Hello my name is Gregory Brown and I am the Texas state Council for the Knights of Columbus director of evangelization of Faith formation October 31st 2020 is the day Pope Francis sent his Apostolic letter and blessing mcgivney was beatified and in it he said Zeal for the proclamation of the gospel and generous
Concern for the needs of his brothers and sisters made him an outstanding witness to Christian solidarity and paternal assistance 144 years later we as Knights of Columbus are still going strong with the great works of Charity unity and fraternity that we offer and that we serve with but Zeal for
Proclamation of the Gospel is essential in Father mcg’s Vision when he established the Knights of Columbus to help men grow in in Catholic faith in virtue to develop their faith to take that Faith back into their homes into their domestic Church to take that faith into their communities and into their
Parishes and then to help spread the faith that we all share as Catholics faith is essential to who we are not only as Knights at Columbus but as Catholic Christians the core initiative is designed at returning to this heart this core Latin for heart c r of who we are as Knights of
Columbus core is a initiative that is a part of the greater evangelization and Faith formation that the knights are now re adopting if you will as our Focus core exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus
Christ through prayer formation and fraternity the goal of each core Fellowship is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ to be evangelized to strengthen our bonds of Brotherhood and to prepare for the courageous mission of evangelization core simple it’s a time of gathering of men of the parish not
Just Knights led by Knights but of all men within your Parish to come together and to share in the three pillars of core prayer formation Catholic faith and virtue and fraternity essential to a core Fellowship there’s a great opportunity for councils to dive deep into not just the good works that we do
As kns at Columbus but returning to the christocentric heart of why we are doing what we’re doing as nights in Columbus and that is our faith in Jesus Christ we want to encourage all councils to adopt core it is optional it is open to all men of the parish and it includes the
Three pillars of prayer formation and fraternity we’ll have available a core startup guide that Supreme has provided us with that allows you to quickly integrate core with into your Parish it’s not something that needs to be long drawn out and thought about before it’s implemented it’s meant to
Bring men together to come together to pray be formed in their faith and share in fellowship and fraternity know that you are in our prayer know that we are interceding for you asking blessed mcgivney always to pray for us as your Council grows as your Council strives to grow in their faith
Not just in the good works that we do and in unity and fraternity if you have any questions please reach out to us our team as as evangelization and Faith formation here at the state is here to help you in growing your counsel in Catholic faith and virtue thank you and God Bless