What’s up everybody Welcome to the channel thisĀ is Calypso Vibes coming to you I hope you all haveĀ Ā been doing extremely extremely well happy I couldĀ see y’all today um today’s reading is going toĀ Ā kind of be like so after yesterday I told y’allĀ October 4th they was going to sound the alarmĀ Ā
Right that we were going to get this crazy soundĀ frequency blasted at us and it actually happenedĀ Ā 2 minutes before the time they said and it lastedĀ for 30 minutes of them blasting this frequency outĀ Ā
Right so I know it’s super important I have beenĀ asked a lot of questions right so again welcome toĀ Ā the channel I’m actually going to put this videoĀ up on both my channels because I feel like thisĀ Ā
Video is very important for both channels so uhĀ this is I’m clips of Vibes this is you know andĀ Ā my other channel is UM impath Shaman healer soĀ if you’re here from that channel welcome to theĀ Ā
Channel you know welcome to the video but um IĀ feel like this message was a universal messageĀ Ā for both of my you know both of my pages becauseĀ I want to see what the energy in the air is afterĀ Ā
That blast right I had a headache after theĀ test like immediately had a migraine headacheĀ Ā in the front of my head couldn’t shake it forĀ like an hour took an hour like to kind of getĀ Ā
It to go away so whatever it was was definitely aĀ frequency interruptor right like um I looked up IĀ Ā end up watching a video about like what frequencyĀ it was and stuff like that and I’m like that wasĀ Ā
One of those uh you know lower vibrational testsĀ right but I I literally got a headache tell meĀ Ā down in the comments section if you caught aĀ headache felt nauseous or anything after umĀ Ā the 30 minute frequency broadcast they put outĀ right so again the world is a stage the world isĀ Ā
Full of entertainment if you are here and you’reĀ a skeptic and you believe everything the [Ā __Ā ]Ā Ā news tell you I am not the channel for you if ifĀ you are if you are still tied into the uh yourĀ Ā
You know every everything you’re told is the truthĀ yeah you the I am so not the content for you rightĀ Ā if you if you can’t think beyond what you’ve beenĀ trained in conditioned to think and what you’reĀ Ā
Trained in conditioned to be taught from a youngĀ age but you can’t see what’s happening as theĀ Ā veil is getting a lot thinner and we are givingĀ being given disclosure um we’re seeing much moreĀ Ā disclosure of what’s really happening before ourĀ eyes if you don’t have these intuition intuitiveĀ Ā
Nudges my channel is not for you right if youĀ ain’t even tapped into like your own intuitionĀ Ā your own brain like your if your ancestors ain’tĀ like hey wake up wake up wake up wake up yeah I’mĀ Ā
I’m definitely much more probably for a little bitĀ more of an advanced people who are already goingĀ Ā through their Spiritual Awakening and alreadyĀ much further in their spiritual journey likeĀ Ā if you haven’t even had your spiritual awakeningĀ your Dark Night of the Soul you might need to findĀ Ā
A channel that’s uh right before the Dark Night ofĀ the Soul cuz I’m definitely more of the beginningĀ Ā of the spiritual awakening and Beyond right whereĀ you’re already challenging everything you’ve beenĀ Ā taught you’re you’re looking for what’s reallyĀ going on you can see what’s really going on youĀ Ā
Know you’re listening to both sides and you’reĀ like yes something something you know somethingĀ Ā doesn’t smell right right we’re old enough nowĀ to start having these honest conversations and umĀ Ā stop just being spoonfed just taking everythingĀ we’ve been spoonfed cuz there’s so much stuffĀ Ā
Coming out debunking everything we’ve beenĀ conditioned to believe right so hopefully youĀ Ā guys are taking your spirituality serious takingĀ your spiritual hygiene serious hopefully y’allĀ Ā are taking your energy serious right because mostĀ of the world’s probably in empath at this pointĀ Ā
Right after Co Co made us much more sensitiveĀ Co made us um much more connected Co made usĀ Ā much more in tune with each other Co definitelyĀ connected a lot of us on a much higher much moreĀ Ā
Connected uh much more connected frequency rightĀ so I’m hoping you guys are taking care of yourĀ Ā spiritual hygiene your mental health and yourĀ physical health with that being said welcomeĀ Ā to my channel and it is a pleasure to have youĀ if you’ve made it this far through my talk andĀ Ā
If you are a subscriber and you support uh use youĀ know Awakening using your your your your intuitiveĀ Ā nudges using your intuition using your prickle onĀ your skin right using those intuitive nudges umĀ Ā your your intuitive downloads that are coming toĀ you in your dreams if you believe your dreams areĀ Ā
More powerful than you know all of that welcome toĀ my channel but before I begin this reading whichĀ Ā we’re going to talk about the energy after whatĀ moon we’re in right we’re in Gemini the Moon isĀ Ā
In Gemini right so this is going to be the cardĀ that sits down right cuz we’re going to talk fromĀ Ā an astrological standpoint and then we’re goingĀ to get into the spiritual right because I have myĀ Ā
Star seed I got my healing water I got my rose IĀ got my keepers of the light um we’re going to talkĀ Ā much more ethereal like spiritual um what whatĀ spiritually is playing out right so I need yourĀ Ā
Permission and consent to do this reading thisĀ is where you say yes if you are going to stayĀ Ā on board for this fantastic and uh spiritually uhĀ uplifting ride this is where you say yes to giveĀ Ā
Me consent to be a part you know a participant ofĀ this cuz I believe in consent it’s where you sayĀ Ā yes if you have given me consent we’re going toĀ begin with this reading I’m going to start withĀ Ā
My astrological deck because I get asked all theĀ time oh what deck is that what deck is is thatĀ Ā like what you should use that more often likeĀ I love that deck it’s pretty a lot of peopleĀ Ā
Love when I do astrology um more astrology inĀ my readings as well because I mean everythingĀ Ā around us is numbers and astrology everything I’mĀ telling you nothing happens in this world whetherĀ Ā it’s with our government whether it’s millionairesĀ billionaires big Fortune 500 companies I’m tellingĀ Ā
Y’all or or Ault cultist you know what I meanĀ fraternities sories everybody does stuff aroundĀ Ā a ology I don’t think people realize coven howĀ big astrology plays a part in um what’s goingĀ Ā on in your life why things are happening the wayĀ they are in our lives you know built on astrologyĀ Ā
So people need to start paying attention to whatĀ moons we’re in what Cycles we’re in we have theĀ Ā Equinox coming up no solar eclipse excuse me IĀ have a solar eclipse coming up that’s going toĀ Ā
Block out like I think they said like 70% ofĀ the Sun on the 14th which I think is a signĀ Ā of something else happening on the 14th we’ll getĀ into that later closer to the 14th think the stageĀ Ā
Is being set for a lot of uh a lot of things thatĀ people have been called crazy conspiracy theoristĀ Ā for and um yeah I think people need to stay tunedĀ and stay plugged into real honest conversationsĀ Ā not getting caught in the fear-mongering newsĀ but actually being in those threads and youĀ Ā
Know some subreddits where they’re reallyĀ tapping into what’s astrologically playingĀ Ā out in numerology if you don’t know anythingĀ about astrology and numerology get a books myĀ Ā love go to the library take out some books goĀ to Amazon download some audibles the basics ofĀ Ā
Astrology and numerology and how important theyĀ are and they’ll show you they’ll prove to youĀ Ā how much astrology is played out in our life ourĀ everyday life and how our government uses it every day all right so so far the energy is readingĀ seventh house so first of all we’re in GeminiĀ Ā
Right Gemini speaks of being adaptable informativeĀ right so information right you see it’s like theĀ Ā internet right that’s communication like uhĀ connecting to the internet right connectingĀ Ā with each other through communication right soĀ being informative connected communicative rightĀ Ā talkative superficial Restless that’s whyĀ we all been very restless under this GeminiĀ Ā
Current Moon it talks about love variety so youĀ know if you’ve been having thoughts of like GodĀ Ā I I don’t want a traditional relationship anymoreĀ or traditional marriage that is why because we’reĀ Ā under this kind of Moon um what else then we haveĀ curious and social that’s the Gemini right GeminiĀ Ā
Are you know very multifaceted but they have twoĀ sides to them right they have this light and darkĀ Ā side to them right um kind of like a Libra GeminiĀ is probably as Clos as you’re going to get to theĀ Ā
Similarities of a Libra right conflicted rightĀ hard to balance themselves rely on other peopleĀ Ā to help keep their feet on the ground right so weĀ have this energy being in Gemini so we’re goingĀ Ā to be getting informed we’re going to be gettingĀ connected pay attention as I said pay attention toĀ Ā
The internet right now pay attention to uh theĀ disclosures happening around you right thingsĀ Ā that’s coming up on the news and just reallyĀ tap in and pay attention to what’s playing outĀ Ā in front of your very eyes your eyes are notĀ playing tricks on you I assure you some thingsĀ Ā
Will be a mirage and an illusion but you know payĀ attention to you know what everyone is trying toĀ Ā clue everyone in on so the energy we have seventhĀ house spirit is telling us to pay attention toĀ Ā the seventh house during this time which speaks ofĀ marriage relationships equality business partnersĀ Ā
Uh true love Justice what I say like the scalesĀ look at this speaking of that scales friendshipĀ Ā REI uh Rivals enemies contracts so anybody youĀ beefing with this stuff could go to come to anĀ Ā head right uh inner conflicts or conflicts withĀ people could get even more [Ā __Ā ] here you knowĀ Ā
What I’m saying I don’t know why it’s so blurryĀ I apologize y’all my camera’s been giving meĀ Ā the business lately at this setting with the withĀ the uh with the camera see something see if thatĀ Ā
Makes it more clear there we go right so withĀ the seventh house we have like I said marriageĀ Ā relationships equality business partners true loveĀ Justice friendship Rivals enemies and contractsĀ Ā all right then then we have Libra oh my God whatĀ did I tell you Gemini and Libra same thing whatĀ Ā
Did I tell you I knew this was coming up becauseĀ they they have to balance each other right so thisĀ Ā is Justice uh wow yeah pay attention to lawsĀ what laws are being passed um definitely payĀ Ā attention to government currently things thatĀ are being passed in the government uh all theĀ Ā
Chaos I know they just oued the speaker of theĀ house if I’m correct right this is why there’sĀ Ā all this chaos um because you got Rivals rightĀ and the 7th house look speaking of justice andĀ Ā equality right trying to balance everythingĀ out right rival enemies contracts coming upĀ Ā
So maybe some people might be seeing some contractĀ discrepancies we’re going to see people fightingĀ Ā over contracts money marriages possibly going upĀ in smoke right um becoming Rivals which we do weĀ Ā see a few celebrities going through nasty divorcesĀ currently this is why right um and it’s going toĀ Ā
Get messy on the internet like some people areĀ using the internet to make things more messy rightĀ Ā but then we have but it’s also about love rightĀ so some people can be getting married during thisĀ Ā time right um seeking more equality and justiceĀ um you may be acquiring new business partnersĀ Ā
Right diplomacy so look uh international newsĀ might be Making Waves on the TV I think RussiaĀ Ā had its own um you know sound alarm like it didĀ in America um this is Aesthetics truth and charmĀ Ā
Right so pay attention cuz the truth is comingĀ out right now right we’re in the age of AquariusĀ Ā that’s the age we’re in right astrologically inĀ the timeline we’re in the age of Aquarius rightĀ Ā so this time currently uh be prepared preparedĀ to see truth leak out right the the the veilĀ Ā
Being pulled back currently we have the wolfĀ Moon showing up saying ask your pack to assistĀ Ā you explore your own modes of expression also youĀ could have Libra in your chart look to see whereĀ Ā you have Libra and Gemini could be in your seventhĀ house that’s that’s possibly what it’s telling youĀ Ā
Or you can have Saturn cuz we have Saturn hereĀ as well so pay attention to your seventh houseĀ Ā you may have Saturn in your seventh house hyper HyĀ hyper emphasis that you may have Gemini Libra I’mĀ Ā
Speaking to possibly a Gemini Libra or CapricornĀ right um You may have that in your seventh houseĀ Ā or pay attention to your seventh house weĀ have the wolf Moon ask your pack to assist you then we have explore your own modes ofĀ expression be resourceful express yourself fullyĀ Ā
And use your and use your intuitive Instinct whatĀ I tell you about those intuitive nudges use yourĀ Ā intuitive Instinct stop being a sheep the era ofĀ the sheep is over y’all got to start tapping intoĀ Ā your inner Wolf the your inner instincts seriouslyĀ this is Spirit telling us um to express yourselfĀ Ā
Fully be your authentic self be resourceful startĀ stacking money away for a rainy day start uh goingĀ Ā shopping right putting putting safety nets away umĀ start storing some perishable foods away for theĀ Ā winter right ask people for help and assistanceĀ express yourself right be resourceful and uhĀ Ā
Stop masking who you really are and speak yourĀ truth and Saturn showing up which is disciplineĀ Ā slow and steady delay test practicality maturityĀ self-control limits and endurance right structureĀ Ā and tradition what I tell you I told y’all theĀ this is about structure and tradition AuthorityĀ Ā
This is about uh I told y’all the veil coming upĀ about the government and like other parts of theĀ Ā government and about society as a whole society’sĀ traditions and old structures big Mega companiesĀ Ā possibly folding and collapsing things like thatĀ I’m telling y’all pay attention to what’s playingĀ Ā
Out happening to you the world is a stage andĀ the stage is collapsing the the the biggest playĀ Ā is playing out right in front of our face um payĀ attention to the big Fortune 500 companies rightĀ Ā
If you have money in stock I’ve been seeing a lotĀ of my stock guys been telling people to pull theirĀ Ā money out of stock and put it into silver andĀ gold um to to definitely start liquidating thatĀ Ā stock before the market collaps cuz this speaksĀ of structures collapsing old systems dying that’sĀ Ā
What this speaks of too um possibly even anĀ internet like the internet going out collapsingĀ Ā something like that um this is all hypotheticalĀ y’all allegedly for entertainment purposes this isĀ Ā just the energy I’m seeing astrologically possiblyĀ some cities having internet issues or somethingĀ Ā
Going out or I’m telling you something somethingĀ happening but something with structures collapsingĀ Ā collapsing and discipline us needing to get moreĀ discipline and focus and uh start preparing rightĀ Ā making smarter decisions and tapping into yourĀ intuitive instincts it is super important right now okay hold on let me put this over over hereĀ Ā
Give me one second you guysĀ shoot my rings I think I my rings where’s my rings I took my ringsĀ off oh there they are sorry y’all I likeĀ Ā touching tarot without rings on I really tryĀ not to apologies apologies I try not to touchĀ Ā
Tarot without my rings on apologize IĀ like washed my hands CU I went to theĀ Ā bathroom before I did this reading andĀ I forgot to put my rings back on yakersĀ Ā all right let’s get into what goddessesĀ want to come out who wants to talk to
Us we came out together we got Isis all right that’s good enough hope everybodyĀ is wonderful if you haven’t yet please likeĀ Ā share subscribe subscribe subscribe turnĀ on that notification Bell leave a commentĀ Ā down below how this reading is resonatingĀ and hitting for you we got Gaia oh wow soĀ Ā
What I tell you look at that LibraĀ showing up again we got Maya whichĀ Ā represents Libra we got ice which I thinkĀ is even represented by Libra we got mother Gaia um oh how did this get putĀ back in there yikers apologiesĀ Ā
That’s a blank card and then we gotĀ we got Concordia which is peace and gentleness so we have Concordia coming to us say peace andĀ gentleness peace cannot be kept by force ah seeĀ Ā this is this is that um that uh sayingĀ that militant Force can’t keep peaceĀ Ā
Right peace cannot be kept by force it canĀ only be achieved by understanding peace and gentleness that’s the goddesses coming out thenĀ we have Gaia showing up here mother Gaia power inĀ Ā creation never underestimate the power of dreamsĀ I told y’all pay attention to your dreams and theĀ Ā
Influence of the human Spirit also this speaks ofĀ Gaia wanting to connect to us Gaia is sending usĀ Ā Mother Nature sending us downloads right now I’mĀ telling youall we’re going to see more naturalĀ Ā
Disasters playing out like I just had that I sawĀ it in my cards yesterday I saw tornadoes and I sawĀ Ā something with the water so like maybe tsunamis orĀ more flooding I got a torrential downpour like theĀ Ā
Last two days it’s been raining hard here in TexasĀ but I’m talking about like flooding like tsunamiĀ Ā or like um hurricane I’m telling y’all oh I justĀ burped confirmation I just had a confirmationĀ Ā spiritual confirmation burp I’m telling y’allĀ tornadoes hurricanes and flooding is coming umĀ Ā
Guy is trying to purge um um because we we we areĀ chaotic right we don’t have balance this is whatĀ Ā this speaks about the Earth is out of balanceĀ and she’s trying to rebalance herself she wantsĀ Ā
Us because we’re not doing what we supposed to doĀ to recalibrate the Earth right we’re not we’re notĀ Ā taking care of her we’re not we’re not speakingĀ up and we’re not doing it we talk too much rightĀ Ā
I say it all the time like where’s the actionĀ like my card said it says talk it like you walkĀ Ā walk it literally pulled that card yesterday likeĀ what are you doing to actually help the Earth getĀ Ā
Better what are you donating to what charitiesĀ are actually got their boots on the ground ifĀ Ā you can’t be there can you donate to to help themĀ continue to help cleaning mother earth right whatĀ Ā projects can you invest in that that recycle allĀ this toxic stuff like we’re killing the oceansĀ Ā
Right that’s why the ocean’s about to come up andĀ make its up you know Uprising right we’re killingĀ Ā the oceans we’re killing the soil we’re killingĀ the Earth the dirt right the the Earth is aliveĀ Ā that’s you know it’s it’s power and creationĀ right and then we have Isis here which is MagicĀ Ā
And fertility the world is full of magic thingsĀ it says the world is full of magic of magicalĀ Ā things I think is what it meant to say patientlyĀ waiting for our senses to grow sharper right soĀ Ā
This is Isis speaking of magic and fertility soĀ um say mother Isis trying to help calibrate usĀ Ā for what’s to come right like she’s telling usĀ to tap into our own magic right and not be usingĀ Ā
Your magic for negativity like if you out hereĀ on a revenge tour you are you are useless to theĀ Ā collective right we’re looking for people whoĀ are trying to help the collective not out hereĀ Ā being bitter revengeful hateful harmful like ifĀ you are out here using you know hex magic blackĀ Ā
Magic out here trying to hurt and harm peopleĀ you are a part of the problem my loves if youĀ Ā are using your light for negativity you are partĀ of the problem and I’m sure the Earth is goingĀ Ā
To purge your ass off too like hate to say itĀ like that’s not meant to offend anybody but someĀ Ā of y’all be getting caught up in that RevengeĀ hate cycle so bad y’all don’t know how to comeĀ Ā
Out of it and that’s part of the problem you areĀ using your magic in a nonproductive peaceful andĀ Ā gentle way right so fertility those who haven’tĀ been tapping in and their magic but been a goodĀ Ā person is having their magic recalibrated Isis isĀ waking the Magic in those who have been dormantĀ Ā
If that makes sense and y’all better watch out forĀ those who have been sitting dormant on their magicĀ Ā because Isis is a is waking up those who magicĀ has been dormant in them and they haven’t beenĀ Ā using tapping into them by making them fertileĀ right if you’ve been suffering with fertilityĀ Ā
Issues Isis is healing your fertility issuesĀ currently we have myot showing up truth andĀ Ā balance our mind lives in a world of fantasy andĀ illusion the great task is to find reality whatĀ Ā I tell y’all the illusion is coming off Maya isĀ saying it’s time for the truth and disclosure toĀ Ā
Come out and for the world to be put back in theĀ balance I told y’all this is what the timeline isĀ Ā the timeline is all about look at all this truthĀ and balance truth and balance judgment judgmentĀ Ā
Judgment look at all this justice justice we gotĀ like four cards talking about Justice there willĀ Ā be Justice there’s going to be karmic JusticeĀ there’s univer universal laws that exist in thisĀ Ā world and they’ve been they’ve been um violatedĀ for a very long time and spirit is saying it’sĀ Ā
About to recalibrate that there’s about to be allĀ the all all that cause there’s about to be effectsĀ Ā and consequences and Mother Earth is a part ofĀ this you got you got the the universal law mayatĀ Ā
Represents universal law and the 42 laws of mayatĀ that we supposed to be living under and you gotĀ Ā Isis who represents the woman right the AscensionĀ of the woman by the way we’re we’re going into theĀ Ā
Ascension of the woman right the the the worldĀ supposed to be ran by women like people who beĀ Ā out here talking about oh it’s a patriarch AralĀ Society no it is not no it is not the the EarthĀ Ā
Is a female like the the Earth is a woman hateĀ to break it to y’all it’s feminine energy okayĀ Ā the Earth is ran by feminine energy and theĀ the the patriarchical society is falling rightĀ Ā before our very eyes because it was never meantĀ to be a patriarchal society we have trustworthy
Right and it’s speaking of Taurus which IĀ think we just was in Taurus also we’re inĀ Ā Libra season I just totally forgot thatĀ Boop we’re in Libra season on top of itĀ Ā the moon’s currently in Gemini but we’re inĀ Libra season holy crap how did I not figureĀ Ā
That out it just hit me as I was pullingĀ these tokens of you may be a Taurus or youĀ Ā have Taurus in your chart somewhere whyĀ is the camera not want to lock in come on camera all right y’all my camera’s being
Atred there we go we got trustworthy showingĀ up but either way let’s keep it moving cuzĀ Ā my camera is going to make me mad we gotĀ yoga do some yoga start getting calibratedĀ Ā do some ground in do some yoga outsideĀ start calibrating with the Earth y’allĀ Ā
Start connecting with Mother Nature doing yogaĀ with Mother Nature and’s see what other charmsĀ Ā going to come out of the the charm bagĀ the see what we get what images we pull out all right we got the pentagram oh crapĀ we got double pentagram and they are stuckĀ Ā
Together so look possibly speaks of Gemini lookĀ at that like being joined together this couldĀ Ā be speaking of twins uh someone conjoined at theĀ hip right like stuck together marriage possiblyĀ Ā right being stuck together with marriage UnityĀ two pentagrams two magical beings being tied
Together um cuz I was stuck together forĀ sure we have the ow I can’t stop pullingĀ Ā the owl y’all every reading I get the likeĀ Hogwarts owl with a message super importantĀ Ā maybe y’all should go binge HarryĀ Potter maybe we should all go bingeĀ Ā
Harry Potter it’s probably some truthĀ truth to Harry Potter somewhere rightĀ Ā got Harry Potter with the message look and aĀ hello spirit’s like hello yes pay attention hello I Spirit out here like hello Spirit out here hello then we got a catĀ so you know look Tom from Tom and Jerry maybeĀ Ā
Y’all love Tom and Jerry as a kid we gotĀ Tom out here we got a lazy cat we got fastĀ Ā food stop eating junk food some of y’allĀ might be eating junk food fast food rightĀ Ā
Now stop cut back on the fast food start doingĀ some fasting you guys please I implore you youĀ Ā have the train again traveling the trainĀ keeps coming out so the two things I keepĀ Ā pulling almost every reading is cutting backĀ on eating out the message paying attentionĀ Ā
To your dreams and the Divine messages and theĀ birds around you the birds you’re seeing you’reĀ Ā seeing a lot of birds some of y’all mightĀ be seeing a lot of birds owls be hearingĀ Ā them at night they’re coming with a messageĀ in your dreams we have the train showing up
I don’t know what that one thing was in myĀ hands I’m going to pull something else we got Transformer and we got snow white again ohĀ my God hyper emphasis again on Snow WhiteĀ Ā and Transformers some of y’all going throughĀ a transformation this is all about spiritualĀ Ā
Transformation big emphasis on spiritualĀ transformation and Snow White back I toldĀ Ā y’all the rise of the feminine the divine feminineĀ cuz you got snow white with a rose it’s aboutĀ Ā femininity tapping into your divine feminineĀ energy we all have feminine energy I don’t careĀ Ā
If you’re I don’t care if you’re a man or woman orĀ them they you have divine feminine energy and youĀ Ā have Divine masculine energy in you spirit’sĀ telling you to tap into your divine feminine energy that’s for everyone theĀ collective so the F we got I’mĀ Ā
Not even going to use that one first we got got play play showing up Curious some of y’all are curiousĀ some of y’all are y y’all are likeĀ Ā no she putting down some good stuffĀ I’m curious and need start learningĀ Ā and studying [Ā __Ā ] curious camera’sĀ being such a turd I’m so sorry y’all
Sacred things need to be sacred we needĀ to go back to Sacred practices sacredĀ Ā ways right judgment oh my God confirmationĀ on judgment so we got the scales Libra MayĀ Ā out right which is truth balance and JusticeĀ Libra is about Justice and judgment and thenĀ Ā
We got the seventh house that said judgment andĀ contracts yo pay attention heavy judgment isĀ Ā out that’s why that speaker of the house gotĀ oued it judgment telling y’all pay attentionĀ Ā to what’s about to play out we’re goingĀ to be seeing more judgment in the world
Stillness that’s that meditation SpiritĀ needs us outside meditating in the earthĀ Ā go do some grounding go touch grass no musicĀ no telephone keep the telephone in the houseĀ Ā go ground in Mother Nature yoga and focusĀ Spirit needs us focus and devote it tapping in all right in silence told you no phonesĀ Ā
No talking no listening to YouTube whileĀ out there complete silence connecting to Nature all right that’s theĀ words we have let’s see whatĀ Ā the moon card is not it’s spilling everywhere again thank y’all so much for tuning in
Supporting my body is beating me up right nowĀ with my lady Blues y’all my y getting my bodyĀ Ā back acclimated and recalibrated I’ve been fastingĀ so my body’s been like purging all these toxinsĀ Ā
And stuff and it’s who it’s been killer my likeĀ uh lady blu’s been killing me we have a time forĀ Ā healing balsamic Moon told y’all healing of theĀ wound healing of the uterus uh I feel like thisĀ Ā
Is heavy for the women no disrespect to anyĀ males watching me right but if you have a wifeĀ Ā or a girlfriend or a mother or a sister siblingĀ or something like that pay attention like yourĀ Ā women are going through extreme healing downloadsĀ they’re getting intense downloads intense upgradesĀ Ā
Their cramps are probably intense um or youĀ know like just going through body aches sweatsĀ Ā if you’ve been going through a lot of sweats it’sĀ normal if your dreams been intense if you’ve beenĀ Ā Restless cuz it’s a time for healing I highlyĀ advise y’all please go take spiritual bathsĀ Ā
Please please go take spiritual bath spirit isĀ is needing us to start taking spiritual bathsĀ Ā it’s how we connect to Spirit is through theĀ water go take baths care if you don’t believeĀ Ā in baths bath like I hate that we’ve lost theĀ tradition of taking baths we used to take bathsĀ Ā
Every night the shower was the worst inventionĀ ever made you know what the shower was made forĀ Ā convence so your ass can go be a Slave at work itĀ was to shorten your time and to take you out ofĀ Ā
The element of of the water we’re supposed to beĀ connecting to the water every day just like the Earth nothing else I think spirit said all theyĀ wanted to say I got a time for healing and IĀ Ā
Ain’t getting another card it’s it’s saying restĀ I’m getting emphasis on a lot of rest it’s okayĀ Ā forgive yourself be easy be kind to yourselfĀ Spirit told me to say that cuz you’re healingĀ Ā you’re Guardian Angels your ancestors and SpiritĀ guides are currently with you trying to heal youĀ Ā
You’re talking about healing years of trauma andĀ stuff right it’s not easy we have the end of aĀ Ā tough cycle approaches I told you it’s the end ofĀ an era that’s why Saturn is there the destructionĀ Ā right the end of structures right that’s whyĀ we got Libra and Gemini trying to communicateĀ Ā
End of an era it’s why we got to get back into aĀ communal living we have to start I’m telling y’allĀ Ā start talking to your neighbors start gettingĀ to know your neighbors before it’s too lateĀ Ā start knowing your neighbor start talking aboutĀ talking to your neighbor start making plans if theĀ Ā
World starts becoming chaotic and y’all need foodĀ and y’all need to start doing trades for toiletĀ Ā tissue some advice start stockpiling on toiletĀ tissue keep water in the house keep perishableĀ Ā food in the house I’m tell y that y’all neverĀ touch keep like two containers of toilet tissueĀ Ā
Stacked away that you never touch keep like twoĀ two two stacks of water bottles or whatever t tĀ Ā you know tapped away that you never touch andĀ like uh I’m serious like a little small pantryĀ Ā of perishable food y’all never touch like [Ā __Ā ]Ā things of oatmeal you know canned food like takeĀ Ā
Care prepare because the end of a tough cycleĀ is near and it approaches and let me tell youĀ Ā the establishment is fighting our spiritualĀ Ascension The Establishment is fighting ourĀ Ā spiritual Awakenings if you don’t believe thatĀ that’s a thing you are delusional you ain’t payingĀ Ā
Attention to your dreams you ain’t listeningĀ to your intuition full moon in Capricorn so weĀ Ā got constant Capricorn energy that next full moonĀ in Capricorn is going to be intense y’all that’sĀ Ā when a lot of shit’s going to start breaking downĀ pay attention when the next moon is in CapricornĀ Ā
All right pay attention when we’re in Saturn’sĀ energy watch mark my words it’ll be the end ofĀ Ā the cycle that that we will begin a new era onceĀ the the the full moon and Capricorn or whatever comes what do you want usĀ to do vibrational vibration
Spirit I did not need all that sorry well weĀ got where there’s a will there’s a way y’allĀ Ā see Follow the yellow brick road where there’s aĀ will there’s a way you are not alone look SpiritĀ Ā
Wants you to know we are not alone this alsoĀ speaks of galactic right we are not alone we areĀ Ā not the only people on this planet we are beingĀ observed we are being watched and they are amongst
Us that’s also speaking of your ancestors spiritĀ guide and angels with you feeling fear is a callĀ Ā for love if you’ve been fear mongered if you’veĀ been feeling afraid stop being afraid just prepareĀ Ā like when people tell you prepared for the worstĀ don’t get scared say Oh no you’re warning me to beĀ Ā
Prepared take it as a prepar prepared energy rightĀ don’t I’m not fearmongering you I’m telling you toĀ Ā prepare for the worst right have stuff stackedĀ away for rainy days have cash on hand at worstĀ Ā but more so start investing in gold and silver allĀ right and be careful and pay attention to what’sĀ Ā
About to Spill and play out all right do not allowĀ them to fear Monger you always vibrate in loveĀ Ā even when scary [Ā __Ā ] starts happening in theĀ world woab go ground out in nature and say no I’mĀ Ā
Okay I’mma be all right because I’m vibrating atĀ a different frequency this stuff does not affectĀ Ā me you have to start saying that you have to startĀ detaching away from the fear mongering raise yourĀ Ā
Vibration is a mantra that calls to light me up IĀ am raising my vibration I am raising my vibrationĀ Ā I am raising my vibration say that [Ā __Ā ] everyĀ day and know you are worthy spirit is pouring intoĀ Ā
You you you are worthy spirit is filling yourĀ cups up with water what did I tell y’all hyperĀ Ā emphasis on water if you can get to a beach getĀ into the beach get into the lake take some riverĀ Ā
Water pour it over you my aura is magneticĀ to Golden opportunities that’s like a lot ofĀ Ā y’all be like oh why am I money funny why I neverĀ attract stuff cuz your aura raise your vibrationsĀ Ā start knowing you are worthy you deserve theĀ best nothing less stop letting people cheat youĀ Ā
Out of the Finer Things in life you heard haveĀ only the best in life cuz you deserve it you’re worthy stop letting theĀ world cheat you and discount you J and the full price for your services weĀ have the whale the Orca whale showing up forĀ Ā
ADV adventure is the spirit animal card today dareĀ to do things differently sing your wild song startĀ Ā playing old school songs y’all that raise yourĀ vibrations start singing more I don’t care if youĀ Ā sing like crap sing it raises your vibrationsĀ dare to do things differently manifest yourĀ Ā
Travel dreams go on a spiritual journey go on aĀ spiritual trip right start looking up spiritualĀ Ā places you can travel to that are beautiful filmĀ it record it you know how much content there isĀ Ā to be made go on a spiritual Retreat be a partĀ of the change right go somewhere beautiful takeĀ Ā
A weekend trip right manifest your travel dreamsĀ attempt a great journey with confidence go withĀ Ā confidence I open my money’s tight go and knowĀ that money’s coming back when you spend it sayĀ Ā no this trip is a necessity this trip is in theĀ name of spirit and I know spirit will bring itĀ Ā
Back some way somehow I spend this freely I spendĀ this with love whenever you spend money spend itĀ Ā from a place of love and know it’s always comingĀ back attempt the great journey with confidence beĀ Ā
Loyal be loyal to friends and family they are yourĀ Treasures some of y’all need to learn loyalty aĀ Ā lot of y’all don’t have no loyalty to friendshipsĀ y’all be out here spilling other people’s businessĀ Ā y’all be out here betraying friendships for forĀ for penis and all kind of craziness and or theĀ Ā
Same thing with with dudes that’s why I neverĀ get offended when I used to see dudes be likeĀ Ā Bros over hoes and I didn’t mean that like itĀ sounds bad I know I know but I respected thatĀ Ā
Men were willing to be loyal to their friendsĀ right like if that ain’t your wife or someoneĀ Ā you’ve been with so long they damn their wifeĀ right like you should treasure your friendshipsĀ Ā right that’s what I’m saying like people who’ beenĀ there relationships come and go my loves but yourĀ Ā
Friends and the family members who are actuallyĀ there for you when you are down and out even theĀ Ā strangers who are there for you down and out whenĀ you didn’t have nowhere to go and could have beenĀ Ā
Living in you know [Ā __Ā ] or been doing worse orĀ could have not have had that job opportunity ifĀ Ā they didn’t speak up for you man start beingĀ loyal and appreciative of people who do goodĀ Ā
For you be brave you are more powerful than youĀ know step into your power stop being afraid of theĀ Ā unknown y’all spirit is telling us stop beingĀ afraid of the unknown you are worthy on last
Card no I actually got two more I’mma do thisĀ deck these cards my star seed and all that inĀ Ā the next reading y’all so tune in to the nextĀ reading if you want to know um you know for theĀ Ā
Atlantis Lumia you know if you’re a star seedĀ a empath you know if you if you if you moreĀ Ā tapped in that’s going to be the next readingĀ stay tuned that’ll be tomorrow it says this isĀ Ā
From your significant other I need time for me orĀ this is you with the life path four you may be aĀ Ā life path four or having a number four they mayĀ be a life P four or have four in their birthdayĀ Ā
In their chart somewhere but I need time forĀ me and three says there is someone else someĀ Ā of y’all may not know there’s someone else theyĀ got someone else but you on their mind there isĀ Ā someone else could be a life path three couldĀ have number three in their uh oh have numberĀ Ā
Three in their birthday and then nine I neverĀ imagined so much Perfection I never imagine soĀ Ā so much Perfection nine so take these numbers howĀ they resonate your birthday could be 43 right orĀ Ā 39 something like that but pay attention this isĀ what we’re pulling the energy in some of y’all’sĀ Ā
Relationship whether that’s your relationship orĀ how you feel and then let’s get a yes or no cardĀ Ā to wrap this up thank y’all so much for watching IĀ hope this reading resonated really spoke to you toĀ Ā
Wake up you know with love tap into that higherĀ power your higher energies this is my yes or noĀ Ā if you’ve got a question ask yourself a questionĀ now and let’s see if we can get confirmation fromĀ Ā
Spirit this is my yes or no and how and when cardĀ combination of both we’ll pull one of each of howĀ Ā and when and yes or no so there’s somethingĀ on your heart and mind now is the time to ask oop I think we got our answers all right
Woo no if you’re wondering whatever youĀ were just asking the answer is no it saysĀ Ā the ship of change locates the straight lineĀ within the chaos your desire to boldly achieveĀ Ā your dreams attracts worthy opportunities andĀ phenomenal resources This Love of luck is unepĀ Ā
Unparalleled it is the fine line between progressĀ and catastrophe the ship of change what I tellĀ Ā y’all so more emphasis on change is coming okayĀ and then the how and when is if yes it says theĀ Ā
River calmly oh no but it was no it so if it’sĀ no it says the lake of Hope slowly expands itsĀ Ā Shores offering you unbelievable opportunitiesĀ to enrich your life your adaptable reaction toĀ Ā such change allows you to collect an unthinkablyĀ an unthinkably large jackpot so this speaks ofĀ Ā
Big money and big big dreams manifesting rightĀ it says unthinkably large jackpot within so ifĀ Ā you want to know when within two to 3 monthsĀ the evolution of the situation is complete soĀ Ā the L A hope slowly expanded Shores offering youĀ unbelievable opportunities to enrich your lifeĀ Ā
Got to stay hopeful got to keep your Vibes HighĀ don’t ask how and when and where it’s coming fromĀ Ā your adaptable reaction to such change allows youĀ to collect an unthinkably large jackpot becauseĀ Ā you’re shifting your mindset you’re ShiftingĀ the way you think and live your life right soĀ Ā
Within two to three months the evolution of theĀ situation is complete all right so hopefully thatĀ Ā answered and resonated two to three monthsĀ no all right you guys I hope y’all like thisĀ Ā reading thank you so much for watching pleaseĀ like share subscribe turn on that notificationĀ Ā
Bell down below make sure you check out the nextĀ reading as well if you are here for the the theĀ Ā the more spiritually elevated conversationsĀ that’s going to be tomorrow’s reading soĀ Ā definitely tune in tomorrow well or whateverĀ day you see this this will be the followingĀ Ā
Day so don’t forget to like share subscribe turnĀ on that notification Bell leave a comment downĀ Ā below I love you I appreciate you I thank youĀ for watching stay safe I send all my love bye