Foreign And you can’t tell them that it’s not evil and they’ll say you know a lot of family members what not a lot of family members but family members I have are in this stuff and you can’t tell them that it’s not evil and they’ll sit in church
And tell you that it’s not evil and like I said your pastor’s probably in this too the past is probably amazing your past is probably join Greek needed to attach himself to something was look out here looking for his identity and see a lot of people find the identity in these things
You know you want that Brotherhood you want that feeling and that sense of belonging in this world around you so you join this stuff but you don’t know the origins of the stuff you’re joining and stuff that you’re allowing yourself to be subjected to how about you just have enough honor
Can you still get your education but you have enough honor to just be who you are start your own thing don’t pull nothing from something else especially something with some demonic Origins to it and you put that into your culture but see these men didn’t do that and this is this is
This is even further than Prince Hall and and uh and Thorn Jackson we’re going to talk about the black Greeks how they started the boulay society which is what a lot of the black men Bill Cosby and many others are attached to this this is where they get their
Money A lot of you pastors and Elders I know them I’ve been in their churches I’ve sat in it I’ve dealt with them they’ve only met religion you’re religious in your black religious and this is why this type of message is going to be met with an attitude and
It’s going to be met with resistance because you’re black religious Lord how do these pastors get to this point where they just don’t even understand how to deal with the world how do they keep bringing things in the church church is now just doing everything the world is doing
So they can up till they because they feel like to reach the world we got to look like the world we gotta attract the world we have to do the things that the world is doing to bring people into the church what type of spirit do you think is in
Your church when you do that or you can be a pastor and getting your feelings because someone comes and tells you something the Bible says and then you’ll see them somewhere and walk past them and act like you don’t see them and have an attitude but then
You’ll sit in church and preach Holy Ghost 1977. it’s a good article because it has some interesting things in it it mentions that also besides laying in a coffin to do your initiation after you lay in the coffin butt naked you gotta get out and jump in a pile of
Mud and wrestle with your fellow initiates again butt naked we all asked Bush by he was sliding all around his brother man did he slip up and catch one of them [Applause] thank you [Applause] we need to check that out now one of the things they do in skull
And bones is they have a little ritual they initiate and they set them at a table they put two skulls on the table skeleton heads they tell the initiate I want you to look at these two skulls and I want you to tell me which one is the
Fool and which one is the wise man he said after that I want you to tell me which one is the rich man and which one is the beggar that initially looking all over the skulls he looking [ __ ] time passing they stand there just looking at him right wondering when he gonna figure
It out that he can’t tell the difference right because the lesson they’re teaching the initiate their language is when you did you did Now now I don’t know everything let me just say I don’t know everything I’m a humble child standing before you thrusting before you the little things that I do know so that they can fit the things that you know so that together we can make a better that’s the best I can do
That’s the best I can do there may be people who know this better than me many times when we talk like this assess the climate so that we can carry the discussion further because many times people that know feel that the other people don’t care so they never say
Okay so sometimes uh somebody throws the stick down and lays the tent over and completely comes under it and it stops some of the rain and others come in too and we get to add Clarity to things that we need to know it’s all masonry and masonry is stolen Egyptian knowledge
That’s what it is that’s the reason why you see all of the Masonic symbol the pyramids the All-Seeing now and everything because they got the same Knowledge from the that the Egyptians built Egypt with from the help of Fallen Spiritual Beings and got time to tell you this is what’s
Helping them do what they’re doing now they worship those beings with sacrifice and the same blood sacrifices and all the stuff that they do and that’s the reason why they’re Skull and Bones they got all these guys this is this is why all these fraternities and secret sizes
Have a homosexual Edge to it it has a homosexual is because that’s what they use to Blackmail them see what happens in the Yale cross-calling bones is when they uh take the oath they have to get naked and then wrestle in mud with another naked man
This is what part of the ritual I’m just trying to help y’all you know you believe it or not you gotta understand the people that run stuff I didn’t say they was saying but they this is spiritual knowledge that you don’t know they doing is Satan
Knows what it means and he gives him power for doing it because it just shows more Allegiance see the whole point of Satan the sacrifice is powerful when people do blood sacrifice whatever it’s powerful but what really Satan is looking at is their submission their allegiance
It’s the fact you’re doing what I said dude calling themselves reverence and you no one know why we can’t get anything done then the very organizations that we thought was for us why they never done none for us NAACP ain’t never done them for why because they was there to monitor the blacks
These are the organizations that they use these high level blacks to put them in to give them Prestige and honor and they do their secret work to keep us keep us down now you don’t have to believe it why would they do that why would they do that well why don’t
Anybody want to be in power now you don’t but if you run into one of them you know you you don’t understand you’re running one of them you’ll see and we used to talk and stuff like that you know cool brother and then the brother said one day he said I heard you
Design shoes or whatever so he was you know design shoe so we got in this talk about design he said man what I’m trying to look for is to get designed a skirt for men that’s a masculine skirt for men you see now I already knew that this guy here
Was suspect you know but you’ve been sewing all and I know what he’s talking about here because I already know because see that’s the gay capital of the of of America now that the black gay capital is Atlanta so it’s a whole phenomenon going on down there
They got a whole section of town Midtown that is a whole section for gay white men and black men and so this brother was like I want to get a skirt done and he was trying to look for something to Corner the market that was something that they had been
Discussing in gay black community of a masculine skirt call metrosexuals the brother named kalindi up in um Detroit was talking about it when I was up there and this is what Hollywood is going to uh what what what Hollywood is going to you know and it’s just the black man is
Going to be included in that type of thing you see what I’m saying which goes back down to the gay RAP Community now you must understand this because I saw this thing happening in Atlanta in Atlanta at the Au Center you got five black schools so it’s a
Test ground our training ground for everything socially going to happen to black people you got the government agencies that’s up in there also and just basically all types of things were either they study in the case study of these black children or things that’s happening or they either influencing things subliminal seduction
So this stuff can be coming from the music now let me show you what happened well in the EU Center uh in the Au Center they don’t have certain things as couples at Clark Atlanta University it’s interesting the guys hang in a group with guys the girls hang in the
Groups of girls when I was growing up my culture was as far as being a male is no matter how swell of a guy you were you were nothing until you got you some I know that might be raunchy but that’s just the way it was
Because we all Mason we get a distress sign your grip you can get Ian Morgan’s book Freemason exposed for six dollars and learn all the stuff because we all Mason we get a distress sign your grip you can get Ian Morgan’s book Freemason Expos for six dollars and learn all the stuff now
Uh all right then people glorious to the most high let’s get into this one today this is called the whole head is sick in the head but check this TCA why do you keep talking about this what about this that and the other what about that that and this and that and
That why why just this bro reason to talk about this is because my conscience is so clean but I’m outside is Grace there’s so much filth in the community it’s just sickening TCA why are you doing this though are you trying to make it UK versus the USA no
When it comes to truth there is no UK USA USSR driving a car there’s none of that brother I don’t do this for monetization the channel is not monetized I don’t do this for views I couldn’t give a toss this is not America vs UK UK versus America this is just truth
And the truth is no one wants to talk about this topic aside from unifying to close down the conversation or to redirect the conversation or to then give a false accusation that’s about it so this video is called the whole head is sick in the head Jeremiah 23 verse 16 verses the most
High of hosts heart cannot unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you they make you vain they speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the most high I heard somebody say to me the other day bro it doesn’t really matter
What we do we’re Israel we’re Israelites doesn’t the scripture say that all Israel will be saved they make you vain no one ain’t dealing with righteousness and unrighteousness it’s now clicks Crews and gangs the viewer is just as bad the viewer is wanting to be entertained bun entertainment truth goodness righteousness that’s it
Period Point Blank many people now are on some just because you know your identity you can be knowing your identity and be an identified devil so let’s get into this one man the whole head is sick now if you think only little noises is
Is is a you know is a flaming this that and the other because it looks like this that and the other then you might be sadly mistaken as we go through this presentation unfortunately we’re gonna see that it’s not just him but that the whole head is sick
But it’s easy to point the finger at little nose at least these are open over satanic person he’s not a snake in the grass he’s a snake on the pavement the wickedness of Judah hear all heavens and give ear or Earth for the most I have spoken I have
Nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me no one wants to hear the how our people are stiff-necked and rebellious they want to hear the other nations did this we did that we’re like the apple of them all size I but I’m also we’re still boss and
Beat up at Apple clap up Apple smack up Apple whack up at Apple especially if it’s rotten hear all heavens and give air or Earth for the most I have spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me the ox knoweth his owner
That’s a dumb animal that asks his master’s crib another dumb animal but my people or Israel or yashiro that makes you feel better doth not no my people don’t even consider what else does it say about these particular people Ace he says Ah sinful Nation a people ladened with iniquity a seed
Everybody wants a bit of seed a seed of evil doers children that are corrupters they have forsaken the most high they have provoked the Holy One of yashirao Unto anger they are gone away backward why should you be stricken anymore you will Revolt more and more the whole head is sick
And the whole heart faint my conscience is so clear I will bonfire on this whole Wicked system but is your conscience clear or are you just an agent are you an enabler are you a Judas goal that’s for you to decide my conscience clean like what let’s get into this one
The whole head is sick if you only have an issue because of little NOS but you’re willing to give this one for the Brotherhood of us then the whole head is sick it’s easy to watch the world but what about the church let’s get into this all praises and
Glory to the most high so a lot of people have been trying to downplay minimize trivialize and just use word confetti not to address the topic now I’ve been quite open and candid because when you have a conscience that’s clean you can be you’re unapologetically Unapologetic Freemasonry is what
I’ll leave you to read that on the screen it’s impossible for somebody to be talking blackity black talk Israel talk Kingdom talk building all this kind of talk but you’re in bed and then in the next breath saying you’re not in bed the whole institution is in bed
Or inaugurated by the people that you’re saying you have an issue with that makes one bipolar how can you be saying dista and the other but then be in the same bed as the person you have an issue with let’s get into this one of the core I guess doctrines is secrecy privacy
It’s not a secret society but it’s a society with Secrets everything keep it on a hush keep it on the low damage control defend the Bro defend the Brotherhood let’s go back to this grades official appointments passwords explanations are Jewish from beginning to end the symbols the signs from beginning to end interesting
Made this star very popular on the uh program called in the house LL Cool J back in the day trouble TV there was a program called in the house and allow Cool J used to always roll up his truck his his Gene leg or his trouser leg or his pant leg
Then you have the blindfold interesting then above that you have the two pillars and you have the little sphere or the globe should we say on top of the pillars interestingly in between those two pillars you see our Arch in the arch you see the star of so-called David interesting
Let’s continue a little bit more so love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any man loved the world the love of the father is in him typo the love of the father is not in him corrected so here we have an image of the church
Right this is the biggest church in the American space I’m not just going to look on America we’re going to look at the whole plethora we’ll look at America and we’re going to look at negro land specifically in Nigeria well let’s keep it where it needs to be so you know blessed
For the church and the nice gold and purple we’ve looked at that but look at the nice little triangle interesting this guy here throwing up his little triangle this lady here throwing up a little triangle and just one eye popping through interesting love not the world never the
Things of the world if any man loved the world the love of the father is not in him many of us really only want to be or be a part of something or listen to something if it makes us vain no if it makes us repent and confess
And turn away but only if it makes us vain yeah you’re gonna have a thousand slaves oh people are going to kiss your feet oh oh oh we just want to hear all that stuff what about the other stuff nah miss me with that love not the world never the things that
Are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him so how can we have the church over here we’ll see so here’s the church here’s Martin Luther King Reverend Martin Luther King also civil rights activist also lawyer now what is a
That’s a perfect occupation to be in a minister a lawyer a reverend wow so amazing you have the pyramid pyramid gesture but don’t worry it’s involuntary origami there’s nothing suspect here if I had not come and spoken unto them they had not sinned but now they have no
Cloak for their sin your apron not gonna help see this guy’s tattoo you have the triangle compass guard or geometry or Gad real or whatever they want to put in there for G same thing here you see the star interesting if I had not common spoken
Onto them they had not sinned but now they have no cloak for their sin you can’t be claiming ignorant no more when yahushua was blasting the boulay in his day they had the cheek to say he was a part of the boole and I had the cheek
To call him Bowser Bob when Stephen Coakley was Blazing the boolay in his day they had the cheek to say it was a part of the boolay and had the cheek to say he was doing the same things they were doing nothing new Under the Dome let’s continue a little bit more
There’s your pyramid Compass G there’s a lot of Staffing there’s a there’s the triangle there’s a triangle we looked at purple and gold if I had not come unto them they had not sinned but now they have no clue for their sin let’s look at the church again the church the world
All right so now we see our Sharpton doing it isn’t he kind of like a minister all right cool then we see who Jesse Jackson doing it wasn’t he a part of the Rainbow Coalition wasn’t he a minister also didn’t he always did any resist Planned Parenthood then when he
Got funding say planned parenthood’s okay which predominantly targets who and why look into that yourself for the leaders of this people caused them to ER what does ER mean and they are LED of them are destroyed for the leaders of these people caused them to ER
And then of them are destroyed now again this is one of the biggest churches in the American space the AME the African Methodist Episcopal Episcopal Church big massive huge masonry to the Core what is masonry though we just looked at but we’re going to look into it in a bit more detail
Masonic lodges established all over the world offered to help us achieve our independence those pigs the non-jewish Masons will never understand the final object of Masonry Theodore herself the founder of Zionism in Switzerland 1897. hmm so I don’t care how obliquity black black talk civil rights taught people want to talk
You’re a part of the same thing and you all big on this keep it private keep it secret go to your brother in secret go to your brother in prayer at talk I overstam where but I’m not that guy those who sin publicly publicly get rebuked let’s look at our next one
The church the world so people want to blast Jay-Z but your church is on the same thing as Jay-Z but my church baptizes and has good fruit what is fruit though you tell me what fruit is you have a carnal perspective of fruit the Fruit of the Spirit
Who a deep topic well it’s not that deep so you want to bless Jay-Z and you want to blast this guy but your church is the most corrupt thing spiritual wickedness in high places spiritual means a church or something that’s trying to be Spirit like wickedness means it’s corrupt in
High places means the hierarchy of a church or Institution the most high will enter into judgment with the Ancients of Esau the Ancients of the Ancients of Javon the Ancients of gome the Ancients of madai the Ancients of no the Ancients of his people and the princes thereof leaders Civic
Leaders Mayors lawyers whatever the higher Echelon oligarchs for ye have eaten up the vineyard the spoil of the poor is in your houses you manipulating the poor you set up your churches in the in in the poor communities for a reason to Feast off the people’s ignorance and to catapult yourself for some
Angelic cherubim to be to be referenced or highly regarded the most I will enter into judgment with the Ancients of his people and the princes thereof why though for ye have eaten up the vineyard the spoil of the poor is in your houses and all these mega church people have
Some very big houses and it’s just them one or them two or them three or them four interesting it’s not in their interest to teach you the real word it’s an interest to give you a little bit get you nice and blessed with just saying yes now the church the world
Look at this look at the Red Cross we looked at the symbolism behind the Red Cross before and if you’re new to this well I’d encourage you to watch those previous presentations now look at this Zion the AME Zion Church the Freedom Church of Freemasons and it has the Red Cross and the
Triangle interesting and they have their triangle on their costume interesting let’s go to Maccabees then now when Judas saw the mischief of al-semus alsimus and his company had done among the Israelites above the Heathen so when our people are wicked our people don’t just make wicked wicked our people take Wicked to the
Next level our people take Wicked to another level our righteous Israelite is our righteous Israelite how Wicked Israelite is your soul Wicked Israelite and there’s many of them race baiting Israelites now when Judas saw the Mischief of alciemus and his company had done among the Israelites even above the heaven let’s
Continue a little bit more so the world the church if I had not spoken if I had not come and spoken unto them they had not sinned but now they have no cloak for sin I didn’t know yeah you know now deal with it get over it
Repent from it turn from it fast for me take a detox for me but you can’t say you didn’t know you didn’t know oh ignorance nah you know now what you’re gonna do with what you know turn the other cheek when it comes to sin no that’s not what turning the other
Cheek is for so what someone’s a pedophile you turn the other cheek you don’t hold them to account no more or you just get to pick and choose when you want to make this thing the thing because it’s a you want to keep it in a black church finger a white church
Finger a Chinese Church finger a Indian church thing so the world there’s Barack Obama with the Pope or the former Pope and there’s Gino Jennings in the church all right so there’s away congregation church so-called way and there’s a so-called black congregation church it doesn’t matter what flavor you’re getting it’s
The same hot mess the whole head is sick if I had not come unto them they had not sinned right now they have no cloak no apron for their sin my pastor wouldn’t do that my pastor who you don’t even know he’s a pastor that you’re different do you live with people
In their houses do you see them on a day today no so if you don’t see that and you don’t know that then you’re kind of moving a bit kind of like Stan from Eminem My T’s gone cold I’m wondering why aidos a stun if I had not come and spoken unto them
They had not sin but now they have no cloak for sin he winkered with his eyes he speak of with his feet he teacheth with his fingers the whole head is sick if the main order the hmm under the the father and the Messiah the money is supposed to be next right if
The if the man is sick how dare we even say anything about the women if the men are sick who are The Men Who Run who was supposed to run churches or assemblies or congregations men right Bishops yeah Elders right so if their head is sick the whole body is sick
Nobody even talking about women right now no point even talking about that their whole head is sick right now the church the world well this will probably make you feel a bit better those who only want to see things through a black and white lens amazing
Black and white lints there you go then so there’s your church and there’s your world this is probably a little bit more this is probably what people can tolerate a little bit more right because it’s the white man yeah the white man this than that but I’m just showing you
Jude is no different in fact dude does worse Judah can be worse no don’t say nothing about Judah we’ve been through so much yeah but why did you go through so much do you even ask that question what are we doing now that might be reminiscent of what took place before
Negro land wasn’t how the people are trying to betray negro land to be there was a lot of Madness that happened in negro land it still happens over there now it’s more over on the continent in the diaspora it’s a little bit low-key but it’s the same wickedness let’s continue
Ain’t that the truth the amount of insults that I’ve had for bringing this topic out by the most highest Grace has just been very very interesting the amount of immature responses and the amount of viewers that have actually gone along with the Pied Piper and haven’t done their due diligence has
Been astounding but I fear no man man can’t do nothing to man but I’m very fearful of the most I and my accountants is clean and that’s why I stand by where I stand by people don’t like it they can sling their hook let’s continue so this is the church
This is the world let’s continue let’s advance so Freemasonry is the Jewish establishment whose history grades official appointments passwords explanations a Jewish from beginning to end so if you’re saying your Prince Hall or Eastern or this that and the other you come under the people that you’re saying we should
Do this that and the other synagogue of this and that but yet you’re part of the same click that don’t make no sense but my granddad was in it my great grandma was in it my dad was in it in fact I’m in it yeah but this is the root
Of what you’re in so how can you how can you even have the brutacity you know we say carcassity how can you have the brutacity of talking any trash and mess against the SOS when you’re invested in the same regime it doesn’t make a liquor sense not one lick of sense
Let’s go to Nigeria then because we we want to leave America alone yeah let’s go to Nigeria for a minute so this is this is the church yeah this is Nigeria so this is a big Nigerian pasta I forgot his name for my people is foolish
I thought we were we were going to be like dominated by a foolish Nation yeah there was a foolish Nation but you’re foolish too I didn’t say Jeremiah said it take out with Jeremiah for my people is foolish no not Israel yeah he’s talking to you talking about you your ancestors if you
If this is your history right all right cool so my people is foolish for they have not known me they know they are Israelite that’s good that’s that’s excellent that’s good even though Ox knows his owner that’s good that’s very fundamental but are you still masturbating every day
Because you have no control over your Tinky Winky oh I don’t say that sounds a bit gross while sin is gross maybe we need to not trivializing but call it out for my people is foolish they have not known me they know they had rap beard and Fringe
Why are you committing adultery on the weekend they are Scottish children hold up how can the most I call his Nation a people children hold on are you saying the nation is foolish and they’re childish wow interesting they have no understanding wow that’s interesting but what what what’s good about them then
They are wise wow we’re wise right to do evil wise to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge they might have gang stalking that has been taking place due to calling out these Hebrew self-ordained self-assumed leaders the amount of gang stalking and gang attacking
Virtual gang raping that’s going on is very childish sotish and foolish by overstand the whole head is sick they are wise to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge so this is the church in Nigeria this is the pastor how come he’s making the same gestures of these
Wow it must be it must be a I don’t know like something just very uh surreal very very surreal like you know maybe it’s the most high it’s just no it’s because we’re in the same organization is worldwide or as they would say Global let’s continue so here’s another Nigerian master
The church this is Negro land this is West Africa this is where we came from this is where answers was taken from okay cool nice it’s good to know that that’s that’s excellent that’s great yeah yeah Hallelujah okay cool let’s whine our naked will be unto the pastors
That destroy and Scatter the Sheep of my pasture safe the most time so this is the church right this is a Nigerian Pastor wow Hallelujah yay black people are people of the book yeah yeah good stuff good stuff all right so there’s these two top guys so here’s a
Bishop I believe and this is the pasta excellent stuff all right so this is the world though this is Anton Levy Anton Levy so what’s the difference though what’s the difference then one’s black and one’s white so you’re gonna defend black over white white over black Masonic attack is that how we just
Analyze stuff is that discernment black good white bad black white Satan saw black angel is that the uh the level they prophesy unto you and make you vain I heard somebody make a video saying oh certain nations are cannibal cannibals that’s all right then have you not read
How our people cannibalize their own children in the scripts according to the scripts so okay what’s the difference though the difference is this guy isn’t going around preaching to you about morality this guy has already said do as well will and all these satanic talking points you think that Satan comes like this
Nah bro I heard that Satan comes as an angel of Light look at the Nigerian woman in awe of her pastor Island now you have big people that are just in all of a pasta my pastor said I can’t blow my nose till two o’clock
My pastor says I have to go to my house at five o’clock that’s the only difference this guy is not being a hypocrite right now he’s just being straight he’s on what is on no apology the difference is this guy is a flaming hypocrite and this guy bless his cotton socks is also
A flaming hippocrine but all depends on your discernment will you let color get in your way of discerning between fact and all right and wrong righteousness and unrighteousness birds of a feather flock together the world the church this is a Nigerian Bishop doing these little pledge
For the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal we’re not going to go childish we’re childish But Mighty Freedom outside to the pulling down of strongholds what’s the stronghold in the community I would say this is a major stronghold in the community major when you talk about this people
Get funny about people say yo you need to repent I don’t need to repent of nothing because I’m not a part of nothing you need to stop being man worshipers for the weapons of our Warfare they’re not carnal But Mighty for the most high to the pulling down of strongholds now
This is a very big stronghold in the community where people join it for business contacts to be seen of man for the pride of life is a very Pride based thing so I don’t even know what to do with this one this is a Nigerian pasta in Nigeria this
Is a Nigerian pasta in America this is a white man quote unquote or commonly quote so this is Jesse Duplantis so why is Jesse Duplantis doing the same thing as these Nigerian pastors nigerian-american Nigerian Nigerian and good old hillbilly so it must be the spirit is Mo the spirit is moving internationally the
Spirit is moving sarcasm applied what is going on here then Lads why which where am I putting this is this church and this the world which where am I going I’m just gonna put them in the middle because I can’t I can’t see what’s what
100 don’t stand up for man stand up for truth Point Blank regardless the truth will always last it might not get there first quicker than a lie but the truth is always bold Brazen and Unapologetic so how is Jesse Duplantis able to be on the same code as these Nigerian pastors
Maybe it’s not about America or Nigeria maybe it’s the institution that they’ve all went to which is to be what a pastor and what institution could it all be a part of will be an interesting thing that but maybe maybe not Maybe not maybe we’re reading too much into it because
We’re not supposed to look at um hands are we so this is the AME Church biggest one of the biggest American churches this lady is a bishop and this guy here is a bishop which is interesting so they’re both Bishops adorned in purple and gold interesting check this
So this is called the history of Freemasonry among Negroes in America so in this book it says any brother or brothers presuming to call a lodge with a design to make Mason or Masons without the master or Deputy or one of the Deputy for every such offense shall
Forfeit the sum of five pounds so without getting your master’s permission or your deputy’s permission you’re not able to do certain things according to Luke it says no servant can serve two masters forever he will hate the one and love the other or else you’ll hold to the one and despise the
Other you cannot serve the most high a moment mati Yahoo 811 and I say unto you this is deep in all listen to this one this is very very deep here remember I told you I had somebody message me the other day say it doesn’t really matter what we do all Israel is
Going to be saved did he even you know walk on there this that and the other talk or essentially we’re going to be saved whether we’re doing sinful Deeds this stand you aware it doesn’t really matter all the visual is going to be saved blah blah blah check this though
This is this is a humbling one not not a vanity one not a puffin you want one been puffed up too much later Jigglypuff and now we think we’re Wiggly tough Mata Yahoo a11 and I shall say unto you that many shall come from the East and the West
And shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacoby in the Kingdom of Heaven listen but the children of the Kingdom what shall be cast out into outer Darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth what I’ll read that again though with a bit of a crescendo and I say unto you
But many shall come from east and west that’s worldwide east and west and shall sit with Abraham and Isaac and Jacoby in the Kingdom of Heaven but but no one likes this book but I’m gonna say anyway but the children of the who’s the children of the Kingdom
Who was Christ talking to who did he go to I come to the lost sheep of the what the house of Israel but then the message for Paul was okay these people are too stubborn go to the Gentiles pulling all into Europe let’s rewind all but the children of the Kingdom
Shall be cast out into into outer Darkness they shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth woof that’s not a nice one is it all Israel is going to be safe talk is what I’m hearing no another another nice Kool-Aid checklist you cannot drink the cup of the most
High and the cup of devils you cannot be partaker of the most highest table and of the table of devils you can’t be in two you can only be in one it can’t be one on Tuesday and the other on Wednesday again as some bipolar thing you can’t be a blood
On Monday and a [ __ ] on Tuesday or say you know what on Wednesday I’m going to be a blood and a [ __ ] because you might see a blood who sees your [ __ ] and you get shot in the crib or you might see a [ __ ] who sees your blood and you get
Shot in the blood you can’t be both you can lie to yourself and you can lie to others but you can’t lie to the most high now let’s look at some of these symbols and signs that we see so this is a temple there you see the circle in the circle
You see the six-pointed star there you have the star inside the star is the Bible interesting then you have the compass you know you know before the King James Bible when the 16 11 and then the revised and annotated versions you had the um you had the Geneva Bible which was like
A reformer Bible that had all the apocryphal books not all the apocryphal books but most of them in there then over time revise revise revision revision revision there’s been many versions before King James King James admittedly was a Freemason this is why when it comes to this slavery prophecy
It starts at Jamestown to Jamestown which is interesting a lot of Messianic undercurrents to a lot of prophecies that people have drank for a long time but I digress so on this building you see what you see a triangle triangle triangle within the triangle Circle see a star
You see the two pillars where you’d usually have the globe on top you can see the globe here globia blah blah blah blah blah Globe Moon Sun stuff like that see a triangle here interesting see the Star of David see a coral reef um Coral then you look at the papacy
You look at the paper scene you look at the Pope and on the pope you see the same six-pointed star interesting so all you all these movements and Splinter movements and Breakaway movements and movements within movements all you guys report to the papacy whether you like it
Or not or you report to Judaism whether you like it or not you can’t take something that belongs to someone else and try a run with it like it’s your own or make your own remix version because it will always be a remix yay he took up the Tabernacle of molec
And the star of your God renfant figures which he made to worship them and I will carry you away Beyond Babylon hold on are we not doing the same thing that we did today that was once done of old is this not a big massive stronghold for many people
Evidently by the responses you would afford that I’d called out somebody’s mom or somebody’s dad the way people have got very emotional over the topic because it’s a long-how cherished tradition within certain spaces we’ve done we’ve gone into this before but we’re gonna go and because I mean people like every day
I don’t know what anti-semitic Christians y’all been listening to you know where this Doctrine comes from that that the symbol that is called by some of the star David of The Shield of David ignorantly called when all you have to do to prove that these guys are saying this is looking
The Hat they got under here yamaka which symbolizes Saturn worship right and the same crack of Christians that are accusing them are equally demonic yeah right so I mean and and this is who you’re going to as an information source ridiculous and then oh another thing man you guys in GMS
With the uh the six-pointed star take man because that has nothing to do with King David or Solomon that’s that that star right there the star of molak man that’s the star it’s the star of molak or the star you get back to the Masonic fraternity of Freemasonry yeah
Their great symbol is G you’ll look at the the star on the compass which is a stylized Star of David in fact they have the entire story of David and many Masonic temples why is that masonry is a study of Judaism and of the Kabbalah the Jewish Tribune
Newspaper on October 28 1927 stated Freemasonry is based on Judaism eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left Albert Pike a set in his book morals and Dogma that the the Kabbalah is the very basis without the Kabbalah we would not have
The 33 rituals of the Masonic Lodge but the god they Worship the Great architect is moloch the star God so John D rediscovered the technology of how to draw the magic circles how to say the right incantations how to actually do black magic on a governmental level
This is what people are going to have so much trouble with Once disclosure happens is that these people actually practice black magic and they are very very good at and I want to say something else one of the things that I learned from whistleblowers from the cabal itself
Is that they have to work within something they call the rules and this is very very important so I really want to make sure that this gets into the film the rules are a body of spiritual principles that they must follow in order to be allowed to exist now what do
I mean by allowed to exist I mean that they are aware that there are benevolent forces that will prevent them from achieving their goals unless we give them permission to enslave us now think about that I’ve heard that that yeah and have hired and do have content creators that
Get information look at look at this man’s podcast and who CMAC is the number one [ __ ] that go on his podcast I was a former special agent Homeland Security investigations and like yeah like yeah I left that uh in December 2020. it was a great career I really
Enjoyed it I really didn’t want to leave did they come to you and say you have to leave because your YouTube channel is becoming bigger they didn’t say that exactly but it was pretty much insinuated all right so who’s this gentleman on the screen right here who’s this gentleman on the screen right
Here I noticed the guy before was talking about how John D had taught them how to draw circles you look at the rap game the music game the music industry which are people at the Forefront of we see the same practices taking place remember such his children wise to do evil interesting
Where’s this guy this is Bill Nye now Bill Nye and I was just doing a game random involuntary origami nothing uh suspect there beware list any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after the Messiah interesting
I find it interesting as well that when you look at religions in general as an overview you hear many people of different faiths they always see they always take them they always say oh Jesus Christ is a swear word yeah it’s often that name that’s the swear word
It’s often that name that strongly despise within a lot of just generally that name in general now we know that name is not the correct name and this that and the other but I’m saying generally when people want to swear they don’t say oh Buddha Buddha how
I’ve never heard a man say Buddha hell I never heard him say that but nine times out of ten you hear himself Jesus Christ and it’s always like a swear word it’s always like a word that’s very strongly despised which is interesting so when you go to this note
Bewareless any man spoil you have you been spoiled has people puffed you up and said you’re supposed to be redeemed in 2019. is there not many false prophets to have prophesied that and that have gone quiet or they’ve revised their prophecies but yet people still hold them in high regard which is interesting
Why and vain deceit after the traditions of men after the rudiments of the world and not after the Messiah so what is Freemason written well according to August the 3rd 1855 or 35 we categorize or characterize the above principles as Anthony we know storm War Visa that masonry is a Jewish institution
Whose history degrees charges passwords explanations are Jewish from beginning to end with exception of one by degree and a few words in obligation which true to their origin in the Middle Ages are Roman Catholic it is impossible to be well posted in masonry without having a Jewish teacher wow
So what is guys on the curb saying this that and that that and this the white man he saw all this kind of stuff but yet they’re all part of the lodge it’s all hodgepodge it’s all just entertainment you’re being entertained entertained by a black and white talk
This is the new Kool-Aid this is how people get money by talking black and white talk people even sacrifice their own literally like Pawns the lawyer gets paid bailiff gets paid Church get paid funeral director service gets paid the florist gets paid everyone gets paid when a body gets laid it’s a business
Let’s continue here you see the CNA the pillars remember we saw the four pillars earlier four pillars black and white everyone’s getting played chess you have your white pastas great race baiting on the black black race baiting on the white but behind closed doors these people are best friends
But the people that they’re deceiving they’re drinking some intolerant Kool-Aid but it’s good for business or C and I look you have the Star of David in that position interesting or the so-called Star of David there you have the arch and you have people walking through being initiated
There you have the black and white squares interesting so as lovely as your granny was or your granddad was bless their cotton socks rest in peace if they were a part of this thing they might not have known where or LED back to but this generation has no excuse
Absolutely no excuse the other generation okay they can have some excuses amongst I don’t know the excuses or to the extent yeah this generation no excuse no excuse man all right December the 20th 80 and 67. sir a reference to the above subject there is not nor can be any objection to
Jewish brethren rising to the highest offices either in a craft or Royal Arch Masonry it has been ever universally admitted by the order that depart May summary of Judaism is impossible in fact to use a well-known Axiom amongst us Judaism is Masonry and Masonry is Judaism so again when you overstand what’s going
Down in Chinatown Prince or masonry whatever you want to decorate it as it saw Judaism so why would these same people be allowed to talk stuff about Judaism and get away with it and be protected online hmm seems like the smoke and mirrors is this a normal embrace
Talk to me is this a normal embrace is this a normal embrace now uncle Sharif is my uncle yeah but yeah if I saw him I wouldn’t rush to do this to him it’s not that it’s not that time it’s not that serious but is this a
Normal Embrace I just need to know it might be a cultural thing it might just be a cultural thing that I’m not aware of or privy to but is this is this a cultural thing is this is this is this a normal embrace you’re kind of making the next man sit
In your lap while you’re holding on to his uh his pectorals speak up man this speak up man this speaker and and let’s look at the age range as well there’s Monday that are doing that that have gray in their beards gray in their beards so it’s not it’s not youth primarily
There’s old 50 and this is the thing a lot of the guys that are um sticking their heels in when it comes to this topic are 50 plus individuals Trying to minimize and trivialize this custom so essentially the customs of our fathers now is this is this is this I just need
To know is this is this Embrace normal is this what people do in certain places in the world you know when in England we’re very conservative we don’t we don’t get too close like that we have six foot fences we’re not really uh social people like that toot off but
But I appreciate other countries and cultures they kiss on cheek to cheek they you have more of an embracement you know what I’m saying so honestly don’t know is this is this is this normal if I saw David I don’t I’m not on this like kind of embracement but saying all
Of that for a reason saying all of that for a reason Circa Maccabees 4 verse 10. second Maccabees for Destin which when the king had granted and he had gotten into his hand the rule he forth with brought his own Nation to greekish fashion now these men have got beards some of
Them got locked some of them got here some of them I got no hair they’re your hoodie but they’re a little bit too close to booty but what is this a this is gay bro no disrespect but disrespect this is too fruity from this is fruity tube now homosexuality in Greece and Rome
Homosexuality in Greece and Rome because people are claiming they’re a Greek if they’re not of Mason they’re a Greek if they’re not a Greek they’re a mason don’t eat pork but they’re under Jamaican so homosexuality in Greece and Rome did you know Spartan soldiers in ancient Greece had homosexual relationships to
Boost morale and gain strong emotional relationships foreign to increase demanding that’s why I see when I see this I there’s no reason unless you’re fruity to be that close to booty that is just that’s just my hall yeah no again Pythagoras we see him holding up the triangle and damn thing there
So Greek fashion is not just these little weird things that people are doing in the normalizing and this is big men doing it to young boys this is block breaking this is nastiness bro this is bot breaking disgusting stuff that has been normalized like overly normalized
Overly normalized now when I was in the world they’re the things that I’ll be doing with girls when I was in the world I’ve never seen this before until recently looking into this bootle thing I’m like wow is that how that is that how it is yo
Lot of Mercy all right so Greek fashion we’re not sitting but not setting by the honor of their fathers but like in the glory of the grecians best of all no it’s not saying like in the grecians but the glory of the grecian’s best of all so a lot of
People do these things to get recognition from other people look I’ve done this I have this I’m a part of this they don’t even maybe agree with certain things that they’ve done but the glory of doing it is what propels them to do it more often and not you understand what I’m saying
You might not like drinking alcohol but could your friends drink alcohol you feel impressed to drink alcohol just as a you know example you might not like being a hoe but because you chill with hoes then being a hoe is just what you do Bad Company can corrupt character
Also the word whole or [ __ ] in the scriptures before you get to a PC so that’s some mop breaking thing Amos 9 verse 8. Amos 9 verse 8 behold the eyes of the most high are upon the sinful Kingdom so we saw earlier it was a sin for nation
Now it’s a sinful Kingdom we have people who are now woke up to their identity and now when they rebuild a kingdom and rebuild a nation with the most high when I was at their Apex always used to do some fruity stuff mostly forbid behold the eyes and the
Most are upon the sinful Kingdom and I will destroy of the face of the Earth saving that I were not utterly destroy the house of Jacob say the mosaic then in another translation it says either Sovereign Lord I’m watching this sinful nation of Israel I will destroy it from
The face of the Earth but I will never completely destroy the family of Israel says the most high now these things don’t make you vain these things make you say boy sir I need to Humble I need to repent I need to turn away not all the scripture says all Israel is
Going to be saved so we can live how we want to live foreign are doing what if a man let off an air biscuit right now it’s going to be curtains you know irrespective guys do not get this close to another River I don’t care if the brother comes from
Your mother it’s just too close to convert maybe if the person’s choking on the olive but you don’t not like that that’s that’s too fruity yeah just be mindful this is Greek fashion this is why they’re saying they’re Greeks and remember they’re not doing it it’s for the honor
The recognition that comes with doing what they do not setting by honor of their fathers but like in the glory of the grecians to Glory the promotion let’s get a little bit into this more Pan and the Goat Pan and the Goat people are like throwing up the goats
People like doing weird stuff it’s weird but this is the Greek fashion Greek went into pedophilia so it’s no surprise if we are copying these Fashions and cultures and boldly proclaiming to be these things that you can see old men that are probably granddads with young
Boys showing them how to do the thing that is just fruity bro that’s just listen mad mad mad and sad so let’s look at Great fashion Pan and the Goat pan and the Goat second Maccabees 413 now such was the height of Greek fashion and the increase of heave initi heathenish manners
Through the exceeding profanus of Jason that ungodly rich and no high priest so you had a high priest who was corrupt and he went on to corrupt others you need to be careful of who you’re putting on some pedestal because by putting people on a pedestal
You’re going to be prone to be corrupt if those people are corrupt just like Aaron many people would have said Aaron is a prophet always from The Lion of Levi and this down blah blah blah blah but when Aaron’s got people doing Folly they should have called him out but they
Didn’t because of his past work or they didn’t because it was Aaron or they didn’t because they had whatever we have to hold people to account and make them accountable but no one’s doing that Greek fashion Pan and the Goat now such was the height of Greek fashion an
Increase of Heaven ishmannas through the exceeding profanus of Jason that ungodly wretch and no high priest remember we said spiritual wickedness in high places spiritual must mean something that’s delivering a spiritual message wickedness it means it’s a corrupt spiritual message high places it means the higher Echelon of that spiritual institution what’s the
Spiritual institution well it’s one saying there Amore watch them somebody’s saying giving themselves what he’s tired was I’m Amore of Murray I’m a Super Mario like Lauda you just John and you work here and you live there and that’s you’re just John just be calm just be happy with being John
You don’t need to go around and claiming you’re something other than just being John what could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes brought it forth wild grapes what so Yasha Yahoo said
What could have been done more to the vineyard that I have not done in it so the most I say or what more can I do with these so-called Brews that I haven’t already done I’ve tried to rebuke them they don’t listen they Double Down they redirect they explain away
They Overlook they minimize they trivialize it’s a Witch Hunt oh stop persecuting us they have the cane Spirit why why are you angry with me because you’re doing bad things but what about everybody else but we’re talking to you but what about Jimmy that’s the spirit we have what about ism
What could have been more what could have been done more to my Vineyard but I have not done in it the most high is asking a question people say yo what’s the solution what’s the solution people them tough and sick in the head wherefore when I look that it should bring forth grapes
Brought it forth Wild grapes sometimes you have to dust off your shoe there’s a time to embrace a time to refrain from embracing there’s a time to throw a stone and a time to gather a stone sometimes you just have to lead people along there’s nothing else to be done
That hasn’t already been done what could have been done more to my Vineyard but I have not done any wherefore when I looked I should bring forth grapes brought it forth wild grapes funny as well on the topic of a pan R Kelly caught himself the Pied Piper right interesting now isakari
Now why did the channel go offline temporarily when offline temporarily when we did a video exposing Sakari anime Sonic connections the video received uh a strike for harassment courtesy of YouTube on behalf of Sakari and I thought that was weird I was like yo how is it YouTube is listening to to uh
Sakari now there’s been video presentations on other people like Dan Callaway uh Corey mail other people and even though we’ve disagreed and there’s been a little bit of animosity because when you disagree sometimes it can bring forth a bit of animosity they’ve never flagged the content or quote unquote snitch to YouTube
Over a video that they did not like they just let the video go and do its thing but the only time my content on this particular whatever you want to call it has been flagged is by the Hebrew community when Link in the Hebrew Community is either Judaism or Freemasonry
That’s just that’s just a fact that’s not trying to embellish that’s just me saying what it is so when the channel this year wow last end of last year start of this year I started to look into things man and that’s when I started to stumble upon all these reoccurring repeating
Hand gestures of the pyramid and I started to see y’all there’s a connection between our religions or spiritual institutions and NASA okay boom bam bam and multi made the understanding clearer and I said you know what safe let’s make this swing this stronghold be obliterated For Your
Glory and that’s why we started to look into these things not to make it a US versus new at UK verse USA or some corn or thing or some carnality did but to put these strongholds to bed but it’s going to be a fight because people are rigid
And because people are invested in these swings and they’re a part of these things whether they’re male or female whether they’re Brew or gentle and that’s why there’s been a lot of backlash which was to be expected but I have very broad shoulders by the most highest Grace
So going back to this now when we covered this one there was a backlash and I was just I find it weird that YouTube honored and then again YouTube honored another Hebrew group and then again YouTube under another Hebrew group when talking on the same topic and I have the receipts
In regards to what I’m speaking about so that just made alarm bells ring and again this channel is not monetized so it’s not a monetizing thing it’s not a subscriber thing it’s not a viewer thing because the channel has been Shadow blocked and Shadow band so it’s not about that for me personally
It’s just about truth I started the channel as a troofer and that’s what it’s about not about emotions or feelings truth now let’s get back into this a little bit so there’s a car referring up the goat there’s these guys may be throwing up the goal or maybe something linked to
The fraternity that they’re a part of days to the goal Greek fashion pan and his horniness as The Story Goes and there you have infidelity with a goat interesting so this is one that caused a lot of controversy for obvious reasons because people are put people on pedestals which is fine
Now when in Christian mode when in Christian mode he did certain gestures where he’s covering his eyes which is a masonic gesture and there you see there in The Simpsons portrayed going from Darkness into light here in Christian mode he’s throwing up the goat so we give the benefit of the doubt
Because it was in Christian mode yeah is that what we do I have no issue with this star and the other but when it came to apology mold you’re still throwing up the hand sign at specific times and it was not a live video what does that mean it means it’s a
Video that you put yourself in that position you put you’ll see in a certain location the tripod the camera you set up the whole frame you sat in there said what you had to say recorded it edited it uploaded it and pull it online it’s not like it was alive like this now
Where I’m coughing and there’s always this isn’t this is live this isn’t edited this isn’t post-production this is real time production as we speak you hear so there’s no excuse bro really but people make excuses for their idols and it made me laugh that a man tried to double down and make
A and bring up a video from back in the day saying burn your Idols when he knows that that’s the spirit or the power that he has is I idolatry over a lot of people due to word playing lyrics let’s be honest though as we go through one second
All right so let’s go for a little bit more the video was well thought through exactly it worked like some random happenstance or video but a video with which she thought about wrote about called himself the Holy Ghost to record himself the Holy Spirit call himself the Lord’s anointed made a
Lot of humble brag statements throughout while repenting but is what it is we are where we are so the Masons run the music industry and popular culture by extension so we look at MTV MTV you have the May Sonic Temple all right so MTV got the Masonic Temple
Now back in the day if you’re talking about MTV MTV when we were growing up there was only one or two channels to get music and that was the Box and MTV outside of MTV in the Box there’s no music then eventually in the UK space there
Was a channel called Channel U and there you could get UK Underground Music on the TV and when these things happened there was a change in the culture there was a change in how people um conducted themselves because before this time it was only America who were celebrities in the UK
Space then when we had UK Music Television they had a change then we saw this kind of change like if you understand what I’m saying like the UK started to produce quote-unquote celebrities and then people started to have same egotistical spirit that you see amongst American celebrities and stuff
Like that so it’s very weird and interesting to see the change just like in Nollywood now as it’s getting bigger and bigger you’re seeing the same Spirit of Hollywood in in Nigeria uh it’s just weird what TV can do and how it can transform and change quite rapidly a culture a people
It’s weird so Masonic temple MTV MTV then every time they support videos out of their commercials you’d always see the moon landing and MTV interesting space may be a final frontier but it’s filmed in a Hollywood basement hot red chili peppers then you have little noise this is the culture
So if you’re in this in this organization you’re part of the music you’re part of the popular culture even if you’re not doing it personally you’re not personally doing these things you have to pay to be a part of this organization your masonry stuff just like when you’re in the church and
You have to pay your tithes your tithes is going to Israel you’re helping the nation of Israel in Jerusalem so you’re sowing into stuff whether you know it or not and it’s good to know what you’re sowing yourself into or sowing your funds into when I was in this Christian setup I was
Like yo how come we’re doing all these times and stuff where’s the tithes going to all right goes to the Past day he gets like a good chunk and then another chunk goes to Israel I was like wow okay in some way shape and form
And it’s the same in the lodge too you pay your membership you pay your whatever so even if you’re not doing these things you’re financing these things by being a part of these things foreign there’s no nepotism over here no nepotism the whole head is sick say here’s Usain Bolt
Covering his eye must have an issue maybe a fly went into his eye that’s my damage control rhetoric obviously no fly went into his eye then he has his nice little ring as he’s doing a DJ then he has his finger on his lip the vow of secrecy stay quiet
This is why I know it’s the reoccurring theme when uh calling out certain things everybody wanted only me to be quiet everybody else could be as loud as they wanted to be but I had to repent and be quiet but everybody else could be loud that was interesting
Everybody else could be quiet be loud now check this I have no issue saying new sayings on this channel where have you made people your Idols that you can’t even say no no no oh you defend all that Kingdom Come this is just one as many receipts so Kyrie
So Kyrie Irving I’m not gonna lie I’ve never knew who Kyrie was until the Amazon scandal where he put a tweet out and it made Amazon a lot of money and subsequently those who might have done business with Amazon so Amazon and Mason interesting so you had the Kyrie Scandal and everyone’s in
Their emotions yeah he said a liquid Sound by that many people have said already uh I looked at a name Jehovah blah blah blah was I don’t even know what you said from this everybody got really excited because Kanye was saying stuff too and then everyone was saying stuff and
He was like yeah confirmation yeah okay but it was all a stage it was all a play you got caught in the act now if you’re not gonna give blood or not as a pass there stands to reason you can’t give Kyrie a boss unless you have impartiality
Which then means one is a hypocrite who’s more evil than in your eyes Kyrie on us maybe Eve was a strong word who’s more unjust in your eyes Kyrie on us it’s easy to say a little noise right because this is homosexual and he’s very open about what he does and blah blah
Blah and this that and the other what about Kyrie though Kyrie wears the Hat that was or the logo on the hat which was rocked by Alistair Crowley who was known as the Beast Alissa Crowley was known as the Beast he called himself the Beast and he was into
Pedophilia and you’re wearing a hat in honor of Crowley who called himself the Beast who was into pedophilia and other kind of weird stuff interesting then on the back of this guy’s sacrifice on behalf of us oppressed Israelites worldwide can’t catch a brick because we’re just oppressed to press
The Press then we have to be oppressed because that’s what makes people a lot of money by always saying you oppressed you oppressed what if your own people are oppressing you so that they can be blessed for your oppression ah dangerous so on the back burner of this there was
A money grab organization made to help us get a voice you know they oppress Kyrie for crying out loud Kyrie so on the back of this Copper mandem got together and said yo let’s make a little Foundation civil rights kind of movement let’s make a little civil rights foundation on behalf of Kyrie
And his civilized civil rights Foundation was called the African Israelite Justice Foundation or what did this organization Foundation do nothing really it’s just nothing but there’s a president now self-assumed president vice president but the same organization that’s supposed to protect you from Injustice protect your rights to religion and
Protect your freedom of speech made a video trying to take away my freedom of speech for calling out their hypocrisy apparently you have freedom of speech until you speak against their policy now let’s switch it I don’t upset people too much and they’re idols so this is brother polight he’s from a a
Community that maybe people wouldn’t really respect them because it’s from an alternative Viewpoint of reality he’s not only Hebrew israelitism he’s on something else he’s on egyptology or Egypt something all right cool so here you have Pele in his Mason huh near her polite spread you’re making the
Same hand gestures each on burgundy but don’t worry it’s just all coincidental happenstance or these things happen yeah then you have him with making the pledge hand gesture so this is brother as they say now people will be so easy to say yeah brother polite this and get all into the chat
Talking about brother polights this and that but do you have that same balance or that same perspective when it comes to people that you’ve put in a pedestal and have now become a zealot for so this is Brother polite now if you wouldn’t excuse brother polight why are you politely excusing your own
Why should you be stricken anymore he will Revolt more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint make it make sense make it make sense make it make sense I’ll I’ll give give you a minute to get out of your emotions and go into logic make it make sense
Now I bet you can probably handle it if it’s sonetta you can probably handle it if it’s polite but can you politely tell me why you give everybody else a play can you politely tell me that why are people all right let’s leave the hand gestures why are people wearing the same regalia
Yeah it’s just coincidental oh it’s usually like this is your light now oh this that and the other all right cool you live in la la land you be a cuckoo bird why is Kyrie Irving wearing the same hat as Alice the Crowley or the same logo symbolism as Alistair Crowley
If I put on a man united Jersey does it mean that I support man united or have an affinity towards Man United well it could it just be random I just put in a man united on could just be random actually or it could mean I have an affiliation
To man united I like them I think they’re a good team or whatever well I could have accidentally put the top on or knowing that it’s uh Man United somebody made this make sense so ha pledge ha pledge Banner Banner Banner Banner white white white white or cni Kyrie Irving or cni
Alistair Crowley brother polight sonneta less loud I only put that in there just to help people so they don’t get overly uh emotional about your guys though what about your your guys who are affiliated up to the T doing pledges and making videos about calling law enforcement
What kind of idiot thing is that all right let’s learn that one people probably a bit emotional let’s switch it hand gesture hand signed we’re not supposed to watch these though according to uh the president we’re not supposed to watch this we’re supposed to be keeping it on the
Hush that’s Alice the Crowley there’s his cross same cross that you see on the AME but that’s another story for another day keep it on the hush pyramid pyramid exactly there’s a lot of people defending this mess which to me is just very very uh quiet telling so here’s
Another person who defended the miss false witness is false witness no matter how you believe it only a low IQ [ __ ] will believe anything TCA is putting out well I would say this it’s not even about IQ it’s about spiritual intelligence so yeah many people with IQ
May I miss it many people with spiritual discernment and spiritual IQ and spiritual intelligence will get it but look how people are sinking so low don’t act like you were a part of the hmm meeting with all of us nah brother you’re on your own there
I said here when you and your Israelite Brotherhood already let’s go live address the issue publicly decently and in order he have another Ministry there who is brethrens with this guy saying the devil so it’s calling me that will accuse others of the exact thing he is guilty of some people are blind
Interesting now following all these videos I got the main one well this is the the other time it was put up it got flanked by a Hebrew group called i-o-g Israel of God it has very churchy churchy vibes took it down I messaged them they didn’t even didn’t
Even get back to me there’s a way straight to the law I messaged them didn’t even uh entertain it yeah they’re following that I get a message from YouTube saying you make harmful content bro hey YouTube said man makes harmful content there’s no swearing cussing that I’m aware of in the content
There’s no pornography there’s no none of them think that they know cussing people out yeah but it’s harmful content content that focuses on controversial issues and that is harmful to viewers wow he that justify the wicked and condemneth the just even both are an Abomination to the most high
Then I had these guys come out in full force now you have Masons you have Eastern Stars you have female equivalency of Masons a lot of the the female side they’re prostituted into stuff not saying that all of them are not all of them do that but there’s a
Lot of sexual exploitation and blackmail that happens when you’re a part of certain societies they’re not being gang stalked being gangster you know buddies I no a i j f African Israelite Justice foundation so I made a video not a video a post out of um Kelly of we won’t know email
Exchange with myself and I just made it public so I’m tired of going backwards and forwards of people that maybe perceived as disingenuous so I put a post out to make it public and not in the dark right and then the sister goes off in a little
Tangent then I was thinking who is this random woman then I was like oh she’s a part of the little thing with a nice little purple head wrap I was like okay hear me so I’m like okay that’s that makes sense so at the moment though what I’m
Disappointed in is no one’s really dealing with anything that’s been brought out outside of redirecting the conversation back to me as the devil man bowserver which is interesting but no one’s really dealing with the topic or they’re trying to explain it away or redirect it but no one’s really addressing the thing
Which is very suspic so again this guy here lumius is the vice president this guy here is the president this woman here is a part of it this guy here is a part of it so the whole part is same tight limit Civil Rights Movement and this movement is also connected to
This guy so when you understand how it was all connected you’re like okay I understand always done in a stun all right so let me show you how the oldest link topping connected now this guy takari who we’ve looked at previously he randomly come out at the Shadows to defend this guy
I was like yo you got you uh the Masonic Brotherhood came out in full forcemen to close down the conversation it was interesting came out in full force close down the conversation and not only that the reactions from the community was quite poor in terms of don’t make anybody that idle
Weigh up the evidences don’t just go with view count likes this that and the other actually look at what people are saying the spirit in which people are coming in and the information that’s being presented I even made a video where is it gone I’m going to show you a video actually
On the same topic one second give it to you I said dear Dante thank you for exposing me you are definitely a notable scholar and profit for these times I hope that upon reading this letter you can lend your skills to the query now in context
So I said Dante I find it random how you rush to defend each on Burgundy a few weeks ago and took the opportunity to make disparaging false statements about me this was a bit cowardly ironically and never followed the often quoted biblical Council of handling things privately ironically go figure
So we made this gesture there’s a comment randomly in defense of ishan I’m like cool I said dear Dante if I’m a Mason agent then Mr burgundy your friend falls into the same category the guy you and a multitude defended religiously I mean brotherly these are common thinking poses nothing more or less
Just like your other friend who joined your Omega hour show so before we come in Dante he had a show called the Omega hour and it had high profile Jewish people on his show and admittedly his grandfather was a high level Freemason Freemasonry is the study of Judaism and
The guy also made a book which is kind of gleaning from the Kabbalah interesting so I said can you look into these including these and in can you look into these and especially these also can you look into these we’ll give we’ll give the hand gesture
From each and a blind but what about when he’s apologizing doing the same hand gesture as Billy Carson but the fruit of the spirit is goodness righteousness and Truth nobody wants to touch these points Dante before you enter the Hebrew Arena you used to chill with these brothers yeah
And they’re all doing the same gesture I said if it’s not too much trouble please can you look into this nor would you Ali admittedly over at Mason the same setup as him dressed in the same manner as him and adjacent to him as an Eastern Star with the same regalia
So what’s going on but the wisdom that is from above is first pure then Peaceable gentle easy to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits why are these good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy I said dear Dante you’re doing a mate you are amazing I appreciate your
Support in looking into these matters I know you will leave no stone unturned to help us all out we hasn’t even looked into it then I told him straight I’ve tried to look into these topics myself with the video below where he keeps getting flagged by the leaders of Hebrew
Congregations hopefully you will not face the same problem and there’s the video that was made and removed and it was about hour and a half long just looking at all these connections and subsequently we’ve swiftly removed I says thank you viewers With a Friend or Foe with Dante researching we all shall know
And that was it and everybody else in the Hebrew realm could do their own due diligence to looking into them too there’ll be a very appreciated masonry is a Jewish institution whose history degrees charges passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end it is impossible to be well posted in
Masonry without having a Jewish teacher it has been ever universally admitted by the order that two-part masonry and Judaism is impossible in fact to use a well-known Axiom amongst us Judaism is Masonry and Masonry is Judaism part and parcel that’s why you see these signs on the continent and in the diaspora between
All ethnic groups the only difference is this guy is very obvious about what he’s about these guys I’ll let you decide the church the world the church the world the church the world you know a lot of family members well not a lot of family members but family
Members I have are in this stuff and you can’t tell them that it’s not evil and they’ll sit in church and tell you that it’s not evil and like I said your pastor’s probably in this too the past is probably amazing your pastor’s probably join Greek
You know a lot of family members well not a lot of family members but family members I have are in this stuff and you can’t tell them that it’s not evil and they’ll sit in church and tell you that it’s not evil and like I said your pastor’s probably
In this too pastor’s probably amazing your past is probably join Greek needed to attach himself to something was look out here looking for his identity and see a lot of people find their identity in these things you know you want that Brotherhood you want that feeling and that sense of
Belonging in this world around you so you join this stuff but you don’t know the origins of the stuff you’re joining the stuff that you’re allowing yourself to be subjected to how about you just have enough honor get yes still get your education but you
Have enough honor to just be who you are start your own thing don’t pull nothing from something else especially something with some demonic Origins to it and you put that into your culture but see these men didn’t do that and this is this is this is even further than Prince Hall
And and uh in Thorne Jackson we’re going to talk about the black Greeks and how they started the boulet society which is what a lot of the black men Bill Cosby and many others are attached to this this is where they get their money A lot of you
Pastors and Elders I know them I’ve been in their churches I’ve sat in it I’ve dealt with them they’ve only met religion you’re religious and you’re black religious and this is why this type of message is going to be met with an attitude and it’s going to be met with resistance
Because you’re black religious Lord how do these pastors get to this point where they just don’t even understand how to deal with the world how do they keep bringing things in the church is now just doing everything the world is doing so they can up so they can because they
Feel like to reach the world we got to look like the world we gotta attract the world we have to do the things that the world is doing to bring people into the church what type of spirit do you think is in your church when you do that
Or you can be a pastor and getting your feelings because someone comes and tells you something the Bible says and then you’ll see them somewhere and walk past them and act like you don’t see them and have an attitude but then you’ll sit in church and preach Holy Ghost
1977. it’s a good article because it has some interesting things in it it mentions that also besides laying in a coffin to do your initiation after you lay in the coffin butt naked you gotta get out and jump in a pile of mud and wrestle with your fellow initiates again butt naked
We all asked Bushfire he was sliding all around his brother man did he slip up and catch one of them [Applause] we need to check that out now one of the things they do in skull and bones is they have a little ritual they be initiate and they set them at a table
They put two skulls on the table skeleton heads they tell the initiate I want you to look at these two skulls and I want you to tell me which one is the fool and which one is the wise man he said after that I want you to tell me
Which one is the rich man and which one is the beggar that initially looking all over the skulls he looking [ __ ] time passing they stand there just looking at him right wondering when he gonna figure it out that he can’t tell the difference right because the lesson they’re
Teaching the initiate their language is when you’re dead you did Now now I don’t know everything let me just say I don’t know everything I’m a humble child standing before you thrusting before you the little things that I do know so that they can fit the things that you know so that together we can make a better that’s the best I can
Do that’s the best I can do it there may be people who know this better than me many times when we talk like this assess the climate so that we can carry the discussion further because many times people that know feel that the other people don’t care so they never say
Okay so sometimes uh somebody throws the stick down and lays the tin over and completely comes under it and it stops some of the rain and others come in too and we get to add Clarity to things that we need to know it’s all masonry and masonry is stolen Egyptian knowledge
That’s what it is that’s the reason why you see all of the Masonic symbol the pyramids the All-Seeing now and everything because they got the same Knowledge from the that the Egyptians built Egypt with from the help of Fallen Spiritual Beings ain’t got time to tell you this is
What’s helping them do what they’re doing now they worship those beings with sacrifice and the same blood sacrifices and all the stuff that they do and that’s the reason why they’re Skull and Bones they got all these guys this is this is why all these fraternities and secret sizes
Have a homosexual Edge to it it has a homosexual is because that’s what they use to Blackmail them see what happens in the Yale cross-gullen bones is when they uh take the oath they have to get naked and then wrestle in mud with another naked man
This is what part of the ritual I’m just trying to help y’all you know you believe it or not you gotta understand the people that run stuff I didn’t say they was sane but they this is spiritual knowledge that you don’t know they doing this Satan knows what it means and he gives
Him power for doing it because it just shows more Allegiance see the whole point of Satan the sacrifice is powerful when people do blood sacrifice whatever it’s powerful but what really Satan is looking at is their submission their allegiance it’s the fact you’re doing what I said dude calling themselves reverence
And you no one know why we can’t get anything done then the very organizations that we thought was for us why they never done none for us NAACP ain’t never done them for why because they was there to monitor the blacks these are the organizations that they
Use these high-level blacks to put them in to give them Prestige and honor and they do their secret work to keep us to keep us down and you don’t have to believe it why would they do that why would they do that well why don’t anybody want to be in power
Now you don’t but if you run into one of them you know you you don’t understand you’re running one of them you’ll see and we used to talk and stuff like that you know cool brother and then the brother said one day he said I heard you
Design shoes or whatever so he was you know designed shoes so we got in this talk about design you say man what I’m trying to look for is to get designed a skirt for men that’s a masculine skirt for men you see now I already knew that this guy here was suspect
You know but you’ll be so and all and I know what he’s talking about here because I already know because see that’s the gay capital of the of of America now that the black gay capital is Atlanta so it’s a whole phenomenon going on down there
They got a whole section of town Midtown that is a whole section for gay white men and black men and so this brother was like I want to get a skirt done and he was trying to look for something to Corner the market that was something that they had been
Discussing in gay black community of a masculine skirt called metrosexuals the brother named kalindi up in um Detroit was talking about it when I was up there and this is what Hollywood is going to uh what what Hollywood is going to you know and it’s just the black man is
Going to be included in that type of thing you see what I’m saying which goes back down to the gay RAP Community now you must understand this because I saw this thing happening in Atlanta in Atlanta at the Au Center you got five black schools so it’s a
Test ground or training ground for everything socially going to happen to black people you got the government agencies is up in there also and just basically all types of things were either they studying the case study of these black children or things that’s happening or they’re either influencing things subliminal seduction
So this stuff can be coming from the music now let me show you what happened well in the Au Center are in the Au Center they don’t have certain things as couples at Clark Atlanta University it’s interesting the guys hang in a group with guys the girls hang in the
Groups of girls when I was growing up my culture was as far as being a male is no matter how sweet of a guy yo when I saw this post because what happened was I put out the video of the masonry thing and African diaspora and yeah Africa diaspora Freemasonry and it
Featured this individual and on the back of that video being removed incidentally from iog this guy put a post out saying foreign intelligence like try to make it sound very Grand yeah about some hostile foreign group sounds something like what Barack Obama would say they’re very just cinematic
Well we’re not supposed to watch these things apparently there’s nothing in them at all these pyramid hand gestures well in the EU Center are in the Au Center they don’t have certain things as couples it’s interesting the guys hang in a group with guys the girls hang in the
Groups of girls when I was growing up my culture was as far as being a male is no matter how swell of a guy you were you were nothing until you got you some I know that might be raunchy but that’s just the way it was
Because we all Mason we get a distress sign you grip you can get Ian Morgan’s book Freemason Expos for six dollars and learn all the stuff because we all Mason we get a distress sign your grip you can get Ian Morgan’s book Freemason exposed for six dollars and learn all the stuff now
Uh now um so what happened was is this what happened was is the uh you have these new guys and what they do is they hang around each other totally one reason why because rap is all that’s interesting as well man rap a rapper was called out for doing these uh
Pyramid hand gestures but apologizing and the amount of mandem that was defending a man it was kind of a bit suspect man no dish listen it should it’s not even it’s never been about UK vs USA people trying to frame it as ah this UK man’s just angry with USA yo there’s
Some very honorable respectable people in the USA there’s some very honorable and respectable people in the UK notice I’m saying there’s some because not everybody is good and not everybody is bad yeah some some but it’s never been about that the whole topic was about yo why are people doing
These pyramid gestures that are linked to Freemasonry and insane uh pasta Amore this that and the other and then trying to control the conversation downplay the conversation or quote a conversation a Witch Hunt and give people Kool-Aid to drink so that they just stole back to sleep
Yeah that was the only issue if you want to be a part of these little funny things and grab Man by the bottom and stuff do what you want to do bro but don’t be lying and and having a a false pretense like if you’re gonna do them
Things say you’re on them things and give people the opportunity to decide okay if they want to hear what you’re saying here just just be straight be 100 that’s the point so it’s just interesting how people just came from nowhere to defend an individual and then
You had a woman come out of nowhere to defend the man and it’s not even a husband and she was doing overtime so I was thinking yo you must be able very deceived or you must be a part of the same organization but a female version you know that’s just something
That I thought anyway but anyway let the thing go male discipline despite what we think when you think about the amount of sisters that’s actually wrapping and stuff like that you can count them on one hand and you know what I’m saying and and in each era it’s only down there too
You see but you got them on one hand as far as the amount of sisters is actually doing something you know so um the phenomenon can be infiltrated and reinforced in the aspect of the government being able to experiment with all types of things they want to deal with
So this leads to the aspect of the gay aspect of of the rapper industry well why not because it’s it’s clear that homosexuals can find especially males can find sanctuary in our all-male discipline exactly are you trying to do I had a friend named John Cole who was
Blonde and then head down to his shoulders and had blue eyes and looked like you know America’s vision of the perfect guy and he put me through high school that’s how I got through the school performing arts he snapped me up to his house so his parents didn’t see I spent the night
There we went to school addressing his clothes you see what I’m saying into the whole rap aspect Plus you got for the last 15 years since two Live Crew first you predicate this thing you got a culture where you calling them [ __ ] and hoes for the last 10 years
So here it goes up and then if you’re gonna have a Down Low male which is this metrosexual or whatever we call these new forms of black homosexuality it can literally the rap community so you know the growing Trend in the in the popular culture to
Put women down and call women this that and the other if you hate something you’re most night you’re most likely not gonna get with that thing that you hate it’s always like conditioning the music has been a tool to condition male and female against each other so you know popular
Music from let’s say Beyonce all my single women all my women who are independent don’t have no dependency on a man then on the flip side gangster culture I don’t need no holders my bro which is kind of gay on the low you understand what I’m saying so for
The longest we’ve been programmed free music through popular culture through idols and icons to have a very warped perception of our reality to the fact that we look at our women as trash and our men as the apple of our eye which is bananas and the uh the other way as well and
When you read the scriptures though it says a wife out does any bro you understand a wife continues your name and your children not your brethren and your mandem none of them things there so we have a warped perception which has been given to us by a popular culture the music industry
Which we looked at earlier as part of masonry so a lot of our reality has been controlled man for a long time and this is why it’s difficult for people to unplug because that’s their life that’s their existence that’s all they know you know that’s why it says be not conform to
This world but be changed by the renewing of your mind that you can prove so we have a lot of proving to do just cause grandma did it Grandad did it don’t mean you have to do it and you don’t mean you’re disrespecting them by
Not doing it maybe if they had the same information you had today they wouldn’t do what they did so why are you making that excuse for them when you have more information today just something to think about man one of the most respected feared gangster [ __ ] in the streets but I
Know there was [ __ ] out there getting money like me who wanted to hear that real [ __ ] even though we Latino so it’s the greatest I want to hear people talking about the n-word even though there’s some real N word even though I’m a Latino what but yeah man music’s a joke don’t
Even it’s just a joke man music’s a joke a lot of things we think we defend and we love for and we love it’s a joke man it’s not righteous there’s no goodness it’s just vanity vain let’s rewind what he said again streets but I know there was [ __ ] out
There getting money like me who wanted to hear that real [ __ ] even though we Latino so it’s the greatest it’s the greatest gay Market in the world own I think if you’re gay rep you’re set what so he’s saying that the rap industry is the biggest Market in the world man and
Is doing the same sign that just randomly uh people make you got a whole crew of rappers everything wasn’t meant to be analyzed and that’s where our problems came in I think and that’s where I think kids are happier kids are definitely happy you know what I’m saying that’s gay
You know what real [ __ ] even though we Latino so it’s the greatest it’s the greatest gay Market in the world own I think if you’re gay rep you’re set what you got a whole crew of rappers everything wasn’t meant to be analyzed and that’s where a lot of problems came
In I think and that’s where I think kids are happier kids are definitely happier you know what I’m saying that’s gay you know what I’m saying literally calling their own Mama’s hoes called the goat and Compasses the phrase has nothing to do with writing a goat
The origin the phrase is from the word god encompasses us which generated into God and Compasses the phrase can also be seen as describing the state of masonry when James Anderson George Payne and John de sagulier decided to rewrite the rituals establish the premier Grand Lodge of
England and bring order out of Chaos thank you so he’s talking about the goats and why they uh where the rumor of the goat came from and stuff like that so here’s some pictures of the goat guys in his boxer shorts allegedly was um just satirical or satire
So we’re sitting on a goal riding a goat and the other guy chasing a goat so he’s explaining the uh the origins of this um uh golfing but then when you check it it’s just this really pan Baphomet whatever you want to call it but he’s saying that
Let’s now you have the context of what he’s talking about right compasses the phrase has nothing to do with riding a goat the origin the phrase is from the word god encompasses us which degenerated into God and Compasses the phrase can also be seen as describing the state of masonry when
James Anderson George Payne and John de sagoulier decided to rewrite the rituals establish the premier Grand Lodge of England and bring order out of Chaos thank you and basically this is basically hidden knowledge that you have to prove yourself Worth to be worthier see the people in the Kabbalah believe
That the regular Bible that we read is just preschool stuff like that that’s just novice now the Kabbalah is the hidden knowledge that they believe they found and that that’s where the real truth comes from so you have the cop the the uh the Kabul Jews
At back at the you know back in the biblical days this Kabbalah stuff is really old I’m not really going to get into that because that’s not really the point of message taking something seeing the white man do something and saying you know what the best way to make myself look
Credible is take something that the white man does bring it to my people could have named it anything else but because he took it from someone so he didn’t create it he took it from someone so he you can’t take something from someone else and say that it’s it’s your own thing because
You got the whole idea from someone that already created this right so he was so determined to bring this into the church and here where I live in Dayton Ohio we have a a school named after Richard Allen which I mean I’m not saying Richard Allen did do some great things because
Richard Allen definitely did do some great things but these Masonic Origins I have a problem with and I have a problem with that with Prince Hall too and you see what churches they found they right so this guy was a Mason by the name of Richard Allen Absalom Jones this organization fostered identity
Leadership Unity among blacks and became the Forerunner of the first African American churches in this City so it just goes to show from the inauguration of these religious institutions it’s just been Judaism because Freemasonry is the study of Judaism and Judaism is masonry so you just see these connections these undertones
For one of a better word have you heard of this guy before Richard Allen Absalom Jones the Methodist and the Episcopal Church and if you really study into the uh the uh African Methodist churches in the Episcopal uh the African methodists Episcopal churches they’re very very rooted in masonry and it’s because of
These guys and you can’t tell them that it’s nothing wrong I mean you’ll you’ll pull up and you’ll see there’s their Shriners thing on there that the uh that they’ve been a Shriner I mean they go through all of these degrees man and they don’t know that they’ve introduced themselves
To ever more evil and they’re leaving a lineage of problems for their kids to pick up and carry because see that’s the thing with generational curses we don’t have to deal we don’t basically we’re not penalized for the generational curses that our family members have have put upon us but we suffer the
Effects of them you know what I mean so we have to look at this and see this for what it is we really need to deal with this Freemasonry stuff you see who one of the creators was a man that was involved with the kabbalistic Jew system
The man that fought to keep you enslaved black man he was with the Confederate he was a brigadier general in the Confederate Army and you had Thorne Jackson along with Prince Hall these guys were so determined and see Prince all you gotta think this came before but see he was already free
Plus you have to look at his lineage also I mean his mother was born a French heritage you know she was already free you know since he was Freeborn so Prince Hall didn’t even experience what you went through as far as even being a Slave but he’s looked upon as a person that
Was very well respected within the African-American community and a lot of the people like I said in my willy Lynch letter that we celebrate as black history people are rooted in Freemasonry we got to deal with this y’all this is this is serious stuff whether you think it’s serious or not
We need to knock this off we need to knock it off I’m only giving you the The Briefing of Freemasonry but you really need to study the origins of Freemasonry you need to read that book by Albert and Pike Albert Pike called Morrison Dogma even not that
Book even another book where he talks about other gods and as the other man by the name of manly manly P hall you need to Google him and study him too he has a lot of his information out there about what what what masonry really comes from and what it really
What it really um what it really is about and the spirit is attached to it let’s look at some other people who are masons Joseph Smith and his followers are masons who was Joseph Smith that was the leader of the Mormon Church who has a completely separate book called The Book of Mormon
Mormon don’t eat Mormons don’t even Mormons don’t even believe and black people even go into heaven very racist Mormons didn’t even really want to accept black people until they realized that we could play us some basketball real good and they can make some money off of us so they start accepting us at
Brigham Young University Brigham Young Universe Brigham Young was one of the most notable uh Freemasons I’m not notable Freemasons but probably was that too but he’s one of the most notable Mormons Church of Scientology was founded by Masons oh Mr L Ron Hubbard who had a horrible life
Study that Scientology that’s what Will Smith and Jada and and Tom Cruise Isaac Hayes a lot of the the actors are in they join themselves up with that but some of them are leaving then we have Helena blavowski who I talked about in one of my old videos she
Was the founder of the theosophy she was a mason used to dress up like a woman I mean dressed up as a man I mean that woman was pure evil I really need to I think I want to do a video about her in the future and then we have Mr Charles
Tays Russell who was the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses he was also a mason so see everyone was involved in this Masonic stuff because you see they believe there’s no God above anything you have to believe in God to be a Mason but there’s no God above any other God
And I want to see anyone because the Bible tells me that God is Not slack concerning his promise wanting all to come to repentance and that’s his preacher as his Messenger as his ambassador I deem it necessary to do that open my doors at any given time for anyone that
Wants to receive the god yeah I love that version all very powerful the most side is not slack because certainly you know what yeah people want certain things to happen right now if that if if um it was to happen right now or the end was to happen right this minute
The covenants that you people have made wouldn’t would make you get rough you know rather than not have ref and the fact that people are being prideful proudful arrogant to hold on to these covenants that their ancestors made or that they’ve made to get business contacts or
To get their footing through the back door and stuff like that it is what it is man but it’s not slack concerning this promise as some men count slutness but is long suffering yeah even when you you committing spiritual adultery is long-suffering you’re doing your feast days and you’re doing all your stuff
But you’re a billy goat long suffering to us wood not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance or you know and repentance just means to turn away man but gem Asana glad you can’t do that you got to go to degrees go through the
Degrees and get blindfolded and dragged all through there and and hit over the head and then rose again from the dead I mean why do I gotta do all that you don’t know what you’re going through each degree you don’t know what you what you’re doing you don’t know whether you’re that
You’re putting more and more evil in your spirit every time you let them guys touch you that’s masonry for you it’s a lot more information on masonry but you need to deal with this y’all but I mean we see the trend here we see what happens
Black people get them a little bit of money give them a little bit of education and they feel like in order for me to really feel successful I need to adopt the white people’s philosophies their culture bring up what they do into my coach you know how about you just have enough honor
Could you still get your education but you have enough honor to just be who you are start your own thing don’t pull nothing from something else especially something with some demonic Origins to it and you put that into your culture but see these men didn’t do that and
This is this is this is even further than Prince Hall and and uh in Thorn Jackson we’re going to talk about the black Greeks how they started the boulay society which is what a lot of the black men Bill Cosby and many others or attached to this this is where they
Get their money see I said it in my my spirit follows this video black people make their money off of racism period black people make their money off of racism period this is why we fell for that foolishness when Trayvon Martin it was all the foolishness because his daddy was a 33rd
Degree Freemason I don’t got time to talk about what that was all about but I’ll get into it one day nothing ever gets better just the same old every year with the same old racism same old this same old somebody like this thing with um
The white cop shoot the boy all the way in racism then you see the race Vegas come out then it’s a big old then it’s like propaganda we keep on and they keep pointing they the one did it’s them and we never get to see who is the real
Boogeyman who is who is really pulling the strings calling themselves reverence and you no one know why we can’t get anything done then the very organizations that we thought was for us why they never done none for us all the black people that make money they make money off of
Us being poor and US needing them for something whether we need them for their music they produce their TV their organization the black rich people make money off of the fact that we need them for supper so basically if we weren’t poor and oppressed and on food stamps on welfare killing each other
None of these civil rights organizations that needs money grabbing prop money grabbing organizations would even exist money grabbing organizations would even exist the Urban League Southern Christian leadership conference National Action Network Straight Like That made an excellent point and I also made the same point with one of my uh brethrens the other
Day I was looking at the fingers of framework here most people if you’re coming from poverty you’re not going to University you’re not going to higher education costs too much or a handful may go you know from a family so if there’s a family of five maybe one will go maybe two
So we’re looking at the social economic climate of people that go to higher education or get Higher Learning in the universities um the predominant force that will go to these places would be maybe not the so-called negro Community by and large yeah it’ll be other communities
The handful order or not the handful but the people that would go to these communities from the Negro Community then would face a um the option to advance in Academia but also to be a part of a lodge or a group yeah then when they become a part of
This Lodge or this group let’s say they’re going to be a pastor to get do their four years of being a pastor then they finished their four years of being a pastor and they’re able to open their own church usually they’ll Target the most viable Community being
Their own and usually they’ll go to the poor neighborhood the poor person or the person not poor but the person who probably never went to Academia maybe just did something mechanical he’s not gonna know about what goes on at University you know he just went from
School to straight into work or being a Tradesman or something like that so you might not know the full 100 of what goes on in um Higher Learning that individual he would be getting his education from the church the same person that went to University may have pledged and now has gone to
Teach the people in the church so you see how these things as an ecosystem or interconnected conversely if somebody never went to work employment like that or they never went to University but I went to the Army then they’re gonna get most likely initiated through the Army service so
You see that it’s so interconnected it’s so tightly interwoven um it’s just very interesting how it comes to be so there’s a lot of people that would generally not be aware of these things like myself until recent and then we start to overstand the framework you’re like okay so this is
How it’s always been handful educated or not a handful but certain people who are educated in a higher level of learning then they go back to be The Gatekeepers for their masters who gave them their master’s degree very very interesting none of this stuff would even exist NAACP National advancement Association
For colored people I mean just this just the name of that I like I said man when you when when a when a person dies there’s a lot of things that happen I mean last year the gentleman with the police on the neck George Floyd made a lot of people
Wealthy that incident made a lot of people wealthy then this year the Kyrie Scandal was it last year probably getting the years confused but every year there’s like a big racist Scandal that has to go viral but then they’ll Overlook when Negroes are killing Negroes in Chicago or Negroes are
Killing Negroes in London or Negroes they’re killing Negroes in Brazil that gets downplayed but the minute somebody else does it it gets this worldwide reception and then people are marketing t-shirts and you know time for change this is the change and then everyone’s emotionally invested and it’s just the same old
Party tricks but if you’re a lawyer if you’re a solicitor if you’re a barrister if you’re of the higher echelon in society is very profitable it’s a very good time it’s a very good day sponsorships charity deals there’s so much involved church membership increases now because of the loss of one
Person so it’s just very very Insidious very Wicked the way these things are utilized against the poor for profit but I might let me quit going on my rants I could go on and on about this stuff but anyway let’s talk about oh he he was vibrating Sigma yeah
So let me ask you that do you think that he he this opposition that the Black Panthers had and everyone was uh manufactured or what uh uh listen you know Fred Hampton got took out yeah but not all of them got took out and I think that every year they’ve just been
Developing this psychoanalysis of our people and putting people in position of Leverage to I guess Galvanize our people to follow a certain narrative you know so like for example everybody knows now that the iuic people them the the leaders and the Elders of that are police officers civil rights Martin Luther King baynard
Rustin homosexual a lot of NAACP uh Huey Newton’s parents they were part of the NAACP so you just see it’s a very small circle of influence that seemed to be running the show and so we keep focusing on the same enemy and we’re so racism in our community is a religion
It’s a religion uh black people are just as racist it’s a religion for us hating is a religion why what inspired you to put the fish official emblem uh mostly because it irritates a lot of uh White supremacists because at first I wasn’t going to use it and I saw the
More they got irritated uh the more I wanted to just leave it there so it kind of just became a thing and I just left it there that’s what happened but yeah that’s really the reason but uh you know you know the origin of that goes um
It goes back to Communism I know you already probably know oh yeah I’m aware yeah today it was the ish people that kind of brought that out you know uh communism uh socialism and to kind of um do over the USSR but that’s another story for another day intro I just
Wanted to know everyone does their thing yeah right that’s all good I’m gonna talk to you after this uh so I’ll I’ll you know we’ll talk I didn’t realize how significant that little uh interview was I was nervous not because of going on somebody else’s platform just that it was the first time
I ever did a build like that he always done but the interesting thing is that how significant that Conversation Piece was man I didn’t get the dots at the time the dots weren’t connecting and it was like yo okay now I see I can see clearly you
Know them song there I could see clearly now the rain has gone you can really see what people were really on a lot of issues race baiting literally get them angry because bro if if we’re gonna be real you could find a story that will make you upset we’re black on black or
Even white on black or black on white you could find a story from every perspective from every angle the stories of negroes raping people the stories of the white man raping a negro you can see on every perspective a lot of it’s not racially it’s sexually driven carnally driven but if you have
This repeated narrative art it’s all racial racial racial racial you you begin to live yourself your life in a in a cocoon and everything scares you or you’re in fight and flight mode survival mode and then people can manipulate you and condition you that’s what they do to
Trauma victims they get them in a traumatic State keep them traumatized and then you’re not thinking ways they keep you traumatized so you’re never thinking wise and everything’s color discolored that and now you’re not really using your eyes for a second after this uh so just hang
On everybody else hit those thumbs up make sure you share so we have been played really for a long time about with the racism racism is basically a tool to keep us from knowing who our real enemies are and so we keep focusing on the same enemy and we’re so
Racism in our community is a religion um my grandfather was a very high level Mason it was just they had Masonic meetings and you know all kind of stuff going on in the house all these fraternity you gotta remember bro listen most high knows who’s telling the truth
And who’s lying yeah and these men are lying through their teeth that’s where they’re all up on their no gangs you know there’s gangs that run America and Americans run by the gang of the church the gang of the church is powerful in America right now so that that recording was when
That recording was when uh it’s funny as well you know you know the video where they all try to do a little gang attack the video has been deleted you know I was like yo where’s the gang Attack video but but I’m also is great so I
Have a copy of the video anyway but a video where they all try to do is attack man that’s now miraculously been deleted or hidden or privatized so um but I’m also as Grace man it is what it is but I’ve never seen I’ve never had maybe
The only thing that I’ve had it in close in terms of animosity is a when I did the video on probably the Flat Earth video on probably chicken and stuff like that that’s the only time I had these kind of levels of animosity boys it’s been a very interesting learning experience
To see how things are and how things have always been when it comes to the real Gatekeepers of church yanima no Hebrew annity or whatever you want to call it since I was attacked and get the videotape insights and reflection here the minister of the West Coast of L.A attacked me about fabrication
[Applause] So when Steve Coakley was calling out the boulay in his day yeah they all came together and fabricated information to say that he was a part of the boolay when I heard this from Uncle uh Steve Coakley the late Steve Coakley the American official whistleblower yeah and then subsequently there’s been many
Other people that have came in the same Spirit of Coakley in terms of looking at this issue he said yo when I was calling them out they all had the audacity to come together in unity to slander me and say that I was a part of them you know
Wow there’s nothing new Under the Dome see if I was attacking the pool lady in L.A you get the videotape insights and Reflections you’ll hear the minister of the West Coast of La attacked me about Fabricators [Applause] This is the regional minister of the Nation of Islam he didn’t know what he was talking about but then again we found out he was gonna make us our father so in a Steve coakley’s day he was cool with everybody but he didn’t take no rubbish when it came to what he
Perceived as righteousness so one of the oppositions he faced in his day was a Nation of Islam now he was cool with them for a time then he realized hold up the song isn’t really adding up so when he started to call out a particular individual in the Nation of Islam he
Realized he had a big backlash it was like a no-flight Zone just like today to certain people you were allowed to speak about but when you talk about other people who are golden coughs it’s a no-flight zone so he faced some backlash and he was like yo what the heck how
Come everyone’s on code right now and then they realize that the person who is part of nationally Islam who was actually also a part of the Omega sci-fi and that’s why I was facing a lot of opposition and we know tape insights and reflection here the minister of the West Coast of L.A
Attacked me about faculty remember [Applause] He didn’t know what he was talking about but then again we found out he was gonna make us our problem We know this but what would make a man come up and say that the old the old then he got the Epiphany the reason these people would come at him so religiously or brotherly is because they’re taking her off so when you see women and men all on
Code there’s no reason and there’s no reasoning outside of Defense there’s no like possibility of hey is there any credibility in any of this information it’s just close close it down which one which one eyes gone crazy cloned all that kind of rubbish or or does a foreign Threat all that kind of
Stuff that’s to dismiss the conversation make the person look bananas you know very very interesting tactic but the same thing happened to Coldplay so when I was watching this old cochleaf throwback video I was like Wow nothing new Under the Dome and he was just like the thing that made them all band
Together was the oath the oath this is definitely this is all good that’s a destiny a lot of the stuff and I told him to quit they said yo you need to stop doing what you’re doing and quit you you know whine your neck in that’s all and there’s no doubt to this
Exists but the brother liked the brother last night this is all good that’s a definite you know what I’m saying this this is all good that’s a destiny a lot of the stuff he’s doing with videos is all negative it’s negative energy there’s nothing positive there’s no love there’s no Unity
But look at this something to tint that late you to make you think about it go study go realize how we be played look at this now uh now now the guy that formed the first black fraternity was called minting mint m-i-n-t-o-n he also earned owned the first black drugstore in the United
States and he wanted to create such an organization that Minton wanted to create an organization which would partake listen that would partake in the tenants and basis and root of skull and bones at Yale that skull and bones is the white secret society that’s where you get your presidents
George Bush and his daddy and you know uh uh out uh uh um John Kerry and a lot of them come out of the Skull and Bones then was the brothers that lay in the caskets and basically it’s a free it’s a masonic it’s a masonic uh chapter basically
The founders Devotion to equality and mutual respect stemmed in large measure for the Devotion to democratic traditions of leadership that existed there among free men individual members of the Boule were known as archens you should really study what that word origin means as the fraternity evolved and the
Spouses of members became an integral part of the organization as a family group it adopted the Greek term a child side to distinguish archons wise if you study that that term origin it really means demon if you study what that really means that’s a real demonic term but see we have here again
This was also a spin-off of the skull and bone society which George Bush and John Kerry were in it’s basically a secret society where they fly to this private island that only they go to to Skull and Bones I’m talking about they’ve flooded as private island and they get together
And they they uh they actually lay and they uh talk about this they’re basically um the sexual Secrets while they masturbate and stuff in confidence I mean this stuff is serious it’s just like the uh uh what am I thinking of the place in California it’s where all the presidents and all
The people go to and then they uh pray and worship this uh this um big huge aisle it’s the aisle of I’m going off on Iran I’m sorry but anyway this was basically a spin-off of of the skull and bone societies just like Freemasonry all right just to bring this thing to an
End now thank you for your patience and uh glory to the most high so just to finish off with the same verse that we started with the wickedness of Judah hear all heavens and give here or Earth for the most have spoken it I have nourished and brought up children and
They have rebelled against me the oxnorth is owner and they asked his master’s crib Israel does not know my people do not consider ah sinful Nation the people lay them with iniquity a seed of evil doers children that are corrupters they have forsaken the Holy One they
Have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger they are gone away backward why should ye be stricken anymore he will Revolt more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint it’s not too late to call ancestral ties ancestral covenants things of that effect
Hope you find all of this interesting people glory to the most high and there’s always provoking for Awakening you mean I may see Onyx sentiment a day of atonement for some but no one will address or repent of the elephant Gaba runs like a Jim Jones experiment 400 years remix sold both profits so big and so bold so you alive marketed as gold scream Unity
To bind you to a fold manipulate the simple as they offer up their souls Lost In The Box TV remote controlled blind you with color or purify your soul love your Creator and no fellow men a principal and a goal written in every man’s heart unless a stone tomorrow’s
Not promised every day we should have known where your full short but that is crazy [ __ ] alone tomorrow not promised every day we should atone with your full sugar face crazy clipped alone tomorrow’s not promised every day we should atone with your full Sugar by his grace cleared alone tomorrow’s not
Promised every day we should atone we all for sure but by his grace alone tomorrow’s not promised every day we should atone your full sugar paste crazy and not only so but we also join God through our Lord Yeshua the Christ by whom we have now received the atonement And not only so but we also join God through our Lord yahshua the Christ by whom we have now received the atonement and not only so but we also join God through our Lord Yeshua the Christ by whom we have now received the atonement Christ by whom we have now received the atonement foreign tomorrow’s not promised every day we should atone