Like share subscribe hit the Super Chat on the way in excuse my tardiness um oh yeah I really don’t have an excuse I really don’t um okay I should have actually said ramble for the title also right um I don’t have any points um well I do have
Points to make but I don’t have any um type down or written down so we are are going to be freestyling this um this is inspired by Mr obsidian um Ali right shout out to obsidian um and so I was listening to obsidian speak about
Um his part two so I have to finish listening to part two it was very long it was four hours and some change his part two of the ebony K Williams and Lauren conversation um I have to go back and listen to part one I have to finish listening to part
Two but um for what I got through for his part two the kids are hitting me and it’s so obvious duh we’ve said it um and it’s clearly in my title um yeah this is what it really is about huh who you want versus who wants you and
What you think you are deserving of right what in who you think you are deserving of or that you know that you’re not necessarily deserving of of but you want anyway right and you know we’ve heard oh stephco kind of speak to this once right where she admitted she wants like a
Highly attractive manner what she’s I think she used the word gorgeous but a gorgeous man who only has eyes for her right okay right so that’s really what the issue is here isn’t it from Chrissy to ebony K Williams to Yani right Kim Foster at one point
It’s a whole lot of women because Kim Foster telling y’all she has 7.2 so yeah she won 7.2 physical attractiveness as the world’s currently constituted at least as the West is currently constituted as America is currently constituted with the European Beauty standard and even in the black community with our particular
Even though you know shout out to Charles Faulkner Jr our Beauty standard non-beauty standard right Kim Foster says she’s a 7.2 which means she expects 7.2 physical attraction 7.2 outcomes well yeah yeah um we haven’t seen your dude I don’t I don’t think I don’t oh boy yeah I don’t
Yep that was a waste Out jumped out the lane to jump right back in it um um yeah so it’s about who wants you versus who you want and who you think you’re deserving of or what treatment shout out to DC um you feel and the word feel is important
You feel you are deserving of the treatment you feel you are deserving of both from that individual that spouse or potential spouse and from the larger society whether you are attractive or not whether you are educated or not whether you run in certain circles this conversation is largely a conversation
About who you want versus who wants you the type of man you want the type of woman you want versus the type of woman that wants you versus the type of man that wants you right obsidian spoke about the D9 right the divine nine um fraternities and sororities black fraternities and sororities right
And how ebony K Williams even though she bust her butt to get to where she is she’s not part of that that kind of that’s a bit of a struggle ebony K Williams did mention um the D9 that’s that’s yeah she did oh stephco said something not exactly
The same but somewhat in that lane where she was speaking to you know it it is about you know having yourself in the correct circles right and Mr Z will granted we’ll say that there is a luck element to this conversation I agree with those stuff called that
There is a luck element to this it’s not as great as she would like to make it seem but there is a luck element to this right but it really is adult men but definitely adult women throwing their temper tantrum about their romantic or lack thereof outcomes they’re intimate or lack thereof outcomes
Right so when I say these people are acting like petulant children entitled brats right throwing temper tantrums seven-year-old six-year-old temper tantrums five-year-old temper tantrum I’m not just pulling that out of my rear end no these people are right these people are right we have watched them attempt to throw
Black men are secretly DL so secretly gay in our face we have watched him try to throw um the famous side black over every corner is a 50 60 something year old 40 some some odd Euro black man praying on a 12 or 13 year old innocent
Black girl they tried to throw that in our face the Predator black man they tried to throw once again the femicide black men are just walking into the black community just offing every black girl and women they come across these monsters we watched him once again try to throw
White men and non-blackmen in our face we watch them get caught up in the lie and then in the exaggeration in that right you go you go on the first date before you even go to first date with the white guy he’s sending you how much money so
That you could get your hair and your nails done and then white men abruptly enter that that woman’s you know Twitter thread and say oh yeah no right so they try to Gaslight us with the mythical magical white man talk we watched them trying to Uno reverse with the passport girls conversation
Well we we’ve been going on we’ve been fast forward since the 70s since the 80s right y’all ain’t saying nothing new where are your wedding rings yikes yep right you know when when we go out of town when we go to other countries it’s like
What have I done to be in your presence You Beautiful African Nubian goddess Queen you yeah that’s it Eastern European band are talking to you like that yeah that’s it okay right Western Europeans who’ve been mingling with black folks I don’t know for a couple Millennia yeah that’s how they’re
Speaking to black women yeah that’s it but all the gaslighting right Latinos who got our true colorism hierarchy yeah that’s how they speaking of black women yeah yeah that’s it right when you go to Latin America that’s how they’re treating you right five foot two tall Hector that’s how
He’s treating you yeah okay right When you go to South Asia or Southeast Asia let’s say south Asia yeah that’s that’s how the Indians and the bangladeshis and the Sri Lankans and them are treating you right yeah that’s it okay thank you when you go to Southeast Asia Laos Cambodia there that’s how they treated you right
When you go to East Asia Japan China South Korea yeah that’s how they treated you all these gaslighting techniques and really if it comes down to is I’m going to Gaslight you with these men that treat me better because it’s about who wants you versus who you want versus who wants you foreign
Magical men from another group or another another demographic that treats me better than you do where I lie to you and tell you treat me better than you do who don’t practice colorism are not like you right who values my my beauty unlike you then you’re out to treat me better Or value me more or value means the way I think you should uh Right Who wants you versus who you want And we’re watching that unravel in front of us with multiple you know social media personalities and you know people that we might not even thought over no no if it wasn’t for the internet but we wouldn’t have heard them this much of people that have known about their difficulties
In the dating invading Market right who would be without the internet ebony K Williams would we know how much she’s struggling with this if it wasn’t for social media and the internet Right now was already on her she had against black men before the interwebs but who would she be when obsidian said you know and he speaks about this often the exit interview right that black men need to conduct the exit interview and white collar professional black men need to inform inform excuse
Me their female counterparts black women counterparts why they leave them that is exactly the point at which Mr Z said yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna create a video about this there’s a video that needs to come out of this and I agree with obsidian 100 percent
And I wouldn’t just add and and you know far be it for me to ask something of non-blackman oh no non-blackman you need to say it too oh damn Mr Z not you including Brad foreign Because it’s clear but you know for women especially black women if they can find a way to weasel out of what they just did or what just happened and they find some you know Disney excuse or reason why this didn’t work oh they’ll use it oh yes they will
If we hope to make women better black women better we hope to um better Intimate Relationships boost your marriage have marriages last longer right have more people more young people get married oh no women are going to have to know that they’re insufferable also they’re going to happen
Chasms also they’re going to have to know that men also don’t want to be bothered That men also fake smile do the courtesy laugh at corny jokes from women right they’re gonna have to know that they’re gonna have to know that yeah um your ex-boyfriend ghosted you and it wouldn’t be ghosting anymore but ghost are you because you’re insufferable right they’re gonna have to know that
And the best way for them to know that is for you similarly situated right White Collar upwardly mobile financially well endowed men to be honest with black women yeah and as obsidian said yeah I didn’t bust my butt to go to Yale to attend Yale to graduate
To deal with some of these you know white collar racist white folks to end up coming home to you why would I do that who wants you versus who you want right yeah right and if I’m borging y’all let me know because I know I’m in a bit of a
Dead zone right now yep I am smack dab in the dead zone let me get a one in the chat if I am clear right and y’all like share subscribe hit the Super Chat right I don’t know am I board game yes no maybe so but yeah so we see women in particular
Black women gaslighting black men oh gaslighting black men you have the people like princella who has like I told y’all they ran the gamut right I said it before I even knew of a princella although she had been circling the interwebs before I’ve been really
New who A princella was I said it black women actually much like princella go from black men they’re insufferable those black women are insufferable they never think it’s them so they go from dating black men and failing to dating non-black men oftentimes failing but you don’t know
About that they never speak about how often they fail with white men Latino men Asian men right then they do the same sex loving thing right princella they never tell you how often Chrissy Chrissy refused to tell y’all she been swirling Chrissy is similar age to Mr Z Chrissy been swirling
For some 20 years now at least something along those lines 18 years 17 years 20 years maybe 20 20 essential for a month high school or somehow if I’m not mistaken she’s never been all all about black men what does that mean that means that you’ve been failing with
Non-black men for 20 years but you’re not counting it most of your anger and your angst if not all of it is reserved for once again black men the black community by and large but black men specifically right that speaks to something right who wants you versus who you want who
You think you’re deserving of who you think uh oh you’re obligated to and who’s obligated to you that’s better who’s obligated to you see if you actually buy into meritocracy which most of y’all don’t up until it comes time to start talking about spouses but if you buy the macro meritocracy
Then you actually think you married your way into this type of outcome with these type of men and these type of relationships so that you can live this type of Lifestyle right it’s I went to this school and and it’s funny because I would gather that in those exit interviews which you would
Hear from women is this is not fair I’m old this if not these exact words but the sentiment right what was the point and you hear this right I went to school here right I work at this firm Fortune 500 company right my family is these people are these people
Right I was born here I was raised here I went to this school I am deserving of this lifestyle and this type of man and let no one tell me otherwise right and let no one tell me otherwise and I would argue once again this is about
Who wants you versus who you want we’re watching them throw fits train tracks train tracks train tracks Holocaust across the interwebs because what they feel Society is saying to them is that you are not deserving foreign This is and I said it actually this was a class conversation Mr Z said it shout out to the brother obsidian right I seated from when um ebony K Williams first popped up back on the scene a few months ago what five five or so months ago right six or so
Months ago you got kicked off of Mount Olympus and you’re throwing a fit you’re throwing a temper tantrum because what you’re saying is no y’all will not relegate me down there with those blue-collar black men those Not educated blue-collar black men who either don’t earn enough or not on excuse me or
Are not of the class I am of or I think I’m of I said it back then this was a class conversation I sit on the breakdown of a woman’s perspective stay your ass up there ebony K Williams we didn’t ask for you we’re not the ones who’s attempted to
Relegate you to to where we are foreign who wants you versus who you want Chrissy who wants you versus who you want yanny who wants you versus who you want Yani said to us sit to her subscribers better yet we just happened to hear it she put the vagina on the table wide
Open for one of her homeboys and he pretty much did the now pass right now I’ll pass but that’s the point right there right and Trail Bentley says deserve is such a pet peeve to me you earn what you get deserve sounds like entitlement to me
Yeah um Trail you’re a grown ass man of course you’re an adult black man born and raised in America of course right but when you think right and let’s you know be clear some of these women they worked hard for the position they’re in right their career they had to eat crow
They have to laugh at white people white men’s corny jokes okay cool but that doesn’t mean anything for your intimacy right for your relationships your intimate relationships with men particularly in this case black men right and that’s when they get angry and indignant and resentful because as I’ve said before Mr Z has
Been saying this and I should have been saying it earlier Dear America for young women in general younger exes on down okay fine you raised let’s say you raised a good students cool you raised women that are industrious or that want to be industrious cool with aspirations yes cool right
You raised good employees good workers all right cool and these women are horrible wives and girlfriends horrible Partners all right fine you raise them to be partners and not wives they’re not even good partners fine you didn’t raise them to be wives to play the role of a wife
The role of a wife would play let’s say pre-1975 pre-1975. you didn’t raise them to be wives you raised them to be partners they’re not even good partners for a heterosexual men namely black men white men got a different type of situation clearly they’re not even good partners
So yeah you raised good students and good employees and industrious aspirational women fine okay granted although I don’t agree with all of that all right for the argument’s sake granted they’re horrible girlfriends and horrible wives and we’ll pause right here um y’all Talk Amongst ourselves and uh uh
Like share subscribe to Super Chat so we’ll be back in a few seconds everyone and Nema says Z best example would be Vanessa Williams in Soul Food compare and contrast her with Vivica A fox in that very movie yeah yep yep yep yep right that’s actually oh Neymar that was a
Great example that’s a great example and which one of them was the salty one and which one of them was the one with the husband uh-oh we’ll pause again y’all speaking about yourselves um no no no thank you never really cared for sauce on my wings Demetrius and Demetrius says what’s
Wrong with saucy if it’s cooked riding season right you really don’t need sauce right I mean I don’t fault other people for sauce but Mrs eager to say something sacrilegious I’m gonna I’m gonna just say this and leave that there and y’all bring it up um in the future and throw
In my face I don’t care for a barbecue sauce oh God damn Z what did you just say I don’t like barbecue sauce and I’ve had barbecue sauce multiple different ways don’t forget I’m in the south all right I’ve had barbecue sauce multiple different ways never care for
It at all like none we’re just gonna leave that there all right back to the conversation at hand right so um yeah um that was actually a name but that was a great example that was a great example right Jay Moore I don’t know if I got the
Sauce anymore when I was younger for a little while I did right right I’m an old ninja now right but yeah who wants you versus who you want who wants you versus who you want who you think you’re deserving of the type of men and all women that you
Think that you should be spoil for Choice with right that’s what all of this is about that’s what all the anger is about shout out to you Trail that’s what all the sound of entitlement is about because they do they they are entitled they feel entitled to you to these type of men
Right they feel entitled to these type of men to the to a particular lifestyle in a particular outcome that is why ebony K Williams speaks the way she does that’s why oh Stefko and Chrissy and Yani speak the way they do yeni told you I want to be a kept woman of leisure
I want to be kept I want to be able to keep myself so I want to be well off financially myself and then I want a man who has more who earns more to put me in an even better situation well right how is that working exactly right now right
How is that working exactly right now when you hear Chrissy speak about these mythical magical non-blackmen it’s about what she feels she is deserving of Who Wants You versus who you want it’s if black men and remember this ties into colorism to a certain extent for her
If black men do not value darker skinned black women’s skin tone and we will not get a particular outcome from financially well-off black men we’re not talking about black men who we think have no choice right this is much of their argument right yeah black men end up with a darker
Skinned black woman right with not European features right this is when futurism comes in because just because you’re dark skinned that doesn’t mean right they’re talking about strictly West African features and you got to be a little bit heavy and your nose has to be a little bit wider and broader right
Let’s be very clear and what they’re saying is if black men are not going to treat darker skin more voluptuous kinky hair broader nose black women a certain way than black women darker skin kinkier hair broader nose black women not need to expand their options let’s stop cut it
Need to damn the exclusively date out who wants you versus who you want now as Mr Z said they will not say and count how many times they fail how many times they walk in a room full of white people white men foreign and everybody keeps their gaze control
Every no no one glances or one or two white men glands but it’s not the type of white men they would be interested in it’s not the type of Latino men they’ll be interested in or it is and and well don’t let that stop you you never have right
Don’t let a little thing like breaking up a marriage stop you right They don’t count that but what did we see on that was it ABC or Dateline or whichever one of those specials whatever covering black women because this is embarrassing they’re telling the whole world how much they’re struggling with this but okay the secondhand cringe is ridiculous
Where it was a group of black women speaking about their dating woes and the lighter skinned black woman was like yeah I was at a bar I was at a club and I was at the counter and I kind of you know was looking at this guy white
Guy and he was looking at me but you know he never came over and he never he never pursued in exactly oh yeah that’s right you like that gaze control yep yep I’m I’m a little rusty now but oh man I was a master at gaze
Control yeah I saw you already I saw your shape already I already saw whether I found you attractive already from half a mile away I’m exaggerating but y’all know y’all get this you’re stupid so by the time you walk up yeah you see him look at me he didn’t
Look back I already judged everything I need to judge right side note Z in one of his co-workers used to have this kind of back and forth on this because he’s the one that likes to let you know he’s looking and I’ve watched women crunch cringe right because he’s like he’s like damn
They’re standing over them right making them feel uncomfortable because he’s like standing he’s letting her know he’s staring and he and he didn’t only do that to black women he did that to like white Latina with my bro I’m gonna be associated with you when you catch a charge player
Right we’re in the street harassment era not me by the time you pass I’m I’m already looking the other way right I’m already looking the other way you you would never know you would never know I already peeped everything I needed to Pete right my conversation didn’t pause with who
I’m speaking with at all you’re practically invisible especially the way y’all speaking on the internet Street harassment me too not I you ain’t gonna get never let the white man get me down you ain’t gonna catch me slipping Right so back to the conversation I had and it’s actually kind of times who wants you versus who you want right who wants you versus who you want who you think your desert who you think you are deserving of the treatment you think you and feel you are deserving of right
And that’s is that is what this is about okay that is what this is about and the anger in the resentment and the character assassination and the gaslighting and the straight up lying on and about black men right is a result of certain women black women feeling that the men that they want
And that they desire are not desirous of them right and all of the character assassination let’s not forget talk black sleep light especially coming out of the 70s right as if they were in black panther black women quote unquote revolutionary black women sleeping with white men
You let the women that were in their teens and 20s at the time speak black men black revolutionary men were just chasing after every non-black woman they could touch particularly white woman while black woman stayed in the black community tapping on their fingers waiting yeah that’s that’s what was happening
That’s what was happening that’s why so many Boomer women uh oh don’t do it Mr Z have two and three and four kids from two and three and four different dudes and Uncle Teddy is light-skinned with freckles where did that come from uh oh that’s because black women were just in the hood
In the black community waiting for all these black men who were running off and gallivanting and frolicking with white women right with non-black women but let’s be very clear most of black women’s anger is towards white women after black men right oh this is a great comment
Um Toya and Toya says wait so 40 chalice double degreed and gayfully employed all all of that not so bad that’s actually pretty good but the market right and Toya says wait so being 40 childish double degreed and gayfully employed doesn’t entitle mean to a millionaire quote unquote peace
And it’s funny like you’re being funny Toya but like really that is the mentality that is the sentiment that is what we’re hearing all over and even from your phds right the um the lady that I covered um that spoke about so many you know mainly not black men women excuse me freezing
Their eggs right and she spoke of this though and she’s a PhD professor in everything right and when she would speak about these women all these women are kick ass and all these women are like right they’re industrious they’re in their career they’re high earning and and I’m
Like yeah all that sound great but what does that mean about being a wife right okay yeah she she’s a great employee yeah she put in overtime okay cool she stay in the office late yeah right she was able to make partner in a couple years okay great right
She’s the first in the office the last out cool right she has discipline right she knows when to be Stern at work oh that’s great what does that mean about her being a a good enough person outside of that office a good enough person to be a good enough woman
To be a good enough girlfriend to be a good enough wife to be a good enough mother what does that have to do with her being a great employee and before that a great student right right don’t worry Trail we up Mr Z got some of that going on in his not immediate
Family per se but relatives oh yeah we got some of that too in the in the Z household I tell y’all for those of you that um I’m telling you much of the adios experience um is replicated in the Caribbean when I tell y’all grandma or great grandma
Three four five six different children from four different men three different men two sets of families right nine kids this is a real story because he heard recently nine children from two different guys God damn five the first time four to second right Sachi said same thing in Africa right
The quietest kept we shout out to bgs for bursting a lot of people’s bubble with this over romanticizing of the 1950s and how virtuous grandma and or great grandma was are you sure about that right y’all sure Grandma wasn’t getting down to this and this is the point
And Spain man says to me it goes back to this notion that women are supposed to dictate to black men what they should find desirable and there you go look I’m a great employee doesn’t that make me more attractive yeah not physically look I’m earning 150 000 a year doesn’t
That make me more attractive uh yeah not physically I earn enough I’m you know I’m earning 75 I’ll I’ll do I’ll I’ll manage and that’s assuming that she would quote unquote date down in the first place right who wants you versus who you want we’re watching women black women namely throw
Temper tantrums all over the world all over these interwebs because they feel like they’re being relegated to Loser men because they don’t want loser men they’ll have sex with some loser men if those loser men are attractive enough those loser black men are attractive enough but relationship and marriage nope nope right
And the exit I I’m going to back up as a blue collar black man I am going to back up Mr obsidian by saying yes Brothers y’all need to give those exit interviews dear white men who’s messing around with black women you need to give those exit interviews they’re like Latino men that
Are messing around with black women you need to give those exit interviews because what ends up happening is those women then walk around this entire Society feeling slighted feeling like you ghosted her or feeling like you just gave her the cold shoulder and you forced her into breaking up with you and
You never tell her by the way you’re insufferable you do too much you too snarky you’re too intense everything got to be a debate or argument and Mr Z is one to talk right and as obsidian said I didn’t attend Yale for this there’s no 50 50. one of us runs this
And the other doesn’t God damn Mr Z that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to be more knowledgeable on certain things than I am that doesn’t mean I’m not going to defer to you for certain things but it does mean there’s one one of us is default leader period all right
So yeah so what ends up happening is sometimes those women end up dating a blue-collar man feeling like they had to they were forced by Society they were forced by men they were forced by the men they they desire and they want they don’t want to be single so they end up dating
Or being in situationship with men they don’t actually value and it’s because some of you Brothers never gave her that exit interview right look I didn’t like the way you spoke to the waiter and that gave me a hint of what type of girlfriend you’re gonna be right
I didn’t like the way I saw you speak to your nephew that kind of gave me an idea of what type of mother you’re going to be right the fact that you and your spouse don’t get along and you’re able to speak to them not to me not speak to them
From months on in kind of gives me an idea of how you’ll give me the silent treatment yeah I’m not nope nope oh yeah and this is exactly Spain man let us never forget they dragged Drake and common for not wiping Serena and her needing to swirl out but she went
Through other white men as well but look we already know these people they talk about us having double standards but we already know like for the white man when the white man messes up it it goes it’s gets slipped under the rug right I get swept under the rug
And quiet is kept black women know where they rank with non-black men particularly white men what they’re really saying when they have a white man is oh my God he values me oh my God I got me my white king look look look look I got one
Y’all for all of you that um ever heard um The Game’s album um um what album what was the name of that album but that album you remember the skit where um the brother was like oh look at the Jesus piece look it’s shining it’s shining that that’s black
Women speaking about being in a relationship with white men oh look six foot two oh look blonde hair blue eyes oh I got me one I got me one it shot him it’s shining [ย __ย ] shot him oh and I got me a good looking one too haha
Right the meme of of Meek Mill’s um I’m running around the corner right when people bust out and laugh and eat you see Meek Mill that oh right Jesus Piece was the name of the album yes yes right right so when the white man runs a foul of them
It’s okay yeah but you black men right wait what do black men have to do with this you exist but we we’re not the ones who just embarrassed you in public we’re not the ones that told the entire Society that we start off with a one night stand
It was great sex you asked me out you proposed you tried to keep us together and it didn’t work and now you’re filing for a divorce oh oh Jody Turners man yikes huh who wants you versus who you want right as I said before women like Chrissy
Have been swelling for how long now at least a decade and a half if we’re gonna be generous is she admitting all these white and she said currently she’s exclusively dating non-black is she admitting how much of this is failing all you get is a blink and you’ll miss it right
More somber tone yeah I’m in my luxury apartment by my goddamn self who you want versus who wants you in dear society stop telling us that women at least black women internalize feeling unattractive that’s BS I’m a black man I’m in the black community I could tell you that’s BS right
Men you know when they feel dangerous it’s dangerous when so many of them feel lonely and you know lonely men sexless men are dangerous and women aren’t the character assassination isn’t dangerous the harming of their own children yikes Mr Z isn’t dangerous the insulting of men black men in
Particular all across the society using white racist white supremacist tropes isn’t dangerous oh right so who you want versus who wants you right who you want versus who wants you because the song just played in the back of my mind right for all of us that grew up with a bunch
Of Jamaican friends and you know [Laughter] but now I gotta go listen to it to you right so yeah and on that note everyone will pause right here um there’s more to be said because this is this this shows you and when I say these people are throwing a temper tantrum and
They’re acting like petulant children yes because when you feel entitled shout out to Trail right when you feel deserving of and you feel like this world is not giving you what you’re deserving of and you’re deserving of a particular type of man and a particular type of Lifestyle
In a particular type of outcome for your intimate romantic dating mating sex life and you’re not achieving that then I think you get what we see now right yeah I saw I I um I saw you say something like that Antonio says if you’re serious I’ll do the hedging bets
For Hyena’s stream yeah um yeah you know because I Right so um okay okay um I am serious I guess and um yeah I could maybe join our stream oh oh hernia sorry hernia certain years hernias not hyenas hernias sorry if you’re serious I’ll do the hedging bets for hernia stream right that’s what happened when you just
Glad to the phone and glance back up but it’s not even spelled the same so there you go um and on that note as I said there’s more wait wait there’s more to be said about this right because much of the Crux the much of what we’re experiencing both in real
Life and on these interwebs are about what people think they are deserving of and who they want and it’s not just the individual who they want the type of men they think they are they are deserving of versus who is actually in their dating pool right who’s in the line right who who’s
Interested in them what type of men tend to be interested in them right okay okay I get it okay okay all right and Toya says because you were talking about black women hedging their bets for having more time but my joke is that they’re getting hernias okay okay
Yeah do that stream do that stream do that stream right I’ll definitely um try to listen and if I if I can I’ll try to um jump on right but on that note everyone um like share subscribe hit the thank you button for the replay Squad um thank you all for listening
Um we will pause right here love peace and chicken grease um as I said before we are witnessing what women sound like right and our society just refuses to acknowledge his excuse me to acknowledge that this is what your daughter sound like when they feel slighted when they feel like they’re deserving
When who wants them excuse me who they want maybe not necessarily want them and we’re watching women throw temper tantrums y’all could call it what y’all want it’s temper tantrum petulant child temper tantrums and our society refuses to call it for what it is and it boils down to who these women
Want the type of Lifestyle they want provided for by the type of man they want versus what is actually approaching them who’s approaching them the type of men right and so we’ll truly Paul’s right here y’all go check out other Black manage for content right so let’s do that again
Which really pause right here love peace and chicken grease y’all go check out other black management content other non-manus for content right and shout out to Toyo right so we’ll we’ll you know keep an eye out for for a Toya’s stream and um yeah all right everyone y’all have a great great rest
Of your day and we’ll pause right here truly all right everyone