Um my wife who is a doctor has un uh unofficially diagnosed me with uh minor Aspergers and then there are only there are only four types of Visionaries not again not humans not business owners not Consultants Visionaries there are only four types and I turn everything into pattern welcome to the owner Pride
Podcast I’m your host Dan Williams Dan E Williams and yep that he stands for ecash the drought Toler an eco-friendly way to wash your car with just a little bit of water don’t even have to pull it out of the garage eash the world use that code at checkout on owners you’re going to get 10% off because we love you today I have a special guest with me Mr Jonathan Breen from BR epic Network how are you doing today good I don’t know if you want to record it out but uh Jonathan say your real name instead say Justin maybe
Instead well it’s up to you I actually like mistakes like that um people in my whole life have called me Jason which is kind kind of weird no one’s ever called me Jonathan I’m trying to think that’s never happened before um but Jason people always call me Jason I never
Understood that I like to I like to mix it up a little bit and make up some names so uh sorry about that oh it’s okay I’m I’m I’m used to wrong name just not that one so I was confused and since you threw it out there I’ll go ahead and
Leave it usually I would start over and edit that out but since you made the comment we’ll go ahead and just leave that in there all right you’re um a bestselling author for USA Today in West uh Wall Street Journal I going make up another name for that too but I’m not
Going to do it um of your um of your epic life and you have the BR epic Network a social network and I want to crack into all of that you also do coaching an author I mean you have a lot on your plate which looks like you’re a
Pretty successful man oh I mean thanks I I don’t really do that much I just hang out with my family and I connect top Visionaries on planet so and created two companies based on that purpose um so I don’t really understand business owners or Consultants or humans or discounts I
Just you know connect top people on planet and then they connect me to top people on planet and then top people on planet want to be connected to other top people on planet so they invest heavily for connections like that so um I like to do this first
I like to jump into the Wayback machine set a little bit of context and because we’re a car detailing uh Chemical Company I want to ask you this and and a lot of the professional people I ask this question don’t even see it coming funny enough you may see it coming
Already but um can you tell me about the first time you can remember ever washing touching detailing a car could have been as a kid in your driveway as a teenager when you got your first one heck I don’t know it’s your story you let me know yeah I mean um um
That’s a good question it makes sense with you know obviously what you do and I’m guessing you like physical things using your hands I’m not like that at all um I see things in space um I see human connectivity uh Visionary connectivity in space so like I never
Look ahead I look around and I can see the answer so I don’t you know I’ve never done anything like that my sons have started uh a car washing business they’re N9 and 11 so they like to do that and and have puzzles and build things but I
Completely stay away from that stuff because it would be a nightmare for me awesome and very interesting literally the first person who’s ever answered it like that so does that mean as you even as a child like your brain was kind of thinking a little bit different than
Most other kids um like and you you had a bigger Vision even then where so well you’re either born like this or you’re not um so like most people aren’t born top Visionaries on planet because they’re just not like that so I’ve never understood human business owner
Thinking um I don’t understand it um it’s confusing to me and I don’t like to be put in a box because Visionaries don’t like boxes so they just make their own box then uh there’s a inogram inogram is uh like unconscious motivator so I’m an eight um so eight is
To be strong and self-reliant so uh the most important thing for an eight is not only they like to do what they like to do they don’t like to follow rules but they definitely like to don’t like to be told what to do that’s really annoying for an eight so that’s why most
Visionaries are eights because they just create their own thing so I don’t uh it’s I just don’t like order or discipline or rules um so created two companies that you know it’s uh create your own rules your own order um and then I found that Visionaries really um
They really like that because they don’t want to be told what to do either they just want to create things with other Visionaries um so I’ve never really understood business owner stuff or what do you cost or charge or linear thinking it’s super annoying to me um and then
Top visioners on the planet it’s also super annoying to them okay okay you you have spun me already into a different direction that I was going to go with this yeah I don’t even I know I don’t care about context or rules or limits and then it’s funny because all these
People uh they come prepared with all these things and then they never ask ask them because they’re finally being challenged in a way that a regular human has never challenged them before so then they’re like oh this is an interesting conversation and then their brains rewired and then they stop acting linear
And they just go out of the box awesome awesome so let’s go out of the box um as I think in some of the what I was reading about you is you have um an exceptionally high IQ is that something that was disc well that’s
Funny um so I guess uh thank you um but um so genius is 140 and above that’s less than 1% of the population almost everyone I talk to is well over 140 um uh I know a lot of folks over 160 and 170 those folks have no human understanding
Uh my wife and I are both 139 so we’re Bridges between uh genius and human so I guess in regular human world yes but in my world no I’m I’m average if not below average IQ but I actually like it that way because when you get too high um
There’s no understanding of like have a family or like uh I don’t know if you saw it but like I I did a my brain my brain all I do is simplify things into patterns so all I do is talk to top Visionaries on planet and then they blah
Blah blah and then I simplify what they say into a pattern so I simplified IQ in a post on social media and then folks with my IQ the high 130s low 140s they’re like Bridges they’re like Bridges between genius and humans and then when you get higher up
It’s uh it’s a really many times it’s a really hard life um and then when you get like below 130 people just kind of stare at me um which is fine but um they don’t understand um so it’s like a I’m like a halfway point okay so when what
Is an average person’s IQ I don’t know I don’t even think about it yeah don’t I mean probably a hundred but no I don’t it’s that’s a confusing I don’t I don’t know uh what I will say is most of my life I I was talking to people I had no
Idea what I was talking about so um um again people Visionaries are usually aliens toin their own family community and vertical the only people that understand us are top entrepreneurs on planet so I’ve always talked like this and then I’m 46 now started first company six days after turning 40 so and
Then really started to find people on a global level uh uh when coid started so that was that was really the first time I found truly people who understood what I was talking about so most of my life um so now I just really focus on people who really
Understand what I’m talking about but more importantly I can learn from them learn from them collaborate with them so back when you were a kid in school is that when you first kind of discovered that you had a little different outlook on life even as a child and and how did
You deal with like all of the other air quote normal kids you know who were not you were yeah I mean well so my litus test is my father he was uh 61 1 when I was born 61 he was born in 1916 and he was a
World War II hero um shot down multiple times in combat many times without a parachute and he just got back into a plane so he died when I was 13 um and so every day he would say the cream rice is to the top the cream rice is to the top
So I just that’s the first chapter of Epic life um latest book and then so I just used that that saying that that uh Mantra that slogan my whole life and then I just kept talking like this I didn’t know what he meant because I was
13 but now I you know certainly since starting entrepreneur journey I really understood it and then you just keep talking like this and you keep getting shot down in an airplane without a parachute because that’s what it’s like talking to people who don’t understand what you’re talking
About most of your life but you just keep getting back into another plane and then oh okay so now now fly flying the plane with other people on the right plane when was the first time that you like ran into an acquaintance or a comrade or that that did understand you
On your first time the first time great question the first time was probably my uncle who was my dad’s younger brother he was the last living uh Breen brother all four of them uh served proudly in World War II they all survived somehow they became a national story back in the
40 1940s because it was very rare to sent all four children they were all boys so the all four of them served and then I’m named after my um I’m named after uh uh my grandma uh I never met her obviously but um uh Ida named after Ida and um she was
Featured in national news they called her the little colonel um because she was they she and her husband my grandfather escaped the pilgrims of Russia they were going to be slaughtered but they came to America um where they started a family and then she was saying how proud she was to send all
Four of her children to war um so they’re featured a national media for that and then my dad’s last living brother who kind of became like a father to me after my dad died his name was Stan um he died he was I was very fortunate that got to meet my wife um
Before I married her um and then he in college he had me read things like Marcus arelius the prince love it he was like a Caltech level uh MIT level uh inventor and so I could have conversations with him about stuff but he never really explained to me what a
Brain like this was he just we just had conversations so I like I really like your question because that’s besides my dad it was probably my uncle yeah so then when you um you you went to the University of Illinois and and you did research you did research
And you were studying journalism were you in journalism prior to that or what sparked you to whole life life journal yeah first memories as child were I would sit with my dad and read um we we’re from Chicago area so I would reach Chicago Tribune sports section with my
Dad very early memories very early um and then I was always really interested in people like my dad who were like no excuses um just no limits get back into a plane without a parachute so I was always gra I always gravitated toward them so it was on our
High school had a a TV like a small TV station so I was doing that and then was always interested in writing about people but I’ve always been able to like listen to people and then like understand them many times better than they understand themselves cuz I can
Just listen again I can hear hear things or hear how they think and then connect them to other people how they think it was just um growing up there weren’t that many people that understood this so it was harder to connect people but I was always trying to always trying to do
That or write about them so did what did it um you said in the there was like a small TV station kind of thing in school so was did you start out with writing print like in for newspaper and then move into the newspaper started in college yeah uh but broadcasting in high
School like sports and um we had a pretty good uh uh basket I went to glenberg North High School so we had a pretty good basketball program um uh Chris Collins uh who’s who played it uh he’s the Northwestern head coach uh now and then he played at Duke so he was a
Senior when I was a freshman and then when I was a senior we made it down state so broadcasting a lot of a lot of games like that um um but then College started working at the it was called The Daily ali um newspaper and then taking a lot of
Journalism classes in college yeah was there kind of a a more specific kind of story that you like to do like a human nature piece or tremendous tremendous yeah so you’re like um you’re like a journalist Visionary who happens to own um like a car care products
You’re not a car care products I mean that’s just a conduit for your brain I mean I don’t I mean I can hear that um it’s interesting that you chose that it’s interesting because it’s like um that’s like a it’s like a product it’s not like
Um it’s like a it’s like a retail product it’s not um because like I guess like my like like my products are just extension of purpose so like Global PR firm that’s like a connectivity product and then the second company is like it’s like LinkedIn for Visionary so it’s like a
Connect a connection platform high price point product and it’s interesting your product is like a car care I mean that’s just really interesting with your brain um I wonder what you’ll do with your brain it’ll be interesting because I don’t think it’ll be in I don’t think
You’ll stay in car prods like that’s not your because you have this um you have this um wanting to understand Visionaries or maybe this conversation is is you know pulling that out of you but you’re not like a you’re not a you’re not a car care product person
At all um I mean they’re just not I mean I don’t even know what your question was but that’s what I’m thinking about when you’re asking these questions because you started this interview with like you have a formulaic you have like a formula thing for your oh like what’s your first
Memory of like doing you know washing cars or whatever like but that’s not your brain at all no that’s just I just like to go in there and touch that and build a little context of that you know where you’re coming from and then get to
Where we’re going but you sp me in a whole different direction and I I absolutely love it so a couple of the favorite things that I get to do are these podcasts and these interviews and people um who are journalists um I I interviewed Paul paage who’s the voice
Of the Indie 500 and um he was a that would make sense where you’re from yeah he was just absolutely fantastic um so then when I key in on somebody being a journalism I really really enjoy doing this but you’re a journal you’re you
Have that type of brain I can hear it um it’s just interesting that I get whatever career you want to call like like that that’s your profession is owning this like it’s it’s you but it’s not you like it’s very interesting to me I I will tell you honestly the most
Absolute favorite part part of what I get to do is the business coaching side and helping these yeah that’s what I mean realize their potential that’s where my gratification actually well I can hear that so like I’ve never met you before but I’m like you’re not a car
It’s like it’s not that it’s silly because it’s a per it’s you know it’s part of the purpose and it’s the mechanism that allows you to do this but this is really you um like I’m like lit it’s it cuz you started this interview which I appreciate like you’re like oh
You’re doing all these things I go I’m not I don’t do that many things at all I literally just spend time with my family our 11-year-old it’s his birthday today so I’ll hang out with him and and uh my 9-year-old son and then my wife after
This or then I just I just talk to and connect top Visionaries on planet that’s all I do all day um I never get tired of it um it’s very lucrative it’s incredibly fun and then it’s like creating creating own rules where people don’t tell me what to do I mean it’s
Just it’s just wonderful and then there’s no limits to it there no there are no limits to it at all so after you got out of school and you were doing the writing for journalism what what did you do for a career did you follow that path
Down the career and and what did that lead you into okay yeah okay yeah so for before before you hit um record I asked you about Lawrence north um um so I lived and worked in Northwest Indiana as a journalist any any job you could imagine the Indianapolis Star where
You’re from uh that’s the biggest paper in Indiana uh um before I uh um started journalism career in Chicago uh I was an editor in Chicago but before that I for let’s see two 1999 to 20 12 so 13 years I was basically any job you can imagine imagine in
Journalism at three newspapers in Northwest Indiana um I was supposed to be the editor and chief at the times of Northwest Indiana which is the second biggest paper in Indiana they were grooming me for that job but I would have had to live in northwest Indiana
And at the time my wife was um she was pregnant with our first child who is 11 today and she’s a pediatrician um at the time she and I were living in downtown Chicago and I was commuting to Northwest Indiana and she was commuting to the northern
Suburbs of Chicago and um so we decided that um we were going to stay in Chicago or the northern suburbs closer closer to her job so that’s why I wound up applying for jobs in Chicago and I was lucky to to get a job as a a senior
Editor um basically a hybrid uh editor uh reporter at a a news site in in Chicago which was my last job before starting entrepreneur Journey so how did you deal with having to go you know interview everybody people that are obviously it’s kind of a little frustrating for you to to talk have
Discussions with some of the people great question so that’s so you what you said was a perfect follow-up question but there’s a caveat to that because when I was an entrepreneur who happened to be a journalist for um from 1999 into 2017 so almost 20 years the the one group of folks that
Understood what I was talking about or I was gravitating toward them were the people I was interviewing because uh as a sports reporter or finding people that made no excuses as just a features reporter uh I was writing about and connecting cool people changing the world so never understood negative news
Or political stuff or complaining so I was actually actively seeking out these people it was like it was just this Nate like wanting to be around those people um at all times um because they never made excuses they accomplished all these things people around them had been
Killed or or um grew up in poverty or whatever and they figure it out figure it out and so just gravitated toward them and then now you know I just write about and connect cool people changing the world um it’s just for them it’s for them now and then my family and then
Before it was for a media Outlet um and then they would give me weird jobs as a as a journalist because they didn’t know what to do with me and again people people like us are usually aliens within their own family community and vertical so I never understood what journalists
Who are journalists were complaining about or writing about like I never it made no sense to me why you’d write about negative news or political things or arguing I don’t understand that at all it’s confusing I think for for the masses if it bleeds it leads right
But 100% yeah was it hard for you and I know maybe this is a cliche or of term to use but so you have all this intelligence and did you struggle with the emotional intelligence just for the regular interpersonal relationships coworkers and stuff yes oh man that’s funny okay so uh
Yeah so you have a very high intuition um uh very high intuition like off the charts I can hear it um I I also have very high intuition um and then um um my wife who is a doctor has un uh unofficially diagnosed me with uh minor
Asbergers and then there are only there are only four types of Visionaries not again not humans not business owners not Consultants Visionaries they’re only four types and I turn everything into patterns so one one is uh ADD ADHD that’s almost everyone I talk to it’s not a disorder it’s AOG genus mislabeled
By humans who who call it a disorder because they want order they don’t they don’t understand it okay so I’m not add but most people I talk to are uh two minor Asbergers um that’s lack of social cues low in empathy that would be me getting very annoyed with people that um
Uh that complain about stuff that okay so okay that’s two three is dyslexia 30% of Visionaries are dyslexic so you can’t learn one way of reading learning so you just oh you just make up your own and then for uh extraordinarily high IQ Andor EQ um like regular human
Intelligence EQ you can’t do I mean you’re not capable of doing um that’s fine um if all the world was like this it’d be Anarchy chaos it’d be it would be complete it’ be just Total Insanity so right yep I guess you have to have the whole spectrum of leaders and
Followers and all the way across the board to 100% and people like me usually marry stabilizing humans like my wife who’s now been around enough Maniacs Maniac is a compliment but um she’s been around enough Maniacs that she’s phasing out of Pediatrics and she’s the COO of
Of the Bic Network and she’s an onboarding machine um I don’t like to land the plane but in her case I will she’s onboarded uh more than 300K um in new clients uh members in about two and a half months is COO and she’ll never stop and she’s like oh I just like
To I like to talk to Visionaries all day and then we’ve been together almost 20 years and it took almost 20 years for her to make that decision I just I don’t even I don’t overthink anything but I just do it um but then she’s been around
Long enough it as most into her and then again she’s also high IQ High achiever and then she’s like oh I’d rather just do do this and now she’ll never stop doing it cuz she made the decision so um with the with the sports so obviously you’re very into sports I
Mean that was first question to me was um about sports and I I swung and missed at the uh the opportunity but so with the sports do you enjoy like watching the game and seeing the game play out or is it really about statistics and the analytics of the game man lot
Brain you have um you ask questions that no one’s ever asked me that’s that’s like the high like one of the highest compliments I could because it’s it’s uh well thank it’s it’s a really interest so okay so um I’ll answer the question so it used to be focused on
Statistics because I see the world in numbers and keywords um that’s how like uh Colby k ol it’s how someone’s brain takes action I don’t really care what their personality is but like my intros are based on someone’s Colby score so like most people I talk to are very high
Quick start numbers um and it’s I think it’s very similar to statistic like a high batting average or number of strikeouts or um field goal percentage or goals in hockey or what whatever that I don’t know quart quarterback ranking but anyway um so that’s how I make my
Intros it’s like three 393 meets 3393 but so it used to be statistics based then as entrepreneur who happen to be a journalist and then just watching sports um they’re um and then interviewing folks like that and then top entrepreneurs or top musicians there are only two commonalities they’re only two
Commonalities with the top athlete the top musician the top artist uh top performer top entrepreneur they’re only two commonalities they’re only only two only because I my brain simplifies everything in a pattern so one no excuses same mindset no excuses doesn’t matter where you come from no
Excuses you never give up never never ever and then two two um I haven’t met the exception to this yet this would be really interesting if I do meet this but I haven’t haven’t yet but all of these folks um they had at least one person genuinely care about them believe in
Them I guess understand them or at least believe in them so that could be a parent Aunt Uncle grandparent uh a coach a teacher a mentor some someone I haven’t met the exception to that yet I that would be really interesting if I met someone who had no one believe in
Them um no one provided an example that would actually be fascinating to me but I haven’t I haven’t seen that yet so Sports and Entrepreneurship there’s no difference to me the high and when I say sport Sports I mean the highest achieving like the top level because
Because to get to the major leagues of Entrepreneurship there’s there are no easy paths to that none there are no easy paths it’s the same type of path so I I’ve had so many people on the in on here to interview who have just achieved great success whether they’ve
Won the Indie 500 or they’re they’ve written um books and they’re they’re you know worldclass authors and I one of the questions that I kind of ask everybody it’s it’s one of my common ones and I I’m absolutely really excited to hear your answer there’s some people in life that really seem to
Excel yes and and I think it has nothing to do with their race religion sex anything like that no has nothing I’ll give you the answer and and what is it in those you have the other subset of people who never seem to catch they’re always the mundane status
Quo no no no no no they’re only four things only four things all I do is talk and again this is my whole I’m 46 spend my whole life talking to top top anything top anything um and then all I do is talk to top top people and then connect them
Most not all and I don’t really care about Revenue at all but almost everyone I talk to is a millionaire mult millionaire who came from nothing very I’ve talked to very few Silver Spoons although the Silver Spoons are really interesting too if they have the high achiever Gene because they’ll take that
Learning and those lessons it’s almost like genetic um the ones that are playing to win it’s very interesting the ones who are playing not to lose I don’t understand that I grew up with a lot of people like that and they never know how to achieve anything because they were
Given everything okay so let me let me focus on your question because it’s a good one there are only four things that separate per to relate to your question um we’ll say the people that you’re talking about the ones who always achieve the ones who always achieve and
Then the ones that don’t there are only four things that and then for me those type the people that achieve are are called Visionaries there are only four things that separate Visionaries from humans business owners Consultants only there are only four things one bankruptcy or potential bankruptcy two
Dep depression three highest level of anxiety that you can imagine four likely Andor possible traumatic experiences as a child or young adult so for humans business owners Consultants those four things are excuses those are the ones you’re the latter types of folks that you’re talking about they never seem to
Catch on oh it’s an excuse this happened to me it’s excuse top entrepreneur Visionaries the Achievers figure it out figure it out get it done that’s the fuel that’s the motivator so what a true Visionary a true High ACH the truest High achiever the true Visionary they’re the most
Damaged person the most damaged of those four things most of the people that I talk to now are three of those four if not all four the really successful ones if you want to use the word successful are all four of those things I am three
Of the four almost everyone I talked to is at least three of those four so they’re three or four of those four things and then they have the highest IQ highest EQ most hustle most courage get back into a plane without without a parachute after another one’s been shot
Down like my dad that’s that’s it that is what separates top performers from everyone else okay okay so you get two app point in your career and and and maybe this is where you launched into the next phase with your book be BR epic um what was your thought process in
Writing a book and and did you actually sit down at a typewriter and write that or what kind of anology did you use to write that book okay okay so um the uh the Epic life book is the second book that uh um that I’ve written the first one Epic business
Came out right in the start of coid the Epic business took 43 days to write epic life took 16 um um whenever I write I already have the chapters for the third book um my goal for that one is to write it in 10 I think I’ll be able to do it but
We’ll we’ll see but um but to get a chapter for a book it takes to get enough chapters I should say it takes years and the process for that is like there’s not a process but like what happens is again I spend my day with my family or talking to world’s toop
Entrepreneurs so maybe once or twice a month maybe once or twice a month one of those people will say something that’s truly extraordinary truly extraordinary like like my dad said the cream Rises to the top so that’s chapter one of Epic life so it’s it has to be at that
Level and then I’ll write that down and uh the the um epic life book was finished like February February 10th 2022 and then I started the list for the third book February 10th 2022 whenever someone said something interesting so that list is now up to like 4550 and
Then as the second company really starts to scale which it already is doing but I think after our first big in-person event which will be in May of 2024 my wife and and partner are planning that but after that I think I’ll start writing the third book um I already have
The chapters for it and I’ll probably get a couple more in the in the coming months from talking to Visionaries but um actually writing the book is it’s not that hard for me just being a professional journalist um I can write a chapter in like 10 15 minutes but to get
Enough ideas enough chapter ideas for it it takes a long time it takes years because I know if something’s truly great enough to be a a chapter in a book okay if you’re kicking them out as quick as 10 and 16 days you’ll have a a a list
Of them like Stephen King before you know it no no well that’s an interesting point so like um let me see if I have so like well some of the chapters in um um in the next book uh will be uh one of my friends Bill Bloom well he’s he’s
More you know he’s PR partner and he’s in Bic network but he says when you write big checks big things happen to your brain so that’ll be a a chapter uh breaking the mold makes it so easy to win um that’s from Chad Johnson um name
Your fear but I I come up with the almost no the none of the ideas because I’m not an ideator I’m an activator um I could take other ideas and then go with them but like one of the ones I’ll I think actually the only one on the list
That I came up with is blame the Umpire and other things Visionaries don’t do because our kids are both good athletes and they’re on travel baseball team and so you have to go out in human world for that and then you see the human adults blaming the Umpire who’s
Usually like a teenager and you’re like you’re they’re yelling at a teenage kid who’s trying to get become a better umpire and then the human children of the human adults start yelling at the Umpire because they’re just following the parents lead and then I say I just
Use it as like a science project I tell our kids after the g go you’d never blame the Umpire never you never blame the referee figure it out so it’s a good Learning lesson but that’s the only one of the things that I that I only that I came up with okay so
So you also do or or have listed as 10x coaching and I know that you don’t have you have a slight can I clarify that can I clarify that please do because with a disdain for business a little bit and an entrepreneur well there’s not a okay so
Thank you for saying that I’m in I’m very grateful to be in an entrepreneurial group called strategic coach 10x and then I’m also in abundance 360 Summit those are um entrepreneurial I guess connectivity platforms um I’m members of of those groups so I I guess I’m kind of a coach meaning like
I think the books are guides to uh this way of life I think for Visionaries there like Visionary guide books but I’m not technically a coach I’m in coaching groups okay okay I was thinking man you would it would be difficult for you to sit down with some
Of the people in I I won’t do it no but but what I will say is the in the breik network um it’s high price point invite only so and then I I don’t really say much in the in the in the meetings even though you know I’m a co-founder of it
But then people say what they need and what they can offer and then I’ll just sit off to the side and then I’ll just connect them to people in real time which I really like to do so I guess it’s like a connection coach maybe if
You want to use it like that so so essentially you’re you’re like a Matchmaker for visionar 100% yeah you’re a simplifier you’re a simplifier for sure where was your aha moment that you decided that that was going to be what you did where you made that first connection between people and said holy
Moly I can make a business out of this well that’s a great question again um you have a unique way of getting to the right question because you listen and then simplify you’re a discernment galvanizer like I am you hear all the stuff and then you discern
And and Galvanize um so formula for creating successful global company is is simple it’s very simple formula is you see a problem create solution problem solve successful global company so see a problem create solution problem so first company was journalist for 20 years created an entire business based on how
PR firms annoyed me for 20 years so I’m like oh this is I don’t know even know what they’re doing just create the solution to it so that was first aha moment and then second aha moment I’m like there’s all these platforms that let everyone in and Visionaries don’t
Have time for they don’t they don’t have they don’t have the patience for it they don’t have the they don’t they don’t have the time and they they don’t they don’t want to be in a room with discounts and they don’t they don’t want that they want to be connected to the
Right people so like oh I’ll just you know create invite only connectivity platform for Visionaries um but I can barely hold a pencil right and I would never wash a car or detail it because I would have a nervous breakdown so I had to find a partner who is good at
Building stuff and my partner’s uh he’s in San Francisco I’m in Chicago he does eight and nine figure deals all day that’s not my world and then he’s a master at putting pieces together to build SAS platforms and finding people to do that so I don’t so he does all
That stuff and then my wife is the COO she does all the onboarding and works with the tech team I don’t I don’t do any of that stuff I just sit there in Visionary connector like you said yeah yeah you’re playing chess you’re you’re back in so are you you’re playing chess
With your questions and S finding the answer so you can make the right move to get to the right question makes perfect sense I just it’s just interesting to me that you’re doing that with auto detailing like that’s not it’s just it’s just really interesting to me so so you’ve mentioned onboarding multiple
Times and that your wife the COO takes care of the onboarding I I strongly feel we have a very strong onboarding um for our new installers who come in and become part of our Network as um as well as for the coaching that we do what kind
Of things things do you really try to make sure that you’re hitting in that onboarding that’s going to assure the success or do you even know because you don’t do it no I don’t no I don’t even I have idea I don’t know wife that one
Talk to her no I mean I guess the okay let me slow down for one second that’s a fair question that’s a fair question um so I am good at being on shows like this and then talking to Visionaries and then they’re like oh I want I want a part of
That and then I’m like okay here talk to my wife and then she does everything else so her strength finders Gallop Clifton strength finders are Harmony relator achiever okay Harmony there are 34 of them I’m 31 in harmony very very low and relator but I’m achiever three
So she and I are both achiever threes I’m activator maximizer achiever so I achieve by just don’t tell me to look straight ahead I’m not I’ll I’ll try but I’m not going to really do it and then she’s like rainbows and sunshine and onboarding rainbows and sunshine
Relating it to you know people I introduced to to her and then my partner is competition one maximizer 2 so he he’s going to win big at the highest Global level and he’s empathy 3 I am 34 out of 34 in empathy for Visionaries I have endless empathy
Endless wanting to understand I don’t understand people who make excuses it’s really confusing to me my partner he’s collaborative empathy pure pure empath which is really rare for a top Visionary um really rare so they do all the they do all the backstage meetings they make
Fun of me during the meetings which I think is funny um during the backstage meetings um and then I just let them do their Harmony empathy stuff and then I’m I just plow Straight Ahead okay so this is going to seem a little bit weird
Perhaps however I I am I am I came from being a musician so oh that makes perfect sense because musicians are high implementers using their hands right so when when you’re like having your own entertainment is there like a certain kind of music and and much like the
Sports does it fall does it fall into patterns for you because really all music is all mathematical right it’s just a note yeah it’s just a note it’s just a it’s a composition and that’s I see again Colby to me is my music it’s like I just connect people with
Numbers um you would like Colby by the way you’re you’re probably a Pioneer how many employees do you have you we have like eight eight people in the company room okay so I’m going to guess you’re you can take it if you want but I’m going to guess you’re like a
53 do you have ADD not that I know of did you marry a stabilizing human I don’t think so like a teacher no you did not I did not do you have children I do not okay all right that would make sense three dogs that would make sense people like us usually marry
Stabilizing humans if they don’t one of two things happens uh one greatest life imaginable all doing all this stuff that’s the that happens less often and then more often it’s a total disaster because there’s no stability so I would I would guess I’d guess you’re a um a 4 three
95 that’s a Pioneer Colby if I hadn’t have met my wife wife I never would have had children um the first thing I do every day is a grateful journal to her she taught me how to say thank you she taught me how to say thank you but you’re a
High you must love your wife very much there must be such a a loyalty it’s it’s a good thing it works we’re like a team where we both have you know I’m more of the provider of the team obviously and well 100% so that that’s interesting too my wife and I our
First date was the day before she started medical school so I’m five and a half years older than her so I guess I was the provider at first then she was full-time doctor um and then I was a journalist so she was provider um and then um then started
Becoming entrepreneur then I I guess was more a provider more of a provider and now she’s like really part-time pediatrician and Co of second company and then she’s the she’s the glue that keeps family together and then is help building building the company with that Harmony relation my see like my whole timeline
For things is like um it’s just different than anyone really because my dad was 61 when I was born and my mom was 27 so like I don’t really understand like age is just a number so I’m like an 80 year like I should have been born in
1940s so like should be like 80 something so I have that 80-year-old wisdom or whatever and then like 46 year old body and then have like a child like mindset of like a 5-year-old I’m like a little kid and that I much would rather hang out with my sons and their friends
Playing football with them than talking to adult humans after school water cooler stuff there that’s horrible for me it’s a nightmare so it’s like a mix and then you’re like uh you have all this wisdom and empathy and kindness deep wanting to understand people but then like a musical creative in
Auto that is dude think about that man you ever think about that holy crap I spent a whole bunch of my 20s as a drunk also went to rehab oh well I you didn’t have to tell me that I’m sure I’m sure you’re at Indiana State getting higher
Drunk all did you graduate from Indiana State I did not three semesters lived in a fraternity house my parents were like wait which one which which fraternity Theta Kai yes I knew it I’m a Theta Kai I knew it man I could feel it I could
Feel it dude I could feel it I felt it I knew it man I knew it that is now that is freaking crazy I knew it I knew it man I could feel because fakai um I I did graduate College I graduated uh my closest long-term friends long-term are feta kais who one
They somehow married stabilizing humans I mean I don’t know because these people were degenerate uh thank God social media didn’t exist when I was in college or or you for that matter it sounds like but um um and then most of them are entrepreneurs they’re um they didn’t
Start out that way but they are how do you like that oh that doesn’t surprise me I could feel like that’s why I asked what what college really is and I guess what fraternity what what anything really is is the right human connections that’s really what it is I mean I guess
That sums up the interview too that’s really what life is all about that’s really what it is it really really is so with your with your company like what’s the end result of that just to to keep continue growing the network of never stopping see you
Are you already knew the answer to okay so like Earl Nightingale um Earl Nightingale uh he’s my favorite he’s the OG of motivational speakers he was doing audio recordings in the early 1900s and again I’m like an 80-year-old wisdom so I I enjoy older things because the answers already there they’re already
There so I don’t care about uh revenue or office based employee account that’s business owner stuff and then my my favorite quote from Earl Nightingale is success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal so my worthy ideal which is zone
Of Genius unique ability purpose of life whatever that is is connecting Visionaries to serve Humanity um and then spending time with my family so I’m just going to keep getting better at that um keep getting better at that and there’s no limit to that um so there’s
No benchmarks of like number of members or whatever like I don’t really that will take care of itself because I’m in my Progressive realization of wory Ideal somebody wants to pick up your book where do they just Google be epic oh epic life I oh so epic life um
Very grateful that Dr Peter diamanis is one of the top entrepreneurs on planet he did the Ford um and then for a time it was the number one overall uh sales for for books on Amazon Kindle not not like one of those little subcategory things but the whole thing that was that
Was interesting to see that and then um um I just found out it’s at Walmart it’s like oh man it’s pretty interest but no no it’s it’s anywhere it’s anywhere on the planet um epic life well definitely I will absolutely check that out usually I do before the interview and I super
Apologize for not having done so you do not need to apologize you’ve done great research great research you’re a great simplifier excellent excellent well Justin my Thea Kai fraternity brother thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to um Be Our Guest on
The owner’s Pride podcast it’s um it’s been quite enjoyable yeah this is a lot of fun I really really enjoy the way you think and and ask questions and then really listen thank you very much thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to hang out with us
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Eash theor at checkout on owners you’re going to get 10% off of your order again thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to hang out with us here without you it would just be me talking to myself until next time stay glossy