Hey guys it’s Leilani forgot and I’m back with another video so I wanted to celebrate being on YouTube for 3 years 3 years is a long time but it doesn’t feel like it I don’t know if time is moving fast for you guys but I feel like I’ve only been on
YouTube for like a year or two cuz I still feel new it doesn’t feel old to me so I guess that’s a good thing but I want to celebrate being on for 3 years it’s been a lot of work I can tell you that just doing the research putting the
Videos together to the best of my ability I have downloaded apps to try to put together video presentations for you guys that are a bit more exciting and it’s hard so I’m still learning but I’m still proud of myself for the work that I have put into this channel I hope that
You guys have enjoyed what I have put together and have learned and benefited from the different angles that I take for the most part I’m definitely trying to influence you guys to find your way back to God and then I’m also sharing with you things that I know from the
Perspective of a counselor I give you guys a lot of information on mental health and substance abuse and life coaching to get yourself on track because I just like to help people I would like to be a person who leaves people in a better space after they’ve
Watched my content to where they feel like they got something they could use and apply towards real life situations so since the start of my channel I’ve always cared about the audience and want to have a positive impact on people so I thought it was a
Good idea to review my channel because I have some different thoughts about old videos that I made a long time ago and yeah I think that um I would like to talk with you guys about what I talked about in the past and what I think about
Some of those things now so without further Ado let’s get into this video so I have a screenshot for you guys here about a Rapture dream that I had um around a couple of months into the pandemic I was feeling kind of nervous because everything was uncertain you
Know when we had first went into lockdown nobody knew what was going to happen and you know nobody could be prepared for something like that and unfortunately some people didn’t really do well with being um what do they call it quarantine that was the word some people really didn’t do well so mental
Health issues have been on a rise ever since the pandemic and I think if people were more into um their practices of meditation more into having a relationship with God and into like self-development and working on themselves like some of the life coaching that I talk about in my content
They would have um gotten more out of the pandemic right cuz it seems like now a lot of people are complaining that they became uh antisocial and more introverted as a result of the pandemic rather than feeling more like they got to be introspective and grow close to God with that time me
Personally my first reaction to It Was Fear I was concerned that life would never go back to normal again but once I got comfortable with um being home all day during the pandemic I started to get the benefit from a meditation point of view from a working on my relationship
With God point of view so I did a lot of internal work during that time and um I was having aot lot of vivid dreams so a lot of my early videos were about dreams that I’ve had and when you work on your relationship with God and you meditate
And you take that quiet time to be happy with yourself and peaceful and quiet your mind you get a lot of spiritual insights some people have gifts to where they could see the future some people have gifts to where they can interpret dreams um you know people have different
Spiritual gifts and that’s the purpose of meditating is to really kind of hone in on what message God has put in you your intuition will tell you what your gifts are and you’ll start to notice your strengths only if you make that time in meditation so I was making that kind of
Time during the pandemic I was having all of these vivid dreams and so I made my first video about a Rapture dream that I had from God I had prayed before I fell asleep I say God I’m nervous I’m scared because this pandemic situation is weird and we have no idea you know
What’s going to happen next and I just prayed and God gave me a Rapture dream I wanted to know what would happen if I died that’s what I asked God and I had a dream that I was floating in space and I saw like this angel with his arms outstretched waiting
To receive me and it was very comforting it was like a very peaceful dream and when I woke up I remembered it I remembered everything I still remember everything about it right so I talked about it in that video but I compared that figure that I saw in my
Rapture dream to like Jesus or an angel and since then I was thinking why did I compare that figure that I saw in my Rapture dream to Jesus and it’s because in some of my travels around the world there are these uh Jesus Christ statues and this is kind of how the
Figure looked in my Rapture dream it was like a person standing far off in the distance with their arms outstretched like that so I don’t know if other people have had their own kind of rapture dreams and they’ve seen Angelic forces look like that and that’s what
Has made people erect these statues all over the world but but um this is a picture of me on vacation in a foreign country in front of one of those type of statues and I was just having fun but the bottom line is that this is what I
Saw in my Rapture dream I was like okay so there is some type of Angel that’s going to meet you when you pass away and greet you you know so that was very comforting to know that I wouldn’t have like some type of scary passing or what
Happens when your soul leaves your body is comforting it’s nothing to be afraid of and so after that I did another video about another dream that I had which was about God’s Wrath and that dream was kind of scary I saw some things that I talked about in the video
And the funny thing is after I made this video a lot of information came out in the news that validated the things that I talked about in that video and the thing is a lot of times people don’t factor in that God is in control of the whole situation so if people are
Working against God there is such a thing as God’s Wrath and I don’t know why people just want to think that God is always going to be happy and loving and peaceful as if there’s no retribution or there’s no consequences for bad behavior you know know God works in mysterious ways I’m
Not here to say you know when God’s going to do something or what God’s going to do no I’m here to say we have to carry ourselves with the awareness that God exists and God can see us so we carrying ourselves as if God doesn’t exist then that’s why people get
Involved in bad behaviors they don’t even think about how is this going to impact my relationship with God right so it’s just something to think about and I put this video God’s WRA dream out because I wanted people to understand there’s retribution you know for our Collective Behavior as human beings we are
Responsible for everything that we say and everything that we do one of the things I talked about in that video God’s Wrath dream there were sink holes being formed and I was observing that and how they had like a suction effect so the funny thing is I did that
Video uh November of 2020 from November 2020 moving forward a lot more of these type of videos came out massive sink holes that opened up all over the world all over the world so I just thought it was interesting because these are natural disasters but for some reason
Over the past couple of years there’s been a increase and natural disasters all over the world not just sink holes but also like landslides um heavy um rain Waters flooding um where there are water reserves in different parts of the world they’re breaking down and major cities
Are getting flooded all over the world so there’s just an increase in uh natural disasters over the past couple of years sinkholes are not the only thing that’s going on but I just wanted to mention it because that’s what I talked about in that particular video so it was
Interesting to kind of watch and see how the things that I talked about unfolded and I didn’t want to scare people that’s why I didn’t do a follow-up video like oh look at this look at this look at this in the news some of the um other
YouTubers that I wound up exposing which I’ll talk about in a few minutes that’s the type of content that they were doing they were using all of the scary things that were happening in the news to kind of scare people and when people get scared that’s what makes
Them join like Cults and and start to kind of become addicted to certain YouTubers because they feel like oh if if um a natural disaster happens maybe I can join up with this group of people and survive and that’s not right people should not be doing that unfortunately a lot of
People use the Bible to join these kind of um to create these fear tactic um Dooms Day end times prophecies and things like that and granted stuff like that is talked about in scripture but I don’t think it’s right to take advantage of people on that premise that’s why I always say
Just have a good relationship with God just give your heart to God because it’s not fair to people into thinking that you have to join their their camp and send all of your money I mean it’s crazy I’m going talk about it more in a couple of minutes because I’ve exposed these
Type of people but I just want you guys to understand the difference in my Ministry versus the type of people that I expose excuse me guys I had to get me something to drink my throat is dry all of a sudden soon as I go live my throat wants to be
Dry so I did this video um in December of 2020 Judgment Day what I saw I don’t know why my throat wants to act up as soon as I go live excuse me guys Judgment Day what I saw I did this video in December of 2020 because it was a based on um
Different dreams that I had had and in one case I actually actually when I did this video um oh man it was so long ago was it a dream or I had taken some someone had given me some type of like poisonous beverage it made me so
Sick that I wound up um having like a near-death experience it was was like sickening it made me extremely extremely sick and as I was like feeling the effects of it I had these type of visions of Judgment Day and so I made a video about
It and um it was like I had died and gone to heaven to be judged and I was thinking well if if I’m feeling like I’m having this outof body experience is it the future that’s being predicted to me or am I dying right now in this
Moment because I literally got judged I saw like a big screen overhead and I saw like my life flash before my eyes and I was responsible for everything that I had done in life and so what I chose to do in that moment was to forgive all of
The situations in life that I was holding on to anger and and resentment towards other people and once I decided to forgive and let go I was entered into heaven so when I actually um came out of that I wound up throwing up cuz whatever it was
That made me have that experience was like some type of poisonous kind of substance very uncomfortable very painful but I survived it and the bottom line is I came back to life feeling better than I’d ever felt before that’s when I felt like okay I can overcome my bad you know
Weaknesses we all have sinful Natures different things that we do that we know are wrong but we keep doing them the purpose of life is to really overcome those bad habits and actually live in the purpose that God gave you that makes you a good person what are your gifts
And talents that you can give to the world so when I came out of that situation I was more focused on being the best person that I could be and overcoming my bad habits and that’s why I made that video just to share with people you know you
Don’t want to get to Judgment Day and have never tried to overcome your bad habits you don’t want to have an accident you know where you might you know eat something poisonous or get into some type of bad car accident and your body passes away and your soul is not
Ready to meet the Creator you want to be like living your life in a way that you’re at least working and trying to overcome your bad habits don’t just stay stuck in doing the wrong thing this is a scripture Ezekiel 7:7-8 about judgment God’s judgment it says
Doom has come upon you upon you who dwell in the land the time has come the day is near there is panic not Joy on the mountain I am about to pour out my wrath on you and spin my anger against you I will judge you according to your conduct and
Repay you for all your detestable practices so basically when I did this video 3 years ago about Judgment Day what I saw I just wanted to give you guys the heads up that you want God put your soul in your body so when your body passes away your soul is going to return
Back to God and on that day you’re you’re going to be held accountable for whatever things that you did in life that were sinful so what you want to do is the best you can do is to repent from your sinful nature as soon as possible
And when you make it to Judgment day you won’t have a lot of burden on your soul to unleash because if you’re too burdened you might not make it into the kingdom of heaven so just do your internal work while you’re alive just do your best to overcome your sinful nature we’re all
Different in how we sin so I can’t tell you exactly what to do or what not to do unless you know you work with me in a life coaching way so when people do contact me and I talk to them in a life coaching way I do identify what the
Sinful behaviors are and I help people understand how to repent and how to clean up their lives so they can grow closer to God God so I did this video in uh December of 2020 Urgent Message to NBA young boy Green Dot he had came out with a music video where he was
Putting guns like just waving them all over the place he put a gun I think in a young girl’s mouth in the video and I was so surprised I was like no way this is not happening so I got on YouTube and I made
A video and I said to NBA young boy you have a lot of influence over all of these young people and you need to use it in a different way because the way you’re moving right now if something bad happens to you you want to have God on
Your side a few months after I made this video he wound up getting arrested um for having possession of a weapon and um I was like wow it’s so fascinating how my spirit was moved to make a video addressing NBA young boy and warning him like if you don’t start
Getting right with God you’re going to get into bad situations and sure enough a few months later he got into bad situations so I’m not saying I’m psychic or anything like that but I just can kind of read people’s energy and see where they’re going and sometimes God
Puts it on my heart to actually address it and this is one of those times at the same time that I made my video to NBA Young young boy um shortly after me um another like Pastor or preacher made a video address an NBA young boy as well and I thought that was
Interesting too because it happens a couple of times where I I will have intuition will tell me to make a video about something and then I won’t make it I’ll be like no I don’t want to talk about that or whatever and then when I go on YouTube
It’ll pop up in my feed that somebody’s talking about it and I’m like oh wow I had that intuition to talk about that same thing it happened to me a few times so sometimes God just puts out you know a word in the air and whoever’s picking
It up you know picks it up and and delivers it to the people so I did my video um addressing NBA young boy back in 2020 and then about a few months ago maybe a year ago a YouTuber made this video saying that that NBA young boy apologizes for his role in the
Destruction of this generation through his demonic music that influenced millions of young people worldwide and so this YouTuber uh fight for the truth or die for a lie backup Channel they put this video together NBA young boy did an interview in which he said that he wants to correct you know
The mistakes that he made in misleading the youth he feels responsible for that so I thought that was interesting you know I love it when I make a video and then I see like a impact in the future after I’ve made the video that okay you
Know what I said it makes sense in the real world so this is from December of 2020 I did a video called hell Realms I saw Eminem and i’ had different dreams over a period of time in which I saw different hell Realms and I was like Wow
It looked like I was basically at a distance almost like looking out of a window watching people get dropped off into hell and there were different Realms there was at least three different Realms that I saw and people were there and uh one of them was more
Dark and Smokey one was like the floor was on fire like literally a lake of fire um the other one I can’t remember right now but I talked about it in this video but I described what the surroundings were like and what the people were like and what they were
Doing and um yeah I saw Eminem in Hell In in one of these dreams and it was bugged out because he had already spoken about he feels like he sold his soul to the devil being in the music industry so once you do stuff like that it’s kind of
Hard to go back and I haven’t heard Eminem say that he’s repented and found his way back to God but I mean he’s still alive so you know I’m hope that he will repent and give his heart to God before it’s too late moving on I started
To noticed that a lot of the Hebrew Israelite type of YouTubers that I was following they were making up lies about the Bible telling people things that were simply not true and things that were not supported by the scripture and so I started making videos exposing them
Because I was subscribed to a lot of these type of uh people I watch content by all type of people who use the Bible and scripture to teach um to be honest with you the best people who preach on YouTube are the young people the kids the
Teenagers they tend to be the best preachers okay in my experience it seems like you have a lot of people who are using the Bible but they’re making up their own teachings and that’s wrong they are doing that just to take advantage of people just so they can feel like a leader and
They rais a lot of money off of their audiences and a lot of times people idolize them and worship them and not God and that’s really weird you know so I made these videos I’m going try to enlarge it so you guys can see it um about two years ago I did these
Videos because these guys were making up their own uh interpretation of the scripture and that’s just dead wrong if you’re going to speak on scripture and speak on God stick to the book stick to the word don’t tell people that you are Moses don’t don’t tell people that they
Have to leave where they live and go move out to the Wilderness to the desert with you and live in tents that is not scriptural the way that these men have used the Bible to take advantage of people it’s just wrong and that’s the reason why I exposed it in these videos so
Couple of things that I’ve also Exposed on my channel uh astrology equals The Matrix of lies and deception so I did that video because when I was younger I thought astrology was cute and fun and I used to use it I used to ask guys oh
What’s your sign and my sign is this and yours is that so we’re compatible or we’re not or whatever and the older I got the more I realized people are people like people who have different signs were’re doing the same things so people are people people are not
Limited to an astrology sign and once I realized that I stopped practicing it and I stopped talking about it but once I started getting into scripture and into Ministry scripture specifically forbids astrology so it’s is I had already come to the conclusion logically that astrology was not like real but but once
I started really getting into scripture as an adult and I read how it’s actually forbidden I felt kind of bad so that’s why I made the video to let people know don’t play with it because originally astrology was basically astronomy the study of the stars and the
Purpose of it was for farming for people to know was Seasons that they were in so they would know what they could plant and what they could Harvest and when over time the stories that became astrology were initially stories that were made up just so people can recognize the pattern of
The stars that they were seeing so if you’re using that to tell what time it is or what today’s date is or what month it is for the purpose of Agriculture then you have different stories that reflect different patterns of the stars in the sky that’s fine at
The point point where you start assuming that this has some magical effect on you that’s the point at which you’re not acknowledging that the Creator is who’s in control of everything you can’t put your life in your faith in your relationships into this type of box and then hold people accountable to some
Madeup man-made philosophy cuz now you’re saying God has nothing to do with the way the world is is in our lives or we can figure it out if we just do uh astrology right so that’s the problem with these type of uh systems they always try to remove God out of the
Equation below that I did a video on African spirituality where I talked about basically the same thing how people have these different practices that take God out of the equation when people do alchemy and Voodoo astrology numerology all these type of things they’re trying to control life from
Their own perspective they’re not trying to pray or ask God for guidance and wisdom and um whatever we can pray to God for whatever we need right but the thing is people don’t pray people don’t respect God instead they try to summon up some demons or some ancestors or do
Voodoo and Witchcraft all of that is forbidden in scripture so if you believe in the Bible you you’re not supposed to have nothing to do with none of that unfortunately I’m seeing on YouTube people are saying that they believe in God but they’re also mixing it up with
All of this stuff and so that’s why I made these videos just to clarify when it comes to spiritual warfare you can’t just take a whole bunch of different philosophies and mix them up with scripture you have to choose one or the other the two do not
Go together and scripture is very clear about that all right so here’s another video that I did now this is from uh March of 2021 how sex demons transfer to you recently people have started watching this video for some reason I don’t know why a lot
Of people have all of a sudden just clicked on this particular video recently over the past like month or two this video all of a sudden got a lot more views than it had gotten in a long time um I haven’t rewatched the video since I posted it so if I’m trying to
Remember what I talked about basically I think I was talking about how when you’re intimate with other people and you have sex there’s an exchange of energy and a lot of times if people are not doing well in life or they don’t feel emotionally well the
Type of energy that they transfer to you it’s like toxic it’s like bad energy it can make you feel depressed it can make you feel anxious just bad vibes and so in this video I was just talking about how people take sex lightly and they don’t realize that they
Could be accumulating a lot of toxic energy and stress and just icky nasty energy because a lot of times people use sex to dump their stress out on other people right so for some reason this video has gotten an uptick all right so the next one I’m talking
About in this video is Bible on sex and marriage so in this video whereas I talked about how people are dumping toxic energy on each other when they just having random sex in this video I wound up talking about what scripture says about sex and marriage in according
To scripture two people are married once they have sex and and specifically in the book of uh Malachi it says the Creator the Creator wants men to stay with the woman of their youth so basically once you find a partner and you become intimate with them that’s your
Partner and God does not like divorce right so people sleeping around the way that they do nowadays and I get it it’s a lot of brainwashing that’s coming from television and movies and social media the way that sex is used to sell every type of product um it has brainwashed people
Into thinking that sleeping around is healthy and normal and really it’s destructive you know so I talked about it from the perspective of scripture and um that’s why I did this particular video Bible on sex and marriage all right so fast forward I did some videos um on this lesbian blood
Cult there are women who are doing the same thing that some of these Hebrew Israelites are doing men are doing telling people send send them all of your money all your life savings sell all of your possessions and move out to where they are in the wilderness like in
The desert a lot of these people are moving out to Arizona um because there’s like a lot of desert land I don’t know if it’s cheap or what but there’s been a huge uptick in Cults um forming using social like YouTu anding people move out toiz to theer like
Seriously to me this sounds crazy I would never move out to the desert with a stranger I mean you have like who can help you who can reach you like what if you just get bitten by a snake and you have to go to the hospital you’re so far
Away from any type of help or any type of civilization like I would never do that but unfortunately you know a lot of the people that I expose on my channel that’s what they’re doing and that’s what this uh lesbian blood cult um is doing she’s telling
Women to you know send all their money and go move out to the Arizona desert with her but she has some uh witchcraft kind of practices so I expose that and um some of these other videos I did I talked about dark Spirits young Pharaoh brother
Polite um after I did this video on dark Spirits um young Pharaoh wound up getting into some domestic violence situation with his children’s mothers both of them they both said he assaulted them and made threats against them that he would hurt them even more also I U talked about brother poite
In that video this is from 2 years ago and brother polite just got sentenced to 7 years in jail behind inappropriate contact with a minor so it’s at the time that I made this video their situations weren’t that bad but then after I made the video time
Passed and they just got deeper and deeper and deeper into their negativity you know so once again I have to Pat myself on the back when I make the video I’m telling people like you got to stop with all this negativity but they just get deeper and deeper in and
Their problems just get worse and worse and worse the um this is the person I was talking about the lesbian blood cult she has this video here talking about we must eat the womb to ascend I mean who I don’t understand why anybody would move to the middle of the
Desert to be with a person who thinks like that that’s just crazy and she’s telling people stop waiting for the Lord now if somebody wants you to send them all of your money all of your life savings and move to the middle of the desert with them and
They’re saying stop waiting on the Lord that means that when you get to them they’re going to try to convince you that they are your God they are your lord okay that’s the only reason why people want to take God out of the equation is because they want to control
You so guys if you’ve made it this far in the video remember to like share my videos subscribe to my channel you can support you can send Super Chat super stickers you can send me a cash app PayPal you can email me if you have ideas for future videos at leani forgot
Gmail.com and you can join my YouTube memberships so those are different ways you can support my channel so I can keep going for another three years all right so back to the content I made this video and December of 2021 Chief X wants $80 for $749 worth of products so this is a
YouTuber who built his channel off of telling people that other YouTubers are scamming them the crazy thing about it is that he was also scamming too he was selling Moringa powder which is a green leaf that was dried and beaten into a powder form and he was
Selling it for $80 but if you were to go on Amazon and buy the same amount um you could buy the amount that he charged $80 for you could get it on Amazon for $7.50 so the markup on his product was so high that he’s just as bad as the
People that he was exposing and it’s weird because he was accusing other people of overcharging people for [ย __ย ] products and was doing the same thing I don’t understand why anybody would think that they can just like call out other people for the same behavior that they’re doing I don’t
Get that I’m thinking if you’re going to say other people are wrong they’re overcharging people for products that are unnecessary I mean why would you do the same thing and that’s why I tell people in my content you have to look at the Spirit Behind these people that’s evil that’s just
Wrong so some time had passed since I made the video I did the first video exposing him in September of 2021 and then in January of 2023 which is a little over a year later I went back to check on his channel and sure enough he was still
Selling bad products overpriced he was still doing the same thing and I know a lot of people do that on social media people like especially people who do like Drop Shipping they buy something cheap and they sell it overpriced to make a profit right but they’re not on social media telling you
Other when other people do it they’re wrong that’s the reason why I wound up exposing this guy because he was specifically exposing other people for doing the same thing that he was doing all right I did a video exposing Tasha K because she mocked God and after that she wind up getting
Into the lawsuit with cardi B cardi B asked Tasha K to take down some you know things that were not true and Tasha K refused to take it down so cardi B sued her now in before Tasha K got sued she was talking crazy about God she was
Making of God she was saying that um she’s Jesus or she’s over Jesus or something weird she was just just being just being rude and disrespectful towards people who believe in God and she thought it was a joke and right after she started playing around like
That she got sued and when she got sued her husband had to basically testify against her he didn’t do it on purpose but when he was being questioned he didn’t you know the fact that she was wrong and her employees one of them wound up or two of them they wound up
Kind of telling some of her secrets on social media so I did this video saying Tasha K mocks God gets sued and betrayed by her husband and employees because if you’re going to play games like that on social media making fun of God to hundreds of thousands of people and you think
There’s not going to be any consequences well God humbled her real quick fast and in a hurry because people who have those type of personalities to where they have no respect for God then of course she has no respect for people and that’s the reason why she went as
Far as she did with cardi B to the point where now she’s liable for more than $4 million in Damages you see that’s why I say look at the Spirit Behind these people we’re not just living in a physical world we’re also living in a spiritual world and in the spiritual
World there is Warfare and that’s what I’m talking about on my channel that’s why I expose people the spiritual warfare that’s going on that we don’t perceive we think people are just playing they’re just joking or they’re just crazy there’s a spiritual element behind behavior and we need to start to
See in the spirit in order to understand it all righty so I did some other videos here actually I wanted to focus on these two God is the Great Awakening part one and part two I did those a year ago and I was basically talking about
How there’s a lot of uh New Age philosophies and New Age philosophies they tend to um give a lot of information that has nothing to do with God people think that they’re going to make magic you know and make things happen on their own and so I did the
Video to expose a lot of new age philosophies and I basically showed this crazy map called the Great Awakening and I started to debunk it now there’s a lot of inform on this map this is crazy it’s a lot I started to debunk these things
One by one in those two videos and I only got through the top of this map right and people really like the videos the feedback that I got in the comments on these was really good so um I might go back and um cover the rest of it because there’s a lot there
Is a lot here to get into so I don’t know you guys let me know send me some emails or give me some comments and let me know if y’all want me to finish covering the Great Awakening okay because there’s a lot to talk about
You know there’s a lot but if you want to kind of get an idea I talked a little bit about it in uh these two videos God is the Great Awakening part one and part two all right guys I start breaking all of this stuff down this is a shorter version of that
Same map and some of the things that I broke down in those two videos I found another map maybe this will be good for a future video where it’s called The Vault of culture and basically these are all of the things that people talk about in The Devil’s
Network all of these things and how they’re related how the media is used to influence people brainwash people I talked about it a little little bit in my um video on mind control and I also made a playlist for you guys about mind control so that if you guys watch some
Of the videos in the mind control exposed uh playlist or mind control techniques uh playlist that I did for y’all you will be on top of this stuff they won’t be able to fool you you won’t be under any of these brainwash programs um that they put out in general
Society like these are things people talk about when they want to be like um conspiracy theorists now the funny thing is a lot of conspiracy theories do turn out to be true so you can’t just you know dismiss people you have to give people a chance to explain themselves at
Least um however you also have to be informed enough on your own that you can hold a conversation about some of these things because this is like the majority of the theories that make up the conspiracy theory community so that means that some of this stuff is true
And then some of it is false and that’s the reason why I started to debunk it to kind of separate you know what is um useful from what’s not useful so last year I did this video how gangstalkers get all of your personal information and I talked about the
Spirit behind people especially when they operate as a group there are situations in real life as well as on the internet not just um in uh online but in real life things happen to where a group of people will come together to Target stalk and physically assault or sexually assault
Or otherwise harass an individual this happens all over the world there are a lot of people who talk about this on YouTube who document their experiences or they report on other people’s experiences that go through this gangstalking phenomenon it sounds crazy the people who experience it are often called
Crazy but the truth is it really happens and so I talk about it in depth in this particular video to explain the spirit behind people when they form in these type of devil Network groups okay I did a video called worships blue face more than God gets a used and
Cheated on and I was basically talking about how CA had a promising future for herself before she met up with blueface she graduated from college she was very athletic she was on some type of reality show that was based on her athleticism and unfortunately she lost
Her mind when she met blueface she lost her whole focus in life on her strengths and and she started to only play into her weaknesses uh for public entertainment and unfortunately blue face was able to capitalize on that and it just made CA look bad and so we know recently um Chan had
A baby with blue face I took this screenshot because after I did the video saying that cron was worshiping blueface more than God um it was about I don’t know a few months later that she um she showed proof that she was pregnant by him and this is what
He put out on uh I guess this is is this Twitter or Instagram it looks like Twitter so he tweeted Rock has had encounters with 10 different men in the last year until I see DNA test then it’s not mine to answer y’all’s questions yes me and rock are officially done it’s
Strictly business I tried it so he was basically denying that she was pregnant by him even though we all saw them in a public relationship they did a reality show together uh for Zeus Network so obviously they were together so for him to say they’re not together the child isn’t his while she’s
Pregnant it’s just devastating like that’s the worst case scenario for any pregnant woman and then to make it worse she was filmed drinking alcohol so I mean people also said she was fighting while she was pregnant so on the one hand blueface was saying oh it’s
Not my baby then on the other hand Chan knew she was pregnant but still you know doing things that would be harmful to the child and so all of these things happened after I made my video and I just feel like the reason why things got
Worse for her is once again when you put human being in between your relationship with God and you think a human is more valuable to you than your relationship with God bad things happen I’ve seen it happen over and over again so many times you never put another human being on a
Pedestal like they are God or you worship them or that’s all you care about all you love in life to where you have no principles and morals about yourself because that’s what happens the devil is not going to do anything but rag tag and drag you all right so in November of last
Year I did this video black people are God’s chosen people of the Bible and I talked about Israelites and the history of the oldest Bibles in the world and I made this video because of what happened with Kanye West and Kyrie Irving when um I what Happ I think Kyrie got in
Trouble with the NBA because he posted a link to a video about Israelites and then Kanye made a public statement that he was being targeted by uh the Jewish Bankers or something with his money got tied up because he made some comments that they didn’t like so
That’s why I wound up making this video just clarifying the confusion I didn’t feel like neither Kanye nor Kyrie were like explaining themselves very well it’s like they kind of sort of wanted to say black people are the original people of the Bible but they
Were too scared so I just went ahead and made a video and gave the facts and showed the research so anybody could go behind me and do their own research to understand the truth of the matter that’s the problem with these like celebrities and entertainers and sports people they have no Freedom they
Cannot speak their mind even if they know the truth they can’t say it they just have to uh hold it in and if they do try to say it they have like the worst consequences they lose all of their money or large portions of their money you know the system shuts them
Down so that’s a side effect of selling your soul that is the definition of selling your soul at the point where you know the truth but you can’t say it because you’re afraid of losing your your job or your money then you’re selling out that is the definition of selling
Out all right guys let’s move on here’s a list of some of my most watched videos I got the most views 9,400 views on my video exposing Hebrew Mormon nightes and then I got my next most views 7,900 views on a video exposing world news my next one 7,300 views exposing to
Not and then my next biggest views were exposing Tokyo Tony so it seems like people prefer to watch my videos where I expose people when I just make videos talking about God in the Bible I only get a couple of hundred views which is fine you know people will find it when
They’re ready for it but as long as I’m exposing somebody the views are up now I don’t just expose people for no reason if I expose somebody it’s because they’re really up to no good they’re causing harm to people they’re lying they’re manipulating they’re abusing people taking advantage of people and so
That’s when I start exposing it’s not something that I want to do it’s just something that it aggravates me to sit back and watch how these people abuse other people and they get away with it and that bothers me and so when I get bothered I take action I
Don’t just sit back and let bad things happen and don’t say anything I get active I get involved because I care so and it’s also scriptural according to Ephesians 5 11-14 the scripture urges believers to take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness and instead expose them it is
Shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret instead Believers are encouraged to reveal truth to the Servants of darkness and not associate with them because they have no fruit in them all right guys so people get mad at me for exposing all of these people
Because they’re fans and they don’t see anything wrong with these people people’s bad behavior so when I expose it people say to me you’re Lani for God you’re not supposed to be exposing people you’re supposed to be nice and happy and love everybody no matter what
They do wrong and I have to keep reminding people that’s not true scripture clearly says to expose the work of darkness and when the things that people are doing that I’m exposing is what I call online Predators they’re stalking doxing hacking and they’re just going way too far into invading people’s
Privacy they like to Target people that are not even related to the person that they’re harassing they like to try to get in touch with people’s friends and families call up people’s jobs try to get them fired they just go way too far these are evil Wicked demonic people and
That’s the reason why I Expos them someone left me a comment they said I can’t believe you compiled this all for us to see the time and effort this must have taken this all needed to be exposed thank you sis and I replied to her I said you’re very welcome it took
Me two weeks and believe it a not I added about 40 more videos exposing world news to the bottom of the playlist please share this video in the playlist across all of your social media so the funny thing is a predator who’s harassing me online he’s taken my words
And he’s telling his audience to share his videos across all social media platforms which I think is hilarious because he’s a predator and now he’s trying to expose other people as if he’s in any position to expose anybody else but anyway somebody else below that common said
That we’re stupid for exposing this type of stuff hi Lisa thank you for joining oh thank you so much for the congratulations I was just talking about my channel and how I’ve been exposing people and why I’ve been exposing people and it’s basically to keep the internet
Safe and to help people who are going through too much invasions of privacy on this internet and I’m sure you’ve seen it with your own two eyes Lisa this YouTube is something crazy I did an exposed video on DJ Genesis that she got robbed and nobody
Cares because she lies and I wound up saying that um Genesis was into some type of like witchcraft where they sacrifice animals and they do rituals with the blood and all type of stuff like that and I was saying that’s the reason why Genesis doesn’t get along
With a lot of people is because she has this type of toxic energy from her spiritual practices of sacrificing animals right so guess what some people that were her roommates they did this video um on this channel Zulu vision and they exposed Genesis I did my video on
Genesis September 25th 2023 and they just did their video exposing her like a couple of weeks ago so after me thank you Lisa I appreciate your work too I’ve been in your bushes watching your content too Lisa thank you so much um surviving DJ Genesis they actually they went into detail they said
That this guy in the middle he said that Genesis had him clean up a room with a whole bunch of dead chickens and ducks and birds that she had sacrificed and how she kept trying to get them to go and join her um I don’t know what her
Leader is called I think it’s called like a babalao or something like that like whoever Genesis whoever initiated her into this religion where they kill animals make animal sacrifices she was sacrificing animals and making them clean it up and trying to um initiate them into her religion
And they talked about how you know Genesis was into all of this stuff and I’m glad that they made their video and said that cuz that’s what I was talking about in my video I didn’t have proof like they’re saying that they eyewitnessed sacrifice and animals I
Said it that she was doing that because um she told what her religion is and that’s what they do in her religion so anyway I was glad that people who actually lived with her were able to say we witnessed it she killed a whole bunch of animals and someone says wow and she
Portrayed herself as this sweet person I really thought she was just this really smart quiet person that someone could possibly get over on but she out here getting over on people the chicken sacrifice would have done it for me you know and I thought the same thing
I thought Genesis was a nice sweet lady and you know people were harassing her online and I was standing up for her I was saying like everybody is bullying her and cursing her out and it’s for no reason and everybody’s like going too hard only um to come to find out that
You know Genesis is a very dark person who cannot be trusted so I kind of went through a phase this year earlier this year in September of 2023 and I said you know what guys I’m going to stop like exposing people for a while I’m just going to focus on conversations with God
And this was back in September and I I specifically said I was going to stop like arguing with YouTubers and yelling and screaming and cursing people out because I was getting so upset on you YouTube I was getting so upset behind the type of people that I was exposing
That I was just getting angry and I was using my Angry Words I was cursing and yelling and just being Reckless with my choice of words so back in September I said okay I’m going to focus on God and um stop arguing with YouTubers as soon as I said that all of
A sudden a whole bunch of YouTubers started making videos attacking me I was like Wow as soon as I decided to stop arguing with people when I said I’m going to stop that’s when a whole bunch of people wanted to argue with me it was so weird
And I was so triggered and I was so hooked and I said oh well so I went back to arguing with them but the truth is from September 6th of this year that’s the point at which I was supposed to stop arguing with people but unfortunately I kept arguing with
People and so I started a new process um to get myself in check to be responsible for myself and my own behavior I cannot control other people I can only control myself so starting November 1st I put it on my calendar I am practicing 90 days of forgiveness I am not arguing with
Anybody I don’t care what they say about me I am very happy with myself and with my life I’m very happy with God and what what God has done for me and with me so I’m choosing to focus on that because when you start arguing with people on
YouTube they love it they it’s it’s how they get views that’s what they want they want negative energy and it’s just ridiculous it’s so dumb and I’m not interested so I changed my um subjects to start talking more about how to let go and let God how to
Repent um I did a little bit of exposing I did expose a couple of people over the past two weeks um because their behavior was egregious but for the most part my content has been focused on work on your relationship with God and try to overcome your sinful nature because
That’s what makes life much easier and much more fun more satisfying things go your way all of a sudden there will be synchronicities in your life where things happen that you like that you want to happen you can’t get to a better place in life if you’re involved in too
Much negativity you really have to clean your space your mind and your heart you know in order for life to work out for you like the way you want it too so I’ve been cleaning my space cleaning my heart practicing forgiveness every day I’m doing 90 days of forgiveness that’s
Going to be the whole month of November the whole month of December the whole month of January so I can get back to me and who I really am which is I’m a very creative person and I have a lot of ideas of things that I want to do
Creatively and that’s how I get my motivation and my inspiration is when I’m like in a good space and I’m not in a good space when I’m arguing with people so I’ve been focused on cleaning my space and actually working on my relationship with God and that’s where
The channel is at now there will be more exposed videos coming soon yes but not arguing with other YouTubers they will be exposed videos that’s based on like really really big scandals so stay tuned for future content from me talking about bigger issues out in the world not
YouTubers but world issues I’ll be exposing those type of things moving forward so thank y’all for coming to my threeyear celebration of my channel I hope you guys understand where I’m coming from why I do the type of content that I do I hope that y’all like the
Videos I hope that y’all share my videos please subscribe to the channel support you can send Super Chat super stickers you can cash at me PayPal me you can email me you can join my YouTube memberships and I look forward to seeing y’all in my future videos thanks for
Coming I hope you enjoyed and I will see y’all very soon with more content stay blessed