E e e e e e What does it mean to be Free what does it truly mean to be Free everything that has you Bound but you have to first acknowledge what has you bound you have to acknowledge that you are bound a lot of times that doesn’t come easy for people cuz everybody want to think that they truly fre and it’s a lot of stuff a lot of baggage has got our feet
Tangled hallelujah thank you thank you thank you Hallelujah are you truly free for whom the sun sets free is free Indeed hallelujah hallelujah okay I’m going take excuse me one Minute I didn’t know that was you oh so good to see you Joy is back in the house woo my Lord I didn’t even recognize over there thank you Jesus woo I’m telling you the truth when that sister there get the mic after all the hell that she been through it ain’t going to be nothing pretty Hallelujah you may take your seats amen thank you Jesus glory be to God Amen it’s good to see everybody y’all all right Hallelujah
Well we thank God that y’all not Apostle Graham Groupies you know cuz you see a flyer saying something and then all of a sudden you get Ghost it take Pastor TC to put y’all in check with that one my Lord but we give God praise for the angel of this house in his absence Apostle Donald Graham [Applause] woo
Hallelujah I was talking to one of the Saints last night and they said something about a meeting I said it won’t happen today it’s not going to happen today so they was like oh okay no I will never tell you intentionally that he won’t be here cuz yeah We yet praying and we going to get saved for real amen my God hallelujah we want to thank God for all the leaders in the house Pastor TC Prophet is [Applause] Julia prophetes [Applause] Chastity Pastor Corey Hallelujah Prophet relle we give God praise amen Nissa Jamila Mike Lisa everybody we thank you Sabrina
Hallelujah and we thank God for our band amen ain’t nobody like them jokers there hallelujah thank you Jesus chesse you all in my all in my spirit this morning I just saw you preaching girl you was just preaching every time I turned around you was PR I
Said God I’m trying to seek you for me why I keep seeing chass face why I keep seeing her preaching she just preaching preaching I don’t know what you going to do about your job I know you love it and you got flavor on your job but uh I see you preaching you’re
Just preaching you’re all over the place just preaching H preaching I don’t know hallelujah hallelujah is Ashley here okay Hallelujah as old people say if it’s God it’ll keep amen hallelujah but we give God praise for your being here amen the children in the house Hallelujah it ain’t too cold for them
Jokers to be out in the tent Pastor TC I’m telling you you be encouraged cuz you a bad somebody here you a bad somebody and I’m not trying to just Blow Your Horn or nothing but because you stood and you would just have to know this man of God from whence he’s
Come cuz everything that he been through had that been to Old him we wouldn’t see him there be a trail of smoke going down the highway he be out but he stood he made up his mind that not this time devil is not going down like that Hallelujah and he’s
Standing in spite of the hits he’s standing in spite of the blows he’s standing I take my hat off to you sir hallelujah oh we know it’s all God but when you take a stand devil going to wish he had never messed with that one hallelujah hallelujah and ye shall know the
Truth and the truth will make you free truth is a precious commodity y’all a lot of people say they want the truth they don’t really want the truth a lot of people are not sitting here in this Sanctuary today because they don’t really want the truth they don’t love the truth in spite
Of what comes out of their mouth yeah Hallelujah how many of y’all tuned in to bible study on Wednesday Glory okay so since that’s not the majority I’m going to do what the Lord told me do so I’m going to do a little recap of Wednesday night bible
Study yes not going to get deep into it but believe it or not on Monday of last week God start talking to me about the same word that Apostle ministered on Wednesday night and I was sitting there literally going through changes cuz I was like
God now you told me to preach so if you told me to preach then obviously you got something for me to say he all in my message so I just sat there and I was like okay okay okay so after Bible study I said
Bae like you all in what I was going to preach he was like cuz I was ready I said okay I guess I’m going back to the drawing board he said no don’t do that so I went back into prayer and God said say what I told you to
Say the beautiful thing about God is he’s so vast and while some of what’s being said may be a repeat of what you’ve heard that should be Comfort to you that it’s confirmation that is God and Apostle S Thomas told me years ago that there will be a lot of messages
That my husband preached that I would preach and at the time I didn’t understand that and I was like well that don’t sound like God like like how does that look he was like well no it won’t be that you will preach the exact same word
But what he preached you will sort of grab the tail end of it and preach it on into another door I was said okay okay I can get with that one then so we going to just do a little recap of Wednesday night amen so he started talking
About people that we shouldn’t be fellowshipping with and the Holy Ghost told me that a lot of people took offense to what was said as if anybody cares because trust me he don’t just get up here halfhazard and just preach cuz it sounds good or teach cuz you know it
May be tickling to somebody’s ear he seeks God so it doesn’t matter if one likes it agrees with it or not if God said it then it is so Hallelujah so so you know that was this list of people we shouldn’t be fellowshipping with but it wasn’t just
That there were also characteristics in us that we need to be mindful of so you know he had to make that disclaimer that don’t take this list and you go out and act like it’s some kind of maring stick for you to judge other people cuz it should start with
You cuz we quick to do that Hallelujah I’m not going to go there were 40 things 40 and obviously I’m not going to read them all but there was just something that just stuck out you know a people that we should not be fellowshipping with but also at the same time check yourself number one was the
Ungodly then we skip on down to workers of iniquity to Vain people evil workers he even said criminals criminals Proverbs 1:10 through1 15 foolish people angry people backsliders those that cause division disobedient one of these I’m gonna come back to I’m not even GNA talk about it right now
Fornicators if we distance ourselves from fornicators we will be walking a lonely life probably drunkards there’ll be a lot of people in my family that I couldn’t associate with on that one lovers of themselves bers proud people blasphemers disobedient since we got the children in the house disobedient to
Parents so sometimes you might have to disassociate yourself with your own children but the way to do that is do what the Bible says come talk about it the rod beat them oh I have no quals with beating children unth for people those without natural affection that’s all in itself false
Accusers heady and highminded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God and last but not least the Hypocrites saying one thing and meaning another hey so he talked about let’s go to Second Corinthians the 6th chapter really I can’t but okay I thank you the prophet going to keep me on parents
Hallelujah there a lot going on up here second Corinthians 6 we going to start at the 10 verse so just to catch you up where we are Paul everybody know that Paul he wrote the book of Corinthians but it was a letter actually so he all of the
Exploits that he had done the word was getting out about this Paul and the more that the word got out about Paul the more enemies he attracted so they were basically trying to kill the man he doing the work of the Lord now had they known from whence he had come they have
Left him alone he was at one point killing Christians but now he saw the light so to speak and now he was doing the work of God but the more he did it the more he had getting people saved and getting people filled with the Holy
Ghost and oh he turning over he just oh he just wreaking havoc in the kingdom of darkness so he had had uh sent Titus the letters to go on to Corin and Titus was supposed to meet him back in Macedonia but it said that he was disappointed cuz I guess Titus didn’t
Show up at the appointed time and so he went on and Titus finally caught up with him and he brought back a good report from Corinth and then that inspired him to write the second letter to the Corinth people and so here we are and we’re going to start at verse number
10 it says as sorrowful yet always rejoicing as poor yet making many Rich so Paul was telling them that in spite of everything that I’ve done I’m here and I’m going to label with you and in spite of all the hell that I’ve been through and all that is following me I’m
Going to stay right here as sorrowful yet always rejoicing as poor yet making many rich as having nothing and yet possessing all things oh ye Corinthians our mouth is open unto you and our heart is enlarged and that word enlarged means that I’m embracing you with
Love so in spite of all that they had done Paul availed himself that he was going to embrace a people people of Corinthians with love you are not straightened in US verse 12 and that word means that you’re not constrained you’re not restricted not in us but you are restricted in your own
Bows that means in your own heart now for recompense in the same I speak unto my children be ye also enlarged loved and embraced verse 14 be ye not unequally yolked together with unbelievers for what Fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion have light with
Darkness so we talked about light on the other night and the word light is illumination but what I did know I knew it meant illumination but what I didn’t know what it was that it meant the power of understanding come on moral and spiritual truth and then when you think about it
That power of understanding when you didn’t know something you were darkened in that particular area but once Revelation came to you and I’m not talking Mr Revelation just knowledge of a thing that became light so it makes sense that like would mean the power of understanding and moral and spiritual truth our
Moral it seems as if we lost our moral truth in today’s society when we were in Africa every church that we visited and they gave me the mic I told them do not envy America they have they have sort of emulated America they’ve held America in a higher regard
Everything America do we want to do it every how y’all dress we want to dress that way and I’ll tell don’t do that appreciate where you are appreciate what you have appreciate it cuz we crazy we have lost our morals and values children are so disrespectful to parents disrespectful to elderly is
Unbelievable Mark Anthony Mitchell is to be commended you hear me yes he is an awesome Dad awesome day and doing it by himself on has done it by himself that’s powerful moral and spiritual truth and then the word Darkness means ignorance of divine things and people it means wickedness what Fellowship does light have with Darkness absolutely none the first thing that God told me
Was he reminded me that in the beginning I separated like from Darkness right from the very beginning so that means the two of them have no fellowship with each other they’re not to mix they’re not to mingle there is a distinct division between light and darkness and it was designed to be that
Way so what we doing let’s take the word Fellowship to have association with to have communion with to have joint participation with to communicate with that’s a whole mouthful in itself because when we think about our quote unquote relationships that we’ve established throughout our life I guarantee you I wouldn’t be where I
Am had I been more mindful of my quote unquote Fellowship I want to marry people that are married when we think about where we are right now and we look at the word Fellowship to have Association and community and Joint participation with when you think about people that you’ve connected
To we could have saved ourself a whole lot of drama had we known then what we know now so to speak even to Comm communicate with some people you just can’t even talk to and I’m not you know I’m not trying to be uh offensive but it’s just you some people just carry
Drama some people you talk to them for 10 minutes and you trying to find the exit I digress I’m sorry okay what Concord have Christ with b and that b it says it’s another word for Satan it says Wicked and what part have he that believeth with an Infidel so
We’ve already always Associated Infidel to somebody who doesn’t take care of their children and that is so but what I also found it says that an Infidel is a unbeliever I never knew that an Infidel is an unbeliever and what agreement have the temple of God with Idols we are the temple of
God as God has said I dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people wherefore come out from among on them and be separate sayeth the Lord so the reason that word the other day when when apostle was talking about
The 40 things that we shouldn’t and people that we shouldn’t be associated with that we shouldn’t fellowship with and the reason that was offensive to some people was because truthfully I just don’t want to let go come on truthfully you know this is my friend and this has always been my friend this
Is my family that for love thing we’ve been talking about it for a long time it has it is and will continue to get us in a whole lot of trouble if we don’t heed the word of the Lord Galatians 5 and one while you turning there let’s talk about the
Unbeliever an unbeliever is a person without Christian faith a heathen it says a unbeliever is untrustworthy Unfaithful and without trust in God think about all the people that you know who may fall into this category but what God told me was a there are a lot of people sitting in church every single
Sunday that are unbelievers straight unbelievers and I’m like God is it so absolutely untrustworthy without Christian faith talk a good game Unfaithful and without trust in God because for a lot of us we become our own God come on we become our own God the scripture Proverbs 35 and 6 it
Says trust in the Lord with all your heart I said Okay God he brought that before me a couple of weeks ago I said God you know what I don’t want to any longer just say out of my mouth that I trust you cuz it’s real easy to say but when
You put to the test of it come come on when there’s a trial right in your face a decision that you have to make it’s a whole lot easier when you’re sitting back here in a place of safety to say you trust God but when you in the midst of
Something or when you about to step in something or when you see something that’s coming to you and that looks a little scary that looks a little challenging God I don’t know who can I call who can you call I’m the author and finisher of your
Faith but that’s how we get in trouble cuz we want to reach back and call somebody we want to look to the heels from which cometh our help that ain’t from God Galatians 5:1 says Stand Fast therefore in the Liberty where with Christ has has made us
Free and be not entangled again with the Yoke of bondage now he said that word again because for a lot of us if we are now to the place where we are there was a time when we were entangled in bondage we’ve had a lot of bondage and
There are a lot of people that still are in bondage bondage means slavery anything that has you bound it’s the opposite of Liberty it’s the opposite of freedom but there are all types of bondage there’s mental bondage you know we got all these Jackle psychologists now that’s you know they
Everywhere all day you know put a coin in the slot and you can be free of things that got you Bound in your mind in 15 minutes what is our societ to come to on we have lost total regard of God the church used to be the Staple in
Our community the church used to be a place of Safe Haven a church used to be the place where you can come to to be healed delivered set free now it’s just something we talk about and now I think it was Adrian that talked about what the percentage of
People sitting in church is going straight to hell somebody sent me a message just this morning I’m like you know I really don’t need to hear this but holy ghost say read it there was a famous Christian artist a singer that just renounced his Christian faith how scary are the times we living
In he renounced his Christian faith and I went on to read it and it said because of the war that’s happening in Israel what what’s happening with Russia and Ukraine he said well where is this God that I’ve been singing about all this time how could God let this
Happen and it broke my entire spirit because I then began to think about all the people that he’s ministered to all the people that he’s sang in front of he’s given concerts thousands of people how many people gave their life to Christ because of his ministry and now you openly renounced your Christian
Faith I said God have mercy on him and all the people that he W to Christ through the ministry that God had given him how scary are the times that we’re living in I said but on the flip side of that God there are probably a lot of
Other people that are having the same thoughts God babies are being killed women are being raped to the point of their bleeding people are being kidnapped children are being killed beheaded yes it’s a natural response to wonder where is God in this God how can you let this
Happen I said God send him somebody that’s got the Holy Ghost send him somebody with knowledge with understanding that can get to him and tell him it’s the word and I know that sounds real simple and and just very fleeting to just brush it off is but God
Says I am the Lord and I change not my word every jot and ttle of it where will stand it won’t change and unfortunately a lot of these things have to happen and as tragic and as bad as it is it has to happen it is a course of events that have to
Happen but where we come in is we need to be ready this is happening now in Israel we can’t turn a L eye to it we can’t Li well I you know I don’t want to hear the news it’s just so bad I just you know
God God will take care of it cuz that’s over there but what’s happening over there affects what happens here an apostle reminded us as the Bible reminded us that as a prophets of old the territories that they were in when they went and prayed and laid before God
What was to befall that particular area the prophets got hit with it too that’s right so we can’t escape from it what’s coming to America we deserve it come on I think it’s in second Thessalonians when it talked about let he who lth now let and where
The Holy Ghost gave Revelation was it’s the intercessors that are keeping back the anti Christ so we get off the Mark if we lose sight of where we are and what we’re supposed to be doing then just imagine what could happen what has happened is bad enough but just imagine what could
Happen it’s time out for playing yes it’s time out for thinking that everything is going to be all right because it’s not come on it’s not going to be all right a lot of our childhood trauma even has gotten us to a place where we are in straight
Bondage yes and it keeps us in bondage because it causes us then to mishandle people stuff that happened in our childhood that has latched itself on to us it’s all embedded in our spirit we’ve carried it with us down throughout lives and then it causes encounters that
We have with one another it causes us sometime to mistreat people because of stuff that’s locked in our spirit but we get in trouble because then we lock ourselves away to where we don’t want to be dealt with Will somebody come to you with like sis you know I see you you all
Right I see you you having some struggles lately no I’m all right I’m fine that’s true you need anything I mean I I I just I feel your spirit is very heavy right now no I’m fine praise the Lord I’m fine so we close off our heart we close
Off our spirit we don’t want nobody to touch our trauma we isolate ourselves cuz we don’t want nobody to deal with it but those that have the power and authority to deal with it those are the ones we run from and a lot of times that trauma can block the voice of
God and it can not only block the voice as in prayer but it can block it if I’m his servant and I’m coming to you this is a voice of God speaking to you and when you reject it then you reject God on God help us the trauma will be louder than the
Voice of God but I like this I like it I like being pitiful I like being needed my God my God leave me alone I want to carry my wounds I mean after all I’ve had them for 30 years look what is gotten me look where it’s really gotten you but in our
Peanut we want to stroke our wounds and we want to baby our wounds and we want to keep our wounds and all our drama and all our trauma we carry it like an albatross around our neck the word yoke it’s like it means a balance between the
Scales what you connected to what you’re connected with everything in our lives affects everything in our lives yes but when you don’t want to let go then it keeps us in bondage and when someone then comes to you and tell you you still bound because you have not forgiven your Daddy you still bound because you haven’t forgiven your ex-husband oh Lord you still got bitterness toward your sister you don’t know what you’re talking about we reject the voice of God Fellowship also can mean agreement so what are we in agreement with really what are we in agreement
With the word agreement means to concur with something come on even in an opinion it means to consent to so in 2 Corinthians 6 when it asks what communion have like with Darkness it was a question and as I said God said from the very beginning I separated light from
Darkness so we have to be mindful of what we fellowship with what we stand in agreement with apost and I were talking about even when it comes to these fraternities and sororities we were out eating and we saw a group of the pink and green they were
Over there it’s a whole group of them and I said Lord have mercy if you were to ask a lot of them they would say that they are a member of this sority St strictly for the quote unquote networking ability but what does that sar’s Foundation stand on what does that s sorority’s
Foundation stand on that fraternity’s Foundation stand on it was erected from idle Gods so when you become a part of it you are in agreement with it you can say you are part of for the networking ability all you want to but the bottom line is
Because you are a part of it you are in fellowship with it you are in communion with it you are in joint participation with it and all everything that is derived from cuz I got a family member that is Die Hard AKA we were laughing because we said
Well had she been with us yesterday she would have probably got up and be making all the little noises and the little hand signal and all this kind of stuff like girl go over there and sit with them don’t be sitting with us with all that foolishness will tell you in a
Heartbeat it’s a networking tool no it’s demonic and it’s not of God Amen but again when you bring the truth then you try to justify it because truthfully you don’t want to let go of it that’s it but what’s going to happen when you stand stand before
God cuz God going to say I brought you the truth you knew and you know the truth because I brought it right before you and you rejected the truth there’s going to be a lot of conversations when we stand before God about what we knew and what we did with what we knew
We know Amos 3 and three can two walk together except they be agreed I cannot fellowship and walk with you if I’m not in agreeance with you that’s right all of our relationships throughout our life we have to stand back and examine has this relationship been productive and then there’s some relationships that
We’ve had that through the mighty hand of God he came in and severed it he separated light from Darkness but we still trying to hold on to it sometimes we comeing for the prophet and he’ll tell you that one you need to let go but we don’t want to let go cuz
We like the quote unquote benefits that it gives but what benefit is it really if it causes you to miss God what benefit is it really if when you look at your life it’s been full of drama come on Jesus what is the benefit really if when you look at your life you broke busted and disgusted and can’t find your way out of a trash can because you in the trash can fooling
With this Joker God helped the church and we turn a blind eye to the truth yes ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free we say it we quote it but we don’t really love the truth we don’t really love the truth because sometime the truth can make us feel
Uncomfortable sometime the truth can hurt hurt but not like when that joker cheated on you that hurt but you bounce back then you you’re still living you’re still here you’re still standing but the truth of God that’s brought before you you want to treat it like it’s vomit in your
Mouth God help the church rejecting the truth doesn’t change it if there’s a plate of food that I bring to you Pastor Cory it is up to you with the beastro oxtails of whether or not you going to eat them or not see I
Had to I had to meet him where he is you know if I brought them before you you can either eat them or you can choose not to that’s the same way with the truth once it’s presented to you you can either receive it or you can reject
It the choice is yours but what we like to do is make excuses well you know they had a lot of fat on them and they weren’t hot enough and they were too cold and they were this and they were that when the truth of the matter is you didn’t really want
It come on right you just act like you want it cuz you was hungry at the time and as they say your eyes are bigger than your stomach and so you open yourself up to yeah I want the oxtails overrides to give me gravy and give me some greens
And mac and cheese and and then you get it and be like how is that going to really taste going down though that’s how the truth is yeah sometime going down it can be kind of bitter tasting it can be kind of bitter tasting but it’s only bitter because you’re
Rejecting it really something in your spirit is causing you to not allow the truth to actually penetrate in your spirit and it’s causing you to reject it but then we want to point fingers at everything and everybody else when the truth of the matter is you don’t really want the
Truth you don’t really want it I don’t like this truth so you pick and choose what truth you like what truth you’re going to deal with I don’t like this truth I only like that truth on how does that work for you the Bible say we got to eat the whole
Loaf you can’t pick and choose which part of the Bible that you’re going to take or you take this part and that thou shalt not you know well I don’t like that part well I was it a request was it a did God said do you really want to not kill your
Brother but you choose to lie you can lie but you don’t fornicate you oh you can have fellowship with Darkness but oh but you can cheat on your taxes and oh okay then then you can sleep with Joe Sue and Bob child I was in the beauty supply store the other
Day I know this is totally sidebar this was a whole man you hear me meaning that he was born with things that I wasn’t born with and he was on the phone and he talking on the phone to somebody and said yes this thing tried to handle me like I’m not a woman
I’m like God help the church chur this is a whole man talking about and referring to himself as a woman and I mean he wasn’t like drag or nothing he you know looking like Elder Mitch Cory passor TC it was very scary hear me it was very scary we pick and choose the
Truth so I’m sitting there looking at the cashier like this is a whole thing right here and she was just like but I’m like God at some point we got to stop just shaking our head and start doing something yes because then we can’t just shake our
Head that’s right we got to do something how do you know that had you not approached this person if he would have received your truth or not oh my if you never D to step out but the reason we don’t because we don’t want to get rejected truthfully
True that’s true we don’t want nobody to shoot us down so to speak I was in a restaurant picking up some food and this older man and I mean he had on overalls I mean you know but he was hooked up to an oxygen tank and I mean he
Was he was wheezing breathing hard I’m like oh God when I tell you compassion just hit my spirit I was sitting there I was like God I want to pray for him but I’m scared Lord I’m so scared and he was standing up at the
Counter and all of a sudden I heard him said Jesus I said o that’s my cute hey I had to acknowled God I know you didn’t give me the spirit of fear but I’m scared I’m in this restaurant and my husband ain’t with me either that man said Jesus I said
Sir would you mind if I pray for you Hallelujah [Applause] Hallelujah whether or not the man got healed I don’t know I did what I was compelled to do in my spirit I’m telling you I was sitting there I was toiling I was like oh God oh God you say I got the
Ministry of healing in my hands God God what I’m going to do like oh all these white people in here and I’m like oh and I’m just this black child oh God you got me you got me and I think when the man cried Jesus he said I got you let’s
Go I got in the car and immediately called my husband I said baabe what if God don’t heal [Laughter] Him and I remember reading Catherine kman and she had the same encounter she said somebody asked her in one of her revivals well why is it that these people got healed but then these people didn’t she said that’s totally up to God on and that is exactly the tone and the meaning
Which she answered it is not for me to say do anything other than what God has instructed me to do and immediately that came back to me and I said well God whether you heal him or not it’s totally on you I did what you told me to do and I
Give God praise Hallelujah although I pray you heal him though but you know Hallelujah love not the world neither the things that are in the world love not the world but I like the world I like all the attributes of the world I like the things that the world
Gives and what the world brings to me the benefits of the world what are the benefits if it separates you from Christ what are the benefits if it’s separates you from Christ to not have fellowship with Christ and the scripture that talks about having Fellowship of his suffering
Yeah we don’t want to do that we don’t want see that’s one of part that we just no I don’t want to do that one I just do this one right here I’ll do know ye that the Friendship of the world is enity with God no well maybe
Not not that one let’s see okay so how is it that we are to disconnect ourself from unbelievers from idolators fornicators heady highminded people the whole 40 list sometimes we might end up having to separate ourselves from ourself but that’s when it takes a real concerted and concentrated effort to be
Real with yourself yes you can’t look at that list and then just try to judge other people it’s got to start with you yes and the we get in so much trouble when we try to be our own judge so to speak I pray for discernment all the
Time God increase my sensitivity in the are of discerning Discerning of spirits but I also realize that because I am encased in this flesh that there A lot of times I can miss it so that’s when Prophet Julia may come Pastor TC may come you cannot receive what they got to
Say because you may not like it let me tell you what you know sis you’re getting a little high minded lately you might want to bring that down a little bit feeling yourself a little bit you go and pay all this money get your hair done you got it back in a
Ponytail yeah because it’s not going to move me it’s not going to mean nothing to me cuz I must do what God say do cuz if I you know took the ponytail down it get in the way and you know it becomes a distraction so in spite of all that it
Means nothing put it back in the ponytail and keep moving so God is St sto so strategic in what he does and in how he does but we cannot reject what he does and how he does it he said his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not
Our thoughts so we cannot try to box put God in a box and say how he’s going to do something because we have never and we’ll never figure out God I don’t care how long you’ve been saved you’ve been Sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost you’ve been walking with
The Lord a long time come on you ain’t figured out God that’s right nobody has his ways are not our ways thoughts are not our thoughts high as the heaven is from the earth so are his ways from our ways yes so don’t ever try to act like you done Corner
God come on you deceive your own self Hallelujah love never gives up on people though love never gives up on people Rosana I told Shaquita years ago that I don’t care where you go and what you do I would never give up on you and I told her that and I meant that
But what stuck with me was I just reached out to her a couple of weeks ago and she reminded me of what I told her I had forgotten about it and she said and just because you would never give up on me I will never give up on my children H
Hallelujah so you never know again God’s ways are not our ways love never gives up on people that’s they could be out here whing doing foolish things acting crazy but love never gives up on people I came to this ministry I was a hot mess not that I’m still not I’m just
Saying you know maybe I’m less of a hot mess than I was back then but I thank God for the love of the Saints yes and you know truthfully a lot of them probably necessarily didn’t even like me it didn’t matter but they loved me come
On and so I thank God that they love me through my season they loved me through my process and so when we all in the midst of our process let God do what he do yes when you Fellowship when you have right and wrong Fellowship what’s in you is going to come
Out so one can always tell when you’ve been in wrong Fellowship that’s right cuz what’s in you going to come out so if I been up with law for like two and three years we hanging out kicking it at some point girl You I’m trying to maintain my my posture hanging out with that one when they say Spirits attract if I hang out with this one so a lot of times you know we think cuz we so spiritual we so Godly we so God L we’re so full of
God that I can hang out with anybody and I would not be affected I can hang out with a is Heathen is I can hang out with Trump the lion is Wonder on the planet and I can leave and will not lie the man was in the white house for four
Years and a spirit of Lon took over the whole country so don’t think high of yourself than you ought to amen light fellowshipping with Darkness at some point dark Ness is going to take over but a lot of times we think because we are God Le we full of God we full of
Fire we full of zeal for the Lord that it doesn’t matter what they do I am going to maintain my godliness my Integrity my Holy Ghost will never leave when we can do ourselves a big favor when we do what the Bible says doing come out from among them and be ye
Separate sayith the Lord John the 4th chapter was when Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman that encounter became a witness so I was like okay God so how is it that we’re supp supposed to be separate from people in darkness we’re supposed to be separate from the unbelievers if we don’t engage
Them Jesus said well go there John 4 start at verse three we’re not going to read the whole thing cuz my my sh we all know this story The Samaritan woman she was at the well this same the woman that had the five husbands y’all remember the story she encountered
Jesus Jesus busted out and told her yeah yeah yeah well the one you got now not your husband that encounter Jesus had an encounter with her and she then in turn because of that encounter left and became a witness for Jesus so that’s how we can
Be when we talk about Fellowship it says in communion with joint participation with so we should not be Lo yoked up with somebody that we know are unbelievers but you can talk about Jesus to them you can send them an encouraging word some biblical encouragement you ain’t got to be
Hanging out sleeping over going to lunch three or four times out of the week because at some point it’s going to be a cloak of Darkness if I keep yoking up with you I’m arm in arm with you I love my sister but I’m arm in arm
With the Devil with Darkness you ain’t you ain’t Darkness you ain’t the devil but that’s what we get in trouble CU we yoked up you know because you know I love them so much I want to see them saved I want to see them healed and liveed and set
Free stay in your lane the Bible said that some water some plant and God give the increase we want to bring it from the water to plant to the increase all in one encounter come on don’t try to be a great Wonder just do what you supposed to do for that
Encounter don’t try to conquer the world in one’s encounter on Hallelujah hallu you just do what you can do by the means of which and the opportunity God gives you Ashley I want you to be encouraged I saw you but I didn’t recognize you a total transformation is coming your way
A I saw you and you were going to work I don’t know where where my business but you had on a suit on your hair was different your demeanor was different your very Aura the essence was different and you had a smile on your face and you walked with so much
Confidence God said change is coming your way because you didn’t do what you would normally and know how to do because it’s your nature when your back against the wall and you don’t like the you know the circumstances that you in it’s your nature to go and try to
Find a place of comfort go and try to find my place of Refuge but you didn’t do it that time this time you wanted to but you didn’t do it you listened and you sat still and and God said and because of that because you humbled yourself even when it became uncomfortable God
Said watch me he said watch me girl I’m telling you was cute now you was cute girl that hair was just flowing I said is that Ashley I said that’s nothing but God he said so be encouraged amen come on give God praise H Hallelujah so we’re going to watch our fellowships
Amen we can have right and we can have wrong Fellowship when people in your life all of a sudden are no longer a part of your life don’t try to fix it especially when you’re in the will of God yes yes don’t try to fix it because it’s probably
God getting you in a place where you can stay and be in right fellowship with him everybody’s Fellowship is’t going to look the same and what your fellowship looks like now will not be that a year from now sometimes even 6 months from now so stay in the Press let God squeeze Crush
Humiliate as uncomfortable as it is everything in you that’s not like him that’s the only way the oil is going to come out out that you got to stay where he can continue to smash you I pray for a broken will every day a lot of people say they have it
Think they got it but the way that you know you do is first of all continue to pray that prayer and then when things come your way that become uncomfortable I don’t like this situation that I’m in step back examine and ask God is it you and you may not necessarily get an
Audible answer but when the situation doesn’t leave you for a While then you better you better know it’s God when you don’t get any relief from a situation after a while you better know it’s God when as much as you want to get out but you find yourself still in it you better know it’s God I don’t like it
God I didn’t ask for your opinion I didn’t ask how you felt what you felt I’m Adonai I’m master and I hold your very Destiny in my hand and as much as you like to get from under this uncomfortability is necessary you’re being uncomfortable is temporary but what I have for you to do is necessary So stay in the Press stay in the Press stay under the shadow of his wing let God be God don’t you try to be God I can run my own life I can do what I want to do no that’s the spirit of the world I can run my
Life but out the other side of your neck you saying God let your will be done so then you find yourself in conflict and the more you find yourself in Conflict the more turmoil is going to be in your spirit because you find yourself in a
Battle with god a battle by the way that you cannot win you can’t win but if you be willing and open obedient yes you shall eat the good of the land but if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword the mouth of the Lord has spoken this Hallelujah
Shan hang in there hanging there she just graduated from her program how many months 15 months [Applause] Sober oh y’all better come on and give God praise [Applause] You talking about strongholds broken you talking about yolks Destroyed the minute I saw her up in this church without her mama I said God has done a [Applause] work Because her mama could be her crutch but I believe that she refused to let that happen God has blessed her with her own [Applause] Place and the women of God going to fill it up aren’t we amen there’s a program that is going to bless her with [Applause] Furniture God is putting all the pieces in places sweetheart don’t move God putting all the pieces in place I don’t care what comes your way and if something comes your way and you feel like it’s getting uncomfortable and unbearable pick up the phone scream kick holler whatever you got to do yes
This you shall see no [Applause] More hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah I’ve never I used drugs back in the day and I never had an addiction like you know I would consider myself a recreational drug user but my husband tell me no such thing So but the one encounter that I had when there was a whole plate full of cocaine in front of me and because there was so much in abundance I feel like I can partake of all of it all in one setting but then all of a sudden my
Heart start palpitating like it was about to beat out of my Chest and the person I was with said uh not on my watch you ain’t getting ready to die here and I was not even in Atlanta I was in another whole state somewhere and they was like no no no push back stop cuz if I have to tell your
Mama mild loophole granny Bop that you died up here doing some cocaine you’re right about it that would have been hell to pay so we going to put the brakes on that right now so I cannot even act like I can have her shoes on to know what
That felt like for being in bondage like that and coming out so we give God all the praise [Applause] Hallelujah so women of God Amen we going to do our due diligence toward our sister amen we going to bless her and even if what you saw you know on her uh
Registry or whatever you didn’t see some go above that amen we want her to be able to step back and look in that apartment and go like wow that’s going to end up in your Sanctuary girl you going to be in there praising God Hallelujah and you will praise him because you know beyond a shadow of a doubt it was nothing or nobody but him cuz you tried you failed you got up you bumped your head you skinned your knees and you got up and did it again but 15 months later and here you
Are sitting in this church the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous woman of God availeth much people saying nothing’s like a mother’s love but when you see potential in your your children then it compels you even the more to not give up on Them it compels you down to the very core of your being I don’t care if they acting a total fool I got one that ain’t say well we got a few that ain’t saved but talking about one I gave birth to that he ain’t Saved I declare and decree over his life and salvation be his portion and he going to walk ight before the Lord at the end of the day he will confess Jesus Christ as his Lord and denounce every false and idol God in his life I decree it in Jesus name
Hallelujah hallelujah I decree his children going to be saved Hallelujah he will raise them up in way they should go he will be a man of Valor I decree it in Jesus name you got to make some bold declarations before the devil you not going to have my child you not going to
Have my mama you won’t have my daddy you won’t have my Brother make bold declarations when they doing this and they doing that don’t matter what they doing it matters what God Said Hallelujah And as sure was I’m black them eyes sister cap going to open real [Applause] soon Hallelujah hallelujah oh it’s going to happen Hallelujah in the name of Jesus Hallelujah we give God praise amen come on and stand to your feet Pastor TC I’m going to turn it over to you [Applause] Sir e