Well hello there how is everyone I hope you are all well you beautiful beautiful people do you know do you know I need to do some housekeeping because I do multiple videos a day and I don’t know how many I’m ever going to do anymore cuz I’m going to try and do as
Many as possible because you’re amazing and you damn well deserve it so just keep an eye out keep make sure you’ve got the notification Bell hit on and set to all obviously if you want as many notifications as possible but the way YouTube works I think you basically get
Like two notifications a day that they can pretty much guarantee and even those are sketchier than Moscow Idaho so what I will say is if you’ve got them on and you still don’t seem to be getting notifications hit unsubscribe then resubscribe that may reset them also
Make sure that if you’re looking on a phone or on a tablet that your settings for notifications are set to on cuz even if you’ve got YouTube settings set to on notifications if your phone or tablet settings are set to off on notifications on a specific app and your phone settings will
Supersede your app settings does that make sense I hope so anyway I’m going to shut up and I’m going to get on with it because video one earlier which I hope that you’ve all all watched because this will make a lot more sense if you’ve watched video one but if you haven’t
Watched video One watch this then go back and watch but we’re basically talking about is there a potential that this kind of this Greek setting this sorority fraternity would they lie to cover up a crime and I think what history has taught us is that that is very very much a likely scenario
Where something could happen whether it be something that gets out of hand um or a hazing situation something like that and again I’m not saying that the Idaho 4 case was a Hazen I do not think that whatsoever but do I think that there’s a potential there that something broke out
A fight broke out and it was to do with these fraternities and sororities they all got involved and perhaps they helped sort some things out in the house hence a delay and they’ll all keep quiet they’ll all keep stum and allow whatever will be will be yes I think that that
There’s something that you cannot completely take off the table you know if if Brian cerg is innocent someone else is guilty and you’re going to have to start looking elsewhere and look Brian coburger could well and truly be guilty course he could there is circumstantial evidence and there is some
Issues but ultimately someone did it that’s that’s the fact the fact is someone did it the reality is we don’t know who yet and if Moscow Idaho have anything to do with it and the way that things are playing out we might not ever know because there will be still be people
Even if Brian gets convicted and he gets convicted solely on circumstantial evidence and a lot of people are going to be pissed off I’m just saying the truth but anyway look with with regards to the Frat situation is there things in the Idaho 4 case that supports that narrative is the
Things that could potentially lead you to believe that that is how this played out and I think there is I think the the main thing is this I’ve seen people comment and say look if somebody went in here just to do this crime and and and maximum damage so
To speak you got to think to yourself why would somebody go into this house and go to specific rooms and I’ll tell you what I mean by that I mean you’ve got to consider that someone went into this house and specifically went in the house and walked past specific doors
Before they got to their first victim that’s a fact they walked past they went they was on a floor that contained what would end up being two of the victims two more victims and one surviving roommate so they’ve walked past them and gone to a top floor so
That shows that there was some purpose to it now I’ve said to you in the past that this almost had a military feel to it and I felt that you know if you’re if you’re someone who’s going to to clear a building so to speak you’d start at the
Top and you work your way down so wasn’t someone who just went in here bit of military history done a bit of reading up whatever thought they were [ __ ] Rambo went in there and done what they did upstairs then we going to come down but then they still walk past another
Door so I’m thinking to myself right so why did they walk past that door they must have gone into this house with and I’ve said this multiple times with the foresight that they may have to force doors open because they must unless they had prior knowledge that those kids did not lock their
Doors they must have considered that they were go in here and all the doors will be locked does that make sense or am I talking [ __ ] let me know down below so they’re gone in here with the foresight they may have to force doors open they go and sort of do the attack
Upstairs come down and the room that’s nearest to it which would have potentially been if they’ve heard somebody shout up shut the [ __ ] up and all that which they may have heard that if that happened obviously that seems to be new nation that sourced that so I
Can’t say that’s 100% accurate but it would at least you’ve got to assume that it was said something along those lines anyway so they’ve gone past that door and then they must have gone all the way to zanner and Ethan’s door and why do I think that because I think if this
Person is buzzing on adrenaline they’ve just done what they did upstairs and Ethan and Zanna say they heard something and they came out of their room and they’re in sort of the living space that that void between their room and Dylan mortonson’s room then that altercation
Is going to happen in that area that per the person who did this is not going to be calmly walking them back to their room and that attack happening in that room to me this seems like this person went into this house purposefully went to one room came down purposefully
Ignored another one and purposefully went to another one and done another attack and that to me is that you’ve got two surviving roommates in this house because they were never going to be attend intended victims never going to be intended victims because again I say that if this
Was a case of some mass murderer broke into a house to murder everyone in that house and they would have gone in every single room there would have been a Randomness to it it would have been chaos but there would have been room to room to to room to room and
This wasn’t this was very strategic not only in the fact that this person seemingly had some degree of skill both physically and mentally to be able to overcome what they did and find their way through it and to leave the house relatively Scott three and if it was
Brian coburger for instance we know that there was nothing taken from the house outside the house not in his car not in his apartment on his parents house so do you know what I mean and for me from a frat perspective I think of it like this
Someone closer to home would have known what room people were in they would have known that now Dylan Mortenson someone had I can’t remember 100% what it was about but they were talking about Dylan mortensson potentially fought who she saw was Dylan Ethan sorry was Ethan so Dylan has
Saw someone and perhaps thought they were Ethan and that’s why they they weren’t reacting to it Dylan mortensson could have believed that that was any she knew that there was parties the night before they had loads of parties so it wasn’t uncommon to have people in this house and people
Who were in this house and who went to these parties and frequented this house would have known that fact that they could have potentially walked into this house and it wouldn’t have mattered they could have just literally walked in the door and even if they walked into the house and there was
People sitting there it wouldn’t have looked odd wouldn’t looked odd because they’d have just said well we’re a part I’ve seen houses like this almost like a [ __ ] open house you’re getting gassed up you go out to a club you go home you go into this house you walk in the door
And people are usually in there and they’re parying about and the doors are always open it to me this makes more sense for someone close someone close by to come in who knew the house knew who was where what was going on and the rest is history now is there any
Specific reason that they attack specific people I don’t know but it’s not necessarily about who was the target it could have simply been about who wasn’t and Dylan mortensson and the youngest being Bethany Funk who was right on the bottom floor as well maybe they were just odd ones out
Maybe they were just Outsiders and they weren’t part of it who knows I don’t know but there were and there were so many options there were so many things that could have potentially happened the thing what makes me feel that there is a potential this is someone closer to home potentially
Fraternity even sorority I hate to say it but you can’t just turn around and say that males are the only people who can kill cuz that’s not right but someone close to home would have known who was in that house where they were in that house
They would have gone in there with some degree of of not feeling if they got caught in that house it would have been too out of the ordinary remember I’m here to help you and things like that being said do you know what somebody could say
That to someone’s face if they knew that person there would be a trust there say Ethan come out and heard something and met someone face to face who he knew and that person said I’m here to help and ushered them back to the room Ethan is more likely to walk back
To the room with someone he knows if he feels that that person he knows is there to help him because there’s some people who are gone into this house to attack a group of people Ethan they they’re kicking off mate they’re kicking off but I’ll help
You I’ll help you get back to your room let’s get you in your room and get the door locked Bang Attack happens there think about it spit balling just spit balling I’ll catch all of the next one