Welcome back to another episode of the corporate Cowboys podcast my name is Alex as always I’ll be your host for the next 30 minutes and we’ll treat this as an Open Door consult if you will pretend you don’t have friends no no no pretend pretend the friends you do have right
They don’t take you seriously when you ask them questions about your job and you’re thinking why would you ask your circle about your job no it’s not so much the job that you have the duties the tasks that you do throughout your work day but more so your career and how to
Develop it strategies moves you could make within corporate to get better compensated to get promoted to move the [ __ ] up or move out work for yourself as an independent contractor a consummate professional if you don’t have a circle that does that for you well you walked into the right place
And it’s my hope that this podcast helps edify you in some way will where you’re able to take notes and incorporate some of the knowledge that we distill across these episodes to help you improve your war strategy because business is war and you’re born into this you’re born having taken the blue pill
And I guess if you’ve complied with the mandates you’ve been force fed I guess if you want to say force fed because you always have an option force-fed blue pills right now what the [ __ ] do you do then you can’t talk to your circle why because you’re rocking the boat why
Because you’re causing problems well you’re in the right place today’s Proof of Life it’s Thursday April 6. 2023 and yes some of what we say or how we say it it’s meant to have some comedic some cathartic value right because we are passionate about this and that might come off that could come
Off it may appear it may sound emotional but just because we Elevate our voice doesn’t mean we are not thinking clearly some say it’s it’s the drunk and the young who are most honest who are the most sincere but but when you when you think about it when
You really think about it when individuals let emotion take hold of their action they are they’re truest self right their truest self so I want you to think I mean if I’m going into these hypotheticals to these questions in a logical and tactful manner and I elevate my voice in the process I
Mean it’s because I’m passionate I’m emphasizing it yeah to you which sounds like emotion but it’s how I inform that emotion I’m not letting the emotion take control of my message the message is emotional that’s the difference so today’s question I mean I guess it could have to do with
Emotion in a sense it’s they’re asking and this is coming out of our slash career guidance they’re asking why why hiring managers don’t hire people who want the job too much if you want the job too much boss I’m desperate I’ll do anything for this job
I mean you don’t want to do anything for the job first you want to get hired and maybe explore what you can do for the job I mean get paid first get on the payroll first sign the contract have them sign the agreement right create the agreement
First before you start exploring ways to Branch out and expand but is it a sense of desperation a sense of exasperation anxiety nerves is it something that the hiring manager or the interviewer sees in you that they don’t think is coming off as healthy I’ve been in certain situations before where I’ve I
Meant to be in an interview capacity in an interview role and I just had a lot of stuff on my plate a lot of things cooking a lot of wheels and gears turning in my head where it’s not that I couldn’t go through with the interview but the
Answer is that I was giving were tainted were dirty if I explain myself if I’m making myself be understood right say I just got for the sake of argument just got done doing some dirt right and there are a lot of uh gears turning in an event where you’re not only doing
Dirt but you’re having to clean up and then cover or make cover create alibis right and you switch you switch from that environment where you’re running on adrenaline high speed high stress and you have to calm down and that comes with practice that comes with practice but even then even for the experienced
There are moments where I mean you’re too calm you’re too calm and your sense of uh social interaction and how you navigate your moral compass in real time can be influenced by the dirt you’ve committed before right it’s the same concept as you are what you have done right you are what
You have done in the past you are your history why because it’s your lived experiences that provide for who you are in the present and to a degree influence not necessarily dictate but influence what you do in the future funny right funny so this person is asking why hiring
Managers don’t hire people who want the job too much I was going off on a tangent there right but if you’re ever interviewing really uh take a couple of minutes before the interview which is another reason not to show up late show up 15 minutes show up half an
Hour early to the place and just be sitting just just just just sit in the lobby not because you have nothing else to do but because psychologically and social psychologically you showing up early provides you the exposure to get over whatever stressors whatever stimulations whatever environmental sensory arousal that
Occurs when you first show up and if you’re running late I mean you’re already sped up you might be out of breath you might be exasperated oh I’m sorry I showed a police there’s like a traffic right but if you show up early it could play it could I mean it could
Because you’re still working with you know how your past showing up there early influences what you’re about to do in the future which is jump into this interview so you play your cards correctly and you play yourself correctly by setting yourself up for success and I’ve used that term before
Where if I’m ever going into a situation I’m treating it like the first half of self-sabotage which is setting myself up I want to look good on my way out so you get there early do you or do you not actually before I go there say you get
There on time just on time and the interviewer is I don’t know they’re [ __ ] lagging it for whatever reason maybe they had an interview before you and they can’t manage and organize their time adequately foreign ly that’s the word I was looking for they can’t organize their time appropriately so now their interview
Is running into your time slot the time that you had set aside to interview with them do you or do you not feel a sense of almost entitlement like these [ __ ] I carved out this time to come in and interview and they make me wait
Do you or do you not want to burn the place down [Laughter] there’s jokes that’s jokes folks I mean I Gotta Give a legal disclaimer real quick because I’m just I’m just pontificating I’m not giving legal advice that’s the disclaimer anything in the form of content that we provide
Across the corporate Cowboys podcast you cannot will not shall not may not construe as legal legal advice unless unless you’ve retained Us in some capacity and we’re your legal counsel and where your representative right if the shoe fits though theoretically metaphorically you may be able to lace it up
It might not be a perfect fit but given the question here we don’t have too many facts to go on what I like to do is lay out a sort of blueprint on how we address each of these questions Case by case treating them as if they were coming
From a hypothetical client right now I haven’t even read this question and it’s a short one which is why I may be putting it off but this question is so so dense so thick and I’ve already reached the point that I want to get across the message that I
Want to get across put yourself in the shoes of a person who shows up just just on time and they are made to wait is that or is that not aggravating you begin to develop a sense of entitlement over that time slot you had been promised that time so that time
Slot was set aside for you and you also set that time aside to come in for this interview and it’s not happening at the time you both agreed on how [ __ ] frustrating how infuriating that might be right that could be but we’re constant professionals right best case scenario is that you walk in
And you give them a chance right if they’re not again too late they’re not really yanking your chain and making you wait [ __ ] hour and a half oh sorry Alex and you know the [ __ ] business lunch meeting was carrying on or whatever the [ __ ] unless unless this firm is so
[ __ ] prestigious and the reputation behind them is so obviously worth it and it’s just an industry practice that this is the social norms that are acceptable otherwise why the [ __ ] would you wait around why why would you allow yourself to be disrespected in your time to be discounted and devalued like that right
That’s going to inform a Teensy bit it’s going to influence a teeny tiny bit how you interact with them socially during the interview is it not your voice and your tone may take on a certain error certain air of yeah well we could have had this [ __ ] interview 30 minutes ago
Yeah well you can’t [ __ ] manage your time correctly yeah well I don’t know what kind of [ __ ] shop I walked into and now I gotta be on on edge about management not keeping to their time commitments but you’re a professional you’re a consummate professional which is why best case scenario that’s like that
Might be a good case scenario is to have them show up late bad case scenario I’m not going to say worst kid worst case scenario you [ __ ] die in a car wreck on the way to the interview right the end Bad Case is you show a plate that’s [ __ ] up right now the
Power goes the other way and the interviewer if they choose to interview you if they choose to follow through with the interview they decide that you are a worthwhile candidate that they’ll do you the courtesy do you the favor of interviewing you even if you were late
That’s still a bad case scenario you showed up late you [ __ ] up fumbled the bag good case scenario I mean it’s not the best but good case scenario is going to be you show up on time and you’re made to wait a reasonable amount of time again
But but any amount of time you’re made to wait the ball is in your court you have I want to say perceptually perspectively conceptually the upper hand and now how you play it again could influence the outcome of the interview but still consummate professional you’re not going to [ __ ] Lord it over them
After all you you are the one applying for the job but it can influence the voice and the tone that the interview takes best case scenario towards the end best case scenario is you show up early and that’s common practice it’s a professional recommendation folks say show up to your interviews 15
Minutes early show up to your shifts 10 15 minutes early sometimes I mean that’s all dependent on the type of work that you do the colleagues and the culture that you keep right there may benefit you to show up early to lay down additional groundwork where you need it
To be able to network and socialize professionally professionally socialized effectively best case scenario is you show up early and I have been holding this to the end right I did tell you that you show up early as is recommended right don’t be running late don’t put things off to the last minute where
You’re rushing around to collect everything and making sure you’re not forgetting something you show up early 15 minutes and the interview takes place exactly at the time it’s scheduled but in that 15 minutes that you were waiting your senses acclimate to you being there your blood pressure may go down a little
Bit one or two beats I mean you’re a calm cool collected you’re cold and you’re calculating you only begin to develop that that sense of entitlement of having to wait but you’re waiting on your terms you’re not being made to wait they’re not running late and you definitely are not late
So the interview is kept copacetic mutually professional the beginnings of a consummate professional interaction I mean that’s the state we all strive to achieve it’s consummate professionalism that’s the best case scenario you show up early and the interview takes place when it is supposed to
I mean I’m not even going to explore you showing up early and then they starting the interview late right making you wait an excessive amount of time at that point I mean you’re dealing with with a bad case a bad case because [ __ ] we’re professionals we’re going to show up early regardless
So that just becomes a bad case scenario I don’t even think I read the question on this but I touched on the points that I wanted I’m satisfied with with what I got I finished did you finish [Laughter] they write I talked lately with a friend
Who is a team leader and hiring manager and he told me he never hires an applicant if he or she wants the job too much even though he or she might be more than qualified why is that so I’m gonna think it’s the way they interviewed it’s really the way they interviewed him
Yes you should always be uh applying scouting prospecting what’s available what’s out there and interviewing if possible because a lot of those may turn out to be informational outputs that you can integrate and incorporate into your plan into your strategy I mean the more information you have in your particular industry
With certain firms and organizations the better you can’t go wrong with more information information that you yourself have been able to verify I mean you collected it personally why wouldn’t it be true if you know what you’re doing you’re doing it right but it’s a matter of how you interview I
Mean if you really want this job you have to prepare for it adequately it can’t just come across to the hiring manager that you need the job you shouldn’t [ __ ] need it right but you what what you should need is each other they should need you as much as you need them
Typically I mean professionally ideally ideally the feelings should be mutual they should be selling you on the position you should be selling them on your skill on your knowledge on your expertise on yourself as a professional they sell you the profession you sell them the professional shake hands make business possible
Make business better if for whatever reason that ball the ball ends up in one or the other side’s court I mean it’s possible that the company is desperate to have you on board would that not give you a an eerie sense that something is up with
The company why why do they want we just we were just talking for five ten minutes they don’t know [ __ ] about me except what I put on my resume and my resume is supposed to be an introduction to me they haven’t asked they haven’t learned anything about me for me to genuinely think
For me to actually think they genuinely want me as a professional and not just a body because they’re desperate an employer can feel the same way if you’re interviewing not because of the potential for a career Prospect but because you need the check and you need it now you’re desperate you want it
Now it’s gonna come off as a sense of where is this person’s due diligence to learn about the job they’re not asking any questions they’re interviewing from a position of inferiority almost and interviewing from a position of inferiority does not lend itself to cultivating loyalty right
If you’re not there for the Pres for the profession you’re only there for the position I mean [ __ ] then the next offer that comes along with twenty dollars more at the end of your salary you’ll jump ship and as a hiring manager that is not a candidate that I would want working
For me right but like I said it goes both ways it also falls on me to have a position that’s worthwhile that’s attractive that’s that’s encouraging of professional developments for anyone who chooses to apply granted there’s going to be certain skill sets that I’m looking for in my candidates
So when that candidate comes up and interviews they know in advance the skills that I’m looking for and so they’re able to sell me on that skill set and how they’ve used it the experience they have professional and otherwise and in turn I lay out for them the position
I lay out for them the profession that they’re are going to enter via our firm I mean this is a lot of higher level thinking strategizing it’s not an easy question but we’ve done this enough that it’s regular philosophy it’s a regular strategy it should be a tactic not not a tactic it
Should be ah is it a tactic should be a strategy that professionals have as a as a standard to keep for themselves and it really just starts with showing up at least on time if not early always if you can always show up early it’s not on time and
Then never show up late I mean if there’s an emergency obviously you want to communicate a good team member communicates and you may be able to cultivate enough Rapport and reputation and credibility where I mean you show up late every now and then it may not hurt you so long as you get
The work done still you ought to be communicating let’s take a look at a one or two of these comments here and I might be able to critique them for you the first one says I don’t know but I’ve turned down offers because the interviewers seemed too desperate to hire me yes okay
Yeah I did touch on that I did touch on that the company wants you they’re desperate to have you they [ __ ] need a body to fill this position right that gives off sense of of eeriness of awkwardness of of not fitting it’s unfit for you to commit and sign on
To this position because they haven’t learned anything about you they would just read your resume once skimmed it at that seen a couple of keywords ah this motherfucker’s got warm blood pump he’s alive let’s throw them in there see what happens right what guarantees do you have
What have you negotiated with them as far as your duties your tasks work obligations professional development even I mean that’s got to be in the back of everyone’s mind is what comes next what you’re going to be doing while on the job there to improve what it is you do or have done
To be able to grow to the next step you’re just gonna be a lifer in this one spot and not move from it again an interview is a two-way street it’s a two-way street and if your interviewer does not know how to conduct interviews then it’s on you the interviewee
Not to guide them but uh to influence them professionally the second comment here says there is a fine line between being passionate and desperate that’s right that’s right absolutely and I believe that goes towards my outline for the best case scenario a good case scenario a bad
Case scenario in the worst case scenario right worst case scenario being that you show up late you [ __ ] up the interview bad case scenario is you show up on time and they start you late right good case scenario is going to be you show up on time and they start on time
Best case scenario is you show up early and they start on time why because you’re showing up early again gives you that 15 20 minutes however long you choose to show up early to acclimate to your environment keep in mind you’re going into a negotiation of sorts this is a negotiated interview
Not only are you going in to learn more than what you could find online on their web page through their linkedins right but you’re also attempting to negotiate your way in what it is you want to do on the job what it is you want to get paid when you
Want to get paid how many days uh vacation or weeks vacation months vacation they’re willing to give you additional fringe benefits expense accounts company cars all of that you’re going in and so you want as much time as you believe you ought to give yourself to prepare emotionally right
If you’re racing and rushing in through the door you think you’re gonna you think you believe you’re gonna think of all of those points I mean unless you’ve gotten have them written down but even then even if you have them written down you arriving in uh in a hurry in a rush
You won’t be operating as effectively as you could if you showed up early you take your time you take a deep breath and you prepare yourself for war and this is more so close quarter combat you are not working with rifles long arms or small arms even you’re working with something Surgical
Up close and personal you want things you want things your way right but but obviously you don’t want to win over them the goal of business any business ideally is to win together walk away from your negotiation you talk to any number of professionals at least the Professionals in my circle there are
Some that they’re more win lose and they believe it’s all a zero-sum game and that if they don’t win they [ __ ] lost and so they have to beat someone else mercilessly into the ground and put them six feet under right or they feel like like they [ __ ] lost
If other if the other person walked away breathing I didn’t do my job right that’s not so much true keep in mind that you can use apple pie to make more apple pie this this [ __ ] videos and memes on it let’s take a whole apple pie grind it up
Use it as the crust for the next more apple pie you could learn to make more together expand the pie don’t [ __ ] fight over it that’s a difficult concept when most everything is made of protein fats and carbohydrates laughs I’m gonna cut you off right there man I
Was about to get too uh too wild too Twisted so take care of yourselves have a nice one I’ll catch you next time