Now than yeah St Another before we get started and off program just quickly we have a little um exercise we like everyone to partip right everyone here have a mobile phone all right turn them off what are we doing with it we don’t want to um interrupt the presentations today and we want to make
Sure we have a live audience that is watching um here in the United States as well as abroad and to presentation any so you just please mute your phones or turn them off that will be best thank you torenzo let’s go we like to begin our program for
Today our third annual Muslim American leadership day observance praise be to a lot we are here in Newark New Jersey We Begin always we at Muslim greet peace be upon we welcome you with us those joining us live and those joining us by the platforms Facebook and also YouTube we welcome you
My name is torenzo elamine I’m the owner of Eline priority Distributors and also Imam of B Rabbi Center in Columbus Ohio I will be sharing hosting duties today with our sister Lori dwan the chief of staff of the Muslim American Ministry for human salvation regarding this special day this day is emphasizing Muslim
American Leadership Excellence i’ like to share with you a quote yes the Praises for God and we are here to celebrate and by celebrating I mean acknowledge it’s importance in an extraordinary way not in an ordinary way but in an extraordinary way we are here to acknowledge the birth of IM W Dean
Muhammad and the way that we are celebrating that is by saying to the world we belong to a Muslim American tradition of leadership I think that he will be pleased with that he will be accepting of that he wouldn’t feel comfortable that we would be identifying his birthday as
Something very special if we were just focusing on him as an individual he would be very happy I believe if he knew that we were focusing on his birthday as a commemoration and also as an opportunity to commit and recommit ourselves public to a tradition of Leadership Excellence beginning with
The influence of his father’s teacher Mr WD Ferrar in the quote this quote is from the one which is emphasizing the life and work of Imam WD Muhammad in an extraordinary way Imam Earl Abdu Malik muhammed’s last year at last year’s Muslim American leadership back my first introduction is our IM man
From Harrisburg p pyvan Duan abdulah IM Duan Abdullah is devoted student of the teachings of IM WD Muhammad and a St support of Imam Earl Abdu Malik Muhammad the successor of Imam WD Muhammad I bring before you our brother and friend Imam Duhan peace be upon you allam alum
The Praises for Allah the Praises for God we begin with God’s name he is the merciful benefactor the merciful Redeemer we witness that uh there’s no God except him we witness that Muhammad to whom the Quran was revealed as his servant slave servant and messenger Muhammad the prophet was a
Product of God’s special redeeming Mercy I want to say something a little bit about that but in the context I want to give you uh a reference there is a story in the Quran of Prophet Joseph and Prophet Joseph when he was younger his brothers were jealous of
Him and in their jealousy they schemed against him they they were jealous because of the uh attention and the affection that he was receiving from his father and because these brothers were jealous and wanted that attention and affection for themselves they schemed against him to kill him to Exile him to
Do away with him uh under the false notion the misguided notion that they could uh uh kind of force that affection to be accessible only for themselves this is their reason this is their reasoning a false reasoning and I say this I say this to say to emphasize
Uh and to use it as an example that the intellect the brain the conscious mind can be manipulated into a false perception of reality it can be manipulated into uh a perception that does not agree with the natural innocence that we were created with and I know a whole people who are schemed
Against and manipulated out of their dignity out of their self-esteem and out of their natural entitlements now in this story Joseph in the Quran in his innocence he was forced into a situation where he had to come to terms with the oppression of competing realities the perception the
Experiences uh that came as a result of how some people perceived reality suggested that he had great value and the there were other experiences that he had to deal with that came into his his awareness and experience that suggested to him that he was worth and disposable these competing
Interests let me say it like this the competing interest whether it’s with him or whether it’s with us individually whether it’s with anybody the competing interest Force upon the innocent Soul attention that cannot be resolved without a higher level of understanding that puts everything in it that puts everything in his proper
Perspective and resolve the conflicts and the contradictions this is the tension that Allah’s special redeeming mercy of guidance came to address in the person of Muhammad the prophet prayers and peace be upon Him Allah’s special Mercy the special mercy of his guidance is reserved for people who experience that
Tension of competing and conflicting interest that burden the life and threaten to Snuff out the the uh innocent expression in that innocent soul and the mechanisms that produced this tension these mechanisms were operating in the life of Joseph in the story that I mentioned these mechanisms
Were operating in the life of all of the prophets of scripture including Muhammad the prophet prayers and peace be upon Allah asked a question in the Quran do you think that you can say you believe and not be tried and tested like those before you even The Messengers were stressed to
Such a degree until where they cried out when will the help of the law come even The Messengers the guided ones the ones that we turn to for Direction even they even they were were burdened with such tension to to such an oppressive degree that they were crying
Out for God’s help and they were the ones receiving his special mercy so this tension this tension is something that’s established this is the established process that introduces God’s guidance into the life of humanity this is the process that produced IM W Muhammad from a special sensitivity of a people who were
Deprived of their most precious property the property that is their inherent human Constitution so all of the conflicting interests the oppressive perceptions the oppressive orientations or presentations of the life that wanted that wanted to burden the people to suggest that they were disposable and worthless these tensions surmounted
These tensions added up these tensions converged to produce the sensitivity a heightened and intensified sensitivity in the people that in an innocent Soul produced Imam WD Muhammad and his guided leadership Imam WD Muhammad’s special guided leadership addresses the biggest and most oppressive conflicts and contradictions and influences of our
Time this leadership is established and fixed Upon A Certain set of sensitivities of which the prerequisite conditions for that Guidance the formation of that guided tradition the direction of that tradition of knowledge and tradition of leadership and the conclusion of that tradition of leadership are all summed
Up in what what im WD Muhammad presented to us uh in the form of his special Dua he sumarized and concentrated his teaching his his message his messaging his emphasis his Direction his guidance his Works everything that everything that he established everything that he put into place everything that was
Special about what is the tradition of IM WD Muhammad and his emphasis ship for our lives all of that is housed in the summary that is the concentrated uh uh expression of his guided Dua the Dua of purification and purpose now the correct concentration and focus and emphasis of his leadership
As I said are preserved in this Dua and uh uh this Dua is held intact let me say this and I’m I’m wrapping up I’m wrapping up my uh comments I remember reading in the transcripts of Imam WD Muhammad’s Ramadan sessions from 2005 where he gave this Dua and he
Talked about this Dua he he he emphasized the importance and the relevance of this Dua and when I read it in the transcripts it struck me to such a degree with such intensity that I immediately devoted myself to committ it to memory but from then all the way up
Until many years later I’ve never heard anybody else present it or teach on it or talk about it it was something that I got from the treasure chest of muhamed’s knowledge that benefited me greatly but I didn’t see I didn’t see it being emphasized in anywhere in anybody else’s presentations or in anybody
Else’s uh claim to be properly presenting what im muhamad Tau us until IM Earl ABD Malik Muhammad came into the position of leadership uh as the successor to IM Muhammad and he established his Islamic Studies class which is a weekly class it’s focused on the emphasis it’s focused on
This this Dua is the central focus of this class and there’s no other emphasis that should be at the center because as I described the importance and the gravity of this Dua anybody who’s claiming to have uh an affiliation anybody who’s claiming an identification with the leadership and the teaching and
The direction of the W Muhammad should have as an emphasis for what their sensitivities are and what their expression is in the world this do I and what it contains uh again IM ABD Muhammad teaches a weekly class that’s focused on this Dua and when you when when you when
You come to the class you participate in the class and you see and feel and experience the genuine innocent sincere teaching that’s presented there’s there’s no choice but to recognize that this is the legitimate continuation of IM W Muhammad’s leadership so I urge you I urge you who
Are sincere you who are are innocent and you who have uh a sensitivity to see us Advance as a people and to and to reach the destiny the intended Destiny uh go click on the on the menu item that says Islamic Studies class and register for
The class there’s no cost and you’re going to align yourself with the teaching of muhamad in way that you won’t see being presented anywhere else so I close with that praise be to Allah on you we thank our IM Duan Abdullah but them inspiring words my next introduction is Imam Frank
Shahid from Baltimore Maryland Imam Frank is a serious and deliberate and thoughtful person with an excellent Spirit towards the work of establishing our Muslim American life I ask that you give your complete attention to IM man Frank Shahid I GRE you with the words of Peace
Of we begin with the La’s name theal benefactor the mer um I want to thank the organizers of this this in Monument U today that we have here in New York New Jersey for those who are here U the nework group and those who have supported the nework group put this
Event together it’s a very Monumental and monumentous activity that we have today um just want to share a few words with you um specifically about why we’re here today and we’re here about leadership and the importance of leadership um you know Allah has guided
Man in a way and when we say the word guide U guide is a reference to leadership um everything that is in the environment of man is a form of leadership for man and the culmination of that leadership is man leading man in the leadership the Earth itself the
Universe itself gives it all of its utility to man so that man can have in his grasp in his direct effect the ability to shape it mold it and direct it for the best benefit for man and ultimately if that benefit is a sincere benefit it benefits
The Earth as a whole so that’s how we should U contextualize what leadership is now especially in the time that we’re leading in today in the world today um there’s a strong curiosity and a strong misunderstanding as well as a strong desire for what leadership truly is um the schemes of
Shayan the enemy of man has confused and confounded man’s mind as to what leadership is and what is it look like um we know that uh Prophet Muhammad has said May the prayer and PE be upon him said that um if man has no leader than Shayan is his
Le right and using that same level of rational we come to the conclusion that since Muhammad the prophet is the one who was benefited with Revelation through that long line of prophet then if he’s not your leader then Shayan is your lead so we should look at how
Muhammad the prophet was sensitized to see and to to have leadership brought on to him so he can be the universal example for all of mankind so in our uh time in America um we were blessed with that long line of Developmental leadership to the point
When we come to a point where leadership becomes crystallized and becomes completely intact for us it’s a universal picture of what leadership is and that was with IM W Muhammad Imam W Muhammad was formed in the Nation of Islam under his father The Honorable Elijah muhamad and The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad was given this context of what how to bring man into a form of leadership by his leader and his teacher which is Mr WD so we see this line of continuation up into the point of leadership of IM W Muhammad now IM WD Muhammad does not it doesn’t stop with
Just like it didn’t stop from the Prophet The Prophet mentioned at his Farewell hot speech that take this meage message to those who aren’t here for those who are not here May in the future extend this message farther than you could expect so that alone lets us know
That it doesn’t stop leadership doesn’t stop so as we have been blessed in that same Avenue in that same vein to understand exactly what leadership is from who IM W Muhammad he let us know he gave he gave us pictures he gave he’s pointing to and
He even introduced us to a spot where we can see what leadership looks like after him that’s what he worked for that’s what his father worked for that’s what his teacher work for is that what we should work for sir that’s right absolutely no doubt about it it’s clear
No doubt about it so in that leadership in that sincere leadership we should know that that leadership protects the innocent that leadership speaks for the innocent that leadership creates an Avenue and creates a pathway for that innocent to see its true destiny and its true establishment now ask yourself in
This time that we’re living in today where is that lead where do you see where can you find it leadership just doesn’t pop up because situations pop up leadership is always there we make our Salat our prayer in the sunlight and in the dark right the movement of leadership is in
Our Salat we are in Salat and we’re praying and and we’re giving thanks in times of prosperity and in times of regression so we don’t need any unusual circumstances in Earth today to identify what leadership is sincerity from that leadership always presents itself and as those who are sincere can identify what
That leadership looks like and under the authority and under the leadership of ear ABD Muhammad who has been the successor to that leadership of w Muhammad we see that leadership it is he who has spoken upon the prosperity of man in good times and in bad times has
Been consistent just like I W Muhammad was under his leadership so I give those in the audience and those in the out there in technology land to please give your attention to what leadership looks like and how it express itself in times of goodness and in times of aggression
So I thank you and I close [Applause] Witham I you as Muslims peace be upon you I bear witness that there is none be worship but Allah God the merciful benefactor the merciful Redeemer we turn to him for forgiveness we seek his Aid and we believe and trust in him and we
Ask that the prayers and peace be upon his messenger Muhammad Allah’s trusted and obedient servant I welcome you everyone to this our third annual Muslim American leadership day every individual being presented today has their special gifts and talents that lend themselves to the ongoing work of the Muslim American
Ministry for human salvation and the support of the leadership tradition that the ministry is striving to strengthen advance and maintain our next presenter is a historian of africanamerican life from slavery Jim Crow reconstruction Jim Crow and the civil rights movement and the effects of each one of these phases of
African-American life how they have affected in many times negatively the African-American experience this gentleman is our brother and our professor brother w shabaz name merciful this line of leadership the socalled American is the only group in this Society who were completely stripped robbed systemically divested of their humanity and this line of
Leadership is the only line amongst the so-called American negro that has a consistent train of leadership right excuse me an independent consistent train of leadership the captains don’t have it the Prince Hall Masons don’t have it the NAACP don’t have it the followers of Marcus bar don’t have name on since 1930
We had a consistent independent line of leadership no other so-called American Negro group historically can claim that that is Monumental that is it breaks the rule of why the Negro was brought here and train now why the African was brought here turned into a negro and trained all right let’s go to work
Africa a girl 16 meets a boy 17 from her community they fall in love the boy asked the girl’s parents permission to marry her her parents discussed the matter over with his parents asking questions about the boy’s character and his preparedness to provide for a family the boys parents
Question the girl’s parents regarding her personality and capability as relates to their son the parents consent to the marriage and approach the Community Council of Elders for permission for their children to marry permission is given the children wed the girl gets pregnant there is a celebration of the birth of the
Child who symbolizes the union of the two families that’s Islamic Africa negro America a girl 16 meets a boy 17 from her community they fall in love they decide to have sex the girl becomes pregnant she is afraid but finally confides in her parents they are filled with
Despair they discuss whether she should have an abortion after discovering that she is too far along in the pregnancy she has the baby the boy has no job or means of support he even denies being the father of her child he finds another girl friend and doesn’t see her
Anymore the girl’s parents are angry and want to file a fraternity fraternity suit the girl is emotionally devastated when I’m in the foi across the bridge Temple number seven selling Muhammad spe newspapers the captain of the MGT GCC on Saturday afternoon where we are right now Saturday afternoon would host
A a luncheon in her apartment in Harlem so all the single Brothers selling Muhammad speech newspapers could go to the sister’s house and meet single sisters if you were in the fruit too long and weren’t married the brothers would approach you and say brother we ain’t
Monkss their wife that’s our chain of Le don’t tell me about bid Dy shirt tell me about human development and our Evolution as a people in America and you can’t do it without leadership because we are traumatized we are insane and we act like hey brother how you doing man I’m cool dying
Inside we need guidance we need direction and part of the plot on the plantation when we were finally given the opportunity to hear about the Lord it was the slave master or the overseer who were teaching the slaves about God and there was a strategy for the teaching of the slave
Christianity it was a strategy you only got the sections of the Bible that talked about the slave submitting to his master the psychology included in that kind of of of uh talk to the innocent mind of the slave was to give him the Lord and the son of the Lord in their
Context in the image of the same man that had a whip on your back so you you’re you’re in and you’re out you love and you hate at the same time when has that been corrected the only black man in America and I’m talking about this tradition amongst our people the only
Africanamerican the only Balian that gets respect in the black community is one that got reverend in front of his name he can be a surgeon he can be a master builder but if he ain’t got reverend in front of his name he’s not duly respect and I submit to you part of
The problem in our community is that same mentality that has transferred from Reverend to Imam and you got fakes who are talking about they are leaders and are not qualified to deal with the the the psychological damage that the African-American has suffered in this Society starting with his understanding
Of of the of of who God is so we’re hurt we’ve been dismantled and this succession of leadership is what puts us back together that’s right anybody but Abdul Malik that’s that’s that’s what pulls these people together anybody but him and he’s the only one that’s filling the role of
Succession we going to have successive leaders for the next 100 years are you Crazy it doesn’t end like one of them left the Imam three years into his ministry because he started wearing funny clothes and speaking English in a foreign accent and don’t need the leader anymore and he go off to his C because he can read nine words Arabic we got a psychological problem
And that Psych the psych psychological problem that the Negro experiences in this environment requires a psychologist of understanding of scripture human history and the making of the Negro H in the context of hus alone is not sufficient for a [ __ ] that’s right you were told to stand up black man and
Do something for yourself not for a foreign we scared we’re selfers and we have been victimized and don’t even know we’ve been victimized so the surgeon starting with Mr farad passing the scapel on to his loyal student The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and all through the honorable Elijah Muhammad’s life he made sure that
His son read Kanan in the Arab preparing future leader and then IM WD Muhammad found the young man man who was open to him and he poured himself into that young man and the imams hated him how come daddy like him now Daddy G I’m going do my own
Thing we got to be courageous and tell the truth about B yes y’all know nobody y all listening though nobody is qualifi but this man FP your lip behind the leader this group that group leadership is local have a conference but I can’t invite you anybody but ABD Malik anybody
But the leader after him there’ll be another leader in the tradition of em WD Muhammad it it we ain’t qualified to lead ourselves because it was 250 years of robbing us of our manhood of the natural role of the woman in the family 250 years and then then another hund 100
Years of Jesus is Lord putting the image of God in the image of a white man the so-called son of mother in the image of a white woman all the angels in the image of white people and God is an old white man with a white beard in my grandmother’s
House oh Lord and that right away to your mind comes now we replace the white man with an arrow Allah La is sufficient that’s right if he gave it to him he can give it to me right indigenous leadership West Africa where we come from indigenous leadership that means
All the people in West Africa Ghana Mali senagal H Nigeria where the great Empires were in West Africa all the empires in uh uh the Moors in North Africa all of their leadership was indigenous leadership right people that look like them East Africa the leadership was
F Empires came out of West Africa not East Africa Independence came out of West Africa in terms of indigenous leadership that gave guidance to the World East Africa were Merchants still Merchants underneath somebody else stand up black man and do something for yourself [Applause] our next presenter is a resident of nework New
Jersey he is a member became a member of the Nation of Islam in 1968 and worked and studied under the honorable Elijah Muhammad worked and studied under the aable Elijah Muhammad and then in 1975 after the passing up The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the the selection of
Imam W Muhammad to lead the the Nation of Islam he worked and studied there after the passing of Imam W Muhammad he’s become a loyal and committed supporter of the one that Imam W de Muhammad trained and expected and prepared to lead the community where we
Are now as Imam this city in a small team of committed supporters of the one Imam W de Muhammad prepared to lead after him have worked this year and the two previous years to put together this special program that honors our special leadership with that I call before you Imam aam Imam m
That is with Allah’s name the merciful benor the merciful Redeemer uh take this opportunity to just reiterate what’s been said and to give us somewhat of a clearer picture for not necessarily clear pictures because my brother Professor W sh did a remarkable job and uh highlighting our path throughout the uh centuries
Really uh first of all I’d like to give thanks and who have come out to our third annual Muslim American leadership day uh want to take this time to extend a appreciation to our brothers of Rochester who are IM Han wah Imam Muhammad Ali and Imam Hashim Abdullah to
Their for their generous support in assisting the nework team which includes sister Robin La Farms brother Daryl Nash Daryl Chapman Nash brother Elijah muhammd and brother Calvin h through their efforts continuous dedication and support we were able to bring this event together I’d also like to thank the
Mayor of the city of New York r j Barac for his leadership and continuing to propel the great city of nework the great excuse me the great City into the their new challenges and Endeavors and opportunities for the people of new our North team attended the mayor’s meeting last
Night which was truly inspiring to hear the mayor explain the numerous business and real estate opportunities that take place and how we can benefit from them the main reason we are here today is to acknowledge the leadership and how it came to be or how it came to propel
And Inspire and motivate us we have come from a rich history of great leaders such as Frederick Douglas no Ali Martin Luther King Jr to name just a few but what started us on our path to this great religion of alisam is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
A man taught by a foreigner who went by the name of WD farad who came to America in 1930 in search of a people deserving of the rejuvenating and reforming power of Islam it was here that the it was here that he found and taught Elijah P who became one of his
Best students and after about three and a half years of the teach of the teaching the mysterious leader was gone leaving The Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the task of cleaning up the people who were were rich in spiritually excuse me were rich and spiritually Rich spiritually but yet deeply oppressed by
The mer American culture he has Al he was able to raise up this his people to become dignified and morally up dignified and morally upright people in America with good sense of community development it was this wound of development that produced our leader Imam W Muhammad
Um I want to stop and uh in my notes and give you something personal Theon Elijah Muhammed his work was just a um almost a miracle you had a people that didn’t even have many of us didn’t even have a sense of twinness decency and many of us did but we were
So deprived so lifted up so let down and we’re talking about 1930 a time when the oppress the the country was in a oppression and he struggled much like we’re seeing right now different circumstances but yet very similar and it was out of that struggle that produced the man who came about who
Said you up rise up you Nation you can accomplish what you will is he I remember the the the drive and the sense of Brotherhood that was created by uh uh the teachings of the Elijah Muhammad the sense of Sisterhood the professor pointed out how uh the the
Sister would draw bring sisters together and brothers together so we can formally get married and properly get married but he established a a moral uh uh a moral teaching and a moral existence in a community and because we were isolated we took to it because we stood
Out we were the Nation of Islam we did not see ourselves at that time as a part of the United States of America uh uh as a whole and this man his bold movement produced one who he said first of all he said that I’m here to clean you up
One coming after me would be the one who would take you into Islam and that was his son Imam WD Muhammad the leadership it was Imam WD Muhammad that introduced most of us to al-islam as taught and practiced by millions of Muslims the world over his unique and profound understanding of the
Quan and his teachings of the Prophet Muhammad of the Prophet Muhammad his profound understanding of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad it was this teaching that propelled us as African-Americans to for to the Forefront of true Islamic recognition in America and in the Islamic World Imam WD Muhammad passed
Away in September of 2008 but not before telling his followers that there is one who has done more than anyone else to get the proper picture of WD Muhammad and alislam in the world and that one was and that one was excuse me and that was and that one was Imam Earl Abdul
Malik Muhammad Imam Earl Abdu Malik Muhammad has revitalized rejuvenated the teachings of Imam WD Muhammad and set us on a clear course of true Community Development and moral excellence and is this and it is this path that we travel to our intended Destiny thank you very much thank
Our for those words that he just shared with us in history today’s topic by the success of muhamad God’s judgment on the Muslim American Community how close are we to Prophet Muhammad’s Community model and Devotion to the human individual powerful when I heard that language I
Said praise be to Allah I’ll be in attendance yes who’s speaking like that Lang just in the language of the topic is much praise be to Allah my next introduction is our brother and friend IM Ibrahim El he is the Special Assistant and National representative of Imam Earl
Abdul Malik Muhammad he is a person devoted to this work in uplifting humanity and in particular the africanamerican balalan people Imam Ibrahim El praise be to Allah we thank him we seek his mercy and we ask for his forgiveness it is a pleasure as always
To be here in Newark New Jersey but in particular on this special day Muslim American leadership day um on behalf of the ministry of IM ear ABD Muhammad the Muslim American Ministry for human we wish to extend our gratitude to the Believers here in Newark man being
Sister Robert and others as well as the support that they’ve received from uh our brothers and U friends in Rochester and we congratulate them on this uh third observance of this particular uh special day for us professor shabbaz spoke quite eloquently to the nature of how human being how human communities are
Formed and in the case of the African-American people how they were deformed when we look at Muslim American when we look at our how those how people’s are formed excuse me we see that they’re formed in by their experiences the social experiences psychological experiences spiritual experiences and those spir experiences form
Sensitivities so for us Muslim American leadership day is a recognition of sensitivities that were focused for us by IM W muhamad and primarily the sensitivity to continue our messaging and purpose and our messaging and purpose in leadership this is what has characterized us as a people as
Professor shabaz pointed to his Banner a very very clear representation of our journey from the slave mind to the mind of a new people these sensitivities are what characterize us as a people but it is also sensitivity to continu in this tradition is the metric by which we can
Determine which individuals or groups are in fact representing Us in accordance with who we are naturally and independently the test on all of our leaders from now until many many generations from now is their sensitivity toward this continuity now some might say im WD Muhammad didn’t name the
Successor well I would say that neither the Elijah muhamad neither did any Muslim leader following the example of Muhammad the prophet quote unquote name a Muslim leader name a successor but we do know that the prophet pointed to one that the Muslim Community should look to to upon his
Passing I was watching a documentary and I would encourage us all to see it if we haven’t seen it um and it echoes something that professor shabbar said I believe it’s titled um the history of the Nation of Islam uh Sharif NASA is the brother who produced and in it is an
Interview with uh Nathaniel Muhammad who was one of the second oldest son of life muhamad and the minister Kansas City he said that uh his father was speaking to him and other leaders of the Nation of Islam he told him he said I can get you
To the door I can get you right up to the door but someone else is going to have to show you the way through and he said that and he said I knew exactly what that meant I said I knew that he was talking about ws and
In a similar fashion as professor made not IM Muhammad said that he had to acknowledge the one who had done more than any other to help him get the correct picture of Muslims and IM WB Muhammad to the world now we should take I think some time and think about that statement
Because what is he saying that the correct image of Islam has been lost not only lost to the world but lost to the Muslim so the work that we are doing this sensitivity that IM Muhammad has uh focused for us is not simply to be a
Muslim people it’s not simply to go to Juma on Friday have e sayam Alum Che to Che and all of the uh surface level expressions of what it means to be Muslim we have a universal Mission and a universal Destiny and that has been expressed in each generation in each age
With each leader and it continues now it was necessary for Imam W Muhammad to identify one in whom the sensitivity would not only register as an awareness but manifests and evolve as a lifelong determination uh we recently uh characteriz someone characterized the work that we do characterize us as a small
Band uh and they didn’t say that in the sense that uh we U they weren’t saying it positive they saying it in a disparaging way uh yet if you go to their website the most prominent thing on their website it’s pointing to this small band and Allah says in the Quran let the
Rise out of you a group so from the larger group let they come out and do a small band the leader of that band is the one that IM W Muhammad prepared for the role despite the jealousy of Joseph’s brothers despite the circumstances that we see in the world which
Can uh be quite troubling and despite the challenges that we Face here in America psychologically as a people but also materially is a lifelong commitment so I ask that you give your attention to IM Earl ABD Mal Muhammad the successor of w muhamad thank you that is God Almighty worship
Him nothing worship with that is Almighty and perfect we gree To this is a very fine day in the city of North that sign clear SK a pleasant temperature could have been cold you see these changes in the in the physical world it’s alarm by concerns the scientist report to the public media makes us con for the ni day is a nice
Day thank Allah thank God for it and if we conscious God has promised that he favors the good conscience the good conscience that he favors the good conscience and that he leads us to and uh this recognition today Muslim American leadership is a recognition of that conscience it’s really a recognition
Celebration in the way of new language a new language a new language of understanding a new environment of language the birth of a new language of expression and understanding of human life what ails human life and the context for struggle for human life and the focus and purpose for the creation of
Human life is Destiny the hope that God has put in the heart and soul or disposition of every newborn inherently inherently it takes some difficulty to bring that new life into the world mother feel some tremendous pain and the parents that new life that they charged with responsibility to
Shake to prepare they feel some pain too thinking of some of my children thing that I felt we wanted to see them succeed and knowing that I can’t trade places with them all we can do is give them the best possible support and the best possible understanding of the value of their
Life and point them in the direction of the universal Destiny of man that’s the help that we and so what we’re doing today is we are paying public recognition to the evolution of that kind of understanding in the context of it addressing our people who have become lost by schemes not on their
Own but by schemes against their Humanity they became lost and Mr farad Mr WD Farah uh he used language to indicate that he was searching for a lost people now in his wisd he excused himself from the whole process of their renew cuz he was Foreigner and uh his sensitivity was
Not uh to introduce himself um in a way to burden them so as to oppress them but to introduce himself in a mysterious way which would create in them a kind of natural uh curiosity and be curious about what he was pointing to and what he was hoping
For and to push him his image out of the equation once they found the answer push His Image out of the equation and look at what he was himself looking at as the answer there a photograph up there and tell you what he was looking
At in his wisdom in his wisdom what he was looking at as the answer as as a remedy fundamental teaching to form sensitivities in that people by by processes over time over time uh this this day today Muslim American leadership day is um something that exist in the soul that must be
Expressed it’s natural for us to have hope that our leadership will continue yes sir that our sensitivities as a people formed for this purpose will continue in the world that will have expression in the world and you know uh the nature of opposition to that doesn’t even figure into the determination
Itself we expect opposition every individual and every group that has something sacred to offer mankind for its development as God intended God instructs them to expect opposition so the more opposition that we get uh to me is the more you know sign that we the legitimate leadership doesn’t bother me it doesn’t bother
Me I’m inspired in a very profound way when I learn of their plots against us I mentioned this before and and and you know I don’t have I I Allah is my witness I work hard to not have an ego I ask Allah for forgiveness I turn to him as a a
Worshiper and and uh with humility humble myself I have no uh capacity I don’t want any capacity to carry an ego I invited one of the IMs from here from North that if he thought that he has something important to say to you and to this audience that he could take my
Place and I’m me that very sincerely I don’t see it but I say this and I repeat these words because uh it’s important to understand my orientation and the things that I have claimed it’s important that I make these things clear not for people who want to disagree necessarily or for people who
Who uh have bitterness toward us or hatred it’s not for them it’s for the record it’s for the historical record it’s not to charge up people and to to get them to to explain ohd Muhammad is the leader he’s the successor no that’s not the interest at
All it’s not to impose what I’m saying on anyone but as a young man in my 20s IM Muhammad the son of Elijah muhamad the leader of our community he said to me you do you understand that you are to me and a combination of me and my
Father that’s what he told me he told me that in his home in in in his uh in the home of his guard an intimate setting is what I’m getting at not a public setting it was an intimate setting it was a private setting it was he and I
Only and uh he was responding to uh someone who has sent him a recording of me to critique me or to criticize now we know that this happened to him too and I was aware of that he was letting me know he said he had this
Tape he said to me he said I listen to him he said you know you understand that you are to me a combination of me and my father now what could I do except sit there and Nod but I didn’t understand what he was saying in that moment at that tender age
25 or something like that 25 years old I didn’t understand what he was referring to exactly um I knew that I had devoted myself to to uh study of his leadership and his teaching and to Islam as he taught Islam I know I knew I had done
That I knew that I had made myself aware of the honorable Elijah Muhammad uh into the point where I had a reverence for the ulite m and that came not just from my own study but it came from preparation of members in my family my grandfather he
He he wasn’t a member of the Temple of Islam but if the temple if there was an opportunity for him to join the Temple of Islam in the city that he lived in I believe he would have he certainly was a supporter and he sought Elijah Muhammad’s uh words and he shared those
Words with me when I was a little boy I have a memory of it I have a memory of it I can’t remember the details but I can I have a memory in general and that memory callus me to ask my mother about it and she said yes he
Did he did sit he did have you sit there and he would read to you from the newspaper uh Pittsburgh CER newspaper Mr Muhammad speaks so when I look at my conversation with IM muhamad I have to understand it I have come to understand it in the
Context of what’s happening and what the needs are today he also said to me in that same conversation he said um you knew my father he said he said uh no way for you to have know him that’s what he said there’s no way for you to have known
Him you’re too young to have known him what he meant was you didn’t you weren’t uh consciously aware of the influence of the Ariz Muhammad and his teaching uh because your life you were just born in 1965 so Consciousness if we if we just go on the symbolic uh language of Consciousness
Consciousness comes at 10 years old so when he passed away I was 10 years old so he IM was telling me he’s speaking to me directly but he’s also speaking to me with some powerful symbols okay and he wants to register this on me that’s why he chose this intimate
Setting just him and me and I no distractions uh he said no way for you to have known him he said but you know what he said you know him better than most of his ministers he IM W Muhammad he gathered all that from that one tape from that
One speech that I gave at John’s Hopkins University no no I understood that what he was telling me was something that I should not forget and now in this time under these circumstances I understand what he meant what he meant was that leadership for us and for the
World in the context of our importance in the world in critical moments in the world must reflect the Continuity a people lost a Humanity LW to the fundamental value of human life lost to the knowledge to support the development of human life lost to the sensitivity to be responsible for innocence and to see innocence Advan upon common inherent potential advance to its destiny that understanding there will be
There will be a time this is what he was telling me there will be a time where that understanding will be lost even in our own folks in our people and you have to be prepared to remember it to to express it to argue with it use it to argue
Against inferior ideas use it use that continuity that Awakening use this fundamental language and emphasis to tackle the problems in the time where you will be uh in the focus of leadership don’t distance yourself from that don’t separate yourself from that don’t anyone let anyone invite you to an idea of
Islam that put you aside of that no matter what the rest of them are doing you hold to it I’m charging you with that responsibility I’m charging you to remember Elijah Muhammad my father in your mind in your spirit remember him and remember me in the context of that continuity and you
Continue and I believe that if Imam W Muhammad were here with us if he was sitting in this audience right now he would point at me he said you have done what I’ve asked you to do I made a little bit of a in the topic I like the topic that I
Gave God’s judgment on the Muslim American Community how close are we to Prophet Muhammad’s Community model and Devotion to the human individual I am not separating myself from that topic what I’m addressing today is that topic but I wanted to add something to it and that is righteous struggle for the Dignity of
Man the Islamic mission in society now we’re in a special City newk new it’s not that much different in character from most of the cities on the East Post Philadelphia Washington DC New York you know it’s not that different it has it special characteristics you know it’s
Special uh history like all cities it’s special character it has that but what I’m wanted to mention about newk is not the city itself but something in the sensitivity of the people that are associated with the history of Islam in America by way of the influence of a
Concept in the name of the city there are other cities called new Delaware new Delaware it might be I don’t know but I know new uh but the concept the idea of new art new art this idea was of significant importance to Imam WD Muhammad in his ministry his visits to
New have a different or I should say a distinguishing characteristic the distinguishing characteristic was that he was much aware in his preparation for his visit of the meaning in the concept of newer new AR a new picture in his mind or new perception of what is the relationship between God and
Man how man perceives that relationship most importantly how man perceives his responsibility in that relationship how man perceives receives his responsibility in his relationship with God what God has endowed man with how man processes that endowment language of description of that endowment and the process of that endowment the purpose of that endowment
And the responsibility of man to uphold that endowment is what was influencing IM WD Muhammad as he was looking at whatever it is that he was wanting to discuss with the audience in North so he’s discussing something specific but it is impacted and empowered by this overriding
Concept and so that is what made his message in not so special this is a the subtext in his Consciousness was this awareness this special awareness so if you were to uh be present at his addresses in new and you weren’t present at other addresses in other places in the country
You weren’t missing much you might miss some a few details here and there but if you got what he was saying in nework you will be able to process and understand what he was saying in Chicago or Detroit or Los Angeles or wherever he was in the world that’s how important it was
And so his ministry the fundamental basis of his teaching and understanding evolves evolves upon this recognition of relationship between man and God Covenant it is said that the Christians the Jews first had the Covenant and the Christians had the Covenant and then the Muslim leaders argued that Muslim
Muslims have the Covenant on them that they have the Covenant and and their expression of it means that they are favored that that they are the favorite of God but that’s not what the Covenant means it doesn’t mean that you’re the favorite of God it doesn’t mean that
You’re the chosen it means that you’re special that you have a special favor but you have to First acknowledge responsibility and that comes after you become aware that you are under or within the context of that Covenant because the Covenant can be on you and you not be aware of
It you become a selected people by virtue of circumstances circumstances that you had no control over no control over it what control did a Palestinian farmer have in 1947 over an agreement made by powerful interest in Europe to settle a people who had become disturbed by their own mistreatment what
Power did those Farmers have on land that they had passed down for generations going back into ancient times they had no power to oppose the Great Western Powers with their powerful frightening military might to impose upon them of people who had themselves been abused in Europe they great European powers these
Big Powers they didn’t want to be bothered with that abused psych and so they imposed that group upon another group had no power to oppose it ordinarily I don’t wear TI I haven’t seen yet I hadn’t seen yet where we should be tied I had one on today and we tied without
Separation from the innocent that are right now being assaulted by a racist Zionist aggressive war machine so we’re tied to that their struggle is righteous now their leaders a whole lot of them are not a whole lot of their leaders are not and if the Muslim world had its sensitivities in
Order and had its and it and its leadership had the proper uh picture of what respect human life is entitled to they would be P Prosecuting the Judgment against Kamas leadership themselves they would tell that aggressive war machine step aside and let us find them under Muhammad the prophet’s
Leadership they would have no space on this Earth aggressing against innocent life Islam is the argument against the idea that you can pursue freedom and Justice and equality by any means necessary that is not an Islamic idea that’s right it is condemned in Islam the only means that you can pursue your
Dignity is by means that God approves in the spirit of obedience to him and out of respect for human dignity and life now you telling me that IM Earl Abdul Malik Muhammad shouldn’t be heard that’s right what leader in this Association of Muslims is speaking this
Way but in spite of your opposition to me and to us we Prevail we Prevail we have this audience that we have here in this setting here a dignified audience and you should be congratulated and we have a dignified audience looking at us right now from all over the
World not just these United States of America in other countries around the world they’re listening carefully to our proposition what is our proposition that God has created man with honor and that honor progresses it progresses there’s a fundamental honor a basic inherent honor and it evolves to greater and
Greater awareness of the possibilities of that inherent Excellence eventually it’s supposed to form itself in recognition of the responsibility to provide for an environment a community setting wherein human life can flourish the whole picture of Islamic teaching the whole emphasis of Islamic teaching is to pay tribute to the human
Individual as created by God and endow give inherent value and worth so that it may be free to establish itself in society and to provide for society that guarantees the proper Aid assistance support and development proper environment for development of that human life so that it can realize for itself His Highest
Expression is highest expressions of excellence and beauty that that environment guarantee it its natural rights that’s the whole focus of Islamic life there no higher interest say well the highest interest is uh to obey God yes for what purpose for what purpose we don’t have a spirit in Islam that is without
Direction all over the place we have a a definite focus on where we should be aiming our attention and it’s given in symbolic language in the Quran and you know the Native Americans they have this they have this knowledge it’s symol it’s it’s it’s uh in many ways um
Obscured but they have it they have this knowledge the knowledge of the arrow the knowledge of the arrow and its trajectory and its Destiny where it’s going it’s not you know when when when the uh science that supports the use of the arrow as it matured those who made arrows in the
Ancient world they learned you have to use feathers has become more sophisticated now you know they don’t use feathers but before the sophistication of advanced technology they use feathers so that tells you and listen this was a sacred science so that tells you that they understood that in order for this
Product to get to its Destiny it must be guided by a spiritual sensitivity a an evolved high level Spirit not just some base spirit that goes all over the place high level Spirit and the the the wise among the leadership of the Native Americans you know the the wisest of them his
Headdress had a whole lot you know Warrior he might have one or two he’s not yet having what was necessary to lead the people have to have a whole lot of spiritual understanding High wisdom and so they put that in their technology and we think oh they use that
This for a weapon of war was a weapon to hunt no no no no no you you had to go search you got to search deeper CU When they ask them where did you get it from where did you get the concept they said we got it from the
Moon meaning what they got it from the natural world they got it from the reflected light they got it from the movement in their soul to be enlightened as to their purpose that’s where they got the knowledge and in the Quran it mentions that Prophet Muhammad his Spirit as a human being
And God’s will for man’s purpose and man’s existence was as two arrows going to the same Destiny the Islamic determination is to work to relieve pressures from human life to provide answers to the Natural Curiosity in human life for its purpose and to guarantee to build and to guarantee an
Environment that respects human existence human development Human Excellence human Beauty and restricts limits and even makes war on anything that wants to oppress a human soul that’s the righteous struggle and Allah says God says that he he has created human beings in struggle now there are different words
In the Quran for struggle that are translated struggle and they have uh they have weight weighted value weighted value okay uh some are of of of higher importance for particular interest of man’s development so there are categories of struggle is what I’m saying in the in the interest to establish a human
Life in society there is struggle with forces in the life itself and there struggle with forces that are outside of the Liv there is an inner determination and once you once the the the value of human life crystallizes in that inner determination there becomes an outer obligation to bring that value into the
Proper picture and focus so that it will be an inspiration to man and so Muslims in particular if not all religious people who believe in God find it necessary to struggle against the forces of Oppression it defines the life it disciplines the life we have it even in the picture of
Child birth there’s struggle on the part of the mother there’s struggle on the part of the baby there’s struggle even in the fall I know I struggled I struggled in that delivery room I heard words come out of my white mouth I never heard directed toward me that was struggle and humor that’s
Humor but it’s struggle for a father to see uh husband and father to see white in such uh inexplicable distress and very close to death and uh the focus of the of the father on on his wife and the mother of the child uh he his his his interest is not
Just obviously clearly he wants that his child be healthy and that the child U not have any distress but if he if he is having the right sensitivity the sensitivity is not just for the birth of the child it’s also for the condition of the mother I I’ve heard stories where the
Mother will pass away in child birth and the father is so distressed he can’t even look at the child take some time that’s a sign something that Allah God wants us to understand about the nature of struggle that the nature of struggle when you are accepting responsibility to build Society one
Fundamental recognition that that must be made and must be guaranteed and must be preserved and must be defended is the relationship between parent and child it is a sacred matter I sent a letter to the president of the United States I was so displeased with his what I thought was uh
Rushed disposition to visit Israel I said to myself you have an obligation and I met him before President Biden when he was a senator I was on the train and he rode the train from Washington to uh to uh Delaware and I was on the train going
From Washington to Baltimore and so for that stretch he and I talk I recognized him and we talked we had a nice conversation I found him to be a very nice man and U uh he he he uh expressed interest which I thought was sincere interest in US
In me in particular but in us at that time I was the man of in Baltimore so I found him to be a very decent person decent man thoughtful respectful and um I don’t know that the letter I wrote as I was writing it that I didn’t know I don’t know that I
Thought that he would actually read it himself I hope that he would but but I thought that it definitely would reach some people in his in his orbit in his staff you know they they would get it and uh I’m certain that they got because I heard in his speech
Language that let me know that he was uh moved by what I had said to him and I was glad of that because what I wanted to impress upon him was not just our uh commitment to the determination of the Palestinian people I wanted to impress upon him the nature
Of that commitment was to respect for parental rights and child rights and that he himself would recognize and understand the importance of that as a parent because he he describes himself often in the context of his relationship with his children so if parents and children in their fundamental
Dignity are being assaulted that should move you so when I said the language that I used in the letter was not the Palestinian people not the Palestinian struggle Etc I said Palestinian mothers fathers and children that’s what I said now that letter that’s gotten a lot of attention is going all over the
World if you haven’t read it you should I believe God helped me directly when I wrote and I believe that it go down in the history of this community yes sir as a expression of uh Muslim American leadership in a critical moment in this world inspired by this continuity this continuity this
Consciousness it’s a shame it’s a disgrace it’s a disgrace on the soul of our people African-American Muslims that the leaders of Muslims in new are not present yes sir they don’t know how shameful how they have shame dignity because I’m not here to impose myself on them I’m here to represent our interests
If you have something to offer that is in line with the universal interest of man do you think I’m going to turn away from you or reject you or not offer you this same opportunity that I had I did that I have a witness where’s my brother
Elijah is he didn’t we do that yes so it’s not that I’m hurt personally I’m not hurt in the sense that I’m not going to do my job I’m so burdened and hurt and in tears that I can’t perform myself no my hurt is for your following you’re cheating them by not
Providing good leadership at the very least you should say what im Abdul Malik is talking about is very important and I encourage I can’t I don’t I’m not evolved enough socially to be there myself but you all you all should go that’s what I would have done Muslim American leadership day the
Best Spirit of the influence of the armable Elijah Muhammad on the city of Newark well known respected and honored even in the public officials they cite his works and they have been shaped themselves by his influence yes sir the mayor of this city I know that he will publicly acknowledge
That and the character of the people of this city have been shaped and influenced by the leadership of the Elijah Muhammad it has been shaped and focused by the teaching and the leadership of IM W Muhammad so if we having a program honoring that tradition if
It would follow them that those who have been associated with that would invite the public to witness it that’s just common sense that’s no stretch so well we can’t support you that’s the problem you I tell you honestly if im WD Muhammad if he hadn’t said hadn’t uh indicated to his following to
His people that he held me in a certain kind of esteem if he hadn’t said those things in public if he hadn’t said those things in those precious moments where he’s addressing the whole people he not addressing three four people he’s addressing the convention he’s he he’s addressing the big
Assembly the biggest of the assemblies and he’s telling them this person is important to me for our purpose and not just one time several times if he hadn’t done that I wouldn’t be standing here before you right now I wouldn’t feel authorization to do it if
He hadn’t told me privately so I have that to look at and then I look at what he said what he said to me privately if I didn’t have those things motivating me I would be active looking for someone to support and encouraging others look we have to represent our interest in the
World the world has been separated from common decent human logic moving it in the direction that God intended I want brother sister please if you have a strength of will clear mind good good uh intent moral balance I want to give you my support I want to give you my Resources but this burden came on me and I’m looking at it I said well you can’t excuse yourself even though you in prison even though you’re in prison you can’t excuse yourself I remember I told my father I said dad I write this book on extremism
I I respect you son but how you going to do that how’s that possible in this situation and I tell him I don’t know I thank Allah that we found a way with Allah’s help and even from prison even from the oppressive circumstances of the prison being in the
Unjust situation to begin with but just having to live in that situation for seven years no way for me to separate myself from it I had to live it I had to deal with it but I had to be productive in the spirit of what charge that I was
Given that our community has something important to say to humanity yes sir because we have been selected for that purpose the Covenant of God is on us and we have been selected from all of the communities of man on this Earth to deliver the message of what a human
Being is what a human life is how a human life and a human being should be respected how it should be appealed to what its foundational Excellence is and where it should be going we have been selected how do I know that because of the special language that we have derived from Divine
Guidance derived from God’s revealed word given to the leader Eternal leader for mankind on this Earth Muhammad the prophet the language of human establishment in the world we have been given it in this time time when the whole Muslim World in its leadership is focused upon ritual life and
Inviting Humanity to embrace Islam upon ritual appeal and have not the language or expression to uncover what the ritual means and what the ritual is emphasizing what the ritual is pointing to but we have been given that understand yes sir we have been given that language we don’t have the formal education in
Islamic sciences that many of these people have even some in the African-American Community claim that but they having this language that I’m offering you today to address these conditions in the life of man all that they can invite you to is to pray behind them in the m I can tell you right
Now the innocent life that’s being assaulted in Gaza is not looking for a mosque to pray in they’re looking for the world to respect the edifice that the mosque represent in their dignity as a human person they are themselves the mosque the human life itself is the
Mosque it is a conscious evolution from the material world of expression of obedience to God alignment with God Covenant with God that demands recognition it demands citizenship rights it’s entitled by its creation you are a free human soul in this city you have the right to call witness Witnesses in
Humanity to your inherent right to be respected in society as a child who is speaking for them in this Lang in Great America with its powerful recognitions of the human entitlements we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with inalienable rights
This great land claiming that great principle you can’t see the trouble no because you in this time have not been selected to see the trouble and speak to the trouble yes it is the leadership that is succeeded that continues from the first Awakening of Mr farad’s teaching into the ears of Elijah P
Yes it continues in us now with this great responsibility on us to deliver the message that yes God we are hearing what our responsibility is and yes God we accept responsibility to shoulder the struggle and that is the definition of righteousness yes sir and determination in this
Time standing upon the solid edifice of moral decency and calling the great powers to respect your finer Traditions respect your best language respect your best principles but not excusing even the weaken people not excusing those that have been lost charging them with responsibility that when you have been
Awakened and you see clearly and hear clearly then give every measure every ounce every fiber of your being in support of that leadership yes sir and that may be the decision the deciding factor for whether or not God’s favor continues upon you that’s how powerful it is that’s how
Important it is that’s how Central it is so I’m not just speaking to you here in this audience I’m speaking to the life of man on this Earth I’m speaking to man kind on this Earth the whole Human family I’m speaking to all of them from the soul of the African-American
People that were oppressed separated from their Humanity but came back to life in the tradition of Elijah Muhammad yes sir and W de Muhammad yes I represent them in this moment and they appeal to mankind it’s a shame on America that we even had to have a civil rights long before the
West had recognition of Rights Prophet Muhammad the prayers and the peace be on him wrote Into the charter of Medina respect for the rights of minorities respect for women respect for the principle that supports public educ you would expect that the Muslim world having that foundation and tradition would be
Foremost in Social history to guard the sacred value of human life but you know why there’s desperation on the part of the Palestinian leadership because there is no depth of understanding there is no public moral commitment to the value of human life even in the Muslim world the sacred sh at
Jerusalem that Shrine belongs to mankind that Shrine is a symbol of man’s moral development his Enlightenment and him meeting with his Destiny it belongs to all people you can’t make your capital of your society that City that City doesn’t belong to one people it belongs to the sacred social determination of
Man it was in that in that setting that Prophet Muhammad ascended for the second time ascended in his discussion and recognition his discussion his internal discussion with his own social spirit for completion and his determination that is what is commemorating his Ascension you talking about his physical Ascension I’m talking about his
Spiritual and social Ascension to understand the value of human nature in the context of God’s unfolding of its power that within it is the potential to realize social Community excellence and that once it crystallizes in your conscience you become obligated to bring it about in the earth that Ascension in Prophet
Muhammad’s understanding that went from ritual to implementation he was shown the possibilities and then felt and understood the obligation to build it in society that’s the Islamic Mission and when we look at that sacred shrine at Jerusalem that is what we’re supposed to be remed of and those that shoulder the
Responsibility and see see within themselves that they are the custodians of that obligation it becomes a requisite for us to live for them and to support them yes let that wash over you for a minute dear people as I said few minutes ago you should be congratulated because the appeal that we’re
Making doesn’t have the attraction that an Entertainer has when they come to a city or an athlete so for you to separate yourself from something else that’s pulling you to come here today is a recognition of something in you that God approves and I can tell you that it’s no
Insult to me when they say that I belong to a small band or that I’m the leader of a small band no one insult at all Muhammad the prophet and his follower was a small band Elijah Muhammad and his following in the context of Great America was a small
Band IM W Muhammad and his follow small band so if I’m in that company I’m honored I’m honored I thank Allah lot for you I thank I thank you for your attention and your patience and I hope that together we will be a factor we will be a factor a more determined
To seeing an enlightened picture of human life in society restored that’s our prayer we ask Allah to help us to strengthen us for that purpose thank you very much peace be on you praise be to Allah we thank Allah for the timely message that we heard today from our leader Clarity of language
Clarity of understanding at this point in our program we have envelopes in decease if you would like to support financially the work of IM Earl ABD Malik Muhammad in continuing the work that Imam WD Muhammad demonstrated for us you can put your financial donation in this envelope and Imam Frank shy
Standing in the back you can give it to him once we conclude we also have vendors here today uh we have about four vendors here today uh once we conclude please go out and look at what the vendors uh have and uh we ask for your support we also have a compliment meal
Uh provided by the new workk team uh free of charge um make sure you get some of that food and we converse with each other uh at this part of the program at this time what we would like to do we thank IM ear ABD Muhammad Special
Assistant he just Shar with me IM ear ABD Muhammad will speaking given a major public address December 3rd in Detroit Mission December 3D in Detroit Miss Michigan and for more information look to the website Muslim americ we like to conclude now with Imam WD Muhammad’s daa his
Plate oh Allah we cannot manage this life for ourself not without you please make our life what you would wanted to be what you prefer to be do not allow us to act on our own help us to act only in obedience to you we hear you we obey you
And we look to you our lord for forgiveness and to you is our destination amen thank you