I see oh my name’s Nicole I’m calling from Houston Texas thank you for your call Nicole onward I’m a stay-at-home mom I have a young boy and I’m expecting another young boy here in a few months Oh congratulations he’s gonna have a brother you know that’s pretty special
I’m thinking you know you can’t really plan a hell you can’t really plan ahead on a lot of that you know – um you know I don’t think you know as a parent maybe you don’t know what you’re creating when you make a brother for a kid but that
Can be I mean there’s no other relationship like that so you know I commend you on being brave enough to have two children because you not only you’re creating you’re gonna be creating a relationship with you and your son you’re gonna be broadening your family
But you were giving a kid a brother and there’s nothing you know I can’t explain to you uh you know I’m fortunate enough to have a brother and I can’t explain to you what that relationship is like it hasn’t always been great but it’s just so it’s so great to have a brotherhood
To be able to to compare and navigate how I’m supposed to behave towards other men and how and have someone who already is a little bit of a blueprint of myself out there to look at and feed off of to get ideas and Inklings for things and
Get some advice and some suggestions so you’re really creating something awesome so I commend you for that onward what are some things that you as a man would advise new moms to instill in their young sons to be later good men does that make sense I hope so
It does make sense if you know I think spending time with them one on one as I get a little bit older you know as they get to be like five six seven eight spend some time just separately go do something separate with your son
My favorite time that I ever had when I was young was when the power went out and my family would all be together and we couldn’t fight or beat each other because they had candles lit and it’s dangerous to beat each other candles so we would just be together and
We were kind of scared and nervous but we were all together like in one place you know my mom had two candles and so we would have to be by her and we would have to be together and it was just I don’t know it was something special
About that oh that’s my brother what’s up Z Hey all right dude don’t tell me what happened no no I didn’t look do not tell me well that’s why I didn’t that I wouldn’t tell you anything hey don’t tell me no actually this is a perfect ending cuz I’m just finishing on
My podcast is the very end and I don’t know what happened I paused it right after the Saints kicked their field goal there was 25 seconds left and you’re on the podcast now and I can take this off later if you want but but why don’t you
Tell me what happened I want to know well yeah I mean now’s the time to notice is almost I mean I’m just finishing the podcast is the perfect time and we were just talking about a Brotherhood and stuff Oh a minute ago so this is kind of it’s perfect I’m gonna
Tell you about ten minutes about Who I am yeah well I was 10 seconds left to serve ten or whatever they need about 20 yards to get a field goal race 25 yards anymore dad you know this is a one in a hundred chance that the Saints lose 1%
Yeah he threw it to Avon Diggs whoever’s name is do caught it like 40 right right about probably four feet from the sidelines Marcus Williams was right there mmm-hmm my Holly has it was literally pull him to the ground but for some weird reason but Avon [Â __Â ] jumped
In the air Marcus Williams like job underneath him I don’t know what he was doing I think he’s trying to up in them or something mmm-hmm and when he doesn’t even momentum I mean clearly missed him beat he rolled into the other quarterback all knew it might even lead him on who it
Was there one day just ran in the ends oh no they got a touchdown yeah dude they were like on our 35 yeah no in their own 35 or 40 second 1% chance we had a lot we would lose that game at that point a loss like that
Similar to Tampa Bay but I didn’t see the end of the tape of a game but I’m just gonna be harbouring yeah it was a hard break man it really was because I think we win that game we’re down 17 to nothing at the half
Yeah I know I think we win going in other way like a 30 40 percent shot and we came back and really played really well the seconds happened yeah you just made such a weird play I don’t know what he was I really know what he was doing I
Can’t figure it out you know hoping David gained him will I mean it was like a last-ditch effort basically what it was and I just don’t see how yeah but it happens you know it’s over now it’s over I still can’t believe it but it is over
But you have the weirdest stuff dude damn man I know we had yeah I thought I figured we had we have a really really good shot here man damn dude you out there boy um quick question so actually we had a lady that called in and she said what is something
She’s about to have her second child and she said what is something that that mothers can do with their sons these days to help make them better men and it’s kind of a question for mothers but it’s also a question for sons what do you think is one thing a mother can do
With their children to make them better man there’s done yeah or something they could talk to him instill in them I don’t know that I think it was it was a little bit broad but yeah well you know I don’t know I thought you can do those
Children are young to make them better men when they get older hmm for that some of the I don’t know some of the that male stuff to be Lerman they’re a little bit older when they’re young I think the best thing mother could do is um connect with emotionally connect with
Their children of the emotionally available yeah oh don’t make sure that the child knows that their behavior does not determine your love for them even if it makes you upset what they do when you don’t do and you can have another thing you know is you can tell children early
On you can explain certain things to them you might simplify it but they will understand you right I don’t got enrolled you know up and telling them I’m 4 year old where the six and five now but we’ve since there were four so mad at you it doesn’t mean I don’t love
You hmm what you do I love you mmm now that’s what you do may get you in trouble but it has it’s a love you and then they understand it you know yeah now that’s my girls yeah my five year old is now your madam you don’t
Love me don’t say that max was like that who say no it doesn’t mean that it means that I’m mad at you so you kind of you know you just gotta help them along an emotional availability and accept the unconditional love is what they need I
Mean that’s you know what I’m like in life that he’s unconditional lover Morris’s father a parents house especially mother child I mean they have to be able to they have to know that you love in the matter what they do if they kill somebody when they’re 8 or 10 I man
That say I’m just an extreme example you know they got some young they got some young hitters out there yeah the amount you know the amount of your love is should not waver now yeah because you’re the only place that can get that right and you may choose not top simmer be
Extremely disappointing I talk to them for a year whatever but you know so that thing it’s real important you know cuz sometimes in our society where our worth is built on what we do what we don’t do and I think that a lot of that starts to
Parent you know when the children yo yeah you can fill that tank up early and let them know that now that I get the look man I I’ll even just liked hearing that you know that not what you know my behavior if I would have heard that when
I was young I think I would have I might be a little bit of a healthier person today you know yeah let me – as you know me – yeah alright man well I appreciate you calling I’m gonna call you later cuz I got to run a literate to drive straight
To Brea right now I’m gonna just crash love you day in love YouTube but that’s my brother Zephyr II know he lives down and he lives in Baton Rouge Louisiana but yeah it gets an interesting answer he loved he really likes to think about
This kind of stuff and he loves to be a parent and I mean his wife is a is a stay-at-home mom and that’s a CEO in my book you know I mean if I could go back in time and it’s just coming a little bit emotional but if I could go back in
Time and have anything I would have that you know I mean I can’t even imagine what that would be like you know to just you know just be at home and be having fun to be comfortable and have your mom around you know so but anyhow I’ll dude
You [Â __Â ] you guys have hit me in a hot meet here at the end you know I had a chance today to talk to my brother and uh you know and I love my brother man I used to not I used to never ever think that I used to have really very little
Feelings towards my brother except maybe some anger just from not being around when we were young but today I’m talking to my brother and he’s telling us some problems that he’s having you know some stuff in his life and and it’s real stuff you know because he’s he’s pretty
Fortunate in the fact that he’s able to solve some of the tertiary the smaller items that are going on in his life but he was talking about some real stuff and I just listened to him you know I just listened and then at the end I just told
Him I loved him you know and I told him I told him so I knew he meant so so he I knew he knew that I meant it you know it wasn’t just kind of like an outlook alright man love you you know you know I
Knew that he just needed to hear it and I guess I’m thankful for the fact that that things can change in a relationship you know that a leopard can’t change its spots it’s one of the biggest lies in the universe that a leopard can’t change its spots because years ago I would
Never have done that I would have given him some advice or some guidance not knowing anything like I do on this show and then I would have just got off the phone with them you know but this time I just knew not to say anything just listen sometimes people just need somebody to
Listen so I guess I’m thankful that today for one of the first times in my life I felt like I was able to be a brother you know like I was just able to I didn’t realize I was being one till afterwards but we got done talking and I
Was like well man you know I could tell that he appreciated me being around and that me he just appreciated having a brother to talk to that’s all a brother is sometimes it’s just two ears and a heart that’s all you got to be sometimes you know hey Co this is Andrew from
Deadwood South Dakota anyway they have a big party every st. Patty’s Day and my brother came down from college this past weekend we went gambling and we went partying and drinking no drug in but it was really good to the head and seen him in a while
Oh that’s nice I’m glad you got to spend some time there with your with your sibling more we got out during the day with a beautiful day on Friday and we went rock climbing in that damn y’all active y’all Brotherhood is really active my brother knob we barely get
Over to the pizza hut more and then it snowed a ton on Saturday and we damn and this just starting to lead to romance too you notice how a lot of these boys be leading a row man let’s hear more thank you to go up snowboarding Deadwood’s up in the mountains of South
Dakota and so it’s a really good time and I really enjoyed seeing my brother my dog just died and so I’ve been you know kind of lonely I moved here by myself and so it was a really really special weekend just to kind of grow it
Up and see him so oh man I appreciate you calling the saying that day that’s nice I’m glad you and your brother got to spend some time together man you know you guys went rock climbing you went snowboarding Jesus man and my brother and I when did that one of our [Â __Â ]
Legs would fall off and man it was nice this weekend to see my brother and uh and it’s just something man what a gift if you have a brother you know to have somebody else that have the same blood in them as you that is I mean that’s some Frankenstein style
Shitake Gang Gang let’s hear it here we go hey Greg from Philly he was called in about his brother living far away and like 11 years apart he’s in Texas he’s in Colorado and it’s just tough to get close and I thought I had something maybe a little bit topical so yeah my
Brother and I were like we look like we’re twins were real similar but I don’t know man like I have a lot of trouble being close and I’m you know I really wanted to get better with my brother so I like moved in with him like
I’m living with a man right now okay so if you’re living with somebody then that’s that’s a real move because that is y’all could be damn husband but you’re already brothers so that’d be crazy and they had a boy when I was growing up named Eric slavich and
Everybody said that his brother was his father and we didn’t never see any you know pictures or anything but people did sometime do drawings of you know his mom doing some kind of wild [Â __Â ] homework but it’s so hard like there’s always difficulties with brothers I don’t know
What it is like the genetic similarity syncing up and repelling or some crazy [Â __Â ] all right oh what’d they say man two brothers don’t make a right say man is like tell your brother you love them try to pick something he’s interested in like my brother loves stand-up comedy you know
Gives me to kill Logan and two years later I’m looking to theof on every Monday and Thursday and we talked about comedy man it might be our main or only similarities but it’s something dude that’s what got a look at it just got to try to find that one
Connection one commonality Gang Gang Gang man I’m glad you and your brother have that experience I could sit there laughs chuckle listen to things and do a little bit of comedy trying to think what my brother or not like and that is a good suggestion fine
One thing it could be small like a belittle you might like you know throwing javelins or you know looking uh you know looking for sinkholes or something you know you guys might like doing recipes or making a you know making fun of magicians you might like you know you might like gerbils you
Might like baseball you might like little Christmas trees and you know doing little um origami with the wood you know and you might like making candles together or you know reading about electricity to each other at night doing you know bedtime stories or you know drawing maps there’s all types of
Things you could enjoy but that is good a suggestion to find a commonality let’s take another call that came in for the young man with us some suggestions for him over oh do what uh I’m calling about the gentleman who was having trouble connecting with his uh his brother of
Eleven years you know one way that I’ve always thought is a really a good way to get close to my siblings one of them is 29-year there is 25 I am 21 myself so sometimes it’s hard to relate to them you know they they live in different
States but something I always do is tell them things that I would only tell my best friend like secret ooh that’s a good one because if you tell a secret a secret is basically just glue that’s coming out of your mouth a secret will attach you to somebody you know a secret
I mean you put a secret in somebody you got to [Â __Â ] know where they’re at at all times because they got you [Â __Â ] you know what I’m saying let’s hear more like where I hid the peanut butter or something like that you know so just telling some deep dark secrets and that
Usually helps you out so oh yeah and I used to do [Â __Â ] like that man I used to tell you no I remember telling my you know one of my siblings out one of my other siblings was you know homoerotic and they weren’t but for like a year they thought they were and
So you know that’s a secret it’s not a real secret but it’s still a secret I remember going on we went camping when I was young or we were hiding from something I don’t remember what it was but I told everybody the second we left to go
Camping I told everybody Jay Leno had died and Jay Leno is a nighttime comedian on television and I told everybody that man that man died and the truth was he didn’t die but the whole time we were camping people thought that he was dead and so that’s a secret so
The thing is you can just do a secret but do it with your family that’s it tell them you’ve been [Â __Â ] eating you know little fish or something swallowing minnows you know because they will eat out though you know probiotics that’s in your colon or something do something
Start some fun at the house but that’s a good I believe in good afternoon and other times thanks for watching that video you just saw I mean it was okay but the next video you can watch could be way better what if you watch a video right now that changes your life well
You could watch this one or watch this one watch this one watch this one watch this one