Hey y’all welcome to my channel purposely Crest my name is Kristen Davis I go by Chris for short and this is a Christian lifestyle blog where we talk about everything life with God at the center of it um so I was going to do a quick introduction video but I didn’t have
Enough words to say so I’m going to make this video my first video If you haven’t read the caption by now I’m sure you have that’s why you clicked on this video it says I’ve announced Delta Sigma Theta sorority incorporate it I know your question probably is why I’m gonna get into all
That however I don’t know if this is your first video if you watch several videos this video is going to be more testimonial based I pretty much going to have story time here I’m probably going to give you some scriptures because it kind of makes sense with what I’m saying in my story
Um so let’s get started so when did I join the sorority I joined the sorority in Spring of 2013. I was a member of the sorority up until September of 2012. so last year so I denounced in September of 22 and then I got my former withdrawal letter in December of 22. so
Now we’re in May 2023 and I’m sure you’re wondering like why are you like just now saying something about it I can give you four reasons why I’m just now saying something about it three to four reasons the first reason is I am absolutely tired of having one-off conversations with people
Every single time an event happens or I post something and people are saying oh congratulations soror and I’m like whoa puppy breaks and now I gotta go hop in their DMS and and be like um I am not a Delta anymore you can call me sister in Christ
You can call me by my name just don’t call me that I got tired of having those conversations so that’s one of the main reasons the next one is I just think it’s cowardly of me to join and Beyond like I’m Adele to this and then bow out silently and say nothing
Well I told my closest family and friends but like I didn’t go tell everybody which is why I’m still having these one-off conversations basically my third reason is I would have wanted someone that I could resonate with to speak up and say something to me before I crossed that
Would have saved me a whole lot of Heartache so this is why I’m talking like they weren’t talking about these things in church and I wholeheartedly believe that this should be talked about in church and then my fourth reason is scripture based like I’m Gonna Give You scripture second Thessalonians 3 15 says
Don’t think of them as enemies but warn them as you would a brother or sister so my brothers and sisters in Christ This Is Me warning and then Ephesians 5 11 take no part in worthless Deeds of evil and darkness instead expose them and my last scripture that I’m going to read is
Revelations 12 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not live their lives till death so here I am giving my testimony let’s get started okay so story time this is how the story starts started in September of 2021
It was either before or after what I’m about to tell you that the Lord began to tell me to prepare for marriage Okay cool so I’m preparing for marriage and I’m also on the dating app and I meet this man of God on this dating app
And we begin to you know kind of hit it off start communicating we somehow got on the subject of me being in a sorority and he was like okay and then it wasn’t like your normal oh okay like oh cool it wasn’t bad it was like there’s something wrong but he doesn’t
Want to say it and so I we somehow I’m sure I asked like I can’t remember exactly what the how the conversation went I just know he sent me a website and when I went to the website it was a website of a guy who had tons and tons
Of videos about secret societies so I started with the first video and they were talking about Freemasons and Eastern Stars y’all I’m watching this at night by the way and I’m beginning to watch it and I’m like this seems really Sinister and it’s night time I’m getting ready to go
To bed soon and I don’t want to have those kind of nightmares if anybody knows me I do not like scary movies and the reason why I do not like scary movies is because I will dream about those demons in my in my dreams like in real life I
Would be dreaming about the same demons that I saw in the movie so while I’m watching these videos I’m like this seems really Sinister I don’t want to be dreaming about demons I’m going to cut this off exactly what I did I cut it off never went back and watched it so
You know the the man of God and I we never talked about it again in fact I was like I didn’t want to talk about my sorority anymore after that point with him and so with any guy I always pray to the Lord and I say Lord if this is the
Man you have for me let me know and if it’s not like remove him like yesterday and so I prayed that prayer with this particular man and then our conversation started to dwindle and so our conversations are dwindling and I’m like okay well I guess that’s just the Lord answered my my prayer
And so now we’re going into January 2022. and we’re in January 2022 and I I keep like thinking about this guy and I’m like why am I thinking about this guy I already prayed and you like removed him so it should be done right and no I like I kept thinking about the
Guy and I was like okay well we’re about to pray and fast so I’m just gonna pray and fast and you know if this is the man you have for me like can you let me know like can you send me confirmation can you send me a sign I don’t know if we
Should be praying that but that’s what I asked for it I asked for a sign or two or three and on the 21st day of the fast I got the sign that I asked for and so I’m like whoa okay um I do know that the Lord told me that
I needed to practice patience Um so I was like okay I’m going to practice patience I was gonna um after I got that confirmation the man of God and I began to like communicate a little bit more again it wasn’t like how it was in the beginning but there was some communication there and
He was going to be coming home from the summer by the way he was also overseas he lived overseas but he was coming back to where I currently live now in DFW and so fast forward to the summer I saw this man a couple times and the dates are great but nothing transpired
Through that and so I was like you know I’m having this conversation with the Lord I was like I don’t know guy like are you sure because was that real confirmation or was that just a coincidence it’s my conversations to the Lord with the Lord and so um
Around that time that same time I also still had a full-time job and then I would go in to work every single day and I would make a playlist of what I’m going to listen to throughout the day and I ended up receiving two more confirmations um through a prophetic message and then
Also through being involved in a marriage fast which was happened sometime during the summer of 2022. I didn’t sign up for the marriage fast the CR the credentials in the zoom information was sent to me and I was like oh I didn’t sign up for a marriage fast why am I getting this
Information I’ma just attend anyway and during the zoom call she ended up telling a testimony of a woman who had a similar story she met a guy on a dating app he lived overseas in a different country in fact it was the exact same country that that
The man of God that I’m telling you about was living in for the and he had been living over there for the exact same time frame that the man of God that I’m telling you about was had been over there I’m trying not to like divulge any too much information um
And so I was like are you talking about the same man it turns out wasn’t the same man however I was just like whoa but in the end that man flew back from overseas saw that woman spent time with that woman and ended up marrying her and I was like
This can’t be a coincidence right like I mean literally her her story is so much similar to mine is this like the third confirmation so I took that is as yes um so now I have the sign that I asked for I have the prophetic word and then I have
That partic that person’s testimony matching what would have been my testimony what I thought would have been my testimony and I’m like okay that’s cool but let’s go back to YouTube so I got three what I believe to be three confirmations and so now on YouTube when I come in every single
Day I’m making my playlist I begin to see a lot of denouncing videos mind you I’m not watching these videos I didn’t search for these videos these videos have just started to populate and I’m like how do they end up in my algorithm if I’m not searching for that and I
Would just scroll past this scroll past it make my playlist and go on about my day well um so after all this is happening I’m now going into the fall of 2022 and I ended up meeting one of my good friends from my women’s discipleship group
I end up meeting her for brunch it was just me and her and we’re talking and we’re talking and we’re talking and I somehow say my sorority sister and she was like oh what sorority are you in and I was like oh I’m a Delta and she was
Like okay I used to be a Delta and I’m like how you used to be a Delta that’s like a lifetime commitment and she was like oh God told me to denounce so I denounced and I was like well did he give you a reason why
And then she was like well at the time he told me denounce I just did it And it wasn’t until after that after I denounced that he told me why he began to reveal to me why and then one of the reasons why she only gave me two reasons one of the reasons why she said that Delta does everything in the name of
Delta not in the name of the Lord and I was like so what makes that different from any other organization that’s not Greek they all do that and she was like you got a point and then the next reason she said well he also revealed to me how like it’s like a gang
And I was like it’s not no and then like the Lord brought to my mind when she said that I remember the story from an old high school friend who went to a party and got jumped by the Deltas one girl got jumped by all of them
And I was like that’s me in my mind well at least it’s a professional game this is my thinking y’all in 2022 so we get off that subject and we start talking about everything that went on with the guy I’m telling you guys about and I remember saying to her
Out of nowhere I feel like the Lord is purging things out of my life that’s not of him and then we went on about our day like we went on start talking about other things um we you know ended the brunch and like went on our separate ways um
But that conversation stayed in my mind for a while um so much so now I’m going back to work and I’m making these playlists every single morning and now the amount of videos denouncing videos is beginning to increase but I’m just sliding on back nope not watching it nope not watching it not
Watching it that’s me this is me y’all I’m not watching a single video that’s y’all’s conviction not mine the Lord ain’t told me to leave so I thought so we’re now going into September I remember praying that prayer that I I did pray look Lord whatever’s
Not of you like remove it and then I did also pray to actually hear God’s voice I also pray for discernment to know when I’m actually hearing from the Lord and it’s not my flesh or the enemy because of the situation with the man of God that I’m telling you guys about um
I began to sick and guess myself from if I heard from God I had only began to start really like working on my relationship with the Lord intimately and like as strong as possible like at the beginning at the end of 2021 um when I started conversing with the men
Of God that I’m telling you guys about I saw how strong his walk was and his relationship was with the Lord he knew the Bible like that made me want to like dive into the Bible and like have a stronger relationship with the Lord all those nice things all those good things
And so like when I am getting to January I’m like go I’m here from God right like I’m actually hearing from God like I’m praying I’m reading the word I’m I’m fasting and I’m hearing from the Lord so by the end of 2022 I’m like now starting to second-guess myself like
Maybe I didn’t hear from God maybe that was my flesh maybe it’s because I really just like this guy and I just you know maybe that wasn’t confirmation two and three that’s my thinking and so I’m praying like Lord I want to hear from you I want
To hear from you only like I don’t want to I want your will to be done not mine I’m praying those dangerous prayers I don’t know if y’all know the Lord will answer your prayers and you may not like them because they may make you step out of your comfort zone
They may make you change some things in your life you never thought that you wanted to change or you never thought that you would change so I prayed those prayers now we’re in you know september-ish 2022 I still am seeing all of these videos and I now
What I now know was the Holy Spirit was this voice saying watch a video watch a video watch a video and I’m like no I’m not watching a video not watching it I ended up watching the video I could not sleep I could not eat I could not go anywhere without thinking
About watching one of those dang videos so I’ve watched a video and the first video I watched was from a popular uh Christian YouTuber he either is still is or was an alpha and he was talking about Christians and sororities and fraternities and he talked about some things
Um you know it not being good for Christians to be in these sororities of eternities but you’re if you’re already in it at the very least be inactive and I was like well I’m inactive well I’m not from Texas so when I moved to Texas I never joined the chapter here
So a grad chapter here so I was like oh I’m good I checked that box and so then I was like okay well I watched the video and I’m already not active and the Holy Spirit was like watching another video oh man I watched another video
And that video led me to watch a third and a fourth and a fifth like I was I spent days watching videos I’m gonna link all of these videos by the way in the caption and I remember saying out of my mouth I wonder if the Lord wouldn’t
Bring me into Covenant with my kingdom spouse if I actually did hear from the Lord and he wouldn’t bring me into Covenant with my kingdom spouse because I’m in Covenant with Minerva the goddess of Minerva and I watched another video the very next day and almost to the
Exact words that there was a woman on one of those panels who said my exact same words almost to the T and it hit me all it hit me after I watched all those videos I was like grieving I was mourning I was like Lord forgive me I Repent I’m like
Lord forgive me so I’m sure you’re wondering like what was in those videos I’m glad you asked I’m gonna give you this skimmed down version like I said I’m gonna tag those videos if you want to go watch them for yourself it was a series of videos
Um some of them are entitled like Christians and sororities fraternities um others were tied to like get out or get out now or something like that part one and part two it was like women from all the divine nine sororities And Men from all the Divine fraternities and
Then I also ran into a Church sermon from a pastor I think they were in North Carolina or South Carolina I only seen like one or two of them about like divine nine of sororities and fraternities and then like Freemasons and Eastern stars on YouTube I’m gonna
Tag all of that down below but when one of the YouTubers and I’m actually gonna say her name her name is Lala Jenkins so one of the YouTubers started talking about everything that we did when we crossed everybody has to do this when they crossed Delta and it’s like a flood
Of like memories and like everything that I did when I crossed just came back to my mind everything that I said when I crossed came back to my mind and I was like no I didn’t say or do that nah surely I didn’t say or do that yes I did
In my defense there is no defense honestly in 2013 I was lukewarm I read a scripture a day and prayed every other day like obviously I didn’t know what the scripture was saying about idolatry um but I’ll give you a little tidbit about what I had what I did when I
Crossed and I remember when I crossed we were walking into a church and it was a hallway it was Sorrows on each side I got pinned and then we walked they led us into the sanctuary where there was practically an altar of Delta that we would kneel down to and we would
Repeat everything that they said it was a whole ritual like there was nothing in there about God everything was about Delta it was an entire ritual that we did repeating after them and going into Covenant which we could not be free from until we die so I remember that and then
They shared the scriptures in which I went and I looked up the scriptures for some reason I was like oh it associated in the Bible it said it in the bible let me tell you what the Bible says about this bow and down to other Idols in
Exodus 23-6 it says you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself to carve image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the Earth You shall not bow down to them
Or serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God wow and then Deuteronomy 27 15 says curse is anyone who carves or casts an idol and secretly sets it up these Idols do the work of Craftsmen are detestable to the Lord so that’s what the Bible
Says about Bowen on the idols and not only does it say that you shall not do that and that God is a jealous God but he also says curse is anyone who carves or cast and Idol and secretly sets It Up cast meaning put forth let’s see what
Else the Bible says Deuteronomy 5 8-9 says You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea you must not bow down to them or worship them for I the Lord your God am
A jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods I lay the sins of the parents upon their children the entire family is affected even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me so not only are you cursed but now your
Sins and iniquities are going to be passed down to the third and fourth generation that’s a curse a generational curse mind alone so what does idolatry mean idolatry is the worship of Idols or excessive Devotion to a reverence for some person or thing other than God
Money can be an idol a person a marriage your child your spouse your job yourself self your business anything you love more than God can become an idol while those things that I just mentioned may not be bad if it doesn’t take place with God Greek organizations will always be
An idol there’s a false god tied to every single last Organization for Delta it’s the goddess of Minerva so why am I saying this this is not a personal conviction this is for all Christians and all of these sororities and fraternities this applies to you all it’s not a personal conviction you are
In full-blown idolatry and I say that with Grace what are some other things that they like brought forth to my attention I began to think about all the songs I used to sing from Delta we praise thee like that’s a worship song I’m I’m saying Worship in Delta whoa The
Sweetheart song we were seeing that at every wedding at every uh uh graduation we telling y’all her first love is DST not God not God DST is her first look not even her husband that she just married all of my love my peace and happiness I’m gonna give it to Delta
Don’t that sound like something in the Bible Deuteronomy 6 5 and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul and all your strength Mark 12 30 and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul
And all your mind and all your strength there’s a prayer the prayer says whether you pray to God or a medium I thought this is supposed to be a Christian organization apparently not because anybody can be in his organization whether you’re an atheist or a Satanist you could be in this organization why
Are we praying to mediums the Bible tells us not to pray to mediums the Bible tells us not to go to mediums it’s witchcraft what does the Bible say about that I’m glad you asked oh Deuteronomy 18 10-12 let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or
Daughter in the fire who practice divination or sorcery interpret Omens engages in witchcraft or cast spells or who is a medium or a spiritist or who consults the dead anyone who does does these things is detestful to the Lord because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive
Out those Nations before you what else does it say Galatians 5 19-21 says the acts of the flesh are obvious sexual immorality and Purity debauchery idolatry and Witchcraft hatred Discord jealousy fits of Rage selfish ambition dissensions factions and Evie drunkenness orgies and the like I warn
You as I did before that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God I don’t know about y’all I’m trying to go to heaven this is not my home so what else do they bring to my mind to my attention in these videos and
Also in my own prayer time we’re not supposed to be unequally yoked with unbelievers we’re not supposed to have relationships with unbelievers that includes marriage relationships boyfriend girlfriend um and and also close friends because Bad Company corrupts good behavior right what’s the saying that everybody says birds of a feather flock together what
Does the Bible say about that second Corinthians 6 14-16 don’t team up with those who are unbelievers how can righteousness be a partner with Darkness how can light live with Darkness what Harmony can there be between Christ and the devil how can a Believer be a partner with an unbeliever and what
Union can there be between God’s Temple and Idols for we are the Temple of the Living God as God said I will live in them and walk among them I will be their God and they will be my people not if we’re in these organizations we in
Mixture we can’t be a mixture last thing I want to touch on is Covenants covenants we made an oath to be in these organizations until death that is a covenant James 5 12 but most of all my brothers and sisters never take an oath by heaven or Earth or anything else just
Say a simple yes or no so that you will not sin and be condemned Matthew 5 34 through 37 says but I say do not make any vows do not say by Heaven because heaven is God’s throne and do not say by Earth because the Earth Is His footstool
And you do not say by Jerusalem for Jerusalem is the city of the great king and do not say by my head for you can’t turn one hair white or black just say a simple yes I will or no I won’t anything beyond this is from the evil one
And the last one I’m gonna say is Leviticus 5 4 or Paul or suppose you make a foolish vow of any kind whether it’s purpose is for good or for bad whether you joining these organizations for community service whether you’re joining this organization for sisterhood or Brotherhood whether it’s purpose is
For good or for bad when you realize it’s foolishness you must admit your guilt repent so I said I wasn’t going to dive any deeper than what I just dove into I feel like that was probably a lot but I do want to leave you with the last
Two scriptures that the Lord left with me this is what he said in Deuteronomy 11 13-17 if you carefully obey the commands I’m giving you today and if you love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart and soul that he will send the Reigns in the in the
Proper season the early and the late Reigns so you can bring in your Harvest of grain new wine and olive oil he will give you lush pasture land for your livestock and you yourselves will have all you want to eat but be careful and don’t let your heart be deceived so that
You turn away from the Lord and serve and worship other God ads if you do the Lord’s anger will burn against you he will shut up the sky and hold back the rain and the ground will fail to produce its Harvest then you will quickly die in
The good land the Lord has given you and the last one was Joshua 24 14-15 so fear the lord and serve him wholeheartedly put away forever the idols your ancestors worship when they lived beyond the Euphrates river and in Egypt serve the Lord alone but if you refuse to
Serve the Lord then choose today whom you will serve which you prefer the gods of your ancestors serve beyond the Euphrates or will it be the gods of the amorites and whose land you now live but as for me and my family we will serve the Lord we will serve the Lord I’m
Going to serve the Lord that’s why I’m doing this video so back to the story after watching those videos after going back and like I went I grabbed the ritual and I set it down next to the Bible like I really didn’t dive deep into like reading all of what the ritual
Said and going and finding scriptures for that because they did have some like Twisted scripture and and the ritual that was in the Bible and the Bible specifically says do not add or take away from my word I read enough like I read enough to know that I had to get
Out and then I began to like just be paralyzed with fear like oh my gosh I’m going to lose all of my friends and all of my family I got a lot of friends and I got a lot of family who are in these Greek organizations oh my gosh you’re
Gonna lose all my friends and family what are they gonna say about me yada yada and then the Holy Spirit was like you gonna fear man or you’re gonna fear the lord and I’m like oh I’m a fear of God he has the power to
Destroy my body and my soul man only has the power to destroy my body and I rebuke that in the name of Jesus I was like okay you’re right so then I just started telling everybody hey I gotta denounce I denounced to the Lord
First and I was like hey I gotta I gotta get out like those who want an explanation like you’re gonna have to come to me and we’re gonna have to have a conversation it’s gonna be a long conversation I’m gonna have to eat the same story that I’ve just told you guys
Right now um and you know some asked to hear and they listened and then they was like wow and then some just was like okay we’re not gonna look at you any differently and um yeah and I just I ended up finding this website I don’t even know how I
Found it I think I found it on someone else’s video I believe it’s called out from among them or come out from among them something like that they had like a whole denouncement prayer I needed to pray um they had a a formal letter that I could just print off and get notarized
To send to headquarters for withdrawal and I did that and I remember praying those prayers and I was like these are different I’m gonna pray them anyway and so I’m thinking like life is okay life is going on with life now like I’ve denounced I chose the Lord
Um I’m both out of idolatry I’m good wrong yes I’m good I denounce no I’m not good because now I’m experiencing extreme spiritual warfare what am I talking about by that so now we’re going into January 2023 I got connected with the Florida and free ministry here in DFW and then I
Started watching a lot of their podcasts and then also the cover by God I start watching a lot of their podcasts I think I started watching her stuff after she went viral for um calling our Christians but there’s neither here nor there I stand by where she said but anyway
Let’s keep going so I’m watching their lives I’m watching their videos it was a video about what you should not be dreaming about in your dreams as a child of God and I’m listening I’m like I’m I’m dreaming about those things huh so and I remember uh Apostle Tina talking
About there are some things you should not be dreaming about in your dreams and I was like hmm man I’m gonna get her journal so I get her journal and I’m going through the journal it’s a uh it’s called interpreting dreams with the King by Latina Johnson it’s a 21 day
Devotional and guided dream journal so I go into the journal and I’m gonna read some things off to you guys it says there are 10 things you should not be doing in your dreams having sex in a car that you are not driving talking to a dead relative or
Friend anybody that’s passed away being fed or eating something visiting your childhood home getting married falling being bitten or chased by animals or person getting a haircut experiencing theft or robbery of your personal belongings like cell phone wallet purse computer Etc majority of these things happening
In my dreams so now I’m starting to pay attention to my dreams and I remember now I am beginning to have dreams where I’m fighting for my life and I’m fighting demons and I recognize them as demons in the dream which I woke up and
Wrote all of that down I’ll give you an example I was one particular scene in a dream I was on the bus with my family we were going to my graduation which I’ve already graduated like a couple years ago and so we’re going to my graduation and
I had left my dogs behind in my truck in the parking lot and so I’m worried about my dog so I decide to get off of the bus and go back to them well on my way back I got an altercation with this man which I thought it was a
Man at the time and we’re fighting over um I believe he pulled out a gun but we’re fighting over the gun and it’s a silver gun and I managed to like put him in a choke hold and turn the gun over Um to him at this point I’ve now seen its face and it’s very like demented and like grinning like this like Sinister grin like uh he had a ulterior like he like he was trying to like he was trying to kill me in a dream so I’m over I’m now overpowering it and
I’m turning the gun inward towards him and but I was afraid to pull the trigger and I was afraid because I was so close so in my mind in the dream I’m thinking what if the bullet goes through him and goes into me and then like I bleed out or something
And so that goes away that Scene goes away and now I am in like a little mini dining room um there’s this table uh black tables my brother is sitting there and the demon it’s the same demon I recognize as being the same demon but instead of it having
A demented face it was now handsome and it had just got done making food and it gives my brother food and then it sits down to start eating and he’s he asked my brother how was the food and my brother was like it was good
And then it looks at me and he says see he said it’s good like try it and then he like Scoops up some food and like hands it to me um and then I wake up and I review the drink and that wasn’t just the only
Dream I had many dreams of like me fighting for my life I had dreams of me like Um in a building on a boat and like water just coming out of nowhere and just like it was just like the wrath of God like water just like overtaking me um and taking me out I had dreams of like tornadoes like forming in the sky
Right above me it was just like the wrath of God I had dreams of um being sexually assaulted I’ve had sexual dreams like it just all happened it was like every night and to the point where now I’m afraid to go to bed I’m afraid to be in the dark I’m basically
Paralyzed with fear and so at this point I was like well something’s got to give something’s wrong I gotta get some rest and I’m tired of drinking about these things that’s when I decided to sign up for or apply for deliverance through the flood and free ministry I think I feel
Like the application may be the end of January or maybe the end of February some time frame there was three phases to that there was a phase one the application in which they pray over it and then they allow the Holy Spirit to let them know whether or not I can move
On to the phase two or three and we’ll move on to phase two I think at this time we’re in or going into March I’m now I had already started fasting by myself and then I stopped my fast to go straight into the cover by God fast and at that
Time I got a notification that I could move along into phase two which is also prayer and fasting and so I just with the Daybreak I went straight into phase two which was 21 days of prayer and fasting so I did that during um that phase I just I mean I read the
Bible I stayed off of social media I renounced anything I could possibly think of that I’ve done that I know went against the word of God anything that I can think of in my bloodline that I noticed were patterns I renounced all of those things and then I remember them
Having some prayers that they gave me and I started I would pray those prayers it was during this time that I received my gift of speaking in tongues it was during this time that I experienced my first few uh self-deliverences and then I met with a friend’s cousin and she
Prayed over me as well and I experienced another and what I mean by Deliverance I mean casting out oppressive evil spirits and demons then I went into phase three so at the end of the phase two I had to wait on phase three as the Holy Spirit
Led them to go for me to go into that so then now I’m in going into phase three that was in April um I had my Deliverance day that was wow it was something I mean I’m not gonna like go into details just know it was
Something in that I learned a lot in that and I went through deliverance and I mean like I know it’s the Holy Spirit speaking through them because they were casting out things and praying against things that I forgot to even write down in my journals that I forgot about and
It wasn’t until they said it that it was brought back to my memory there are some other things that I experienced in the spiritual warfare it was just dreams I started like you know you ever been in one of those situations where it’s just like something like back to back to back
The back that just keeps happening finances I was like receiving a lot of financial what I felt like was Financial attacks it was just so much y’all it it would drive someone crazy and so I was just like I’m ignorant in this area I need someone who knows more than I do to
Help me yeah so I mean that’s why I went got deliverance and I went through deliverance and you know the Lord delivered me he was my deliverer they just assisted he just used them as a resource so now we’re at the end of that like I’ve been delivered I am now the repair
Of the breach I now know how to walk in my authority I now am a little bit more educated I know what scriptures to go read I know what scriptures to go pray and I continue to just dive deep into the Bible and to strengthen my relationship with the Lord y’all I
Learned more about the Lord in the past six months than I’ve ever known my entire life through this entire testimony the story I’m telling you through all of this this has been two years of in the making and I’m very thankful for it I would have liked to
Avoid some of these things but I do recognize that this helped get me to where I am now being delivered as I maintain my Deliverance if you listen this far I really appreciate you and if you are currently in a Greek organization or you know someone who’s
In a group organization or you thought about joining a Greek organization I do pray that what I have said is enough to either deter you from joining or if you are a Christian excuse me if you are a Christian in these organizations to at minimum go get your ritual and your
Bible and start reading at a minimum and if I’ve said enough to make you want to leave then here are some recommendations these are some strong recommendations that I I want to leave you with you must renounce withdraw formally choose a side who will you serve you cannot have two
Masters the Bible says that repent and replace the ungodly Covenant that you made with these organizations and these false guides for Delta it was the goddess of Minerva you’re going to have to replace that and renew your Covenant with the Lord I was an idolater because the Lord is my husband until he
Gives me an Earthly husband like the Lord is my husband and I was cheating on God with an idol so you have to renew that Covenant with the Lord and just like I had to go through Deliverance that might be something that you might
Have to do as well Joel 212 says that is why the Lord says turn to me now while there’s time give me your hearts come with fasting weeping and mourning don’t tear your clothing in your grief but tear your hearts instead return to the Lord your God for he is merciful and
Compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love he is eager to relent and not punish and then the last thing you you will need to do at Deuteronomy 7 5-6 says this is what you must do you must break down your their Pagan altars and shatter their sacred
Pillars cut down their Asher poles and burn their Idols for you are a holy people who belong to the Lord your God of all the people on Earth the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure so right now it’s withdraw repent to replace and burn your Idols
What does that look like everything that you got all your clothes all your elephants in your Delta anything that you got that resembles that organization must go and don’t give it away burn it destroy it so if you watch this far with me I really do appreciate you watching
And I appreciate your positive comments too please don’t forget to like comment subscribe and click the notification Bell so that you’ll know when I come out with my next video I promise that all my videos will not be this deep I think I think I’m just gonna do what the Lord
Tells me to do when it comes to like testimonials or like some gracefully correcting videos if you like content like this please subscribe I’m probably not going to do a whole lot of content like this I’m not even gonna lie to you I really wanted to be on the lighter and
Fluffy side of things and just talk about how great God is and how he’s a loving guy I don’t want to be on this side of the spectrum but occasionally I probably will if you watch this far if you even made it down to this last few seconds I really appreciate you for
Rocking it out with me I pray that y’all be blessed please don’t forget to like comment subscribe and share y’all be blessed