kids not being
There and and sometimes she says that her kids were there in all of her blubbering and incoherent talking in circles um like she doesn’t even know what she’s saying she doesn’t even know what’s coming out of her mouth but the fact that she spends so much time and
Effort on it tells you everything you need to know in my humble opinion but um to to say a couple of things about yesterday Shan we were talking about uh scammy and her verbage that she slipped up with in her interview with Tony Dodge when she said um her location wasn’t
Exactly and then she stopped herself that location wasn’t exactly and I didn’t mention this one yesterday but I wrote it down to mention it today in the same context like these things need to be the basis the jumping off point of of a real interrogation with
Scammy what was she saying when she said her location wasn’t exactly or the other one that I’m sure you guys remember I have her completely huh I forgot what I was talking about let me play with my hair let me put it behind my ears I have her
Completely oh I’m so tired what was I saying I I just took a nap I have her completely like what the actual F that law enforcement didn’t jump on that and say girl you need to come down to the station what were you saying I have her
Completely that’s some crazy crap so we know that the law enforcement was in on it we know that they were protecting her and protecting the other people so I remembered what it was Shan that the thing that when I first got to know you and your channel um was with that uh bro
Your cheese has holes in it or something like that was the name of like you did like a little series bro there’s holes in your cheese so she for those of you that don’t know she was going over the Kylie Rodney case and she was um tearing it
Apart kind of disassembling it and putting back together with a different Spin and watching her uh content I pretty much agreed with everything she was saying except she had a new theory that scammy was taking the brunt of it to protect the grown-ups in the community not to
Protect the kids but to protect the grown-ups that she was volunteered or volunteered to do that for whatever reason and that it was really The Faults the um that the responsibility was with the older adults and that she was sticking her neck out and taking the heat because she thought
She could they thought she could whatever um and that was the one thing Shan that I thought you know okay I totally agree with everything Shan’s saying except I don’t think that I think it was her I think it was other kids but now over a year
Later I don’t know I don’t know I think that um yeah covering for Lindsay covering for the Neighbors the the ones that have a lot to do with this channel the ones that live up the hill the ones with the kid that she was hanging out with that night um yeah potentially
And I still I still don’t have the whole trafficking thing taken off the table either I’m still not solidly convinced that that was her with the autopsy that they didn’t do a DNA they didn’t do dental they didn’t do anything no ID just take my word for
It crazy absolutely crazy so um so yeah I think that the the one point back when I first was introduced to your content Shan the one thing that I thought we didn’t see eye to eye on at all I think it’s possible and even back then I thought it was possible I just
Didn’t think it was true and accurate but it’s quite possible and you know just like I say so much with the Idaho 4 and I say it just so much in life in general when you’re thinking is it this is it that maybe it’s this the answer is
Usually yes all of the above you know like if somebody’s having um self Haring ideation and they’re like well you know could it be stuff at work could it be stuff with my personal life could it be stuff with my childhood could it be because I feel fat you know yes the
Answer is usually all the above it’s all of those things so you know ‘s often a precipitating event or factor like somebody getting dumped or losing a job um but it’s usually everything so um with this situation trying to figure out what happened to our lovely Miz Kylie
Rodney it’s probably all the above it probably has a lot to do with the adults in town it probably has a lot to do with the boy she was hanging out with that night it probably has a lot to do with her ex it probably has a lot to do with
Any queen bees who felt threatened by her in her awesomeness um but yeah I’m glad we are talking a lot about uh the Kylie Rodney case at the first half of this let’s see we’re just at about 50 minutes I think that that’s all that I have in my notes about that for
Um Kylie for today if you guys don’t mind us Switching gears oh yesterday I said um I was talking about let’s shift gears to Idaho 4 I was talking about josco 1972 and that video that I did I think it was about four or six months
Ago where I compared the voice in that weird video where the person had their phone and was videotaping themselves talking into their black screen that’s josco 1972 um and I was comparing the voice to True Crime time and I was saying how the icon for that channel True Crime Time
Matches something in Brent kopaka’s profile it might have been his icon too something like that anyway I said True Crime design and I misspoke I me True Crime time so I put that in my description yesterday I apologize for the error but I’m also you know I think there’s a reason
That it happened because um in my video I talk about the True Crime Time voice and if you speed that one up or slow the josco down I forget which way it is but um not too much just like a02 five if you speed one up or slow one down they really
Sound like the same person and the True Crime Time and the josco 1972 both of those seem like they have way too much Insider information and I don’t think that either one of them are the criminal defendant I think that they’re somebody else so and maybe one
In the same I don’t know but that was the video that I put a link to my video in the description from yesterday when I made that video and and I titled it something like I think I may have found something and you know people really ran
With it a lot of people shared that video and I think um I don’t know I don’t know if I hit something or not but um anyway I I crossed my wires with those two channels that both start with True Crime and the one that I meant was
Time not design design but they rhyme that rhyme so let’s make a rap song so um let’s see when you yes my computer locked up gonna be on my phone while it restarts see is that because um you know H is it is it is it MC said like she knows people that
Can just blow up your phone like set it on fire remotely like right here right now right and yeah interesting Shan um sorry gonna have to rewind and listen to the last few minutes but I’m back oh I think so also J John Courtney says so many unanswered questions so
Many red flags oh the dude that was talking into his blank screen laptop yes josco 1972 and it wasn’t a YouTube thing I think it was a Tik Tock thing and I think it’s harder to find now because man they outed themselves and when it was first on the internet when it when
We first off saw it like last December I think it was right before the arrest we thought it was BK didn’t we I mean we were convinced I think that they did a really good job convincing people of that but then you’re thinking like why would anybody like not just a
Criminology student but why would anybody do something so stupid like that just like why would anybody drive their own car to commit a heinous crime and drive around with their cell phone don’t think so not happening um you can go to YouTube Studio edit go to the timestamp and
Overlay text to correct anything you misspeak J K yeah um well yeah that’s awesome I’ll try it I’ve never done that um I’ve done the thing where I’ve put text in there to correct the misspeaking or just snip it right out but yeah I’ve wondered about that I I just don’t have
That tool yet but I’ll try it eventually maybe not right away in my free time um when you save the process might take an hour but it doesn’t affect your live chat or anything doing it that way oh really that’s so amazing Shan thank you for that hot tip because
That’s the worst when it messes up your live chat and everything design on a dime right the time crime design dime rhyme um no it’s because I have six programs open in 37 tabs um it was a Tik Tock thanks Shan can you drop the link for it are you able to do
That Miss magic wizard um okay one Creator named that Annie ruler hello that eye reflection was John Scott now who is John Scott in my opinion True Crime Time had 10,000 Subs quick H podcaster that knows Ellie hm well I want to say they that channel started itself on
Christmas Day last year you guys if you go to the about section it’ll tell you it was December 25th of 2022 that they built their YouTube channel and then their first video was two days later December 27th I think um and then they were one of the first people to have the
Um the screenshot the still shot of the corner club with Man Without a Face and Hoodie guy and Adam and Maddie and Kaylee and Jack D so that was one of their either their first or their second thing that they posted their content that they dropped and they were like way
Ahead of the game on it and pretty much all of their information is way ahead of the game and I want to say within a week they put up a community tab or something where they thanked everybody for having 5,000 Subs like within a week and then I
Think it was like a month and they had 20,000 subs and I haven’t looked because I’ve tried to steer clear because I just am sus AF of the whole thing and I just don’t want to have my mind get Warped by it but um that channel has a lot of
Information that I think you’d only have if you worked for the Moscow Police Department there I I said it good Lord anyway um Miss Jazz oh my goodness you are amazing is that it oh I want to click on it so bad but then I’ll lose my
Screen and it’ll confuse me um but you guys save that tab if that’s the josco 1972 because even if you saw it back then we need to watch it again now with fresh eyes and with the hindsight right um so what else do we want to say about
Idaho 4 before we move on to the um lahina fires and then hit on Suzanne morphew before we wrap up because we are already at 60 minutes so what do we want to say about um Moscow is there more there’s so much I mean I try not to talk
About it too much because I think it’s just a lot lot of hot air and a lot of rehashing and a lot of confusion and you know I I do appreciate some of the content that people put out on it but for the most part I think
People are putting out content on it to cash in and I don’t appreciate that because it’s not what I want to see I want to see Justice and some of the content creators stay focused on that case I think are staying focused on it purely because they want justice so
Those are the ones that I try to keep my eye on um and yeah I mean bubbly Waters is one of these newer channels that I just adore it can be tough for me to take in all of her videos just like truth tsunami can be tough for me to take in because
They’re just like on a higher wavelength frequency than I am they’re just smarter than I am and I just can’t keep up but I try I do try um let’s see oh thank you so much for that link that is awesome one million I block Millions from my channel
LOL that’s funny Mark yeah person that named computer guy was one of these guys that seems to want to call people out who is John Scott in Moscow Corner club owner Mad Greek probably Mad Greek because the corner Club guy’s name is Mark trivelpiece I think Mark
Trivelpiece some a while ago I said Mark trivet but I think it’s trivelpiece so him and his wife have owned the corner Club from roughly 2007 maybe like 15 years and he’s also an alumni of guess what school yep you guessed it um so John Scott’s
Probably the owner of the Mad Greek the thing that’s super fascinating about Mad Greek is that the first one started in Sitka Alaska that is an island that I almost lived on because I got a job offer there and didn’t take it because it was just out in the middle of nowhere and
It was a great job and and Sitka seems like a great place um when it’s uh not too dark in the winter I was there in November and it was getting pretty dark pretty fast it was only like three hours of daylight from like 11 in
The morning until 2 it’s crazy up there I mean I’ve been up there a lot and I mean three times I’ve been to Alaska I’ve been to Sitka I’ve been to ketchican and I’ve been to Anchorage and when I went to Anchorage we went to um
Homer I think is the name of it beautiful beautiful little town and that was in the summer but you know summer in Alaska for the most part is about 15 minutes long and then the winter is about 12,000 years long and I have a very dear friend who’s um Native Alaskan
And you know she is just phenomenal on so many levels but she coined this phrase that there’s like a um oh what was the term she used just that it’s like a Statewide bipolar disorder from the light deprivation in the wintertime because if you go all the
Way up to barrows Alaska it’s black skies for nine months solid and then it’s light for three months solid you got to see The Simpsons movie about Alaska anyway there’s a lot of interesting people in Alaska there’s a lot of people that have businesses in Alaska part of the year and then they
Have businesses like in Mexico part of the year so especially in these places like Sitka and ketan um you know they they do very well financially and they only want to be there for those three months of the summer um but it’s too bright for me
Even not in Barrow but I mean you just get very little darkness in the summer very very little if you can even call it Darkness people are out mowing their lawns at midnight because you’d think it was noon it gets dark for a minute at about 4 in the morning anyway enough of
That it’s a fascinating place and it’s beautiful and there’s so much richness there but the fact that the Mad Greek is in Sitka Alaska and then Moscow and there’s only two and I think that they both are still open is interesting to me because when I went to Sitka I met a lot
Of these people that that had these businesses in Sitka and then their other business was in a more tropical place like Hawaii or Mexico or something like that but Moscow interesting um you know there’s a lot of hunters up there there’s a lot of people that live up there that hunt there’s a
Lot of um men from all over the world that go to Alaska and pay thousands of dollars to go on these hunting excursions and hunt Moose and bear and all kinds things um so maybe that’s the connection with mosow and Sika is more of like a hunting kind of thing but it is
Fascinating so it says that my battery is low and again I did plug in but my stupid thing comes loose let me check it because I don’t want to lose the live before we’re done how annoying yep it just popped right out there a lot of times it looks like it’s
Plugged in and it just got loose what an annoying piece of junk this is like a super expensive top-of-the-line gaming laptop give me a freaking break if you can’t even stay plugged in how are you worth your price tag let’s see just adjust that slightly because I think I
Moved it slightly is that good okay anyway where were we Mad Greek um so yes John Scott what is up with him what is up with him um and it is so interesting when you’ve been to these places and you know things from having visited yourself um it gives you such an interesting
Perspective I I don’t know Moscow but I know Pullman I know that’s a sa Town talking about it yesterday talked about it a bunch like literally people all over the state of Washington call Pullman a r a p last letter I won’t even say town it’s
Known as that and it has been for decades and when I lived in western Washington and went there a couple of times for soccer games and got so freaking creeped out I thought my God it’s like freaking National Lampoon on steroids that’s what Pullman is like that was a long time ago
That was like 35 years ago you guys it doesn’t seem like it’s changed but I thought it was just the Frat Boys like you know off leash gone wild and now with learning what I’ve learned with this whole Moscow case and the tight connection with Pullman is it wasn’t
Just the Frat Boys committing these crimes against the other gender it’s the freaking law enforcement and you know I was just too naive to know that like of course the law enforcement’s involved because otherwise they would have been arresting all the freaking fat boys right give me
A freaking break anyway shall we move on is there anything else we want to say about Moscow and this um John Scott like yeah what is up with that you know they were trying to say oh no um the criminal defendant never ate at the Mad Greek and maybe he did maybe he
Didn’t anyway here’s a YouTube video of the Tik Tock it is John Scott if you go look up the name on the Tik Tok now it goes to a John Scott a private account very cool thank you Shan you are amazing do you think the girls Maddie and Kaylee
Could have been drugged before unal living you know CB I’ve always wondered if all four of them weren’t before the unal living because otherwise they could have fought their attacker more better but we do know that Kaylee fought and Zanna fought but you know Ethan if he didn’t fight I mean he
Had a fight earlier that night but if he didn’t fight with the person that was unal living him or unal living Zanna he must have been incapacitated in my opinion um so yeah I’ve always wondered if they could have been slipped a rofy basically while while they were sleeping before
They were un alived that is my thought process around it and I guess there is a way to do that just to like put something on somebody’s mouth when they’re sleeping disgusting right um let’s see late watching Kevin’s eye video from yesterday Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin nce Kevin
You share Fred field hello thank you um Kevin’s eye video any employee um and let me talk about kopaka for a minute too any employee of any of those places rat on boss oh miss ruler so there was a lot of rumor that Brent kopaka was the it guy for the
University of Idaho and we all know that the um the internet went dark for what around six hours somewhere between 11 at night and 6: in the morning the internet was down so that’s always been my suspicion of how kopaka may have played a part in the mass Massacre not that he
Participated inside the house doing anything just that he was instructed to shut down internet access you know so that people’s ring doorbell cameras wouldn’t work people’s cell phones I mean I don’t know it’s crazy I don’t know that much about it stuff and I don’t know for sure that kopaka was the
IT guy for the University of Idaho do any of you guys know um is just something to keep in mind but like what I was saying yesterday about the law enforcement and these towns being small communities close to each other intertwined and that people in the SWAT team knew kopaka
Personally I mean not just Brett Payne’s Brother Kyle Payne may have known him but probably half of the SWAT team may have known him at least possibly allegedly in my humble conspiracy theory opinion okay um and CB says that has been my thoughts Jazz definitely odd about the drugging
Yeah um that is a t yes niece okay I couldn’t see with the uh the glare from the lights and my glasses looked like an eye with the quotes on it but yeah now I see it it’s a te um so Kevin nce watching the tea video I
Can’t wait can’t wait to see it um is it good did you like it Fred uh he’s done a lot of uh mocking of some people that seem like they deserve his mocking so um I am not so into that but I appreciate that he is so I haven’t
Kept up with all of it but I do appreciate that he does it just budget my time on more positive stuff but I do see it as positive for him because I trust him if it if he’s doing it it needs to be done okay coffee done that was a large
Coffee I know probably looks like is this big on the screen you know these screens are like fishe eyes so they do all kinds of weird stuff don’t trust the screen please don’t sometimes it makes my nose look like this big and other times it makes it look like a little
Tiny you know pug nose I don’t know I can’t figure them out to save my life anyway who cares right so we’re going to talk about Hawaii um laah as we all know is where the fires were and L Leni is a very small island about 10 miles miles across the channel from
Lahina so L if I’m saying that right I wrote it down very carefully sound it out because I was listening to people saying it who are from there so I think they said it right La l so you got LA and Lai 10 miles apart just across a channel that’s the island
Where alleged L 180 remains of um victims from the fire washed up in one day you guys a few days after the fires that was one day and we’ve probably all seen the photographs of the refrigerator semis that were allegedly being used to store those remains as well as others so I’m going
To to stick to my opinion that I think that there were a lot more than the roughly hundred victims of the fire that were the fatalities I the last I heard there’s still sticking with that number 97 that they you know settled down from 115 um but I’ve also looked at more and
More of the videos that reported over a thousand people still missing or up front it was over 3,000 people missing and yeah some of those missing people are going to be found safely but not so many of them and so many people that have lost family members there’s
Just no way the number is anywhere near what they’re saying these people are straight up lying um Richard bison is the name of the mayor who I think is about as crooked as they come um just just like I have that opinion of the police chief whose name shall not be
Said um I mean he’s just so disgusting and also um Josh Green the uh Governor wearing his lay and acting like he cares and you know um so I took some notes to be more precise with some of these things the clear glue adhesive that they have talked about spraying I don’t know
If they sprayed it yet if anybody knows please speak up um that’s called soil Tac and it is used to hold down ashes in uh fire zones and on farms it’s been used on the islands before and they will not reveal its formula because they say it’s a trade
Secret so people of lahina want to know what’s in that formula the clear blue adhesive that they were going to Dy hot pink like why were they going to dye it hot pink just to make it that much uglier so then people would say oh please put some black asphalt
Over it we can’t take the hot pink anymore or maybe it was because the Barbie movie had just come out and everything was pink right I mean that’s just freaking nuts um and today is October 6th so the day after tomorrow Sunday is set to reopen lah to visitors or
Western Maui anyway maybe not the town of lahina because it’s charred but Western Maui was scheduled to open to tourists the 8th of October I don’t know if they’ve taken that off the table if they’ve pushed it back or what there’s been so much discourse about it
Um people that have been getting housed in the hotels and these hotels and tourists want the hotels to be Refugee free before the tourists come in like that is so disgusting to me in my opinion like Refugee free what like their freaking termites or something that’s disgusting and when you say Refugee to
Me you’re just like admitting that it’s a war zone seriously um so here’s a name that I wrote down because I thought it was absurd and I think he’s absurd John stufflebean Stu ffle e b an I think stufflebean he’s the head of the water control so you know that when people
Were trying to water down their properties so that their houses wouldn’t burned down that their hoses that had water in them quit having water in them right that there was all this arguing about the appropriation of the water and then the firefighters came out to get
The um the water from the wells and the generators that were supposed to pump the water from the wells that used diesel fuel were out of fuel so it was just one thing after another so this John stufflebean seems like he probably should be one like Herman what’s his last name
Anda the public safety administrator that didn’t sound the alarm and then quit and then you’ve got the um the woman Nan somebody who was the director of housing who up and quit um but when is uh mayor bison going to quit and when is mayor or
Uh oh Governor green when is he going to quit and when is police chief pelleter going to quit or when are they going to be put on a paid administrative leave and investigated that’s my biggest question um let’s see situation is grim Fred field says Kane owner of the um apartment
Was friends with kopaka on LinkedIn and William Payne both military huh so Kyle and Brett are the brothers that look like twins but they’re not Kyle is a couple years older than Brett and he’s the same age as kopaka and they both were deployed in Iraq at the same time they only
Overlapped though for about nine months I don’t know if they actually met each other in Iraq or not it was the end of kopaka’s last tour and the beginning of Kyle Payne’s first tour um and if I try to throw a year out there I’ll probably get it
Wrong uh let’s see I want to say they graduated high school in ‘ 05 and so it would have been around 2010 give or take a year that was kopaka’s last year because he um was there for five years straight out of high school and then uh Brett Payne’s Brother Kyle went
Directly from high school to the guess what school you guessed it the University of Idaho got his bachelor’s degree and then he went and joined the army or was deployed to Iraq after he did his bachelor’s degree and then um Brett Payne he did the same thing but
He graduated high school in about 0 seven and then he went straight through same school Bachelor and then Masters and then he went and joined the army and was deployed in Afghanistan and then he came back and then got the job with mosc PD something like that maybe not 100% accurate but
Pretty close I studied that stuff really hard for a long time because I was trying to figure out what the overlaps were and I want to mention too that um Kyle Brett’s older brother by two years but I think Brett’s the taller one by like an inch but it’s very hard to tell
Them apart um Kyle was a state wrestling champion I don’t think he won the State title but I think he was really close and he was in the lightweight division like 115 pounds so that makes me think that Kyle might be really slight like that too you know like athletic but not
Muscular or maybe muscular but not athletic kidding that whole thing anyway um they’re small they’re they’re petite you know small and mighty but um I just wonder that whole like Napoleon syndrome little man syndrome with the Corporal Corporal pain in m but I can’t remember which one of you
Put that into the chat a couple of weeks ago the p a y NE in mbit but I was just like how come I didn’t think of that but I’m glad I didn’t because you know it’s just so juvenile that was too funny um okay um John stufflebean squirrel LOL I love
It so let’s see small W world with medical it officer being pals with military um the medical it officer um so hi Kaye I almost said Kylie Kaylee G’s father Steve Gonzo is the it officer for the hospital um the county hospital up where he lives outside of quter Lane um
I try to say the name of it it starts with a K it’s a really weird word it’s like katune or something like that I’m totally hacking it anyway um Steve Gonzo is an IT expert for that hospital cout County hospital I think that’s it um so
I don’t know what you’re saying Annie ruler small world with medical it officer being paled with the military um I don’t know which it officer you’re talking about and which military you’re talking about but um you know it could be that kopaka being basically retired from his military
Career um you know purple heart and medical discharge um it could be that he was working as the IT guy at the University I do not know but I do know for sure that Steve G is the IT guy at that hospital and then we all know that
Kaylee was going to Austin to work for an IT security company extreme networks that may have a lot to do with this whole thing you know extreme networks may have a lot of business involvement with only fans I don’t know but it’s a question that I’ve had um
Um yes uh wonder who William pay is Papa of them well Shan do you know um let’s see Brett Payne there was a Brett Payne with a different middle initial who was in his 50s that was like a co-owner with Brett Payne um who was in his
30s they co-owned the meats and Locker the meat locker thing um so I don’t know if that was father and son or uncle and nephew um with the same name but different middle initial but I don’t remember a William Pain um I don’t know if I came across
That very good question Annie ruler um got to go split fire firewood we’ll finish watching on replay have great day everyone well thanks for coming in and saying goodbye aloha aloha Mahalo CB and John Courtney says have a great day CB and Annie ruler says Kane is retired Med
Place it officer so Cain the owner of the apartments was friends with kopaka on link LinkedIn so was he owner of that coffee house apartments where the SWAT team incident happened um because then you’ve got the Steptoe Village Apartments where um the criminal defendant was living um very fascinating Miss Annie ruler I
Know nothing of this cane owner of the LL Apartments lelaine thank you Annie ruler the Linda Lane Apartments so you guys know the photograph the infamous photograph of the six the five roommates and Ethan the six of them and you got the the two witnesses that were not un alived at either end
Of the six of them lined up all sandwiched together with Maddie up on kayle’s shoulders and Ethan and Zanna and they’re all so cute and we know that that picture was allegedly taken earlier the same day that they were that the four of them were un alived um which
Apartments like the it’s like a catwalk outdoor balcony that it looks like that photograph is taken like is that the Linda Lane Apartments too and who took the picture I want to know who took that picture that’s really relevant in my opinion I mean maybe they had it on auto
Or something but if not if there was somebody behind that camera I want to know was it josco 1972 I mean this this whole story of the Idaho 4 is just so freaking weird so weird anyway um let’s finish talking about uh lah for today’s live and then
Talk a little bit more about Suzanne morphew before we wrap it up um it’s just about a quarter after one so with lahina the argument to open to the tourism is to get the economy going right and a lot of the locals want to work because they want to have an income
Because they want to Survive and Thrive and they’re not getting getting financial assistance the way you would think that they would get financial assistance through government loans like like the PPE loans that don’t need to be paid back like they’re getting offered loans with interest but they’re not
Getting the type of financial assistant that would help them rebuild their lives without having to um entertain this idea of opening to tourism very early in the game I mean this to me seems bat [Β __Β ] cig um and for the people in charge like the mayor and the governor and the um police
Chief I hear them saying things like well we’ll be addressing the needs of the um those in need we’ll be addressing that in the very near near future we’ll be addressing that in the upcoming meetings like well why isn’t it already addressed are you kidding me that doesn’t sound too promising to
Me that does not sound too promising to me um and let’s see the day after tomorrow is when they were talking about reopening to visitors I mean I would love to go there and visit I’ve never been to Maui I would love to help um with the economic
Rebuilding but you know not if they’re not ready I mean that’s only going to make the problem worse if you know they’re already short on housing they’re short on resources and then it just seems wrong I don’t understand other than like a fullblown conspiracy to take over the land I don’t understand um
Um the Linda Lane apartments with cameras yeah your your LL but the um so he’s retired from a medical place as the it officer and now he’s the owner of the lindel Lane Apartments those lindel Lane Apartment um camera surveillance camera footage tapes that have been all the rage on the
Interwebs to me seem like more of the freaking fiream from the Kylie Rodney case I mean I just think you could watch it for hours and you can see this and you can see that you can see the other thing and it may or may not be here nor
There I mean it to me is just crazy it it’s just more of the um it just adds more fuel to the fire for the gaslighting and the conspiracy theories and all that so let’s talk a little bit about Suzanne before we wrap for today um Ms morphew and her her poor
Daughters I mean I want to speak out in full support of her daughters because whatever they say or do whatever they have said or done in the last three and a half years I don’t think any of it should be held against them for any reason whatsoever they lost their
Mother they may suspect their father they may not suspect their father um I think most of the world suspects their father and he may or may not have done it I mean I’m rolling my eyes um he seems guilty of sin but of course we need to let him go through the judicial
System and be found innocent or guilty or not guilty in a court of law not you can’t be found innocent you can just be found guilty or not guilty um um and you know I’m gonna post a photograph of Barry morph’s attorney because she looks bat sheet cray cray in
My opinion she’s a very attractive woman I will give her that but she looks like Satan in my humble opinion she’s so scary looking and I mean she just looks like the kind of lawyer that if you did something completely insane and you were guilty of that crime
She’s the kind of lawyer that you would want to hire because she’s Fierce and and fearless and will say anything and do anything and I don’t have respect for those types of lawyers because lawyers should be all about Justice and of course they’re not necessarily all about
Justice I mean that is often what propels them into the profession but like I was saying earlier they get jaded quickly in law school and if they’re not completely Jaded by the time they graduate from law school they’re completely Jaded by the time they start trying cases in court
Because everybody lies you guys I mean I worked in the courts a lot and I’ve seen judges lie and I’ve seen lawyers lie everybody that I ever saw in court lied that’s my own experience and it blew my mind because you know people do that thing like MC did they hold up their
Hand they swear on the Bible I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing about the truth so help me God that’s a joke I mean in my opinion from what I’ve seen working in the court system it’s an absolute joke I mean people say it because that’s what you say before you
Provide testimony and then you know in my opinion it’s only the fools that will tell the truth in providing their testimony because they’re naive and they think that they have to I have seen so many Professionals of law enforcement doctors lawyers and judges provide fake testimony and lie and perjure themselves
And people don’t get prosecuted for perjuring themselves it’s always a threat and Mark Ferman got prosecuted for perjury but he’s like one in a million people don’t get prosecuted for perjury it’s just kind of run-of-the-mill so anyway it just blows my mind and what is her name Iris Iris enan inan
It’s like e yeen or something like that and you know like I said if you committed a heinous crime she’s the type of attorney that you would want but um those types of attorneys are not the types that I personally have any respect for they typically have in my opinion in my estimation
Very little like slim to nil moral and ethics and ethics is what it’s all about I mean you know you you have law and you have ethic so something can be unethical but still be legal it can be um legal but not ethical I mean it’s very tricky business and if many
Professions you will study law and ethics like in the mental health profession um for my Master’s Degree I had to take a law and ethics course and I learned a lot in that course um but that was just for mental health like that wasn’t so much stuff that helped me
Once I started working professionally in the courts but across the boards in these cases that were focusing on so many of these professionals completely lack ethic and a moral compass having a moral compass is what keeps most of us sane but many times people in these professions and specifically law
Enforcement can lose their sense of a moral compass and that is so dangerous what I’m getting at is people literally don’t know the difference between right and wrong if they can get away with it is all that matters they don’t know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong
Literally for real in the truest sense and I think on that I will wrap up today’s soap box because that’s something maybe we’ll pick up there on the next one and it probably won’t be until Monday unfortunately I’ve just got so much going on on the weekends these
Days but um I want to thank you guys for being here and um yeah let’s pick up there in the next one probably Monday morning and hopefully it’ll be like today we’ll have a good hour and a half or so to be together so thank you guys
From the bottom of my heart thanks for supporting the Channel please share subscribe ring your notification Bell and hit that like button on your way out if you haven’t already love and blessings jez I’ll go live later oh very cool it was Friday night so I can stay
Up late even though I’m tired now I’ll probably be fine I’ll do what I can um I just love your lives girl so thank you for modding and thank you everyone and thank you for the um the lurkers thank you for the replay crew thank you for
Everyone in chat um love and light have a wonderful rest of your Friday afternoon I hope you feel good and take good care of yourself get your work done if you like to do that relax for sure whether you’re getting your work done or not um get
Your exercise your fresh air your water your sunshine you know all these essential elements that these folks over there in Laha are struggling with because there is very little if any of these things so you know the Simple Pleasures in life we can’t take them for granted but let’s pray for these victims
And pray for justice and do what we can every minute of the day to fight for what’s right all right peace out thanks so much end of stream see you soon take care