The kingdom of God is with you they teach your people chosen people it’s quick its quick nothis be important in is this like to finish story uh-huh be sad then he promised to assign it to people in a place for exercise a place for exercise he’s speaking of what you
Know is gymnasiums today all right this was the height of Ricky’s fashion you know we got a row big sports team on that today that comes to what ancient Greece all right we don’t and for the training out of you advancement of the either of the either these other nations
In this instance referring to the nations which you are representing right now this is during the Maccabees this is the part of issue that was removed from the Bible so when Christ walked the earth the ruler dies were who the Romans right right before the Romans who leave
The earth who was the ruling class earlier right before the winners you ever heard of the Greco Roman Empire nope so the Grecians right they ruled the earth before the Waltons so when Christ walked the earth he was a slave he was in servitude to who the
Romans are is not bringing us out because you’re doing what you’re representing what a nationality that’s not Church that’s what he just taught you that you were Israelite I want you to run off and to write them of Jerusalem by the name of panty ocean so he said you know what because auntie
Ocean he was their king he was the ruler at the time so he said I want all this you know what the sports teams in Israel I want the sports teams in Israel is a call down their mascot the anti oceans representing who grease-free it which
When the King had granted and he had gotten into his and the rule before win well his all nation through the greekish faster so we had a wicked we had a wicked us subjection are you listening no you’re not you’re not focused worried about from some scallywags over there I
Saw your brother all right so the scripture just said reversed in again with the King had granted and he had gotten into his hand the ruled before with broke his all nation his own nation you brothers us brother the so-called blacks Hispanics and Native Americans which are who
What is your nationality the brother wasn’t paying attention who are the so-called blacks Hispanics Native Americans the Israelites brothers I read the scripture again he sits watch this which when the King had granted and he had countenance understand the rule before with wealth his own nation his
Own nation us brother he did this to his own people he sold out his own people – what – the Greek ish faster – what the freakish fashion why did I go there I went there because that’s what you’re represented now let’s find out what those Greeks let’s find out what they
Did to us in ancient times give me first Maccabees 3:41 why is this important why is this boat partner you delivering a card to your friend because it’s a bunch of selfish that is about generation but this is why we’re in a situation with him right now right
Are you feeling the curses as much as those who are in the hoods in North Central South America probably not probably not but those are still your people that’s think about Moses you’ve heard of Moses before he was living it up as an Egyptian but his nationality was Israel right and he got
Sick of seeing his people and slavery that right he got sick and tired of seeing his people beat down and mistreated and he stood up and did what he slayed one of the Egyptians and the Most High God used him to what to deliver his people will now check this
Out the same thing is going on today for you brother the Grecians which were the Romans who are the Americans today we have the children of Israel in slavery again read what you got this is verse Maccabees chapter 3 verse 21 read and the merchants of the country hearing the
Frame of them fame of them is talking about us the fame of them is talking about us how do we know that hold that give me the Book of Ezekiel chapter 16 and verse is either 10 or 14 I want to renowned I want the frame
How do we know that we’re the most famous people on the face of the earth because the Bible tells us so go everybody knows where the Israelites are everybody knows who we are but we don’t right because our history has been taken from us now we walk around with shirts
That say Sphinx put on it that you know nothing about you don’t know that history of the Grecians brother because if you knew they had you in slavery would you be wearing that but that’ll be the dumbest thing ever bro that’s right he’s equal 16:16 then you find the verse
14 breathe that Ezekiel chapter 16 by 14 that renowned now when something is renowned and eat it slow of we were known throughout all of the nations for the way that the Most High God closes in our beauty art fashions what we were read the scripture games and I Renault
Went but among the heathen with wealth amongst who among the heathen it says are we now in fourth amongst the heathen the heathen are the other nations from like the hay mites which are the Africans like the Moabites which hardly armed the Chinese the ammonites were other japanese the instrument eyes for
All the Arabs so he says our renowned or our vain wit amongst all of the nations reader church again and that renowned with fourth among the heathen with fourth amongst everybody Grove read for thy beauty for that wet bar that beauty’s over we’re famous but you don’t
Know that you know history right you know when we got up those slave ships but before that what were we we were the kings and priests of the most I live in God everybody we were now once we fell from grace this is what the Grecians any other nations did to us
Go back to our first Maccabees 3:41 watch this this is first Maccabees chapter 3 verse 21 haha and the merchants of the country the merchants of the evens the other countries all of the other nations what did they do breathe hearing the fame of them hearing the
What hearing the fame of the renown the fame we were known people grow everybody knew who the Israelites were breathe took silver and gold they took silver and gold were they okay I heard about his lies I’m taking silver gold why would they take silver and gold
Rose Reed took silver and gold very much with the service and came into the camp to bang the children of Israel the what to bang the children of Israel to buy the children of Israel read for slave what more flavor more time more flavor that’s the history that you don’t know
That’s why when I look at my brother in Israelite brother and you got on those creeks as fashions I’m like my brother is lost that’s right because if you know that white man those ancient Greeks had you in slavery would you be walking around like this check this out now let’s say
If you rise up right you say hey ain’t wearing this stuff no more check out what the oppressor did to you give me the book a second back could be 66 and it’s this serious broke we’re not a leader for self if you didn’t realize right without you for those who need
Seek learning but don’t know their nationality right check it out freedom this is first Minuteman Kamui chapter 6 and verse 6 huh neither was it local boy a man’s who keep Sabbath day the Sabbath days belong to the Israelites by the Jews because God gave us his Commandments so in the
Grecian captivity they made a decree I said read it again neither was it lawful for a man to keep Sabbath days not lawful for us to keep God’s commandments breathe our ancient beef or the Feast of Tabernacles the feast of unleavened bread Feast of Pentecost we couldn’t do that because
The Grecians made us do their fashions like Christmas like Thanksgiving like Valentine’s debt-free or to profess himself at all to be a Jew whoa whoa or you can do what so honor to prevents themselves and all from be a Jew holy that is your true nationality but you
Would be put to death if you said you know what I’m not a grecian I’m a Jew think about today you would have to say I’m not an American I’m an Israelite it’s the same thing right you couldn’t keep God’s commandments you couldn’t profess your true nationality or you would have been put
To death that’s read on and in the day of the Kings birth little man this is how they did they celebrated the Kings birth his birthday but they did it monthly breathe they were both well my bitter could spring by bitter constraint what’s your name bro all right we saw
Beside no Sun so the Israelites broke you and me our people we were wrought by bitter constraint meaning constraint needs you that that somebody ain’t restraint my bitter means it’s not nice they bring us a change with the heads bowed down we to eat places to eat the sacrifices pagan worship devil worship
Free when the Beast of blackness was kept on the feast of Bacchus that’s an idol god you’re learning something called backing out they keep that today it’s representation of this ancient this ancient arm idol worship right here they’re still doing the same things today even the Saturday
Instead of keeping the feast of God we were forced to sacrifice two devilish breathe moreover that went out a decree arrived to the neighboring cities so not just in Greece instead it went out of discrete to all the neighboring cities around about read of the heathen uh-huh
By the suggestion of autonomy he made the decree read but give the junior against us broke read on that they should observe the same fashion that we should now observe the same fashion of the Greeks meaning we can no longer keep God’s commandments we now have to keep
Days and these wicked holidays breathe and be partakers of their sacrifices and the partakers of their sacrifices instead of sacrifices to God breathe and whoso would not conform themselves so everyone listen to this breathe whosoever when that conform themselves to the manners of the Gentiles should be put to death
Everyone should be put to death so growth now my question is scratching my head why are you so proud about freakish fastest when we read your history it’s better than the Greek as a matter of fact these Christians used to kill your [ย __ย ] they used to burn them alive right they
Used to castrate them and ancient Greece now let’s go 400 years ago weren’t they doing the same thing here in America but yeah we swing that American flag proudly we wear freakish fashions proudly think about that get me out to running 28:46 bring it out understand what God is
Trying to tell you today brother we not just some [ย __ย ] with books no we are the prophets of God right here to wake up the lost sheep of the house of Israel understand that breathe this is Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 26 huh and they shall be upon these hey he’s
Talking about that you asked the question what do you mean they give me verse 15 watch this Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 15 but it shall come to pass if thou were not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God Oh bro this is our history so God’s
Telling us the Israelites he’s saying if you do not listen to God he’ll agree to observe to do all his commandments aha ain’t a statue which I command thee this day that all these cursed abilities what all these curses are do what shall come upon thee and overtake thee to win until
That beat is gone will we be destroyed until we be destroyed but you think you’re black what you that’s a color in the crayon box bro there’s no nation that says black that’s right it doesn’t exist so we are destroyed as a people but it says something key you said curses curses
Give me verse 46 Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse what do you think uh-huh and they shall be upon these curses curses shall be upon us fro breathe boy slang for a sign right I do this all the time speed humps I’m broke you’re intelligent what does that tell
Us to do slow down so that sign tells us to slow down so read verse 46 again for the top verse 26 and they shall be upon be these curses right shall be upon us for what for a thing or a sign a sign does what tells us something breathe and
For a wonder and for a wonder and a bond I see how long for ever just for today for ever for years forever thousand years ago ever 2016 these curses still stand understand what God saved did you give me the translation give me that now this is under Street /
Scripture imma let you go last scripture because I’ll doing you I be doing you a disservice if I didn’t give you the description Bri what you got this is Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 68 and the Lord shall bring thee into each of our kids not even propose us right when the
Israelites were in ships each in Egypt the me said again when the Israelites were in Egypt what were they they were slaves slaves read the scripture again and the Lord shall break deep into each other when Moses speaking to the Israelites he says hey God’s gonna bring you into slavery again
But this time pal wind chill with work with ships now are you good with geography do you know what leads up in Israel are you know they’re right by each other right so you could walk from Israel to Egypt so why would we have to go to physical agent in slave ships that
Doesn’t make any sense no sense give me revelations lovingly I’m going to show you this it would make no sense Michonne no sense check out what God’s saying revelations Lebanon this is revelation chubbie 11 verse 8 and their dead bodies shall laugh in the street or that great
City that dead bodies is talking about you being distorted not knowing your nationality not knowing that you have to keep God’s commandments readers get for the time and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great cities where is that great city North America Babylon
The daughter of Babylon reads which is spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt is called what sanim and Egypt because what homosexuality is lawful here in a mirror right to gays can marry each other Egypt why is because our forefathers work right here in slavery right go back to Deuteronomy 28 68 Deuteronomy chapter
28 verse 68 and the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again that’s gonna bring us into Egypt which is slavery again but this time how with Jim with what with shields the transatlantic slave trade ding ding ding remember these curses shall be for a sign and a wonder that
Speedups I told you to stop slow down God just told you that he prophesied not the transatlantic slave trade three thousand years ago what is that telling what is this sign telling you rather we already here that’s not what it’s saying read the scripture again and the Lord shall bring
Thee into Egypt again with what with shale that’s already happened 1619 we know that so because it already happened what is God trying to get you to understand that you’re who give me Deuteronomy 1 in 1 this is going to hit it home for you cuz I know your
Intelligence I know you have to have a certain GPA to be a part of this organization so you’re not dumb I know that watch what God is trying to get you see this is Deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 1 huh huh these be the words which Moses fate but through all his rounds ah-hoo
O Israel a book of Deuteronomy was written to what people people the Israelites the angel eyes give me Deuteronomy 28 68 fish are busted due to random each other 28 verses yeah and the launch of Granby into Egypt again with shampoo is Moses talking to he’s talking to the Israelites so when
You saw in 1619 the so called Africans being sold from the west coast of Africa and the transatlantic slave trade with ships free to the game and the Lord shall bring thee into each of McKim with ships when you read that curse when you saw the sign what is that
Telling you Nishant that you are who that you are 100% correct and salvation is for you right but you must do one thing 19 you must do this one thing it’s revolutionary bro can you guess what it is think about with we try politics we’ve tried music sports we’ve tried
Religion we’ve tried everything to liberate and unify our people but they’ve all failed there’s one thing that’s revolutionary can you guess it watch this read description X chapter 3 verse 19 repent repent repent do you know what it means to repent what does that mean that’s it which ascends
That’s incorrect what else this is an action so if I’m doing something right and I stop and redo it that’s an action right this old think about it repent and not do it again sin no more exactly read the scripture again good my brother we teach how to master Nally according to God’s
Holy word read what you got Hank 7 3 verse 19 repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out in the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord exactly because right now bro God’s not listening to us Jose about 30 God’s not
Listening to us because we haven’t done that we haven’t repented so our sins can be blotted out our sins need to be blotted out bro so God can ears how do we know that read what you got this is the book of Isaiah chapter 5
Verse 15 I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge there a bit until we as a people the inter lights acknowledge our offense because why hold it John 9:31 John 9:31 because in this state in this sinful state about our our brothers gun in each other Darryl
Selling dope to each other prostitute not women in our daughter’s mouth I ain’t dealing with us right now think about we are sinful people and this is this is the proof right here watch this John chapter 9 verse 30 well now we know that God heard that sinners
Whoa whoa whoa read that again now we know that God heareth not sinners God does not hear a sinner now a lot of people are gonna be in a big building tomorrow what building is that Church why right right why aren’t they in the building today why am i posing that question what’s
Today the Sabbath day what they all go to church tomorrow right breathe the scripture again James have done and verse 31 now we know that God heareth not sinners God does not hear sinners God does not hear sinners they willingly forsake the commandments of God right Exodus 20 verse 8 says remember the
Sabbath day and do what keep it holy so all this time males in the family is really mad at me times you team likes to shut out channels down noticed I UIC will assure you will always stitch Network we want to our best please enjoy our subscriber YouTube
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