All right hey guys welcome back to the video welcome back to the channel it’s Dasia and is back with another video you feel me um so for those of you who are new to my channel hi welcome my name is deja I talk about everything under the
Sun and yeah that’s pretty much it if you are new here makes you subscribe but here I’m sharing longshan um and then also if you are old not oh but like if you were over you for me um welcome back welcome back welcome back okay anyways
So we’re going to jump right into the video today it’s gonna be another Greek video we are going to be talking about my opinion for the Greek community the Greek scene how do I feel about everything there is Greek now today in our society with it being a new decade
I feel like Greek life has been watered down now a lot of you are gonna be like yeah well you make videos and you contribute to it being watered down um whatever okay so my videos I make to talk about the truth I don’t try to you know make my organization or any
Organization seem like they do hazing because Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated is a non hazing organization and I’m not speaking for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated I’m speaking based on my opinion and I just feel like people being petty versus people but putting their hands on you are two different things
Now nobody nobody puts their hands on you in these Greek organizations okay um as far as people being Petty and playing mental games it’s just – that’s just like that’s not hazing that’s I mean I correct me if I’m wrong but if a person looking me funny
That’s not hazing you know I’m saying like I feel like you guys the word hazing and y’all just put in everything with it you know I’m saying based off these trash s movies that are just like nowhere near what Greek life is about like here probably in the past
When people have died from joining these organizations yes that was [Β __Β ] hazing you feel me but like these organizations are so scared to even do anything um because they’re they’re afraid that they’re gonna get your chapter system in there or they’re afraid that they’re gonna get kicked out of their
Organization you know I’m saying because if you go about things a certain way you can get kicked out you know I’m saying like I had everybody saying deja you gonna get kicked out of a que you gonna like you know I’m sayin and then like I
Would like to see it happen because a lot of people say there is still a possibility but I don’t feel like what I’m doing is watering down Greek life but just shedding light on the things that we need to change in Greek life and I’m not doing that alone I personally
Had the privilege of you know having people that set the standard of these great videos like Shea Miller and Corey Jones and you know Shakira white you know I’m saying like even though she had me she ain’t one video but it was still it went viral
Like I had you know those people set the tone of what you should talk about now I’m not gonna go in the same direction as them and you know not share my truth because obviously what they do is what they do I respect and admire you know
Them for doing that and I respect and humbly thank Corey Jones so much for reaching out to me and for you know the subscribers that he has brought me but I don’t feel like these videos that we make as a Greek community on YouTube water down Greek life
Now what I do feel like water great water down is Greek life is the social media pages that make fun of people like reach and against and you know literally when I was online I was so scared – greetings I’m just home I’m gonna get I’m gonna get posted on there
My line is gonna get us on there like you know something’s gonna happen to where we’re gonna get posted on there and like it was just so scared because the girls that I was joining or the people that were over me that was seeing me join into this organisation use that
As like a tactic to scare us and that was just like yeah you know like any was just like y’all need to be careful cuz y’all don’t want to eat up on green and it’s like I heard that every single day you know I’m saying and like I following
That page and seeing all the negative things that they post about people sucks you know I’m saying and like you know seen how young these kids are and what they post on their Twitter and how their like they want to be a part of this organization so bad that they don’t know
Any better so they say like oh ski we like literally you guys when I was in high school we had Howard students my Howard mentors can vouch for this we have our students come down and mentor us when we were like what like sophomores or juniors and Kyle in high
School and they came down and they’re mentored us and they asked me like oh and they were from Howard and I knew Howard is where a K was found in Howard is where everything started for a KA so it just it made me so happy that I need
To be a mentor now unfortunately none of the people that were mentoring us were aks but it was feel close enough you feel me and I always wanted to live in DC I saw myself as being the first black woman president political wise that’s that’s the major that I wanted to go
Into that idea go into everything was just I was I was like it was right there I could touch it you know yeah I love their accent it was it I was just obsessed so one day they asked us it was like okay so like what do you want to be
When you get to college like what organization do you want to join the first thing when they asked me that I said I want to be an aka that’s what I say I did the whole thing I did all of that now rich shenanigan was out when I
Did that they could have recorded me and posted me on that and they could have been like now when I did that my oh no like like everybody was just like no like you don’t do that now luckily I had mentors like that that you know trained me personally and didn’t
Broadcast it to everybody and make fun of me now they went back they probably went back and laughed about you around me but it was just like it wasn’t a if I would have did that now before joining aka people would have brought their phones do it again let me
See you what’s that wristband that’s not yours or you what’s that you got on like obviously people that are like homeless or you know like they don’t know any better you know I’m saying cuz a lot of people from these Greek organizations they put their like Greek stuff at the
Goodwill people go and buy it and you know it is what it is you know I’m saying so like yeah that but it’s just like I feel like if I were to did that now before joining anything I would have got put on rich stand against and that
Would have just eliminated my chances of even joining a lot of these people yes they do know what they’re doing but also a lot of these people young men and young girls don’t know any better they admire what we do you know I’m saying yeah it sucks and it annoys us sometimes
Because it’s just like join the organization a lot of people don’t have the privilege of joining these illustrious organizations so we can’t just be like Oh join the organization you know I’m saying like we a lot of people don’t make the and like that’s just that that’s that is what it is you
Know I’m saying but for the young people who don’t know any better who post certain things and say certain things on Twitter that get screen shot like you you’re making like a lot of these keep a lot of these people put their page on private and they’re so embarrassed and
They’re so hurt because millions of people follow this one page Greek shenanigans now I’m not coming for Greece shenanigans I’m not trying to like you know hurt you know like go back and forth nope and I’m not but it’s just like us as a Greek community we have to
Do better we can’t just be like Oh Greek unity when it’s famous people or when it’s like you know like uh it’s an event going on so all the the fraternity boys coming and do like love step video and post it on there for this one social event or
Vice versa or graduation you know I’m saying like we can’t just be group unity for straight moments we have to be your enemy overall you know I’m saying for the people who don’t know any better we have to teach them because you know when we’re when when it’s time to get a new
Line or when it’s time to get new people to fill our places when we graduate we need to pick the right people and we need to train them to make sure that they are the right people for this organization because we’re leaving them our legacy you know I’m saying because
Essentially when you graduate from your undergraduate chapter and graduate from your your you know your undergraduate experience and you are a part of a Gretsch or like a Greek organization you’re leaving what you did there for somebody new that you put in your position to take over and you want to
Make sure that they’re doing the right things so I do feel like Greek shenanigans and these Greek pages who make fun of people and post like people’s Twitter accounts and people’s Instagram names and Facebook pages you’re essentially hurting those people you know I’m saying and like even people
That are in organizations get posted on there for dumb stuff but also for stuff that like you don’t know these people they could be they can have anxiety or a depression or mental issues that like all this negative attention and people making fun of them on a social media
Platform that can really hurt somebody that can really put somebody in a situation to where they want to hurt themselves because so many people are making fun of them you know I’m saying and a lot of these kids and people don’t have fix in like it can be hurtful and
You don’t know who you’re hurting you don’t know who you’re you know targeting but yeah like you don’t know what these people are gonna do when they get all this negative attention so I feel like the Greek just I feel like it’s very toxic with Greek life now especially on
Campuses because a lot of people that are like overseeing these organizations are petty they never have power before so they still like oh wow like I’m leading the line let me do this let me do that and like they get mad when people want to go and snitch
And get the line thrown out and it’s like well maybe if you if you knew how to handle power then you wouldn’t feel so oh my goodness I’m like I’m in third um I have authority so let me you know I’m on this hi let me just you know I’m
Saying like I feel like people who are the best leaders and the best people that can control power are the ones that don’t feel like they are leaders or the ones that you know don’t like it’s a saying that they say like people who feel like they can’t be President should be President
Now that’s not everybody but that’s just the truth like people who who can’t who don’t know how to handle power should not have it you know I’m saying because those are the people who feel like oh I’m high a mighty you know what I’m saying like and it sucks it really does
Sucks but it’s just like I feel like that as a whole these Greek pages that are not positive like I barely see anybody post on three pages of doing service events that don’t get posted but all these strolling and stuff like that that gets posted you know I’m saying and
It’s like older generations they they get mad at us because all we do is stro they don’t see the business aspect we don’t show that so a lot of people only see us as social sororities and fraternities but we don’t like and I don’t know if people are posting hey I’m
Doing service here you know I’m stuff like that like I don’t know what people are sending in and Greek shenanigans and these Midwestern Greeks and all these other Greek pages I don’t know if they’re not posting it but it’s like I barely see it all I see is people making fun of people
People gossiping famous people you know like people do the Alpha sign all the time you know I’m saying and like what went viral for so long or not for so long it’s like cardi B and offset or whatever throwing up the Delta sign or whatever and it’s just like that was going by
But I never see stuff that’s positive going viral you know what I’m saying and I feel like the more light that we shed on the negative things the more toxic and watered-down Greek life is going to continue to be but we need to show like
We need to take pictures of us and a business meeting like don’t show everything but like you know like I would love to see like all these women came together to do this charitable event or you know I’m saying like I barely see that and I’m not saying I
Don’t see it at all but I barely see it I see more strolling more more steppin videos more you know social event promoting then I do anything you know I’m saying like so I mean that’s just how I feel about it um you guys may have
An opinion about it or you may I don’t really know let me know in the comments do you feel like Greek life has been watered down based on these social media pages or these YouTube videos that myself and other people do or do you just feel like
Greek life as a whole just me it’s just perfectly fine the way that it is you know I’m saying so definitely let me know in the comments you guys I hope you guys enjoyed the video don’t forget to Like comment subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye