Hey guys it’s leani forgot I’m back with another video so I’m making this video because there have been a number of men who are randomly initiating attacks on women on the internet and in the sector that I’m in specifically these men are attacking black women and what I mean by
Attacking is we have our platforms where we make our commentary and then these random men will just come over to our comment sections or while we’re live during our shows or in our comments or on their platforms and they’ll just start cursing us out and saying things that are derogatory for no apparent
Reason like nobody provoked them nobody started with them or anything like that and so one of these men who’s doing this who’s done this repeatedly calls herself Queen Tulsa okay and I’m addressing this because it’s a ongoing problem Queen Tulsa was probably the first man who attacked me
Since I started the campaign to get Predators off the internet randomly came up on a panel that I was on doing a live show and Queen Tulsa got up there and started yelling at me instead of talking about getting Predators off the internet he was telling me talk about uh shootings
In the neighborhood random shootings talk about reparations and that was very odd but looking at Queen Tulsa’s history he’s done this to several people and so I told Queen Tulsa that day that he was a baffet because I told him I’ve seen you do this to other people and I gave
Him one example of somebody that he turned on who’s even in his own LGBT community so Queen Tulsa has no loyalty to anybody but the fact that he’s just another man who continues to use YouTube as a a weapon to Target black women with all types of negative hateful comments
It needs to stop black women need to have the same exact level of protection on social media as everybody else the [Â __Â ] uals have all types of protection the white people have all types of protection you can’t get on here and just start talking Reckless about them without
Consequences but when all of these type of demon worshiping people get on here and start disrespecting black women everybody turns a blind eye a baffet is a symbol of the devil with is a which is a male with breast implants with female implants and that’s exactly what Tulsa is a man with breast
Implants it says here in 1856 this is a depiction of the goat from dogme at ritual the arms beard of Latin words the baffet is a deity allegedly worshiped by the knight’s Templar that subsequently became incorporated into various occults so this is an occult symbol okay of the male with the goat
Head that represents the devil the star in the forehead is another sign of the devil on the top of the head is a light torch because people who worship the devil believes that the devil is the lightbearer because that is one of the attributes given to the devil in the
Scriptures in the Holy Bible all right so Tulsa calls hisself a goddess so you have to wonder if you’re not in the image that God made you in but you have gotten surgery to recreate yourself in the image of the devil but yet you call yourself a goddess you obviously not working for
God even though you sit up on your platform and read scriptures now I tried to be nice and work with Tulsa in the past because I was trying to get a lot of people together just to do the campaign to get Predators off the internet so I
Overlooked the fact that Tulsa was a bath met I forgave him after he attacked me verbally while I was live on a platform I forgave him and tried to work with him on the campaign again and both times he didn’t do the things that he
Said he was going to do so Tulsa is a pathological liar but Tulsa sits up on his platform and says that he stands for black women when where why and how I have seen no evidence people who talk but they don’t live up to what they say
Should be held accountable if you say that you stand up for a specific issue whatever it is you could be an environmentalist you could be an animal rights activist you could be a human rights activist whatever you say you are there needs to be some evidence and
Proof over a consistent period of time that you really believe in those things people are not holding each other accountable to the words that come out of their mouths this is a video that I did a year ago October 20th 2022 transgenders exposed by trans investigation videos
And in this video I was explaining how President Obama created a lot of laws that made it uh legal for men to only have to verbally say that they’re a woman trapped in a man’s body and then they just took over women’s Sports women’s locker rooms women’s
Bathrooms and to the deficit of women women lose when men invade our personal spaces why because women just got rights to have personal spaces and to participate in sports and to participate in politics and to be recognized for our achievements and our inventions all of which have been suppressed by men up
Until very recently so the little couple of little few rights that women just got now Obama has made it legal for men to infringe so in my opinion transgenders is just another type of man that was created to oppress women what are they doing to stand up for women’s rights
When they are the ones who’s infringing on Spaces that we just got rights to why are men competing in women’s sports and winning taking away what women just got the right to do which is to play sports until tosa can actually say that that’s wrong for men to compete in
Women’s sports and take titles and trophies and prizes away from women if you can’t acknowledge that that’s wrong you truly are the baffet that I said you were cuz if you don’t know right from wrong there’s no good in you I did a video earlier this year I lost
My temper on low IQ Devils Queen Tulsa and a couple of other weirdos are liars and frauds these are some of the people that I tried to organize into the campaign to get Predators off the internet and they came up with all type of nonsensical reasons to not want to actually help out
With the campaign the problem with Tulsa is that Tulsa had literally said out of his own mouth that his platform was a place for world news victims to come and tell their stories Tulsa did a couple of interviews with victims of world news and Tulsa made his own videos exposing world news
So it’s only after Tulsa said that his platform was a place for people who was victims of world news to come forward that’s when I said Okay Tulsa when Tulsa um saw me on somebody else’s platform that’s when I tried to engage him like let’s all work together
And he just started hollering and screaming and yelling at me I let it go for a few minutes I tried to cut him off I said no Tulsa I’m trying to acknowledge you behind the work that you’ve done to expose World News Tulsa cut me off and kept yelling and
Screaming at me so after I got tired of him yelling and screaming at me for no reason that’s when I let him know you are a baffet maybe your mental health medication because cuz Tulsa has admitted to having mental health issues and medication maybe the medication for
Your mental health is getting mixed in with your medication for you thinking that you’re a woman is mixed in with you drinking cuz he drinks on camera when he’s live if you taking mental health medication and transgender medication and you drinking alcohol maybe that’s the reason why you keep going all over
The place cursing black women out who never did anything wrong to you you have no reason to keep turning up like that and we have to put an end to these men who look at black women as a soft target to abuse us so I explain why I lost my temper on
These people in this video because they’re liars and frauds you are the one who put yourself out there and said you was about that life then when I say let’s work together you want to holler and scream and talk over me and don’t let me get a word out what sense does
That make why do you call call yourself Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma is where black people had industry in America African-Americans developed a very prosperous community in Tulsa Oklahoma so now you have this man and women’s clothing calling himself Tulsa but he’s not standing up to rebuild Black Wall
Street he just wants to capitalize on the greatness of black history but doesn’t want to be a man and stand up for the black community Tulsa Oklahoma was known as Black Wall Street why doesn’t Tulsa talk about this okay Black Wall Street provided an opportunity for blacks to accumulate wealth and make
Advancements okay it was a very prosperous successful black community the picture here says it was called little Africa Tulsa Race Riot June 1st 1921 so all of the industry that black people had built it was called little Africa but it was built by uh African-Americans shortly after slavery
And those people were extremely rich and wealthy they had big houses um the production was crazy the amount of things that black people were producing on our own manufacturing okay and what happened was the white people got jealous of our success even though the white people wanted segregation they came and burned
Down all of our businesses in Tulsa Oklahoma so I’m saying why is this man calling himself Queen Tulsa but he don’t want to have no parts of speaking up about Black Wall Street because he doesn’t want to be a man and stand up to those white men and fight back to
Rebuild what they stole from us this is what black men should be doing with their time rebuilding Industries in the black community these black men get on the internet and they run their mouth they lie on people they make up all type of nonsense stories that don’t make
Sense that don’t matter that are irrelevant but they don’t have no time to rebuild the community that was destroyed by white men so here we have Queen Tulsa with his breast implants you could clearly see this is a man with female breast implants just like the baffet long face
Just like the baath foret goat he claimed that he was a victim of um I don’t know what do they call it a hate crime if you do anything to them it’s a hate crime right and Queen Tulsa he sits up on his page he calls gay men [Â __Â ] [Â __Â ]
[Â __Â ] okay he sits there and exposes other um men for being gay and having sex with transgenders why is he exposing it if he doesn’t believe there’s anything wrong with it so he claimed that he went to a hotel and uh he went to visit a friend at a
Hotel and somebody assaulted him but when the YouTubers did an investigation they said that Queen tosa was prostituting himself at the hotel and that’s why he was removed but he came on the internet with a neck brace on and said oh it was a hate crime they just
Beat up on me cuz I’m I’m transgender so shortly after that this panel was held where um I guess some gay men and some black women held a funeral for Queen Tulsa because of his trolling going around on different people’s panels and not staying on topic that’s
What he does for attention if he sees people alive and they have a decent number of people in the audience he gets he joins the live and he just starts talking crazy about things that don’t matter and things that don’t make sense things that are irrelevant I don’t understand why that’s his
Strategy there’s so many things that you can do on YouTube there’s so many things there’s so many genres there’s so much information that you can get into why would you only choose to be a troll nobody likes a troll why are you specifically doing things that you know people don’t like judge
Eevee also had to um address um Tulsa even judge Eevee made a video this was back in March of this year and um put Tulsa on the docket for being a troll not being able to get along with anybody on YouTube and just being rude and disrespectful to people for no apparent
Reason so judge Eevee put Tulsa on the docket behind the whole hotel situation judge Eevee wrote in a description under her video about Queen Tulsa uh in March she I’m sorry judge Eevee wrote a description for the video judge Eevee said now Queen Tucket is everywhere regurgitating crap disrespecting other content
Creators and is she really a victim or just a clout chasing liar tap dancing for subscribers right so somebody from Tulsa’s Community another man who thinks he’s a woman um came up on Judge Eve’s panel under that video and he talked about how the community the LGBT community don’t mess with Queen Tulsa
Either now the only thing I want to say about this judge Eevee this person uh Sparky the dog he’s also a baffet longf baffet this special needs person made multiple vide videos cursing me out I’ve never done anything to this man who wants to be addressed as a woman okay
He made videos cursing me out I’ve never said or done anything to this demonic spirit so I just want to say judge Eevee the same thing that you’re saying that uh Queen Tulsa does which I totally agree with this same Sparky the dog demonic spirit is doing the same thing
So all I’m saying is we need to hold all of these men accountable don’t go around cursing and screaming and yelling at black women for no reason no nobody did anything to you nobody said anything to you and he had people in his audience condoning that type of behavior it’s all
Good until it happens to you at least somebody should have said well what did she do to you let’s get to the bottom of this to see if this is really warranted these Special Needs people are demonic spirits we have to call it what it is this is a spiritual warfare when
People attack you for no good reason I expose the work of the devil on my channel okay but these people literally work for the devil you have to work for the devil to just get up on your channel and make three videos cursing me out and
I don’t know you and having done nothing to you it’s the spirit that resides inside of you that has a problem with Leilani for God because you are not a Godly being you are a baffet too and you look like you have a mental health diagnos is but that’s no reason
To get on the internet and start attacking me for no reason we have to put an end to these black men getting online and perceiving black women as a soft target for abuse Miss cat is now the target of Queen Tulsa’s random abuse of black women Miss cat was nice to Tulsa just
Like I was and then randomly out of nowhere Tulsa starts attacking her sister made up a whole complete lie made up a fake phony reason to start attacking Miss cat Medusa and I just went through this with a crackhead a dude who was raised by a prostitute just randomly got on the
Internet and started attacking me I didn’t even find out about it for a few days cuz I have been unsubscribed from him because he’s a pathological liar just like Queen Tulsa okay these black men when they feel like they want clicks and Views and they need to get back into the algorithm
Their mind tells them the spirit that lives inside of these type of demonic black men the devil tells them find a black woman to attack your numbers will go up and you’ll be back in the algorithm and that’s what they do it’s a demonic Spirit that’s telling them to
Attack a random black women just for clicks and Views so now miss cat is going through it with Miss Queen TOA so miss Cat made her video a few few days ago Tulsa bring your ass Miss cat was like listen I’mma sit here live for about an hour and wait
For you to come up here click the link and explain what is the problem explain yourself Tulsa never showed up or if Tulsa did show up Tulsa stayed in the comments and would not click the link why because just like the crackhead that’s harassing me online they don’t
Want to solve the problem I also reached out to the crackhead and I told him let’s resolve our issues he ignored that and instead went online and started verbally attacking me and I had never done anything wrong to him okay so these men they wait until their numbers are low and then they
Think oh I have an idea if I attack a black woman my numbers will go up and nobody will hold me accountable so after Tulsa didn’t show up to miss cat’s show the first time Miss cat did another show show and she said I already created an opportunity
For Tulsa to come up here and tell us exactly what his problem is with me so we could have resolved it get to the bottom of it Tulsa doesn’t want to do that Tulsa wants to keep making up more lies and more stories to keep the drama going and that’s exactly what I’m
Dealing with with a couple of black men on YouTube they’re making up lies and stories and they’re just adding more and more Ridiculousness to their stories it’s it’s laughable the things that they’re saying about me which is fine because I work for God so they don’t they have no idea they’re cursing
Themselves they their lives were already cursed before they even attempted to attack my character okay they don’t live as well as I do they haven’t accomplished any of the things that I have so they was already cursed they was already dysfunctional not living a life that’s worth bragging about so I don’t
Have to sit there and go back and forth with [Â __Â ] foolish people but the point I’m trying to make is that this keeps happening and that’s why I’m bringing up misscat I’m not trying to bring misscat or judge Eevee into any of my problems I’m trying to say I’m sick and tired of
These different black men using the same exact tactics and strategies to attack black women they start with a whole bunch of Lies against you then you as a woman try to resolve the problem and they don’t want to resolve it they just keep adding more and more
Lies and stories because all they care about is a click and a view off the back of a black woman so miss cat posted up stop with your fake ass receipts you sat your man ass on your live and you lied and put me in time out so I couldn’t respond to
Your punk ass lies we never talked bad about people when we texted each other so stop stop lying you scary ass [Â __Â ] at Queen Tulsa I totally understand where Miss cat is coming from in this post because the same thing happened to me some [Â __Â ] crackhead put out some fake
Receipts and people believed it so they turned against me which is fine because all of the people who turned against me none of them did any work to help with the campaign to get Predators off the internet and so I believe that’s the reason why all of these people turned
Against me cuz they don’t want to do any work they want the devil to run over everybody take over the world and they’re going to end up with the devil when their bodies die cuz that’s who they worked for okay but the bottom line is I went through this they make up fake
Receipts they keep telling lies and then another another black man that’s been attacking me online did the same thing to me Tois doing to um Miss cat basically um they they keep like mentioning me like putting my name at on their page but I can’t reply to them
Because they block me from their Channel why would you keep openly asking me questions in public and tagging me but you block me from your page so I can’t reply you see and these are all black men doing this stuff these are very sick demonic spirits we have to start to look
At what is the spirit behind the person after the person attacks you you try to resolve the issue with them but they just want to continue to attack you repeatedly day after day what kind of men are these they don’t want to resolve an issue they just want to feel this
Makes them feel better about themselves to put a woman down because they’re too cowardly to stand up to the white man these are cowards so miss cat showed um some proof that she was in a live chat telling Tulsa you are a liar it’s very very stressful when you’re sitting there
Listening to a demonic Spirit tell lies on you to the general public because the problem is some of the people in the general public will believe those lies so miss cat is doing what I would do go into the live chat and be like you are lying
Okay same thing happened with me with with one one of the other black men that tried to attack me he went into other people’s chats and said that I attacked him first and I was in the chat but I didn’t say nothing and then I po up and
I started typing in the chat I did the same thing Miss cat did I said you were lying you attacked me first and look at you running around to other people’s live chat saying that I attack you first so first they attack you then you try to
Resolve it with them they don’t want to resolve it with you but then they they make a whole bunch of content disrespecting you and then they run around to other people platforms and try to say that you started with them all of these men are sick evil Wicked demonic
Spirits judge Evee said in the chat I honestly pray a conversation can be had Tulsa last time I talked with you we was praying okay so one minute Tulsa wants to pray with judge Eevee the next minute he wants to attack Miss cat Medusa so which one is it which one is
It Tulsa you sit on your channel and you read scriptures but your behavior is demonic you are nothing but an agent of chaos I haven’t seen you do one productive Progressive positive thing since you’ve been online it’s all been you behaving irrationally Miss cat showed proof expose the unexposed man I have nothing
To hide don’t get mad cuz I’m on your ass at Queen Tulsa so miss cat show proof that Queen Tulsa is calling her phone 100 times in a row this is stalking and harassing all of these Miss calls back to back to back to back to back to back
To back 1 2 3 4 five six seven seven phone calls in a row so you know there’s more but miss cat had to prove that because Tulsa was trying to pretend like oh I don’t know what the problem is and she’s lying on me like when not Tulsa is not taking respons
Responsibility for anything even though Tulsa started a problem and that’s the same thing I just went to with two black men on YouTube they started with me they continue to attack me I replied one time to each one of them oh they lost their mind they
Cannot take it when you let them know that they’re lowlife demonic spirits from the pit of Hell they never recovered they’re still extremely hurt my words cut them deep to the Bone right but they don’t care about how their words may have affected you when
They attacked you 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine times before you responded once but when you respond once oh they they don’t fall out on the floor and they can’t get up so miss cat was saying a day ago right that Tula was blowing up her phone
Calling her back to back to back to back to back the next excuse me the day before that 2 days ago here goes um Tulsa calling himself tuck it this is Tulsa’s Channel he’s calling himself Tucket Jaguar stop calling Queen Tucket phone right three days ago he made a video
Talking bad about Miss cat so Queen tosa starts talking crap about Miss cat three days ago then Queen Tulsa makes a video saying jaguars stop calling my phone as if Jaguar is harassing him that was 2 days ago and then the next day one day later after he says Jaguar is harassing
Him on his phone he’s harassing Miss Kat Medusa on her phone so TOA if you are upset that Jaguar keeps calling your phone why the very next day would you turn around and do the same thing to miss cat okay oh because 3 days before that you was starting trouble with her
So somebody said to Tulsa cuz now Tulsa has turned on Jaguar as well so somebody put a comment under toa’s uh video where now she’s exposing Jaguar after being a mod for Jaguar uh somebody said not not that you care I know I’m just a regular viewer but I’m unsubscribing from all the
Channels and folks involved this has become a dumpster fire in hell every time I think someone who’s been cozied up and some socalled support or friendship or even just as an ally to Jaguar without fail they cut her throat I never thought of all folks that you would join that unenviable list Queen
Tulsa I truly thought you were loyal graceful and decent at your core I’m heartbroken and disappointed beyond words this was lower even than many things okp SD W and others have done an only second lowest to Dany her apparent number one stalker and hater betrayals of trust mockery of personality and now a
Surviving that encompasses all of the above seriously I’m asking why this is below lower than low I’m truly done with everyone now not saying everyone on the other side is innocent I’m sure everyone has done some wrongs Etc so the lady is trying to be Fair she’s calling
Everybody out and to be fair I’ve called everybody out for just overly harassing Jaguar Wright like I have commentary on Jaguar Wright that’s not favorable I’ve criticized her but I criticized her based on things that she’s put out on social media I’m not trying to um get
Involved in her personal life off the internet okay I speak on what’s online and I keep it online all all of the stuff that’s going on that has been taken offline that’s why I draw the line because people are doing things that they would not want done to
Themselves but the point is um the person was just telling Queen Tulsa you was just on Jaguar’s side and now you’re cutting her throat and now you’re going to do a series of videos on Jaguar so it’s like you’re just using this for clicks and Views just like everybody else
There’s no Integrity with that Tulsa also turned on this gay guy okp Tulsa made this video it’s another sad song Queen Tulsa left me too she’s mocking okp who used to call Tulsa daughter I guess because in the gay community he’s gay Tulsa is a gay man
Who dresses like a woman so okp called Tulsa daughter I guess to make Tulsa Feel Like a Woman okay but that just goes to show how much okp was trying to be kind to Tulsa and Tulsa wind up turning on him okp asked Tulsa to host a woman’s empowerment show
Tulsa is a man okay but you know gay men they accept that other men is women cuz they have sex with each other so they think a butthole smells better and feels better than a vagina I I mean you know whatever the point is Tulsa had a show
On ok’s backup Channel and randomly Tulsa just stopped doing the show and okp was very confused about that and he was very hurt about that because he said I’m trying to build something with you work together as a team LGBT unite okay and Tulsa still stabbed him
In the back and then made content about it as if okp did something wrong to Tulsa when actually Tulsa is the one who left ok pee high and dry Tulsa made this video exclusive Dwight Howard admits to hooking up with a man backup black women a transsexual
On duty so Tulsa is saying that because he’s a man who dresses as a woman he’s going to shame D white Howard for hooking up with a man well Tulsa any man who sleeps with you is hooking up with a man just because you call yourself a transexual a transgender a transvestite
It doesn’t change the fact that you’re a man it doesn’t nothing will ever change that and I had a conversation directly with TSA about this and I told Tulsa God put you your soul and your body to work through your issues for a reason there was something about your spirit that needed to
Experience whatever you needed to experience as a man I have certain characteristics that people feel a masculine even though I’m a woman God made me a woman so that I would become more balanced in my personality and my energy God put us in the situations that we are in so we can
Be com into this world as we are and work through our issues as we are so that we can become better people not for us to try to change God’s work and then Tulsa not only tried to change God’s work by changing his body but he changed
His body from the image that God made him into the image of the devil into the image of the bathat but now he wants to get on the internet and expose other men who sleep with men like him Dwight Howard finally admits he’s gay amid sexual assault
Lawsuit this man Mason elij who’s gay filed a suit against Howard claiming that he broke up with Howard after discovering he was sexually involved with other men in transgender women which is men in women’s clothing okay I’m not gay Howard who previously played for the Washington
Wizard says it’s a lot of people who are and they have to hide and there’s people who have mental issues and they have to hide he says I don’t want to wear no mask I just want to be so Dwight Howard was having sex with this man and other
Men who dress up like women while Dwight Howard was saying he’s not gay so Tulsa exposed that on his channel but the problem is Tulsa you’re part of that community so if Dwight Howard is wrong for sleeping with men whether they call themselves gay or transsexual Tulsa you basically basically you’re admitting
That your lifestyle is wrong if it was if you really thought what you was doing was right you wouldn’t think there was anything to exposed with Dwight Howard’s Behavior Queen Tulsa uses the baffet image to talk about other people meanwhile Queen Tulsa is the bathat image herself a man
With a long head a long torso women’s implants you are the image of the bathat why are you using things against people that you’re guilty of that’s the problem okay I repented for 10 years before I ever went into Ministry God called me into Ministry like 20 years
Ago I didn’t want to go into Ministry I wanted to do what I wanted to do I wanted to have fun party and do everything everybody else was doing and eventually it came back to me God called me to Ministry and I I said you know
What I can’t just I I didn’t feel comfortable to just go into Ministry I took many many many years to repent to stop all of the bad activity that I was doing I had been repenting for many years before I started my channel leani for God so even though there’s a whole bunch
[Â __Â ] demonic spirits telling all kind of lies on me on this internet one thing I could tell you for sure I repented from many years before I went into Ministry and God didn’t even tell me to repent God called me to ministry as I was but I didn’t feel
Comfortable I wanted to have clean hands and a clean heart before I went into Ministry and scripture says when you repent God forgives and forgets it’s like you never sined at all so you can’t let these demonic people try to tell you oh because somebody’s in Ministry they did this or
They did that God don’t care about none of that once you repent people who’ve never repented for anything want to try to judge me they’ve never repented from anything in their life so you have to be you have to know the word for yourself and you have to have a relationship with
God for yourself don’t let de demic people try to tell you about God cuz demonic people are out here lying to you about God demonic people are telling you oh God is only happy all the time as if God doesn’t get angry and doesn’t get upset behind the evil wicked things that people
Do anyway so here’s Tulsa calling himself a goddess the goddess Tulsa this is taken from one of his transcripts from one of his videos you’re not a goddess you claim that you believe in Jesus you’re a Christian you read scriptures you’re not a goddess you are a man and women’s
Clothing you are an Abomination before God any goddess you think you are is for the devil it says here many so-called Christian homosexuality supporters how can you love what God hates answer me that Tulsa God hates homosexuality how is it that you calling yourself a Christian and reading
Scripture but you skipping over those scriptures you’re not living a Christian life demonic people Pro promote themselves to be righteous and holy with the Bible and they’re really not that’s that’s a a proof that you are a demonic Spirit when you do stuff like that Deuteronomy 22 and5 this is from
The laws the statutes and the Commandments a woman must not wear men’s clothing nor a man wear women’s clothing for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this God doesn’t like it the demons the devil people get on the internet and they tell you oh God is love God loves everybody
You shouldn’t judge anybody well why does the scripture say a woman must not wear men’s clothing nor a man wear women’s clothing for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this for people who believe in Jesus people have created so many lies Around Jesus that they want to
Pretend that if they believe in Jesus they could still do all of the things that’s against the laws the statutes and Commandments as long as they believe in Jesus that’s not true even if you want to keep your Jesus belief that’s not the truth about Jesus what did Jesus say
According to Matthew 5:1 17-20 Jesus said do not think that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily I say unto you till Heaven and Earth pass one jot or one TT shall in no
Wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled so twice Jesus is saying here the law must be fulfilled he did not come to destroy the law or the prophets he came came to fulfill the law and the prophets that came before him the law the statutes and the
Commandments are in the first five books of the Bible this from Deuteronomy is one of the laws a man must not wear women’s clothing nor a woman nor a woman must not wear men’s clothing nor a man wear women’s clothing for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this that’s the
Law Jesus said he came to fulfill the the law so if you want to believe in Jesus you still breaking the law that Jesus came to fulfill Bible verses related to men sleeping with men Leviticus this is from the law Leviticus 20 and3 is portion of the laws statutes and Commandments that
Jesus said he came and fulfill since Tulsa believes in Jesus you are violating who you claim to believe in if a man also lie with man kind as he layeth with a woman both of them have committed an Abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon
Them 1 Corinthians 6 and9 this is the New Testament the part of the Bible that Tulsa believes in know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolators nor adulterers nor eminate nor abusers of themselves with Mankind and the rest of the scriptures
Below that are all from the New Testament I ascribe to the Old Testament tosa ascribes to the New Testament so here we have 1 2 3 4 five scriptures from the New Testament that says Tulsa you a man you shouldn’t be having sex with a man and you shouldn’t be wearing
Women’s clothing I don’t understand how Tulsa sit there and read scriptures and nobody says anything about this like I said I had a conversation with Tulsa about this and I told him you were supposed to be born a man and live your life with all of the struggles that
You went through because that’s how you was going to evolve God made you the way he made you for a reason so I’ve had this conversation with Tulsa I’ve been on Tulsa’s panel twice cuz I was trying to work with him to be another person to help with the campaign to get Predators
Off the internet I was on Tulsa’s panel talking about mental health so you could say well aani is that hypocritical of you why why did you go on Tulsa’s panel because I was trying to work together on a campaign to get Predators off the internet when I go to work my
Supervisors don’t believe in My Religion my clients don’t all Believe In My Religion my co-workers don’t all Believe In My Religion some of my supervisors clients and co-workers are gay transgender whatever all type of stuff do I still go to work yes so when it comes time to work
Together on a campaign to get Predators off the internet that’s not personal that’s public that’s that’s working together okay so I’m not about to put my hands on anybody or try to infringe on anybody’s rights but what I want to say is we need to do something when these
Men start attacking women for no good reason people need to stand up and check that and say that’s wrong and you should not be doing that people who cannot stand for no type of principles and morals are easily deceived by the devil and scripture says 2third of the world
Population is going to perish because of God’s Wrath and for everybody who’s sitting back watching all of this bad behavior going on and don’t want to say anything to put an end to it I’m y’all going to be part of that 2/3 that’s all I got to say