Hello again everyone welcome back to Divinity original sin last time we uh we talked to Walter MC wishingwell and uh he was very weird um and uh we cannot get up these uh these steps here we should totally be able to climb over this but the game
Doesn’t let us so we can’t I do really question what exactly happened I mean we got like the the steps sunk down here where did all of these uh large stone blocks come from I don’t know I do not know anyway um we’ve already been up here but
That does not lead us to uh the area around the uh the old church that’s back here there’s no path there is a path this way and that leads all the way around so we got to go this way so let’s start going see if we see any goodies along the way as
Well got some barricades getting an auto saave all right well let’s head on in I do believe that this is the last area that we have not uh been to we’ve got uh got our our buried Treasures there to go look for but yes indeed other than this little bit area
Little bit back here in this area we have uh Been Everywhere on this map do do not trust that that looks like oil I’ve spotted something dang it spotted what okay what did you spot oh jeez all the way up here okay um well that is the buried treasure
And I’m impressed that I was able to see that so you know guys just don’t don’t just walk through the oil got a lots of uh poison ground what happens if I click on this is Madame M Montgomery mour her what if I don’t want to I’ve spotted something interesting
No I wanted to click on this please the Tomb of the Unknown ambition lay your hopes to rest here all right well something we can dig up I’m sure this will be fine right let’s get a save lest it blow up in our face like that one back in
Town the legend of the we sheep all right what do we have here feel like I might have been planning to sell some stuff but oh well the legend of the we Sheep by falcon black Legend after Legend and rumor after rumor report how the first we
Sheep Rose like a gnarled and terrible weed from the ground some say a Shepherd paid an evil witch to bless his herd but soon found his wooly friend friends grew a taste not for grass but flesh others claim we sheep are the Eternal Children of the goddess of livestock and the Lord
Of Unholy necromancy but one fact remains true every passing year their numbers dwindle great mystery surrounds the existence of the last remaining we sheep but these Rift running death dwellers are difficult to find he who seeks his own set of wear sheep armor will search a lifetime or longer before he finds what
He seeks rumors tell that the final we sheep solitary in its wanderings has been cited only once in the last century its location is disclosed in a legendary scroll last seen in the realm of fery free for the taking by any Soul brave enough to risk the Wrath of the winter
King okay I guess that’s a thing uh do you have some fiery stuff that we can do 58 53 53 okay we’re probably going to want this anyway so all right so we’re going to go ahead and burn all this stuff because it’s just easier to get rid of it that way
Uh also should probably leave you with the fire because uh if we’re going to be dealing with stuff around here it’s going to be Undead here lies cat Jones curiosity killed her after all okay can’t read that those sir jovel got here with the help of a shovel
Here lies shodex we’re not actually sure he’s dead aha here lies Lord Goldman who lost his head to a literal minded Bridge Troll well that’s a thing here lies nazik who also thinks your name is weird hey now that’s rude I didn’t think your name was weird Dodson the finest answer of the
Here lies Emmy Spider Slayer oh where to go Emmy here lies will ly it’s ly not laundry dang it here lies Rocco this is the last hole he filled here lies lady chin whose steaming pies tempted all I don’t know if these are references to anyone or
Anything but uh you know what we got to do right you know what we got to do all right time to get digging okay there is uh a container there another container that one is locked lock level 99 all right so I got to find a key for that
One all right some more Bones secrets of the scroll volume three uh have we read this One Ron’s powers are many and even without the intervention of we enchanters her magic shines through even the most common objects sprinkled with a bit of pixie dust to these objects natural powers are quite enhanced rabbit’s paw for instance might only be of use to the most superstitious but
Given a fine coating of pixie dust the Paw’s magical properties spring to life held on a thread or thread rope or ring the magical paw will bring great luck to its wear but the rabbit’s paw is only the tip of the magical Iceberg believe that we have read uh that
One go ahead and take those over there so once I have these all up then I’ll uh look through them with my uh my helmet and my luck on this seems to be broken well that’s unfortunate super duper boring a broken vase and just doing all the grave
Digging okay that one also seems to need a uh a key you can tell by the lock level uh let’s see if there’s anything else that we can get out of that 100% resistance to everything 297 armor 54,500 400 uh hit points it’s a lot that
Is a lot I don’t know if we uh can damage that in order to just to get the goodies in it all right so we got more stuff over there but there’s plenty here survivorsa I’ll try opening them I might have a key that works skull nothing nothing bone nothing nothing and nothing
Nope nope all right so we do not have the uh the keys for those okay well while I come back uh let me save it real fast and try something out yeah that did no damage and uh I’m pretty sure yeah I mean it’s not burning so we’re not getting into that that
Way here lies an the finest lady in the lowlands oh let’s dig up her grave okay oh boy get out well that was Rude all right let’s do some healing since the game was so rude and decided to try and murder my face A Stitch in Time he my friends where is my first aid nope stop trying to move it back into the there we go all right well I believe there was a uh gravestone
Back here here lies Jack the nudest who got too near a starving goat all right I don’t see how that has anything to do with what just happened but okay well n I’m not uh poisoned anymore all right so we need to get something on to that my again
Which let’s go ahead and put this over here there we go it’s not fully covering it but you know it’s fine right what a bottle of beer here lies madam fet dog person all right well let’s go ahead and take care of that stuff that stuff
Oops you know what whatever that was I don’t want to destroy it I don’t want to uh I want that to be um what was that over there oh yeah yeah there’s an oil barrel there I don’t want to well I don’t know that there’s anything else there okay no that’s
Fine just not knowing what I destroyed uh just made me a little bit it’s actually not be that close there we go all right that’s okay getting some uh extra burning but it’ll go away uh in time we’re not getting over here so I don’t care really all right just so that I
Can clear These go ahead and uh sweep upon the Earth get rid of that uh fire and heal me up okay sweet relief that’s fine oh I forgot to do this one a poison will wear off in time okay just get you right there dig this one up steal that bottle of beer because why
Not all right and get some healing I do wish that there was like healing over time it’s uh a little Annoying that there isn’t okay there we go I feel already so are there any others that we can that is still burning over there is there anything over
Here I don’t think we looked at this one no we did the Tomb of the Unknown ambition lay your hopes to rest here for some reason I decided to get behind there you know what I should do are there keys around here cuz this will uh uh hi
Guys just very oddly running all the way over there oh there is a box there that I missed well that is handy I do like this uh I do like these uh these Rift oglers they’re pretty uh handy decorative Longbow and a Box an unidentified gold ring okay and I don’t think there is any other containers that I have missed not seeing any uh Keys around here either okay that’s fine all right so what ring did we pick up that is 12% fire resistance 14% water resistance don’t care that much uh the
Decorative Longbow not as good as what I have despite being higher level bottle of beer that can go to Bear daughter okay we have eliminated the stuff here uh hello graveyard madman all right well we might talk to you I have company RC and it’s such a delightfully opportune moment too is it
Now okay I’m just about to conduct a small experiment any if you have an interest in magic and science you’ll oblig Me by taking part in it will you not I feel like I’m not going to have a choice in the matter I’ve Le this area with more than a few pernicious little
Friends who are simply bursting with the anticipation of supper they simply have all uncooked meat so you may find you what to CH you before ripping out your throats I I feel like this is not a uh an experiment in science and Magic now your job is to put up a might of
Resistance against your inevitable death sounds good yes no right then on your mark get set go well Shucks all right it’s a fight oh my lord they’re all around me they are all around me um I do have a plan but first of all mercy on your okay that’s a lot of
XP I need another chance dang it all right let’s get some rain out here in the rain nobody can see you I think that’ll put out their yep that puts out their fuses good I do not actually want to use uh what you currently have so freeze you and try to get
Away I hope they don’t go boom meet your demise they did go boom a little bit but not to us also uh explos skeleton they’re only level five so this is uh supposed to be pretty easy the time of your death is at hand there we go take you out you went boom
I I good nice Mercy on excellent all right it is very nice to uh put out their their stuff 21 gold 21 gold 83 gold I can’t turn this on nope now I can there we go got to hope that these uh go out
Soon that is not enough to uh start a an explosion there unfortunately um ever all right I don’t want to burn those so we got containers there when are you going to go out is there something in there that’s uh creating those I don’t see anything well I do have 23 uh fire
Arrows okay that puts it out let’s just get this out a little creepy there uh ELR okay unidentified old male cap 61 gold aged leather ring armor how to speak troll zombie Edition blank skillbook water 88 gold here lies visar Soul stolen by the miramac fear Him what if I don’t want
To well got another fight let’s see what are we dealing with half eaten zombie level eight well there’s only the one so thorny Timber seven have mercy on your soul all right uh let’s see looks like he didn’t drop anything so that’s unfortunate but let’s check out what’s under here careful now that’s a trap well now that’s just miss an Thro who said she’d rather die than socialize and went to live among the
Wolves okay don’t step on that please people miss an Thro huh final resting place of Brie insert something cheesy no I refuse okay we got a bone pile there just a pile of dirt that was on the uh the road there here lies Eric he ruined everything wow Eric I can’t believe
It should apologize or something okay okay get some water please before we all die thank you I need to mys with I’m tripping on the bless the seven I am restored it’s always fun to get uh just incinerated isn’t it all right let’s see what else do we have here I needed
That here lies Terry the gravedigger buried by an amateur a poor Terry here lies Joe cil’s worst shoe maker he never knew when something was AER that’s terrible oh what do we got an old metal key all right that might be what we want all right so we got a couple barrels over
Here go ahead and be lucky some call it luck others call it skill let’s see we got here take that nothing there bone pile over here unfortunately I am oiled and that is uh going to take me a little while to get over to this bone pile
Nothing is there an extra bone pile up here that I hadn’t opened I don’t think so actually all right let’s wait for this to uh come back let’s see if this key works on these Chests all right an old metal key in this one better have something good I another old metal key that better not be Trixie all right well for now uh where is my there’s my key bag okay key and key uh oh yeah how to speak troll zombie Edition how to speak troll zombie
Edition grunt goom gr you need to give me the troll toll gr Grump your actions displease me greatly gr I understand that trolls must collect toll but surely zombies are accepted gr frat death quite becomes you one of your good looks one of your good
Looks ought not be uh to waste his time with toll collecting collection oh one of your good looks ought not to be yeah okay uh oomph I’ll remove your rotten skull and use it for kickball grimp perhaps you’re right you may pass freely gr cross damn the gold I’ll kill
You gr greetings Graff Gruff take these coins 100 should do all right and give that to to uh Hano give the grenade to You yeah my uh my armor is Better I’m level nine uh and that is actually a better uh better bow now uh knockdown for one turn stunned for one turn 10% chance of each get a slightly higher crit chance same basic damage but also 8 to 13 air damage yeah let’s go ahead and equip
That now I should have equipped that earlier go ahead and give this over to to be daughter that might be better than what she’s got immunity to Blind give that to you as well oh I never uh identified this helmet uh 32 armor rating plus two initiative give that over to you as
Well I’ll check to see if any of these are better for anyone probably not but you never know I don’t care about the uh staff oh there’s an extra key here get that put away um yeah it’s fine all right so let’s see you have perception and dexterity rings
So that is not going to be uh better so none of those rings are going to be better uh the belt blacksmithing and crafting would be better in terms of just like what kind of uh um like that doesn’t do me any good outside of combat
So yeah we’ll go with that we can always swap that overunity to Blind but I got perception with that and it’s actually better armor anyway 52 to 90 50 to 86 yep that is going to be a better bow armor is not better so I got Lore Master Ring yeah that’s
Something to keep on her all right that is level 9ine so 97 to 126 and 14 to 18 fire damage yep that is going to be better right now okay belt blacksmithing and bodybuild bu strength and bodybuilding no that’s not better plus two initiative plus one perception
Better armor rating I think we’ll take that I don’t think that you need perception that much and yeah all right I’m going to leave some of these things on you for now though all right uh Divine Light is warm and struck by Divine Light which uh decreases uh bodybuilding and
Willpower for those uh in the area could be good but I don’t know it’s a cone huh 7 meter cone I don’t know we’ll think about it uh I’d have to forget something else anyway to use that but it might still be good anyway uh when we
Come back next time we still have some more uh some more of the graveyard to investigate we got some things up here looks like one has tumbled back down that way um got to be careful over here because uh there is a lot
Of uh goop but I want to get to these uh containers before I burn any of the goop cuz uh it it would it would be annoying to lose out on the chancef for goodies but that will be next time see you then everyone