Here we go ladies and gentlemen exploring the Illuminati ult part 41 Chinese fre in San Francisco and the New World Order and it’s all happening right here right now in a few days at the AEK this Summit in San Francisco xiin ping will finally meet Joe Biden but what’s really behind
It will be explored today with this new episode of the Leo zagami show so good evening everybody from all over the world you follow us also in various time differences so I can’t tell say good evening have say good evening good night good morning good everything okay you
Are tuning in that’s good uh please of course share this video uh put like and we will start right here right now with our dance Maab I love my donation list on the refrigerator after we get it well okay I list oh you have a list have a list at least we have a a few sponsor few sponsors so I get my list yes okay right that okay chrisy goes and gets the list
Like I said today the subject is a very interesting one and is connected with the Here and Now aside from having a long long history so here we go first of all thanking a sponsor is our priority because is of is a maximum urgency tool okay so um we have Danielle Estus and
Philip Beller and Bruce kodes and mgar Rada Mina hi she’s in the UK and uh federick Frederick Winfield he’s new so thank you guys okay if we ever forget somebody please write Ordo Illuminator and that’s at our own private email address that you can
Use so you can tell us well maybe you know you missed me this it happens it happens it happens it happens okay so the dance [Applause] Maab we are broadcasting at the moment live on Facebook and then YouTube in the coming hours but we also usually broadcast on band. video that’s one of our platforms this week however we were a little bit disappointed because we used to be featured amongst the first stars of the
Band Out video now in this bar that you have all the various icons with the various shows and now we have been moved down we’re not really appreciated so much on Band video even when we materialized over 100,000 views for only one video that was okay well if you
Don’t appreciate us what can we do I mean I’m a little bit disappointed by Alex and INF who have not invited me once in 2023 it seems like maybe my narrative my fight against the New World Order is not so popular anymore but let’s remember that Leo zagami was here when David hke
Was here when ni Jones was here and many others were not here that now you know claim to fight claim to to bring you all sorts of information so very disappointed in the latest editorial choices of infow we hope that people will still be able to follow this video however on
Video and if they censor us or they remove us from band up video well who who cares can we do can we do okay our subject no because it’s important that people understand you know that you know people ask me why you not going on infos anymore it’s not me that shouldn’t
Even be a question anymore it’s been so long they simply don’t invite me and and they must be scared of something because that’s the only reason and of course they have courcy in a very courtious way given me this band of video channel but then they never followed up with
Anything else and now and of video channel is been relegated I think you’re just going to move on down and move on down until one one day you’re going to look and it’s not going to be there but then on that day then probably infow Wars won’t be there either so who cares
Very disappointed though very disappointed that that they’re not featuring our Lio zami show channel any longer amongst the first ones on the on this bar they had there okay but whatever it’s the own lost not us and for those who want to support us aside from the donations you can
Purchase the latest book of lean zami volume nine or all the others volume eight volume seven volume seven in particular is an important one today because it discusses the C Russian New World Order and the topic of today is a very particular is one that is going to
Definitely create a lot of of Interest so welcome everybody I’m going to also put of course for those who want to help us the Gund me address that you can use we are no longer of course on PayPal they are banned us several times but you
Can still use Gund which is a great opportunity even if you have PayPal you can use gun yeah is a modality that permits it so I’m going to put it here on the screen for those who are interested of course Chinese freem are behind the upcoming as a Pacific
Economic cooperation that is happening starting from today I think and then next Wednesday President Joe Biden and jining plan to uh meet in San Francisco on the selands of the Asia Pacific Forum um and this ASA Pacific econom ecomic cooperation known as AEK Biden’s press secrety Karen jeaner outlined that
They would discuss the continued importance of maintaining open lines of communications and how the two large economic and Military powers and here I end the quote of G can continue to responsibly and I continue I can continue again open the word again a responsible manage competition and work
Together a lot of people are are wondering is this connected also to the trip that Newsome had a couple weeks ago to China what’s really going on is he in Chinese Prem now this is important to understand and that’s why today I’m gonna open this Pandora uh box
Box the the November 15 meeting will be the second face tof face meeting Biden has held with she since the start of his president and will happen at the end of a year that witness spiraling relations especially after the February spy Balon Fiasco and shot down remember that in
The meantime the progressive leadership of San Francisco of the crime infested San Francisco has undertaken a massive effort to improve the city image for the event trying to change the [ย __ย ] covered streets because that’s what they are by temp getting rid of the homeless and all open air drug markets these
Measures have been implemented and of course as a shortterm solution ahead of the global trade Summit that will flood the city with world leaders and corporate Executives so let’s see what Nome said about it because Newsome Newsome is basically preparing the city for this great event a city
Which like we said was literally covered in human feces and he’s spending over a billion dollars to clean up this city from feces and stuff I mean it’s it’s like quite incredible what is happening so uh let’s check out that hypocrite of Governor what he
Says no no it’s not this that’s not the right video that’s not the right video so let me let me find the right video in the meantime welcome everybody here we are here we have Newsome here we have new this state California governor Gavin Newsome touting what is known as the clean
California program at the unveiling of this street tree nursery in San Francisco I know folks say oh they’re just cleaning up this place cuz all those fancy leaders are coming into town um that’s true because it’s true but it’s also true for months and months and months prior to Apec we’ve
Been having different conversations conversations about ways to clean conversations I mean it’s true that we’re doing this but we have been having conversations he said conversations about what clean up and beautify cities in California like San Francisco Nome says this is now a $1.2 billion clean California program part of that has gone
To Cal Trend clearing 3,275 encampments across the state since 2021 other funds will go to buying growing and planting these trees in urban areas of San Francisco it’s the most significant commitment that we know of of any state in the nation even on a per capita basis to begin the process of
At least turning things around Public Works Crews tell me that in six months these trees will be planted in neighborhoods including the tender line S and Bay View Nome says red tape having to do with the liability of City officials operating locations like this on state property is part of what had
Previously push this clean initiative project and many others back the governor addressing numerous questions do you think really that we can save the world with a few little threes H there is a clean up over one billion dollar project how long have been how long did they do this for well
Cleaning app for the last week because they have this Summit coming up and they want to make Brut figur as they say in Italy the annual as Asia Asia sorry Pacific economic cooperation Summit which is known as apek that is now taking place in San Francisco is the largest International
Event in the city since world leaders gathered there in 1945 to sign the charter to create the infamous United United Nations based on the New World Order which of course is still currently taking place a lot has changed in 78 years including radical leftist in City Hall which have Push failed defund the
Police policies that have transform parts of the region into an out control crime infested hell hole this is happening low California yeah it’s really sad the New York Post confirmed the folks at City Hall began pushing drug addicts dealers and homeless from the downtown area to other parts of the
City this just in proximity of this big event in an effort that some believe is to conceal their fail policies from the International Community during apek so many of you will be wondering at this point I think why the meeting is taking place you know you know with some of the
Most powerful people in the world that taking place in San Francisco surely a lot of you you would say it’s not a suitable town for is this historic event well the answer is in the headquarters of one of the most powerful Chinese organization that Styles itself as the Chinese
Freemasons even if recently the Wikipedia has removed that that wording is still present if you search and also in the symbolis of course because they use the compass and the square they are also known as B family hung man or Hall of universal justice Chong Tong and their
Headquarters are in San Francisco so now we need to explain to our audience here in America why one of the most powerful CH Chinese secret society is based here in America not in China I mean I think people will start wonder why the CH Kong or
Gong depending on the on the word how you want to spell it this is a Chinese secret society established in 1880 but the origins are a little bit older actually much older and can be traced to the tiandi the Heaven and Earth Society also called hung man and we had an
Experience me and Christie with this SEC Society in Japan and I know she’s laughing because you know actually you made some photos that but but but but let’s first of all explain what is this tiand DOI because it has nothing to do with the Western pron and so it’s a Chinese fraternal
Organization built by the Chinese Illuminati and historically it’s basically in the vein of the Ming loyalist White Lotus sect why the White Lotus sect is so important well the White Lotus sect was created basically right at the start of the dynasty the Ming Dynasty that preceded theing the King Dynasty which is
Basically The Manchurian Dynasty it’s very important this I I have to explain it because um it’s very important for you to understand who are viewing me because these are implications on your own on your own life on your own wellbe currently I mean you might ignore it but
Then then you go you’re going to go tomorrow morning and buy another made in China product and continue to ignore it because this has to do with what is happening right here right now and it’s going to happen in a few days in San Francisco out of world places so it’s
Important that you understand why San Francisco is the headquarters of the most powerful Chinese Illuminati sect uh that came out of this Gathering of of organization known because not only one but it is commonly referred as hung men hung man also the the the why hung and I will
Explain also why it’s called in that way Hong man or Hong Moon there is a very specific reason so the White Lotus sect helped the Ming Dynasty arrive to power and the Ming Dynasty lasted several centuries they were the ones who constructed the big wall in China the
One that you know that everybody knows the Ming dynasty was the one that finished the war let’s say Okay so the wing the Ming Dynasty it’s a relatively recent Dynasty compared to the thousands and thousands years history of China it lasted from 1368 and 1644 and it was the
The secret society the White Lotus sect that put them into power so the moment in which the Ming Dynasty was removed by the competition that materialized with the King Dynasty then at that point they went underground and they started to REM manifest as secret societies a secret
Societies that were no longer the white losw who sect but manifested through the tandu the Heaven and Earth Society um and of course this is very confusing for normal people but because this happened in the period in which in a Europe there was of course Freon that
Was starting to manifest also and was starting to gather a lot of people around well the Chinese as usual took the symbols of Freemason like they take everything else they copied it and they use it they copy and paste and they use it for their own sect their own uh
Triads because because one thing that contradicts this young man is the is the constant use um of the triangle in their symbolism and of course this triangle then adapts very well to everything that goes with Freemason which is usually also with free dots is characterized and it’s part of masonic teachings but it
Kind of revers very easily also on there can you pass me those two books over there that’s very important um now like I said we have the Chinese Freemasons but the Chinese Freemasons have their headquarters no longer in China where they actually have even a political party but they have the
Headquarters in San Francisco and we’re going to go and check out also their headquarters which are connected directly with the Democratic party there me so there is a direct connection there now um so the connection with the you know why taking everybody San Francisco for this historic event well because is
The headquarters of the Chinese fation and the headquarters of the Chinese fation is there for a reason and now I will explain also the reason the Chong or J Tong like I said that this part of the tii anest toui setup let’s say the Masons as they call themselves which I
Have discussed by the way extensively in volume two of my confessions our secret society dedicated to overthrow the Manu Dynasty that started in 1644 from the moment in which they took over from the Ming Dynasty the Manu Dynasty became the enemy and because also China didn’t
Really go the economy of China didn’t go that well and this so this societal situation was difficult that’s when these secret societies can reud more easily offering Mutual assistance but also offering the possibility of protection and possibly with the promise of overflowing the King Dynasty now they didn’t manage to ristine the
Ming Dynasty but in 1911 they will eventually overthrow the the King Dynasty the the Manu Dynasty they will overthrow in 1911 the problem is that in the period between 1911 and 1949 in which by the way and I will show you also now the Western Freemasons also tried to open
Lodges finally regular lodges in China well that were back banded eventually 1951 with the Communist arrived to power well you know what happened 1949 maet takes control of China Mong and the Communist Party China becomes a communist nation and so regular freemasonary is no longer tolerated but the hongman and the
Chinese freemasonary will always be tolerated and they will still continue to this day um in other places that are very important for our story one of them is Hong Kong Hong Kong of course was under British rule but Hong Kong was also like maau the headquarters of gambling prostitution opium opium trade
Opium trade Hong Kong opion trade Skull and Bones y University constructed with the money of the Opium Train The Dirty Money of the opium trade with the compromises of us Illuminati in y University so here we are uh trying to explain all this history which is rather complex but is
Important so they tried to overthrow this cute Dynasty but in the end by overthrowing it they didn’t manage to reestablish the old Ming Dynasty at one point there was even a guy that they were trying you know that claimed the to descend from the Ming Dynasty before
That they were trying to but they didn’t that didn’t happen in 1911 in 1911 who took power were the Triads were the secret societies of Chinese freemasonary and was a man in particular who was born in China but very at a very early age ended up moving to Hawai and
As somebody who will eventually even manage to together miraculously an American citizenship by forging a passport and his b in aai somebody else by way the jigon tong let’s go back to the Jon Tong because Chong very important also in Hawai let’s remember always the connection with aw
Why then became American but wasn’t always American and and there was a very large Asian presence and because of the I think the cotton field or something they had that that was of interest for the Chinese they had a big Chinese community in a while in any case
Um they just to explain how Chinese Freemason works because our story is very complex and my wife today told me that her head was like this when I try to explain it because it’s really comp you know when you start talking about European fre American but when you go
Into Chinese history and it kinds of it becomes very complex so if not if you’re not any historian or just open a little bit and be attention the jigong was originally part of five factions of this Hong men of these three Masons that came from different CI in China the main
Province was fuan then there is the city of gonu this the city is very important for Freemason in China but let’s move in the by joining this Association basically if you were a Chinese living abroad it was less likely that you would return to China because the membership
In Chinese fation equal to death if your membership was discovered before 1911 that’s for sure so as a result Chinese fre was and still is a very secretive Society with 36 sworn OES on a number of subjects secret greeting rituals and code words so older members usually recruit younger
Members because they pay very big fees to join this when this Society started to shape up they didn’t ask small fees but big fees and why is that because you ask a big fee okay fine um but then if you introduce somebody else the person who is introducing you also he
Deserves part of the fee and so if you introduce new people that’s a way of recovering the money from the fee you pay it’s like a pyramid scheme it is a pyramid scheme that was a Chinese pyramid scheme was a Chinese pyramid scheme it’s a Chinese pyramid that is
Regarding the books that I’m Consulting today and that I will get Christie to read the one of them is the dragon syndicates by Martin bof which I regard as one of the best books on this subject and also book by a gentleman a fren gentleman called renon the Great
Triad which is very important to understand and here though I need the can you pick me up my glasses which are there yes yes thank you please yes yes no no my glass is there yes okay okay so Sor I’m Aaron girl today okay so here we have
Uh so Rene genon was a Freemason but he was also a great initiate his story is very long we might a whole show only to him so we might not even the important thing about this division in free no this division in free so the you have
The sky the Earth and man these are the three elements that in some in a way form this Triad okay now the the TW H which of course can be translated as the Society of the sky and the Earth it’s basically uh a a secret society that has of course Al an
Esoteric element and has also very ancient Origins because the let’s let’s first of all finish a little bit the description of what I’m I’m starting so you understand the importance and also the direct connection with San Francisco because this connection with San Francisco will take a little bit for
People to understand the importance of it but and why they’re doing this meeting most of the world leaders Illuminati and Freemasons next week in San Francisco um because San Francisco is the most important China Town only before British Colombia British Colombia is another place in Canada there was a lot of gold that
Became the second base for the Chinese Freemasons in Canada they had the second base that’s very important that just creeps me out totally okay so um the it’s still I mean like I said you have to take 56 SW off so imagine a Freemason who knows ex the comparing to Freemason
The initiation is a bit of a different one and it’s a much more gruesome one you are yeah we have to do you are like Benjamin f for the uh claimed who well well but let’s go a little bit now because you did this photos we were in a
House in which suddenly I discovered the symbol of of the H man and then he confirmed he was a member that’s for good yeah you know and and you did this photos I don’t think he knew that you were doing these photos because he was not around he was in the
Bathroom okay he was in the bathroom so I told you do this photo and this was me and Chris in Japan in what you got a lot of hair there in what year 2009 and this is obviously the symbol of the hung man you’re quite H happy and
Excited to see that I don’t know what that thing is that green thing no but then I also found amongst full for the collection a book of the young man here it is watch see you can you can notice always the compass and the square symbol okay I
Have a question okay so he he he he he admitted he was part of that so um you don’t have to be Chinese to be a Chinese Freemason okay there is a very limited number of westerners in Chinese freemasonary there is even a couple of Japanese mostly you we find Chinese
There might be some Filipinos rarely but mostly is Chinese and like I said it’s very rare that they invite a Westerner to join but you know how integrated Benjamin fford is yeah and Benjamin fford claimed at the time that this Chinese Illuminati were threatening the Western Illuminati which is completely
Garbage because they want to Simply take over they didn’t want to this was actually me with Mr Frogman we we called him Mr Frogman Benjamin fford which I actually authored a couple of books with who used to be the senior buau correspond Bureau correspondent for
Bloomberg back in the days I think oh no actually Forbes Forbes used to work for Forbes oh it’s Japan yes it’s Japan okay so let me uh show a second of the details of this hman uh Freemasonry so then you can see it and then what I’m going to do I’m
Going to show you also uh some other interesting images regarding this time Freemason in Canada before we go back to San Francisco uh but the first thing I want to show you first is the image in question which is this one here we are on man worldwide Chinese
Union as you can see it’s I mean the compass square is now in fact this pissed off a lot of the three Masons here in the west that they said that they didn’t have any rights to use them isn’t it like copyrighted or something no copyrighted well from centuries ago
Copyright it’s long expired at that point but um the the actual Freemasons in in British Columbia particularly where they have a very big uh a very big sorry for that because then very big Chinese community and they have a big uh representations of uh of of basically of uh Chinese Freemasons
They got pretty offended by the use of the and I want to show you a second in a second how they got offended if I manage here sorry in the meantime welcome to the Leo zami show with Leo and Christie H we want to thank of course all the
People who are supporting this show and of course fation how it evolved out of the European Enlightenment there no resemblance of course with the Chinese freem and that’s what we are discussing and that what is also discussed open openly by some very upset um Freemasons in Canada here we we can show
What’s see Chinese the veryable history of the hman society styling themselves since 20 1920 sorry since 1920 as the Chinese Freemasons offers no justification for the adoption of the name Freemason so you want to please read Chris from where from here okay the hongman chi Kong Tong Chinese Tong
Chiong Tong Chinese Freemasons of Canada had made significant contributions both in term of human and financial resources es in its patriotic and enthusiastic support of Dr Sun yon’s revolutionary efforts to overthrow the king D you see Dr sunat and here they always talk about Dr sunat it’s very important this
Because this is what is bringing xiin ping to San Francisco so let me explain you why GP is coming to San Francisco today there is even in mainland China party which is basically called the zong party interest party of China that’s what it means is one of the eight minor
Political parties in the People’s Republic of China that is of course subservient to the Chinese Communist party and represented in the Chinese people political consulty conference they have their own even a minister uh that represents the that is actually representing China because they are often used you know also to they use
Them also abroad to uh dialogue with Freemasons because they always trust them as being the rightful alternative to to what western Freemasons are um the in Wikipedia you find this written the Chinese zigon party deres from the overseas hung Society organization hung Society jigon hall or Chong Tong based in San Francisco United
States I mean you don’t have to make uh I don’t know what kind of research you just go on the internet and you will find that basically there is there this party and it’s a party that is basically created by this organization which is here in in San
Francisco so let me find it for the people who are watching us so they can maybe understand this because I mean to understand that there is in San Francisco the headquarters of something that is guiding a about in China it’s a little bit far out now I
Know it’s pretty it goes against all the cartoons I watched when I was a kid what kind of cartoons you watch they always show like these Chinese and I forgot what cartoon it was but there was like this Chinese guy and I think it was Bugs
Bunny or something but and he was bad no I think when when I was a kid I was more disted by the fuman chu which after they prohibited because they thought it was racist fanu you remember all those uh films and also TV series is based on
This evil sect Chinese guy with the thing fanu and and then they prohibited it because suddenly the Chinese became too powerful and they said to Hollywood you can’t no longer produce films that expose Us in that wrong light so that was the end of The fanu Saga the jigong
Party as you can see you see watch I mean you don’t even need to go on they are quite open and they say it the Jon party there from the overseas hung Society organization or based in San Francisco the organization was one of the key supporters of sunat in his Revolution
Effort to overthrow the king sunat why is he so important because he’s considered the father of Taiwan the Republic of China as well as the precursor to the revolution now just a second uh so what happens is here San Francisco was originally the home of the first Tong in the United
States Tong uh it’s it’s it’s a kind of organization it’s an organization is a found amongst Chinese immigrants predominantly living in the United States or in smaller numbers in Canada Australia and the United Kingdom of course which has a very big Chinese population because they were also in
Charge of Hong Kong for a long time and plus they had a lot of business relations with China in Chinese the word tongue means whole or Gathering Place okay that’s what Tong means it’s like a lodge basically it means it’s like Lodge a large um the
So um in reaction to the hostility that the Chinese immigration faced here in America especially from American work upon their arrival the Chinese reacted by embracing even more these tongs the secret societies in Billy Le Memoir the Chinese playground which records the activities of the tong gang in San
Francisco he states that the oppression the Chinese immigrants fac LED them to turn to the tongue for protection while is it true that the tong offer protection it is unclear if this protection was forced to G control of territory which I think is the case for the distribution also of the group many
Illicit activities that go on on to this day which included of course opium back then now includes fanol and all of other stuff now during the plague outbreak in Chinatown of San Francisco which I repeat is probably it is the most important China Town in America and one probably of the most
Important China towns in the world uh with a community historically that you know goes back because the Chinese have building The Rail lines and have been here for over for a long time so the during the plague outbreak in Chinatown of San Francisco in the 1900 the six Chinese companies recommended
The vaccination plan to their members and the tong doubting the effectiveness of the vaccination though the many Chinese residents of Chinatown refused the inoculations several tongues went so far as to threaten harm to those who did get vaccinated as well as the Chinese leadership that endorsed doing so so this is the mentality
Also in this context the Chong Tong was established as an old male fraternity with the purpose of promoting Chinese values customs and the ideal of democracy within a titanite network of Brotherhood that has ties dating back over 300 years in China the society is considered the oldest Chinese rooted
Organization established in the United States but here is the connection with Dr Sun yaten and it’s very important to understand this name I’m going to put him here on the screen because this guy who is considered the father of the nation in in present day Taiwan and the
Forerunner of the revolution in the people Republic of China because remember the division between Taiwan and Mainland China occurred only after the Communist came to power and the Americans in the 50s threatened the Communist saying we will nuke you if you try to invade Taiwan this is why China
Is not United with t Taiwan otherwise they will be one country but also they the velop in a different way because the moment in which China became communist it kind of develop in a completely different way this doesn’t mean though that Chinese Prem masonary that is in
China is not also in Taiwan where actually most of the military are all part of the Hong man so imagine what’s going to happen if a war erts between China and Taiwan very conveniently the headquarters of the Chinese Freemasons in China and and their party are always
Facing on on the coast on the part of faces the Taiwan District so it will take them very little to say to their brothers in the lodges in Taiwan put down your weapons and we want to come and get your country I don’t think that Americans understood this but they will
Definitely understand the next week because next week well next week said is is very important gu what’s going on go behind the scene because Dr sunat sen lived also in San Francisco in what are the present headquarters of the Chinese freem Mission the Grand Lodge for the
World he is considered the guy you see because he came before mounton but he overr the he overthrow the emperor you remember the film The Last Emperor The Last Emperor and then the Communist and the Forbidden City was everything well you have to understand
That it was him if it wasn’t for Dr suat sen they would have never managed to overthrow the King Dynasty and the emperor and on the long run they will never have had Mong and the Communist party that by the way were supported initially by the United States
S and the Communist why do we do that because we have F I’m sorry you have Democrats you back at them okay so we’re such a great country I understand it they also have criminal links with the US Democratic party okay so and this is not just a
Theory there was a guy called Leland hin he that was forced to resign he was a member of the California state senate for District 8 which cover part of San Francisco the peninsula and was once the second highest ranking Democrat of the California State Assembly he was associated with shrimp boy shrimp Bo
Used to be the head of the Chinese Freemasons and Shmo is also a guy who for Sho because he was like a midet he little his little doesn’t call him Shino his mother call his grandmother call him Shino but he was one of the most fierce
Guy he’s the one who was in the mer most fierce assassinations that went on in in in San Francisco including that Mafia style assassination that killed a bunch of people in China Town uh but let let let me show what people maybe don’t understand here the seriousness of the
Situation so let me remind here uh there was and there is people in the Democratic party who have direct contacts and work with Chinese freemasonary this guy who by the way by the way came out of prison in 2020 so is now out well he was very powerful here this is a thing
About what went on back in the Los Angeles Times Newsroom Democratic state senator Leeland ye was in a San Francisco Federal Court after being arrested and indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit fire fraud and traffic Firearms ye who is also running for California secretary of state is accused of consorting with notorious
Felons accepting thousands of dollars in campaign donations and of promising undercover FBI agents that he could provide connections to International Gun Runners the arrest could torpedo the Senator’s political career as one of the most prominent figures in the state’s Democratic legislative majority 26 people including former San Francisco School Board president Keith Jackson
Were indicted on charges linked to an extensive crime ring allegedly headed by well-known Chinatown figure Raymond Chow known as shrimp boy who is also that’s it this is the headquarters guy go and check what is written on that on on on on that door chiong Chun Tong that’s the headquarters of China
Chinese Freemason in here it’s not very fancy building no it doesn’t have to be you don’t want it to be fancy that’s that’s the three scientologists have a fancy building well Scientology are not the Chinese Mafia there are kind of well course whatever but here’re talking about very
Serious people and Scientology is a joke comparing to these people these people melting acid in a second so these are coming out of their headquarters with all those boxes HH arrested and charged the times reports the indictment alleges ye and Jackson defrauded citizens of honest services and were involved in a
Scheme to traffic firearms in exchange for thousands of dollars in campaign donations to ye for more visit LA and okay so who is shrimp shrimp boy well here here let’s let’s check out a second uh shrimo and and and then we go back to the history here of
Because actually before going to shrim boy let’s go back to sunia sen because sunia sen is a is an incredible figure whose life around the world resembles really the life of the ultimate Adventurer I mean this guy left China went to Hawai then went to Hong Kong
Then would go to the United States there will be here there everywhere a one point of of course he at one point actually the British kidna him when he went to England and wanted to bring him to China so he could get but of course he was liberated by his own his own
Shrimpo so so in the present day Republic of of China repeat and the communist China see Dr sunen as almost a Godly figure the father of the nation so the fact that he lived in that place where you just saw the boxes were brought out by the FBI that was his
Place where he used to live for them that for Jin ping that is like the most important Shrine ever sunen began a campaign D through the manure rulers of the shin Dynasty in 1904 a meeting took place between the chikun tong and Su yaten in Hawai because they had a headquarters in
Hawaii beautiful headquarters in actually they had several places in were beautiful but one in particular incredible I think still to this but it was I think they all ended up destroyed but the purpose of the meeting was to Rally National support for a future Revolution U that will take place in
1911 these people were planning Chinese and then this Society also assisted in suat sense campaign throughout the United States the headquarters of the shikun tong AAR Chinese Freemasons based at 3638 SP H in San Francisco to this day served as a temporary home for Sun yat then why he lived in Exile and he still
Considered the heart of San Francisco China Town that’s the real reason why xiin ping has accepted to participate in the Asia Pacific economic cooperation event taking place in San Francisco and this is the re reason why he has secretly requested the organizer to visit the headquarters of Jong Tong to pay tribute
To the so-called Forerunner of the Revolution who was in reality a criminal as you can see from this reading this book this is a guy who at one point had to fake being born in Hawaii just like Obama to not get arrested by the Chinese Authority and the Brits and manage to
Get an American residence through a fake passport made by the trials for him seems like pretty serious stuff guys I mean the I mean the fact that he pretended to be born in I mean obtaining illicity an American citizenship when he pretended to be born in Hawaii inspiring possibly the future
US President Barack Hussein Obama he used this his time in San Francisco to connect with all the tried societies of the USA with the txis support of the Shong Tong shanu in San Francisco for who he rewrote the society’s constitutions in a way that and and control over the other sub
Branches that were of course what we now know as trials because then the more you know it’s like the mafia you have the high level Mafia and then you have the mafia that goes around for the racketeering and all the rest now the Chinese New World Order of
Course I have exposed especially in volume 8 but today I’m here to show you really the history behind what’s going on next week so I wanted to show first of all because one thing about you have to understand the the history of of what we we have been discussing here has to be
Very clear the tandi was born in a shaoling monastery it’s like a movie like you know the movie Kung Fu you remember kungu in the 70s with the actor what what his name oh I never saw it that was one of my favor I know I just I can’t figure it right
Now one my favorite you should no no and the other guy I know David kerine yeah I got it right by the way died in very mysterious circumstances just as Bruce Lee connected to the r um I would like you to to read because the the thing is that
We want to understand the roots of this t do uh it’s it’s not a regular Freemason a regular freemasonary in China didn’t last that long and actually the history of regular fation can be described very briefly in this article of the square magazine which by the way doesn’t really
Tell us the history of Chinese freem it tells us only the history of European style Western Freemason in China which is a very different thing and and and it talks in fact about this periods in which Western freas reach China from 1767 to 1949 mainly studying the existence of
Lodges in ch there were only basically lodges in China functions under foreign jurisdictions okay then there was a period from 1939 30 to 49 that basically they develop fre among the Chinese people but Western form fre and then there was a third period which basically in 1949 and then there was the occupation
Of the C Power by the communist but then there was also the fact that in Taiwan Western freem then became the Grand Lodge of China so the Grand Lodge of China today the regular Grand Lodge of China and by the way when you see qah here with free docks is KERO Mano which
Is a way of saying in Spanish because the first regular lodges were ched from Philippines and they talked in Spanish so instead of saying worship no sorry saying dear brother they will say Kor Mano which is basically the Spanish way of saying their brother the Grand Lodge
Of China the original the 1949 one was this one and it constituted of lodges that were actually coming from the Grand Lodge of the Philippines you see and actually this is the number one Lodge still in existence in Taiwan and then they still have lodges also in Hong Kong but now the situation
Of course H Kong but am lodge number one is under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of China and he says here 1930 a group of American Chinese Master Masons all of whom were raised abroad decided to form a lodge in shangai for the person to bring Fason to Chinese
Aspirant and then as you can see eventually on Jan jic of Philippines and then eventually theolog of China was consecrated m in shangai but when shangai was was basically was basically they couldn’t practice fre anymore because the Communist arrive at that point they moved to uh to Taiwan mainly and then
Also some of them mve back also they moved also to to Hong Kong uh but this is not Chinese F this is actually Western pration in China Chinese pration instead tiandi tiandi was born in a different context and it was born actually earlier it was born parallel to the the evolution of
Freemasonary in the west it was founded in 1761 so we can say that more or less is parallel to when speculative fre mission was coming together uh the tandi was founded in 1761 and its roots laid at the time in mutual and ra Aid rather than National politics say some people
Though I mean this is the interpretations that Taiwanese scholar give and Taiwanese scholar I don’t trust them because they are very you know just like Japanese I want to talk about Japan the this is a little you have to be a little bit self-critic here okay so going back to uh Shri Shmo
Became laugh I laugh the way you say it that’s sh sh sh sh is it was a head of a Triads and at the same time I mean when you say it sounds like Italian saying Sho it just sounds like it’s like the mafia well shinoy was a real I mean
Shinoy became the leader the Grand Master of Jon Tong in 2006 and there was a series of MERS that went on in San Francisco like was like nobody’s business here let’s see when they actually finally arrested and gave two life sentences to shm PO because you
Know in the end Justice CAU up with him even when his Democratic prodection the a long rap sheet in San Francisco but a short long R sheet but before we go on with broadcasting this I wanted to say he was protected until then by that politician I showed you before okay
Raymond Chow he’s just 5’5 he was called Shrimp Boy when he was growing up in Hong Kong the name stuck when he moved here as a teenager the Golden Dragon Massacre of 1977 the worst mass murder in San Francisco History five killed 11 wounded when Chinese gang members opened fire in
A Chinatown restaurant teenaged Raymond Chow was there but was neither hurt hurt nor arrested Chow’s first brush with the law came the next year when he was arrested for Strongarm robbery at age 18 he went to prison for the first time he got out in 1985 only to be arrested
Again on Firearms charges the next year 1989 back on the streets I do a lot of bad things prostitution illegal gambling operation Chow was second in command of the woop tow Triad and ready to boast about it on the history Channel I run this city who can tell me something I
Cannot do nobody federal agents thought otherwise in 1991 he was indicted for a third time and number three brought hard time 25 years Chia then began cooperating with authorities testifying against his former boss Peter Chong a fourth indictment in 1996 didn’t stick and chia began presenting himself as
Reformed in 20 6 KRON forek mun caught up with him at a youth group meeting you were one time the leader of Chinese Triad or yes and I’m done with that well Raymond Shia told our haek mun that day his message to kids is don’t do what I
Do and that they should trust him yes he serving two life sentences but before serving two life sentences he gave the most extraordinary interview which I want to show you here which is fascinating I mean this guy is something else I mean I don’t know what he’s doing
Now in prison but it’s definitely a character and he was like I said the typical representative of the Chinese Freemasons um pretty impressive what do you think chrisy pretty much it’s Weir weird I’m sure he’s getting a lot of commissary in prison probably more than ow welcome thank you for joining us this
Is Charleston Pierce today you’re going to meet a guy that went from being okay I want just give you the context so you understand what you’re watching here sorry okay so I want to explain you the context here in the period between 2006 and when he was eventually condemned for
Two life sentences almost 10 years later the Democratic party tried to clean up his image with a series of interviews on TV just to propose him as the good guy within the community interviewed by this guy bit okay check out how he was presented to the leftist gangster to community Hero by on
Change makers so Community hero Community hero welcome thank you for joining us this is Charleston Pierce today you’re going to meet a guy that went from being a gangster to community Hero on change Makers all right here we are Raymond how you doing buddy great thank you for joining me today it’s honor to be here so uh man uh where you from I’m from Hong Kong I born in Hong Kong okay I come over when I was 16 and uh pretty
Much involved with the gang actually I involved with in the gang when I was kid back in Hong Kong and I come over 16 17 I run the CH to 18 I’m in the same quit wow how do how did it happen I mean did you voluntarily get into the game were
You pressured into the game how did I mean first we get inv I get involved with this the environment and then after while and then I want I choose to be in I joined in the game when I was nine no eight and n and I stab somebody
That’s when I first draw blood and dur that time you know when you’re young you involved with you experience a lot in life and you grow up a lot of faster so you came from San Francisco from that experience that exposure and you come to San Francisco was it I mean was it
Something that you felt like you needed to keep doing what about career what about jobs I come over I try and I I go to I go sign up for the school like any other normal kid and go back to normal life life and um when I get into the
School in the 70 and kind of like a lot of prejudicial in in the school I want going there and even you got preed by your own people Chinese I get more like uh kind of rejecting you know watching what’s going on and then starting getting some fight in the school and
Just go back the same way I used to be you know to try to it was easy trans try to get some comfort with my own people right but then you as moving on further how did you become come cuz I saw some news about that you were one of the most
Feared men in Chinatown so how did you go from coming from Hong Kong San Francisco petty stuff here and there to be this notorious gang leader yeah know it’s the lifestyle I choose to be at that time I really want to choose to I
Want to be the best I want to be the best fighter I want to be the best gangster so you were committed you were in it you were in it to win it I’m I’m I’m full time I’m Pro even I was in my really young age and I trained by the
Older and I learn a lot of principal love teach and honor and be confident whatever win in the battlefield what changed you from being I got to prove myself tough guy discipline military you know workouts to I want to be a good person I feel different kind of
Experience and um just when I first met you you know we doing something comity the world you know I feel so positive and I just want to be part of it seeing a lot of beautiful smile and I feel like you know it’s different I want to be be
I want to keep this feeling this kind of passion continue rolling the same kind of skill I had I grow up in the gang and today I can put a lot of people together mhm in a positive way yes yes definitely loyalty CH and honor is a is a is a
Principle is a moral and we learn from the older lot of lot of time when I was young I wasn’t talking to my dad to learn about that I on the street learn from the older I learn about that and by misleaded by people you fall into the
Lty trust and honor is the foundation to structure you can use the structure on the gang and you can use this structure you know with with the new generation they have a good solid belief grow up as a righteous man but when I was young I I learned in
Rome way to the journey you know I just had from naive to know that journey travel you know through that journey is through a lot of suffering and like you said you ask me why I want to be at you know after I go through all that you know I know I can
Achieve a lot more and benefit a lot more to the another people on the new generation and the people around me so your focus right now is to utilize all your EXP s and knowledge well your focus is now in jail because in 2016 10 years
After he gave this you know this was back in the days when they were trying to relaunch His Image and just after a few years instead the things changed and he stri began in in November 2015 on January 8 2016 Cho was found guilty on all 162 ch
Including one count of murder he was sentenced to life in prison without parole plus 20 years so that’s where he is right now that’s where he is right now but at the time when there was this interview he was kind of like trying to he got out
He’s trying to turn over New Leaf no no it was the Democrat Party you know his friends in the Democrat Party were trying to sell this image of him that didn’t really fit discipline and focus to help make a difference and you’re doing it at now through your program
Working with kids yes yes I work with kid Youth and uh anybody I mean they they got involved with me in life you know I mean hey you’re welcome take whatever you know I had this is because of the democratic party the people like him who are criminals and assassins were
Led to become leaders of the community what leaders of the community this is insane man but using on the right way be careful what you learn mhm it could be very very negative but to me all I offer is my life experience and to all that to become
Part of my knowledge and wisdom now this all I this all I’m doing kids are embracing that right now that you’re talking to you’re able to talk to the kids and tell them hey it’s not how you start it’s how you finish or you can make some out of your life yes that’s
Beautiful and the most important as serve people is more than just know in charge with people right I like to say know what people that’s a beautiful thing Raymond that you’ve gone through your hardships your CH challenges and trials and tribulation a lot of verity why this
Democrat through K wants to make him a hero I mean what’s this problem it’s time to find something positive what’s wrong with that I don’t know and you’re able to do something positive with that to inspire younger generation to be better and to do better that’s a beautiful thing thank you well
I wish continue doing more continue doing more so uh your book is it finished yet my book is finished and um it looking you know okay regarding the book okay because the book there is something I want to say about the book just a second because very important H
The book the book is not out yet he corote this autobiography entitled Shrimp Boy the son of the underworld that came out That was supposed to come out in 2011 the title was L updated to Shrimp Boy Life Of Crime violence and Redemption inside the Chinatown underw in 2013 the manuscript remains
Unpublished under a restraining order set to law in August 2016 after Cho was sentenced to two life times in prison no one may publish a profit until the government recovers approximately 250,000 in C assets and fines pound no dollars okay we America more no so this was it just a second
That I want so how can people get a hold of you I think you’re on Facebook right oh yeah okay I know Facebook is new a lot of people like Facebook do I want to go that route but that’s a good way for people to contact you and and find out
About when your book is going to be out because I think what you’re saying is that it’s not published yet no not yet and but um and the title of it the title of your book uh the son of the underworld son of the underworld okay
Great great well we’re going to uh look for you on Facebook um delighted to have you here um we’re run out of time but we definitely want to at some point you know have you back if possible and we thank you so much for being here today
Raymond I’m glad that you’re doing these positive things in your life and I know it’s a lot going on but I know you personally that you’re a great man and we honor you today and we’re honored to have you here today so thank you my friend it’s my it’s honor to being here
Thank you thank you very much for watching oh well that that interview didn’t AG well okay so I guess not okay important now to understand that in the history of the T of course is very important to uh also realize the connection with the sh The Shaolin Monastery and also with Kung
Fu the martial arts which are at the center of their practices so you know it’s not only a lodge where you get initiated and you get initiated like Benjamin fford said they brought them downstairs the center character of the initiation full for said was the Master of Ceremonies the in charge
Of the incense and this is basically an image a rare image of um one of these uh incense people incense because I I asked him you know you remember when I was with him and I asked him what is the the car the most important figure during
The initiation and he told me the incense man the the master of ceremony who who holds the incense and it’s interesting because there is also detailed here that is supposed to also be done on purpose his feet he wears this weird and you see he’s making a
Sign what does that mean of course I’m not a member of the Chinese fre so I is that his hair is that like some kind of a crown no some kind of a thing he put on on on his head during the the ritual and uh they the The Lodges are made in
The following way this is a typical um typical I mean you have you know information the volume of the Sacred or or low on the scan as we say in Italian I don’t know how you say English on the and then this is basically how they do it instead in the Chinese
Tradition this is a more permanent Lodge while instead when they meet up for a quickie and they have to basically do this quickies because at times the police can come over and can arrest everybody they do a temporary temporary Lodge which has a bunch of incense as you can see in this
Image with all these writings but this is a temporary Lodge that they can destroy in a moment if the police Ares or somebody in their arrives so it’s not like the other is a permanent Lodge this is instead a portable Lodge so the Chinese can meet in every corner of the
World whenever they want and this is the connection like I said very important with with martial arts because the legend of the tendi of the Hong man is that apart from Hong derives from the name of our emperor and it’s also regarded as a word that you shouldn’t even hat Hong you
Shouldn’t even you know it’s like so they call them themselves toui and that’s uh they prefer to call themselves like that or Triads because of the triangle if though the Triads like I said at the lowest level tend to become less and less in TR with the practices which CH instead martial arts
Is very important for their practices okay so here we have a lodge of Chinese Freemasons practicing martial arts in the streets of New York for example uh which is I I had the video but I don’t think I I don’t know if I have it here actually but what I have which is
Interesting is instead the Chinese Freemasons in Canada where they also show their martial arts fixation In For For Sing H I am the Member of Parliament for Sanic for Europe you know as a proud member of the Chinese Canadian Community I’m you know really excited to be here to celebrate a part of my culture in the Lunar New Year but I think like the strong as the tiger is and as strong as
This community has been um you know there are a lot of lessons learned in that courage and it’s in that spirit that I’m bringing to Parliament Hill to stand up and speak up for our community I think being a part of this club has
Been a good way for me to um just get back to know my um Chinese culture and Roots this is a club that I’m very fond of and uh this is something that uh a lot of us grew up in so to many I think
This is home and so even though I’m not Chinese they always welcome me into this kind of family atmosphere because you know they say like Kung Fu is like a family not just you know you come and learn and you go Home so you see there is a link here and we were discussing it while the video was going on that seems quite obvious between Nome and Trudeau who loves China they’re the same person almost and and and and who have all this Chinese background remember that if it wasn’t
For this whole background Nancy Pelosi will not have had her power in San Francisco the Democratic power is completely link with these people remember guys and but please read this part of the origins of this secret organization that we also know as the Chinese freem missions though somebody rightly was
Saying Chinese free Mission arrived I think in 1767 with the prince this and that remember we discussed earlier we are not we discussed the fact that they were foreign jurisdiction s operating in China of course they were foreign jurisdiction bringing what we regard as regular free here though we are
Exploring Chinese Prem missionary as the tendou the one that we also known know as the Trias the one that of course then stayed in China and has a lot of power and a lot of members all over the world they have lodges all over the world guys
There is people like f for even said that there is six well he said six million members at one point he talked about millions of members no I tuned out on that conversation uh but there is also others that say that they’re in the hundreds of thousands but we’re talking
About very important organization please okay in 1344 the White Lotus Society was revived by don’t stare at me white lot to society was that Ming secret society that actually brought the Ming to power before the Hing Dynasty and the Manu it was revived by H Shanti who in collaboration with four other rebel
Leaders four other rebel leaders Lu fuun Lee ER and two sunau and Su shuu Rose against the Mongols with an army recruited by fraudulently claiming blood descent from the emperor h s and claring the imminent Reincarnation of Buddha this Army known as the red turban Rebels because of their Scarlet headbands
Destabilized the one Dynasty but the red ter and Devils they were actually known as Devils remember Rebels no but also there was the Red Devils oh okay the society was then joined by a Buddhist occult Chu Yan Chang an experienced strategist he overthrew the Mongols and in 1368 became
Hu Wu the first Ming Emperor never before had a secret society overthrown an entire Administration to found a new Dynasty which in this so remember that the Ming Dynasty that preceded the the King Dynasty was brought by the same secret society which then in turn later on becomes the tiu
And later on the jigon tong and later on basically gives birth to this Grand Lodge worldwide Lodge of ch which is based in San Francisco never before had a secret society overthrown an entire Administration to found a new Dynasty which in this instance was even named by the White Lotus Society after two
Prophets sent Buddha to re to establish peace and order from revolutionary chaos now there was at one point in the history of China moment in which there was a claimant that was Waging War and it’s has an interesting story let me uh there was basically various moments of rebellion
Okay in the history of China one of the most important moments the secret societies created a lot of chaos and was anti-christian because they went against the westerners and against the Western Freemasons was the Boxer Rebellion the Boxer Rebellion known as the boxer Uprising was an anti-christian uprising in China between 1899 in
1901 towards the end of the King Dynasty and it was put together by the Society of rightous and harmonious Feast right and harmonious feast and the rebels were known as boxers because many of the members practiced the martial arts so they were boxing Chinese boxing and it was
Defeated of course because what happened was that the emperor ER called the Western powers to help him defeat these Rebels but it was already a symptom it was a little bit like the 1905 Revolution in Russia that preceded the 1917 re it was you know like these preceding revolutions that are a bad
Sign and then they will overthrow later on because only 10 years after the end of this Boxer Rebellion so there was the 1911 end of the of the Empire and the take over by the guy who has who was at one point living in San Francisco and who we
Have been discussing which is basically sun yat set and Sun yat who has his family also living abroad was the guy who had those titles you remember when they arrested those Japanese at the border and then there was that whole story of the of the bones the famous
Bondes guys you remember the bonds of the Dragon family that became a big issue and David wico cried on his show like a little [ย __ย ] girl and and and and it was it went on the unit then it was dismissed later on your name was mixed
Up in there some yes it was brought up in this cour case I don’t know it was here here we have basically watch this was in fact um nil Kenan who was a former CA agent individually as an agent of the Dragon family remember we’re talking about these bones the Dragon
Family was simply the dragon in the sense of dragon syndicates that was the Dragon family was a cover up name but the Core case in the end was was basically dismissed then let me check here because what I’m going to show you is very important remember that next
Week in a few days Biden is actually meeting with Xin ping and they’re doing it in Su coming to San Francisco this morning we’re getting clearer picture of what to expect from President Joe Biden’s highly anticipated meeting with Chinese president xiin ping during the summit that happens next week in the
City today in the B Ginger kab is in San Francisco with all new details that inperson meeting is a officially being confirmed and will happen on the summit Sidelines between President Joe Biden and president Xi Jinping of China now President Biden and president X are expected to discuss resuming military Communications the
Future of Taiwan and the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine but we have also Taiwan lurking behind the corner and Taiwan is ahe qut is important for both regular Freemason and Chinese Freemasonry and we have here the the fact that the evolution of the Heaven and Earth
Society is one of the most complex subject but it’s also very interesting because it lead us to understand this connection this legend that these Shing Monks at the end of the Ming Dynasty when the King Dynasty took control there was one Monastery left in southern China that didn’t want
To um didn’t want to go under the new emperor and the new Dynasty now that Monastery is a matter of Legend almost the everybody talks about this but this Monastery was the monastery that then will instruct to the martial arts kungu the ultimate kungu the secret society which then became
Tendu we become the Hong Man Okay so this um if I have a link to that Monastery which is very interesting because it’s a monastery that like I said some people say they have found the ruins of it some people say it never existed is the sou Shaolin Monastery there is actually a
Wikipedia uh voice that I will show you so the actual history of this organization originates from this Monastery here see the southern Shing Mony of n Shin in the name of Buddhist mon whose existence and location are both disputed although Associated ruins have been identified have the typical no but the
During the Tang Dynasty in the reign of Emperor Warrior monks from an and shin were deployed from the shin temper to combat piracy there was so basically then at the end by the end of the King Dynasty only the temple Iran remained the the there was some dispute with with
This uh with this whole story because some people say it’s not the place some others say it was in The fuan Province this Monastery and it was the place which inspired this SEC Society so let’s go back to the West here in the west the Illuminati
Claim their lineage all the way to the night’s Templars the night tempers were Warrior monks that were doing more or less what the Shing monks were doing so it is a similar kind of similar kind of History here now the do sun and the the new Empire in the
Aftermath of the box of rebellion China entered a period of fluks that was the period in which there was the rise of this figure this figure that we are discussing today because he Liv briefly in the headquarters of the Chon Tong in San Francisco which will be
Probably visited the next week by the Chinese president because it’s regarded as important so this is I think an interesting story The the actual sh Tong just I think five years ago celebrated the 17 anniversary and this is what they did this here you see Chinese Masons 170
Years anniversary they had a festivity in San Francisco well you see they claim and I actually had contact when I sorry I want it we it basically um I was in contact with this guy and this guy uh explain also how the lodge was uh was made I transcribed everything that I
Knew from that you know that he told me and together with my friend luga Daren I created the scheme of how the lodge was made now I have it in Italian so it’s going to be a little bit difficult for the English speaking people but the
Actual way that the lodge you see first of all the Lodges of Chinese Freon the squares are red and white not black and white then the worship or Master is called shanu and sits there in the east then you have the second in command on the left sinung which is the the second
In command then you have the vice Master of the mountain fushun Chu and then you have the master of simony the one we discussed before who sits on the right there of the vice master and it’s called Wang Chu then you have the advisor of the of the white V called Parkin then
You have this the combatant which a red combatant basically translate like that hangan then you have this one with the sandalay how you call transl in English sandal yeah sandal made of which is basically choh high and then you have the the various the mem tempor temporary
Member Lanterna blue I mean it’s it’s difficult I should have it translated in English to uh in volume two I don’t have a copy now with me but in any case there is some similarities in fact the I got a copy of the initiation which I’m going
To show you and which I’m going to read to you in the way that you are like when you are in a masonic lodge and chrisy can can try to answer Yeah well yeah yeah you give the question and answer if we were in a Chinese Lodge okay you
You’ve been in you know you are a Freemasons in the West can I ask the question okay what what business have you have have you here I am bringing you numberless fresh soldiers iron hearted and Valiant who wish to be admitted to the Heaven and Earth Society how can you
Prove that I can prove it by a verse how does this verse run the course of events is clear again and sun and moon harmonious the Earth extends to the four seas and receives the Three Rivers we have sworn together to protect the Throne of Chu and to help him with all
The power of ma why do they want to be admitted to the heaven Earth why do they wish to be oh sorry I have to do it right why do they wish to be admitted to the Heaven and Earth Society because they wish to overturn the house of sing
And reestablish the house of Ming how can you prove that I can prove it by a verse how does the verse run we have restored the origin searched the sources and examined the ancient poetry the people of singur the patrimony were restor now the Empire following the
Instructions of the leader were rised by this clear Moon and Rise the banner of patriotism where are we oh there is a great and Petty Heaven and Earth League do you know that the answer is in the next page which I but you I mean if you’re a fre and you
Have followed this exchange this catechism that goes on as you call it in information it’s very similar to what goes on so I hope that this also makes people understand that there is some similarities definitely H also you know I mean geometry is not an exclusivity of
The Western World it existed also in China they were building just the same kind you know maybe different kind of structures but they knew geometry they knew numbers they knew the same I mean the the basis of of The Craft is the same for them as is same for us of
Course then you have the addition of the martial arts yeah you have the addition of the martial arts their focus is basically on overthrowing because it’s a it’s not only an initiatic but it’s also a political secret society with a political aim to overthrow the king sing
Dynasty I didn’t know the sing in English I think it’s sing not King but in any case I said it wrong no no no I think might be the right way but in any case I hope that today in this very complex episode because it wasn’t easy
We have managed to explain you a few things about this uh this whole uh and and why next week is so important because here let’s read read from here uh actually read from here no read from here yeah read from here with his new membership son went to San Francisco
Where apart from heaven son we are talking about Sonet we talking about the father of Tai one and the precursor of the Revolution which is considered the almost the father of the nation also by the Chinese by the Chinese from the mainland the Comm so it is really a
Unifying figure that’s why xiin ping wants to visit San Francisco to go to the place where this historic guy lived please with his new membership son went to San Francisco where apart from having his photo aaph taken a copy was acquired by Jing sympathizers who sent it to Beijing giving away Sun’s new
Westernized appearance he started to connect with all the Triad societies of the USA in this Enterprise he had the tacit support of the chi Kong Tong okay San Francisco that’s that’s it now let me show to our readers this figure that we have been discussing because
Otherwise you you you it will be uh you know know it’s we have discussed him so much it’s just right that we show his image of course Bruce Lee was killed by the by the dragon syndicates if you want to call it like this the Triads the T
Dey the H man this was the guy and this guy as you can see is uh um when you go back here Sun said with a Chinese revolutionary Statesman physician and political philosopher who serve as the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader
Of the Kung Tang National Party of China he is called the father of the nation in the present day Republic of Taiwan and the forun of the rtion in the People’s Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the King Dynasty during the 1911 Revolution soon
Is unique among 20th century Chinese leader for being widely AED by both the Communist Party in mland China and the National Party in Taiwan but guys this if you read in the dragon Syndicate the story of this guy I mean it’s an amazing Story I mean it’s an amazing story but it’s also
A crook I mean he used all the crookery possible and imaginable from this Tri to put pressure and then eventually overthrow the Empire The Empire I mean overthrowing the Chinese Empire wasn’t a small uh a small result that’s for sure and I’m and for that for that reason I’m
Sure that gin ping wants to definitely pay tribute next week thank you for watching the Leo zami show with Leo and chrisy zami please keep on supporting us so we can bring you more uh incredible episodes of this show next week exploring the Illuminati oal part 42 we will focus on
Spycraft intelligence Services their connections with the ult and much more with an even New Vision of spycraft I don’t want to tell you too much but next week Part 42 is going to be a great a great another great event and I repeat please continue to support us Christie
You enjoyed today’s episode yes my head hurts your head hurts but now you know why Xin ping is sudden coming to California to San Francisco out of all places even if it’s a sh it is an important Shadow bye Bye And from P springs. Soul next week a little bit