Hi everyone it’s Leilani for God and I’m back with another video so in this one I wanted to talk about why God is testing you God tests all of us God made our souls and our bodies and the world that we live in the reason why our souls are
In a body is so that our bodies can be like a school like your body is literally your temple your church your school your home for your soul the things we go through in the flesh sometimes we have good times sometimes we have bad times either way both ways
God is testing us because when our bodies die our souls return to God to be judged based on how we spend our time on Earth our time on Earth is limited according to scripture to 120 years that’s how much time God has given us Grace to do the right thing and to make
The right choices the people who make it into heaven have a good spirit about them people don’t always start off good but you have a choice in terms of how you end up it’s not how you start it’s how you finish because we’re all Sinners the Bible is full of stories of
Different people who went through so many trials and tribulations because God was testing them and we wonder why why do we have hard times why is life difficult if you’re honest with yourself and you do a daily gratitude list like I do what I’ve learned from doing a daily
Gratitude list and praising and thanking God for all of my blessings in life I’ve learned that life is 95% good that means from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep and even the dreams that I have are 95% of the times good peaceful no
Problems no drama no conflict when I add up the times in life that I’ve had drama conflict it’s very few very small you know number of occurrences of negativity compared to the amount of my days and nights and hours that actually are peaceful and are positive and part of being alive is
Coming to the realization that God made everything for good therefore we should be striving to be the best that we can be now another reason why I think that God has created the world that we live in to have both positive and negative is to train us to train our Spirits which
Is our personality to choose between right and wrong good and bad now being that we have this free will to choose we have to use that correctly that means we have to choose what’s in the best interest of ourselves and other people because we’re all interconnected and we depend on each
Other whether we know it or not and whether we like it or not one example I’ll give you is how much we depend on each other our food is shipped in from all over the world the building supplies that we use to build our homes and our
Cars all of these things are coming from all over the world so whether you like people of other races or not whether you like you know whatever kind of people that you like or dislike we’re all interconnected and interdependent because we depend on each other to keep the supply chain
Going that meets our basic needs so this is one of the reasons why we have to learn how to carry ourselves in a way that honors God and honors God’s creation okay so God is testing us so that we will grow into becoming better people because when your body dies and
Your soul goes back to God who put it who put your soul in your body right God created your soul your body and the world that we living when your soul returns to God all of your deeds and all of your thoughts and all of your actions
They’re all going to be added up and you will be held responsible for every evil Wicked thing you said and did and what happens is there’s a separation in heaven that people who are demonic in evil and wicked people who enjoy hurting other people and infringing on other people’s
Rights those type of people go to hell the righteous who have a good clean Spirit are the ones who make it into heaven and so when we go through tests in life God is separating who’s a demonic Spirit from who’s a Heavenly being the lifespan that we have is the
Opportunity that we have to make a choice are we going to have a overwhelming Spirit that’s Heavenly that’s positive and peaceful or are we going to make choices to do and say things that lean more towards selfish desires and serving the devil so to make a long story short God
Is testing us so that we will make a choice and that choice is ultimately going to determine where your Eternal Soul goes when your body dies so it’s super important to repent from any past sins that you have it’s super important to remove demonic spirits out of your
Life is super important to not spend time taking in a lot of demonic energy from watching scary movies listening to demonic social media influencers supporting demonic agendas anything that you know would not be permitted in heaven is what you don’t want to be participating in on Earth
Because you are running up a tab and that is the reason why God is testing us make the right choice stay close to God stay blessed and I’ll see you in my next video