That was so anticlimactic I hate myself rightĀ now sounds like the airplanes are rocket thatĀ Ā was way way way too much sugar welcome to Pisa –Ā Land where Theme Park meets lean Park and youĀ Ā
Get the chance to go on one ride and one rideĀ only I feel like I need to keep my arms likeĀ Ā this because I might Pictures not included I mean thisĀ commitment is just wow and squash the birthdayĀ Ā cake today we accidentally fall for a commonĀ misconception about a visit to Pisa absolutelyĀ Ā
Fascinating that it can be done in just one dayĀ cheers as we realize that there is a lot moreĀ Ā to do than meets the eye and this city is moreĀ than just its 800-year-old Leaning Tower thisĀ Ā
Is actually a bit disorientating don’t forgetĀ to get the gelato hold on to your seats as weĀ Ā guide you on a fun factual City walking tourĀ through its medieval Center discovering whatĀ Ā makes Pisa such a fascinating place we’re MatteoĀ and Micha we’re currently traveling to all 20Ā Ā
Regions of Italy on the ultimate Italian road tripĀ subscribe to follow the adventure cheers darling cheers all right it is 9:30 a.m. we are climbingĀ a hill on the way to the train station to get theĀ Ā 9:42 train to Pisa luckily the train ride isĀ only 30 minutes from here and normally MatteoĀ Ā
And I aren’t up walking around this early butĀ it is gorgeous we’re on top of the walls againĀ Ā here in Lucca there’s already people out forĀ their morning walks morning jogs bike ridesĀ Ā
Do you think we’ll make it to the train oh yeahĀ easy it’s like I think what does it say it’s 5Ā Ā minute walk over yeah so we got to take theĀ stairs down and then the train stations overĀ Ā
There oh perfect got a nice view of the walls areĀ these stairs yes they are stairs this is what weĀ Ā have to take oh wow this is like a this is quiteĀ cool we never been down here before now we’re atĀ Ā
The base of the Lucca walls look at those wallsĀ even though it’s 9:30 for some reason in ItalyĀ Ā it feels like you’re up at 6:00 a.m. because it’sĀ so peaceful and quiet I feel like it really theĀ Ā city doesn’t really come alive no matter whereĀ you’re at until roughly about 11:00 but it’sĀ Ā
Very chill very calm I love it and we’re excitedĀ for our day in pizza oh wow we got here quick weĀ Ā have a pretty brisk walking pace though isĀ this our train oh please yes our Train’s here train that way oh no I hate sittingĀ backwards I get motion sickness I shouldĀ Ā
Have picked another two seats I wasn’tĀ thinking about it so now that we’ve onĀ Ā the train mat’s going to check inĀ our ticket and validated good to go we are now arriving final destination of thisĀ Ā journey we advise you to beĀ careful while getting on the
Train just a helpful tip for futureĀ traveling whenever you sit down onĀ Ā a train airplane bus make sure youĀ check the seat once you’ve got upĀ Ā because you’ll be surprised how manyĀ people leave stuff sitting on the seat
Here there’s also a Pisa mover shuttle that takesĀ you to the airport so if you’re at Pisa Centrale you canĀ Ā just take that straight to the airport so weĀ just made it to pentr it is about 10:15 oneĀ Ā
Thing to keep in mind with Pisa and alsoĀ with Florence and a lot of other ItalianĀ Ā train stations is that there is more than justĀ one stop for some of these cities so for PisaĀ Ā I think there’s about four stops Pisa CentraleĀ is just one of them so just cuz you hear Pisa
Make sure that it’s the right Pisa stop orĀ the right Florence stop Palermo has like 10Ā Ā so that’s just something to keep in mind alsoĀ my hair is like in a world of its own todayĀ Ā
So I apologize if I look like I just came outĀ of a tumble dryer these curls girls with curlyĀ Ā hair you know what I’m talking about some daysĀ you’re like it looks great other days you’reĀ Ā
Like you know you just got to let it do its thingĀ because I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on today Matteo’s travel tip of the morning I needĀ a pee cuz I drank so much water this morning butĀ Ā
In the station the toilets are ā¬1 save your1Ā go to a cafe buy a coffee use their bathroomĀ Ā be a lot easier a lot of Cheaper two birdsĀ one Euro there’s also a bus terminal rightĀ Ā outside here King Victoria Manu thei inĀ 1861 after the unification of Italy KingĀ Ā
Victorio manuale thei was the first king ofĀ a unified Italy and so that’s why there’sĀ Ā a statue behind us as Italy only lost itsĀ monarchy in 1946 after World War II and justĀ Ā like our boy just SE gab Baldi you will findĀ streets patas statues all dedicated to him as
Well so right now we’re on Coro Italia which isĀ one of the main shopping streets here so you’llĀ Ā find the more like modern stuff like zoraa anĀ saora and there’s a bunch of cafes beautifulĀ Ā architecture well that’s new you don’t see tooĀ many Victoria Secrets here you got a giant OBSĀ Ā
But our first stop first order of the day huge isĀ going to be a little breakfast so we’re going toĀ Ā Galileo Cafe there’s a couple things we wantĀ to try so that’s how we are kicking off the
Day it is a very cute Street my man behindĀ me Nicola Pisano you hear his name throughoutĀ Ā Tuscany a lot he’s often referred to as oneĀ of the fathers of Italian sculpture a lot ofĀ Ā the buildings and palaces and squares youĀ see around here were actually designed by
Him that looks uncomfortable oh goodness man thatĀ man’s literally in the cage trying to clean the window this is one of the first times in Italy that I’veĀ ever seen this funny blue thing it actually looksĀ Ā
Like a bicycle repair station the tools are allĀ on pieces of wire but the only problem with thisĀ Ā is that all the tools have been stolen soĀ I’m guessing no way there’s still one whatĀ Ā are you going to do no there’s like a littleĀ baby wrench and pliers and is that I’ve neverĀ Ā
Seen that neither have I that’s actually veryĀ creative so we made it to our Cafe here let’s see oo see that’s so funny I didn’tĀ know what the other one was it’s pistachio oh my this is likeĀ the prettiest one we’ve ever
Gotten f oh we can sit over there so Matteo’sĀ a lucky duck because this is the first timeĀ Ā we’ve ever come across a pistachio CRĀ Cafe normally it’s just the standard one it’s October so they’re about to stopĀ serving these at cafes because it’s a summerĀ Ā
Thing but thankfully it’s still warm enough thatĀ we were able to get one but this is the fanciestĀ Ā and cutest one I’ve ever had normally they justĀ dispense it into the cup but here they actuallyĀ Ā
Put like a chocolate sauce in the cup and thenĀ they put chocolate sauce on top of it for bothĀ Ā of ours the most similar thing I can compareĀ it to texture wise is like a McFlurry or likeĀ Ā a milkshake type thing but this is coffeeĀ and chocolate I’ve been waiting all week for
This that is divine every time I haveĀ one of these it’s like the first timeĀ Ā I’ve ever had it this is so delicious thatĀ chocolate sauce really kicks sit up a notchĀ Ā excellent touch I know it’s only like 10:30Ā in the morning right now but who cares we’reĀ Ā
Going to be on a sugar high today M that isĀ delicious I’m excited for matato to try thisĀ Ā pistachio one because it’s a first for us allĀ right oh wait it’s really fluffy why is it so
Fluffy what is it it’s like a super light andĀ fluffy ice cream it’s like a gelato but like aĀ Ā breakfast one but like a it is it’s like a it’sĀ like a little bit thicker than a milkshake butĀ Ā not thick but fluffy it tastes like chocolateĀ and pistachio have you been following alongĀ Ā
This adventure you know that I love everythingĀ pistachio except for that one time I had thatĀ Ā one that was a bit too intensely pistachio downĀ in Sicily aragona might have had something toĀ Ā do with the fact that you ate about 25 pistachioĀ desserts back to back to back but could I mean IĀ Ā
Could be wrong so is the pistachio flavor strongĀ in this one is it good oh it’s delicious almostĀ Ā maybe you wouldn’t do it with the chocolateĀ chocolate almost dels the pistachio a littleĀ Ā bit just pistachio it’s delicious it’s lot thisĀ is the first time I’ve come across something soĀ Ā
Fluffy here that’s in between all the thingsĀ that we eat and drink it is delicious so IĀ Ā like pistachio but not nearly to the degreeĀ that Mato does but I always like to try these things it literally tastes like they just creamĀ down the nut and made it like an ice creamĀ Ā
Milkshake it leaves the aftertaste as if you’veĀ just eaten a handful of pistachios so if you’re aĀ Ā pistachio lover I can definitely see why you wouldĀ go for this I can definitely tell why Mato likesĀ Ā
It but two scoops is good for me I’m definitelyĀ way more on like the normal coffee Chocolate TrainĀ Ā so it’s interesting though let give this coffeeĀ you want a try no the the coffee one’s better theĀ Ā coffee one’s better and it’s stronger it actuallyĀ tastes like a coffee the pistachio one’s more ofĀ Ā
A gelat this is more of a coffee coffee y getĀ the coffee one get the coffee one but you canĀ Ā get a smaller size in this Michelle just said getĀ the large ones so you can get like half size thisĀ Ā
Maybe get like a little bit of pistachio littleĀ bit of coffee give them a taste on yourself soĀ Ā Crema de Cafe was actually invented in Naples byĀ women who didn’t want to forego their afternoonĀ Ā
Cup of coffee on the hot summer days so theyĀ came up with the idea to put their coffee withĀ Ā sweetened thick thick whipped cream and just likeĀ mix it on up so that you can still get your coffeeĀ Ā
Kick in a nice cold beautiful way and that’s whyĀ they only have it in the summer because it’s meantĀ Ā for hot weather so you won’t if you’re here in theĀ winter I actually think the cut off is probablyĀ Ā
October I’m surprised we found it today but bestĀ invention ever in atand these little really crappyĀ Ā cetes that you come across in every Gia and bakeryĀ in all little cafes they’re not actually forĀ Ā
Wiping your hands they so that you can hold yourĀ pastry and not do it to your hands which kind ofĀ Ā makes sense but it’s also quite annoying justĀ sometimes you just miss a good old napkin you
Know this napkin is not going to help MĀ just bit into it and the choc like justĀ Ā popped out the top I mean that does lookĀ oh so creamy Matteo’s Italian travel tipĀ Ā of the day actually travels up in generalĀ always keep a thing of wet napkins in yourĀ Ā
Bag for situations such as this okay wellĀ that’s that does look good though oh it’s going don’t get it on yourĀ pants that’s aggressive atĀ Ā least you know it’s full yeah jeezĀ squirting out the side it’s good
Though going everywhere I’m not winning at leastĀ I didn’t skill okay here we go there’s so muchĀ Ā chocolate that’s too much chocolate for me andĀ that’s saying lunch it’s okay just be on a sugarĀ Ā high today as I said napkin doesn’t do anythingĀ and here we are this video is not sponsored byĀ Ā
Kleenex there’s no classy way to eat this justĀ just enjoy it just just enjoy it that was tooĀ Ā much chocolate even for me it’s very common hereĀ that you hear of the ketto Classico which is justĀ Ā
Plain there’s nothing in it cuz it’s Times LikeĀ These when you realize that you wish you justĀ Ā got a plain one cuz sometimes there’s too muchĀ chocolate and sometimes they’re too skimpy onĀ Ā the chocolate this time wasn’t one of thoseĀ times it’s like a roulette while Mato went toĀ Ā
Wash all the chocolate off his hands I’m busyĀ eating my croissant and it is full with creamĀ Ā it’s still really warm and it is just deliciousĀ the cream croissant are my favorite total cameĀ Ā
Out to 790 where two next I’m not going to lieĀ I’m not feeling too great that was way way wayĀ Ā too much sugar I feel a bit like I feel I feelĀ responsible for this I should have gotten us theĀ Ā
Smalls not the largest of the cafe and I doĀ the same thing every time every time I haveĀ Ā every 5050 the chocolate croissant has wayĀ too much chocolate in and I keep ordering itĀ Ā like a clown the next time I need to go emptyĀ but on that note we recognize the balls behindĀ Ā
Us the medi Crest cuz the medii actuallyĀ took over the city no I don’t believe itĀ Ā during the Renaissance never heard of them it’sĀ like their principal port that they had back in 1500s and for a second it feels likeĀ we’re in Florence it is same riverĀ Ā
As Florence the honor runningĀ right through the middle of the city it just me does that buildingĀ look crooked the brown one I wasĀ Ā like the Leaning Tower I guess leaning is a common and here we are coming up on the BlueĀ Palace this is Palazo blue the BlueĀ Ā
Palace it’s famous because it’s blueĀ it’s literally the only blue buildingĀ Ā that you’ll find around here and it’s alsoĀ home to numerous modern art exhibitions theĀ Ā sun’s coming out tomorrow we’re out and aboutĀ your bottom dollars back tomorrow okay AnnieĀ Ā
Where are we going next we’re going to go toĀ the KN Square it’s in the daytime not to the cake it’s a gorgeous day unlike our island of Sicily Tuscany wasn’tĀ invaded as many times and so there’s not actuallyĀ Ā
As intense of a difference as there is City toĀ city in Sicily one side’s Arab one side’s NormanĀ Ā one side’s Lombard Greek that’s all different hereĀ it was the whole like region of Tuscany was kindĀ Ā of ruled by the truskin the Romans Medi and thenĀ France from my understanding from from NapoleonĀ Ā
But I think that’s about it they don’t have theĀ whole invasions as it’s not an island in theĀ Ā Mediterranean it’s further up less strategic asĀ it was for trading ports such as Ms was so yeahĀ Ā everything starts to look a little bit similarĀ it’s a little bit similar every city definitelyĀ Ā
Has its own Vibe but there’s less of a starkĀ contrast from City to city as there was in SicilyĀ Ā I mean from one day to the next one city to theĀ next and S like you’re in a completely differentĀ Ā
World so but it’s nice still beautiful if youĀ had watched our Luca video you would notice ourĀ Ā exact same statue in the exact same Piaza with theĀ same name oh I’ll take uh gerbaldi for 500 SteveĀ Ā
Exactly nice just the remanda one of the men thatĀ is responsible for the unification of Italy in the 1860s so the street that we’re on right nowĀ is called Borgo stretto and it’s a m shoppingĀ Ā
Street here in the city so this is like the bougieĀ shopping street you got stores like Rolex you gotĀ Ā bigger designer shops not just the Zara and H&MĀ that we list ended Rolex um we shop at Zara inĀ Ā
H&M there’s gorgeous architecture on this streetĀ as well I mean we’ve just come across anotherĀ Ā beautiful church here Mishu how’s your educationĀ going what architectural style is this church inĀ Ā I’ll take uh Romanesque for 600 Steve oh you gotĀ 50% pean Romanesque for 600 Steve nice good jobĀ Ā
We’re learning what’s up that’s what that looksĀ like this street definitely feels a little moreĀ Ā ancient than Coro Italia so even though they’reĀ both like main shopping streets they have totallyĀ Ā different Vibes who is this man Galileo GalileeĀ a Florentine man who actually helped modern’sĀ Ā
Pizza during its flourishing golden age fromĀ my understanding he actually helped to keepĀ Ā the Leaning Tower straight or he dropped a ballĀ or something off the top to try and figure outĀ Ā at what angle it was kind of sitting but he hadĀ something vital to do with the city he droppedĀ Ā
Two balls off of it at different masses and theyĀ both hit the ground something physics my parentsĀ Ā my parents my dad’s a physics teacher mom’s a calĀ teacher straight over my head but Galileo droppedĀ Ā two balls of different masses off the LeaningĀ Tower they both fell he said physics the end StillĀ Ā
Still we we’ll cover the history for you I cannotĀ cover scientific a massage of stuff okay and weĀ Ā continue Prada see oh there’s another okay soĀ you got Prada on this street similar to Zara but not mat just spent like a minute explainingĀ this to me instead of Wi-Fi it’s a wiie HotpotĀ Ā
Cuz of pza that is clever so if you needĀ Wi-Fi come get Wii that took me a minute and we have arrived at Patza de cavali it’s quiteĀ a mouthful if you’re learning Italian as well cuzĀ Ā
It’s a lot of little eyes a lot of little e butĀ also translated to n Square there are six roadsĀ Ā that actually intersect in this Piaza the nightĀ square is full of marvelous Renaissance buildingsĀ Ā by far one of the most impressive buildings isĀ the Palo de Cavalieri which was built in 1560 byĀ Ā
Georgio vasari the same man who built our sariĀ Corridor above the Pono in Florence the squareĀ Ā has a long and storied history it was originallyĀ the political Center of medieval Pisa and servedĀ Ā as the headquarters of the order of the knsĀ of St Steven which was a Catholic militaryĀ Ā
Order established to defend against piracy inĀ the Mediterranean one of the most prominentĀ Ā features of the Piaza is the monument to KimoĀ de Medi the a statue honoring the Grand Duke ofĀ Ā Tuscany and as we say all the time the medi areĀ spread throughout Tuscany so you’re likely toĀ Ā
Stumble across them very often historians don’tĀ entirely understand what Kimo the first got upĀ Ā to inside his batau but from my understandingĀ it’s kind of like the Frat Bros like how theyĀ Ā created like their little fraternity of knsĀ and they obviously fought against piracy in theĀ Ā
Mediterranean but there was a whole bunch of otherĀ stuff that went on behind the scenes a good fiveĀ Ā six centuries ago Pisa was actually one of theĀ most flourishing Maritime cities however startingĀ Ā from the 1500s the silting of the Anor river thatĀ runs through the center started to create a landĀ Ā
Mass heading towards the ocean and so once whenĀ Pisa was actually on the coast is now 10 km orĀ Ā 6 mi from the sea what was once the flourishingĀ Maritime Port is now actually a University CityĀ Ā
Full of students and so Pisa does have a youngerĀ population as the University of Pisa is one ofĀ Ā the most prestigious universities you’ll findĀ in Italy from my understanding the patoo is nowĀ Ā actually part of the University’s buildings what’sĀ pretty crazy is when you’re in the open areas hereĀ Ā
In Pisa it sounds like the airplane are literallyĀ right on your doorstep and that’s actually becauseĀ Ā pza City Center is one of the closest cityĀ centers to an airport the Leaning Tower ofĀ Ā Pisa is actually only 3 km from the Pisa airportĀ and so it sounds like the airplanes are right
Here I love how green this city is every timeĀ we come across like a little Piaza or SquareĀ Ā there’s just these giant beautiful trees itĀ really like looks like a little Oasis in theĀ Ā middle of the city I love it I like that oneĀ cuz it looks like a Christmas tree so manyĀ Ā
Airplanes so it’s October 10th today and itĀ is currently 75Ā° F or what is in Celsius 22Ā Ā 22Ā° CS so it’s still very warm I’m actually hotĀ just in my little jean jacket and it’s almost 1:Ā Ā p.m. baking in this time oh we can seeĀ the top of the tower from here shouldĀ Ā
We stop into our Pam local beforeĀ we continue on the journey got to hydrate oh this is like a convenience store oh ohĀ my goodness is it really only a80 for this bottleĀ Ā it’s so cute and little I think we might haveĀ to get one of those okay we’re getting two ofĀ Ā
These for later okay we take that back this PamĀ is actually way bigger than we thought oh my GodĀ Ā we walked in here I was like oh it’s just likeĀ a convenience store like a a mini a mini Mar butĀ Ā
This is actually huge this is the first time I’veĀ noticed this I don’t know if they’ve had them inĀ Ā other places but the uh chickpea Pizza that weĀ had in Luca they actually sell them here FrozenĀ Ā
So you can actually buy it and take it home allĀ right there’s no sh mission complete there it is oh my goodness we made it yeah this this PiaĀ is full of a lot more people eh wow itĀ Ā
Is packed oh there’s like a sea of people backĀ there because the majority of the stuff that weĀ Ā actually book is not so in advance we’re goingĀ to buy our tickets here in the pat of MiraclesĀ Ā
I’m pretty sure we can buy it from the ticketĀ office a com ation ticket so that we can climbĀ Ā the tower go inside the B stre the cemetery andĀ from my understanding the museum so we’re goingĀ Ā
To go check out the ticket prices now you haveĀ to come here behind the tower outside the museumĀ Ā to the right behind the tower so we’re goingĀ to go see what we have there now however itĀ Ā
Does not feel like 22Ā° I feel like we’re inĀ a full summer’s day here in Italy people areĀ Ā out here literally yeah take this jacket offĀ yeah maybe we will wait an hour or two beforeĀ Ā climbing the tower unless it gets hotter then beĀ screwed from this angle you can seriously see the
Tilt we might have messed up a little I see theĀ line for the tower is coming out the Tower barĀ Ā quite away maybe you are supposed to book onlineĀ in advance usually usually we do just rock up forĀ Ā
Everything it’s worked so far is it not like weĀ always Rock up and there’s just things but I meanĀ Ā we have time so we’re going to go check what theĀ ticket offer says it’s not behind this part ofĀ Ā
The tower it’s behind the other part of the towerĀ but that’s a problem with having something that’sĀ Ā round where is the behind so you’ll see a ticketĀ sign we’re just taking a lap now we’ve taking aĀ Ā
Nice little walking tour oh same girl same we’veĀ made it to the ticket office tower this would beĀ Ā the back of it we think that this is the amountĀ of spots left to climb the tower at each of thoseĀ Ā
Times it seems to be in 15-minute incrementsĀ okay we’re going to have to pick wisely whatĀ Ā time should we do it 4 was that too late 3:45Ā bastry is closed yes okay that stre Clos forĀ Ā
Renovation we literally just missed it okay thankĀ you so much thank you so we went for the completeĀ Ā combined ticket for ā¬ 27 per person without theĀ tower it’s only ā¬1 but obviously we wanted toĀ Ā
Climb the tower all right but the B is closedĀ until the 1st of December this is not the firstĀ Ā time we’ve come across something that’s closedĀ don’t expect the combo ticket to be less cuzĀ Ā
It won’t they won’t reduce it but right now we doĀ have a book time for the tower at 345 the man didĀ Ā say that these tickets are actually valid for aĀ whole year so even if you came back next year youĀ Ā
Could still come and see the bsty once it opensĀ again few things to note that he set at the deskĀ Ā not allowed to have backpacks or bags whilst youĀ climb the tower so there’s a work room to the sideĀ Ā
That you have to check your bags in and you haveĀ to wait in line 10 minutes before your allottedĀ Ā time slot so in Italian time I’d probably comeĀ 20 minutes before it did make me feel slightlyĀ Ā
Better when he said that the baptistry is actuallyĀ more beautiful from the outside than it is on theĀ Ā inside so I’m like you know what I’ll take itĀ I’ll take that one so at least we get to seeĀ Ā
Its beauty from the outside it is a stunningĀ day now let’s hit the square of Miracle yourĀ Ā 27 gives you access to the Monumental CemeteryĀ the cathedral which is actually free to enterĀ Ā the bapistry which is closed climbing the towerĀ and what was the last thing you have access toĀ Ā
The dwo museum the dwo palace which is so closedĀ ital man restoration and some other Museum thisĀ Ā reminds me of when we were in Sicily especiallyĀ on the steps of the cathedral in Noto if it’sĀ Ā
The same artist which I’m assuming it is becauseĀ it looks pretty much identical to his work it’s aĀ Ā Polish artist there was also the fall of IcarusĀ and agento that was very similar to this I loveĀ Ā
It it’s stunning let’s go see if Mishu is rightĀ if it’s her artist or not seems like a differentĀ Ā material that’s let’s go check the sculptureĀ is there a sign yes same guy eag I was rightĀ Ā
Ah steel trap I was right it is the same artistĀ this is called fallen angel I mean it’s just tooĀ Ā unique of a style I mean even on the back withĀ that little head he puts like mini sculpturesĀ Ā
In the artwork itself absolutely stunning if youĀ saw our Noto video or our agento video like thoseĀ Ā were also just incredible I mean when you lookĀ at it it’s honestly just absolutely breathtakingĀ Ā so I love that there’s one here that was veryĀ unexpected so that’s the line for the tower CasĀ Ā
Guest it’s not Mobility friendly there are stepsĀ there is no elevator to the top of the tower 251Ā Ā steps but that’ll be in 2 hours right now we’reĀ going to start at the dwo Museum mostly becauseĀ Ā
It’s very hot right now we need to just cool offĀ there’s also a restaurant SL Cafe at the top withĀ Ā a pretty cool view from what we saw online don’tĀ forget to HR so the cafe we’re going to should beĀ Ā
Right there I love seeing how creative people areĀ getting with their pictures there is literally aĀ Ā sea of people trying to get their photos with theĀ tower I mean we’ve got standers sitters kickersĀ Ā squatters I mean these people are committed IĀ love it to get the shot okay stick your handĀ Ā
Up all right you got it you almost got it noĀ you’re going too hard I hate myself right nowĀ Ā hand up hand up and squash the birthday cake niceĀ let’s go I need a coffee look at you it’s so hotĀ Ā
I’m trying to sweat I didn’t think I’d swe oobĀ here we go let’s go feel ashamed to be honestĀ Ā I’m actually really stressed I like don’t knowĀ I’ve been thinking this whole time what I wantedĀ Ā
To do and how I wanted to pose and I’ve still comeĀ up with nothing original so we’re going up to the cafeteria how’s that view okay perfect nice wow now that’s a view so they’ve got a little menu here seemsĀ like a pretty stacked menu they’ve got someĀ Ā
First courses some this is one of the mostĀ expensive cafes I’ve ever been to an espressoĀ Ā is $350 we all must make sacrifices all rightĀ so why don’t you skip all the sweets just goĀ Ā straight on to the cocktails here about 8 to9Ā the espresso is 350 cappuccino is four I wouldĀ Ā
Probably just do a cappuccino or a cocktail beerĀ or cocktails I’ll let you decide in the commentsĀ Ā below it’d be too late we would have we would haveĀ chosen already but I must say sometimes it’s worthĀ Ā
Paying a little extra for a view like this soĀ we have a lovely view of the tower we neverĀ Ā really sit down for cocktails but today we justĀ something was calling us to Hugo Spritz if youĀ Ā
Don’t like appol Spritz go for the Hugo I don’tĀ like appol Spritz as much as I’ve tried but theĀ Ā Hugo is much sweeter it’s made with St GermainĀ so it’s a sweeter Spritz it came with a fewĀ Ā
Snacks so we have these like these are prettyĀ standard um Italian appar ofo snacks so thisĀ Ā is like kind of like a little salted cracker andĀ pretty similar to like La chips so you get thoseĀ Ā when you order your drink the number one chip inĀ Italy it’s just lightly salted I’m with MichelleĀ Ā
On this one the Hugo Spritz is a lot sweeterĀ not sweeter nicer than the appal Spritz is nĀ Ā bucks though I’ve had more expensive cocktailsĀ though America gets the cake for that one butĀ Ā
9 bucks is a bit it’s steep but in America you itĀ doesn’t come with snacks and you have to tip 20%Ā Ā in the state no tip here plus snacks plus of youĀ can’t beat it Hugo SPS is definitely better than fresh all right we’re all done theyĀ left our little order receipt hereĀ Ā
On the table so we’re going to go pay here you go I know seems kind of counter productive payĀ for a ticket skip the thing that you get with theĀ Ā ticket go to the thing that’s free see the thingĀ that’s free from the outside cuz it’s closed andĀ Ā
Then climb the tower that’s the only way that weĀ could have got access to the tower you see whatĀ Ā they do they always add you either get everythingĀ minus the Tower or everything and the tower butĀ Ā
There’s just a huge price difference betweenĀ the two so it’s like what does one do you doĀ Ā the tower one commits oh hello wow that wasĀ aggressive I think that man wanted to be inĀ Ā the video okay I’m just going to just it got hotĀ the marble used in the baptistry the cathedralĀ Ā
And the tower all come from a quarry a littleĀ bit north from here called Kara and well as youĀ Ā can tell it’s very white and so when the sunĀ comes down reflects off there and it’s extra
Bright behind me and the most noticeable thingĀ you will find in Pisa besides the tower is theĀ Ā dwore of Pisa construction of the Pisa CathedralĀ began in 1064 and continued over several CenturiesĀ Ā with additions and alterations made by variousĀ Architects and artists when it was built it wasĀ Ā
The largest Roman Catholic cathedral in theĀ world the cathedral was consecrated in 1118Ā Ā but its construction was ongoing for severalĀ centuries leading to a fusion of architecturalĀ Ā Styles over time it is a prime example of peanĀ Romanesque architecture characterized by its blendĀ Ā
Of Romanesque and Byzantine elements the facadeĀ features intricate marble decoration includingĀ Ā columns archers and sculptures showcasingĀ the skill of medieval Italian Craftsman theĀ Ā interior is designed in a Latin cross layoutĀ and has beautiful frescos oh my goodness lookĀ Ā
At that ceiling the cathedral entrance is freeĀ however you have to go to the ticket office toĀ Ā get a free ticket to get your free entrance notĀ entirely sensical but maybe it stops hordes ofĀ Ā people coming in at once oh okay so you canĀ get a audio tour for ā¬2 so there’s headsetsĀ Ā
Here and they offered in a bunch of differentĀ languages it seems oh yeah you can’t walk aroundĀ Ā with them I mean they’re attached but you couldĀ just stand here and listen while you get the uhĀ Ā information there’s a lot of banging in here IĀ think they are busy restoring something so it’sĀ Ā
Definitely the least peaceful Church we’ve beenĀ in the ceiling in here is just spectacular youĀ Ā got to love that the medich crest is literallyĀ in the center of it though new opinion it isĀ Ā very hard to appreciate a place of worship whenĀ there is a whole bunch of noise going on I meanĀ Ā
It doesn’t really feel like a church any hereĀ right now it just feels like a theater that’sĀ Ā got a lot of sounds and just building no it’sĀ kind of sad actually it is sad but if you everĀ Ā
Saw our R Video those churches had themes toĀ them and had music playing they had to playĀ Ā with now that was that’s how churches shouldĀ be this banging it’s a little bit but beautifulĀ Ā nonetheless but restoration okay so they seemĀ to be restoring this part of the cathedralĀ Ā
Which is why there’s so much banging so some’sĀ going on over there that they’re fixing up theĀ Ā most important thing inside the cathedralĀ this Pulpit by Giovani Pisano some of theĀ Ā first works of modern sculpture he actuallyĀ started using depth inside this pulpit andĀ Ā
This kind of set forward like the future ofĀ sculpture and this was a good good 700 years ago W it is bright that is a stunning Cathedral andĀ the ceiling in there is phenomenal unfortunateĀ Ā that they’re doing a little bit of restorationĀ because all you hear is the banging echoingĀ Ā
Throughout to church but hopefully on yourĀ visit that will be done and you can get itĀ Ā in some peace and quiet but it is absolutelyĀ breathtaking inside I just heard a man sayingĀ Ā that he went to go get a free ticket for theĀ cathedral and they were all finished of themĀ Ā
So apparently that’s a thing if they run outĀ of tickets you have to pay ā¬7 to enter theĀ Ā cathedral which is quite excessive to be honestĀ especially in half of it’s under restoration andĀ Ā there’s all the noise and cuz it’s free mostĀ of the time but just be aware of that behindĀ Ā
Me and actually taller than the leaning TowerĀ you will find the baptistry of St John withĀ Ā a diameter of 33 M and a height of about 54 MĀ this place of worship is the largest bapistryĀ Ā in the world dedicated to St John the BaptistĀ construction of the bapistry began in the 12thĀ Ā
Century and continued over several centuriesĀ resulting in a blend of architectural StylesĀ Ā primarily Romanesque and Gothic the bapistryĀ was originally built for baptisms it’s renownedĀ Ā for its impressive Acoustics which make itĀ a popular venue for musical performances right climbing into the cloak room to drop off the
Backpack everything you need yeah Char M soĀ they gave us our little marker we are 31 RĀ Ā pretty sure he said 21 so this is going toĀ be quite interesting when we get back I alsoĀ Ā heard 21 so hopefully we getting something DesĀ maybe they’ll be some gold bricks in that LockerĀ Ā
Charlie in the Chocolate Factory it is 3:30Ā I’m quite a I got my mom’s jeans I’m quite aĀ Ā nerd I got to be at places at the right timeĀ and check in my things early I’m not wantingĀ Ā
To run last minutes so we we we good we’re okayĀ for now so we got 15 minutes it said in there 15Ā Ā minutes before you should drop off your stuff soĀ there is still a ton of people out so the lineĀ Ā
Is here right on the back side of the church IĀ see we’re not the only people that are waitingĀ Ā here early the rest is standing to the side asĀ they get to the front so we’ll see okay you gotĀ Ā
A little checklist here give your ticket ifĀ your time is next you have no bag with youĀ Ā ta thinks he’s the modern day MichelangeloĀ photography what are we doing oh panoramicĀ Ā panoramic panoramic don’t stop did you get it itĀ looks like a stubby Tower I can’t see anythingĀ Ā
Stubby tow she looks pretty cool I mean you canĀ just tell from here that that is not straight as I said in our climbing the dwore video whatĀ clowns would climb an 800 year old building wellĀ Ā
Now we’re about to climb an 800 year old towerĀ that leans over so these clowns these CL noseĀ Ā on us and H us for a birthday party okay we readyĀ yeah bucket listing neither one of us neither oneĀ Ā
Of us has ever climbed the tower here we are 54Ā year old it’s quite a lot it it goes from 10 27Ā Ā per person just if you want to climb the towerĀ the first steps down to take the first steps upĀ Ā
Oh it is skew oh my goodness oh you already feelĀ like you’re going sideways that’s crazy oh my GodĀ Ā what C I can feel myself like falling back I wasĀ I took two steps back and all of a sudden I feltĀ Ā
Like I was sliding backwards you can literallyĀ you can literally feel that this is on an angleĀ Ā that is crazy I was like why am I falling n andĀ so like when you walk this way it actually feels like it’s really not that impressiveĀ from the inside just empty empty ohĀ Ā
That’s wild so we entered and theyĀ made us wait in this like littleĀ Ā room for the group before us to comeĀ back down the stairs before we go back up whoa for a second there I’m actually gettingĀ like a little bit of motion sickness at thisĀ Ā
Angle it’s hard to see but they’re actuallyĀ slanted they’re worn in the middle and they’reĀ Ā worn down so like right in the middle of the stepĀ you can feel there’s a dent from all the peopleĀ Ā
That have walked up here T quite weird on yourĀ senses so strange I feel like I’m like tipping over oh there’s like a Lookout Point here whoaĀ jeez this is actually a bit disorientating want not even funny oh wow it’s 251 steps to the topĀ so roughly about half of the Flor youĀ Ā
Can actually see this is the walls actuallyĀ angled this is seriously like a trip for your SES I feel like I just want to lean back I can’t even walk straze I think we’re almost there goodness oh wow we’re going
Downhill oh my goodness okay we did getĀ up here faster than I thought we wouldĀ Ā but that was a trip for the senses you see theĀ church they do have these cages similar to TheĀ Ā Towers in Florence it’s actually only likeĀ ey height do we go further up yeah oh okayĀ Ā
I guess we’re not at the top level yetĀ yes that makes sense because there areĀ Ā Bells at the top okay so we’re on the firstĀ level now the top level is do top there weĀ Ā go cheering each other on oh this is coolĀ now we’re now we’re getting to the flow ofĀ Ā
Things with this spiral staircase againĀ I always duck cuz I feel like I’m smack my why do we trust this oh my goodness I’m so sorry these are so narrow okay all righty that first that first one fooled us weĀ thought we made it to the top this is the
Top somehow gives me an an easy feeling yeah IĀ know like I still feel off B well also knowingĀ Ā that there’s just this thin layer of concreteĀ below us until the bottom and also it’s HollowĀ Ā and leaning but cool nonetheless so you can stillĀ see the church from from here behind the bellsĀ Ā
Did that feel hard to you do that feel prettyĀ manageable yeah it’s kind of like the towers inĀ Ā Luca not Florence Florence was doubl this thatĀ last staircase felt very similar to The Duo though oh and so when you’re at the bottomĀ you see straight up to here where you
Start straight down it’s an incredibleĀ view let’s go this way so there’s theĀ Ā middle section with the Bells but youĀ can actually come and sit on these steps here are we on the smaller side or the tallerĀ side right now that’s the question smaller youĀ Ā
Think I do feel a bit of an incline here doesĀ feel like we’re slanting you think it’s worthĀ Ā it yeah it’s worth it but it really makes youĀ appreciate how tall the Florence DW went BellĀ Ā
Tower are cuz they literally double this so likeĀ this is impressive but the fact that it can doubleĀ Ā that’s wild still get a gorgeous view of the cityĀ though and then the inside part’s just there the Bells so this is a full 360Ā° view of up
Here now you can feel thatĀ you’re going uphill when you’re walking that’s the Pisa Stadium right thereĀ that’s us at the top right there you can alsoĀ Ā see the ancient pza walls running around the cityĀ from up here and you can see people walking onĀ Ā
The walls like the walkway above the walls it’sĀ about 3 km long or almost 2 miles so hopefullyĀ Ā we’ll be doing that after our activities todayĀ I don’t know if you can tell on video you canĀ Ā definitely tell in person that that’s likeĀ angled down your other Telltale sign is theĀ Ā
Bow like can you see the bow sitting at an angleĀ it’s not straight and look it’s actually damagedĀ Ā with the marble where it must have been blownĀ into it oh that’s so interesting you’re right yeah that’s crazy it’s damaged on this sideĀ but the Marble’s fine on that side unlessĀ Ā
They just restored it no cuz look theĀ other bows also look look the Gap thereĀ Ā look at that bow it’s sitting in an angleĀ you can see that that Bell there is also slanted ready to go down I go yeah that’s that’s
Stairwell okay you got to be careful now becauseĀ you have people are coming up you’re going downĀ Ā so you just got to be patient be polite it’s aĀ tight squeeze on the stairwell so going we’reĀ Ā going we’re going this very coming down comingĀ down corner corner is not what they say atĀ Ā
Restaurants Corner tilting corner now theseĀ stairs are really really warm my emotion isĀ Ā king oh I’m so sorry see this is where itĀ gets tricky I’m just going to hug the wall here oh yeah TI squeeze you’re good one this is a bit better still angled though still angled I feel like IĀ Ā
Need to keep my arms out like thisĀ because I might fall either which way okay we got this we got this we gotĀ this you do get some pretty views fromĀ Ā here too so if you did need to stop and takeĀ a break okay and we’re and we’re moving andĀ Ā
We’re grooving and we’re grooving we got soĀ much to do still and it’s already 4:00 theseĀ Ā stairs are extremely not ankle friendly theĀ groove in the middle makes you very I feelĀ Ā like every time I step I’m leaning more onĀ my right foot down you do climb and go downĀ Ā
Very fast though so you if you can could do itĀ really fast if you had limited time so bizarreĀ Ā now we get a point where I actually feel likeĀ I’m being like pushed down stairs these daysĀ Ā angled downwards and this material is like veryĀ slippery so I’m almost wored my’s going to slip
Almost like a tumble dryer we made it wow that wasĀ crazy not going to lie I feel aĀ Ā little discombobulated yeah thatĀ kind of throws you off a little bit I literally feel like I’m going to tip overĀ that was cool though nice I almost forgot we hadĀ Ā
To pick up our backpack arm I don’t know why IĀ climbed it with my jacket on just don’t forgetĀ Ā to get your bag cuz I’m pretty sure there’sĀ limited numbers every time they do it so IĀ Ā
Don’t know what happens to your bag if youĀ forget it then also if you do want to go intoĀ Ā the church or the baptistry when it’s open youĀ need to bring something to cover your shouldersĀ Ā
So a Shaw a jacket something like that don’tĀ forget it well in any City but just also forĀ Ā this one pizza could be done in half a day butĀ if you want to do all of this stuff half a dayĀ Ā
Is not enough agreed a full day we’re currentlyĀ walking alongside the Campos Santo MonumentalĀ Ā Cemetery we are running out of time though I’mĀ pretty sure most of these places close at likeĀ Ā 6 6:30 but also unfortunately can’t go in theĀ B Street we might be giving the museum a skipĀ Ā
Today we would rather prioritize walking on topĀ of the walls it’s crazy because when we got hereĀ Ā I was like oh my God we have the whole day andĀ then all of a sudden now like and we’ve justĀ Ā
Been enjoying ourselves and now I feel like oh wowĀ we are we’re out of time so give yourself enoughĀ Ā time if you want to do everything you actually doĀ need a full full day here definitely this is the
Entrance they seem to be restoring the frososĀ here on the wall if you’ve watched any of ourĀ Ā other Italy videos you’ll know that everyĀ city you go to something is being restoredĀ Ā at some time but at least they do take theĀ time and get the money into restoring themĀ Ā
So that’s why it’s kind of a bummer when theyĀ are but you can’t be mad because in the futureĀ Ā it’ll still be there for you and your futureĀ generations to look at this is some HogwartsĀ Ā Vibes if you take a look behind me you’ll noticeĀ a lot of frescos actually quite destroyed they’reĀ Ā
Currently in the process of restoring them asĀ many as they can but this is actually becauseĀ Ā of the bombings in World War II so a lot of theĀ frescos were lost but they’re trying to bringĀ Ā some back which is just quite wonderful theĀ Fresco do depict stories from the Old and New
Testament and the floor here is just coveredĀ in like tomb after tomb it’s hard to know whereĀ Ā to step because I hate like walking on people’sĀ tombs but there’s just it’s literally the entire
Floor and let me tell you a quick little fact oohĀ I love facts built in the 13th century as a burialĀ Ā ground for the city’s most prominent citizensĀ according to tradition the inner Courtyard isĀ Ā built around a shipload of sacred soil broughtĀ straight from Jerusalem and happens to be takenĀ Ā
From the exact spot where Jesus was crucifiedĀ during the Third Crusade the soil was broughtĀ Ā to heer by the Archbishop and that’s how CamposĀ Santo the holy field was named it is renowned forĀ Ā its striking Gothic architecture characterized byĀ its arches intricate detailing and its beautifulĀ Ā
Marble facade I was not expecting this to beĀ honest with you and now there’s a room lawnĀ Ā mow it’s funny I like it that must be it’s likeĀ little charging dog that’s so funny look at it Go desperate times call for desperateĀ me one disadvantage ofing on a
Phone there are a lot of saintsĀ Rel quaries in here learn thatĀ Ā term at the Florence Doro Museum IĀ think they have parts of the peopleĀ Ā inside of like gold and silver and andĀ like like those things we got fibon
Here okay Matteo has come now to take a closerĀ look at the Roomba lawn mower called an autoĀ Ā mower okay should I get you one for ChristmasĀ Even though we don’t have a lawn absolutelyĀ Ā fascinating I can’t get over this you go getĀ Coco you go I can’t anyway this is Holy soilĀ Ā
Okay and we are done we need to vote who do weĀ think’s committed the most I think if you’reĀ Ā standing on one of those things you’re kind ofĀ looking for an accident yeah that doesn’t seemĀ Ā
Safe oh yeah see they they’re a couple I thinkĀ I think I saw them earlier they they’ve they’reĀ Ā really just committed to this uh photo shootĀ here so the leading Tower actually took 199Ā Ā years to build was first built in the first twoĀ levels and then because the soil was so soft itĀ Ā
Actually began to lean and then there were WarsĀ happening and they didn’t have money to actuallyĀ Ā pay it so then after the time the Wars ended theĀ ground had actually got harder because the seaĀ Ā had been retreating and the soil had just becomeĀ Harden so then they built the next section thenĀ Ā
From my understanding there was another War lessĀ money so this thing eventually took 200 years toĀ Ā get built but it did get built thank you it stillĀ leans and had to do a massive renovation in theĀ Ā
’90s so that it could be corrected a littleĀ bit it used to be about 4 and 1/ 12Ā° I thinkĀ Ā they’ve moved it to four or something which is aĀ safer angle fter clown and there we have it folksĀ Ā
That was your walking tour of the one streetĀ and PE it I’m just kidding this entire PiazaĀ Ā is a UNESCO world heritage site Mato and I seemĀ to be on a liquid diet today because I’ve yetĀ Ā
To put any real food in my stomach and it’s 5:00Ā p.m. again you can take bottles out of a six-packĀ Ā it is allowed all right if you don’t have timeĀ to eat which you should make time to eat theseĀ Ā
Liquid proteins should have hold you over for aĀ little bit but I’m still starving let’s go theĀ Ā walls are closing soon let’s go let’s go let’s goĀ how did the day get away from us now we’re goingĀ Ā
To go see how much the walls are I mean they ClosĀ in 45 minutes so they took exp it we just going toĀ Ā give it a Miss we’ll see how it goes feel likeĀ I’m you’re walking me like a puppy because I’mĀ Ā
Attached to by the way if you guys heard of ourĀ buy us a camera for Christmas please this is howĀ Ā we are filming now we connected to a charger weĀ need to buy some we need to get a camera thatĀ Ā
We can change our batteries been using an iPhoneĀ for the last 3 years we haven’t yet had the fundsĀ Ā to upgrade but one day we’ll get there one dayĀ one day hopefully it’s not too many more daysĀ Ā
We’ll see we’re at 9 and 1 half kilm for the dayĀ which is shocking because I feel like we’ve justĀ Ā done a loop in this same area wait I thoughtĀ it was around the corner I think it’s at that
Tower I think it’s the tower over there not bad IĀ may misjudged this so the entrance if you want toĀ Ā walk on the wall walls is right next to composĀ Santo just Google muraa mura is a wall m u rĀ Ā
A and here we are but let’s just see what theĀ price and situation is right now it’s OctoberĀ Ā see the hours change per season what so 5 yearĀ exactly 5 year okay last entrance 5:30 but itĀ Ā
Closes at 6 you want to go quick let’s just goĀ up quick okay close at 6:00 so we don’t haveĀ Ā time to okay just go up and down yeah yes weĀ have half an hour actually we have 35 minutesĀ Ā
35 minutes it’s very dark in here there’s quiteĀ a few stairs here the walls are actually 11 MĀ Ā out or 36 ft for those in the metric system waitĀ Imperial syst imperial system oh my goodness whoa
That’s pretty cool that is cool okay this wasĀ worth it we got 30 minutes to enjoy it yeah saysĀ Ā 250 M that way we can get a view of the Piaza theĀ next exit is 800 M that way I don’t think we haveĀ Ā
Time to make it all the way there so we’re justĀ going to hang out chair for a bit I’m so happyĀ Ā we did this oh wo there is a full cemeteryĀ here between the walls that was unexpected
Oh I like this much better than the viewĀ from the tower this is way less obstructedĀ Ā the walls are 800 years old and run about 3Ā km around Pisa just under 2 mi and the factĀ Ā that they’re in such good condition isĀ because Pisa was never actually attackedĀ Ā
And so these walls never had to get used andĀ so they literally just run around the insideĀ Ā of the city that look really cool justĀ like what you would see like the moviesĀ Ā you know back good 800 years ago MiddleĀ Ages I like history like that onwards we
Go personal opinion the city is actuallyĀ perfect from this heart I do prefer it toĀ Ā the top of the tower definitely payĀ ā¬5 each for the walls and come takeĀ Ā a walk up here you got 3 km you canĀ walk around the whole Old City notĀ Ā
To mention there’s only like threeĀ staircases versus 251 steps for the tower it looks like in front of us youĀ can’t actually carry on so I think youĀ Ā have to walk all the way around if you’dĀ like to see the 3 km yeah this seems toĀ Ā
Have brought us to the end of the wall hereĀ now that is a view I prefer that this makesĀ Ā me happy see I’m so happy we decided to goĀ for it got an excellent view from this veryĀ Ā
Small Corner as I said this is honestly theĀ perfect heart to see the city I don’t knowĀ Ā you can just appreciate it a little bitĀ more from here all right now it’s time to go this was my favorite thing that we’ve doneĀ today why are you singing I don’t know so outĀ Ā
We goita made it 2 minutes to spare all in allĀ when people say that pizza is a one day visitĀ Ā pretty sure you can visit in one day don’t doĀ half a day I think it’s too little but there’sĀ Ā
A cool City I mean if you wanted to go intoĀ stuff it needs a full day if you just wantedĀ Ā to come peek around and maybe grab a snack orĀ a lunch or something then a half a day but ifĀ Ā
You actually want to go in and and see thingsĀ and walk on the walls then yeah I definitelyĀ Ā recommend a full day as well I mean I feelĀ like we thought we were like oh we have timeĀ Ā
And somehow we just like it’s like 600 p.m. nowĀ and we’re like wait what yeah it doesn’t have theĀ Ā amount that like a city such as Florence hasĀ but but there’s still a lot it takes time itĀ Ā
Takes time it looks small but it’s like packedĀ it’s the time to pop a little bubbly sadly it’sĀ Ā too early for dinner so we just going to haveĀ a little bit of A180 prco I mean this1 80 forĀ Ā
This bottle joing I mean it’s got the docĀ really label on it so I’m feeling like thatĀ Ā was actually a pretty sweet deal but it’s beenĀ in my backpack all day so shaking up and warmĀ Ā we going to open it up very cautiously happyĀ birthday to me 7 months there’s no cork loveĀ Ā
It it’s efficient all right happy birthday forĀ next year my 30 first we’re a few months awayĀ Ā but yeah got a feel this thing going to pop offĀ oh I can hear it fizzing let me just out that
Fizz that was that was so anticlimacticĀ that was really how warm is it it’s all right it’s not terrible it is extra dry though see is dinner yeah there we go so theĀ problem that we are having presently is is thatĀ Ā
We wanted to try this restaurant called bronzoĀ but like most Italian restaurants they’re onlyĀ Ā open from like 12: to 3: or 2:30 and then theyĀ close and they only open again around 7 or 7:30Ā Ā and that’s like pretty standard in the countryĀ and this is why we can go a whole filming dayĀ Ā
Without eating it’s 6 p.m. and I would happilyĀ sit down and have dinner but we still have anĀ Ā hour and a half to go if we want to eat thereĀ yeah and the Sun is setting unfortunately weĀ Ā
Missed lunchtime and I think we’re going to haveĀ to just figure out something something else nowĀ Ā so we’re going to walk and see what we can findĀ we have too many Pros so hopefully by the timeĀ Ā
We finished those maybe we’ll be hanging aroundĀ late enough to actually said too many but then IĀ Ā thought but then you said too many many too manyĀ Pros there we go I haven’t tried it yet let’s
See definitely tastes like it’s worth more thanĀ a80 so that’s good heads up if you’re prone toĀ Ā mosquito bites do not stand on the grass forĀ more than like a second cuz I was fine all dayĀ Ā
And now we’ve been standing on the grass for a fewĀ minutes and I’ve just gotten like a million bitesĀ Ā in a couple minutes there’s so many instructionsĀ flying I think people are misunderstanding theĀ Ā person they’re with cuz they’re hearing differentĀ instructions from different people but you want toĀ Ā
See the Bas one hold it up hold it up oh no cheersĀ darling cheers pink this is the most aggressiveĀ Ā photot taking spot I’ve ever come across likeĀ this is like this is like clownville 10 one likeĀ Ā
Seriously what’s the first thing you said whenĀ you came and arrived in this exact Square remindsĀ Ā you of Disneyland kind of like Disneyland kind ofĀ like an amusement park except with one ride likeĀ Ā the rest of the city doesn’t really feel reallyĀ touristic and we don’t really mind touristic stuffĀ Ā
Because that just means it’s popular but this thisĀ square is like the square is next level yeah notĀ Ā the most fun place to say so but you should comeĀ and see it anyway take your photo be cheesy whoĀ Ā
Cares exactly don’t let anybody tell you what youĀ can’t do it’s almost 700 p.m. we found a deal forĀ Ā two pieces for ā¬1 so I think that’s the nextĀ uh plan of attack here so we’re very hungry IĀ Ā
I might be falling apart only slightly because allĀ I’ve had today is sugar and coffee and a baby foroĀ Ā this to happen on filming days we like forgetĀ to eat so our energy tends to flag toward theĀ Ā
End of the day yeah since you see wheel so we’reĀ going to sit down at a restaurant but like 18 16Ā Ā 15 for a plate of like pasta or whichever twoĀ meals one ends up being 4050 plus there’s theĀ Ā
Coperta most of the time which is the cover so youĀ don’t tip here but when you see copera that’s likeĀ Ā the cover per person that kind of it is like yourĀ preset tip or for the water and bread which addsĀ Ā
A Euro or two or three per person’s of tab we’reĀ just not at that stage yet where we can sit out atĀ Ā a restaurant and eat so we’re going to find outĀ this thing said it was pizza day two margaritasĀ Ā
For 10 bucks so which sounds like our kind ofĀ deal I’m straight so that’s bu just travelingĀ Ā around there and we just the mission after thatĀ we just be finding a place to sit because uhĀ Ā
There doesn’t seem to be any benches in the mainĀ Piaza here normally we like to eat in the mainĀ Ā Piaza of a city so we’re going to have to sortĀ that out once we get our takeaways we shall seeĀ Ā
It’s a gorgeous evening tonight where’s ourĀ spot it’s here so we’re just down the streetĀ Ā from the cathedral but we saw a sign here whichĀ definitely caught our attention I love this tooĀ Ā this is also how they’re like air conditioningĀ come inside I feel like we thrifting here what’s
It okay no a pizza so we’re going toĀ get our takeaway pizzas but they don’tĀ Ā have boxes yet so we’re not getting noĀ takeway pizzas but it’s still Pizza dayĀ Ā two margaritas for five bucks 10 bucksĀ 10 bucks five bucks each nothing tooĀ Ā
Exciting tonight just some margaritasĀ and a beer and he said no no cover charge I am starving so this is perfect fiveĀ bucks huge Pizza oo that’s hot success day itĀ Ā feels damn good to be adventuring again afterĀ a while but it’s definitely going to take someĀ Ā
Time to get used to us walking around so muchĀ again if you guys have visited Italy you knowĀ Ā how much you can walk in a day definitelyĀ comment below and let us know what is theĀ Ā furtherest you’ve ever walked in an Italian cityĀ in a day cuz our feet are really struggling againĀ Ā
It’s going to take a couple cities to getĀ used to just that excessive walking cheers I’m always happy with the margarita we bothĀ are hey more flavor than less flavor let’sĀ Ā eat oh that looks crispy this place has reallyĀ good reviews and I can see why it’s a deliciousĀ Ā
Margarita pizza that’s good cheese cheers inĀ case you guys were wondering where your 5eoĀ Ā pizza donations go to yeah they are right yeahĀ we weren’t joking when we said buy us a pizzaĀ Ā gets us a 5 Pizza this is a 5 Pizza by theĀ way the link is in the comment section andĀ Ā
In the description oo you get a lot for 5Ā we just finished dinner the Margarita PizzaĀ Ā actually was very nice what was it calledĀ Santa Maria Santa Maria pizzia got a niceĀ Ā
Ring to it but uh we need to go to the stationĀ to get our train but we just wanted to see theĀ Ā tower lit up at night if it’s if it’s lit upĀ we don’t know we’re about to round the cornerĀ Ā
And see if we have time we’re going to squeezeĀ in some gelato but it is a half an hour walk toĀ Ā the station the gelat is about 10 minutes fromĀ here so we might be cutting it fun the moment
Of little end on I thought it’d be like so weĀ thought it would be maybe a little bit more litĀ Ā up with spotlights it’s about 8:00 p.m. rightĀ now normally like with the dwo and stuff inĀ Ā Florence there’s way more lights to really seeĀ the buildings you can still see them there’sĀ Ā
Still some street lights going on very prettyĀ but just not as like inyour face as I thoughtĀ Ā it would be I really want to try this Gela soĀ we need to like pick up the pace before we getĀ Ā
To the train station oo coming back up on theĀ Aro oh perfect we’re here we’re going to haveĀ Ā to make this quick G we go gelia of kns IĀ don’t really understand that what are we getting yeah yeah yeah taste itĀ to see if we’re going to commit
Oh did you like it it’s so we Rosary there’sĀ Rose I love rosem W maybe not a whole batchĀ Ā of that I mean that’s good but that might beĀ a lot for a cup okay wao that is crazy though
M that’s so interesting you need toĀ try this wow these are so these areĀ Ā the most interesting gelato flavors I’veĀ ever come across that’s so weird it’s so confusing that’s another Str I like thatĀ one here so here you’ve just got the photosĀ Ā
There’s no names but they’re in the tinsĀ which means that they’re made with allĀ Ā natural ingredients keeps them fresh okay mayĀ took sing to your Sicilian Roots always gotĀ Ā TR oh there we go we have like you so I gotĀ the salted caramel with chocolate Mato gotĀ Ā
The casata with pistachio 640 for both we gotĀ to go and catch our train now can let we get this get the cassata we need napkins itĀ doesn’t taste sweet like the cassata ttingĀ Ā more of the delicious vanilla with chalk chipsĀ that’s damn good damn good pistachio you seeĀ Ā
It’s not too green it’s more Brown likeĀ the color of the nut delicious so I justĀ Ā tasted this one it’s a Venezuelan I think sheĀ said Venezuelan chocolate it was delicious soĀ Ā that is good I didn’t get a chance to try thisĀ one though it’s the I think she said sea salt
Caramel oh oh wow oh I’m actuallyĀ really happy I didn’t know if theyĀ Ā be good together that’s actuallyĀ an excellent combo is it goodĀ Ā give me some CA we really have toĀ catch our train have to catch our train that is good you you try theĀ Venezuelan chocolate I ate the wholeĀ Ā
Thing last time that is so good you are 100%Ā com and then also just try the random flavorsĀ Ā they were really good and very interestingĀ but just too much for a whole cup yeah andĀ Ā they’re always changing the unique flavorsĀ are always changing so you never know whatĀ Ā
You’re going to get next time we’llĀ come back and see what else they have right napin let’s go got our geli got aĀ beautiful Arno view just like in FlorenceĀ Ā they also sit you on the aror have a coupleĀ beers watch your River down below how youĀ Ā
Going to eat I don’t know I need to put theĀ camera down okay and we’re signing off fromĀ Ā the streets of Pisa good night next we’ll seeĀ you in pya whoa until next time cheers cheers